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what is up everybody in this video we're going to be beating Elden ring and all of its main bosses while only using Reapers I had never used most of the Reapers and I've never really heard anybody talk about them oh my Lord I just assumed that they were average or below average weapons turns out I was very wrong bro that hit right there was so huge oh my God that was a huge hit they all have an eight bleed have excellent dual wiet jump attacks and are among the best weapons for ashes of War like spinning weapon oh my God I didn't think Reapers would be too bad but I had no idea that they would be comparable with some of the top weapon setups in the game Ah that's what I was waiting for what starting class man just some good strength and decks I guess um I'll probably just go samurai I suppose all right so yeah the first thing we go get the Weeping Scythe I guess cuz that's that's the first one we can get that isn't farmed if I'm not mistaken I do yeah storm caller sounds good too a Reaper is a scythe I guess I think Reaper is like the actual class of weapon they are cuz the the Scythe is is an actual weapon sword spear not a sword not a spear a hir yeah true actually hey is it is it this one sun is 30 6% Eclipse I think where I'm at it's supposed to be like 95 or something but it's just I'm not going to be able to see it please don't snipe me ouch okay well we got it I shouldn't have popped the Rune yet dang dude 24 Faith it's kind of a lot it looks interesting so yeah it's got angel's wings so it's basically just Loretta slash except it prevents healing but I I the only place I can imagine it being remotely useful here is unlike Gideon I want to try it I'm going to try to kill Gideon with it well hopefully this doesn't suck to kill them too much here okay it's not that bad oh yeah it's got the cool back that animation too I was it going his ass I thought there was a spellcaster here oh or maybe it's just yeah it's this guy here we go watch him actually drop it first try oh and oh oh I had no stamina oops they die to Holy damage they don't get back up no that's actually not true it's not just holy damage which I think is kind of stupid but like only certain types of attacks actually have the effect that permanently kills them hi so for example I'm pretty sure uh like sacred Relic sword which is when you use the ash of War oh wow first try or second try oh we can actually wield it right away again here we go hello anyone I am unfortunately you have a that is too good to pass up what are you playing at Great I see I see it now it's like it's like hitting them with a pool noodle dude like the longest charge up ever and then it does not a lot of damage all right maybe maybe sorry buddy I guess I'll go to the graveyards and just grab some runes huge Rune pickups here uh spinning spinning weapon where do you get where do you get spinning weapon from or spinning strikes oh okay Edgar's Halbert okay why do they do that man like why do they lock an ash of War behind some guy oh wait does the grave Scythe give some sort of oh it gives you more Vitality that's Surly that's useful Vitality is the for death blade right so it's for like bxs or something huge let's just go get like a plus three and then go kill Market I guess I guess so we're plus three hello big boy go there sent you did heed looking for a man named Dairy wheel I'm just going to I'm just going to get some levels now I guess there we go perfect 14 is there a is there a smithing 2 up here I feel like there is dude get like Golf Club dang that's actually a pretty good sprinting R2 y another two H there's a face I've not seen before the worst castle of all time you deserve to die for being the warden of this Castle dude I clue was but Lord of this Castle I will stand for it no longer bye idiot literally a godric worshipper dude it's insane yeah I I was very disappointed as well in my first play through cuz it looked the castle looked so sick from the outside and then you get here I remember spending a good 20 minutes trying to jump up there until I realized I couldn't so spinning weapon I'm not sure if it's going to be better than storm caller but I can use it on or spinning strikes uh which one's better I'm not basically the same definitely makes sense that this would be good on this thing it's basically it's basically just the I somehow never realized Iz this that this is literally exactly the copy paste of of the uh SPO Leaf dude how have I not noticed that is there any other somber 2 you can get in limb grave other than storm Vil except for this one um I can't remember if you have to summon him I'm pretty sure you don't I'm fairly certain you don't but you know what I'm just going to do it anyways why not not often I get to summon him all right let's see what does this do against this guy anything is no true Justice no this is where it ends for you oh my God just destroyed blight is like he he doesn't even know what happened dude that actually smoked him dude right yeah thanks for your help big guy here we go probably faith and then probably just strength for now or I'm just going to go strength all right so oh I I need a I need one more point of decks okay nice dude we actually managed to be able to wield all this stuff one point of decks all right let's try let's try some Wing Scythe here maybe yeah that's a good part of that is it's got tons of hyper armor on it ow well it can one shot rats at least all right bleed cookbook can you put bloody slash on a scythe I feel like it doesn't really make sense but probably not right all right now you can't heal there's a bleed okay let's see let's see how this goes man anybody know the um Poise damage on the angel's wings Ash of war I'm going to put some armor on so that I can tank a bit all right dude here we go only it had a little bit of poise I guess the followup probably do thou art a passing skill Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins H oh nice okay as as expected he did get destroyed so I I guess we actually do want to go with a multi-hit build right like we actually should probably try to get the millison millison prosthesis plus the winged sword or whatever it's called I should probably get a bit of health and uh let's go through storm Vil dude I I am curious about this power St move set okay I mean that looks interesting wonder what that hit boox is like it it seems like a better version of the hird power stance move set kind of all right [ __ ] goto I'm going to get helicopter dude I I definitely like spinning strikes it's it's pretty good just going get the the three over here maybe maybe oh my God the bird killer the best nut ever dude it destroys the birds oh oh that's right I need the physic okay that was not bad maybe maybe the sights are solid dude I I'm actually liking the mov set more oh boy oh Jesus I'm liking the Moose quite a bit at least like the sprinting attacks and the jump attacks are good like look at that insane sweep H should I try to helicopter this guy let's just try it and see what happens okay not so good and and does that also hit like Reapers hit through Shields sort of right they have some kind of bypass I'm liking it so far dude I I hope it actually stays good through the game here we go yeah look at that hyper armor you get on it dude all right yeah so we're just collecting some Stones here oh my God I will go get the jump attack stuff I think that's going to be way more useful than the charge attack stuff here sword dance on Scythe but you think that's going to be better like it probably will be good but would be better than spinning strikes though I'm yeah I'm just going to go grab this other three there's there's on oh uh I guess I want this actually there's really no point in getting the other three but I'm just going to do it and then we're at our maximum upgrade for limb grave all right let's go upgrade and we're still at plus two we can't really get past that maybe you know what though maybe I should go get the probably go get the wet blade [Music] as well just blast the Scion yeah Canon Canon definitely has that spinning strikes dude I'm like a student of Scion basically here we go um I think I have the most decks right somehow heav is actually better and I guess I'll get a bit of HP so I I'm going to make a save dude I'm going to make a save and we're going to try some different things on him I guess just to see so this is spinning spinning strikes first I mean dude full full scripted godrick with a plus seven is hilarious basically there just a stun because why not I am the Lord of all that is yeah you could say that's okay probably okay so that's why I I believe I made a save there because he died very fast it's actually hilarious man that's so funny he just just hold L2 down okay and then let's go to the probably less impressive thing now which is this one like just a just a I just want to try it at least obviously this won't be as good but that was pretty strong we got what three bleed procs in there in in the span of like ow in the span of like 30 seconds okay so R2 man one spinning strike hit did that much damage angel's wings [Music] does yeah this is kind of what I was thinking it would be not good the stun though and there's the bleed okay I mean it's still not bad though like certainly not bad it's just not like broken this is still pretty solid actually if I can maybe get a stun here or something if I can what how did that happen oh there's aen there's the stun I was looking for not a bad godri at all like you cannot say this is bad but it looks pretty weak oh and just hyper armor straight through it dude of all that is not bad if you want to go see a hilarious godric you can also go watch my halo Scythe no hit run that I did a long time ago last test is Storm collar which will probably be worse but we will see not sure how just tank roll nice should have jumped that probably oh dude this could be insane on NPCs probably yeah I got out storm called you're right where's my stun witness I I was really going for a stun but I it just didn't happen somehow okay well clearly spinning weapon is the play on this guy we also did get like quite good RNG on that fight to be fair but that was impressive man holy smokes feel like we should get a stun no okay surely I mean this has to I am the Lord pretty solid still all that is golden okay so far so good on the sights man so far so good I'm I'm pretty impressed I'm not going to lie wait is is spinning weapon and spinning slash different or whatever it's called spinning strikes I guess is spinning weapons like the ranala thing right like is that useful for anything it looks it look it's starting to look a little dark outside you guys well you guys can't tell cuz it looks like it's still like the sun is right outside my window but okay apparently 3:25 is when it's supposed to happen so in 20 minutes for me like it is funny how there's so much talk about like the safety of an eclipse and stuff when like a lot of people think it's like a huge deal as if just like being outside during an eclipse is like you're super at risk of something you know it's it's just like any other day just simply don't stare at the Sun and you're perfectly fine easy for me maybe all right we're in leria you guys cannot tell at all let me I'm going to change the exposure on my camera really quick it looks kind of weird out there man I'm getting scared what why would I be scared of now I'm not I'm not actually 100% sure where in the catacomb the Scythe is but somewhere I'm sure I'll find it not using the eclipse Shel during the eclipse yeah that's a good point dude I should have what that's a curved sword right should have done curved sword today is that the Scythe like is it down there I I don't know I'm just going to I'm just going to run through I don't remember anything about this section of the catacomb dude I probably haven't been in here since my first playthrough basically maybe maybe I'll give be the best nut ever surely this is it oh my god dude I actually missed it okay well I'm going to go check this out in a second you guys so I'll be back in a few minutes while I go watch this don't don't go look straight at the Sun by the way don't do that leave cam on I don't think you guys are going to be able to see anything though like look how it looks so bright right now somehow I got to I I got to adjust my camera so it's like nighttime settings but I guess I can leave the background I'll be back in a bit you guys all right yeah I've been blinded dude yeah there wasn't full coverage here so so it really wasn't anything crazy but it it just looks so weird outside it was pretty cool um anyways where's the Scythe can anyone direct me to the Scythe cuz I have no idea where it is oh behind where I fell down earlier oh no did I pass it oh I see oh God we did it dude who's the boss in here it's maybe I'll just go kill the boss just one BL like you know what I guess I could actually see how that could happen to so many people UFO Invasion yeah they were trying to time it dude they're trying to time it so that everyone's outside and then when they send in the when they send in like the the troops to invade okay so the Scythe same bleed so this is supposed to be the one with the better R2 I guess at least it hits us slightly earlier but okay well let's uh see what happens looks like it's it's probably starting to get a bit brighter people are saying to go check the P or check the stream to see how dark it got I guess I will it's slowly getting darker oh yeah dude look how dark it it actually did get holy [ __ ] dude looks like night time that's that's kind of cool oh wait you guys can't see itop look if I just skip forward insane dude about it wasn't full coverage but yeah I guess it it did almost look like nighttime but it wasn't quite like pitch black or anything I guess good thing I left the cam on cuz cuz actually like watching it in real time it it wasn't that noticeable so in Leia we can get to a plus is it 13 while I'm here I I I guess I'll upgrade to plus four on this one not sure how much I'm going to use that but oh wait how do I oh my god dude did I only have 10 twos oh is it like on the other side of the path maybe oh maybe that's why oh okay that's why I'm confused here we go all right so now uh the fors so we're going to go into the precipice now for the two fivs and the force now this is actually where the the wi Scythe should be better so that we can hit them with the Holy damage these like these miners yeah best Dungeon I I agree this is definitely the best Dungeon in the game it' be very hard to argue that it's not the best in the game like with how it allows you to Traverse the map in a different way that's already really good but then just the actual level design itself is pretty solid think there there's a three or there's there's there's maybe another four up there I can't remember is this a three I should not have done this oh yeah don't get grabbed maybe when can you expect intelligence only I might do that after the DLC Zone we'll have to see though plus 13 there it is all right so a few more things we got to get so let's go I I probably should have gotten the temple quarter Grace I guess whoops and I I kind of forgot usually I kill smag on these runs too um ice spear can't go on on this right I would assume we need that lancec Housman get some more damage ah cheater dude could you imagine if there was like a horse critical animation thank you buddy that'd be sick man like the horse like Stomps on him or something be hilarious all right Ena seriously actually cheesed you stop that right now we're we're doing this for the fashion and I guess I mean we also need the H tree Medallion later anyways but for someone who has never played many Dark Souls games only a few how many tries it going to take to to beat Millennia depends on your build really like that's probably the most like the biggest thing that it's dependent on all right now this is looking like a scythe Bill dude should we go test smag like why not dude let's just test it that's been my favorite only run probably like Shield or something it's funny doing these types of runs in the other Souls like maybe they would be fun to do but I've never really done that doing no hit runs in this game is not as fun as the souls games that's like honestly the main reason cuz a lot of people are wondering like why I don't do more no hit runs in this game or why I haven't done more already we going to get the tail n huge R2 coming in like right really we're just trying to get a stun and then once we get this done then we spinning strike and the boss probably dies here it is here it is that's so satisfying dude it's insane okay well there goes that boss it's going to be really hard to not just use the sight the entire time man oh oh oh um I want to go get the multi- hit yeah Borealis is definitely tougher than lancs I would say Borealis is just a garbage boss the bugginess of Borealis is what I have the most issue with I think and it seems like when they were designing Borealis like I I just don't really know how they intended for you to fight him a lot of the time when when from off makes really good bosses they kind of direct you into the correct way of fighting the boss right like for example madir it it it becomes pretty apparent if you're trying to pick at his feet the whole time it's like okay this is clearly not how I meant to fight him right and you know the the head takes extra damage Dage and all that stuff and then you get the the bonus of getting the big stagger if you've been consistently hitting him in the head so it's like very obvious how you're meant to fight him right it's like okay I'm trying to hit the head now the way I want to do this is by you know like not going underneath him but for certain bosses like unless I just haven't figured it out yet on Bard G like I just don't understand how you were meant to fight that boss dude oh boy oh insane bleed proc somehow a blood Flame yeah I just don't understand a stop oh oh there you go I guess the block you're trying to block a scythe dude that doesn't work very well I guess I I should go for some Arcane on this maybe we'll just get to like 25 Vigor first though whoa insane slip yeah I think smar is fine it's just when you see like a lot of them through the oh my wait was I still on the first platform there got to commit now but yeah that's true that is true arum that it's mainly what am I doing dude it is mainly because smag is in in a good area a lot of these skips are clearly I only hit every time when I'm playing bingo I think that's that's the thing dude uh probably jump attack's good here actually on on Borealis I just I don't really know how they meant for you to fight them like it almost just seems like they didn't think about it if you were if you were using a melee weapon they just didn't really think about it all too much which is seemingly the case on some other um and the boss dies too fast for bleed clearly seemingly seemingly the case for some of the ancient dragons as well right what should I use on ranala where do you get spinning weapon from oh from raer uh where do you get sword dance from feel like that could be cool on her probably is spinning weapon really that good against her how would it be good let me also just see what this even does that's actually kind of cool I I can't like continue it can I too bad you can't just like hold that forever okay well maybe that's insane dude I don't know oh you want to use it perpendicular okay I guess that makes some sense let's try it and and the base bleed buildup on these things is like it's pretty solid man I I can't remember it was it 45 or 55 base I don't know but that's that's decent I guess we'll fight him all right here's first test let's see be the best nut ever oh uh wait does he heal I can't remember please don't don't do it okay this is a good time to test angel's wings not that I don't really have enough Poise I I don't think and how does he try to heal oh that was actually really close bye oh he does so so that that did come in handy I guess I guess I'll buff now drink I really like the sprinting R2 all right so I've got to aim this apparently oh my God holy [ __ ] oh my god dude this is this is only a plus 13 here like that's kind of insane oh my god dude please don't oh my God my dear daughter that's so funny dude leave thy night what the hell to being Jesus actually [ __ ] destroyed right there oh my God that that's like honestly one of the fastest ralas that I've seen where you don't have like an absurd like plus 25 build oh my God dude this thing's insane uh who else can I go try this on could you imagine if you could just hold it' be so funny dude okay well uh oh oh marar oh he's going down dude uh what stats do I go with maybe just like Arcane decks and AR or in in strength yeah we we we do have the oh my God I didn't have the multi at talsman on oops okay so this build's insane all right let's see how this does maybe this where you almost need like the sleep Strat opener you know you sleep them and then like I'm going to try to get a stun and then once we oh huge hit hey there's the stun this is so stupid the the the speed at which it procs bleed is just insane yeah so you're probably dead it's so dumb it also looks sick as hell too like with the blood flame you get the red particles going around and and you know what the thing is too this is not like this is not some crazy broken build where I'm using like flame gy strength and howl and all this stuff this is just blood flame blade and spinning weapon that's all it is crazy actually anyways we should be able to get our last Scythe here and then I'm going to get the Bell bearing to more easily upgrade the other ones there's a few things we need to do shade a castle ritual sword Talisman what is this here I just have no idea what this is oh okay all right Gila uh dong sartino thanks for the three Monon Prim sub dude this is like a legitimate build dude this is actually kind of insane we have to try this on Redan later like we have to try it on him yeah we'll try sword dance on I don't know who but on somebody I feel like it's probably best on somebody could be staggered oh I I guess I do have Frost that would ramp up the physical damage a bit more so on a boss like ragon if you were to use spinning weapon you probably want frost on there with the multi-hit build but and this is the uh dude time to give him a taste of his own medicine here dude yeah yeah exact copy paste follower saber weapon art I don't need your gesture oh just take a seat dude Frost plus bleed on it Mega Overkill uh yeah we could kill AEL now I suppose probably you know what probably the first thing I do is I should probably go get our other Scythe first I guess we can kill Elmer too and block that oh I should have put oh I do have sword dance on let's try it definitely has this is certainly a good weapon to put it on with the range it's got dang it's so it's so satisfying actually anybody know the Poise damage on uh on sword dance obviously not like crazy high ow right through that Shield golden great shield look at that dude I'm just going to I'm just going to go kill the boss and I won't do the explosion Strat I guess this guy is weak to bleed and stuff so probably sword dance isn't the best option though oh oh maybe it is pretty good there's that Frost bye troll I guess we didn't bleed him maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever we're just destroying the game with this thing yeah Dark Souls 3 Dark Souls 3 straight swords are definitely better than straight swords in this game yeah I guess we also need to come here for the millson quest anyway so it's two in one uh zood how's it going dude oh man I I I said it I forgot the kazoodle part God damn it dude yeah finally it finally happened [Music] dude and oh my God we got a first try it's insane yeah this is a much better like first of all the stats the star requirements way lower but then the whole percent like the percentage of the damage that's H is a lot less which is kind of what you want like there's some really strong holy weapons like Oris Greatsword where it's it's still a holy weapon but kind of doesn't even matter cuz it's such a small amount of the damage that's holy stop of course uh we haven't tried power stancing yet no I think we should though except I'm perfect Scythe clothing surely he we're trying this power stance like it's got to be a jump attack build when you're power sensing these things right and that bleed came so late right there man that's slow oh it's got a that's a pretty decent rolling attack actually oh okay that's a good rolling attack look at that healing I got from the the armor yeah I guess let's just keep collecting upgrades so you know what I guess we can get a bunch of six from this falling star Beast I mean maybe sword dance is solid cuz it hits high or something oh you know what this would be a good opportunity for the Halo Scythe maybe cuz holy's not bad on them perfect opportunity for the Halo Scythe cuz it got some range so it should be good for hitting the head and you know what dude if we're going to be going with this thing we might as well get the the holy tier right I'm just going to I guess I'll just go from here it's probably not the fastest but what should I use on this Avatar cuz holy is clearly not so great just spinning strikes or spinning weapon maybe with frost well it definitely seemed like they're going to be adding to the consumables that are available ow dude just instant frostbite this that's the one problem is that it's it's a little slow but luckily most bosses luckily most bosses in the game or there's a lot of bosses in this game where you have like gigantic punish openings so okay guess I should I should get the Dex notot tier to maybe maybe who two boss health bars at once not ever look at this damage actually what the hell pretty good oh nearly a snipe it's not bad not bad at all nice dude simple yeah what's really interesting about this weapon is that it does um I mean that was really good actually but what makes this weapon pretty cool is that they they actually buffed at one point where doing this like actually hits with the weapon part too so you can basically just like machine gun down bosses from close because you get bleed and you get the projectile at the same time and you get some pretty solid damage I'm just going to go kill the boss cuz why not dude not in any sort of rush here we go I guess the range isn't really bad on it why is that not hitting you oh my God it's hitting the floor yeah when the when the clean rot Knights do it they just have like across the map range I do really like this weapon though actually do I use ring of light here again I'd be interested just to see what it does here uh but sir War thanks for the BR new PRS if I didn't say thanks for that just cheese him dude he can't even do anything let's see if I can get Point Blank hits though oh there it is see so watch maybe get a bleed here dang simple okay well we don't need anything down here I'm going to kill this marget just to try this ash of War again and see like the bleed plus I see the okay maybe let's see if I can get it off here see it's kind of a it's a good little combo this guy is kind of tanky though I guess so there's the bleed nice yeah he's got pretty good holy resist but but that's just the I was just trying to show like the reason why the sitethe is actually interesting is because of the the bleed on top but isn't like micha's ring of light is an ashore you can get in the game right oh is oh is it worse okay I've never tried I've never tried it we definitely need to do like an all Ash of War run at some point I think just to use all the ash of for cuz I I definitely still have not done that probably I should go mainly decks actually should I try ring of light or should I try spinning on him or something cuz he is susceptible to frost and bleed I mean we could just try both also I'm actually I'm really enjoying this so far dude this is cool I'm really I'm liking the the build we got a immediate Frost that's so funny wait why'd you do this one you fu fing idiot this boss is pretty tanky so I wouldn't expect this to be so insane oh okay there's the bleed I guess maybe maybe I best not ever oh my God why is it doing so much damage wait I thought I thought it was a bleed proc I don't think it was dude I think it was just the the oh oh my God okay well there it is I I genuinely thought it was a bleed proc that's insane man it's a lot of damage that's kind of close holy smokes dude look at this look at this like insane build we've got going right now that's so funny I thought I thought we were getting bleed procs but it wasn't it was just the damage of the The discus dude yeah you get you definitely get a different perspective like when I did no hit with this thing it was really solid early game but you know once you started get to later game stuff it was not that good but it's so it it's the same with the both of grand Sachs where it's a weapon that is not meant to be good at killing bosses really it's meant for other stuff like I guess in the case of this thing it actually is good but well actually both the grxs is good for killing bosses too to be fair but just not like the main bosses and this is kind of the same with the Halo Scythe I would say look at the like it's just it's very satisfying to use man will you stop that no bleed I would go kill the DTs now but I kind of want to be upgraded first so like there's no more six sixes here like I think we've gotten all them so we get to plus 17 which is correct okay plus 17 I think that's the most guess we might as well upgrade this one too he maybe I'll go spinning with frost and then the other one will have sword dance I guess okay Dex is well I guess is quality X Keen is finally better it seems okay I guess I kind of wanted to get Frost with this first There It Is Well maybe not now I go [ __ ] dude when can I bleed buff I wonder right there okay here we go holy smokes that was weird dude I literally just nowhere to go of course is this fast enough I wonder actually hilarious just kill him that's funny yeah classic blood that's that's honestly one of the reasons I don't like blood flame is cuz it does stuff like that and it like I don't know you you don't know when it's going to happen sometimes right and that just that boxs so fast actually hilarious [ __ ] and yeah Frost is just so good for getting extra damage right course just instant yeah there is a somber and sewers as well yeah so this is a somber 8 oh why did he go over there I'm just going to kill him why not actually maybe the reason why not is because those other guys are going to Agro but just see what happens D that's kind of good it just interrupts him oh that hurt oh oh my God a little close and I I definitely should not have done that cuz now this guy's here and one of the sevens is I'm pretty sure right where he's going so not the most impressive backstabs I've ever seen like in terms of damage well I think the followup is oh maybe it is fast enough this a war is actually really cool that's 17 okay so we go this way I think it's definitely it's definitely been a while since I've done this yeah this is correct this is one four pickup of sevens I think okay there it is this is this is something important I know he there's the eight I remember this that might actually be it for this section and then we drop down and then there's the sevens down there and then I think that's it I think we got them all uh I'm going to fight a lobster straight up here why not dude there's two sevens he's getting sniped now man F it's kind of scary did not enjoy that okay most delay oh my God I still got hit by it oh my God I would have died Jesus dude I tried to just get away so I outspace it but didn't even matter no [ __ ] here we go it's the move we like he that's [ __ ] to be honest was the [ __ ] range attack from or wait actually maybe that was the range [Music] attack here we go I did I did like learn in practice their move set at one point but there's a somber 7 much [ __ ] Poise do you have bro my God here we go it's coming back to me I I guess I guess I could take another seven there we go two more sevens Perfect Dude all right I guess we're going to go kill esgar even though I don't have Sentry torch I could just or or sorry the Beast torch you know what I I think maybe that that's where the wing Scythe could do some work on him let's go see you know what probably probably actually on the dogs probably Halo Scythe that's really annoying actually all right let's see how this goes nice one shot the dog I don't know if asgar can normally heal but can't right now oh dude was that a no hit esgar right there a straight up no hit asgar fight right so that's a good talsman with this build I'm not really sure where it slots in though simply destroyed dude yeah that that is a very good NPC ashore man I guess it was basically made for them so it should be good oh plus 20 um and I'm probably go Halo sighte actually we have two seven so okay let's a strat on Godfree spinning weapon on on Godfree maybe a lightning infusion what do I think about crof removing the upgrade system and making weapons purely scale of stats I I don't like it I I like upgrading and finding materials and stuff and it it makes it more fun when routing runs as well cuz it's it's really a a big consideration you know when you upgrade like what you upgrade to and when you do it cuz sometimes rades are more efficient if you're you know you go with a lesser upgrade but since the weapon so strong or whatever like if you're good at the fight you can be more efficient like just upgrading less oh okay I guess we're going to go with this one then uh all the all the Elder well Elder skulls three four and five soundtracks are all like top tier so yes like they're all like definitely top tier soundt tracks in like just video games dude that imagine how insane that would have been I don't know why so many of those whips maybe maybe I'll going be the best but that was kind of crazy goodbye that was I I'm so surprised I was able to walk fast enough to not get hit by that all right what do you guys think on morgot like the thing is he just dies so fast it's such a shame what are we thinking pure like pure bleed or Frost with spinning weapon I kind of want to use spinning weapon on him but I'm just not sure if I should go Frost or just blood flame Frost who are you trying to stab um maybe I should get some more Health at some point you know what I got the Lord of Bloods exaltation I'm going to go pure bleed close I think quality might be the best now I guess I can make a save file okay that was too slow all right here it is oh I F [ __ ] dude you hate to see you I just wasn't sure how far new his animation he was there so I kind of mtim that a little bit round two how are you not immediately going into again I mean that's that like average morgot where he dies in 15 seconds basically got to feel bad for the guy dude it's basically like like malth where they just they didn't tune the boss correctly okay well um alus is done there's no well there's a somber nine I guess as well like do I do I go to Caleb with less upgrade or do I go to mountaintops oh yeah there are seven yeah there's a bunch of sevens and there's an eight here too so I guess let's go to CID then cuz yeah like we have a bunch of health and it it is reasonable to just ah man I need some more PO on this fly this guy's tanky as hell but yeah he's you know what though like rikard's going to get destroyed by this build man like blood flame plus bleed or plus Frost and we could probably throw in a rock Reese in there all right with these two sevs that is enough for plus 21 so so we're going to get a plus 22 here also I you know what I'm really curious about how good is spinning weapon for for killing Grail dude it's got to be insane right yeah I mean he's going down pretty quick I would say and I would assume like the flail you don't actually need FP do cost more stamina though I'm not sure if it's better than spinning strike I feel like it probably is though are we going to kill him in one blood flame buff we only need one more prop oh my God this is like world record Grail time here yeah we we got him in one proc so use that yeah sites have very high base bleed like 55 base bleed is pretty solid he unfortunately I don't have the Holy tier but I'm going to get the two for one on the the golden foot dude some pretty good work here a stun is probably our best bet at this point please don't fly there we go and so now this is where like the Halo site shines the most probably where you can just Spam it a bleed maybe no bleed should reposted might as well just get a couple runes before get in the somra 9 surely I remember where the Scarab is there he is here we go you know what maybe I should get more health for rard I guess okay let's go um we have enough sevens so we can get plus 22 I believe man this run is going so well so far it's kind of surprising I'm a big fan of these sights so far man okay so we get this one to plus n get that one plus n Ran's going to die so fast it's actually going to be just unfair dude I I really think spinning weapons going to be insane on Millennia actually I think it's going to be insane all right now we bypass the whole dungeon straight to the boss I'm going to go Frost I think on this one and therefore I will put in the magic tier I think okay this is going to be so stupid here I'm pretty sure the stars of align all right poor guy is about to get destroyed probably not well actually let's see how this works here going get hit by this but I just okay so as expected he's getting completely [ __ ] blasted dude like before he even got a chance to buff his weapons he died that's so funny well that was a Boss by the way in case anyone missed it oh dude I I forgot actually we need to do the mson quest dang I could have I could have actually got even more damage there yeah this this actually this is a ridiculous build I didn't I had no idea spinning weapon was so good this will be interesting it's kind of wild how low the stamina cost is too right oh no bleed problem is that a scam I need all right we got to do this quest line now will I think builds with um Dark Moon Greatsword are pretty consistently just like insane on most fights but even then like there's still so many fights where that is not the best build right but that's I I think that's what's really like that's really good about this game though that it's it's not just oh boy what the how did that even happen it's not like Dark Souls 3 where you have like two or three weapons that are clearly better than everything else right sellur twin blades and then everything else that you use is going to be just objectively worse on every boss but this game there's a bit more variety and same with Dark Souls 2 a little bit right Dark Souls 2 is sort of like that as well so the the way this game is balanced like they actually did a really good job man with the different builds and balancing them it's kind of insane how good of a job they did actually considering considering ing the amount of build Variety in this game but I yeah like being able to swap Ash of warts is a pretty big part of that I think if it might be perhaps I guess where am I going here there's a no I'll just run from here uh do we this the Apostle is going to get destroyed here man I didn't get the black wet blade yet I should probably go do that all right immediate Frost and then it probably bleed here dude look at the damage when like once that gets ramped up it is so funny and and we don't even have like half of the multi-hit build set up yet all right and unfortunately now not I need your imagine ending like man thank you okay well anyways kid's done got the other tman so I I think we should just kill fire giant go to snowfield get the thorny tier I I I I usually consider snowfield just like a free area basically cuz there's no main boss in there so instead of wing sword yeah that's true I don't I I really don't know actually cuz normally I wouldn't get Wing sword or I wouldn't get Lord of blood so I'd put this on but Lord of Bloods is so strong we need we need that elusive fifth Talisman slot clearly surely DLC has it yeah I'm gonna I'm going to go get the thorny tier after after I kill fire Giant and I'm very interested in this fire drn kill ever been to Detroit I have not and we're also you know what we're going to go kill this guy I'm thinking sword dance on these guys is probably the best let's go they're weakest to lightning but I'll go Frost guys remember on the mind run where I I was trying to cheese this guy for like a good hour and a half I'll try the Halo side too going have to swap this out though here we go wait maybe Halo sight's actually pretty solid on him dude this is pretty good you want you want move sets here that like give you a lot of range oh just got sniped right out of the air dude just decimated this is so good actually or it is Phantom slash I'm not sure I'm not sure how much I'm going to use that but that could be nice on here uh side Nick thanks for the brand new Prime sub should I fight him I could fight him I suppose what's good you know what why don't we try bandom slash on him let's just try it I assume quality the best really I actually cannot believe I didn't get hit by the earlier ones that was insane dude no idea how Okay Phantom slash is garbage here apparently there there it is was that even a head shot man you just got a to hit him bro about the screen on this guy maybe it's better in this phase course how do I use this properly just I can't hit him with it and the Phantom does so much damage but it just I I can't I I'm just too close to him I guess right okay here we go this is good yeah there it is here we go kind of it does a lot of damage but it just just the I got to I should have played that like I needed to be at mid-range when I attack him wait oh oh there's a followup too oh oh my God I should have used the followup H that would have been clearly the play there cuz it it would have hit him most of the time wa does vik heals right maybe we should go fight vik with this thing yeah I kind of I want to fight the NPCs cuz I want to try out the wing Scythe on them but unfortunately he's immune to [ __ ] like everything so wonder how spinning weapon would work on the Borealis actually probably Halo Scythe would be good on Borealis it should be good actually it's pure holy I think so like this is probably kind of the perfect thing to fight Borealis with actually yeah like that's that's very good damage for this boss you'd want to like made a scream like that bugged Frost attack so there's a scream oh look at this dude getting the head shot while hitting the wing is kind of insane holy [ __ ] that's actually crazy that you can do that head dude lock on the [ __ ] head bro done oh my God just annihilated look at this that's awesome dude the god tier Halo Scythe dude his weapon's moving up the tier list man someone having fun with Borealis world's first okay well I I'm not really sure what to get maybe a bit more faith so I can not need the faith tier anymore okay here we go this is where things all go downhill any any dragons I think are a good fight I think I think padusa is decent and I think I think smag decent I think ail is okay because the the base Dragon Moet in this game is not like it's not trash Oh my God yeah he immediately storm assaulted it okay but look at the damage good damage very good range ah oh my God he crashed my game he he knew I was like pulling up the cheat codes on him basically using this ash of war and he actually crashed my game that's so funny actually like some insane unfound bug where using this ash of War on vik just crashes your game you know what maybe this like the holy one's good but I kind of it's maybe a little risky to take the extra damage so yo this is oh how'd you get out of that [ __ ] off bro is that not a true combo he just tank it wow I didn't even have to tank it dude it's so good oh my God it's good I guess it only has one job but man it's it's like that's easiest viik I've ever had that's for sure okay so this boss I think the the question is do we go Frost I don't think we do so I don't I don't really know what to put in this other tier the tiers don't really matter that much right now actually equality this this build is I'm liking this a lot man all right here's a pretty big test uh the Scar's a somber rate where's the first bleed there's a second bleed could you imagine if you did like a no hit Strat where you sleep them first and then just start spamming this and there's phase two there's another bleed we get good RNG and he's done God this is so stupid dude we did get good RNG there to get another one of those but yep pretty good build okay we're going to Commander Nall maybe maybe I should how's it going Josh by the way maybe I should use Phantom slash on Himes would that make sense I could put frost on it cuz he's not really super resistant to frost somehow I don't really know what to go with actually maybe a bit more faith all right yeah and and and yeah M King had a really good idea to use Phantom slash on one of them and then go to the other summon when they get spawned in that' be so funny if that works all right you think I hit the skip with how often I've been doing it for Bingo you would think you would think yeah Halo scyth against the death bird would be like if you get shared order then yeah I mean actually you know you should be able to go how's it going hun by the way you should be able to go shared order plus sacred order in the off hand and then yeah we we can do that we can do that for sure that's a good idea all right here we go let's see I made the safe f i but it might have been too late so oh well I hit the wrong guy how did I manage to hit the boss and yo it's it's good on the summons kind of wonder if this is going to go through I wonder if the Phantom slash goes through his block it definitely does so I could ah not quite in range there it is not space that so greedy oh just an insane Dodge man this is so much fun to use actually [ __ ] please don't Frost me yeah I was thinking like here do a nice one oh [ __ ] is's that Frost that was that was pretty fun dude I I I mean it wasn't like an insane setup for him but it was fun yep Let's do let's do the death right Bird while we're here okay so what we need for him this should be able to stack dude just decimate the horse before he even gets here bye horse oh it even gets oh sh it even gets the unique animation on that I had no idea oh I guess we had a closer Grace of this so there's shared order come on come on Scythe work with me sacred order and then shared order shared order is an or buff yeah so I but I I just I can't remember if I I don't think so I don't think sacred order and off hand does anything but I can't remember cuz it's whoa what are you doing I'm going to make a save here though because I I kind of want to test it okay so this one I don't think it does anything but I don't I don't know well down he goes I I don't know why I'm always shocked when I deal this much damage to these guys but it's it's always funny dude and to think that anybody struggles with these bosses dude but no it makes sense cuz most people don't know that but imagine with like howl and stuff dude imagine the damage howl golden V Red Feather Talisman I didn't dude I didn't have the sacred scorpion charm on so so yeah just imagine that for a second yeah we could we could definitely kill the snowfield one I mean if nothing else it's just good Rune Farm I could actually put like the right talsman on yeah the Halo site's a good weapon though I'm I'm it's move it's moved up my tier list for sure it's at least at least in a solid B tier position I I don't I don't know if I ranked it the last time I was making that tier list but it's probably like a high I be at this point dude I want to know how broken stier weapons are and the thing with the Halo Scythe is that it's really good on certain things clearly but it's also it's also really bad on certain things like Elden Beast ragon this thing is basically a piece of trash so that's that's the reason why it wouldn't be higher like just blast them dude it's so good cuz it has so much range actually and look at that plus 220k easy just insane Rune Farm uh let's go ahead and get flaming strike okay yeah C's tree but but C's tree doesn't have the tracking so depending on how you were trying to fight the enemy oh my God no way depending on how you're trying to fight the the death R bird like there's no question cious tree would onshot any death rer in the game very easily but I just think it would be harder to get like head shot off and stuff and you'd have to be closer cuz it doesn't have it doesn't have as much range as sacred as ring of light I don't think I can't remember how many smithing Stone eights are just around the snowfield but we'll probably get most of them in olig tree though and then I'm going to I'm going to kill the avatar for the thorny tier which will basically complete our build it's so funny the the um this crab can put theodoric to sleep and it can also put like all the other squids to sleep and they sleep for a long time all right so you can't put flaming strike on this so so this will just be like a honest Scythe move set fight I guess we haven't really done that much on this run but we're going to buff it and then we're going to just attack I don't have the fire tier but I mean he's going to die any quickly anyways y this is just pretty pretty standard with flaming strike just a normal weapon here basically oh boy I should probably end for today anyways thanks for hanging out today guys this runs pretty fun so far man as we get to some of these other weapons that can have more Ash of wars on them like there's kind of no way they can be bad but I'm very just surprised how good spinning weapon is and stuff and it it works well with the Scythe too right all right what's up you guys welcome back let's continue the Scythe run dude I'm pretty impressed with the scythes actually they're they're quite a bit better than I thought so far we killed fire giant I think that was the last remembrance I killed and then I guess I guess we'll go to Millennia now might as well favorite Scythe Ash of War I don't know dude I think uh I think spinning weapon is hilarious I think it's my favorite probably am I going to get blasted by this guy here I might okay that somehow worked destroyed everyone was having skill issue with Millennia well that's expected right I mean most of the people in Bingo they they just haven't fodder as much like especially like since they're practicing for Bingo now like Millenia is a very complicated boss that you kind of don't just learn overnight I feel like so like if they're practicing hard for Bingo and and like for season two mostly right cuz that that is where I think people started to really pick up the practice in season 2 like there's no Millennia on those boards right so there's no reason to practice her especially in Bingo when you're trying to do things fast trying to fight Millennia efficiently is like it's it's a lot harder than fighting or like in just winning you know like I guess uh wait a second okay there's a bunch of there's a bunch of smithing eights around here but I kind of can't remember I think this is one whoa really what the hell that's dumb got that's stupid there's definitely some smithing eights up next to the the Huges and maybe is there one down here too really it poked in the head like there's for sure one behind that Mage like if not more than one actually oh boy please don't so I got these three oh I didn't get this one yeah I forgot about the tree one I would I wouldn't mind a plus 25 for Millennia dude but yeah we we could just go to the mine that that might be what I end up doing I guess I I might as well fight the Ador see how this build does against them dude um probably they're pretty resistant to frost so I guess maybe I won't use the Halo Scythe here I I don't know oh damn dude why I was totally expecting a crawl there and he just didn't so scuffed well this is kind of melting him though huh there's a stun wow yeah just blasted he is not dead yet simple yeah let's go into the yellow tunnel that's probably the simplest right now just to get the rest of our eights yeah pretty simple dude on on one of the tankier boss in the game like probably in terms of like just overall effective HP he's got to be top probably like top five right asmin gold no hit road I'm pretty sure actually did come in here now that I now that I'm doing this I'm fairly certain I did what's interesting is that the sites they like against these miners they um they like stun them every hit like you just R1 I I'm not sure if I don't know if other weapons do that or not really it doesn't [ __ ] oh dude I'm really surprised that doesn't stun him should have used the Halo Scythe on him let's see does the Halo Scythe yeah dude the Halo sites is insanely strong they more oh just kidding those really look like sombers right there okay two more eights though okay we have enough eights I guess I I might as well kill the boss while we're in here right I mean may as well oh the rare pickaxe drop dude low sight stunlock just can't like can't even do anything I kind of want to swap my Ash of Wars first and maybe maybe upgrade right before we fight the boss oh my God and I can't even go back and upgrade dude that's insane I got to got to go up the elevator walk outside and then I can fast travel we need a patch that changes this badly yeah I I yeah I I I think it it's simple like if you if you are next to the grace you should be able to fast travel like it's just simple it just doesn't make any sense why you can't all right how will this dude like this is actually really Sol like for NPCs it's it's one of the best things I've used on them and I'm pretty sure it's a true combo although I've seen like when I was testing it on vik he was getting out of it so I'm not sure what was up with that but okay plus 25 dude there it is so now let's go fight Loretta I I think Phantom slash could be solid here or sword dance I go Frost I I'll just go Frost dude [ __ ] it yeah Loretta is resistant to frost but you can still proc it so still good look at that ah and my guy even missed hey when do I do it I was so [ __ ] lucky that I like I would have died easily to that I think on this attack is probably where it's the best used oh and I you know I'm not sure if I'm a fan of phantom slash hold up not sure if I'm the biggest fan of it nice true combo also the all hit run is happening right now live I I I just it feels like it's very awkward to use it and I can never quite get the hits off properly and I don't know maybe it's just a skill issue dude I'm going to get more endurance we have like we have so many levels on this character because I've killed so many of the extra like huge bosses that gives so many runes and now I can go with this one uh where does the name G machino come from uh it came came from a nickname I had in when I was younger playing hockey that's where it came from I don't I don't know if grave Scythe is just better I think they're both basically the same grav Scythe is less deck scaling more more like quality I guess um what's the build here so we're going to try spinning weapon I'm very curious about spinning weapon here probably cold is good make a save so that I can I want to test some stuff out here maybe that's a lot of damage right there top R2 and r1's good I need to remember to use spinning weapon somewhere here okay there's no way that was safe it's certainly here it's so weird like see how I you can Crouch while using spinning weapons Somehow Here that oh my God what how did that happen so I wonder okay can you use it when she's like charging towards you with that that Dash attack somehow oh [ __ ] how did I not get by that sh that was so lucky dude oh my God this is so stupid yeah I don't think it's so good in this phase probably like that was so dumb that was the like most scuffed fight of all time but she died so fast though okay that's why I made a save though cuz Okay so it it looks like spinning weapon in phase one is good phase two she just cancels out with a kick I guess right it's a little bit hard to control cuz my character like turns the slowest R2 of all time God look at this combo God damn dude how do I I don't know how to do it cuz it like it's automatically turning me towards her you have to keep holding forward on the stick I think maybe she can't get out of it oh my God and you know what though maybe I just haven't fought Millennia with like a upgraded weapon in a while so I don't know does kind of seem like she's getting blasted here though your strength extraord it's good I mean I do want to try spinning weapon I also I want to try angel's wings just to just to like make sure that I was right about that yeah spinning spinning strikes it's insane the the damage potential with this stuff dude it just definitely spinning weapons a little awkward there you have to it's weird to aim it is the the main problem oh yes just tank it all okay so that's that's a a little rough blade of I don't know spinning spinning um spinning strikes I think it's it's decent early game but I think it just it's outclassed by spinning weapon dude like cuz they do a very similar thing and and spinning weapon just seems better no she just cancels out a bit okay I don't I don't think spinning strikes is so good here yeah well yeah sword Dan I'm going to try sword dance I think sword dance would be pretty good this more like ash of war testing on Millennia than than Reaper testing we we can do one fight without any Ash of Wares just to get just only the weapon yeah I do I I wonder if how much damage that Crouch attack does that followup is probably useless here yeah it it doesn't like it would be insane if sword dance comboed into an R1 or something which it does not it's definitely not bad ooh that's pretty nice right there it's certainly not wow the frost just adds so much damage it's certainly not bad at all and yeah when you get that Frost proc the damage just goes like shoots up wow it's so spammable here let bleed there's another Frost wonder if I can oh your strength yeah that's that's pretty nice like that's certainly cleaner than trying to use spinning weapon here but okay one last one last thing I want to try angel wings here this is now keep in mind this isn't actually I I'll swap the tier this isn't plus 10 also and I'm I'm too lazy to go get plus 10 oh I'll just go get it [ __ ] it dude yeah you know I think I'm just used to doing so little damage for like practicing for Bingo and and doing some other stuff on her that I think my um perspective on the damage on her is a little like skewed maybe slightly yeah when I was trying L red slash like I said um he was able to oh ah this too slow for repost I guess she was able to get out of it but he hasn't so far ow maybe she can actually oops I didn't physic here either I went and swapped the physic but then I didn't oh wow that's too slow that's really not good also just to make sure it's not preventing her heal right I'm dead okay the it's okay then but I I I mean we'll we'll just do a normal Scythe fight no Ash of Wars for the last one I wouldn't mind light rolling but I wouldn't mind light rolling just to see like the the actual way this would go I'm really not sure if so R1 R1 is fine at least it has that it doesn't have R Pap R2 and R1 not sure about fully charged R2 into R1 either see does this surely this is good it's too slow that's crazy cuz like Ultras can do that but this can't yeah but if only this R2 like it's so weird why did they speed up the fist r2s when the Scythe is in the game you know like fist fist didn't need their r to sped up and it's kind of chunking her down though with the decent hits and stuff again we do have a good talsman setup though okay yeah that's oh boy yeah that's not fast enough I love this crit it like it maybe just nice that there's a critical animation that isn't the same as all the other ones yeah I think I think basically here you just do spam our ones well I don't think SC are trash on this fight um but the ashor is obviously you know is the way to do it without status effects like I guess you can't every Scythe has status effects so with those sze effects they' probably be quite bad here but luckily they all bleed anyway so doesn't even matter extraordinary Lord I just I wish that R2 was probably how much faster would this have to be it would have to swing now it it would almost have to be twice as fast to be decent and like even then I don't think it'd be that strong okay um I guess far maula or rard I think rikard's going to die very quickly on this but we just need to do some preparation first on him what do you guys think rard now um so let's go to West Capital no I'm not going to use Millenia gra run I I was going to but we're going to go get the swaddling cloth instead okay so this boss is immune to statuses except for sleep so not going to go with the bleed build let go with the quality I would assume here just use like sword dance here we [Music] go bye Apostle oh my ex execution ah I wanted the cool execution on him let see yeah this Asha War does he tries to dodge it but you just can excellent timing on that see simple reaction Dodge dude it's easy here we go finally get to use the followup nice look at that timing it's beautiful oh just too easy dude yeah it's really a shame that this wasn't the main boss you know cuz this boss is really fun on my first playthrough I I actually really enjoyed this boss it was kind of fun cuz it was like okay I killed the first boss which I thought was like the actual boss and then another one showed up I'm like holy [ __ ] dude there's a whole another one after this you know I killed it and I was like okay now I'm done and then then I wasn't done like what the hell is going on here we could go activate millenia's great Rune I'm going to be going there anyways but you know what f it dude we might as well I'm pretty sure Hunter highlighted it and was going to make a video out of it actually how are you I've really missed all these uh what did I used in my first playthrough I used the cross naginata with um I think a pike that was my like most used weapon combination although I also used like this yander and I used um got trolled by Gilligan gave you a 10 cm ladder what is that that not big enough for you dude cuz the the good thing about the other T blades is that they you know you can power stance them and stuff right I which healer you can too but they have like an insanely hard-hitting AR to as well which makes them a bit more versatile than just like jump attack power stance weapons or something like that you know I guess the fastest way to volcano Manor would actually be to go die okay dude I guess I'll take this rout we got to switch the um like we're not really losing a run Arc either because I need to swap to millenias although I should probably do that after I kill Noble this this Noble is not going to have a chance against this dude which Scythe combo would I use for for what over for freeze Champions I think Halo Scythe would probably decent on them cuz on NPCs you can like like f Champions would actually not be a problem with this weapon at all uh they don't heal but yeah so so for the Halo Scythe like they're going to pre- dodge and like they're going to input read the actual like weapon animation and not the projectile right so you can catch them with that with angel's wings you can just like combo them very easily with like a really solid quick Ash of War and then you would also have like sword dance which would be good and so like you would definitely have some options with these I I don't think it' be a hard boss at all with a scythe I can activate the great Rune now I do like the effect that comes up on the HP bar maybe I I don't know double slash good on sthe I I haven't actually tried it maybe I should go get that uh this run is certainly not hard well not like I don't know if if if you were to try this like if you did a first playthrough and then you tried to do Scythe only like it would basically just be wow it's just fast enough it's just a playr of the game right like there's nothing really difficult about this yep there goes the boss I'm so shocked how good spinning weapon is it's kind of insane okay one thing I don't have a lot of is flasks but I shouldn't really need them for reard you know what another thing we need too actually we're going to get to the boss but another thing I need is I need armor with better Poise so that I don't get Micro stunn by the lava like that is that is the most important thing I will need some more runes probably for the tree Sentinel armor just more maybe some more endurance yeah I'm just here for the tree Sentinel armor maybe there's a better armor set to pick up I I'm not sure how much this would be nice to Fig figure out for these runs I guess but I'm not sure um like how much Poise you need to tank through one lava hit all I know is that this one for sure has enough but there's probably some wait why didn't she break what let me see this night set though I guess let's go see I mean this ugly armor but let's go see um Frost is good bleed is good okay so in terms of talismans swaddling cloth and probably just go with uh less do so phase one I normally just course he one I normally just fight up or straight up because it's pretty straightforward so going to save all my blue for face two it's surprisingly fast enough to get r2s off apparently yeah rikard is super weak to frost FS quite fast if I'm not mistaken his resistances do reset ah in phase two so we don't need to like save the procs or anything is there an amount of poise that you can reach where you can tank the lava like numerous times no that's a shame dude I was I was hoping the spinning weapon like it makes sense that it's not that great but I was kind of just hoping it would like hit high enough to reach him or something maybe if I get around to his leg it'll be good that's kind of where you want to be there it is [ __ ] off dude hey so it is good it's very good I just had to get over here which is what I was hoping simple dude simple that was very quick phase two like when you know how long this fight can take that was it a pretty quick phase two yeah see that's what happens when I come into the right card fight actually prepare but it is nice it's nice that this armor does work all right gmir is done Al Tre is done the only place we have left to go is just the main bosses like the the Final Bosses so oh yeah we can go kill Mo have long observed the land world and I can say no to her right very well tell me you're right let's go to Moog first dude this is going to be crazy on Moog like he there's no chance he sees phase two right you know what I just realized I never went back and killed aelle oops let's go kill aelle I'm going to use only mostly the holy weapon here right we put Sacred scorpion um and then probably just that one I [Music] guess dude I was just like I was just a fraction late right there whoops what's it going on person what's up dude I just think aelle is a boss that when you're using ranged weapons it it becomes so much easier Maybe maybe best nut ever holy [ __ ] this boss is so bad why am I fighting this boss gun oh my God I didn't I actually didn't know it was that delayed oh and I died from it I thought why did I think I thought all the estels like showed up there dude or or like I thought you would you saw all the uh like the purple teleporting thing in the sky I just didn't see it cuz I I looked up for a while and I didn't see anything I was like okay it's not doing it on this one and it was yeah that that one's much quicker I I didn't realize like I I have fought this boss a few times obviously but I guess not that many times I've never noticed how much slower it is how's it going like not so clean I just forgot I said I was going to fight this boss so so I did and I regret it yeah we we wouldn't need we wouldn't need the white mask anyways but I might as well I mean although it does kind of interfere with our drip a little bit um yeah I just just all bleed here you know what's funny too we also have the uh we have the shackle so say goodbye to Moog please don't go phase two right away oh look at this damage set up do is perfect I can see it as clear as day the coming you know what I was talking about Comet as earlier and like how it's totally like a brain dead Strat how it's like you know it's pretty interesting for something like that to be in a game like this but you can also do this but to be fair this is still more complicated but the fact that you have the shackle really like you can just use the shackle and then run in and then like goodbye Mo that's what happens with bleed Builds on them dude I kind of think just I think almost everything in this game is Just op as hell dude that's what I think at this point although this is kind of the first weapon class I've used of all these that it's like actually just trivializing the game cuz the the daggers were were cool and they were really fun to use but it wasn't like this uh do I want to use Frost here I think Frost is good this is sa oh instant phase two [Music] I've got my own spinning weapon on you Apostle fck bye oh yeah just like it's like see this is what I was saying like this is the first setup we've used on these weapon only where it actually is just making a joke of the game first one it's so funny dude actually actually so stupid I I would love to do a no hit run with probably I would use the Scythe I'd be very interested in a no hit run with this thing put on spinning weapon imagine sleeping this boss like here here here's the here's what I'm imagining you sleep the boss they're both sitting next to each other right so they're like relatively close you sit in the middle do the spinning CH do the spinning weapon hit both of them and like and and then you get a one cycle that way could you imagine dude you know what I just realized this entire time I haven't been using the thorny cracked tier whoops um my God the entire time the most broken thing on this build and I just haven't been using it h you know what be interesting just like trying to go like no statuses on this fight but just straight up damage here I I still think spinning weapon or yeah I think spinning weapon is still the play what I I feel like I should go with a weapon buff on top of this where where do you get um uh Electrify Dragon Cult prayer book that's this Knight over here right DLC is going to add eight new weapon types it's very interesting I I haven't um I don't think they've ever added new weapon types in a DLC before we were talking about that the other day so it's going to be insane dude there's going to be a lot more of these types of runs which is wild right right like I I can't even imagine how huge this DLC is going to be this ashore is so good man Dragon Cult prayer book IC I am let's just see if it does anything good cuz I feel like I should put a buff on top of it all right so which seal would be the best with my stats right now can go God Slayer I think I need more uh Stone swords though well I I'm going to be curious if this deletes him because what's been carrying this run for the most part is the crazy status effects right and how how quickly the status effects can ramp up our damage but in this case I I'm sure we're probably still going to proc bleed even though he's got like 1,200 resistance to it or something but I'm just curious how much Dam damage we can get without needing all the status effects on it like plus four is even probably enough right oh my God it's smithing Stone dude how is it a smithing I thought it was somber ah bro I don't have the Bell bearings I guess we can go get them but just go get it really quick we're going to do this nice little skip in here surely I'll hit this first try whoops I did not hit a first try oh my God what now this is slower than running around since I missed this twice brother maybe my angle's bad I actually I've practiced to skip a lot and I haven't really missed it ever there we go I think I press this skip a lot for Bingo dude cuz it saves like 15 seconds or something please reach him this R2 is just so slow it's insane we'll just get to plus 12 all this dude all this effort for like an extra 50 damage like that we're going to get dude you know what probably the the finger seal was actually better like finger seal is actually pretty solid low Faith how does vik's Dragon Bolt compare to Electrify Armament just do both uh I assume you can't do both I guess you actually can do both but I probably won't do both all right let's go kill PL dox then a dude I I should have I should have tried to get a stun you know I'm going to reset the fight I okay here's what I'm going to do get a stun spinning weapon on his head okay I'm going to make a save here just so I don't have to run back if I mess this up so plast a has 150 Poise I believe or is it 160 I think it's 160 actually and I think this charger 2 probably at least does 30 probably like 33 or something maybe it's 36.3 I don't know [ __ ] you didn't stun I heal heal again [ __ ] [Music] dude okay I mean that was pretty good that was pretty good I could if I fit in a repost in there that would have been probably pretty insane because I had my damage all ramped up yeah this is kind of blasting him I'm curious if we're going to get a bleed proc though no ah oh we did look at that dude look at that the laser skip dang a like a clean laser skip too yep that's pretty impressive actually it's pretty good same build on malth well he's so weak to the statuses though I got to use status on him well I'm going to go I I I think I'm going to go Frost and bleed Electrify on elen Beast um you know what Elden Beast is a fight where I'm probably going to want to have both sites upgraded like one for ragon and then like one with for ragon with frost and then just going to fight this guy why not I cannot believe that was fast enough bleed just kill him because I can uh ragon is weak to fire yeah and and frost is decent on him so yeah maybe we go flaming strike destined death I will not have there's not a lot of damage [ __ ] dude man whoa was that a wonder if that was a bleed proc or not actually like perfect on this fight too it's perfect cuz it it's really good at hitting his body I cover death all right time for Gideon dude angel's wings on Gideon I'm hoping we don't kill him so fast that like I I don't think we will well I think we're going to see him not be able to use the flask basically I'm not sure if he's going to go into the animation but he shouldn't be able to heal which is like the only thing this weapon does basically but so yeah we'll we will um I think I'll upgrade the other Scythe for Elden Beast like one of them we'll use on ragon and then the other one on Elden beast and we we could try to go with like an R2 build at some point but I just know it's bad so there's not even a point these are not R2 weapons the sprinting R2 is really good sprinting are one's pretty good jump jump attacks are all pretty good actually too so jump attack build would not be bad you know what maybe we should try that somewhere jump attack power stance build I go get the jump attack coat probably pretty fitting on horu to go with the jump attack build actually uh I don't have the Holy tier in but it's probably fine yeah we we try a jump attack build on on Godfree I think that's that makes sense the elen ring to become elen Lord okay so what a sad State of Affairs start this with a charger your spirit but back down take the throne America has high hopes for us and now do this now you can't heal onto eternity do it again and oh you can't heal yeah like I I really think on low damage like let's say you're doing a level one run and you're fighting Gideon I think the Scythe could be very useful there like level one plus zero because you you you just don't get a heal if you just keep up with that Ash of War he just can't heal all so but yeah in this case we just deal a little bit too much damage so it would be hilarious if NPCs tried to heal and they couldn't with this thing and they just get like stun locked by it or something they just keep trying to heal okay so I'm going to go what smithing Stone Belling did I I didn't get this one okay luckily I got the grace at least it is cool that a weapon has that effect on it though all right let's upgrade the other other Scythe we're going to go with the jump attack build with it didn't know there were items that legit prevented flask usage but crash so many throw Invaders yeah I mean a lot of you know what a lot I I I don't know if people talk about a lot but PVP in these games so much of it comes down to just knowledge of certain builds and items right like so much of it comes down to that dude I feel like spinning weapons still insane on Godfree 2 so we we'll just go we'll go double bleed double Frost and and so now we can see the numbers so this is yeah High deck scaling in terms of an AR comparison actually right now like the grave Scythe is better with my stats oh wait okay grave Scythe is better probably just cuz the base damage is higher but they're pretty they're pretty similar though right so like for no hit I I don't think if you were to use a scythe I don't think there's anything wrong with going with just this one sorry buddy I'm just shocked at how good this ash of war is it's kind of insane I thought I thought it was a total meme dude I thought it was a total meme Bart's Roar um and then we'll go cold okay here we go let's see if this is good here Frost is decent on this boss bleed is I think a bit worse so yeah we'll buff with this in the off hand which gives us just more damage and more stamina regeneration and oh oh oh oh oh oh um I need the coat they this is a solid jump attack and I'm not going to lie I was I was practicing the skip for Bingo and I just couldn't get it I've done the skip several times before but I don't know what's wrong if I'm sometimes when you jump you just it feels like you just go way further like notice how there I I get like caught in caught in the air then when this works you go like you just don't stop in the air like there like okay I did it properly that time I just kind of Mis angled so I I I I think it's hitting this legite but it's really hard to tell oops Yeah Hunter will cut this all out dude make this a full seg he probably will dude nice one not even close oh okay magically I made that that time like it just it seems so scuffed because just like there it's like yep I just randomly go further I don't I don't get it dude like I said I should practice it if I'm going to actually try that in bingo at some point I I'm just going to mem you Grace I don't care let's see how this jump attack build does here not sure I I highly doubt we're actually going to proc bleed that's so bizarre yeah we need a jetpack dude you're right then it' be consistent all right jump attack Scythe build ooh that's a large hit oh my Lord oh yeah dude I didn't even do the buff what the hellish thy strength um okay I mean that was a lot of [ __ ] damage dude so okay well clearly this works with a jump attack build clearly yeah no golden vow and no howl here which is the I think that's the crazy part like we're not even using the kind of like staple Buffs that make things broken as hell whoa how did I go underneath that bro that hit right there was so huge oh my God that was a huge hit I I didn't even have ritual sword on for that hit right there that was Frost and bleed and I don't even know what else but that was that was almost a 7,000 damage jump attack right there Jesus dude that was that was really big hit this game is so broken dude something tells me this will work pretty well on Elden beast but we're probably going to want to move away from the frostbite do I go flaming strike on one and then like lightning on the can you put lightning slash on these or maybe you can maybe that's only swords okay I guess it can't it's unfortunate but we could just put a lightning infusion on oh I don't have the I really didn't get the wet blade I can still go get it right or can it just not a one spinning weapon that's kind of unfortunate I feel like that's something that should be able able to go on this but um all right for Elden beast and ragon I really want to use spinning weapon so I guess maybe we will spinning weapon and then maybe flaming strike on the other but flaming strike on Elden Beast is probably not so great let's just see what happens with this I don't know okay magic and thorny tier let's just see what happens or I guess we we can just put um non-fire infusion like it'll decrease our damage on ragon we can just go quality instead and then maybe put a buff on it okay simply totally just decimated you know what maybe I'll just go he screw the buff I guess not terrible definitely think jump attack like I'm I should have been using this earlier the jump attacks is actually really good just pull out all the brutal attacks you have I'm probably pretty close to the wall here like if anything you can just use spinning weapon to ramp up your damage and then start jump attacking or something ah you bastard that's so annoying yeah this is I mean this is an insane setup dude oh my God no way oh he's just the master of the stalling there we go dude I should have been using those jump tags probably more those were those were kind of insane is there anything else that I should do like I think we've cleared everything dude all the main bosses I would love to Rite a no hit with the Scythe actually just to see how strong that can be but man like these were yeah this is like top tier actually top tier build dude I think I I might do no hit run with the the Scythe I I'm I just I would love to use spinning weapon on something and out of all the weapons to put spinning weapon on like a scythe is probably one of the best ones right what what else would be a good option I guess if you can put on Twin blades that's probably good but which one would you put it on though there's no eight bleed Twin Blade is there that you can put it on yeah cross naginata but I feel like the damage of that would be lower like I'd prefer the Scythe move set probably to that we have to go back and see that that hit that I had on uh on horu there that was one of the biggest hits I've seen used to plus yeah I dude I might be I actually might be it'd be kind of funny after all this if I don't know if like every build is like this but but the other weapon class runs were not like this though like look at that dude I mean that's a big [ __ ] hit that's a huge hit wait a second was there even a bleed proc on it I thought there was but I don't know if there was that might have been like a head shot or something or I don't know there's dude there wasn't even a frost proc that was I think that was just a a just raw damage hit oh my God that was just a 7,000 damage hit and I need to reiterate that's without that's without Red Feather I didn't even have ritual sword on cuz I lost Health it's without howl without golden valve no flame gramy strength no Commander standard nothing dude that is just the physic and Bogarts Roar that is it like probably the bleed Talisman isn't even activated and the white mask isn't either oh my God that's crazy dude like there's there's probably the first hit that's like what it should have done but then we got a double and then it just like this is probably the that that's probably what was meant to happen wow that is that is so satisfying oh boy that's funny that's yeah that's that's going in the intro of the video that's for sure dude man that's just beautiful yeah I like you already know you're if when Hunter makes his video that is that's the first thing you're going to see right there oh man that's good oh boy what a fun run dude Jesus well is there any any other boss that you guys can think that would be good with these sites to try out death birds with Halo we already tested that and it works exactly as you imagine like here and and what I was saying is that I I genuinely think that I think that micha's ring of light is probably the easiest way to deal with death right birds like in the in the entire game probably so if I just put on the holy tier maybe put on the faith tier I guess I can't believe banjo farmed this on no hit though like I I I still cannot say that this is a viable no hit kind of setup shared order or golden epit doesn't matter gold I I'm not sure if golden epit is like slightly better a little I mean like that it just you sit so far back and then you just hit them like twice and they die so yeah I I'm I'm pretty convinced that this is probably the best death bird setup in the game like the problem with holy pots is that it's just they're harder to hit them you know I guess you know what we can tested black B Kindred as the final thing here just really quick cuz that that's a boss that we we did fight one earlier but I I didn't use the jump attack setup let's just fight him with the jump attack setup probably oh you know what actually oh boy okay wait a second okay I have an idea we are going to go get Royal Knights resolve and then I'm going to put Craig blade off hand and it's a setup I've used in PvP before not with sight so but with great axes and I'm just curious if that's going to be good here black flame tornado is what you drop in the morning after Taco Tuesday that like doesn't even make sense all right so you guys are thinking I go one on each like it's definitely going to lead to a big initial hit I do kind of feel like Craig blade is probably better though like I said okay I'll do one hit of this and then I'll swap to C blade cuz I think that's a that's a better setup just to kind of see what kind of damage we're looking at here yeah like 2,400 or something like that it's pretty good the only problem is that you can like only do that big of a hit once so see if I can get some insane Scythe head shots you know what would be really cool is if Scythe head shot had like an extra modifier on damage like they just dealt even more damage than head shots do oh oh baby yeah this is really strong dude this is very strong oh my God and it's like I kind of just want to keep killing bosses but there's like there's not sure Tre I'll do but why not they're pretty tanky I guess oh seog yeah we could go to seog actually the mil militant saw or whatever it's called but no I I I think dude the sights actually might be the best for spinning weapon and spinning weapon's really good so that's cool dude it's cool that it's got a use I'm I'm so curious if we can get head shot here great if you can put great stars with spinning weapon then yeah like maybe that comes close to it was that a head shot you guys think I think it was or I don't know insane like god tier headshot weapon maybe maybe I'll give you the best nut ever I do remember in Dark Souls 3i the sces were had like a weapon art that was specifically meant for hitting people in the head and so maybe uh I don't know maybe this also kind of does the same I don't know or maybe they just designed this power stance move set to hit people in the face dude hey I don't really feel like going down to Fortis ax cuz I'm nowhere well I guess no I guess I just killed sewer Moog so anyways I definitely underestimated how the jump attack build would be with this thing man I guess the one thing that it doesn't have on like P blades though is that P blades have more hits in their jump attack and so they prox status is faster and then they also like what that means you get more damage huh wait is this this guy's weaker I guess right or do these guys have a different amount of HP or not they don't are you serious what the hell like can you I I didn't think you could headshot these guys if that's actually what happened I did use nice resolve so500 or so well ramped up I still would have had a little bit of extra damage here from the Talman what H what happened how was the day like how did I almost get fourth th000 damage what is going on with these these these weapons dude like they're doing things I didn't even know were possible I I think it's a head shot or or maybe you can double hit these guys cuz from that right there it looked like I double hit them it's not even a sneak attack I guess it's a double hit if that's what actually happened oh my God this build is so broken dude wait I I wish I tried this on fire giant because fire giant you can get so many double hits and it probably would have looked so stupid like just the entire health bar is gone that's so funny dude I wonder if I can revive fire Giant in the game actually allows it maybe I I I I'm not really 100% sure how double hits work but maybe it has to do with the fact here that it hits really high first like based on what I've heard is that it's based on like hitting two parts of the model or something like that so maybe hitting high is good and and the starfist do hit High when you do a jump R2 right so I didn't definitely didn't get any double hits there there would be a patch for sights I highly doubt it dude yeah I don't think we got any very hard boss this build is actually just broken as hell dude to be fair we do have the thorny crack tier which you know you wouldn't normally have but what was there somebody else that was going to go fight I guess I said Fe Champs we can go down to and and for to sack just to see what happens I guess and then and then I'll stop this run I can stop power staning Reapers whenever I want true well just I I didn't know this was so good and I didn't use this at all during the run so cuz we were we were going hard with spinning weapon the whole time which was really good also to be fair but I just I didn't know like didn't know jump attacks were so busted too okay well this boss is going to get destroyed I may swap out though to dude like even storm CER would be pretty good probably but going use mostly the wing Scythe here I think Wing scythe and the Halo scythe oh you know what I we were talking about double slash or something like is this thing actually any good I'll try it I'll try it well well I'll just go get it and see all right surely from here I can get him I mean this won't hit obviously oh my God okay surely here the the biggest weakness of micha's Ring of light is that you can't lock on the [ __ ] scarabs okay so double slash like I've used this as of War quite a bit it's interesting that it can go on SC though whoa It's like a weird slow version I don't think I like that so much why is it it's it's definitely slower than the when you put it on Katana that's for sure so with this one oh and you're dead like you just cast it they input read Dodge and then it hits them and then you cast the other one and the tracking is so solid that like they kind of get destroyed and now I can also do this one dude the range that has is is kind of broken dude it has deceptively long range for this one just let's see how easily we win this here please go away skulls what are you going to do about that lenel you [ __ ] loser ex SE can't do [ __ ] about it oh you can though oh oh too easy the insane NPC killer Ash of War right here I'm a big fan of it actually I didn't think I thought this site was going to be was going to be completely useless and it's it's not that useful but maybe the best nut ever is good though it's more useful than I thought it was going to be ptis ax is 80 resistance to Faith or holy damage that's so stupid Oh my god dude I didn't even get the okay there's no chance I'm going to get the curse mark man I totally forgot I needed that there I just no way I'm going to get that yeah what a lucky item I found exactly yeah how did she not see the Cur bre on the ground dude she could have just done this herself I'm just going to go with our uh Craig blade setup jump attack build uh bingo season 3 is not finished there's five matches in the like in the like round robin stage or whatever pre-elimination and then there's the playoffs which is only two rounds so it's going to be the first place team goes immediately to the final second place team and third place team have a match to figure out who goes to the final o I don't know if that oh [ __ ] dude I thought it was the other attack somehow jeez that scared me I have not bought this boss in a long time I'm I'm kind of getting destroyed here don't do this garbage oh my God this boss is so [ __ ] bad please it's actually funny when I when I when I upgraded my PC and I fought this boss Ah that's what I was waiting for when I when I upgraded my PC and then fought this boss for the first time it was the first time I I'd ever fought this boss and not had any lag in the fight like it was it was insane what it was like dude no [ __ ] lag somehow yeah that was a hit I was looking for I just I cannot believe that they put such a long setup to this boss and that's the boss at the end just a straight up worse version than the one you already fight basically okay well sites is done what about updating the tier list um I'm probably just going to make a whole new one like by the time I'm finished with all these but yeah I think the base scythe and the and the grave Scythe are probably I I wasn't really considering power stancing but that is something I should have considered probably like where would they where would those go like they got to be a tier right like a minus tier I think that's probably Fair like really high based bleed buildup probably the best weapon with spinning weapon insane jump attacks for head shot and but yeah so those are those two scythes and then the Halo Scythe I think I'm comfortable with that at a B+ probably cuz it's it's the reason it's doesn't make it to a tier with it being so good on field bosses that it's bad against main bosses so like probably the best weapon for dealing with death right birds and then the the the wing Scythe is definitely the worst one but does that go below a c I don't think so dude I think that's just like a solid C tier weapon like it's got okay damage the holy part of it not great but it has bleed which makes up for it a little bit but then it's it's niche on the NPCs which is actually like good on them so that's where I'd probably place all them I think a minus for the other two scythes and then B and then C I guess if I were to guess in my tier lless I probably would have put them all at like a c tier I'm not going to lie so that's why that's why I'm waiting to use the weapons before I um um I do that
Channel: GinoMachino
Views: 976,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 50sec (9530 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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