Can You Beat All Dark Souls 2 Magic Challenges On One Character?

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hey hey it's JK and it's time you've all been commenting asking for this for literally months and I finally gave into the pressure and did it are you happy now are you ready for one of the biggest magic challenge runs ever done in a Souls game today we're going to go through four cycles of Dark Souls 2 using only sorcery in new game then using only miracles in New Game Plus and then using only hex's in new game Plus+ and finally only pyromancy in new game Plus+ plus the only other rules are no carrying spells and casting tools over from one cycle to the next and no using any bonfire Aesthetics worth mentioning my goal is to be all bosses in each of these Cycles using only the specific magic type but I'm not trying to acquire and use every single spell in the game so if you're expecting me to for example farm for hours to get Covenant items to get sunlight spare then I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed do you know how long this Run's going to take anyway worth noting that some of the bosses in this game are just pretty easy so I won't be covering their fights in huge excruciating detail unless it's needed also for no reason I didn't use the hex's hood the lion Mage set or any of the clutch Rings throughout this whole play through because I enjoy making things harder for myself for no reason well let's Dive Right In we start with the best visual representation of how this run is going to make me feel and then come up with an obviously really clever name of a famous wizard make sure to comment below how much he looks like Benedict Cumberbatch or I'm going to use his magic to make you watch the Marvels on an infinite Loop we choose s sorcerer as the starting class and healing wees as the gift after more than enough of these women's nonsense already we head to medula and speak to the emerald Herald who gives us an almost useless item our first stop is hid's Tower of flame we test out our starting spell soul arrow and unsurprisingly damage Is Not Great Dragon Rider decided to ride a slipstream downwards into the water below and we make sure to speak to lissia so she moves location next we head to the fall of forest Giants to buy a smelly branch and get the Covetous silver serpent ring we use dragon rider soul for more souls and buy Lenard grass key before returning to medula to level up intelligence and Attunement spell casts work like Dark Souls 1 in that you have a set number of uses of each spell before you rest at a bonfire but you can increase this number by leveling Attunement this time round we open lazy grass shop because he couldn't be bothered to climb through a window and then head to No Man's Warf we run through at Warf speed call the ship unlock the shortcut and speak to this guy who left his car on a hill he sells the clear Bluestone ring for faster casting and we also Farm enemies nearby to buy great soul arrow and some spell restoring items we need a few more souls so we take on the boss of the area flexile Sentry it's a pretty slow fight but fairly easy as we blast him in the gut multiple times until he gets dentry in his bowels we buy great Heavy Soul Arrow and use the flexile Sentry Soul to level up more my Hunger for souls and murder is high so we kill Sora the Explorer for his armor we also upgrade our staff I also realized that I could have got a free Great Soul Arrow instead of farming to buy one oops lost giant isn't very defiant and in 30 seconds he becomes the extinct giant Melena water fouls her way to medula and we upgrade the staff again and level up this next boss is a big armored guy we bait his charge and fire Soul arrows at him guess you could describe his charges as trivial Pursuits now we're going to do a bit of running around here we unlock lost bastile and huntsman's cops we level up yet again and we already have 40 intelligence after just three bosses got to love Dark Souls 2 we can now use Soul Spear which we get from huntsman's cops but there's more goodies elsewhere I want to get in Shaded Woods we grab the cloranthy ring plus one and the Clear Blue Stone ring plus one and we learn that free aiming spells is absolute trash so scorpion s najka this boss has much more Health than the previous ones and resists Magic so the fight took a long time we blast her with our spells and she fires off some nagic of her own but with enough patience and casting she goes down too we get up to 47 intelligence but more importantly we can get the best off in the game right here in Brightstone Cove we just have to kill this mimic for the staff of wisdom but we need 50 intelligence I decided to use najka Soul it can be traded for a spell called Soul shower but it's total toss so I don't mind missing out on it we get up to 49 int and after we Farm hides a bit more we are at last up to 50 I go to shaded Bruins again to get Twinkling Titanite and bring the Staff of Wisdom to plus one I also buy Shockwave and soul spear barrage and yearn the first one is not great but the other two will definitely come in handy at certain points we beat congregation barely by running a lot but the prowling goes down in two hits with great magusto after leveling Health a little we grab another Twinkling Titanite in Brightstone Cove and buy a Farris lockstone from valentia with this we can get another Twinkling Titanite in dor of Farris to upgrade the staff again there's also a faint Stone here which is handy in the Lost Basel we kill pursuers for Twinkling Titanite get the Antiquated Key and open mcduff's Workshop he infuses our staff with the faintstone and we can get McDuff to move for another twinkling we need to unlock the other route into the lost bastile so we take a boat from No Man's Warf this route has another pursuer who we kill for another twinkling to level the staff to plus three just to mention several of these steps I'll probably do in the upcoming Cycles as well but I won't cover them again in this detail just to avoid repetition we buy Life gems and then unpetrify this really ungrateful guy on the way to ruin the Sentinels three Soul Spear barges almost takes out the first Sentinel two Soul Spears take off half health of the second a few great Heavy Soul arrows finish them off shortly after but as is tradition I nearly choke to the last one but they go down I level to 25 atunement and 13 Vigor with the Souls gain from them we kill another pursu for twinkling grab the Basel key and free stray I buy cast light just to make certain areas a little nicer later I use the Sentinel Soul as heavy homing soul arrow sucks and level up Faith a little to prepare for the next cycle I think we're in a pretty solid position now so let's start blasting through some bosses we light the fires outside the lost cner and then she died in five hits this cner ain't Rising anytime soon we Juke it out with dear Freya but she should have quit while she was ahead just to mention I realized with my order that I'm doing I won't be able to get crystal soul spear as Freya only drops the soul for that in New Game Plus but honestly I don't think it's needed given our damage here and this order felt the most logical to me especially given a later boss we'll talk about Executioner's Chariot is up next we kill the Necromancer easily let the Chariot handle the skeletons and then this Beast shouts at me until its throat becomes horse at which point we blast it to death with spells we show no mercy to Rowena who dies in Two Hits skeleton Lords now you might think a gank boss might be annoying for this build but not so actually kill the one that spawns bone Wheels first kill them easy the other two hordes are easily handled thanks to Y and soul spear barrage we beat one pursuer that I forgot about so now we got three twinkling cover his demon wasn't able to cover us as we annihilate him earn Peak as always is about as fun as giving Donald Trump a blumpkin that's called a trumpkin by the way we set the windmill on fire and head down this ladder to Gilligan's Island to get another Twinkling Titanite we unlocked the hidden bonfire and upgrade ourself to plus4 baneful Queen Mitha has some resistance to Magic but uh didn't help her very much thank God I didn't myther with any of my spells after taking the lift which enraged a thousand Souls fans I Slaughter both of the Annoying NPCs at the start of this area as Sharon gets fenced and Dennis gets hared maal is also here and we buy full control and another a great Heavy Soul Arrow Iron Keep is normally absolute hell but magic rips through everything here so getting to smel a demon is much smoother than usual as for this big armored demon he was smell terminated in just over a minute good thing there isn't a version of this boss that resists magic instead of fire we level up Attunement a bit more and then I encounter an NPC Invader I've never seen before Oliver The Collector he's stood there and did nothing I then grabbed a twinkling titanite in the area and destroyed Diablo I in about 40 5 Seconds next we use full control to get down the well in medula and then cast light to get us through the gutter into the Black Gulch as quick as possible because both these areas are extremely unpleasant we then kill this gullible NPC near the bonfire next up is the misper rotten Crusader a large mass of flailing bodies that attack slowly and gets drilled with Spells at the primal bonfire Audia talks rubbish but we return to the Black Gulch and quickly kill the Giants to get the forgotten key we can open the door down the pit to get Soul Vortex as well as the entry item for the sunken King DLC I was excited to try this spell and it seemed like a good time to clear off some other base game bosses I thought it would be good against the Royal Rat Vanguard but uh sadly no these statues Vanguard the rats from it it seems I ended up just using Great Soul Arrow speaking of terrible rat bosses this Royal Rat didn't respect my authority this was terrible as usual but at least I could kill the rats quickly here stupid boss stupid boss last optional boss for now the belfrey garles I didn't do as much damage as I was expecting but was still able to take them out quick enough that I didn't get overwhelmed one step closer to Bell Freedom time to approach Drang Lake Castle not surprised it's Drang Lake with all this rain soul Vortex was good for taking out the mammoth Knights and we enter the castle we can grab another twinkling tysonite from the poison dart room and nameless usura doesn't seem to like here our attacks as they just take spells to the face Twin Dragon Riders was a boss now we can get Soul great sword which I'm very excited to use with our large rod in hand we can now Force our way into the king's passage we test Soul great sword on the enemies before the fog gate and it seems pretty cool looking GL night is our next boss love the setting for this one and check this out it Shield reflect spells Soul great sword did awesome damage and in conjunction with our spells we're able to defeat the summon and we give this boss a glass kicking we enter Shrine of Aman but level up a bit first I grabbed three more Twinkling Titanite and now we can level our staff to Max Shrine of Amana wasn't too bad thanks to abusing some enemy AI it was then time for a requium for the Demon of Song this was actually no hit much like the other games sorcery is still pretty overpowered we hitch to Undead ditch and by another soul spear from agdan and then somehow survive this Onslaught in this small Corridor fad the Bell bearing Hunter was not particularly happy to see us he hits like a truck but as long as we avoid his attacks we can respond in kind with our spells we deal loads of damage during his phase transition with soul Spears and not long after that we send him to hellad with the king's Ring we can enter audia's keep where we can get the spell with the highest intelligence requirement in the game Soul geyser now we know fromsoft like to have a character called Ian appear in every game and Dark Souls 2 is no exception so say hello to Ian the god Dragon Hi Ian bye Ian although I access Dragon aie my fight with Ian reminded me of his brother who was also called Ian back in hides as well as dragon slayer armor who died in four hits after hearing tiny Audia talk a load of tiny toss we test our soul geyser it doesn't seem that amazing to be honest but anyway we drowned our sorrows by gobbling ancient dragons toese delicious although I have many Souls I don't want to level faith more now or the Miracles run will be too easy let's just try and get the base game finished off I sort out the giant memories and soul Geer annihilates this big shoulder giant so it did do something at least I then LED my power over this giant from the safety of this platform with five giant souls Vendrick is pretty easy and we spam many many Soul Spears into his thigh before he vendricks the bucket before we finish off the story bosses we got to enter the dark chasms they were mainly fine the one under Drang Lake Castle can suck my dark Chasm though I thought dark ler might handle magic a bit better but uh not really this has to be one of the best dark ler finishes ever though so the final boss Gauntlet let's chin it off Throne Watcher and Defender was tougher than other fights due to gank but in the end they were unable to defend themselves and could do nothing but watch as I killed them Nashandra Bullock was easy and Alia was annoying and took a while due to having to wait for him to become vulnerable I need a skolar skolar a skolar is what I need H with the base game finished at last we can enter the sunken King DLC hi sin it's very noticeable that enemies resist magic a lot more here compared to anything else we've encounted for ease I tricked some Knights into this hole managed to hit this switch with magic and then got the dragon Stone I also got Focus souls and instantly forgot about it right let's get the worst fight out the way first gank Squad is a Mega annoying and tedious boss I actually died for the first time in ages here I then took out vog and Grave robber first for once and then sniped Sarah from above explore this Elana next this boss wasn't squalling around thankfully she didn't summon vad at all just skeletons I took out the first Bunch but when she summoned again I decided to focus my damage just on her took a while and there were some close calls but as long as I waited for the right openings we had the damage to get it done I hope we have the same luck with summoning only the skeletons in the other Cycles so the only boss left in this DLC is sin he really resisted magic and toxic was a problem especially when you let him land on you like this easily the longest fight so far but mainly because he just kept flying loads a great attack syo occurs when you time it right dodging back from his head swipe and then use Soul great sword to smack him right in the mush it took a while and I had to remember how to avoid that diving fire attack but with one final cast dlc1 is complete in the Old Iron King DLC you can use full control to skip several parts I tried the big jump skip but died a lot so probably wasn't worth it now for anyone wondering why I did sorcery first part of the reason was I absolutely did not want to do blue smelter on any higher Cycles because as you might guess he resists magic a lot the hardest boss in the sorcery run so far I died several times actually I ended up using bright bugs and Magic restoring items because it was actually necessary here here his attacks often have delays which can be hard to predict and given the length of the fight here there's more and more opportunities for me to make a mistake I know how to avoid some of his swings fairly consistently and the jump attack is always a good opening Victory here cured me of the Blues and I felt confident to take on the other two bosses of this DLC at this point I did remember about Focus souls and equip that to hopefully help me out fume Knight comparably was way easier than blue smota demon Focus Souls did decent damage run away Dodge and cast damage is much better than blue smelter I actually never noticed how easy it is to avoid pretty much all fum Knight's attacks by just dodging backwards repeatedly range absolutely smokes him he was running on fumes by the end it had suck if we had to fight him with something that barely did any damage and had minimal cast though I grabbed the iron king crown and we head off to take on Saron he was tougher than fum Knight due to his Speedy attacks I also hadn't leveled ADP or endurance which probably would have helped here unlike fum Knight staying close is actually way better as being behind him is the only position where he can't respond with an attack quickly even here our damage against him isn't amazing and it was far from a clean fight so I have a strong feeling this is going to be tough in the coming Cycles but for now we leave alonis Moret Head Over Feet bosses like this are the reasons I drink final DLC at last oh my God we haven't even completed one cycle yet I just run through Elum Lo because I didn't want to waste time compared to basically every other DLC boss so far Ava was much more straightforward rolling through the swipes and then casting on the other side is a super effective way of dealing safe damage as long as you don't get greedy we eat this cat's health bar with a nice Kean and some fa beans and move on so now we got to find those Knights I used to love this DLC but it's pretty horrible to speedrun I remember that the iron king crown restores 20% of spokas every 2 minutes which seemed actually really useful for once so I used it for the rest of this run with all three Knights freed it was time for the ivory King I find this fight kind of annoying because of having to do the knights every single time and there isn't really a way to speed it up I died a couple times to him that lightsaber does a lot of damage I realized that low ADP was screwing me over so I leveled this up as better dodging was essential here on the next attempt despite this I choked at the last moment his attack Windows aren't too difficult to work out but I get panicky after I take a hit two the knowledge that I have to do the nights over again hanging over my mind again dodging through the attacks and getting behind him to cost give the best openings on the winning attempt I casted as he was doing a jump attack and thankfully it did kill him I would have definitely died if his attack had hit me but luckily we brought him down from his Ivory Tower with the final Crown I wish we could finish this now but of course we need to light these fires get the Garrison Ward key and Enter The Frigid freaking outskirts there's no outskirt around it it's a as always this is the one place where I'm safe stating outside the fog gate because I'm not doing that again the twin kitty cats weren't too bad the only part that gets intense is when both are active but with some perfect dodging lud goes down leaving me feline confident about our chances I mainly just dodge while Zin is buffed and after a few more sorcery casts this second tiger Falls and the first cycle is complete now given that we still have three more Cycles to go you can see this is a long journey and there are some painful fights to come but what's even more painful is that many people watching these videos aren't subscribed we're aiming for 100,000 Subs this year so if you want to see more crazy runs like this and help me get a plaque that I can use to cringe out my son when he's a teenager why not help that number along I promise you there's many more great things to come well we ditch our staff and finally move to New Game Plus now I should state that I've never done New Game Plus in Dark Souls 2 oh my God what the hell is all this I guess it makes sense but there's a slightly different cut scene with these women when we get to the house neat we run to Mula and go say hi to the dragon cheddar this time we want to buy stuff from lysia as she sells a chime a faith boosting ring and the Miracle force and lightning spear Force isn't quite as powerful as Dark Souls 1 but still enough to force this enemy down this hole we buy loads of stuff from millentia and upgrade our chime to plus three we get killed by a red Danny Phantom and try the last giant our dam Dage is nowhere near good enough that's bad should have tried the giant last this time we need some more miracles if we're going to get anywhere we wared to no man's head and grab a mid Force I had spare Souls so I opted to buy the silver cat ring and then Mission a huntsman's cops where these red phantom enemies hunt my man and try to cop a feel seriously why are they Red Phantoms now in any case we fiddle around until we take the token of fidelity there is a specific reason I wanted this so just bear with this random seeming rooting back in hides we force these enemies to see our point of view I feel like I'm going to miss this miracle a lot in future Cycles Ian the guard Dragon Gets an early retirement with some lightning Spears and we Jedi push off some more Red Phantoms fake orstein saunters towards us like Johnny Depp and Pirates of the Caribbean ironic as our damage was so low that we had to use multiple Amber herds to defeat him thankfully his jump attacks among others are easy to dodge and punish TD gry is just past the boss room and he won't speak to you unless you have a token of Fidelity in your inventory so that's why we grabbed it earlier he sells Heavenly Thunder and another emit Force greatly increasing our arsenal we can now take on the last giant once again Heavenly Thunder brings down a bunch of lightning strikes randomly I imagine that this could be pretty inconsistent but it works great against a large enemy like this we easily slay him with this and emit Force which does some giant lasting damage in a similar vein pursuer easily goes down with lightning Spears and emit force in an active Karma Pursuit ra as to be expected we fly to lost bastile and get the Antiquated Key we can actually use AIT Force to blow up the barrel to McDuff which is great because he sells infinite large titanite back to No Man's Warf this flexile fellow has Sentry for some help and now has two turbulent tosses assisting him but they're in water so Heavenly Thunder does more damage and luckily they get taken out quickly lightning Spears finish this one thank God for extra water damage after a boat trip to the other lost bastile entrance we level Faith to 30 take the Antiquated Key rout ride the cage lift and unlock stade and the bonfire we upgrade our chime to plus six now this probably seems like the most mish mash route ever but we head to the gutter run through grab a Christmas L log and go to the Black Gulch we force push the Woodland Twins and then this time we kill one giant it turns out exiting the game gives you the forgotten key if you do this but the other giant is not dead for some reason with the key we can go to the pit and get great lightning spear for even more Dam damage we do need 42 Faith though which we don't quite have yet but we can get RW tens of thousands of souls by killing this boss here Heavenly Thunder hits loads of times as he's a large enemy there's actually going to be a few pretty big bosses in this game so I kind of get the feeling that this is going to be more and more useful as the game goes on next we take on the Sentinels strewn around this room given they're small and more slender enemies they're less susceptible to Heavenly Thunder but a mid force was there to pick up the slack it shock wve upon contact can damage more than one Sentinel if they're close enough a few blasts and these ladies go down just past them we can grab the priest chime from the pursuer room and with a bolt stone we get from tar gr we upgrade the priest Chim to plus n and Infuse it with lightning for even more damage on our lightning Miracles I then killed these pursuers for no real reason to be honest and headed down to the last centner this is the second of two fights that had additional enemies added in new game plus it's actually a lot harder because of it the problem is the two new Pirates aner enemies that join Dodge my projectiles I died quite a few times here I actually think I will need to come back to this one as these defeats left me feeling pretty lost so how about the skeleton hordes instead the Lords get scale shocked and then Heavenly Thunder crushes the skeleton hordes with minimal issue actually because there's water in the arena very handy we level Faith which has now reached 42 with our faith ring on we pay a visit to Clan and buy a solar P yes please this damages Hollow enemies a lot and has some specific cases where it will be very useful sadly it doesn't work on these pyromancers who oneshot me now conversely Covetous Demon gets wrecked hard by Heavenly Thunder and sent to Heaven Mitha also is surprisingly a large enough Target for Heavenly Thunder to be effective seems lightning is very dangerous for this queen up in iron keep Force helps to destroy Sharon and Dennis why do these NPC Invaders sound like an old married couple at this point I knew that trying to clear out Iron Keep on New Game Plus was going to suck hard so instead I somehow ran to Smelter Demon fog gate on the first try literally no idea how I did that again because this demon is a large Target and because Heavenly Thunder is awesome the damage we dealed to smelter was pretty immense let's hope it's the same for his DLC counterpart first try I then cheese my way through the next part of Iron Keep even furiously from marging for laor and this red phantom near the bonfire I mean he actually just walked into the fire so it's not really my fault Old Iron King continues to mislead as it doesn't look like he's made of iron or a day over 30 but in any case big Target plus Heavenly Thunder equals dead but as it new game plus he now drops the Old King Soul which we can trade for the miracle blinding bolt but we need 65 faith will this miracle actually be worth it only one way to find out we head to Shaded Woods now thankfully we can blow up these barrels with AIT Force avoid the annoying gank and handle the enemies far more easily as we're not cramped in a small room scorpion s Nash I'm I'm just going to say it Heavenly Thunder's awesome my favorite Miracle so far easily it was an absolute scorpion necessity for killing NASKA here remember I said Soul appease would appease My Soul at some point well with Royal Rat Authority it works on the little rats and it kills them all at once I take out the big guy with Heavenly Thunder and feel irrational happiness it also works on the Royal Rat Vanguard look how many rats died there this is amazing onto Brightstone Cove and in case you if you've never done New Game Plus in Dark Souls 2 you get an early encounter with Freya exclusive to New Game Plus any damage you do here actually carries over to the boss fight as well which is a nice touch solaras hurts all of the enemies in this next boss fight thankfully they all congregate together this makes this boss even easier than usual now the proper fight with Freer thankfully the spider mobs are AF frayed of fire so this again is pretty easy while carrying a torch lightning does decent damage here there's no reason to do EX ution his Chariot now but I'm in the mood for horsing around so why not thankfully we can take out the necromancers pretty fast with our lightning that's the only part that causes issues really oh wait we actually get the cloranthy ring plus two from killing it I I I mean obviously I planned this the whole time I executed it perfectly okay so now can we take out the lost cner and his two pyro blocks well thankfully the pyros now die in Two Hits once they're down the fight's not too bad although the sin's charging stab or has way more range than I think it does our build has much better Synergy now so the last of the great Souls Falls Audia bothers us and then we head to Drang Lake Castle why even add this red phantom here before the Shrine of Winter what's the point anyway we enter Drang Lake Castle the enemies outside were easy to kill thanks to the rain but we have a slightly unusual route to go we actually head to Gandalf the dark and then meet him in the other two locations also on the route to the third one for invades us because of course he does but we run away wait I can't join a covenant while there's an Invader here why are all my attempts to do anything in this game for lawn anyway I turned him into Force Lawn and he had a short trip with a bad ending now we can finally enter the abyss where Force continues to be a top tier miracle I thought the black gch portal didn't have any holes so killing this dodging pyro guy was pretty annoying but then I realized there is a hole near where you like the fire so see you we clear the final Abyss with more force and now we can access the location of the boss of the Abyss dark lurker takes good damage from our attacks and when it does the splitting move Heavenly Thunder hits both of them which puts us in a strong position finding this last opening was tough though as the magic spam becomes intense at points once one of them lands from the flying laser I take the risk and peel off a Heavenly Thunder which gets the job done the reason I wanted to do this now I wanted the dragon chime best chime in the game even at plus three it's much better than the priest chime and at plus4 it goes even beyond that we go back to take on the belfrey garles and if forces the top tier Miracle Heavenly Thunder is a close second as it really puts him work here grab more twinkling and upgrade the chime to plus five for Max damage we forc liia and now it's time to slaughter the rest of the base game dragon Riders actually don't ride dragons they ride a lightning powered roller coaster down to Hell I easily take out these guys shouldn't have tried to take me head on I also killed this two-headed horse for no reason definitely feeling kind of Headstrong at this point after riding the lift up I open open the door but looked away to speak to my wife only to find a red phantom attack me dick move die red phantom we push firmly with both hands until we fully enter the king's passage and prepare for Looking Glass night now conveniently it's raining which means for the whole fight mirror mode takes extra damage from lightning Heavenly Thunder hits multiple times and two lightning Spears kills his summons we do take some Hits From Miss timing but overall we defeat him but it won't be for the glass time Heavenly Thunder is also awesome for Shrine of Mana due to all the water enemies still take multiple hits though also why the hell is the lock on Range randomly so short at times to get through we lure the arch Drakes into here and Heavenly Thunder chins them off you want to hear my next joke Demon of Song That's the joke I'm already sick of this guy and we're not even halfway through we buy Effigies and Elizabeth mushrooms from agdan and we can finally use blinding bolt as we've got 65 faith I guess we can test it against velad see if we can ring his Bell blinding bolt turns out is not great it's pretty inaccurate and the Damage isn't that High I mean I know Heavenly Thunder is also inaccurate but it seems to hit more than that in fact it hits bad multiple times during the phase transition or his projectile attack which are definitely the best times to attack him with it you get the iist of it anyway he goes down we blast through audia's keep and Ian the guard Dragon Gets absolutely destroyed so badly that he flips out at the end this was followed by literally the quickest ancient dragon fight ever 1 minute and 45 seconds to finish him off with a Relentless barrage of heavenly Thunder he's not just history he's ancient history while here we get the third dragon ring as I didn't get it last time and we level endurance as we don't need more faith or intelligence there's more Red Phantoms on the way to the giant memory who we take a forceful approach towards and then giant Lord Heavenly Thunder something something and then we Vendrick Le finish off this naked guy waving his massive sword around now it's important to try and mix up my rooting so this time I'll do the DLC before the final boss similar to the sorcery run damage resistances for enemies really increase moving to the DLC we managed to hit ceiling switches with Lightning Spear and then force feed this gestra funny joke same for this guy oh wait he's not dead so now I'd been feeling a sense of gqu up to this point but that was about to change this was the most annoying Bo on the run so far I mean it's always annoying really but it seemed even worse here for some reason but I realized at this point I had missed some extra Miracles that might help first from Cromwell I get one more Heavenly Thunder pardon me don't mind if I do from stra I get another great Lightning Spear and also trade valad soul for sacred oath lastly yet another lot of great lightning spear from undead crypt I equipped all apart from sacred oath as I didn't realize it takes up four slots which is crazy not worth the loss of ammo my strategy for gang squad was as follows keep running lure V and Grave Rober into the water use Heavenly Thunder repeat until they're in the grave no arguments here we then great Lightning Spear Sarah from a distance and then one up close Heavenly Thunder to finish off Dora moving on it's time for Alana again Heavenly Thunder as the skeleton spawn to damage them and then we can kill them off she summoned vad but I decided to just hit and run attack her instead of bothering with him I luckily managed to kill her just as she summoned more skeletons thankfully my damage against her is pretty good this fight would probably really suck with low damage though I thought sin would be similarly easy to other large bosses but Heavenly Thunder missed more than you'd think you actually have to be right under him to do it it still takes a lot of c and again his constant flying just drags the fight out longer than it needs to be eventually our lightning manages to bring an end to this but in the process I learned some new law this dragon is actually related to calam turns out it's his cousin well let's keep things rolling into the Old Iron King DLC love that this DLC trolls you into thinking there's a boss right away remember my complaints earlier about lock on Range well I can lock on to this guy fine and he's clearly way farther away weird but with that guy dead I noticed we can actually sneak past to the lever which makes life easier instead of having to engage all those enemies sadly I can't do the same in this room but I just got to pray or more appropriately got to have faith we made it barely now unfortunately I forgot to bring Force for Quicks sword Rachel so I did the courageous thing and equipped the cat ring to drop off the side I then stick my scorching iron scepter into this round hole and prepare for the first boss of the DLC blue Smelter Demon was easier than the sorcery run unsurprisingly but I did die twice once because I got trapped in the corner and the other from this totally fair hit and don't start commenting saying you slowed down the footage and you can see it did hit me because I already have and it was nowhere near anyway Heavenly Thunder go B still took many cast due to his high HP I also swapped a great lightning spear for the opening after he does the jump attack with a few more hits Franklin D Roses smelt goes down and speaking of going down let's Venture downwards ourselves now to offer this Knight a nice reumer package he didn't take much damage from our attacks but you can pretty easily run away and spam projectiles as we found out last time I never realized how much he actually struggles to deal with range it was a longer fight than usual but not too bad overall up the tower we get massacred by Prowlers and work our way through the memory to this weeb sitting Alon in this room Jokes Aside Saron was much harder than anything else so far just because of his Speedy responses attacking when he's facing me regardless of where he is in the arena is a bad idea also our lightning does very little damage to him even staggering him doesn't leave enough time to hit him with another before he counterattacks easily the longest fight so far at 12 minutes sticking close to him and getting behind is the best and only strategy I managed to get some level of consistency from this one took some real Focus but this was only the tip of the iceberg in Elum Lo we grab the eye of the tiger and then experience The Thrill of the fight well not really Heavenly Thunder does great damage here due to ARA's widespread way above aage damage weird that it seemed to struggle with sin but ARA was fine but anyway we send this boss into a permanent catnap this time I decided to do frigid outskirts because I just wanted to get it out the way honestly the twin were pretty annoying the part where both are attacking at once is just so unbalanced I thought it was safe to heal here but apparently not it's super important to keep the focus on lud and just cast occasional Heavenly Thunders when you can a lot of patience is needed as the windows to attack are slim and mistakes mean you could get bludgeoned by these cats but once blood goes down Zin is not too bad I focus on dodging only while it's buffed until it wears off the crown restoring my spell cast is a lifesaver it was another 12-minute fight but finally we end this in encounter with this cat feeling thoroughly Crest Salen weird I went to get the knights but the NPC summon that literally always happens here just didn't last DLC boss Ivory King was a bit annoying mainly the night phase but Heavenly Thunder again comes in clutch when loads of knights are in one place I went with great lightning spear for the king himself I very much wanted to avoid having to do the knights again if I could so I even popped a bright bug at the start patience was key I I did fail many Dodges to be honest but luckily was able to to recover I also Munch spellcast recovery at the right moment with enough Spears and me somehow surviving Ivory King goes down I realized I never buffed the Crown's last playthrough so I went to grab vendrick's Crown I have the power it's a bit pointless though as the buff doesn't carry over to the next cycle but might as well do it once thrower and Defender were laughably easy compared to all the previous bosses just look at the damage from Heavenly Thunder there I did nearly die from a mistime Dodge but overall this was super easy down in under a minute they got thoroughly dethroned okay so buffing the crowns did have one benefit the curse from nandra does nothing so at the beginning I just Spam Heavenly Thunder and nuke her health absolute joke and then Alia is no tougher just takes longer as I have to wait to attack but soon we give him scoliosis and down he goes easy Victory this time I enclosed myself in a dark room similar to the one I'm sitting in while playing this run to be honest and then we head to new game Plus+ for hex's we've made it to the halfway point this should be interesting as everything I've read or scene suggests that hex's are insanely op so let's see if that still holds true for new game Plus+ I'm sick of these old women already we get to Mula and then go cheese Dragon Rider again I nearly messed it up but still got it because he sucks we get liysa to move and open the way to huntsman's Cops where we speak to this guy who we have an instant fael kinship with he gives us the sunset staff which which is the best Star for hex's we also buy all his hexes but mainly Dark Orb all the others require you to use souls and Dark Orb is just pretty amazing okay with an unupgraded staff the damage isn't that good but it's going to get a lot better trust me to keep my mind active during this never-ending Saga I ran around this area agroed all the enemies got footage of them all chasing me and then made a video critiquing Dark Souls too for having too many ganks and being unfair we buy melena's stuff unlock lra's shop and upgrade after to plus three with twinkling I had on me at this point I decided things were going too smoothly so I thought it was time to do something stupid let's try to kill this Ian the god dragon without killing any of the other enemies on the way to him this went about as well as you'd expect I finally did it though even if I died instantly after totally 100% the 2 hours this took I then ran to pull the lever and face the old dragon slayer he's pretty easy just run around spam Dark Orb it has decent damage in fast cast time I really thought he'd be resistant to dark but apparently not which left our dragon slaying budy feeling pretty for La Stein but thankfully that didn't mean he'd invade me repeatedly for the rest of the game Let's press on and use our flexes to take on the hexil Sentry two orbs kill the additional mobs although it gets pretty hairy at points with them dead this becomes quite straightforward and we can then activate the bonfire in the Lost bastile back to Forest of the Fallen Giants I opted to kill the pursu on first encounter this time it took ages to do but Dark Orb was pretty Pursuit for the job given its high amount of costs conversely the last whole face was a massacre of giant proportions we can now do the usual stuff to get to stray to buy another Dark Orb dark hail and dark fog killing the pursuers for twinkling as well lets upgrade our staff to plus4 as well as Dark Orb dark fog is also an awesome hex and what better boss to test it on than the easily poison ruined Sentinels it's so quick to cast and procs poison even quicker dark hail is the equivalent of dark bead from Dark Souls 1 but it's nowhere near as op although the damage is still quite good we damage Alesia loads before Christina Richi gets involved dark fog can poison both at once as well which is pretty awesome and we perun these Sentinels from the Tree of Life we kill another pursuer and I'm going to do the belfrey garles right now dark fog helps loads as they can be poisoned for some reason dark hail helps to damage multiple GS but but there's still a lot of running away I very nearly died but pulled it back even though all of them were active I stayed calm and didn't Bell freak out allowing me to pull off the win you know I'm starting to realize why Dark Orb is supposedly op it's not even the damage as such although that's pretty good it's the cost speed huge amount of cost and also how little stamina it uses compared to the lightning Spears that were taking off half my stamina bar lost sin next so annoyingly the Pyro guys that join Dodge Dark Orb relentlessly but dark fog once again comes in clutch as one proc of poison kills them outright with them dead we can Dark Orb the lost cner in between their attacks I was somewhat sin nervous that i' choke at the last minute but thankfully not and the first Great Soul Is Ours onwards to Shaded Woods now and we grabb three more twinkling with this the staff is now plus five maxed out already but we also unlock McDuff and dark infus the staff for extra damage so let's start smashing out bosses in rap succession NASKA has no choice but to hail me as her Scorpion King Royal Rat Authority gets eradicated Freya runs away after we deal loads of damage to her congregation becomes intoxication when we spray them with repeated dark fogs with Freya down to 60% Health from before this is quicker than usual and just a few dark hails to the face make Freya bomb harder than Madame Webb at the box office returning to huntsman's Cops this red phantom couldn't absorb our hex's executioners Chariot got melted down and turned to glue and further through the cops this guy handily blocked the doorway allowing me to dark fog this big gaggle of enemies for the skeleton Lords I didn't really have anything that could handle a big group so I killed one Lord at a time then picked off the minions then killed another Lord and repeat until all dead well more dead I guess I speak to Clan to grab dead again which makes Hollows explode wonder when that will come in handy spoiler it never came in handy pyromancers of course one-hot me die die die cover to steon actually can't be poisoned interesting a lot of bosses can be poisoned but seems he's the exception anyway dark hail mea obviously can't be poisoned Dark Orb continues to be exemplary though and it's not long before mea is headed to a quick demise keep ironing out enemies in the Iron Keep Sharon took great offenser to our power and Dennis gets a strong dose of carore Smelter Demon actually can be poisoned which i' always found kind of weird because it doesn't look like he should be susceptible but I'm not complaining look at him Jive there he's doing the helter smelter Dark Orb and poison does great damage here and before long he's down after bullying Turtle Knights and getting this NPC to burn himself again it's time for Old Iron King I didn't even need to poison him but I did anyway and then use dark hail a bunch to end this king's iron fisted rain so for the final Lord Soul we head down the medula pit and take out the other rat boss on the way a shame they can't be poison and Dark Orb doesn't one shot the rats but it's still no issue as their movements aren't too erratic extermination complete down in Black G we kill one of the Lost Boys And even these Giants on new game Plus+ get melted by dark fog I'm really starting to understand why people say hex's are op dark fog is probably pretty close to Dark Orb in terms of how much it crushes certain enemies after sending this other Lost Boy back to Neverland I speak to do you mind I'm trying to tell Santa what I want for Christmas so the rotten can be poison but he has fairly High Resistance and at one point the clouds stopped me from seeing his attack at least it made the fight a little hex sighting for once I was curious if dead again did anything to him but no Dark Orb and dark hail melt him down quickly though now with the Lord's Souls done I'm going for a big route change up I still wanted proper access to Dragon Lake Castle though so I quickly ran in and sorted out the Twin Dragon Riders which was an embarrassing fight for me because I actually nearly choked at one point yeah but anyway this is what we're doing right now elium Lo right away after getting my eyes priest tested we can now see this boss thanks to removing my catara ARA can be poisoned but it takes many casts and the damage is so small it's just not even really worth it so I stuck with hail and orbs damage hasn't dropped off as much as miracles did at least so far so this is a fairly quick win I get rid of the storm and then take a cough drop to my inevitable demise worth noting here that I'm just going to run through using the NPC summons to distra the reindeer and then dismiss them at the fog gate and make a Save State because I've already done this twice and this run is dragging as it is simple enough eh nearly there now what the are you kidding me they added a red phantom right by the fog gate in new game Plus+ that is cruel the difficulty is I need to banish the NPCs to make a safe state so having to do that at the end while not dying and exit the game is such a mess eventually I pulled it off reloaded dodged this guy and ran through the fog gate somehow Len Zin were easier than actually just getting to them this time I used Dark Orb initially to whittle lud down but saved dark hail for when Zin got involved to finish L off as quickly as I could thankfully their health isn't too ludicrous so Kitty one gets cat nipped with Zon I used dark fog when it started to regen Health to at least counteract some of the health it was regaining and once the buff wore off we're thankfully able to finish it thank God that's over oh wait I still have to do it one more time I'm able to flex on the hexa free the knights and then see that the damage from this Avalanche doesn't snowball with new game Cycles as now it doesn't kill the enemies on the bridge as they have too much health also Donna did spawn this time so no idea why she didn't before in the last cycle if anyone has any insight on this please let me know in the comments below and make sure to put the words fun fact at the beginning of your comment now for Ivory King wait did my own Knight just take a swing at me what is going on with this game for the night phase dark fog sped it up a lot and actually my knight had a good deal of Health when we got to Ivory King he put him work and I thought he actually might have survived till the end no Peter I nearly burnt out right at the end here with some misim Dodges but pulled it back and won always surprises me that the bosses here don't speak in really high-pitch voices why did they call it helium Lo then continuing the reverse DLC order broom Tower we sneaky sneak through but guess what there's a new red phantom by this bonfire I actually he forgot about him while using an effigy after resting and got backstabbed with a whip hurt my neck a lot I'm taking legal action if this guy's giv me Whiplash for the room of hell I managed to dark fog enemies through this little Nook in the bars and then I also dark fogged quinoa Rachel as always I go with the worst option first in Iron passage but hey at least it's better than the fridge out what the yes who in the blue hell thought this was the area that needed more enemies in new game Plus+ I mean thankfully blue motor is weak to poison and dark so I did him first try so I didn't need to do it again until the next cycle at least fum Knight on the other hand definitely has some higher dark resistance and is immune to our poisonous perfume but Dark Orb just has so many costs and is so quick to use that it's easy to just base and Attack cast Dodge and repeat again it is crazy how much this boss's difficulty goes down when you do a ranged hit and run build so I went to do saraon but I realized that actually I can't as I don't have the Ash and Mist Heart from the base game that's a nice little attention to detail s live is allowed to remain alone for now onto sunken King DLC and you get a dark or and you get a dark or and you get so guess what the gang squad are all vulnerable to that's right poison so dark fog rinsed through them with relative ease I handled this in such gangster fashion that they started calling me Snoop fog Dark or finishes off fog and the bad DLC bosses are now all finished up but my woes are only just beginning Alana was by far the hardest fight not just in the hex's section but in the whole run up to this point she takes minimal damage and so does vad who for some reason she now likes to summon a lot compared to the previous two cycles I had one of the worst chokes ever here after fighting her for 16 minutes she and her summons can't be poisoned either so using that to help Whittle things down is not an option I died a lot here probably more deaths on this than everything else put together so far and it was pain a truly squalid experience indeed on the winning attempt she summoned vad three times in a row and let me say again it takes ages to kill him and because she also takes so little damage there's no chance she'll be dead before she summons again and I do not want to contend with both velad and the skeletons I tried out dark great sword which I just got in this DLC and it did the best damage so far it was a near 20-minute fight in the end at one point my staff broke and I had to go into my inventory and used repair powder while being chased by vad and Alana after several deaths and a lot of patience I managed to win but W was I not expecting this level of [Music] brutality sin comparatively was much more straightforward the damage still wasn't great but it was just fighting one enemy at a time it took a lot of dark orbs and some dark great swords to the face but finally we execute our sin condition and end this fight DLC is all done barer l on back to Drang Lake castle in the base game the enemies feel so weak here compared to the onslaught we just went through even the red phantom up here dies easily after once again forcibly entering the king's passage we take on the Looking Glass Knight who handily can be poisoned dark fog followed by dark hail up close does great damage although his shield can still reflect all our projectiles if we're in the wrong spot I'm going a bit glassy eyed by this point but we just have to keep pressing forward we blast through all Shrine of a Manor enemies except this Dragon Rider why the hell does he have so much health I do my usual trick of luring the arch trakes to the house hey where is he oh my God he came from behind then Kinder lure this NPC into this building and blast him too Demon of Song was pitiful he croaked in short order I was getting pretty sick of Alia I tried attacking him to shut him up but it didn't work vad is another of a few bosses that have very high dark resist but nowhere near the health of the DLC bosses and I'm now super familiar with his moves after killing him about 20 times during that Elena Fiasco my EEG steria continues as he once again is downed we get the king's ring and dark fog this guy on the way to Audia keep killing an invisible Hollow accidentally nice I've actually never killed one before the best swordsman ever gets dropped and Ian the guard Dragon the thir gets poisoned and blasted down quick even the Drake Keepers and guia the dragon Champion go down easy to Dark Orb ancient dragon gives heart and then gets poisoned and hailed to death very quickly less quick than the miracle run but still efficient stopping the fight from dragging on like it normally does just wait for the next cycle though oh boy we only need to do the giant memory with giant Lord as I have enough giant souls on me from previous Cycles giant Lord is laughably easy ignore that I said ignore it an a Vendrick is also easy as usual hey look I got a million Souls I don't even know what to level up anymore Vitality I guess to finish off the base game I take on the final boss Trio Throne Watcher and Defender can both be poisoned so dark fog again puts in the work I'm almost throwning it in at this point as I watch of their health bars deplete the Shandra can also be poisoned and is not as resistant to dark as you might think that's some decent yellow in her health bar from my attacks she eventually turns to Ash which we build a aand castle with Alia actually is much more resistant surprisingly and this takes a while because of the usual waiting for attack opportunities but once his guard is down he's like an a deer in the headlights as we project our him into the next cycle I didn't want to see the credits so I tried to war out with a Homewood bone but it just puts you right back in I left the throne room this time and then I found the most amazing thing you can skip the credits in New Game Plus Game Changer so we still have two bosses left to do Sarah Lon being one of them they of course added a red phantom outside the fog gate to make his joyous runback even more joyous Saron is much easier than the miracle run honestly sure our damage isn't the best but the speed of dark orb is so much better than the lightning Spears I tried to use dark great sword but I paid for it I felt ambalance to how much the extra damage was worth it so I stuck to one Dark Orb in each opening and managed to stay focused for five whole minutes until he went down last but not least I've left a fitting final boss for the hex run a extraordinary Choice some might say I speak to dark Santa and easily clear out the chasms so dark lurker does indeed resist dark strongly again much like vad but also like velad its health is nowhere near the DLC bosses I did have one extremely frustrating death though I got stuck on this bit of ground trying to get away who the hell left that lurking there God damn it it's a fun fight actually apart from that dodging and weaving through projectiles and returning fire with our own it gets intense at points but not frustrating like Alana was genuinely enjoyed this one I I I think my my my sanity is kind of fraying at the edges here dark ler goes down and the hex run is complete we've made it to the final cycle pyromancy and Dark Souls 1 and three was crazy overpowered so I'm sure we'll smash right through this [Music] right after running through the starting section I've now been hearing these women's voices so much in my dreams that I can't even tell if I'm awake or asleep right now I hope this is the last time hope in medula I don't have it in me to even bother speaking speaking to the emerald Herald or lenr so they can remain in purgatory forever instead of cheesing M and Ryder we go to melentia and buy a stinky branch of your mama we then run to free Rosa Beth who we Rosa dress up like a horny Vendrick I then break my own Rule and I equip pyrro flame which just appeared out of thin air what's that get the dark Pyromancy flame from the gutter you go get it you go get it Rosabeth is now Mula and we buy Fireball fire orb combustion poison Mist flash sweat and iron flesh we upgrade pyrro flame to plus five with seeds we have on us let's seed how we get on how's this for a weird first boss Choice Royal rap Vanguard damage isn't great but it's an easy boss and fire orb does enough I guess the treasure it was Vanguard in was actually it Soul you'll see why later yes you will yes you will next we kill the pursuer with poison slow to cast but helps chip him down see that health bar deplete tick tick tick let's get that shortcut open and then poison and combustion brings the last giant down quickly for the last time fly to Lost Basel grab another disgustingly vile smelling branch and the Antiquated Key and we get the McDuff bonfire Etc blah blah blah next I decided to kill Dragon Rider normally for once it should be EAS so anyway Dragon Rider met with an unfortunate accident oops flexile Sentry was actually kind of annoying mainly because of the Shadows poison M can take them out but they keep interrupting my cast turns out it's a lot slower than dark fog was eventually they die but water reduces my fire damage and slows my reflexes it took a while but Flex House entry goes down really hope there's not loads more water throughout the game reducing my damage we get to strade easily next and trade the Rat Vanguard soul for toxic Mist to further increase our arsenal we next need to do execution this Chariot as there's some stuff we need behind this boss I got to test out poison and toxic at the same time and it does melt boss health bars although the cast time for both is pretty slow I wonder if anyone has ever been toxic in a Souls game before with the horse divorced from this Mortal coil we speak to a character with an incredible name titchy Gren if we join his Covenant he sells us Firestorm great combustion and fire whip fire whip is incredible for certain enemies that can be staggered like Rowena great combustion does loads of damage although the range is short and Firestorm at least tells me how many cars I have unlike dark Souls one seriously why did they do that I want names skeleton Lords had a similar strategy to the sorcery run bone wheel boy first and then torch the other two Lords you can Firestorm the group of skeletons repeatedly although there is some water in here so again the damage is slightly reduced compared to if the room was bone dry but with enough skeletons destroyed we then use fire whip for the last few given our damage hasn't been firing on all cylinders so far we grab another Fire Seed from Harvest Valley and upgrade the pyrro flame to Max already because this is new game Plus+ plus and we need to stop screwing around weirdly I have the easiest time killing the desert pyromancers with pyro such a pyro do flame grilled covered his demon I call that a jab barbecue we Fireball this guy off the ledge and fire whip these manic kindreds of rot mea is the last of the bosses for a while that can't be poisoned thankfully great combustion does by far the best damage but got to be close and even then it's not amazing seems like a real spike in difficulty for the Pyro R already it took longer than expected but at this point I'm insane in the membrane full Queen in the Bane in iron keep Aon Knights resist fire but at least I can still push them off into lava but I really couldn't be bothered with the NPC Invaders this time so I ran to smelter he Huffs on our poison and toxic clouds like they were a smelt tip pen both of them really melt his health bar obviously he has huge fire resist but not a huge issue when we drain his health this fast Beyond him we can grab chaos storm just got to get to this chest across the lava past this red phantom super easy no problem as screw it you know we don't need this anyway I trick all the knights to drown in lava because I can't drown my own Sorrows for Old Iron King poison and toxic are the main damage dealers again as fire resistance is huge obviously still feels ironic to kill him with pyro though got to love that tick tick tick first great one is a one and done I make a quick trip back to the lost bastile for ruined Sentinels they get melted by poison and toxic even more than anything else so far and take okay damage from fire so the Sentinels get sent to Hell also the belfrey boys gargle on my toxic they certainly won't be missed but instead of lost sin now we Jam to Shaded Woods with help from Firestorm NASKA here is not too resistant to fire we fire whip in a circle to give this scorpion a ring sting Royal Rat Authority was actually fine because Firestorm killed all the little tosses in one attack I'm pretty happy that we're done with that one in Brightstone Cove the mob's health is now too high for this Boulder to kill we then say he to Freya and The congre Gatekeepers get misted for a very easy kill Freya does not like fire great combustion was the most consistent damage easily although we have to be up close after four defeats in a row Freya retires to give medical advice at WebMD and our second great one is finished we grab the bright Stone Key now and get great Fireball this does decent damage but enemy health is pretty high now oh hey this guy dropped link ing flame lost C was annoying because it's much more difficult to even hit the pyromancers let alone take them out considering their resist fire I actually just dodged them and took out the sinas I found it easier but I still had to kill them afterwards your sins will be punished down in the Black Gulch Fireballs knock the Woodland children off into Oblivion and then I found a nice shortcut totally intentionally obviously toxic and poison the Giants and then do the same to the rotten he actually resists fire poison and toxic which makes sense given where he lives I suppose still he takes enough damage that there's not much roten in here and I get him down the approach to Drang Lake Castle however was awful the enemies take reduced fire damage in the rain and this red phantom needed to die here so I had time to take the enemies out he was legit harder than most bosses and took absolutely ages to kill I then abused toxic to take out the knights and open the door for the first time being a new game Plus+ plus actually plays in our favor as we get great chaos Fireball from the chancellor this is normally locked behind a covenant in the earlier Cycles but can be bought from him in new game Plus+ and Beyond Twin Dragon Riders get dropped the pyromancers get bopped and the red phantom with the long sword gets chaos fireboard before we fiercely and dominantly power into the king's passage with our burning hand rain reduces the power of fire so our damage against Looking Glass Knight is nerfed but luckily can be poisoned and toxic seems like there's so many scenarios where pyro gets nerfed due to water but as far as I know there's no scenario where Pyro he gets a buff and lightning gets a Nerf even the summons take several hits but despite this disadvantage they're not able to re on our parade but seeing a Looking Glass is appropriate as I'm starting to feel like the Mad Hatter well Shrine of Amana given its covered in water I'm just running through which I somehow managed despite the hordes of enemies Demon of Song is also in water but obviously very weak and goes down to our AAP pyro we activate the undead CRP bonfire but return to Shrine of Amman to grab fire Fire Tempest hidden all the way out here then we surpassed the usurper and Mission to vad our damage is actually good for once at least from great chaos Fireball shame it has so few casts poison and toxic work but they're too slow to cast outside of the phase transition and projectile attack the ve TOS for bellad and we grab the king's Ring because we can I decided to take out Vendrick while we're here I actually died once right near the end just look at the damage from his attack otherwise just stick to his back leg use a lot of fireballs leaving this King venerable no more on to Audi is keep for the pyromancy I've been waiting for by showing Navan several items implying we killed certain NPCs he gives forbidden Son supposedly the best pyromancy in the game it takes three slots to equip though and we only get two cast of it so that's not great Ian the guard Dragon definitely didn't nearly kill me he didn't stop saying he did Poison and toxic helped as he resists fire we won't be seeing Ian again no no no no no in Dragon Shrine we Drake these Keepers in two hits which is sweet but display far more toxic behavior for the champion in my mind I was thinking this run was nearly over but then I remembered there's still a bunch of fire resisting bosses and ancient dragon is indeed one of them we do very little damage I actually ran out of c and while looking to see if I had any spell restorers I got stomped and one shot from full health after fighting him for 18 minutes after restocking from Weller I got poison Mist back on the go and after another 18 plus minutes of fighting ancient dragon he at loss goes down I I feel ancient myself after after that giant Lord ran by comparison was much easier and took considerably more damage so easy easy but is it is is it fun are we having fun still we're almost finished with the base game despite our damage being good especially from forbidden sun and great chaos Fireball the throne Duo were the hardest of any of the runs their damage is really high right now and the low cast from our strongest pyromancies really hamper Us in this encounter death was certain but it was still a throne call I didn't want to answer because death always calls collect next time I use toxic to help chip away and once the Watcher is down Defender thankfully is pretty straightforward and we bring him down before he can revive his friend nandra was no issue apart from running out of C due to how high her health is now I did also curse a lot sorry I meant get cursed a lot actually it was both I was a bit worried about Audia due to his fire resistance and although it's higher than many other bosses at least we're getting yellow on the health bar yellow is it me you're looking for I've literally got no idea what I'm saying at this point Audia was not so bad just long just long just long we seal ourselves away for the last time and prepare for the dark lurker the final boss of the base game toxic really helps with the chasms as dark fog did in the previous cycle well that guy's having a whole lot of fun so I have to give it to pyromancy here this was actually the easiest dark lurker fight of the Run despite it being new game Plus+ plus fire does loads of damage for once and actually the boss was nearly dead by the time they split Fire Tempest finishes it off but are we done are we done no of course not it's time for DLC standing for Dad looking crazy which is probably what my son thought when he saw me let's do sunken King DLC first at least I can hit this switch with a fireball which is some some something Elana was a concern after how bad the last fight was and I have way less cast this time so I decided to try a different approach I wasn't going to kill the summons at all and just focus on Alana not too bad with just velad but pretty chaotic with the skeletons as well very hard to find openings and honestly if I didn't like this fight before I now absolutely despise it after doing this run I think it's given me a bad case of Alana Ria but somehow after nearly 15 minutes of running around restoring spellar and occasionally actually getting to attack we managed to defeat her for the final time now if you can believe it sin actually took even longer than ancient dragon our damage is pretty low and sin decided to fly around for about 8 years also he's immune to toxic of course I never imagined pyromancy would make me make me feel so weak why once glorious flame is nothing more than Cinders why is this happening it was so good in Dark Souls 1 and 3 it took a long time 20 minutes all told but finally he he goes down DLC 1 is over no resite though we we pushed through the cold to fight more Tigers Ava was way less than any of the sunken King bosses damage is still not amazing weirdly but at least it's just one-on-one with fairly predictable attacks no idea how I surviv this grab though after taking advantage of every available opening we're one step close to ending this in my delirium I realized I had forgotten one pyromancy flame swath it might come in handy just for more car of nothing else also got rid of toxic Mist as it's too slow for this next fight it's Ivory King time the flame swath is a delayed cast but deals good damage actually might have helped if I got this earlier oh well the biggest problem which is a bit of a running theme with pyromancy is I ran out of c and had no spell restores left so I tried to wait out to get the spell restore from the crown and I died after 10 minutes how many times has this happened on this run so far seriously so I went to buy Rouge Water from stray and Crimson water from Navan and went back to take on this I veritable challenge with the nights I just kept distance and took pot shots and then I necked Crimson water and a bright bug as the ivory King arises this is the only fight I've been consistently using bright bugs because I just want to try avoiding having to do the night spit again thankfully our loyal companion helps Lowe's distracting the king and only dies when Ivy has low Health maybe I should have used toxic then the king could have been poison ivy spell restorers give me the Arsenal I need to At Last end this one so we're done with this DLC right let's move on to the old iron kick oh God damn it fine Frid outskirts I still hate it what more do you want me to say I didn't bother with the NPC summons knowing the red guy was at the end here but I did manage to exit and save State as for the Tigers damage is pretty decent here but unfortunately I died to the pure power of this Kitty's elbow I'm not even going to say anything further about that next try it's the usual Story Once one Kitty goes down I can beat it even though I've seemingly entered a catatonic State I never want to see snow or Tigers ever ever again the end is in in sight I took revenge on this MPC for that nonsense from last time with the whip and then managed to somehow get this lever pulled without being interrupted let's end this blue smelter with any poison build is absolutely not an issue it's a shame he's so weak to it but that's just the hand he's been smelt it's mainly just surviving and not messing up for that time to be fair our fire does fine damage I guess so it's not completely redundant but would you believe me if I told you the longest fight of the Run has has not yet happened after a painful descent seriously this room caused me so much aggro this time I get rid of poison and toxic Mist as neither of them are useful anymore so let's get rid of these statues to oh I didn't pick up the wedges oops so fum Knight how much damage do you think fire does against this guy yeah I died actually several times here because I just kept losing concentration my mind is really really deteriorating here this run has really confed my soul I failed again and again I never imagined that any magic run would involve me doing so little damage at this stage but somewhere in between all of the deaths I finally realized the truth about pyromancy at this stage in the run the flame represented my spirit it started off strong as a blazing bonfire when I begun this crazy Endeavor but over time that fire has died dwindling down to almost nothing just like my soul it's almost extinguished but I can't let it die yet it's not time so we keep that fire burning just a little longer soon I can rest after 23 minutes fum Knight is defeated before we take on the final encounter I go to orif effect and buy all her spell restoring items then I return to Mula for one last bit of Unfinished Business [Laughter] so Saron the final encounter we made it honestly this was pretty intense maybe it's just cuz my brain is so fried but I hesitate on my attacks I roll too early fear grips my spirit every time I try to heal but I just I just won't relent I throw and throw and throw and eventually Alon is gone but what do I do now was it worth it magic certainly was good at the beginning at least I can hold on to that ores some damage we did way back when like a distant memory but it doesn't matter now the challenge is complete and I can rest thanks for watching I've been JK Leeds see you and have a good [Music] one [Music] [Music]
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 396,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Bloodborne, Pyromancy, Sorcery, Hexes, Miracles, DS2 Magic Build, Frigid Outskirts, Heavenly Thunder, Forbidden Sun, Crystal Soul Spear, Dark Orb
Id: WRApcprgxD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 31sec (4291 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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