Elden Ring But I'm Only Using Throwing Knives!

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so it's a normal Tuesday and I'm running around lorder and setting things on fire you know as you do and out of nowhere I get a phone call from my lawyers about some guy beating every Souls game with consumables they had a lawsuit all printed up and ready to go but then they told me what consumable he was using needless to say we dropped the lawsuit I don't think there was any amount of damage that we could have done to him then he wasn't already doing to himself tick tick tick swack yeet yeah I was tied up in his basement and forced to make throwing knife sounds for two weeks and all I could eat was mold off the walls it was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life JK Leeds is a monster a monster my conclusion is that we're dealing with a clear case of post-traumatic knife disorder finally I made sure to get Throne Defender really really low on health before killing Throne Watcher and then managing to finish Defender off short after the release of the Dark Souls 2 throwing knives video I was arrested and fined for practicing therapy without a license despite J Le assuring me that would not happen working with him damaged me both professionally and financially so suffice to say I regret taking part in it also had to put in a new window but it's pretty much a monthly occurrence nowadays throwing knives for the Gwinn he's nameless no more with all these knives sticking out I now W you a gwin cushion this is one tiny dance you don't want to hold you closer honestly his jokes are so bad that I've threatened him with divorce so many times both of which can be avoided by just walking to the right if there was any dispute whether I could get past this boss I adjudicate that it is indeed possible when I spoke to JK Leeds on the phone his voice was muffled it sounded like he was laying face down in a tent turns out that's exactly what he was doing the game began like most of my days at University in that I wake up with no memory of anything that that happened the night before and proceed to take off all my clothes and head out into the street it might just be possible but if I'm honest it's way above my skill level I'm past Vic caring at this point JK leads it sounds like some investment firm who the is this [Music] casual [Music] this is it we're here at last the final throwing knife challenge of the Soul series all roads have led to Elden ring the current score is JK leads 3 Soul Series 2 with DS2 DS3 and Demon Souls being knifed and Dark Souls worn and bloodborne living to knife another day Elder ring will be the ultimate Challenge I'm sure but also offers us the largest variety of tools so let's cover the rules all damage must be done with throwing knives or throwing knife variants the goal is to beat the final boss I'm going to at least attempt every remembrance boss also but beating the final boss is the only real goal so anything else I do is a bonus with that done let's twist the knife One Last Time first we choose the samurai class as I think this is the best setup of stats for our build dexterity is the most important as pretty much all the knives scaled this with strength being a secondary one for most of them we then give the grafted syon a kiss for good luck and then dive off into the abyss the adventure then begins just like my bachelor party did a few years ago complete with skin dyed green and then we visit kale where I sell all my worldly possessions to buy 15 throwing knives luckily there's also a golden Rune too nearby to let me purchase another 10 the basic throwing knives have a scaling in decks and B scaling in strength this go round I decided to test out the damage against the nearby tree Sentinel and it was not good and I was forced to retreat but then again he is heavily armored you can see against this normal Soldier the damage is quite knife actually also they're quick to throw oh hey Molina knife to meet you with torrent now on hand I found out that you can also throw knives while mounted so that could come in handy it actually never came in handy I complete a future quickly like grabbing the Deus Medallion the physic going to the round table buying a sacred seal and then chucking a knife at the Black Blade Kindred some forred full damage there I upgraded my flasks and decided to do the classic run starter of cheesing this Knight's Cavalry which I did with absolutely no issue first try yep first try night night sweet Cavalry with the 42,000 blood echoes in hand I level up Vigor strength and dexterity as these will be the main stats I'll need here there's also the ball method of getting Souls which I'll use when I need to buy more knives speaking of which let's go get some more types of knives our old friend the kri can be purchased from the merchant there in the Weeping Peninsula they are slow to throw and cause bleed as before with an sc scaling inex the amount of bleed can be slightly increased by leveling Arcane but it's only C scaling so it's not going to make much of a difference I also buy the Kaling kit from Craft and then test out the kri on this m Ed Knight as he drops the golden vow Ash of War as I'm a long way from being able to get the faith to use the incantation version putting this on a basic dagger will have to do for the damage boost for now this version only lasts 45 seconds as opposed to the 80 Seconds of the incant version but it should still help us out I also went to this Merchant in kalid who sells poison bone dots the poison knife equivalent in this game it's a shame there's no rot knives but these will have to do you can craft them also but honestly they're pretty cheap to buy here so it's just easier I grabbed the second half of the Deus Medallion and ragon sore seal to boost our stats further and with our golden vow equipped to a dagger we can begin first up is Margo Robbie the Fel Barbie my strategy here was simple use poison bone dots until he's poisoned cast golden vow switch to using kri panic in the menu after realizing Radigan sore seal wasn't equipped proc a bleed to get him to phase two get trapped against the edge of the Arena Escape somehow and proc a second bleed to bring down this little marit I now begin the slow process of leveling up Faith as I'd need 27 of it for the incantation version of golden vow but also I wanted to add yet another knife to our repertoire the bone Dart this one can only be crafted with thin Beast bones and I'd like to be able to purchase these infinitely so time to kill this Jedi imitator he's pretty easy as he gives us ample time to poison him and then the cuer bleed him out as the bell TOS for him he just wasn't able able to Bear our assault with his Bell bearing we can buy all the thin Beast bones we need to craft a whole bunch of bone darts I wanted to boost our damage even higher and now that we have a second Talisman slot from beating marget I know just the Talisman to do it I take the high road into this cave to face off with Ian golum the guard who appears to have a distinct weakness to toothpicks being thrown at his ankles it could just be me but it feels like the range of our knives is really good in this game I can easily just stay at this distance and none of his attacks even come close to hitting me with his defeat we now get the blue dancer charm boosting our damage when we have low equip load which we definitely will for the majority of this run now there's one important bit of business we need to take care of we need to get to Patches in mkw waterer cave but to do that we have to get past NIS and this highlights one type of enemy we are really going to struggle with on this run NPCs I mean just look at this Ultra instinc in my knives like he's Elden Goku thank thankfully Ura is here to help this time and Nara Justice is served patches was nowhere near as bad as he's got lots of openings such as when he does the breath attack we keep him alive as we need him to buy fan daggers at the moment he only has a few to sell but he'll have an unlimited amount of bit later on from what I've heard already I'm a big fan of these but we'll come back to that also just to mention inventory limits all of the knives we can hold up to 40 of apart from the kri which we can only hold 30 for now we returned to storm Vil castle and discuss our options with our gos stock broker we decided to take the easy route through so now onto Rick The God Who says he's the easiest remembrance boss e uh well me actually this was alarmingly easy poison Whitted away his health and I just pelted him with dots and then ker when he started doing his phase transition I actually only took one hit the whole fight and I realized that I forgot to even use Golden V wow did did I make myself too powerful the knifu faithful were screaming from the grafters with this Victory make sure to comment below if you consider yourself a NAU faithful I am hugely insecure and need validation I realized it might be good to get the health regen and one hit Shield tears for my physic to make it actually useful so I went and quickly killed the urry Avatar by James Cameron poison and Bone dots make quick work of this thing like you wouldn't believe I figured I wouldn't be needing godric's remembrance so I used it and leveled up Arcane to help a little with the bleed from our kri here in this area with the Lakes I need to learn a new crafting recipe which allows us to make crystal darts the sixth and final type of throwing knife but also probably the least useful so we'll only crack that out when we really need it more importantly though patches is now moved here and sells unlimited fan daggers which is perfect after farming a few more Echo we buy a bunch and we are all set as the academy as our next destination and we need to grab the key anyway I thought it might be worth taking on glint Stone smaron this was a pretty easy fight actually we proed the poison right away and then aimed for his head with the bone darts the damage isn't amazing from each individual one but with how quick and spammable they are combined with being able to hit the dragon's head thanks to their range that damage really racks up and with just bone Dots and a few poison darts we put smag back in the bag also I had read some claims online about about these knives having Poise damage but I have yet to see that I hit this Dragon a lot of times in the head and he didn't stagger once and in fact I don't think I got any staggers on anything this entire run with key in hand we can now enter the academy and like any good college it has fraternities and hazing rituals I think I'm going to like it here I see a lot of books and I'm pretty sure this boss knows them off by heart that's why he's the red wolf okay I deserve that death but second try our usual strategy holds true proc that poison to start and then cast golden vow I decided to stick with bone darts as I felt like their speed was a Bonafide advantage in this fight I didn't even need to use that many of them and before long this boss becomes the dead wolf of rigan after an intense battle with this carrier Knight and this mini Zaki admires my feet it's time for renala phase one was no real issue just a quick throwing dagger to hurt the little ones and then you can actually poison rala so she she still takes damage even while she's in her Shield right before the end of phase one I drink the physic and cast golden vow again and now the real battle begins we proc poison again and the K crus were pretty good at interrupting her attacks but she seemed to get pretty angry in the latter part of this and summoned constantly meaning I had to do a lot of running away with a few last throwing daggers we caused a lunar eclipse and rala disappears of course we're not done yet in Laria let's see if our knife build can carry us through this manner I didn't think loyal Knight Retta would be much trouble and for the most part I was correct she can't be poisoned but just the standard throwing daggers can do decent damage when you get many of them in quick succession I did get a bit Reckless towards the end and nearly threw the fight after some close calls but one last knife got the job done and allowed us to speak to Ranny and initiate her Quest instead of faffing finding blly though I decided to head up to alter's Plateau as not only can you initiate the radan festival by resting in a Grace here but I can also Kila Gila to get the ritual sword Talisman giving us a 10% boost to our damage when our health is full on my way back to kid I stopped by Celia Crystal tunnel to get some cracked crystals to craft some Crystal darts in case I needed them and now it was time for Redan Acro now it was here I came to two realizations first it takes me two flask chugs to get back to full health and second most of rodan's attacks one-hot me this is probably because I'm naked haven't leveled Vigor very much and I'm wearing rigan sore seal I could solve the first issue by grabbing a few tear that I had forgotten about and I could solve the second issue by grinding for some runes to level up some more but I was feeling stubborn so I didn't do the second thing this led to a few deaths including some where I was painfully close to Victory due to one wrong Dodge costing me poison was pretty easy to proc on radan and then I'd Pelt him with bone darts until he powered up his swords at this point I switched to fand daggers dodged the gravity pull and got behind him for a thorough pelt look at that damage from the fand daggers after dodging his meteor I switched to kri which I used until I got the bleed proc I only took one hit this whole fight which was here because I got too excited but thankfully The Shield saved me after this I switched to normal throwing daggers dodged some of his attacks with torrent and finally landed The Killing shot at last I purged The Scourge and I had stars in my eyes after the One-Shot Festival that had just occurred I thought it was probably sensible to put some points into vigor to hopefully avoid that happening again so now it's time to not Chronicle my journey down into the underground city of course we must first face the toughest opponent in life ourselves I don't really have a lot of material for this fight I'd honestly been really hoping mimik tier would bust out some knives themselves for a sweet knife fight but they just kept going in for punches after some kri bleeds mimic tier decided to engage its annoying NPC consumable dodging attack but with enough throwing knife persistence the only thing this boss ends up mimicking is a corpse well as we're here there is actually another remembrance boss we can tackle the Regal ancestor Spirit a fight that I very rarely do to be honest I didn't actually look up if it could be poisoned but after exhausting about 20 poison bone darts I think I got my answer I also wasn't sure whether it could be bled or not and it turns out it can it did take a lot of CER though the healing was also a concern as my resources are limited but thankfully the damage was enough to get the job done and with one final throwing knife Mia zaki's creation was Spirited Away I now descend down into noon doing my best Indiana Jones impression and then grab the Finger Slayer blade to give to rannie so let's take on the Valiant garals no I'm just kidding I'm not going anywhere near that nope I'd rather go to this beautiful place instead even though I didn't need to this run I thought I'd take on the bful shadow just for the hell of it he appears weak to both poison and bleed I waited for him to attack and thankfully compared to other NPC fights he does remain stationary for a good bit of time after which was perfect for a knife based assault throwing daggers to the face cause him to bail from this Mortal coil this gives us the palace key to be able to grab the dark moon ring from ralo's room now as much as I like many others don't think the lake of rot is a particularly good area I have to say at least it's quick to get through compared to having to slog through some of the other swamps in the older games like 52 in Demon Souls or faren Woods in Dark Souls 3 you know what the best way to see the stars in this fight is with an Asel escope okay jokes asides it turns out he can be poison which is great news the not so great news is that I struggled dodging his one hit kill grab attack genuinely one of my least favorite moves in the game up there with God devouring Serpent's earthquake attack on second attempt I got him down to half Health with just the poison and Bone dots staying at mid-range and hitting him in the head is a pretty solid strategy I love how hitting some enemies with projectiles makes them attack in random directions after his meteor attack I decided to switch to kri as I know he can be bled but it again took a lot of kukri to actually manage it I managed to dodge the grab when he attempted it this time and finally after 20 kri the bleed hit and he was almost done hitting him with the kri at the end just caused him to keep doing Clos range attacks even though I was actually out of range this Natural Born wasn't able to avoid our knives and another remember boss is down I think there's something I should address here I'm taking down some of these bosses easier than even on normal runs like first or second attempt who knows how long this will continue but the knives in Elden ring are actually pretty incredible I Leed it up to low grabbed some more golden seeds and prepared to face marget once again oh I didn't expect that to just kill him um okay then so dry tree the classic sneak up behind Strat is great here as it lets me get the poison in now this guy as you probably know has some attacks to specifically counter ranged attackers those being the Fireball and then the lightning strike in the second phase both of which I seem to struggle to avoid here this was far from a clean fight I managed to get one bleed off on him but getting a second didn't seem to happen so I switched to poison him again and then used the bone darts from a distance there were a couple of near deaths from me here crucial Dodges at crucial moment saved me and a few final darts defeated this Sentry L Royal capital is an awesome area as well as being the first encounter with the pipe wielding envoys my favorite enemies in the game it's also full of satisfying opportunities to pull off parkour to get to new places it's also home to goldf free one of the first bosses in quite a while who can't be poisoned or bled thankfully his move set is pretty predictable throwing a knife usually causes him to Dash and stomp move that's easy to roll through and punish not to keep throwing shade but this was very straightforward and he goes down quick before moving onwards as we now have a new Talisman slot again I grab the ritual Shield Talisman boosting our defenses by 30% when we're at full health our Vigor isn't the highest right now so I think this will help with the coming fights and speaking of combing Feats it's now time to fight morgot after getting our usual poison in I made use of the shackle to stun him and then rain down the fan daggers that is some good damage there with two rounds of this brings him to just above half Health one CER then brings him below and we can smash him with a bunch more during his phase transition to prop that sweet bleed now if there's one attack that tends to catch me it's the charging spear attack as evidenced here and with him on low Health he did indeed catch me as he was about to then throw the spear at me I quickly changed to Bone darts and finished him off to continue our momentum of course morgot mocked me and I was denied access to the vi tree only section so instead I thought I'd go have some Shun in the Subterranean funning grounds here Paul White gave me a choke slam I paid a visit to Dark Souls 1 lobsters sprayed me with urine I grabbed an item from 50 Shades of Moog and had a lift ride in a cage which was the most relaxing part of the whole area Su Moog or as I like to call him Moog light is immune to both poison and bleed because he's an illusion or something the shackle allows me to smash him with fan daggers much like we did to morgot and the two uses bring him down to half health I kept using the fan daggers for a little while after this but I need to be right up close for Max damage so I did swap to the Bone dots and the classic throwing dagger instead the attack where he makes blood rain down upon Him is the perfect opening to chuck knives and with enough dodging and persistance Moog gets flushed down the drain well even further down you know what I mean after unbelievably first trying the drop section Beyond Moog and unlocking our way to the deep root depths I remember that I actually needed to complete the carry and study hall first so I flipped dropped pushed and then beat this Noble skin God in about 90 seconds with a combo of poison and bleed interesting to note that the noble does not Dodge the knives remember that it'll be important later but speaking of dodging projectiles is now time to face one of the hardest bosses of the entire run no I'm not joking fear's Champions killed me more than any other boss up to this point remember how I complained about NPC enemies dodging projectiles earlier well this fight is five projectile dodging NPCs in a row particularly fighting three of them at once I mean look at this well it's not impossible to land hits I end up wasting so many of my knives and because it's three on one I can't even wait for a safe window on one as one of the others will likely assault me their damage is also surprisingly High I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm going to need to leave this for now and head on to something easier to strengthen myself so let's head to the mountain tops to get to fire giant instead yes you've heard that right fia's Champions are too hard so I had to go try fire giant instead there we go much bloody easier so how do we take down this gigantic boss with one of the largest Health pools in the game with just throwing knives this guy is usually a massive pain and there was some deaths here for sure but here let me show you what I did I actually started with the fand daggers here costing golden vow and using them to break his ankle you'd be pretty surprised how much damage I can stack up I got up to 8,000 on the winning attempt after this I switched to poison bone dots to get the poison in and then used the bone dots and throwing knives to get me through to phase two at the start when he leans over to do the Fire Tempest attack it's actually a good time to smash him with some more fan daggers I stayed in front of him as much as possible using poison bone darts which I just about had enough to proc the poison on him again finally I thankfully avoided his flamethrower breath attack and used the kri to get a winning bleed proc which finished off the fight this boss was fired and this was a giant victory for the Run speaking of fire melanina commits some large scale Arsen but I slept through it and woke up in fumbling aula where the residents gave me a warm welcome now before too many attempts at the best duo boss since syphilis in covid-19 I decided I needed to power myself up a bit more and go tie up some other loose ends at least it meant this rum will have a lot of variation so I killed Magnus the beastclaw by bleeding him out which felt appropriate and fulfilled the other requirement to get into mwin palace and guess what it is actually possible to do the bird trick with the K Cree so that's something to cow about Flying Dragon Fail is also pretty easy to cheese for a cool 80k Souls I was also curious to see how I'd fa against Commander Nial up in Castle Saul thankfully fagers make quick work of his summons which is great news it's funny because I used to really struggle with this guy but having any kind of ranged attack makes this fight very easy bait the flying lightning kick create distance and then fire your projectile of choice rinse and repeat and the commander neows down before me giving me his Peg Leg which I will never use so as strength decks and health leveled the godkin duo fight should be much easier right well you just knew one fight was going to cause issues it would be this one the duo can be bled and poisoned each time either status procs on one of them both gain a higher resistance to it but after after a bit of testing I decided my strategy would in fact be to not attack the Apostle at all this was for two reasons first remember how I said earlier the noble doesn't Dodge projectiles well the Apostle does so better not to waste any although I do poison him just once at the beginning of the fight to help chip away at his health bar secondly a great opportunity to damage this Noble is actually the rolling attack if you stand on a broken pillar the noble just rolls at you and you can spam fand daggers now if the Apostle is above half health it remains more passive and won't attack you for the most part apart from maybe an occasional Fireball but if it's in phase two it's a lot more aggressive and it will attack you I keep the fan daggers only for this one attack opportunity otherwise I use bone darts throwing daggers Etc I saved the ker for the latter part of the fight to crack out a bleed proc at a crucial moment with their health low and the rolling attack pillar situation about to occur I went in hoping to end it unfortunately I was too excited and forgot that throwing the knives moves me forward and I got smacked by the Noble's rooll I finished off the noble quickly but now I had no choice but to attack the Apostle who dodged furiously but thankfully I at last landed the final knife to end this trauma I had some real God skin in the game here and I feel gratitude for this Noble Victory next up I tried to tell plassy that little Timmy has got stuck down the well again but he just shot lightning at me rude well that's all the reason I need to get knify unlike many of the previous bosses Lake Placid is huge poison resist meaning that it took 20 poison bone dots to proc it following this I unloaded my stock of bone dots and throwing daggers into him until Phase 2 began at which point I switched to the kri luckily he has some pretty wide attack windows but he also has some pretty high bleed resistance it actually took 25 kri to get the bleed which is pretty wild and of course now it's time for the laser attack I'd spaced myself far enough away and with 20% Health left it was time for Golden vow and the the fand daggers I wanted to be as close as possible to him when I launched my assault so I waited until I got an attack with a big opening after the one I really wanted was the big left claw swipe followed by the gold fire and when I got it boy was our damag good a few further fand daggers and this 8 and 1 half minute battle with dragon lord pleo is over comment below if you remember that from Monster Hunter and how much fighting it sucked we're nearly at the end of the faram maula Boss Rush here and we finished with malth now there's usually two Elder ring bosses whose attacks I really struggle dodging and unfortunately malth is one of them Beast clergyman is easy enough but Malik's light speed attacks often catch me off guard and he can absolutely decimate you in seconds if I was going to continue being naked which obviously I was I decided to go for a bit of a grind and slightly respect my stats until they looked a bit like this I did better and came within a fraction of winning but I got too excited and kept attacking when I should have gotten away leading to me me being Black Blade to rest on the winning attempt I'm actually surprised I won I got hit a lot of times by his attacks but somehow managed to survive thanks to my larger HP pool the poison kept chipping away at him and I kept capitalizing on the few attacks I could consistently avoid with fand daggers eventually it caused him to breathe his last Mala breath this was very far from a clean fight but I'll take it the next section of the game began like many mornings at University waking up in my underwear painted green in some place I didn't recognize I know I used a version of this joke earlier in the video but I can't understate how many times that's happened to me in my life before heading down the route leading to the final boss I felt it was finally time to come back to the boss that I had been waking up in cold sweats thinking about F's Champions this was still just as bad as I had feared the constant dodging was insufferable and I wasted so many of my knives I did do better damage but it was a long process of waiting for specific openings to be be able to land the knives the whole fight took a total of 11 minutes but honestly it felt even longer the enemies generically named fear's Champions as opposed to lonol took a lot more damage more so from the kri than anything else after running and waiting for several minutes I finally got it down to just liono Richie and me with him on his own he turned the dodging and projectile spamming up to 11 until I managed to show him once twice three times a CER God that was awful the the fight not the joke the joke was excellent 10 hour 10 so at last we do all those weird dialogue options with fear along with whatever the hell I'm doing here and we can fight 46 compared to the Champions this was an absolute Cakewalk he gets poisoned quickly and shots to his head do a lot more damage the kri let us get a sweet bleed proc and then some fan daggers to the face bring him down we lick this Dragon that's for sure given how awful the Champions had been I was pretty sure Gideon off knew it was going to be a similar level of frustration and of course my Affairs were valid validated I mean this fight is really annoying anyway but this ups that significantly but there is one window I found to attack which is when he charges up kazor but you have to notice he's doing it and throw the kri right away so you still have time to Dodge I opted for the kri as they have the longest range of any of the knives and they can bleed him out I later found by standing on the high platform that the kri would actually headshot him interrupting the attack it was a boring fight but at least it was over now I decided I wanted to grab the purifying Crystal tier as there's a certain boss we need it for but I really couldn't be bothered with yet another NPC fight so I instead opted to use a much easier strategy to get it there we are much easier my initial strategy for Moog was to bleed him out with kri then poison him right before the phase transition then use the fan daggers while he's transitioning and then fail to dodge leading to me getting bled out it was right after this I remembered oh wait I have the shackle so instead instead I Shackled him used fand daggers then used bone dots to lower him to just below half Health used the shackle fand dagger combo again then got behind him to smash in some more fand daggers while he phased transitions they say every Moog has his day and this was certainly true here in phase two I proed the poison and now it was kri time the reach on these things is tremendous a MOG being weak to bleed allows us to proc it twice quickly and then a few more hit him to finish the job fear the old blood MOG fear the old blood Godfrey is our next Target as we Edge ever closer to the end you might have noticed the pattern with the way I approach a lot of these bosses I generally tend to use the weaker knives combined with poison during their usually easier first phases to weaken their health and save the stronger knives like fand daggers and kri for the later phases of the fight the same applies to Godfree hair I save the fand daggers for when he does the charge up for his Arena wide AOE as dodging these leaves a nice window to lay in about six fand daggers I then stick with the fand daggers until we begin the true second phase of the fight horor the Explorer here the opportunities to attack are decreased especially to be close enough to land all the fan daggers so I decided to switch out to the kri to fish for that bleed proc it was not the cleanest and there were a few moments that reminded me of my trip to wem Stadium back in August but we finally got the bleed bringing him pretty low I switched back to fand daggers and after dodging one more grab H loses this fight to the number one NAU in the lands between now before we continue There was a bit of prep I wanted to get done remember earlier when I talked about leveling Faith to use the incantation version of golden vow but then never actually did it well I hadn't needed to up till this point but I knew the upcoming challenge would require me to have every Advantage at my disposal so first I grabbed the halic Drake plus two Talisman then got the golden v incantation as well as the flame grant me strength incantation and even the jellyfish shield and godric's great Rune before respecing my stats to give myself the faith to cast the incantation needed so before we get into the finale let's touch on the other two remembrance bosses we haven't done yet and what the situation was with them I actually did these at a later point but I felt it made sense to put them here in the video starting with Reichard I blasted through volcano mana and godkin Noble was no issue at this stage far easier than pretty much everything else we've gotten through his health pool went from God Rich to God skint now reichards if there was one remembrance boss I was fairly sure wasn't going to be possible it was this one just from the sheer size of his health pool but here's the thing I actually got pretty close if you see his health here I had four kri and 12 poison bone darts left he'd already been bled and poisoned twice in this phase so I'd say it's unlikely it would happen again here it might be possible if I swapped out HP flasks for FP and cost the Buffs the whole time instead of just at the beginning but the damage here relies in part on the ritual sword Talisman and there are some attacks I still have never been able to figure out how to avoid consistently like this one for example I honestly dislike this more than water fou dance the red tearstone Talisman would also have pushed us over but no hitting rard when he has attacks like the afor mentioned one or the crazy hellscape in the second phase yeah I don't think so he manages to Slither away with this one but I'm pretty happy with how far we got so next of course let's head to the H tree first I got to clear this ever jail nah just kidding Let's totally cheat oh well that's been patched fine I'll do it normally stop shooting magic arrows I hate these guys so much so onwards and downwards we make it to Loretta she's actually pretty easy and I can stagger her with fan daggers if I'm standing at the right angle she did catch me off guard with an attack I'd never seen before but overall this was fine and this horse rider turned into a hearse Rider in record time Millennia Millennia Millennia let's talk about this so there's a few problems here just like most MPC sized bosses she Dodges projectiles but unlike them she has a massive health bar so it's a massive waiting game for periods where she won't Dodge projectiles as I need pretty much all of them to hit but my normal strongest damage dealers all have individual problems kri is slow but also because the opportunities to hit her are so infrequent it means that actually proing bleed is very difficult and it takes about 20 just to do it once to get the max damage out of the fan daggers I need to be right next to her all of them to hit because she's a fairly small Target this is only really feasible after one or two attacks she can be poisoned but her resistance is so high that it takes almost all the bone dots to poison her now all of that could be overcome as technically I do have the damage to deplete her health bar but there is one thing that at least for me makes it infeasible the healing because our knives do such low damage and we have a limited number of them any healing she manages to do from Hit us really sets us back almost to the point that we need to restart the fight because of how limited the ammunition is compared to how high our health bar is for this to happen similar to Reichard I'd have to almost no hit Millennia and look I'm sure there's somebody out there that could do this but unfortunately that is above my skill level and yeah it didn't happen it's a shame but my true goal as I stated from the beginning is to beat the final boss so let's go do that now with the exception of godkin Joo and Malik everything else we'd beaten up until this point had been I I don't want to say easy but it hadn't taken me too many attempts to pull off and even malth and gods ginjo had been in under 10 tries but rigan and Elden Beast much like they did to my face absolutely smash that number this was an enormous difficulty Spike for this run I died a lot there's quite a few issues both are immune to bleed so that's off the table and Elden Beast is immune to poison rigan can be poisoned but it takes quite a few dots to even proc it I want to do my same strategy as before of keeping my fan dagers and Karu for Elden beast but beating ragam with just our weaker knives is problematic because guess what kind of damage he resists Pierce damage you know the damage type that all our knives do so to say the damage is low is a bit of an understatement also remember I said earlier there's another boss as well as malth whose attacks I struggle to dodge well ragun unfortunately is the other one I am so good at getting caught by this guy's attacks it's unreal just something about his movement and the follow-ups just really throw me off also guess what he can Parry our knives just like other projectiles I would start every fight by using golden vow flame grant me strength and the jellyfish Shield buff outside the fog gate and from there I tried a few different strategies I initially thought let me switch up my usual Strat and use fan daggers to take out rigan quickly although this worked great for the initial moments where he stands still getting the chance chance to land all the knives required me to be at close range which wasn't always possible but still I got him down to half Health used the poison darts to proc the poison which took about 20 to do and to be fair doesn't even do that much damage then I switched to some of my weaker knives because I needed all the damage I can get I was actually using Crystal darts for the first time which adds a further complication in that they use FP so I had to carry an extra ceruleum flask if I wanted to be able to apply my Buffs again before the Elden beast fight many times I didn't even make it through to Elden Beast as the rigan fight was so long and grueling and I'd lose concentration and make silly mistakes near the end even on the time I managed to defeat rigan when I got to Elden Beast I was almost shaking with nerves as I'd already been fighting for 8 minutes at that point which doesn't sound that long compared to some of the other fights I've done but it's pure concentration for that time with no downtime with Elden Beast you can get a lot of damage him right at the start with the buff fan daggers usually getting a quarter of its Health off I find this fight often comes down to how much Elden Beast does melee attacks or decides to spam the projectiles on one attempt I got Elden Beast down to about 20% of his health left only to die after fighting for 15 straight minutes across the two phases which was heartbreaking to say the least after more or less the same thing happening again a few tries later but with Elden Stars this time causing me issue I remembered something which I had completely forgotten about the Crimson wall bubble here I'm pretty sure I didn't pronounce that right but anyway this can absorb any non-physical damage for about 15 seconds the perfect foil for Elden Stars I also grabbed the ment prothesis Talisman for the decks and also repeated attack buildup which does appear to work with knives and I did one final last bit of absolutely brutal grinding this is what my final Talisman setup looked like it was now or never had I finally learned to be able to dodge rigan's attacks could I steady my nerve for the full quarter hour needed to complete this godforsaken fight could I bring the conclusion that this six-month knife Saga deserved well here this is JK Le's Last Stand a knife well- lived [Music] he [Music] [Music] let [Music] all [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh [Music] truly thank you all for watching and supporting the channel 2023 has been a wonderful year for me and I genuinely hope you've enjoyed my content although the knife Saga has come to a close at least until we get to the out and ring DLC don't worry there are many more videos to come if you enjoyed this please consider giving a like and a subscribe and a comment to let me know have a great holiday period and New Year I've been JK Leeds see you and have a good one
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 162,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Blooodborne, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Throwing Knives, Consumables Only, Elden Ring Consumables Build, Elden Ring Dex Build, Dex Build, Arcane, Backlogs, Baron’s Castle, Press Continue, Challenger Andy, Doomwolf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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