Why Dark Souls 2 Ng+ was the best

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foreign question what's the deal with New Game Plus it's the same game nothing got Plus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm completely non-plussed you suck with no tablets you miserable presumptuous [Laughter] [Music] yeah Dark Souls 2 was the only from soft game where no game plus actually added new things so put it lightly giant enemy spider oh God not just the boring damage changes [Music] you nothing you are nothing and I've earned my right to say it so in no particular order let's begin our journey to [Music] into New Game Plus here we go [Music] so New Game Plus introduced a lot of Red Phantoms it's noticeable immediately [Music] some are just upgrades most are entirely new they also come in the player variety they are not Invaders those have names and messages [Music] they don't behave the same at all and I'm a big fan of the many cosplay Phantoms [Music] oh it's a pretty funny change some Phantoms had deepest floor [Music] second [Music] [Applause] in total they added a whopping 74 Phantoms wow my favorite one is pictured here a bit more there it's the painting Guardian waifu very classy she's the only one in this game please don't touch the art I'm gonna have to ask you to die unlike most Phantoms she never responds she's the only way to obtain the painting sentence in the tar wait where's the rest sir don't you think having to burn a bonfire aesthetic then gambling with drop chance with possible duplicates then having to beat an empowered boss each time it's just a bit too much um sir [Music] no my stylish set Miyazaki you goddamn thankfully she's the exception most drops are both guaranteed and upgraded foreign if only there was a way to get even more freestyle [Music] gee Dark Souls 2 how come you'll gain lets you have two boss souls bear seek seek list [Music] the four Great Lords we'll now drop a unique boss Soul this is in addition to their usual one and the mandatory gymnastics these four souls are the old King's soul pale Drake soul the old dead one soul and finally the old witch a phantom appears actually make that too the prison break is real cool the Phantoms enter when the Lost Sinner reaches 60 health these two have some serious Firepower they try to keep away since they are pretty squishy the cells are directly below them Giant braziers they just kind of chill until its Prison Break Time this is the inmate of the left prison cell the other is this forbidden waifu well oh my God so one slain we get the old witch soul [Music] now either go right down the road or visit this cursed one [Music] to convert them into a buzz weapon or a spell depending on the soul some other bus Souls even have three or four choices it's pretty clever it encourages multiple playthroughs or at least the use of bonfire Aesthetics which is the word apparently interestingly they are the most valuable Souls in the entire series however the best feature has to be the deepest floor [Music] who the hell are they I don't get this reference vati please explain for a selection of good things on sale stranger what are you selling what are you buying Chancellor wellager welcome we'll now sell some new items but only in new game plus plus on sale [Music] thank you Morgan will now sell the butterfly set too curses upon you enough of this what my brother in Christ you're the one who sold me this set better yet many bosses will drop plus two versions of popular rings like so tomorrow somebody there is ten in total so go out and collect them all stocks last bosses only they ain't perfect upgrades [Music] their effects are generally two to three times more powerful but at the cost of being heavier and greatly reduced durability that actually matters in this game since it just loves bringing all your stuff let's move on to oh is that for me [Music] nice so many item drops have been upgraded too [Music] sometimes it's just quantity sometimes it's a bonus freebie [Music] and other times you get quality [Music] dinky in total 64 drops have been modified that's placements not item totals how uncharacteristically charitable so instead of skipping that item or chest looking inside would be best catch a is not only Phantoms we got some new monster placements as well come as not many or that exciting really they can't all be winners there's this one other Buzz fight change these two Shadows now just chill by the pool and did you ever notice Beyond being a good place to steal their look [Music] this one however is completely unique no other shadow can match this drip sadly it's just a cosmetic change and in the medulla mansion's basement's basement rather than a skeleton we now encounter [Music] the amount of skellies [Music] scales with New Game Plus they don't respond and they each drop a guaranteed Humanity I like this one best [Music] such style and secret lore there's even bone Wheels unfortunately and in the base game they just used them basic skeletons how disappointing unlike the eight Scholars galleys who create the fabled Zone don't say I didn't warn you sure about I want to get off your wild ride no I'm seriously about to kill myself I swear to God right never ends the mommy and daddy pigs is cute though just don't call them an awful poor and be warned whatever you do stay out of the throne room this dude [Music] okay [Music] I think we should get out of here yes please I don't want to fight any more dragons in the final DLC you can find a really cool sword in there [Music] not sure how it offended Michael Zacky he locked it up real good no don't leave me here this is my house so what's the deal with the nail sword Beyond some rocky lore not much except it now increases in power for each time you enter New Game Plus it even works when summoned or invading but it scales to the host's new game cycle and while sometimes hard to see it will now glow anyways [Music] the scaling will continue all the way to new game plus nine [Music] it adds a flat AR bonus each time [Music] look at it go [Music] game bonus stops at Plus 100. it can get pretty damn strong [Music] the power stance is great too [Music] combo with them smelter swords or some spicy secrets [Music] personally I prefer the blue flavor it's much cooler and it doesn't burn my penis I was going to say party Lee kids these days we also get two new enemies the pigs don't count since you can spawn them in majula with enough pigs laying [Music] instead we get falconers bird now included [Music] I've studied them before so let's just get them out of the way okay such a graceful animations [Music] [Applause] the other is the Amana Priestess just not that one this one [Music] staff not included accessories sold separately unlike the first who are actually Wizards [Music] really hate this priest is however is completely harmless unlike her sisters this is why you got nerved their only move is a hill a pretty powerful one it's better than it looks everyone in range gets healed [Music] heals exactly 450 HP [Music] and the range is ridiculous [Music] it was time for Thomas to leave he had never seen such before hey this place looks pretty cool I wonder if there's going to be a buddy [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is normally a lovely afternoon stroll has now become a buzz fight her moveset is surprisingly versatile she hasn't heard of Friendly Fire though this booty shake is unique to this encounter too this move however is pretty unfinished it's got no tracking so it's practically useless a lot of care was taken I'm gonna kick your ass to make sure she can kill gonna reenact no matter where you stand in your ad she has even got moves for damn filthy arranged builds it's pretty sick and after a bit of fighting I'm bothered it's time to go home I tell you what that bearer of the curse ain't right the conditions for home time is after 40 seconds have passed [Music] or if you deal enough damage [Music] she will leave at 50 health interestingly you can technically hurt both heads okay that doesn't I have had it with you but the neatest detail of all if you make it to the boss proper [Applause] [Music] then the damage carries to this fight if you did more she will always have at least 50 percent health [Music] and if you happen to die [Music] a non-berry match it will reset to the stored and counter damage rather than being at Max health so thanks Michael for letting these two directors [Applause] to add all these wonderful features what was it something I said anyways thanks for listening and if I missed anything I blame that Michael Zacky [Music] I'm just gonna lay low for a while see here soon kiddos
Channel: Limit Breakers
Views: 664,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ohJIduZ-3VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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