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hey hey and welcome back to JK's weird bloodborne weapons the series where I take some unusual bloodborne weapons that are usually only available late game or DLC and edit them in so I can do a full start to finish playthrough after giving the cause parasite a try and becoming a tentacle broccol man the next logical step was to take a severed alien arm and try to beat the game with that I'm talking of course about the amdan arm another DLC exclusive weapon the rules are pretty simple I've got to beat the game using just the amdal and arm for damage but here's one for you guys at home we haven't done this in a while so if you feel inclined to why not join in and play the armed and dangerous drinking game simply pull yourself a beverage of your choice and take a drink whenever you hear the word arm from this point onwards don't worry it almost certainly won't be that many times but if you get the exact number of times I say it in the video comment it below and I might or might not reply saying hey what a Charming person you are so to start with this is easier to set up than the COA parasite run I first give myself the best possible name for my character armag derer and I choose the violent past origin as I need 17 strength I purposefully take the express route to the Hunter's dream and then pick up a starting weapon and also the pistol even though we won't be using any firearms on this run so let's have a look at this beautiful appendage it's mainly a strength weapon although it does offer a negligable bit of Arcane damage similar to the burial Blade the one-handed mode is simply a big old smashy club which can stagger lock most enemies by just spamming R1 the charged R2 in this mode is an even bigger overhead smash which pancakes a lot of enemies and does good damage in the tricked mode this slashy tendril comes out giving us a bit of a longer reach with our r1s but also the charged R2 here does the overhead smash again but it follows up with two tendril slashes as long as we remain holding the button that seems like it could deal some good damage there I guess my only confusion comes with the name of the weapon this is more like an extendable claw than anything else but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good about our Armament so far we've got blunt damage and regular damage which will both come in handy I feel as with any bloodborne run we got to get this thing upgraded if we want to stand a chance against the denisons of yarum so we run around getting some Bloodstone shards took out these wolves with ease through this door way and unlock the shortcut back to the lamp there's more shards around the dried up Waterway both as loose items and also from enemy drops I now had 12 and using a madman's knowledge I unlocked the house and leveling up in the dream and upgraded the amdal and arm to plus two I then farmed some more upgraded my health stamina and strength before finally getting some new drip and the last Bloodstone Shard I needed to upgrade my weapon to plus three now that we were well armed it was time to fight our first boss for gason remember how I said spamming R1 in UNT tricked mode can stagger some enemies well it appears that humaniz enemies like gason fall into that category I mean just look at this he can barely do anything by the time he's transformed most of his health is gone we can't R1 stagger him but doing the tricked R2 still pancakes him so a couple of those followed up with a final swing ends this one seems like our weapon was very harmful to him I pumped some more strength grabbed the blood gem workshop and entered Cathedral Ward already it seems some of the new enemies can break through our R1 stagger which is probably a good thing as this would be too easy otherwise for this run I decided it was only fitting not to stick to one set of clothing and try out as many different armors as possible a chat with Sal alred who gives us some fire paper which I of course can't use on this weapon thanks to its marginal Arcane scaling we grab a gem Bonk this werewolf equip this gem for a whopping 0.7% extra damage and head to minigun Country Now I want to try some stuff in this run that I've never done before one of which being actually able to talk to Jura to do this apparently you need to run through old jarum without harming any of the beasts here doesn't stop jur from shooting at you though I run all the way through unlocking the shortcut and fight all of my Natural Instincts to make Beast pate and now it's time for the blood starved Beast sadly this fast moving creature isn't stun locked by our R1 spam so I made use of some transform attacks instead the trick R2 also did great damage with its multiple hits the second phase poison spam is annoying as always but thankfully we brought the relevant pharmacutical to cure the poison also at least compared to the cause parasite run our damage is better so we can finish it off more quickly it's just a shame some idiot wasn't watching his health and died right afterwards oops luckily I might managed to get my Souls back and level up strength a bit more with blood starved Beast dead we now have an unfortunate run in with the long hooded arm of the lore and just like that time I ate those mushrooms I found in the forest I wake up in a prison cell but it's not all bad news there's a whole bunch of twin Bloodstone shards here as well as the moon Rune a not so great armor set which we quickly get rid of for gason and we send Adela the nun back to Cathedral Ward some more level UPS to strength and we upgrade our weapon to plus4 now for the real reason I came here to fight dark Beast par after doing this later in the last two runs where we absolutely annihilated him I had forgotten how Savage this fight can be at low levels where you get two shot by his attacks technically I only need to discover dark Beast Pole to do what I want to do with Jura but now I feel like I've got to beat him let's go farm for a few more things first though I get into the old abandoned workshop for the do set and the umbilical cord kill the Beast possessed soul and get up this elevator so I can open all the gates in Cathedral Ward doing this allows me to initiate Eileen's quest line one of my favorite MPCs in the game Adela then gives me some blood because why wouldn't she and then ien tells me about a hunter gone mad back in gon's Arena just like most Hunter fights in the game this is pretty tough but we got him second try with Eileen's assistance and Henrik is defeated meaning we can buy his armor from the Insight shop this armor has the highest bolt resistance in the game but is sort of like the bloodborne version of Kenny from South Park but anyway I go on a bit of a collector Thorn for twin Bloodstone shards on the way finding one of these damn triangle gems the absolute bane of my existence across oh hey wait this weapon actually has a triangle gem slot not bad with a plus six weapon and a few more level UPS combined with my armor with high bolt resistance I'm ready to go back to face par and I still get two shot Fant fantastic but the damage is vastly improved and I can actually break him down this time one thing I found work great was getting Underneath Him and doing a charge tricked R2 thanks to some good dodging and a few staggers towards the end Victory is finally ours I swap the top hat back instead of the Kenny headgear and we can now run on through the gate behind par into old jarum and it allows us to have an Armistice with jur to have a nice discussion was it worth it probably not honestly but hey at least I can say I've done it so let's head back to hemwick chal Lane now to easily grab the lake Rune and another Blood gemstone we also take on the witches who as always are no cause for alarm for this one I just stuck to clubbing them with the untried mode even with their swarm of cemetery Shades they get crushed easily under our might this of course gives us the Rune Workshop tool and as luck would have it we have several runes to put in already as well as a slightly better blood gem all right right let's get some mandatory bosses sorted starting with vica armelia in this fight it felt like the right time to bust out the transformation Combos and I'm glad I did when transforming from Club to tendril you can sometimes strike Amelia right in the face if you time it correctly at one point I was able to lay in a lot of damage thanks to an arm break getting rid of nearly 20% of her health in just a few seconds weirdly she never tried to heal here compared to the COA parasite run where it felt like she was constantly going for it strange how the RNG for her works like that but in any case we smash her into reindeer marmalade and Achieve Victory we level up and listen to master Willam the human barle spew some crusty nonsense while in his rocking chair should have got himself a comfy armchair instead we're also given eye of a blood drunk Hunter for DLC access as I went about killing a few enemies for fun I discovered the uncharged or two of of the trick mode is actually pretty good it does multiple hits and can easily take out this brick guy and even the octopus man here I think we're probably ready to head down into the Forbidden Woods now luckily I knew about the swinging Spike trap here so I was easily able to get out of the way and avoid it I grabbed this Arcane gem from down here just for the hell of it as well as this dirty gem before my character decided to have a relaxing soak in the poison motion control gestures suck with the shortcut to yanam opened I paid a visit to the clinic and grabbed the keur summons which I'm going to use right now my name is Baron's Castle although I wasn't going to attempt Marti McFly yet Kan Hurst was still a good place to come to to get some early Bloodstone chunks the enemies are probably a bit above our level but R1 spam still gets the job done there's a total of five chunks to grab which is just one upgrade but still it's something well back to to the Forbidden Woods now these snake men are normally pretty annoying but at least with the ones that haven't transformed yet it is actually possible to R1 stun lock them and not give them the opportunity to burst out making them easy to handle actually even the transformed version isn't too bad I added a few new gems we picked up to the mix grabbed another Bloodstone chunk and it was time for the shadows of yarum a lot of people tend to go for the fireball shooting Shadow first but I honestly find the sword wielder more annoying mainly for that extendo arm sword attack that yeets you from across the arena so I take him out first and then the candle guy who's a lot easier because even though he also has a sword he often defaults to spewing fire which is easy to get around and attack with just the fireball guy left this is pretty easy as this one has the least health and is easier to stun lock because he can't counter with a quick melee attack a few more transformed attacks and our prey is slaughtered despite the harmonious attack attack strategy I pumped our health and stamina a bit and consider our options we've got three Bloodstone chunks but it would be good if there was a way to get a few more to upgrade the weapon and would you know it there is a way we just got to wait here until we get strong armed into the DLC although quite a lot of the Bloodstone chunks are later on there's a few we can easily grab such as two from this scurrying Beast outside this cave which lets us upgrade our weapon to plus eight in preparation for ROM I also grab these blood pellets from back in the Forbidden Woods in Bergen worth we take out the gaping dragon and to my utter Delight Yuri here is very susceptible to the R1 stun loock I normally avoid fighting them at all costs because of how annoying the fight is but this completely trivialized it and I smashed their SMY face in if nothing else I give this weapon huge props for that I also crack Willam in the face and then realized I hadn't yet sold the do gear so I did that for huge profit and in termed some more level LEL ups with all that nonsense out the way we've got to deal with the next boss ROM and a whole Armada of pretty scary looking spiders even though the untried mode does blunt damage it didn't help too much with taking these spiders out I still had to use the strategy of hitting them from behind I actually made the effort to kill all the spiders at least in the first and second phases which I don't often do I tried to do the Beast blood pellet strategy twice but in the second phase she just kept spamming the AOE explosion so I just went in for the attack for the Final Phase I didn't bother with the minions and one transform combo was actually enough to get the job done I am actually really liking this weapon when the moon it turns red and we will soon be dead that's aore we pump strength even higher and then proceed to the ever joyous yaho ghoul where to be honest I just make a beline for the Bloodstone chunks the one good thing about coming here our weapon is now up to plus 9 and our next next opponent is one of the few bosses who's more armed than we are the one reborn I was praying that the damage would be okay given part of our offenses are Arcane I think I'm still traumatized from the ca parasite run after smashing the bell ringing woman in quick and unceremonious fashion I see something which causes my jaw to drop we stagger this atrocity in just four hits that almost brings a tear to my eye honestly from this point onwards I threw caution to the wind just look at that damage R1 smashes for the Stagger then a transformed combo and a couple more strikes to bring an end to this without too much issue I kept pumping up strength and then made my way to the lecture hall in an effort to mix things up I then chose the nightmare Frontier route first as opposed to the nightmare of mensis now number one question does the R1 stun loock work on the winter lanterns you're damn right it does now for amigdala where I'm supposedly going to be fighting it with one of its own arms but seriously what my weapon doesn't look anything like this thing's arms but anyway I wanted to come here early as I didn't want to just destroy amigdala like I did on the previous few runs and well this was indeed more of a fight it's not as easy to hit its head compared to the Gatling gun cause parasite or the Scythe but there's still a fair few openings after it slams when it gets low on health it actually disarms itself in an attempt to cause more damage and have longer range but this didn't help too much the range of the tricked mode came in handy for hitting the head and limbs when I needed and a couple more hits bring Amy down nightmare of menis is not a fun area especially when you've got this this and especially this now I was sely tempted just to cheese in with poison knives or the strap from the cause parasite video but I decided this time I would fight this annoying varment properly even if it did mean the potential of this happening on my next attempt I was able to survive the initial assault dodged through the second and then basically just bullied him in the corner until he dropped dead this was really satisfying pure Brute Force wins out now getting past melash is always a significant win because of what lies behind him more brain trusts that drop some of the best gems in the base game when they don't decide to screw me with Quicksilver bullets to make farming them a little easier I spent all of my insight and grabbed the frenzy protection Rune from earlier this made a huge difference especially because these guys take a lot more hits than the ones from The Nightmare Frontier earlier hopefully the next drop should be better really more bullets are you kidding me what the actual hell at least there's one here just laying on the bridge I get this equipped for a significant damage Boost Plus add the irune for more item discovery and finally this one decides to drop something different Pebbles I didn't even know they could drop them why would you make that a possible drop from these monstrosities a little frustrated I decided to drop the brain and grab the blood Rock first and then came back for one more round with these guys and finally start getting some good gem drops they also dropped to quite a few Echoes so I smashed in a few more level UPS to get strength to 50 added my gems and upgraded our beautiful appendage to plus 10 at last I feel like we're ready to take on the wet nurse and actually just keep noticing how many bosses in this game have a multitude of Limbs in any case given our previous EXP experience of fighting this boss with Arcane weapons you'll probably know that this isn't going to go well for nury a transformed combo early on takes off over 2,000 health and she loves just doing slow walks where I can easily get behind and lay in the damage a real Armature mistake really down she goes the biggest danger here was me dying of old age waiting for the nightmare slain text to pop up before we delve into the DLC there's a few other bits of business in the base game we need to clear up I went and grabbed the upper Cathedral water key but went to take out legarias first the reception we got from him was lukewarm at best I stuck mainly with r1s here just because he can counter very quickly especially in Phase 2 so I didn't want to be locked into a long animation the general safe Windows here are after any of his diving attacks I did try a Charged r two in trick mode to punish this but it's definitely riskier finally with a couple of R1 smashes he goes down give this weapon a try yourself for this boss there's a reason that M here is an anagram of triarm with this done there was one boss we had been missing for quite some time so we needed to go back and do it so onto upper Cathedral Ward a terrifying area with many paralyzing octopus men but thankfully from sof's iffy wall physics can really be handy here after getting the key we can go take on an army of blue bobblehead blumpkin boys impaling two of them with the tricked uncharged R2 was very satisfying our damage is massive and we actually get them down to less than 25% Health before Phase 2 even begins after this we use the sweeping tendrel to wipe out loads of the minions and one final R2 ends this pretty easy fight which I definitely didn't die to at all so eretus daughter of the cosmos to be honest with you I feel like I had a really lucky run with this fight this time round I've said it before but the difficulty of this fight really varies depending on how much she wants to slam the head versus how much she wants to do the charge here she barely did the charge but did the head slam a lot even in the Final Phase which is quite unusual during the phase transition we actually landed a transform combo that did over 3,500 damage which is pretty big sadly the trick mode can't hit the head as easily as the Scythe or the parasite could but it didn't matter too much given the propensity EBY had to put her head In Harm's Way during this latter section with her completed it was time to to stop putting it off and at last go back and fight the bloody Crow of can Hurst I think I've actually only done this fight once before not sure why that is oh now I remember this guy is insanely annoying he has loads of health and can slay you in a heartbeat if you're not careful I know you can cheese him at the stairs but I wanted to try do it properly eventually I found you can time trick charged AR to Pancake him just as he gets close and the extra tendril slash helps to keep chipping his health away with one final swing the bloody Crow is dispatched and we share a heartwarming goodbye with e well let's move on to the DLC with everything in the base get okay okay I'll stop trolling let's go take out the cleric Beast here you go but now it's truly time for the DLC H wow a Giant Cannon somebody should do a challenge run with that H well Ludwig is our first DLC boss a Heman eye mouth monstrosity one of the most terrifying creatures in the game as is pretty much always the case for me phase one is pretty smooth the transform combos absolutely destroy his health but the higher Arcane resistance he starts packing in Phase 2 plus my general habit of getting caught by his swings make this a bit tougher it's not as much of an issue as with the pure Arcane damage of the co parasite though I stuck with the R1 of untried mode for this just because it was quicker and thankfully despite a couple of close near deaths I managed to send this horse back to the farmlands afterwards I realized I had a cursed blood gem equipped that reduces the damage to beasts oops I grabbed the eye pendant which I always forget to do rode the elevator up lost to a fellow R1 spammer and then prepared to fight the Celestial Emissary think about how low a bar that is for a moment these guys can be pretty annoying as they like to time their attacks in Perfect Harmony especially all their slaps luckily sometimes you can hit several of them at the same time with wide swings and their hands in the air like they just don't care attack is a great chance to get damage in one final charged attack puts an end to this boss in my effort to keep rooting fresh I decided to do Lawrence now and don't worry this time I did remember to change my gems up so I didn't have the one reducing damage to beasts I actually took Lawrence kind lightly and that was a mistake I did loads of damage initially but then right before Phase 2 I got nailed for a huge hit which nearly finished me off that's Karma I suppose the Final Phase was also a bit sloppy I ended up with no vials remaining and he still had a fair bit of Health left the only thing that saved me was adella's blood from earlier by necking that it gave me just enough Health to get through and a couple of charged r2s followed by a solitary R1 slash bring this guy down well what about lady Maria with her Carm splatter following her attacks well remember earlier I talked about the R1 stunlock working well against human type bosses yeah it worked pretty great here I got her stuck in a corner at one point and she didn't use any hyper armor moves easy fight and now only one remains for the DLC I genuinely don't think I'll ever be good enough to be orphan in under 10 tries on any run there are a number of deaths but I did come up with a few good strategies visceral weren't going to do much but I charged R2 after the jump in untried mode followed by another charged R2 does a good chunk of damage I actually got lucky and got this in just before Phase 2 was going to start so he was down to about 1/3 Health at this point then when Phase 2 begins orphen goes wild deafening you with his Phil harmonic screaming honestly I couldn't really tell you what I did here but it mainly involved trying to get a Charged R2 smashing when I felt like I could I didn't manage to actually be right behind him to get the Stagger but I still got the damage in in the final stretch I gave into my base instincts spammed R1 and then finished him with a Charged R2 to At Last end this brutal encounter so let's finish this I gobbled some tasty umbilical cords for energy and then faced off against German a man with a big scythe and an annoying firearm phase one was fine R1 stunlock still worked here but when he glows blue he hyper armors a lot of his attacks so this won't work anymore instead I opted for a transform attack here and there and trick r1's for some good range he actually got a visceral on me at one point which was pretty hairy and I failed to time some charge tto on several occasions in a near trade at the end I finished off German for good the moon presence then tried to take me into its arms I rejected the hug it wasn't best pleased but it didn't matter because it did that 18 HP drain attack Stood Still for about 20 years and let me beat it to death with a transform combo so that's it bloodborne beaten with the amdan arm this was quite a good weapon actually usable the whole way through fun quirky both range and stagger and it wasn't a nightmare on certain bosses like the ca parasite was if you want to arm yourself with this Armament make sure to pick out a good armor to wear and join the amdan Army to cause great harm to the swarm of enemies throughout bloodborne there'll be no armor this here for sure if you enjoyed the video let me know which armor or armorment in bloodborne is your favorite in the comments below and of course if you want to help the channel out and be notified of new content when it comes make sure to hit the Subscribe button I appreciate you until next time I've been JK Leeds see you and have a good one
Channel: JK Leeds
Views: 79,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Soulsborne, Elden Ring, Challenge Run, Fromsoft, Bloodborne, Bloodborne Strength Build, Bloodborne DLC, Can You Beat Bloodborne
Id: G2rrmNABU2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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