Elden Ring but I'm a terrible wizard and can only cast progressively more random spells oh god help

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I decided to do a magic only run of Elden ring but instead of being able to actually pick and choose which spells I cast my equi spell will instead be randomly changing the entire time at the start we'll only be able to cast The Humble Glenstone Pebble but as I level up and get more intelligence more and more spells will be added to the pool some of which will be really great others not so much but because that alone of course wouldn't be chaotic enough for every boss I kill the spell rotation will get faster and faster and faster so that by the end it'll be completely impossible to tell what the fu my Gandalf knockoff is about to do now let's go get him grandle all right today we are playing a mage in Elden ring Unthinkable I know but the catch is that I have no idea what spell I'm going to have equipped at any given time so it's going to start out kind of slow where every 10 seconds I get a a new spell and then once we beat a boss we'll chop it in half and do every 5 seconds then after that we'll chop it in half again do every 2 and A2 and so on and so forth so we're going to get progressively less and less controllable spell usage it also will add all of the possible spells that I can cast to the pool as I level up my stats so like I'm going to start with a custom wretch that has the glimstone staff inside of the club because he starts with 10 in and if you don't know the cheapest spell is Glenstone Pebble which is 10 int so then once I hit 12 in you get like a bajillion other spells and then it'll cycle through all of those anyway without further Ado let's begin who should our guy be though I guess we should make him wizardly huh we're going to name him Grand and he's going to be Gandalf's cousin okay yeah I think that's about it he's ready for [Music] action all right grandle here we go three two one go bam see we only have Pebble to start and we don't even have Mana flast but I wonder if we could beat him anyway okay well that's all right all right look grandal's old okay first things first we have to level up so we have more than just Glenstone peev of course oh Gro you know he's not as pretty as Gandalf I got to say okay thanks for the horse bye all righty get my cash out $400 that is a little more than half a level up okay hold on we need more money all right 2,800 that's good now check this out bam wait for it bam new spell there it is oh there's another one swift cler bam do you think we could be marget just with this all right Marge here we go take this well okay Stone star sucks I got to say I am not impressed I blame blit of source uh I didn't bring any healing okay okay chill out to rest oh no These Foolish animations to rest oh [ __ ] you can charge it wow that it does a little bit more than a single uncharged Pebble Kill Daddy it's fine everything's fine see okay the problem here is that all of my Mage experience is using the same like four spells so this challenge will actually force me to you know use the other 80 what the marget has never done that in the history of the universe what the [ __ ] was that okay it's fine no I lived it's fine okay go go go go go go oh this is it bam baby got him dude GG all right so check this out it was every 10 seconds now every 5 Seconds let's get some int levels dude 14 gives us carrying slicer magic glimp blade and night main let's get 14 in and 15 M all right there's the two smithing Stones we needed yoink hello to think I'd meet a girl wizard out here to meet the time guys it's Parky looking into Parky that's going to be me in like two days Bam Bam all right plus two staff plus one flask I think we're good ow it's F Bight number two what up godri check this [ __ ] out yeah what do you think of that oh slicer yes please let s AR sure so I think the way it works is that if I don't have enough Mana to cast a spell it'll remove it from the pool so if I have like one Mana I'm pretty much guaranteed to get a slicer any slicer okay may maybe I'm not guaranteed it was a good theory though oh okay the phase transition slice oh God oh God oh God oh God no witness classic fire boo uh hey lady about that free trip it's a round table Bam Bam Bam all right now we're good round two good start there we go oh [Music] sorry grle oh [ __ ] the night man miss wait it's nuking hold on it's nuking I think it ignores his defense buff cuz it's flat damage rondle you're a genius except now I can't okay never mind it's fine oh here we go again and missed it missed okay guys okay like this oh that'll kill him that'll just straight up kill him adios I am the of all that is C night Maiden missed baby all righty what level for our next set of spells 15 gets his Frozen Armament Glenstone ice cck magic downpour shatter Earth Starlight and that's it all right also it's time for a new spell every 2.5 seconds Leia my homeland this is where Mages belong CH so I know if we're doing a mage build it's objectively a bad idea to do R lucaria but like I feel like any good wizard should establish dominance over the other Wizards just go full Voldemort for a second so let's go ahead and do that thank you sir you guys want to see some sick old man parkour check this [ __ ] out oh yeah all right doggy time okay yep got the catnip out yeah go crazy go crazy Bud that is so weird [Music] why does he do that [ __ ] oh more for the win perhaps get in there yeah bro night maid missed is the secret carry of this run all right time for another level up let's see at level 16 we get ooh great Glenstone Shard and unseen form all right I'm going to drop the spell change rate to 2 seconds something else we can get that'll be very helpful here is ragon icon that way our spell cast times are at least a little bit shorter bam getting hit there was all part of the plan go go go go go go go go go go ha we got him okay let's try ralo one time and when it inevitably fails we'll go get stop leveled [Music] up oh dear God God bro this might be the final boss of the Run yeah we might be going somewhere else first what if we go to Florida instead right so we can't do redaniel yet cuz we got to go to Altus right and rala is definitely not happening right now so I guess we're doing the forts all right check this out we've managed to cast unseen form they'll never see his coming now okay I think they saw us on to the next one all right here's uh here's what we're going to do in what Universe does this look like Gandalf's [Music] outfit hooray check this out still looks nothing like gandal up I guess the Ronnie drip would be semi accurate let's go beat up Loretta yo okay we can get plus six though bam massive all right ghost lady let's do this that's decent enough damage this mod actually makes you feel like a real wizard cuz like you're actually casting more than like two things up the phase transition all right come back stand in this [Music] bom oh [ __ ] all right it's fine oh come on night made Miss do it yes let's go bro that's like three fights in a row that night Maiden missed has hard carried now then 17 in unlocks Lucidity ravity well and carrying retaliation wow those are all not great let's just go ahead and go to 18 18 gets this Topps barrier rockling night Shard and Crystal burst as well oh and of course spell change every 1.5 seconds now what up running again we cross paths I believe I said my name was Rena bro Rena is the worst undercover name she changed two letters okay we can't actually get her outfit right now so let's get our ass to Altus and then go fight redon We Shall Pass that's a little gambal reference for you okay all right welcome to Altus first thing to do in Altus leave get the hell out of here oh wait y' hold up I wanted to get meteorite stuff come on got it baby all right now that's quite the upgrade all right redon time I think this will go fine honestly you know why cuz we've got the fellowship with us baby get out of here boys to battle like this and this oh God rockling is so slow oh rockling oh the classic night mans Miss again okay again mhm oh he's going to stand in that the whole time that's perfect this is perfect oh God I'm standing in it [ __ ] are we staggered all right not bad guys not bad but our fight is not finished yet good luck with that okay well we just lost like two Hobbits there goes Bor mhm all right just you and me huh it wasn't my best rle no dude what is that hitb what a gem of a move remember when we got really close that one time one time I got carried by Night mid M it's a valid play style okay well there it is look at him go yes that's a perfect time for night man to miss yes oh night M into this yes chunk them all right all right it was respectable damage go walk into that please yes rocks link for the wind let's go all right Jesus dude that was tough all right now then get me out of here guys what if in theory we just skipped all the way to 25 okay that got us magma shot Tera magicum Rock Blaster freezing blade fail barard star caring great sword gav of Hima and Cannon of Hima and spells now change every single second oh all righty you know what let's let's do a little bit of progress to that at least how is mimik tier going to work I'm going to assume that he's going to get stuck with whatever spell is selected when he spawns all right we can do this one of two ways I can try to time the spawn to give him a shitty spell or I can close my eyes wait a little bit and then just walk in and he can get a random spell all right here we go oh there we go what up other gandal what do you got so you have chosen death oh well that's annoying wow that spells so hard to dodge oh that did a lot less damage than I thought of it wow Canon of hia waa gay oh my god dude [ __ ] Saran you ped the way on oh oh no he just got Nitro it's not a whole lot better okay actually when you have infinite FP though it's pretty good [ __ ] brother he just presses the button every time I press the button I have to outrange him right it doesn't have that much range yeah just a little bit more forward there we [Music] go oh nice yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh night Maiden Mist I love you I'm actually not allowed to cast yes star light for good measure oh one more come on yeah baby get out of here get [ __ ] sarmon okay into 26 gets us Loretta's great bow yo nice new spell every .9 seconds there we go back to the lady there you go Str okay anyway can I go on Ren tower now here we go now that's gandal of I've ever seen him I mean I mean grandle I think it's DTS time now we get a lot of seeds here which is nice I'll actually have a decent amount of red [Music] blage ah Jesus Christ dude Cape off can you turn the cape off oh that's way more gandal dude hell yeah there we go and we are now gandal the slightly tinted blue Perfect all right bub bring it on oh okay okay okay okay okay okay let's go get a thing or two shall we bam oh God got him [ __ ] yeah dude he you know we did kill a boss so yes8 spell change rate all right from 26 in to 34 that gives us Shard spiral carry and piercer rap blade failinks meteorite adulla moonblade carrying failings those are all attacks so you know what we'll take it thank you any up yoink all right let's try this again rematch time oh dang yo that spell be kind of good though dang it he did the fast one dude all right uh cut that out rematch time cut that up re reatch time cut that out reatch time God God cut that up I can't afford a rudar oh God [Music] okay oh that was nice oh [ __ ] this is not nice okay know what the damage is worth it he's getting pretty low oh God yes okay wow that was pretty tough jeez Lise all in what is 37 get us oh this is big this is big Eternal Darkness thats not big but zammer ice storm linstone comar and collapsing stars and of course now now we get a new spell every 7 Seconds oh this is it yes easy 50k Baby Bam 60k even all right you know what spells on 38 chat night Comet all right gold freak bring it on buddy I think this is going to be a pretty easy one okay I just need to not get greedy like that go good old night Maiden miss doing work night Comet oh yeah dude one more [Music] more shattering Crystal for the win all right first try damn all right let's at least get to 42 that gets us Crystal release and that's it okay new spell every point 6 seconds all right before we go to morgot I think we should go get Azure Glenstone step [Music] yes Bam Bam Bam Bam okay this has 209 sorcery scaling and our old shitty staff had 231 see now we're gaming uh let's let's go get a somber six shall [Music] we this is an eight there we go there we go bam let's also get 43 intelligence while we're here cuz why not that unlocks stars of Ruin Morgan time here we go good start oh wow that fire is way faster with this thing holy cow foolish AMS to rest you know what I'm going to say that was my fault good damage holy [ __ ] this is so much more viable with this cast this is beautiful look at this I'm I'm dodging most things face do baby Crystal barage oh [ __ ] my 3 minutes is of uh okay just switch hands ow oh this will get him this will get him this will get him yeah not bad dude not bad at all your thoughts your ambition all the way to 49 in principles you what does it get us Loretta's Mastery Crystal torrent and that's it do it all right and of course spell change every 0.5 seconds Stargazer ruins baby jellyfish there you [Music] go it's so beautiful they saw the stars together bam now we're ready Bring It On Fire giant yeah that's a pretty good start oh my god dude I'm going sicko mode holy shees bro wait dude I'm nasty with nice one more H for phase two there it is Holy all right phase two this phas is definitely a lot harder to find an opening door can't up H into the dick oh night maiden's Miss could be big Shard spiral yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [ __ ] that move oh yes dude yes perfect oh here we go again holy [ __ ] come on yes dude oh my God first drop I can't believe we did that first try totally hitless we're kind of cooking all right I think we all know what 52 gets us yeah bounding reign of stars [ __ ] yeah dude and also comat I guess that's that's maybe helpful let's see can we get to 55 we can that's meteorite of a Stell 57 is not going us anything new but it's more damage so we'll take it what's up girl oh yeah also spell change every 0.4 seconds now I cannot believe how well that fire giant went dude that attempt was just magic got skin Duo time oh [Music] boy that's to block the fireballs it's all part of my plan I think that blocked him yeah this one's going to be [Music] toughy no yoink let's see [Music] I'm thinking we get one more attempt and if we don't do it then we'll just finish the run tomorrow [Music] instead damn [Music] okay okay she oh yeah just keep him in the night M this oh another night M missed [Music] yes oh this should kill him yes no no no no I didn't want to do this SP don't do this to me now are you kidding me our physic is out our damage is way down oh my God [Music] oh my God a frost proc could be huge walk into that yes oh my God okay let's see 62 gets us to Comet Azure that's not good honestly oh yeah also sorry spell change every. 3 seconds oh Christ what a prank all right let's get our somber 10 stuff bam baby talk off DTS all right malakith at least we can pretty confidently say that this will definitely not be as bad look at that damage nice nice nice y it right here boy with it yeah yeah oh no oh okay made it to bakth face oh that's got to be death yeah I think right there after that attack is probably my safest opportunity damn it Lucidity okay we got one teram magican Knight coming off we take it good comment oh night Miss get back here oh okay it's fine it's fine it's fine no I wanted Char spiral no no no no no CH how did it all Miss coming okay one more spell nice Shard yes okay little close for a second there all right Legend fell baby lell time let's see here we can get to 67 intelligence that unlocks not actually wait 68 all right Ronnie's Dark Moon is in the building oh and also of course spell change every. 2 seconds that's going way too fast now Gideon my fellow Mage we just got to pray that we get some powerful spells as he's doing his little speech after that it's going to be pure chaos dude you know let's see what happens I knew you'd come to stand before the El okay she'll take the throne oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my God no thought well come on tops his barrier oh my God I think that should be able to block that quite frankly okay now we're totally [ __ ] [ __ ] God if I could just survive one Comet it would help so much spell Drake Talisman that might solve our issues hey there we go all right 54 magic negation that's pretty good here we [Music] go nice yep [Music] nice nice oh we lived yo it worked good comment oh yep yep yep yep keep walking Bud there we go yes oh come on night M Miss get there get there damn it dude he's too smart oh unless okay oh my god dude he's one hit that's it yes let's go dude all right literally all we needed was to not get one shot who would have thought all right it's time 70 in rala full moon is online oh oh and of course the moment we've all been waiting for new spell every .1 seconds oh God yeah this is 100% random at this point all right Godfree [Music] rematch first time around this guy was kind of easy although I guess this time I can't see what I'm casting so that definitely might complicate things a bit oh moon nice all pH transition okay yeah those Stomps are going to be problematic okay this is definitely our best opportunity here no question Highly Questionable that wasn't too bad I think we just try [Music] again good okay okay okay he's transition all right not bad not bad not bad all right [Music] Oro o oh wow the face transition already yeah I feel like this is the only save attack to punish at this point okay oh God okay worked out it's fine it's fine it's fine another one woo [Music] okay oh night man miss that could be it I just got to get him INE yes yes yes yes yes yes yes go come on nice th strength okay H not bad at all not bad at all all right is this enough to get bubble yes wow both bubbles all right all we're missing is the faith Sorcerers how much Faith do I need to get all of them I need to get to 30 Faith all right before we go to the final boss we have at least one thing we need to take care of right we've got to get revenge oh also yeah okay okay I mean there's not much point in making it go faster at this point but 0.5 sure I'm sorry 0.05 guys do not look directly at the spell sctor okay it's not good for your eyes here we go so Ral has 80% magic resists but I mean we are way overleveled for the fight at this point so maybe it's fine also not every sorcery does magic damage that was maybe slightly overkilled but you know some [Music] kind definitely not the best damage I could just staff FK I guess is Staff FK legal we've done it before I think it's legal that's a good idea holy oh my God the meteor come on we can make phase two [Music] a man up all right we have five Mana bars to kill her here hopefully it's enough we just need some gravity spells I mean that was already pretty decent in oh yeah there we go what the [ __ ] was that that was weird all right made it to Phase 2 this is honestly going pretty well so far the summons complicate things without a doubt nice only two FP bars left that might be good for the dogs actually yeah I'll take that last FP bar uh we are [ __ ] dude Come O giant I need these to hit her not the giant he hit the giant oh you know what I'll take that that wasn't bad show me meteorite yeah but sure and we are out of Mana do I have Starlight Shard I have one okay ow [ __ ] off bubble yes oh my god oh come on that's it my okay hey dude dominance asserted 025 you know we could just do a little bit of farming T we're done all right we're ready every spell is in the pool let's finish this take this okay uh good start how about that okay that was actually pretty decent damage at least yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah great spell nice roll damn not bad though definitely not bad also yeah I keep waiting for him to Parry a spell so I can go oh no he buried spell but he he's not doing it oh no he parried my spell uh Rago might be problematic though God damn I don't even think lack of Reds is a problem here I'm I'm dying before I run out of red oo that was close this could be the alen Beast run D [ __ ] that Bove it's literally always that Bove come on I just want to see alen Beast I don't want to beat him I mean I do but I don't expect to beat him I just want to get an idea of what we're in store for you oh my God one more perfect move come on yes all right R to go down just how bad will Elden Beast Be oh [ __ ] God yeah that's a problem at least he has pretty good openings for SP what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh there's some damage okay okay okay oh rattling boys yeah oh here comes the ELD of stars okay just survive oh [ __ ] there's a wall [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh moon oh come on come on okay bro I was not aware the moon track that hard that was nuts I'm dead woo oh God last bar we need some big spells well night M's Miss that's decent no my own night maidens M [ __ ] me it hit me one time I could have lived otherwise no yeah we just need to go in with a few more flasks maybe having a backup Starlight Shard wouldn't be a bad idea either uh where have I not collected seeds Bam Bam hello Mr [Music] snail okay you know what that was easy as [ __ ] well more speed for that I mean fine sure 01 2 five is that half it's close enough right oh my Lord dude yeah that's every frame is a new spell oh boy this is it we're not farming it tempted to get another Runar though Runar helps a [ __ ] ton damn oh no God I thought Brier was going to kill us there Dang if I was directly on him that would have nuked there we go [Music] h you pretty good start okay okay okay not bad bro what is happening Jesus [ __ ] Christ he's tweaking the [ __ ] dude you just be normal please here we go okay okay okay not bad rattle him yeah all right triple Rings no jump memes please thank you here we go again okay my God bro what the [ __ ] it just has my number this time okay okay whatever we're fine Starlights I'm not Loretta's B that was breed him oh nice dude oh this going to be it come on big spell big spell dude staff bug the staff bug finish oh my God we've done it g G's okay oh I'm so proud of grandle time baby man that took way longer than anticipated that was like three straight hours on riding on Al Beast bro the staff Bon finish is Iconic I'm I'm very pleased with that I'm very very pleased with that oh what's next [ __ ] NPC Ronnie stream yeah rondle baby dude is showing off the goods my God all right that was a pretty cool run dude honestly that was way more entertaining and interesting and difficult than I thought it' [Music] be [Music]
Channel: LilAggy
Views: 1,612,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lilaggy, lil aggy, elden ring sorceries, elden ring mage build, elden ring randomizer, elden ring spell randomizer, elden ring random spells, elden ring sorcery randomizer, elden ring random sorceries
Id: jz1zycdn3FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 36sec (3576 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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