I Survived 100 Days As a PACIFIST on Project Zomboid

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project Zomboy is one of the more difficult survival games out there so today I thought why not challenge myself a little by attempting to survive 100 days without killing a single zombie or using a simple offense crate fence exploit to stop zombies from passing to me if there was some qol mods along with pillows random spawns to really spice things up in terms of sandbox settings I set helicopter events to sometimes and darkness during night to Bright so that you guys can see what happens if I decide to retire from Reddit and walk outside for traits I went with thin skin high thirst slow healer claustrophobic conspicuous pacifists for obvious reasons prone to illness smoker weak stomach slow reader speed demon cat-sized dexterous Outdoorsman Runner fast learner organized Stout and athletic [Music] as you can tell the build is entirely focused on Fitness and Agility if I can't kill any zombies I want to have the luxury to at least outmaneuver them you guys know how I've always wanted to work with a certain mobile game I think I've literally talked about it in like every stream for over a year now well imagine this what if I don't know said Legend came lurking from the Shadows almost a uh raid if you will that little guy was so excited to talk about raid that we decided to throw him a party for raid's fourth anniversary to surprise our little guy we even invited four of his favorite Champions first on the list is the underpriest brockney a legendary dwarf who we badged into making a celebrity guest appearance next on the list we have the royal guard serving as our security for the night since they can literally paralyze enemies while dealing insane amounts of damage for our third guest we invited herndig to be the life of the party this is due to the fact that his passive lets him boost his turn meter every time he takes a hit so we can keep the party going all night long and finally we have gen Toro because we needed someone to cut the cake and who better to do that than a literal Samurai rage Shadow Legends is constantly expanding with its newest features introducing a live PVP Arena letting you battle against other players this is actually my favorite feature in the game and comes with a ton of rewards and I'm talking new artifact sets fragments for a legendary void champion and special live Arena crests that unlock powerful new bonuses in the Great Hall with all this exciting stuff and more coming to raid if you haven't started playing near them what are you waiting for use the link in my description or scan my QR code to get some insane bonuses like an epic Champion some energy refills magic potions and X pre-brews which will help get you an edge in the competition when you're first getting started once you're in and completely invested like me and all the other cool kids go ahead and look me up my in-game name is trades from there you can come raid with me he said it remember to hit my link in the description and I'll see you out there meet Seymour heinies an edgy My Chemical Romance Enthusiast who lives at home with his parents who just don't understand him even though he's 34 and still has all-time low posters hanging up in his room it looks like I spawned in a warehouse which makes sense right just spot me in a perfect weapon spawn location and not allow me to use any of them I'll grab some basic necessities like a hammer a wrench some cabbage seeds and all that before stumbling onto a machete [Music] checking the map it looks like we spawned in Louisville we're next to the water and on the far northeast side of the map Great this isn't all that bad though there's a construction site just out of town that I can base up at with surrounding fences which should make for an interesting time big issue is just getting through Louisville and skate walking outside I found a van in pretty good condition along with two zombies wandering towards me after looping them around a nearby car for a few minutes I realized how stupid I was for not just locking them in the warehouse with their other Blue Collar constituents from there I was able to hotwire the car and hit the road not bad for day one the hardest part of my day came with a military checkpoint when I had to move the barricades to pass through the best method I could come up with was to pull all the zombies into a giant ball kite them into the grass then Sprint back to move one barricade moving past the checkpoint I sort of zoned out and didn't realize I'd already passed the construction site not willing to risk heading back at this point I set off for a smaller summer camp on the outskirts of Louisville arriving there around sunset because I went with claustrophobic I'll only be able to sleep in large open rooms until I can find some beta blockers so I chose the front entry Lounge as the best possible spot for me to sleep I can hear some zombies around somewhere but they sounded like they were behind a door so I didn't really think too much of it and went to sleep on the couch waking up early the next morning I began looting the camp there's a TV on the second floor that I can use for life and living after looting the upstairs area I found my way into the medical room where I discovered some cabinets housing my nurse cosplay outfit aside from that I spent the morning going door to door and pulling each zombie out individually before luring them into the woods like someone on To Catch a Predator before circling back to safety of course [Music] moving on to the other buildings in the area I found a school bag on the floor which I desperately needed in the cabinets I found an alarm clock so at least now we know what time it is [Music] foreign [Music] cabins I found some cultist zombies along with military clothing the last place to loot was the cafeteria inside I found all the cabinets were full of books pens and pencils no wonder everyone died here this should be a great location to Grant out some carpentry XP though as long as I'm able to pull the zombies out of the area beforehand this isn't my forever home by any means but it's definitely a good place to level some skills early on it's a bookstore and a market just north of here that should set me up pretty nicely for a week or so the only issue it's right next to the Valley Station Mall since I've been rocking stealth so far normally I wouldn't think much of this but because I picked conspicuous stealth in urban environments is effectively useless I wanted to take my car but decided against it for now since I could lose the zombies easier walking back into the woods and it just didn't make that much sense to me to try to maneuver the streets of Louisville right now while walking I found a body and got incredibly Lucky by finding a digital watch on its course I was able to snag it off ever before the nearby zombies could grab me and with that we had the date and can effectively ditch the alarm clock though I think I'll hang on to it for now since it could come in handy if I need to move zombies later [Music] foreign [Music] the zombies around wasn't too difficult since I could just Spam shot to group them together then walk the largest pile into the forest nearby [Music] [Music] with only a few dozen left around I was able to successfully enter the bookstore [Music] there were a few zombies inside to worry about so I pulled them out and made one large loop around the building re-entering and looting again before having to bail I walked away with carpentry one two and five electrician 5 farming 2 first aid 2 3 and 4 metal working one and trapping one two and three along with fishing magazine that I can make fishing nets with it's not perfect but it's a good start another thing I'm doing since I can't kill zombies and loot their clothes is I'm taking all the clothes off the pre-spawned corpses on the ground I crimped up into sheets and used those sheets for thread to boost my protection later on now that I have some knowledge it's time to focus on food there's a fast oil not too far away from me right on the outskirts of West Point I need fuel anyway so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone and hit it up the drive up wasn't bad at all and even moving the initial horde away from the gas station wasn't too bad either [Music] the issue for me came with the remaining two to four zombies lingering around I got scratched while trying to push the zombie off because I didn't realize I was holding gas cans in both hands but outside of that I was able to fill up the van and two gas cans before heading inside the gas station to loot it thank you from a food perspective it wasn't great I got some bags of chips and some soda but in terms of cigarettes I should be set for almost the entire playthrough the last spot I wanted to hit up over here was the Self Storage nearby the reason being each unit counts as an individual garage spawn which means they self-storage pois have the largest chance for generators to spawn in them I woke up the next morning to see it raining outside I have two packs of cabbage seeds so I figured that would be a great time to plant them it gives me a few days to find a generator mag keep the freezers powered up after power finally goes out here by the time I dug furrows and planted the Cabbage seeds it was already noon so I decided to spend the rest of the day sawing logs and disassembling Furniture to hit carpentry level 2. day six is where I get risky I need a generator magazine to survive long term but there's nowhere near me that I can search for that that won't end up with me being killed at least with limited options I turned to the West Point School since it has a fairly large library in it if I can't find it there I was just going to start going door to door through the nearby houses to see if I could get a lucky spawn I chose to drive to the fossil I traveled to on day four and park there heading into West Point on foot because I'm a dump I got distracted while on FaceTime and forgot to record the first half of the day luckily I noticed this when I got to the school and started recording before looting the library so that you get to watch me find a generator mag on one of the bookshelves because you didn't get to experience the streets of West Point with me earlier I figured it's only worth it that you get to watch me walk back to the van so I can showcase how easy West Point is with normal spawns all in all I left the school with a generator mag along with magazines for hunting cooking farming metal working and carpentry books three and four [Music] foreign [Music] now that I'm effectively set up for long-term survival the next step is to start grounding skills so I spent all of day seven just reading my skill books I got lucky and caught two life and living episodes which leveled me up to carpentry 3 and foraging one this continued into day eight as well since I have a slow reader these books take forever even when I'm just starting volume 1. at this point I'm confident that I could survive 100 days here easily I have a generator fuel crops security and enough Force scenario to Loop tens of thousands of zombies around here but that'd be boring because of this I loaded up the car with most of the gear I had here and made plans to set off to build my own base it'll take some time and I'm not ready to leave here just yet especially with my cabbage is growing but setting up a small camp near my new base location will help set everything in motion this may look like a wonky location now and it probably is but I promise this will be worth it whenever I get around to building the next morning I watered my cabbages and spent the entire day grinding out Carpentry By disassembling everything I could get my hands on around 1 30 in the afternoon I got my first heli event if you don't know you can actually hide from these pretty easily just by sitting indoors it'll attract any nearby zombie sword to location but they won't have any pathfinding on you until you step outside or near a window so you can effectively Dodge the entire event by just trapping yourself in the closet like Tom Cruise or R Kelly on day 11 I leveled up my carpentry to level 4 and spent the rest of the day reading carpentry vol 3. in order to get started on my new base I'll need some fire or wooden axes luckily for me there is a massive City just north of my current location that is fire stations and warehouses of which I set out for on the morning of day 12. I made it to the larger Warehouse that evening before spending some time kiting the nearby zombies around the other side of the fencing and hopping back over [Music] I didn't find any wooden axes but I did walk away with two hand axes along with a ton of seeds and nails to use since it was already so late I ran up to the rooftop and slept on a plastic chair waking up the next morning to find a zombie just staring at me straight out of a scene from Paranormal Activity because I inched my leg after getting jump scared in the morning I decided to head back to the campground until it healed up I was working my way through a trailer park when I found a truck belonging to a fire station with an ax inside giving us a solid option to use for log Gathering though we'll need several more goal is simply to get back heal up and then use my van to drive out to the fire station in Rosewood to grab any other easy fire ax spawns I made it back to base late that evening on day 14 I set off on my quest to hit up some of the other cities on the map in search of axes my first stop was at the West Point Hardware Store there's an unmarked one on Main Street in between a post office and food market that I stopped at first found a sledgehammer and an ax in the first hardware store which was a huge win for me when I went to leave though I opened the door to about two dozen Jehovah Witnesses so I had to flee to the second store where I found some snacks but nothing of any real value back on the road I made my way to the four-way intersection with the gas station and clothing store and stopped here to fuel up getting much more confident my ability to kite zombies away from areas or looting the gas station I found a ton of water chips and cigarettes along with another generator mag in the parking lot I found another van with keys in the glove box that I was able to start up this one is in much better condition than my current vehicle so I moved all my loot over fueled this one up and continued on my way at one point I just gave up and decided to sleep on the side of the road before continuing the following morning [Music] my first Target was the McCoy logging not only is it full of crafty materials that we need but there's also a chance for wood axes to spawn in the crates just down the road from McCoy I found a truck parked with some cones laid out on the floor next to the car was a sledgehammer so I carried three zombies into the field before looping around for the Sledge there were a decent amount of zombies loitering around the warehouses so I grouped them up and led them into the forest to the West before looping back around after looting the two warehouses I had only managed to find one ax which was less than stellar heading to Rosewood the roads were completely covered in zombies to stop myself from hitting any I moved slowly and would back up to create a louder noise radius pulling zombies in One Direction before moving the opposite this was super effective in clearing the roads ahead of me but would make the return Journey near impossible I made it to the Rosewood fire station just before 1pm and tried to hit the garage fast before too many zombies could group up on me the fire station was much more lucrative giving me seven fire axes though two of them were effectively broken regardless it was a massive Hall [Music] I think we all know this won't be a preds video if I didn't Paul Walker a light pole [Music] the drive back was pretty easy I headed north more towards the center of the map before turning East essentially bypassing all of muldra I decided to stop at a farmhouse for the night since I didn't want to have to drive back to base in the middle of the night with all the zombies on the roads yeah on day 16 I made my way back to the four-way intersection where I swapped fans after cutting some zombies into the woods I pinned one under me while I refilled my car and the gas cans that I looted on my journey further down the road I found a lug wrench and a car jack that I looted from a wreck in the middle of the road after dropping off my gear at the build site I headed back to the campground to check out my cabbages they're ready for Harvest but I wanted to wait until they were seed bearings so that I could get a decent return at this point I'm just waiting on the cabbages before fully transitioning to the build site so I spent my time grinding out the next sprinting level before burning through any skill books that I had access to the power went out on day 17 while I was reading other than that nothing really happened I just continued to enjoy my book club of one it's my book club join us I'm still waiting on my cabbages I decided to spend the day foraging at least until I hit level two after sitting around for three days waiting for something amazing to happen I walked outside on day 19 to see my cabbages were finally ready giving me 82 cabbages and 246 seeds with everything taken care of it's time to move over to the build site where I'll be spending a considerable amount of time over the next two months after organizing my gear into set piles I realize I need sheet rope well I don't need it but it'll help substantially so I set off our West Point to loot some of the houses using three pieces of clothing and a sheet I made four rope which I realized would not be nearly enough for what I was hoping for so after spending the night in my car I set back out for West Point [Music] Big Challenge of a pacifist run is the ability to kite zombies out of the areas that you want to enter or at least minimize the amount in the vicinity this is something I consider myself fairly proficient in doing but it can also make the game a little boring since sometimes all I wanted to do was just take out a crowbar and queue up a massive zombie killing Montage since I can't do that I tried to keep things interesting thank you [Music] foreign accumulated 13 sheet room which would be more than enough to get the job done with everything taken care of I turned my attention to committing Mass deforestation using all the axes I'd accumulated so far I spent all of day 21 continuing my quest to slay The Lorax and everything he held dear to it and by that I mean I chopped down more trees on day 22 I woke up to it raining and figured now would be a great time to plant some more cabbages since my Supply had just gone stale after that I turned my attention back to chopping down trees again while continuing the process on day 23 I got hit with my second heli event which was a little unnerving since I just spent all morning slamming an ax into wood and was not only exhausted but ridiculously tired as well to compensate I hopped in my car and started driving around until the heli event left hopefully pulling any zombies near the build site with me [Music] making my way back was much more difficult than I thought it was going to be with all the zombies in the middle of the road I just spammed my horn to try and group them up before trying to outmaneuver my way through them foreign zombie off in the distance so I just hope they didn't make their way over to me moved into the passenger seat and went to sleep the zombie was still there the next morning so I did a small walk through the area trying to pull any stragglers out before ditching them across the river by West Point after that it was back to chopping down more trees continued for several days until I thought I had enough logs to accomplish my building plans while that and to be honest I was just getting tired of doing the same thing over and over all day on day 28 I got to work sawing all the logs seems easy enough right well yeah it may be easy but it's also incredibly time consuming thank you after spending two full days doing nothing but sawing planks I finally finished up with a total of something like 3 000 planks give or take a few hundred the big issue now is that I have no food left we'll have a few units of canned food but nothing substantial on top of that my potatoes are going to take at least a few more days before they're ready to harvest so for now we'll have to put this on pause and spend a day or two restocking our supplies on the morning of day 30 I set off for the Giga Martin West Point this was the closest grocery store to me and gave me the fastest method of gathering any non-perishables that I'll need thank you [Music] I only got to do one looting run in the morning because while I was pulling zombies out the back room I accidentally held shift near window and jumped through giving me a deep wound in my right hand which was a skip out on Gwyneth Paltrow's candle shop and head back to the build site to Stitch myself up that being said I still managed to lose a few weeks worth of food couple that with my potatoes and we're gonna be just fine foreign starting on day 31 I began the process of building my base starting with the platform I built out a 4x4 lanes that I can drive cars on it without issue I might expand it to five tiles down the line but for now four should be more than enough [Music] I finished up the platform portion on day 34. I ended up choosing to add a fifth tile all the way out just so that I didn't run the risk of totaling my car because I drifted slightly in any direction I basically just built straight out until I leveled up carpentry to level 6 and began working on moving all the planks out to the edge I spent the rest of day 34 and most of day 35 reading carpentry volume 4. [Music] on Day 36 I woke up to find that I had drank my last soda and was completely out of water because of this I felt compelled to head back to West Point going door to door to find water coolers if they're wandering around for a while I did stumble into a bathroom where I was able to fill up 17 water bottles and bring them back to the build site [Music] foreign I started on the walkway up to the base I went with a larger open rectangle so that I could park cars and turn around here from there I built a pyramid sale path up to where the main section of the base will be I spent most of day at 38 working on that pyramid section but it turned out pretty ugly since we're in the isometric camera angle so I filled the rest of it on day 39 and built a small pathway leading to the entrance of what would be the base I also got hit with my second heli event which brings me to a key point of this base we're too far into the middle of nowhere for any zombies to be pulled in from the hell event making us completely safe whenever it happens after building out the airlock I expanded the open area once again so that I could stack cars here without risking it becoming too cluttered day four they saw me building up the actual foundation of the base itself I had the walkway done the garage was all but decorated now I just need to build the actual building [Music] foreign I took a break from construction on day 45 to harvest my potatoes and read farming Vol 2. I ended up with 63 potatoes and 192 more potato seeds with those I wanted to wait until my cabbages hit their next curl stage that I could essentially have an endless supply of crops to harvest oh awesome my weight is now down to 69. nice nice so we'll have to address that at some point it's not the biggest concern since that 20 melee damage production doesn't impact us but the endurance loss and chance to fall definitely does the next day I hit Coventry level 8 while working on the garage so I spent the rest of day 46 in all of day 47 reading carpentry Volume 5 to finish off that skill while building up a roof on one of the bedrooms I became Jesus when I jumped off the platform and began walking on water Checkmate atheists at this point I ended the day off a building and it came out the perfect time since I just ran out of water sending me back into West Point once again we wanted to stop by the gigamart as well to see if there were any butter or margarine in the fridges that I could use to cure my anorexia [Music] I came away from the grocery store with three margarine and three lard along with a sack of rotten cabbages now the cabbages don't really matter to me but having an empty sack will help us move dirt into the base to use as a garden after leaving the grocery store I headed into the suburbs to refill my water bottles bathtubs seem to work best just because they hold the most water in them all right now that our immediate needs are taken care of back to building [Music] [Music] [Applause] while building out the master bedroom on day 54 I got hit with another heli event I whipped hello to the Kobe Bryant killer and got back to work since we're too far off the land for the helicopter to pull any zombies over at this point unfortunately I ran out of planks that evening meaning it was back to chopping trees once again at this point I realized the video has essentially divulged into a base building project but there's only so much kiting I can do in one video before it becomes overly stale so I decided to put a focus on building something wacky and then Furnishing it with items so I can dismantle or steal from the surrounding cities this way I can keep it fun for me and still show off some pretty intense zombie kiting with actual purpose instead of just walking into the city for the sake of content I also came up with a new method for logs instead of sawing all of them and driving the planks to the base I was just loading up the van with log Stacks then delivering those to the garage section go go go go go go go go go go it looks like zombies are finally starting to wander into the initial build site I needed to move them before I could continue so I spent the morning grouping up all the zombies in the area before leaving them over the bridge and looping back around through the train tracks I chose the bridge here because there's two barriers for the zombies to need to hop over there's also a chance to experience pathing issues with all the wrecked cars on the bridge making it easier to lose them here once I made it back I got to work moving my logs again this was until another group came wandering over I pulled those zombies further to the east before circling back and harvesting my cabbages stopping to read farming vol 3 when I hit Level 4. day 57 saw me kiting a single zombie around so that I could effectively spend the entire afternoon sawing planks I'm not sure if this will be enough honestly I'd still have to do all the walls the roofing and then add rain collectors and doors but I guess we'll just have to see the only issue I've run into so far is that some of the walls can only be built from the outside forcing me to platform out to them in order to add a wall it's not the end of the world by any means just not something I was anticipating [Music] foreign Max my carpentry skill in the process of using the last of my planks this was basically a repeat of the last tree chopping Escapade I was only able to gather about one Trip's worth of logs before the zombies came wandering over forcing me back to the base for the night the frustrating aspect of this challenge came down to dealing with small groups of zombies every time I thought it was clear to work two to four zombies would walk over and I'd end up spending hours kiting them around in order to do something simple like make log stacks they didn't pose much of a threat but they are annoying to deal with when you can't just smack them until confetti pops out eventually I was able to come up with another 240 planks which should at least be enough to wall in the rooms at the base which is conveniently what I spent all of days 62 and 63 doing it's worth noting as well I really don't need anything for ring collectors since I can just drink from the river for those that don't know even with a weak stomach you can drink from the river as long as you don't spam it you'll only get nauseous which will go away after a few hours giving you an endless supply of water on the morning of day 64 I found a single zombie roaming the ground floor of my base it must have followed me back here last night luckily it was just one so I spent the early morning pulling it all the way back to land before circling back to my roof thought by sunrise I also finally built out a campfire to allow me to boil water and make stews soups and other Foods via cooking after filling up on some more water bottles I set out to acquire doorknobs and hinges as well as any furniture I could fit in the van West Point has become stale at this point so I set my sights on a neighborhood just outside of Louisville of course the first house I enter sets off an alarm pulling in hundreds of nearby zombies trying to hide from said zombies I moved up to a car and when I went to open the trunk at this point I decided to focus on hinges and doorknobs and leave the furniture for another run since I'd already pulled any zombie in a 50 mile radius I was able to make it back to base that evening though not without visitors at this point I was just hoping the van would be enough to stop them from entering after spending the morning of day 65 needing more zombies over the bridge I circled back around for yet another round of tree chopping and law Gathering yourself on day 66 I set out to find another vehicle if you're wondering why I need a new one when I have a van I spent the day in West Point since that was the closest city to me and gave me the best chance to find more vehicles I was actually able to get into a couple and even Hotwire them but didn't have enough time to fill them up and get out due to the amount of zombies around [Music] by early afternoon I had wandered over to the school and began working my way back down on the Northern end of the city until eventually I found a beautiful Corvette just sitting in a driveway laughs the key was already in it and it just needed fuel [Music] I was able to successfully bait zombies behind a house before looping back around filling up the car and getting it back to base the car itself isn't necessarily great for what I need it for but it's better than nothing [Music] j67 saw me building out a gate and adding the first door of the airlock before running into doorknobs I picked a small called the sack on the southern end of West Point near a church and got to work pulled a large group of zombies into the trees to meet the Viet Cong before looping back around to get started now the big brain Strat here was to bait zombies into hitting the doors to break them passively so that I didn't need to make myself vulnerable by breaking them myself [Music] using this method I was able to loot seven hinges and five doorknobs along with a comfy blue chair [Music] now that I have some materials I got back to work on the base building out the three remaining doors after that I got to work in the last wall section of the base before running out of planks and getting hit with yet another heli event later on in the day while I was shaving I noticed a zombie had broken through half of the Gate of the garage entrance resulting in me leading it all the way back to land pulling in about a dozen additional zombies and guiding them into the trees [Music] day 69 saw me building out the garden above the garage since I only have one sack and each sack Can Only Hold four tiles of dirt this took a ton of time to run back and forth placing four tiles then running all the way back down the path to refill [Music] continued into Day 70 when I got taken from behind luckily it was just a laceration to the head and not a bite foreign the next morning I got to work picking up all of the leftover logs in the original build site I got overconfident again while sawing logs and took a shot to the neck once again getting extremely lucky that it wasn't a bite after baiting the zombie around I moved the Corvette in front of the damaged gate and got to work using the rest of the Planks on the base well that was the plan anyway what ended up happening was I had to pull a crawler all the way back to land like I was holding it while my friend spun the mystery box for a ray gun [Music] that evening I realized that I was completely out of food so we'll need to fix that tomorrow since it was raining and I'm lazy I took the morning to plant my crops in the base Garden even though I'm currently starving to death [Music] after planting some cabbages and potatoes I hopped in the vet and headed off to the mechanic shop just outside of West Point [Music] should be relatively easy to get access to and has a small break room that has some food as well as a water cooler that I can take advantage of oh and I also took a souvenir with me for the road day 73 and 74 saw me finishing up the build portion of the vase well at least all that I was willing to put effort into this was really just the final Walling of the bedroom along with the finishing of the Rooftop [Music] at this point I was at a food again and still have a few more days to go on my potatoes given the excuse to leave the area again I set off for a town next to a particularly phallic shaped pond I know it's a little out of the way but there's not as many zombies there it's got a gas station and a farming and hardware store that I can take advantage of you can also grab some furniture while I'm there and maybe even find a vehicle with a larger trunk I arrived at the gas station around noon and got to work moving zombies out of the area the big issue with this area that I didn't think about is that there's no trees anywhere to lose the zombies in so they can see you from an incredible distance meaning I have to pull them way out of town circle back and then hope for the best [Music] thank you what ended up happening was Every Time I grabbed a few dozen another group would Wander over before I got back because zombie migration in this game has been completely broken for like five months now and zombies can't stand to see an empty tile on the map after repeating this process for about six hours I gave up on gas and headed over to the shops to see if I can find anything useful I ended up finding some seeds and a few watering cans at the farmer shop before making a loop through the neighborhood to try to find another vehicle with this trip and abject failure I gave up and decided to head back nearly empty-handed after getting back early in the morning of day 76 I slept in and spent the rest of the day moving all my gear from the initial build site into the actual base once I had a giant pile I began the process of organizing everything on day 77 I headed back to West Point to finally start Furnishing the base this took the entire morning since I had to maneuver my car through all the zombies then pull them together and kite them away from the furniture store before looting a simple desk after throwing that into the trunk I repeated the process to get back in and grab a coffee table along with a blue couch to match the blue chair in the bedroom [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] getting back to base that afternoon I turned the bedroom into a mini office before heading up to chop some trees in order to build out a loot and storage area day 78 saw me building a library in one of the bottom rooms along with a general storage area in the second floor I began building at a bar in the lobby but ran out of planks once again once I was out of planks I spent the rest of the day decorating with the furniture I had placed so far as well as move my giant pile of loot into the Tower of crates that was my storage area the next morning I harvested some of my potatoes I only grabbed five of the crop tiles here so that I can stagger how many I have on me at a time effectively giving me more sustainability so that they don't all go stale before I can eat them this should give the crops on the garage more time to grow as well to keep stock of all this I set out to find another ice freezer they can typically be found in gas stations so I took the risk and set off for the four-way intersection that I swapped Vans at all that time ago I traveled on foot so that I could potentially grab another car there and bring it back with me thank you I managed to reach the intersection by early afternoon and found a freezer inside the gas station from there I worked my way to the used car lot where I found a truck to throw the freezer into cutting a smaller group of zombies around I was able to hot wire the truck and begin my journey back [Music] we're at day 80 and I'm running out of things to do at this point with Nothing Left to Lose I set off with the Enigma books in West Point to try to grab anything I was missing [Music] didn't really have a focus for any specific books instead of opting to just loot everything call it boredom or just sheer stupidity but this did lead to at least one Adrenaline Rush at around 2PM [Music] getting back to base that afternoon I heard another helicopter flying in to keep tabs on me I wasn't overly concerned with it though so I spent the rest of the day stocking out my library [Music] with what time I had left I shotgun potatoes into my mouth to try to mitigate my weight loss which didn't help all that much and just left me without any food I had plans to head out together some artwork for the base but it was raining and I didn't want to travel in a thunderstorm because of this I spent the day hanging out in the office catching up on some skill books the storm was somehow even worse the next day so I just repeated the same process and then ended up drinking all of my sodas to avoid starvation when visiting the garage the next morning I noticed that my cabbages were ready to harvest this means there should only be another day to avoiding before their seed bearing so I decided to just hang out around my base until then wasting time trying to kite zombies around on the fog so I could Harvest a few potatoes foreign [Music] when I wasn't doing that I was focusing on some other skills like phishing [Music] on day 85 my cabbages were finally ready for Harvest I managed to level up twice before finishing my Harvest giving me just under 200 cabbages and over 500 seeds I replied to the cabbages I'd harvested and after cutting a zombie back to shore I'm about to finish harvesting the remaining vegetables the next morning I decided to pull the trigger on something I'd been waiting to do until I was certain I had a sustainable setup on the morning of day 86 I hopped in my truck and started honking my horn to pull any nearby zombies over to me foreign [Music] [Music] once I had to completely remove the zombies I circled back and began Towing the broken van down to the walkway eventually wedging the truck in the van against the edges before heading back to grab the Corvette wedging that up against the truck making it nearly impossible for any zombies to push through but also effectively locking me in the base with nothing but time on my hands I spent the next two weeks trying to grind out as many skills as possible since I have shattered glass from crashing the van I started with first aid if you don't know the best way to level first aid quickly is by walking over shattered glass like you're on off-brand John McLean [Music] I found myself spending entire days reading volumes 4 and 5 of the first aid skill books because slow reader likes to cause me pain I maxed out first aid on Day 94 and turned Focus to fishing progress was incredibly slow since it was spear fishing though like seriously watch this I go a solid eight hours or so before catching a single fish this challenge was one of those that started off as a ton of fun but after about a month it kind of lost its spark once I was set for late game the challenging portion of the playthrough really fell off since I didn't need to go back into the cities all that being said this is one of my favorite bases that I've ever made and when I wish I could have spent more time on without it becoming the entirety of the video apparently my favorite weapon was a screwdriver too which I thought was hilarious because I've never even used it very special thank you to my YouTube members and patreon supporters who make it possible for me to do this full-time I appreciate you all and as always thanks for stopping by [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 175,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Zomboid Challenge, Project Zomboid, Zombies, Survival, 0 Kills
Id: WdFsWm5YXn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 58sec (2878 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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