101 MORE Beginner Tips And Tricks For Project Zomboid

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hey hello howdy how you doing welcome back to another project zomboid video about six months ago or so I released a video named 101 beginner tips and tricks for project zomboid and you all seem to really like it so I figured why not beat this dead horse some more and give you 101 more tips and tricks for beginners these consist of both single player and some multiplayer tips and range from basic game knowledge to examining item IDs for specific assets all with the goal of helping you survive the zombie hordes more effectively speaking of zombies I want to take a minute and thank today's sponsor Opera GX are you sick of having your resources sucked up by other browsers only for your PC to move at a zombie-like pace well Opera's GX control feature allows users to limit the amount of CPU or Ram they're willing to let their browsers use it's a perfect option for when you want to keep a bunch of tabs open but also don't want your browser to hurt your gaming performance what a lovely feature surely other browsers have this built in as well and don't use tons of ram just open a few tabs right the big highlight for me is the zombie apocalypse GX mod this is what I'm currently running because well I play zombie games and it just makes me smile it comes with a complete overhaul to your brother that includes its own custom background music has unique keyboard sounds that sound like you're writing in a journal with a pencil has audio cues for whenever you open or close a tab and also comes equipped with a custom theme and wallpaper design there's some other things you can do like adding different shaders to change your screen or your Discord background as well but I'm running out of time and you're running out of attention span so let's keep it moving boom car crash transition now I know switching browsers can be a huge pain in the ass and yes I know Opera's letting me swear in the ad how cool and hit right luckily they're also [ __ ] Geniuses and have this really cool quick import tool that allows you to quickly import all of your settings from your previous browser to Opera GX like browsinghistory bookmarks and cookies it's also compatible with every Google Chrome extension so please for the love of God you Chrome users stop making excuses and switch if this all looks exciting you can use my link below to download Opera GX and have a better online experience or what it's worth this is a browser that most of my staff already used prior to the sponsorship and one that we'll continue to use going forward because it's just a really great product so thank you Apple GX for letting me showcase your browser today along with all of its custom features alright that's enough Edge for one day I get it get it because Microsoft Edge sucks right I know and I'm so good at this all right let's get into the tips pressing Q while crouched will prompt your character to whisper instead of shouting this has the same effect just in a smaller radius which is helpful when you're trying to pull one or two zombies at a time at the time of recording this you can still drive a car through closed and barricaded doors all you need is a car and to find a double door where both doors are connected to each other with the handles touching this has been a bug in the game for almost a year now and I doubt it's one that'll ever get patched at this point given Indie stone is too busy trying to make sure that cows don't breed with chickens and build 42 so have fun with this one you can watch multiple VHS tapes at the same time if you have more than one TV effectively allowing you to power level all of your skills early on this works for multiple skills but can also be used to Target one specific skill a good example is saving the VHS tapes until you read Volume 5 of a skill book then using three tapes to finish off the skill by watching them all at the same time the short-sighted trait is essentially a free two points as the trade is negated by finding and wearing glasses which you can spawn your character with at the start of the game it's an easy way to pick up an extra two points to spend on something like cat's eyes or dexterous standing with your back to a window or fence while aiming will allow zombies to fall through and under you you can use this to bait zombies in through one window and Stomp Them All without having to move this is a great strategy to use when fighting sprinters drinking olive oil is one of the fastest ways to get your weight up bottles of olive oil contain 2500 calories and can be found in any house or restaurant in the game allowing you to binge drink your way to Brendan Fraser status in only a couple days fighting while underweight gives a damaged debuff of 20 for underweight and 40 for very underweight it's best to avoid fighting with melee while in this predicament as your time would be better spent following the previous tip players often confuse jogging for sprinting jogging in zomboid is achieved by holding the shift key sprinting is done by pressing the left alt button on your keyboard these can obviously be changed via keybinds but there's a noticeable difference in the two this brings us to tip number nine while sprinting not only does it burn through your stamina faster but you can also trip over various objects in the world as well as fall over when running into walls my first go around with this type of video I give a few qol mods that I like to use well that list has been updated immensely since then so here's some other good ones that I found useful in my Endeavors weapon condition indicator is a mod that adds colored bars onto the items you're holding as well as adds messages above your head every time an item decreases in durability it's a good way to keep track of which weapons are about to break and when you need to get out of the area because you're not as good at inventory management as you think you are building off of this auto mechanics is a solid mod that allows you to train mechanics without having to click on each individual item and select uninstall then reinstall and repeat this mod has one button that you click and it automates all of that for you allowing you to power level with one click instead of 500. similar to that mod Auto sewing is the exact same premise it allows you to train tailoring by patching one piece of clothing over and over again instead of having to continuously click each patch and then remove them the last mod I'll leave you with is a lifesaver for anyone on a potato PC rain cleans blood does exactly what it says it does if you don't know build 41's biggest issue with performance stems from the blood splatter killing only a few dozen zombies has the potential to bring your 4 000 big rig Butters build all the way down to a whopping 4 FPS if you don't play with reduced blood splatter this is rumored to be fixed in build 42 but we all know how promises and video games always go hand in hand alright back to game mechanics repairing generators is one of the fastest ways to grind the electrical skill I'm not sure why you'd ever want to be maxing it out but if you find yourself wanting to waste your precious life farming a few meaningless skills go leave a generator running for a few days disassemble some digital watches and use the scrap Electronics on the generator you should have no problem leveling up you're here looking for tips on how to level Fitness and strength I'll save you the time and whenever you start with your build the main goal should now be how can I maximize both of these traits and still have a functional character it's not overly difficult to passively Level Fitness and strength to about level 6 but anything after that isn't worth going for the XP levels are so enormously high that you could do burpees all day every day for months in game and would only find yourself about halfway to the next level take my advice go heavy into fitness go strength second and then pick one combat skill for a boost in XP I can't remember if I covered it in the first video and I'm too lazy to check so get here we go fast learner should be an Undisputed pickup every playthrough and gives a 130 XP boost for all skills except strength and fitness pair that with a starter trade that gives you a 75 boost on spawn and you'll be power leveling your combat to the Moon in no time speaking of must-have traits if you're like me and love to loot [ __ ] your way to Victory I recommend going with organized as another must have it gives more container space as well as extra inventory space in your backpacks as well basically it allows you to carry more on you while also increasing the storage in your base you know what trait isn't a must-have lucky I'm not sure why so many people love this trait it only gives a 10 chance of finding additional Loot and a map as large as Knox County with hundreds of pois to enter and thousands of homes to break into there's no need for an extra 10 chance that's what one extra house for every 10 you go into not worth it at all save your points for something better for those of you who take claustrophobic and rely on beta blockers and booze to sleep stop here's a few base locations that allow you to sleep indoors without procing Panic number one is the second floor of the twiggies bar in West Point number two is the abandoned warehouse to the west of Riverside [Music] number three is any of the warehouses by the intersection in between muldra and Rosewood [Music] if you're looking for antique oven locations I got you covered these are all static spawns and they will be there for every playthrough barring any changes brought in build 42. the first one I know of spawns in the abandoned cabins north of the pony Romo which I know sounds like Tony Romo if that's too difficult for you well you can always head south of the pony Romo to a shed behind the best base location in the game to behind a second antique oven there as well all right [Music] if you trust yourself not to get lost there are at least three separate cabins in the woods that all have antique ovens as well that being said unless you're planning on living out there it's much easier to grab either of the ovens listed above in the previous tips foreign lovers out there get your carbon tree to level 3 as soon as possible when starting a fresh run carb 3 allows you to craft Max durability Spears meaning you'll get way more use out of them instead of those cheap ones you make at carpentry level one that break in like three hits eating burnt food with weak stomach will kill you that's really all I have stop eating burnt food you psychos [Music] laughs if you're like me and you hate leveling your Nimble skill especially after the Indie Stone fixed the ability for us to walk into walls and level it instead of just fixing the [ __ ] skill anyway a good way to do this is to combine the two worst aspects of the game and do them at the same time you can easily level your Nimble skill by foraging aim walking will give you a boost to forging while also giving you XP for nimble so do that for like four weeks in game and you'll Max foraging while also leveling Nimble from zero to one a true win for the people this ties directly into the next tip here for the love of God grab a trait that'll boost your Nimble XP it takes several IRL hours to level up your Nimble skill so make it easier on yourself and grab something like gymnast it'll give you level 1 in both Nimble and light footed along with a 75 XP boost which you can combine with the fast learner trade you can also run the burglar occupation which will give you level 2 in light footed Nimble and sneaking with a 100 XP boost with the negative of being one of the most expensive occupations in the game Spears can be crafted using knives instead of Chip Stones don't waste your time foraging when you can just walk into a kitchen grab a meat cleaver and start crafting it is worth noting however that bread and butter knives cannot be used to craft Spears though they can be attached to Spears for extra damage speaking of knives and Spears it seems the maximum smears you can craft per knife is 10. I've tested with hunting knives Meek levers and stone knives all each end up at 10 regardless of Maintenance level or condition machetes on the other hand can craft 13 Spears before breaking that being said if you sacrifice a machete for 13 Spears refund the game and purchase a helmet and we've touched on this already but blood splatter causes frame rate issues reduce blood textures to boost performance so your potato PC doesn't explode when you kill more than three zombies this can be done by selecting options then scrolling down to the rendering and performance tab on the display option from there you can turn blood decals down to your desired amount you can also turn off blood splatter entirely in these sandbox settings before starting your playthrough [Music] speaking of revisiting old topics I know we touched on this already as well but if you're running a melee focused combat build or you want to focus more on melee combat in general grab a trait like gymnast to give yourself a much-needed boost to your Nimble skill now again Nimble is one of the most painstaking skills to grind in the game and it's a necessity for melee combat at Nimble level 3 you can aim walk at the same speed as the default zombies this is the ideal level to get to if you want to get some zombie Conga lines going which will make combat much easier to manage antique ovens do not have the ability to use VHS tapes it's a small detail but one that'll make your life much easier whenever you plan to raid the nearby Blockbuster use VHS tapes to grind your first few levels in the fishing skill it'll make catching fish exponentially easier to the point where you won't have to spend 10 plus hours in between each goldfish you manage to pocket [Music] cruise control resets every time you tap a zombie with your car or get into a slight Fender better it's something to keep an eye on while driving if you notice you're suddenly going five miles an hour after phasing through a zombie going mock Jesus [Music] when going on looting runs it's always a good idea to keep a hammer and screwdriver on you this will allow you to disassemble any doors that you may find or not have a key for such as an armory door in a police station roads are the best location to Ford for chip Stones they aren't also typically found in the cracks of the roads so it's best to just hop on one of the highways during the middle of the day and walk a few blocks the crate rain collector Barrel that you unlock at carpentry level 4 only holds 160 units of water whereas the barrel you unlock at carpentry level 7 holds 400 units of water for the same amount of resources as long as you prioritize grabbing those skill books or VHS tapes hitting carbon tree level 7 should only take a few days of grinding it's worth holding off on creating rain barrels until you unlock carpentry level 7 for over double the water storage for the same amount of resources metal crates have doubled the storage capacity that a wooden crate does with metal crates holding 80 storage space whereas the wooden ones only hold 40. this isn't to say that the wooden crates are a bad investment I actually prefer them over metal crates for most of my playthroughs because of how cheap they are to make but once you have a base set up and have some metal laying around they're definitely worth swapping over to you can use poisonous berries and mushrooms to fill composters for farming this is incredibly useful if you haven't started the farm yet and don't want to wait weeks to harvest your potatoes you can sleep on any chair couch or bed in the game but all items have a different quality level ranging from poor to good sleeping on a poor quality piece of furniture will reduce the rate that you lose tiredness which means you'll have to sleep longer to reach a fully rested state with the new exhaustion mechanics short blade has become the most efficient way to fight zombies with melee combat this is due to the fact that they use the least amount of endurance while fighting allowing you to fight for a much longer duration than say long blunt recipe magazines can be found in mailboxes it's worth keeping your inventory open as you run through neighborhoods so you don't miss any hidden gems left in a mailbox maggots can be used as fishing bait these spawn on and around zombie corpses as they begin to deteriorate the best method for farming these is to pile up a group of recently slain zombies and check back every day this will allow you to collect dozens of bait to help you catch larger fish cigarettes can spawn on zombie corpses the percentage chance of this happening varies by location with the highest percentage chance occurring when zombies are killed in the Valley Station mall parking lot specifically the North End of the Star e-plex Cinema near the shops [Music] composters have a chance to spawn worms as the rotten food is converted into compost it's not an overly reliable source since it's only something like a 10 chance but it's better than nothing though you can also just dig furrows and accumulate worms that way you can use rain puddles to wash yourself during a thunderstorm keep this in mind next time you go up and think it's a good idea to run fear of blood as a trait Spears have a percentage chance to break while fishing since their condition scales with carpentry crafting a spear past carpentry level 3 will give you the most potential usage when fishing compared to a fishing pole which will have a higher percentage chance to break whether from condition or simply losing the line this makes spearfishing one of the most efficient Methods at later levels as you'll be able to use the same spear for multiple days without it breaking though take all this with a grain of salt I have never experienced a spear breaking while fishing and I have done multiple hundred day playthroughs in the wilderness where fishing is the primary focus so there is that collect digital watches and walkie-talkies off of zombie corpses this is a great way to pound out your first electrical skill to unlock hot wiring as well as helping to build up any scrap Electronics you may need to repair your generators with without reading the volume 1 skill book you gain 0.5 XP per watch and walkie-talkie meaning you'll need a combination of 150 items to pull this off if you manage to find a volume 1 electrical skill book this will be bumped to 1.5 XP per watch and walkie-talkie meaning you'll only need 50 items to pull this off this isn't even including disassembling radios and TVs that you come across as well so in theory you'll need even less you can double barricade windows and doors for added protection each window or door allows four planks to be placed on each side meaning the zombies will need to break through eight barriers instead of four in order to get to where you are there are still massive sections of the map that don't have a loot pool for foraging yet try to stick to the main cities and forests nearest to them so you don't run into this in conjunction with tip 52 forging does not need to be enabled to see if you can find items opening up the foraging menu will display what items are available to find in that location along with any bonuses or negatives if you find yourself face to face with several random question marks in the words nothing here well that means you're not going to find anything in that area regardless of enabling foraging this is one of those topics that people love to be wrong about because it was never truly explained when this change was adapted like two years ago the Chevron mechanic is one that's a little harder to explain but something that I never really see players do and I really don't know why at the time of writing this zombies do not have the ability to grab you while you're tripping or jogging or sprinting they can if you stop moving or fall over but if a zombie is about to bite you simply shift running away will shove the zombie off of you causing you to stumble shoving one zombie will force you to stumble but you should be fine unless you chose clumsy in which case just die re-roll and never make that mistake again for a quick explanation of how this works all you need to do is hold shift and tap whichever key you are facing for example if I'm facing to the right I will hold shift and then press D and that will cause me to jog away but if there's a zombie in front of me I will instinctively shove the zombie before moving foreign moving back to another topic we've already discussed one of the best ways to gain weight currently is to just hit up a bar it sounds dumb but they're generally safer than grocery stores and bourbon comes in at a whopping 1500 calories per bottle drinking just two bottles will give you enough calories to start gaining weight for reference I walked into a random bar in a fresh playthrough and was able to find eight bottles of bourbon not including the 500 calorie wine bottles or any 720 calorie bags of chips laying around also ties in with the fact that most bars such as the rusty rifle in maldra or twiggy's in West Point serve as really good safe houses so you might as well knock out two birds with one stone and live there at least when starting out want to keep yourself safe on the second floor of a building but don't have a sledgehammer to knock out the stairs with well you can place items such as tables in front of the stairs if any zombies aggro you they'll begin banging on the tables alerting you to their location this should give you enough of a notice to kill them before they destroy the furniture or if there's too many to flee before they manage to sneak up on you overheating yourself will get you killed ratonaroo has a fantastic video on this that I'll link below but all you need to know is that if you see a heat Moodle pop up on your screen you're doubling how quickly you become fatigued it's almost safer to go with less clothing and protection and have the ability to fight longer than it is to double up on hoodies and leather jackets with the offset being that you'll become fatigued after only a couple swings my good friend drunk on life also has a pretty hilarious story about how he overheated his character to death where he went to sleep with too many clothes on sweated through everything caught a cold and died all in one night it's pretty crazy some of the ways you can die in this game but yeah ask him about it sometime I'm sure he'd love to tell you we'll be back to foraging once again different occupations will offer different forging bonuses Dan but worse a long time member of the channel gave a pretty good example of this where grabbing veteran gives a bonus 1.75 meters radius to foraging along with a reduced darkness and Rain penalty which I didn't know about until I started working on this video I asked the pz community for some of their hidden gems and got a fantastic find from L desert explaining that with the current build strengths 9 9 through 10 special trait does not apply the melee damage bonus correctly the difference between level 3 strength and level 10 strength is only about 30 damage because of this weapon skills become a much higher Focus as they provide damage scaling with weapons of that skill when sitting on the ground you can stand up faster by holding shift and pressing a movement key this can save your life if you ever forget the fact that zombies exist in this game and like to sneak up on you many short blunt fans prefer hammers but metal pipes actually give more base damage and have a higher maximum range the base Hammer has a minimum damage of 0.5 and a maximum range of 1.1 while the metal pipe has a minimum damage of 0.6 and a maximum range of 1.2 both weapons have the same maximum damage output and have the same minimum range eat a campfire but don't have a lighter or matches to light it you can craft a notched plank as long as you have any knife or screwdriver and a plank or log you ever find yourself with multiple copies of the same skill book use the extras for fuel in your campfires or antique ovens books add an extra 15 minutes of burn time a fireman t-shirt offers more insulation and wind resistance than a long sleeve t-shirt with fireman shirts offering 50 insulation and 30 wind resistance whereas a long sleeve shirt only offers 30 insulation and 15 win resistance by comparison a tank top offers 40 and 30 percent the military backpack offers the highest capacity along with the highest item weight reduction but also is the largest movement speed penalty there isn't a huge difference between this and the large backpack there's actually only like a one or two point difference so choose whichever you like more using earbuds allows you to do silence radios meaning zombies will not be attracted to its noise when you want to listen to the daily weather report holding tissue or toilet paper will muffle your sneezes and sniffles while sick it's a good item to keep on you if you ever find yourself in the middle of a city with a nasty cold video games can be disassembled for electrical XP this also applies to any radio or TV in the game as TVs are technically viewed as radios you can use a combination of mops and bleach to clean blood stains on the walls and Floors once your base is nice and clean drink the rest of the bleach as a nice reward trap crates are the best option for trapping as they give the highest percentage chance of catching rabbits and squirrels while using the same amount of resources as a trap box but with one and a half times the strength of a snare watering cans can hold the most water at 40 units this is a separate number than the amount of water that can be given to plants which always maxes at 100. buckets can hold the next highest amount of water at 32.3 units when full for comparison a normal water bottle holds 10 units of water any place traps need to be at least 75 tiles away from your location for them to trigger this means you can't just Place traps on your rooftop and then go to sleep and expect them to trigger the next morning traps also need to be placed in specific biomes for them to perform optimally for example the Trap crate will catch rabbits if placed in the deep forest which are the best nutritional animal to focus on for hunting keep in mind all of this could be changing with build 42 but as of 41.78 this is still accurate need to drive through a city but don't want to pull every zombie in a 50 mile radius on top of you tap W instead of holding it down this will create a smaller sound radius pulling zombies from closer to you without drawing the attention of any a few blocks over having a poor Quality Muffler on the car that you're driving will increase the sound radius of your vehicle while you're driving [Music] for trapping purposes different animals are attracted to different baits I found that using cabbages for bait works best for rabbits and is also one of the best crops to farm in general this way you can double up on farming without really having to change anything to accommodate long rectangular warehouses typically hold dozens of sacks of fruit and vegetables making them a fantastic location to Target in the first few days of your playthrough if you manage to find one near your base you can transport the food to a freezer to give you several days worth of food foreign if you need to loot a gun store but don't have a sledgehammer you can burn one section of the wall by throwing a Molotov at it this sounds like I'm just trying to get you killed but it's actually quite effective we use this in our Iron Man series a while back to loot a gun store in Louisville just make sure that the wall you hit isn't next to a weapons Locker as you'll risk burning that down before hopping through fires can be extinguished by right-clicking on them assuming you have enough water to put it out this applies to holding water bottles as well but a bucket of water will do the trick just fine if you're having trouble towing a vehicle it may not be an issue of an adequate horsepower check the tires to make sure they're fully pumped on both the towed vehicle and the car you're driving and if you need go pick up a pump at a mechanic shop they're very easy to find and Incredibly useful this one is specific to multiplayer but for all of you newbies out there disassembling crates or containers and popular pois across the map is considered a move and in most cases will result in you getting banned from those servers sticking with multiplayer for a second when you join a modded server the server will automatically download the mods needed for you before joining this means you don't need to go through and manually download each individual mod on that list want to get to Louisville but you don't want to head through the checkpoint on the main road well there's an alternative back road path that you can take on the east side it'll take you around the main city and you'll be able to enter through a residential area next to a gated community there's a ton of houses to loot in this section and even a few fire stations and gun stores along the way as well regular books still remain as one of the best options to cure boredom and depression if you're like me and like to spend several days at a time farming your first aid inside you can fully remove Max boredom anxiety and depression by reading two books which even with slow reader can be done in around one in-game hour don't ask me how it's possible to read The Great Gatsby twice in an hour I'm not Chris Trager but maybe your zomboid character is if you have a pen or pencil you can write on sheets of paper and notebooks this is helpful if you want to organize your crates as you can place a sheet of paper on top of each one with the contents inside or you can also leave yourself suicide notes whichever helps you sleep at night if you want to quickly remove boredom without having to read a book you can simply drive around in your car this can be Amplified by listening to your favorite Tunes such as rapping for Jesus my crew is big and it keeps getting bigger that's cause Jesus Christ isn't it want an unlimited water source and a fencing compound that can easily be turned into a super Fortress the country club outside of Riverside has a large pool in front of it with an additional Pond to its North both can be used for drinking water provided you have a generator or a campfire kit with the club Lounge being completely fenced in so no zombies are going to touch you as long as you get in there safely there's also a level 7 rain collector in the sauna next to the pool so if you're able to pick it up without breaking it you'll have a portable rain collector Barrel if you ever want or need one you can use alarm clocks or car alarms to distract zombies the best way to do this is just set an alarm on an alarm clock and place it on the opposite end of where you want to go once it goes off it'll pull the zombies over to it allowing you to sneak past just be careful for zombie migration because as soon as the alarm stops there's a chance they'll just start shambling back towards you oh if you need planks but don't have an ax to chop down trees with you can typically find dozens within warehouses and Factory buildings I've been able to find crates with four or five planks in them at times if you're able to make two or three runs you should have more than enough planks to fully barricade your safe house and to begin working on other building projects all without having to chop down a single tree you can also disassemble Furniture but if you have low carpentry level there's a chance you won't get any usable materials out of it this is a guaranteed way to get blanks early on cars are categorized by vehicle type these include standard heavy duty and Sport keep this in mind when choosing your primary vehicle for looting runs as you'll want to grab one that you'll be able to accumulate spare parts for since you can only swap parts for that specific vehicle type this means a standard car cannot use a window that belongs to a heavy duty car you can see the tire type that is used for each vehicle by opening up the hood on the top of the vehicle menu right below the car name it'll tell you the selected item when you click on a tire it'll tell you if that's a value Tire Performance Tire and so on you can also see the carb type in the left hand side of this menu as well using bladed items or axes on zombies will damage their clothing if a zombie has an article of clothing that you want like a t-shirt or sweater use a blunt weapon on them in order to keep the clothing pristine you know those barns or sheds that are like half open or missing a wall well the game considers them to be indoors even with an entire wall missing if you're looking for shelter during the winter or just need a place to sleep for the night they make a great emergency option I did this during my cryogenic winter playthrough where the interior was a livable temperature while stepping one tile to the South plunged me into the negatives over bushes and saplings will drastically slow you down either cut them down and remove them with an ax or pick a different route this is a Surefire way to get yourself killed after spending minutes just trying to power through and attracting every zombie in Knox County in the process Fitness is a safer option than strength when starting out you can always find a large backpack or a military pack coupled with the organized trade to carry more items higher strength allows you to hit for more damage but higher Fitness allows you to fight for longer run farther and recover faster it's overall a better option than a damage increase especially considering that weapon damage also scales with skill level so you'll be able to make up the damage increase that way things can be placed on top of voting crates this allows you to keep a larger storage container while also having drinkable water the best example I have for this is that players on my public server have made public drinking fountains in the major cities by building a platform placing a rain collector and then building a crate beneath it while placing a sink on top of the crate this allows anyone to have clean drinking water in any circumstance these last few are specific to multiplayer but with it becoming more popular I wanted to leave some etiquette tips that'll improve your time and the time of others in public servers the first big one is when finding a zombified player Place their loot in a backpack after killing them and reach out to said player or leave a message in chat or on Discord for them you could also just loot all their gear and run away but working as a community will give everyone involved a much better experience multiplayer safe houses can only be expanded via custom safe zones created by admins he keep this in mind when looking for a place to store your vehicles as players are able to push cars out of Safe zones and Tow them away to avoid this I recommend using a sledgehammer and turning your ground floor into a makeshift garage as players can't access it unless trespassing is turned on when choosing a safe house in multiplayer it's always better to Base outside of poi locations as basing too close to a POI can prevent loot respawn you don't want to be that guy who looks over an entire server because you wanted to base up in the guard Tower of the Louisville military checkpoint and there you have it 101 more tips and tricks to help you out in project envoyed I'm sure you're already down there but let me know in your thoughts in the comments and if any of these were too easy or if you thought I missed any a very special thank you to my YouTube members and patreon supporters who make it possible for me to do what I love for a career I appreciate you all and as always thanks for stopping by foreign
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 415,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Zomboid, Beginner Tips, Guide, Zomboid Tips, Project Zomboid Tips and Tricks, Zomboid Beginner, Project Zomboid Guides
Id: cv1AoZzJAic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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