Can Ultramarines survive a Tyranids invasion? 8000 combined points Warhammer 40k in 40m battle

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captain the astronomic has gone dark it's as if it's been obscured by a shooter prepare the defenses sound the alarms ready the men an unstoppable wave of carnage and flesh crashes against us and we will break that wave we will hold this place to the last we are the ultramarines and we shall hope greetings 40k fans welcome to this special 8 000 combined point titanic battle of swarm versus marines zurich vs terrans tyranids versus ultramarines in a last model standing no holds barred knock down drag out massive battle of truly epic proportions brent mooney has brought over four thousand points at tyranids today in an attempt to crush smash zurg and overrun our very own tack koalas ultramarine defenders of the terra n defense line my name is tak and i'm here to play a big battle it started off as a 2000 point 40k and 40m but then somebody decided that we're doing 4 000 points aside and it's happening i'm brent warhammer to me is just an escape it's uh an enjoyable game i played when i was a kid and now i play again as an adult i just wanted to bring everything right i wanted to bring a little bit of everything um i really wish i could have brought out the whole collection but i brought out what i had and had to base a bunch of stuff in the last few days i wanted to bring out all the little little stuff that never gets to get played with this battle is brought to you by not only makers of fine battle master terrain but amazing scatter terrain as well we may have custom built this board but all the spires and pipes sandbags and scatter is all thanks to best part of it is all cups pre-painted right out of the box make sure to visit them at and tell them playon sent you today's battle is only one goal for each player for tackets to survive survive five turns and he wins the game for brent it's wipe out the marines kill or be killed is the order of the day and what an order it shall be they're killing marines that's what they do on every planet they just want to eat everything right so we're going wave after wave after wave so the first wave's just gonna be like the troops wave after that's probably gonna be some fast attack a couple hq maybe a heavy and then the real heavies brent has brought an absolute onslaught of gribblies both big and small to this match-up he's got more gaunts than you can shake a jeans dealer at and he has those too tervagons dimocarons exocrines and mollock and even a side higher jewel so many beasties so much sir tak is defending with a formidable force of his own he's got aggressors and intercessors in cursors and invaders storm speeders and fire strike servo turrets and even a fire raptor and gladiator reaper what this is we're playing open play the mission parameters are if a single ultramarine survives at the end of the battle the defenders win but if the zerg rush is successful and brett wipes me off the table it is a tyranid victory tack will get to set up completely as he's defending the board from the tyranted swarm brent's units will move on from the board edge to represent the wave after wave of incoming monstrosities in a regular 40k battle i've never played 4 000 points this is insane [Applause] turn one for brent here and ooh he's moving in all those little gribbly infantry forward gonna crawl over some space marines and do some damage he's got some big bugs to come in later so he's definitely gonna clear up some room but oh i just love the zerg i mean tyranids rolling forward look at all these bodies this is scary jack if you think that's scary just wait to see what he's got coming in later turns psychic phase let's just get that brood lord doing smite five just barely goes off how many more wounds you do three three mortal wounds i don't think these are enough room count just for nope oh you're just gonna need to kill things dead all right shooting phase 20 guys three shots each 60 shots minus one because you are in cover trenches were designed to provide not only an armor save bonus but might as well hit as well to represent the nature of the ultramarine space so i have 20 days i'll roll it three times for the 60 shot hitting on five 25 hits i am t5 so on five rerolling ones because there's more than 20 in that unit eight wounds uh naked nothing eight wounds negative nothing i've got eight saves in me i hope so otherwise it's gonna be a real fast game oh no you don't better not be how the rest of my game goes you killed an aggressor with that i did on a two up the ravagers has four shots a piece that's 24. i thought space springs had a lot of shots so hitting on fours and one fours only on sixes there's three i can make three saves i still take a one down to nine that's the end of the shooting phase because i need to save my cp for when big guys come in let's get to assault do we have to yeah yeah right here here we do start off with the formigant into poor intercessors that were told to scout ahead to see if there's an enemy and lo and behold 11. the gene steelers into the speeder i am choosing not to overwatch only a five on them [Music] and the last unit the ravagers into your speeder as well okay then i am going to burn command points now so i'm spending uh one on the speeder are you sure you don't want to charge yeah i'm sure just a speeder just a speeder they only have little arms they can only do so much i'm going to burn another 2cp to do defensive focus i can elect three other units to also fire over watch raveners make their charge into the speeder do you think you brought enough bodies i think so the hormone guns are going to go first sit see it hats we rolling wants to hit and we will only want to earn 20 hits uh strength three toughness four so you're winning on five five you're only one maybe nothing i've got three ups one dies and one has a wound left do you do this now pile in 20 gene stealers attacking plus with the brew load there plus one to here so 80 attached hitting on twos what did you just hit me 76 times and winning on fives on sixes that resolved at negative four swell so that ends up being 19 at negative four 19 wounds at minus four ap and that speeder is shredded man oh man jean steelers are still gross we've decided to leave destroyed vehicles on the table for this battle because let's face it they look cool the ravager is down there 28 hats plus one for double sided talents brings it up to 25 17 hits seven at negative nothing i'm feeling good i'm feeling good i'm feeling good phil three ultramarines only manage three dead hormone gaunts and two dad jeans dealers in their fight back all right i'm going to burn three taking me down to 15 to attack with the hormones yet again three command points to fight against his hormones i know he started at 18 command points and now down to 15 but i don't see this as being a worthy span so one dies and then another one dies okay [Music] all right so both those guys are fully wrapped and i am happy enough but this is just the first wave so we'll see what i bring in on the next turn to push up the middle of the field ender brent's first turn he's got 15 command points remaining and he's deployed five units and 71 models to the field he has destroyed five models thus far in the command phase aggressors to have the uh chapter mastery role tax turn up to 14 command points and he's targeting an orbital bombardment right dead center of that melee that won't go off until his next command phase but it will keep his middle clear as anything approaching that risks some serious mortal wound damage i don't know if that's the best plan but you know what i've got command points to spend and i really want to see a nuclear orbital bombard tax falling back and castling up mid table here not a bad plan he's keeping the center clear as long as he can and it looks like forcing brent to come around the outside and not hit in a big wall of bodies that's a good plan we've tanked both of them and i can't desperate break up both hugging your jeans are perfectly safe there do not like it i am going to fire with the servo turrets first they've got auto cannons one of them is going to go into this squad here yeah the raveners and then the other one because you did not protect your brood lord is going to go into the brew board so this is into the brood lord we'll see what happens getting on twos winning on threes all right plus involve yep oh two wounds up winning on threes on the raveners uh all four this time ap one scissors oh that's two dead this guy is going to fire into the rounders yeah three saves on scissors [Applause] made one so that guy's got one room left hanging out in that crater bolter and flamestorm aggressors doing some real work into those homeworks i've never used this tank before i just got it painted for this uh battle the gladiator reaper is going to go into the gaunts twin heavy onslaught cannon that's 24 shots so i hit 22 times 14 and ap2 saved three of them so 11 more died right yeah please don't kill that tank i got stuff coming for it i like this thing i don't want to die i can see why you like it tack it just killed 13 models on its own that's amazing now we get to see what the hammerfall bunkers can bring to this shooting gallery hammerfall bunkers all right they hit everything there should be a nick special uh model because it split fires that's that's his whole point is split firing let's see how this is gonna go big mislauncher from that guy yeah is going to go heavy to into the brood lord then his bolter array is going to hit everything that is within range so let's fire the two missiles because that's fun hitting on fours neither of them hit all right filters string five five five players everyone fails into the guns two hits two wounds maybe two in bone two dry super frag missile launcher but it'll be the d2d6 profile yeah into uh the gaunts yeah the heavy bolts array will go here i get eight shots from the super frag uh going into those uh gaunts i hit a total of twice and then i wound a total of twice armor to die one left oh no one gaunt left he will fire his uh super rifle into uh this one guy super rifle hits on a nope you still got a speeder right all right the speeder will go into the uh into him hit twice with the melta only ruined it once negative locks dead i hear way too many four melted shots into guns this is like overkill oh hit now four maltose into one gun is an overkill it's extreme overkill ready hand hand so i'll go first diesel gene sealers the jeans are really mad at this guy because you know he's uh he was supposed to be a gene steeler killer taunting jean sealers may not have been that model's best life choices as the jean steelers and gaunts have killed off those intercessors and cleared the front section of the table completely now it's about to get big and buggy in here so i gained my command point gene sealers have to go straight up the middle hormone gaunts might be a very good shield for the overwatch no brood lord and no synapse at the moment so i'm gonna have to bring in some synapse oh yeah and there's that orbital environment there 6 inch bubble 6 inch bubble 16 command points and brent needs to move up and away from that orbital bombardment i think tack was hoping that he would remain tied up long enough to thin that horde a bit but no luck now the reserves [Laughter] jt yes whose idea was it to go four thousand points you thought you took out all the guns just not enough room on the table for them all for this mission models will move on from the table edge and what a move friend has brought on two turbo guns two tyranifexes an exocrine and a moloch boy howdy is that ever some serious beef cake [Music] so the molot comes in he gets to do his big damage to everybody i'm going to spend a cp for on expensive version so on my d6 to see what i do i get to add to that dice roll for the first unit sits becomes an eight so that unit suffers three more wounds and the other unit a four becomes a five six another flat three mortar wounds psychic phase over there carlos is going to go backwards on to the edge of green does it happen four no it does not beginning a shooting phase oh no we're going to burn one cp on that at screen to act like it didn't move we're going to start off with the shrine effects okay into the tank because it was doing some real damage not the tank so three shots one hit strength ten winning on threes wound ap negative three for d6 damage three so i just need a six i really want this tank to live he's been fun oh that's a five so decent damage rollo three okay three shots from him into the same vehicle two hits i made one failed one i'm gonna burn one to re-roll that down to fourteen cause i need that wound please don't oh with two again so here's the six oh i didn't get a six down over here all these gaunts i'm gonna shoot four into them okay so that would be 16 into him they have their mom there so we will wants to hit 48 shots how are we 48 shots oh one aggressor is taking 48 shots so that's 14 hits deteriorates shoot better than alternates four armor saves you know what that's not too well that's not too good and he tanks them all not a single wound after all that living beast double shots 12 shots 36 inch range first round of shots you're gonna shoot into the tank before i double tap all right hitting on threes exocrine to shoot into the gladiator reaper now and i don't think tax favorite tank has much longer to live got six ups i don't even doesn't even add to six four damage so he is down to five my other six shots into that speeder that's three at negative three for two damage each six up does he explode uh that's a five not a six he does not flow again i'm gonna shoot again with the gaunt 2cp to get that guy out because i'm worried about him coming in and punching my morlock you're spending two cpu on one aggressor yeah if he comes in and punches that morlock those two buggies are gonna go and shoot dudes in the background if he's dead one of those buggies actually technically probably both of those buggies are gonna have to shoot that morlock 60 shots 18 hit oh that was bad only three that was awful oh he's okay assault phase let's start off with this hormigon into the big unit i am going to burn a one command point for overwatch these aggressors are also going to i think hold steady which allows them to overwash on fives and then i'm going to do defensive focus so i'm bringing another 2cp so 76 shots all those midtable hormones are dead to overwatch but this is a really smart move from brett now attack cannot fire overwatch into the gene steelers which are the real threats to those units good play by brent here 3cp gone the overwatch is done and over with gene steelers are coming in they're going to multi-charge hit them the tank and them gene steelers make the multi-charge and tax line is in serious trouble he could lose it here depending on what story the dice want to tell us that's all your charges yeah there is no way he can ignore tyranids in his face he's going to corrupt them to be perfect what i'm hoping is that you can't move enough jean steelers to get a lot of hits into caviar and what i'm hoping is i kill him then i kill them i attack again and kill him i don't like that with the larger aggressor unit i'm spending one command point for unyielding in the face of the foe it gives me plus one to my save five into those two for 20 attack oh that was a lot of ones fives and sisters two saves at negative four one at negative one okay so the one night negative one you killed one base sits into that tank hitting on three only sixes please don't roll six sixes since you sorry well i've always said sisters oh i really really don't need him exploding i do because it would be really awesome if he took him out [Applause] i'm so sorry your favorite new tank died and the last group into those aggressors so there's six armor stays at negative one three at negative four because of uh unyielding yeah i go from a two up back to a three up so free up i lose two wounds from that so i actually get a six uh i make none so i take a total of five tac managed to fail all his apothecary ignore damage rolls unfortunately but he didn't have that many to make the gene steelers really didn't do as much damage as they could have and there are a lot of aggressive power fists to fight back you guys are hitting on fours are we rolling all of it because of uh chapter mastery rule all right and then winning on twos 14 14 bars and scissors oh you made a few i mean you made a lot did i make enough though the five-man aggressive squad thanks to chapter master rerolls have removed a bunch of gene savers and the lone flamestorm aggressor kills four by himself leaving only five gene seizures left spending three command points to fight again sees him kill that lone flamestorm aggressor and move up to tag those invader bikes and limit their movement next turn it's a costly play but limiting where tat can move to is a real wrinkle brain play here as he needs to keep him tied up and not shooting so leadership nine so real bad needing a one yeah you're going to roll two sweethearts dared that was awful brent down to nine command points here and has killed 15 models whereas tak has got seven command points left and has killed 75 turning models hey brandt yeah so you know how i spent three whole command points yeah i know to uh doing a nuclear strike so can you measure six inches from that all day long looks like the orbital strike hits nothing but it did force brent's weapon beast to stay back and limit their feel to fire someone my real conundrum is do i need to start to move to my second defense line i am going to see if the fire raptor comes in so because i lost more units than you brent i got a plus one to this roll does the fire rod to come in on a three it comes in this tech marine now that he's done his job and fixed that thing up it's just gonna move down between these guys where's his windshield the guy's in power armor does they really need a windshield at the end of moving phase i'm gonna do combat restoratives it heals to fall which then allows me to say aggressive back that uh hammer fall bunker over there is gonna start the festivities you know on paper these hammerfall bunkers seem like they'd be pretty oppressive but thus far even though they target everything in range they really have been a bit of a waste of dice rolls okay hammerfall bunker one has failed me miserably all right hammer fall bunker two heavy two into the train effects please give me a hit it gives me a single hit wounding on threes i'm going to burn a command point and that is a wound so five plus please don't [Music] take that jean steelers i hit with all of them i oh come on saved with a five plus involved both terms gauntlet aggressor will go into the gene steelers good luck i used to like you hitting on threes [Applause] four at ap1 god bless all right how are you feeling are you feeling dead no it looks like he has to use the big squad of aggressors to kill that last gene steeler what was that we were saying about overkill earlier fire strike servo turrets and the redemptor dread only manage four wounds on the mall lock and four on the turbagon twin adventure gallon cannon is going to whoop and hit the moloch quad heavy vultures are going to go into this guy because i'm going to keep trying because if you keep trying you'll eventually succeed the missiles him as well this is the quad heavy bolter two two three damage four hours down to ten the fire raptor takes four off the turret effects and puts two more on the mall lock but all of its missiles miss kalgar steps to the mall lock and shoots it down with a fist of ultramar oh it's way too much work to try to kill something yep this is bad this is really bad yes now i've got full melter shots i need the dice to go hot now i've heard that positive reinforcement help so you are the prettiest dice on the planet you're gonna roll amazing hit with everything d6 damage eight nine eight i hate to say i'm gonna need to call it there that's all the ultramans could do all of your monsters survived i still have a lot on the table yeah and i just need one unit to live all i need turn five is one unit to live so i think i've got a shot i'm not sure if brent has killed enough at this point but he does have big models still to come in can tak keep that model's destroyed number climbing [Music] because of my special high fleet i got metabolic regrowth he goes up to seven goes up to eleven eleven and eleven beginning a movement i get to burst some babies let's just push that back up to a four unit oof tat killed those termigons last turn and the turbo gun just poops them back out all that work for brent just to bring them back to full strength second tervagon drops another 10 man squad for tacks to deal with i've crowned coming in looking to take a run at the fire raptor harpy zooms on to take out those pesky infiltrators that are stopping some deep reserve moves here comes the heavy hitters brent is bringing a scythe hyrule jewel a dimosheron another diamosheron the swarmlord and a hive tyrant that is some serious power and it looks like he's gonna absolutely smash his way through the midboard for good measure two lectures have popped up on each flank as well we keep saying overkill but this may be the best version of it yet so many beasties takes brent up to 56 attack power on the field i'm going to burn two command points our auspic scan it is within 12 of the aggressors 15 at ap1 10 wounds down to two so close psychic phase for the onslaught oh you can still charge all right goes off on a seven i think i've got a shot at blocking that eight i do i blocked it he's gonna smite oh finally the lone aggressor goes down to a smite in addition the invader takes three mortals and the fire raptor takes five winning theories beginning shooting phase swarmload is gonna tell besides cardul move again well hello scientist right up in tax face that's the best place brent could put it harpy so he's gonna strangle throat candy into here hitting on threes because you're unit of ten three two damage okay i lose one guy next damn 18 at negative nothing germa got down an invader and take a wound off the other one she's gonna shoot in the dam i'm gonna transhuman the aggressors don't get any command points back uh i do i only spent one oh bad four better four we're going to shoot 10 shots from those gaunts right beside it hop into the fire one wound negative nothing ah i take it the kanta it's a weak spot crone yep so hitting on sits with the tennis curls ole miss rule cannon as well one wound and negative one for one down uh take it down to 11. why can't i make saves him into the firing those are flavors in the auto he is a flamer and auto hits 12 hit shots only three all right make one so two damage he's gonna shoot his first round of shooting into him big gun turn ten wound i just need a six that's a four i just seen this here that's a six oh come on second volley into that fire big gun one wound six up that's a four all right another six four exocrine fails to wound the fire raptor at all and so does the trout effects first volley brent switches up targets with it and takes seven wounds off the redempted dreadnought i think it's down to six assault phase the side tar duel is going to charge into your aggressors you know what i am feeling lucky attack over watching and defensive focusing again with his ultramarine castle but nowhere near as effective as last time are we wounded total on that so i'm down to 14 so you did four total for three cp oh double ones but it's still making it side higher jewel barely makes it in hive crown charging the fire raptor now with no worry of overwatch fighters you are out of cp so you can't interrupt anyways so let's start off with that cone just like rub it in there brett just like rub it in there crone hitting on fives one hit failed fur attack on top of that hitting on five failed wait is the fire archer gonna live yeah right now it is sidestar duel hitting on threes we rolling awareness four hits i'll turn one cp to reroll that one failed four ap negative three for d3 plus three damage six is i make no sixes all right so four are wiped oh the side higher drill kills four aggressors and the apothecary doesn't help but the squad lives the apothecary could bring models back to master oh only mean one how much damage do they do each do two damage each down to nine wounds whittling him down oh yeah i gotta finish off that unit because there's some reason that's like yeah i gotta i gotta spend the three cp on the side of the duel says it's that sitting on threes rerolling ones wounding on twos wow that was rough okay hits only one wound oh no talk about a huge swing brent what this is bad yeah i think i got it uh you think huh yeah i do all right well i'm going to try to make you unthink that he can't really turn to get uh into a good spot so he's gonna fly off the table and come in as a reserve later and at this point it's looking pretty dire for the ultramarines but he does have an ace up his sleeve one last unit to come in and it's a super unit it's heavy and it's big the question is will it fit that's it for movement and this is where i've got a surprise for you brent all right that's right folks here comes a battle cruiser i mean in addition to another 30 wounds it's got some serious guns and serious defensive capabilities if anything it may give the infantry a reprieve from the big tyranid guns for a turn however should brent close with it say uh diamond carron it's not gonna be around for very long this game just got even more interesting folks the redemptor dread splits fire and takes down the hive crown with a missile hammer falls starts spreading their love around the board and it's not up to the tier on effects zip to the dynam two wounds to the swarmlord zilch from the diamond caron two to the turbogon a dead turbagon four wounds to the higher jewel and let tac take it for the second oh it's fine so let's do it again so mr launcher will go into him both hit so five plus all right fine uh into the uh harpy one hit nothing into the uh small gaunts oven into the berther two hits yes uh nothing to the yeah sure uh one hit nothing it just turned i'll hit and oh wow three four plus two two yeah that's four damage no hits the turrets are going to go into the swarmlord hitting on twos wounding on fours give me give me something four plus involves how much damage uh two each two each i gotta burn a cpv roll fire strike several turrets take down the swarmlord and in his death throws you spread some mortal wounds again estrellas here we go the last rippers are going to go here um the big gun is going to go into this diamond caron the heavy bolters will go into the elixir and the storm vulture will go into this the last rippers there's two of them they're heavy two so that's four shots two hits uh-oh double sixes i made one failed one you made one that made one feel like how much damage d6 two attack can't seem to kill the tyranifix at all but the australia's big guns are going off next that is too many ones all of them [Applause] oh dead time to carry on that's a huge threat removed tax charge in that two would hire jewel and brett is choosing not to overwatch inceptors are in here and some khalgar and the dreadnought however go first force maybe he's five past involved three three okay no he's dead he's dead okay does he wait he explodes doesn't he yeah did you yeah so what does that even do every unit within three inches takes three more to one three three all right so that's only your unit well draenei is down to three one of these guys dies one of my aggressors died uh not the sergeant khalgar takes three he doesn't get to half it because he's mortals five set five and then this captain oh he's got three ones remaining are you happy with that brent um wow what a turn for tack i don't know if he's done enough though killing one time a caron was huge but also a bit lucky oh no it just targeted all my characters he's out in the open cowgirl should die to gongs right i think that's how this is that how you're gonna do it i think that's how the fluff is written i'm not a hundred percent sure would you like to direct me to this book it's one of the limited edition ones they only made like a hundred losing that diamond caron was rough he seems like he might be in a bit of trouble here but he's up in tax grill where he needs to be psychic face yup he's gonna onslaught them goes off on a tan gonna be cowgirl wait for a smite bales on double ones sits goes off all right denied with the knockout she has her second note plus one two under cowgirl turbine into the aggressor with the smite hoping for a big one eleven it's a big one no oh super swine splats shooting fairies first rounds are going to go into him and then his backup shots i don't have another three-man unit beside calgar oh he's not protected oh he's not even by the su-man unit too yeah we're gonna sting us over though we're gonna big gun up there stick yourself on five so one hit nothing three big shots up here three hits two three negative three for decent damage i got nine running there we go that's a 15. boom second round of shots singer sorrow into kalgar again big gun into the other hammer fall hammer full one hit one wound six up i break it i kind of lose two hammer fall bunkers in one turn can i two in the calgar one wound tastier okay he's down to two next big guy english however into kalgar and big gun into that powerful hammerfall big gun one hit one wound all right do i have another six in me here we go uh that's a four all right how many uh wounds i'm running sit sing yourself over into cowgirl one hit on a four nothing second round shooting into the hammer fall again two hits that time okay stop stop saying you're running running one wound six up here we go that's one that's australian six and i'm running through with another six and sing yourself into calgary one hit running one wound that was a search too i save it all right cowgirl the hammerfall bunker has two wounds left two we're gonna shoot eight into kelgar 12 into the inceptors should wipe them both out nope calgary's gonna live through this that's three armor series three armor saves all right but there's two plus hanging in the hole oh [Laughter] spreading his last command point to save him and he does with one wound remaining okay as the queen now is going to do his double burst first one into the hammer fall we got two left i need to roll boxcars yeah russia nope uh you gotta sit it equals a six second volume into those hitting on threes that's four negative three for two damage each servos have uh five wounds each so you take so one dead one takes two tyrant she's going to take her shot into there so i should have done that probably at the very beginning of the game because that was very easy to take down all those shots assault fairies just over seven okay ooh five i knew that we're down to survive i need something to shoot with friends seven got it oh boy the jean steelers are in [Music] i'm going to do my attachment to the inceptors and then i'm going to try to eat calgary three wounds uh i make two sixes and then i'm going to try to eat cowgirl gets to roll the at his trains if it beats the democrats strength then he lives if it's less than that i do decent mortal wounds and if i kill calgar i get feel no pain for the rest of the game on one two or three calgar gets eaten by a big purple thing so no oh no kelgar is down by calgary steam steelers into the redemptor does the redemptor explode yes it does explode all right let's do some more wounding my inceptor i need to roll low here oh no inserter dies uh that's three so uh feel no pains uh i can feel all of them and dies there's about a hundred wounds remaining before the ultramarine's base falls and a lot of those are tied up in one single model that estrellas i got a feeling if it goes down that's game over for the ultramarines so close who's gonna take it i think i'm gonna need to just survive because it's 30 wounds that needs to go down because i've got things back here and i'm gonna need to get lucky and take out maybe her because she's got a 12-inch move right 15 16 with wings the last cannons are going to go big cannon it's going to go into her yeah harry bolter into the elector and storm bolter will go into electric just in case last talon's into the harpy uh wow three hits so winning on threes twelve shots into the uh flying high turning yeah uh only four what the heck's going on with my dice four plus thin bones ooh twist them all three each she's dead okay and a four now and tax on a little bit more work killing that a flying hive tyrant but is it enough 98 wounds left for the ultramarine 30 of them all tied up in the estrellas boy howdy this turn five is gonna be a big one turn five this is it this is what you get can you kill everything [Music] psychic phase the smite fails on a four smite and hand-hand combat fails on a four shooting phase we're gonna start off with him first volley into there hitting on fires two hits one wound number three i make it wow second volley two hits one wound i think i have another six of me fire raptor goes down oh my d6 mortals two two at sequins first folly into these guys up here stranglethorpe cannon 2d6 12. shoot my singer silver into hannah hand combat from that mom four of them into there the rest into him those two have to take him those have to take him those have to take him those have to get him and he's got it [Music] assault phase harpy in further in good jimmy karen so we'll start off over here yep let's get going first you see there's three sits nine six twelve eighteen hitting on threes don't spike sixes six is how many sixes did you get four stitches they go right through one armor safe one's dead two's dead and one has one word consolidate lock you in there lock in three dudes it's ever gone one more gun soon you're going to pile the block in right yeah guns in the infiltrators two armor saves negative nothing oh i feel both and then with the pile in to block them in three attacks with the heartbeat two hits two wounds negative two for d3 damage five ups i make one d3 damage two damage let's see what the jimmy caron can do see if he can be a hero [Music] five what negative three for d3 plus three my saving has not been on point this is when it's going to come through right made one mid one [Music] 19. oh 11 wounds left on the stress i know you wanted to use that stratagem to fight one of your units again probably to use it on that harpy up top you played so well you locked all my other guys in combat so there was actually a chance but you really need to take out that asterisk probably only have 50 wounds left on the table wow all right that was that was an amazing game that was a good game brent was an absolute amazing opponent to play he came in and played a real narrative mission with us so i think he's the real champion here i still had roughly 2 000 points running around one more turn would have done it but you know times times the factor two not just dice it was fun obviously it was fun it was tiring it was a very very long time but you guys get to watch it in 40 minutes what an amazing game congratulations on your victory attack but alas no shirt today this one was all about the visual and the story and besides just because you lived through five turns doesn't mean you'd live through another we'll call this a victory but at what cost we'd like to thank brent for bringing all the bugs we could ever possibly want and tack for doing his level best to squash them we'd also like to thank again this episode sponsor game dot eu be sure to check them out and to tell them the play on sent you until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far-flung future play on [Music] is [Applause] [Music] i don't wanna let it go
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 1,032,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XEGGYUrz554
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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