Friendly Competitive - Tau vs Tyranids - Warhammer 40k Battle Report

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welcome to nice boys meanless and boy oh boy do we have some meme lists for you today oh yes we have the second place in LGT uh Army as Tau Adrian will be playing that today and of course I am playing tyranid's fifth place at the U.S open Chicago really really mean List how do you feel about them Adrian how do you feel about this matchup it's super cool it's an interesting interesting matchup uh so big big shout out to Naseem I love your Talos super excited to play it um and it's weird and interesting into this list in particular because there's a little there's a lot of counter play back and forth frankly and we'll talk more about that when we look at the missions uh how about you how you feeling I'm feeling good cheers is what I've been playing recently this is a list by Mark Parker and it's usually played on GW terrain so it's kind of your home field but I have a lot of good things going for me yeah for sure I'm going to be very bullish be getting out there and just playing good tyranids you know it's awesome it's very similar to what I want to play you know for my next turn so I'm excited maybe very very soon yeah might be this I don't know my right right but uh hey right on in and take a look at the armies awesome I am playing Leviathan today the classic I know no one's surprised here always mean less right you're not holding back no yeah pulling no punches here uh look it's a battalion we're very CP Rich we're taking a lot of relics and warlord traits because we have that CP um as opposed to our Tau friend over here [Music] but yeah it's gonna be you can expect a lot of troops um and uh if you don't know Leviathan gives you access to the transhuman basically if you're synapse it's full transhumans can only be wounded on four ups but the majority of my Army here but everything else is going to be only ones and twos I'm keeping um my synaptic buff which is basically re-roll a hit okay for each activation of each attack that means when I'm shooting with all my Venom cannons and things like that when I'm attacking in combat I get to re-roll one hit Super Value when I'm playing kind of MSU with carnifexes they split up into individual units and so it's it's pretty awesome awesome I love it we'll jump right into the units here I have a flying Tyrant uh leading the charge here as my warlord he's going to have the obliter ax it's going to make him super Killy um big bone sword doesn't does Mortals in in combat cuts through people like butter and of course he's only t7 he's not the walking Tyrant so he's not gonna be ta two up save he's going to be seven up armor uh three up save and he's gonna be a little faster so we threw some filo paint on him five up feeling the pain just make him a little more durable quite good you know yeah he's gonna be over running with this guy is going to be just the whole board yeah it's gonna be like a 32 inch move it's all about that overrun it's about getting in there it's killing stuff and then popping out very cool absolutely um I also have a neurothrope classic neuro throat uh I love that I have the um Crown here for plus one psychic and extra power really awesome he also has as the extra command phase ability he can give his extra dice to cast drop drop one of the dice to two people instead of just one you can give to himself and to his neuro zoanthrope Partners just to to deal some extra Mortals I'm a huge fan getting every psychic spell off yeah this is an amazing world of traits uh so so powerful especially on him big upgrade yep um where should we go now we should go into the Gargoyles we are running up Italian so we have lots of troops here these guys I actually haven't run these guys too much in tournaments so I'm glad to see him here today they're really really fast they're obsec there's some shooting there's some great strats even in combat I can kind of like throw some pocket sand in your face yeah yeah and like be a little that be a little more harder to kill um it's quite awesome uh so glad to have these guys super fast 12 inch move troops I also have some tournament guns as well I'm not sure how Mark plays these guys but boy they're gonna be really good back objective holders right in my in my my play style here exactly um I think a lot of stuff is just going to be moving up these guys are probably going to be chilling in the back praying that they don't die to all these burst cannons absolutely I also have a very big block of warriors us these dudes are awesome I highly recommend 5 out of 5 10 out of 10 amazing would take them every time there's two Venom cannons as you see there and everyone else will have just double bone swords so dishing out the the heavy damage in combat and some shooting capacity there you're gonna have the they're gonna have the classic I'm forgetting the name it's the spitter it's the strength five ap2 that's better okay so he doesn't have that too yeah awesome they have a good they have a good amount of shooting too uh how big is your squad it's a squad of eight it's a little bit it's not nine it's not seven it's not seven not five eight not eleven yeah not 12. anyways um I also have some Elites here I have um a squad of Venom throws oh you gotta have your van throws they're quite good they're 105 points for three of them and they give off this Aura this might asthma if you will of minus one to hit you have asthma yeah I have I have a second that's it [Laughter] um yeah so it's going to give some extra mileage out of the units that I have on the board helps me be bullish while having some defense capability as well pairs well with current fx's their t7 to up save now they're minus one to hit Savage really good uh we also have some Zoe enthropes as well some brain bugs these guys are going to have neuroparasite they're just casting really really well I get plus three to cast one for each model in the unit and then when I'm doing something like Smite I get plus one mortal wound for each unit or each model I should say very cool really awesome um neuroparasite weirdly good against your troops so I'm excited to see these guys on the board 100 we also have some heavy support we have three uh sorry two units of three cardifixes there we go I did it they're all gonna have um they've all gone to the eye doctor they got some upgrades they're shooting on a ballistic skill three instead of four fancy really great they're both gonna have they're all going to have these the claws the double Claws and they're all going to have the uh Venom Canon yeah really awesome amazing this pairs really well with the re-roll one hit from Leviathan and just the the hitting on threes a big big fan of the Venom Cannon it's more shots less damage than the Strangler correct that is correct it's three shots flat it's three damage flat that's just fine um yeah uh yeah three damage yep uh we also have an exocrine a single exocrine with the synaptic buff that means he can kind of keep up with the card effects a little bit or whatever he needs to and give them that synaptic um buff really awesome that means the imperatives are going to go through this guy um it's great he's gonna have his the classic gun on top uh it's very similar to a Venom Cannon really it's just a T8 carnifx yeah um more shots with a lot of shots six plus D3 I feel like the D3 is like once you have the flat six it's like the D3 is just icing on the cake you know it's nice to have it's nice to have between seven and nine shots like yeah you know it's quite good exactly um am I missing anything else I think you got everything I think I got them all we do have um some key units to talk about I want to talk about some uh synergies that are happening here so I have my neuro throat really pairing well with the tyranid Warriors the neurothrope is going to basically give fiberfilma pain he's going to give the four up in bone every turn the what makes the vivens Leviathan so good is that they can throw an imperative on a single unit each turn with a psychic spell so that imperative that I'm going to choose every time is the four up in volume exactly it's amazing on something that doesn't have a great armor save like the Warriors so it's going to just give them extra mileage and make them like pretty much unkillable especially with one big unit right you want to be able to continuously be putting this on a reliable Target it's not so much for the carnifexes because I can just shoot a different one you're defining that unit of neurothropes unlocks the ability to put that imperative with the Leviathan power very powerful pairing that is right and of course the carnifexes just kind of a Mainstay of the list right exactly I think they're just super value um they're about a hundred some points uh each and it's it's hard to bring them down they're minus one damage they're kind of lone wolfs like you can just kind of just have them go up and let one through out of six and he just ruins your day they don't degrade they don't save they shoot they fight they do literally everything there's tons of strats you can do with them re-roll wounds you can do Mortal wounds on the charge it's it's great it's great so it really feeds into the idea of tyranids need to be really bullish move up the board really play the early game and put on the pressure because their secondaries are not amazing uh but yeah what do you got going on in the towel necklace let's take a look at the Tau Army today Tau Empire I am playing as Far Side enclaves which is cool we don't see this too often these days uh so this gives me a couple different things it gives me a single re-roll to wound every time I shoot or fight which is cute I also of course uh every time I shoot count n units within 12 as having a single marked light so again that sweet plus one to hit when I'm in danger danger close it also gives us a couple uh extra little Tech which in the scene actually is taking advantage of in this little list very very meta for getting around certain things like you have a dad would do staying at the floors and stuff like that because we can sort of ignore uh some of the defensive abilities that people have yeah um so this is double Patrol yes I'm starting with a zero CP so it's very interesting there um especially given you know it's Far Side Enclave so there are games where you don't want to drop site clear which costs two or three CP 2cp in this list uh so pretty cool stuff with that let's go ahead and dive on in take a look uh first off starting off with the cold Star Commander uh this guy is a master of the killing blow this is the farsight uh warlord trait and this is basically sixes to wound are going to be plus three AP and um I'm totally blanking another thing uh Plus or AP there's like actually the more important part oh yeah you don't get you don't you don't nothing that ignores damage or anything works against them cool to supplement that we also have the special plasma rifle ignores involves so single three shot weapon uh sorry three damage weapon av4 I'm just saying if I roll six it's gonna go to ap7 yeah so this is amazing won't can't do anything against that no so he's super cool he uh does have that's the Nova surge plasma rifle he's got a burst Cannon a burst Cannon and a high output burst Cannon so just tons of shots in a single marker drone that him of course he also is going to be able to give my crisis bombs the auto eight inch Advance very important and once per game pick him up put him down to do some excellent movements supporting and we have not one but two commanders we have a crisis and an enforcer suit uh this yellow one you're gonna see on the battlefield is the crisis Commander uh he does a number of different things uh he has the Exemplar from Mont Ka so he is largely the buffing guy right he does have guns he's got the high Outpost a high output burst cannons and all that good stuff but really giving a crisis team full reels to wounds when you're within 9 or 12 depending on your taking uh if you're taking carry on or not cop so good we're on that later my third commander of course is well actually not of course it's cool because we have one of each we also have an enforcer Commander this guy is your typical Bruiser so he's going to be uh The Bagel Hunter's plate so he's gonna have that sweet feel no pain uh High Armor high defense capabilities and of course Precision of the hunter so he's gonna get full re-rolls hit and wound and uh This is Gonna pair quite nicely with the Relic or sorry the Prototype flamer that's not a flamer that gets a lot a lot of extra shots in melee and in shooting and in melee the other way around so it's cool because we have all three of them we can give Auto 8 inch advance to crisis we can give obsec to crisis we can give ignore negative modifiers and fall back and shoot and charge on crisis so all these Buffs flying all over the place very exciting stuff that's it for the commanders let's take a look at the troops we have as always some crude a single unit of 10 crew carnivores you know them you love them they're just good cheap trades uh interesting thing about the seams list it is you know a giant male fist basically just coming straight at you so we only have one of these guys to trade uh the same you know known for playing Iron hands uh this is only one degree over from iron hand it's very aggressive it's just pure I kind of love it there's not a lot of Shield drones no uh it's most it's just like well I take Shield drones when you can have more Firepower exactly and there's like minimal kind of trading units you know however speaking of trading units we do have a single unit of fire warrior breachers which I absolutely love and they're going to be riding around in a devil fish transport this is a super cool pairing um if you guys see me play My Own Town before I love doing this now uh Naseem being competitive player has just one not three like I used to used to run uh because it lets you do lots of different things lets you score secondaries get up and move of course we have truck boys for uh devil fish to do that um so cool stuff going on there that's all the troops just two Patrols in the fast attack we've got the poppers two units of four crude hounds whoa uh amazing cheap unit uh for trading it just doesn't get any easier than that so super excited to be playing them now let's take a look of course as at the Mainstays of the army the crisis suits we've got three units of Crisis teams we have a unit of six we have two units of three uh the unit of let's see the unit of six let's talk about that one first this is all equipped with just massive killing power so we've got burst Cannon cyclic ion and plasma rifle some of them have Target locks some of them have Shield generators of course Target lock ignoring cover quite amazing and the shield generators give them them a four plus in bone supporting that we have fourth Shield children in this unit to keep them a little bit tougher last but not least we have an iridium suit in there with of course the stem injector which is once per game good stuff yep Classics exactly the other two the other two squads of three are burst Cannon burst Cannon and uh I believe a cyclic I'll double check that yes cyclic so that's that and finally of course one of the meta monsters we have the sunshark bomber two of them today very powerful amazing bomber amazing shooting profile they do Mortal wounds they are too damaged like many of the weapons here so we're going to be struggling into the carnifexes and into the Warriors but they're incredibly powerful their points yes you're seeing Flyers more often in in the tournament scene nowadays just with necrons and sisters playing very passive games being able to bomb them out of uh ruins is very strong and I think you'll make good use of it in this matchup as well I have very little mortal wound defense I can pick an imperative that gives me a five-up feel of pain but I literally have to see it coming right it's either like this is the battle round I'm gonna do it and then you can like play around it right so 100 um it's very interesting I think they're gonna be great as long as I can keep them out of your Firepower yes I would love to just shoot them turn one this terrain is actually working in your in your favorites you know it's it's uh it's super exciting we'll talk more about that soon key units of course for you're missing your devil fish oh the uh yes that no devil fish yeah you do have a devil fish this is going to be of course the breachers riding around in this um we are able to hop out of it and it's just it's going to be an amazing utility unit so super excited to have a devil fish in a competitive list big fan as far as key units we have these three of course uh this is going to be the sunshark bombers as we mentioned very important just in general for solving problems like John mentioned and we've got the crisis team and commanders crisis teams are the the the main stay of the force uh they just basically shoot you to death and because of the support from commanders they can adapt to whatever they get to do fall back shoot object you know run super fast so this kind of is the core of the build for today's Talent yeah you have that big uh blob of Crisis that you're gonna throw all the Buffs on and you have some auxiliary minimum Squad units that just kind of just chip away and just have those guys on the board absolutely now if you haven't already and if you guys want to see more of this amazing content do consider liking subscribing hitting that button down below it costs you absolutely nothing we really greatly appreciate it and you can get access to all this amazing content uh look we're putting it out six days a week so uh you want to know what's coming up and this will be the best way to do so awesome yeah and feel free to comment as well give us some feedback let us know if you like the show's coming out this week you know it's ever changing so we're glad to shape these shows the way you want to see them it's very awesome I think we have a mission oh what do we got yeah let's check out this beautiful Mission we are doing Mission 21 in Benton abandoned sanctuaries uh there's no pregame movement into no man's land it's hole one hold two the huge um and then that bonus you get two VP for controlling or killing units within six inches of the center it's pretty spicy exactly yeah um I think you're definitely going to be doing the killing part in the center I'm going to be trying to do the holding part yeah um look no pre-game movement great for me um and uh not so great for you not so great yeah you have a lot of things that can kind of go out in the middle of the field early on you have crude you have hounds and I have none of that so it's I'm quite liking this kind of middle layout here I'm in the middle but you have a lot of shooting it's going to be kind of that attacker Defender mindset where I'm going to be doing the attacking you're going to be doing these defending and we'll see how it shapes out in the end absolutely and while we're on the subject let's take a look at the terrain for today uh we are going to be doing exploration of different types of competitive terrain as we go through uh this brand new show so today playing on the London Grand tournament let's take a look uh yeah so this is very cool it is it all it's all preset on the table um so it's not like we're player placing these we have uh two small uh L ruins each and then we have uh four medium L's total and then two huge monstrous uh L's uh there and we have some kind of dense ruins in the middle it's weird they're like ruined walls that aren't forests but they're just they're like just dense it's weird well but they're also like original oh they're breachable yeah if an infantry can move through them but like Monsters can't so exactly interesting setup and nobody's so if you shoot through that wall then you're able you you take the minus one right good to note is our big thing to note is the medium ruins have Windows on them lined throughout everything else completely blocked off including these giant massive things uh something LGT has been known for since uh well frankly since the the styrofoam days and so that's going to make for some interesting list design changes it's on shark bomb is of course being in completely hidden turn one from a lot of your shooting uh so very interesting stuff happening there absolutely before we get started or in the secondaries uh we should like to remind you that this is a friendly competitive game of course uh of course we're not we're not Mark and Nasim we're not going to play these perfectly yeah we you know we didn't play second at these tournaments uh or or even fifth um so uh you know we're going to be having fun the uh thing to keep in mind is that we're just trying to be better Gamers and better players it's an exploration different lists um playing factions that we might not play competitively right so exactly pretty interesting I know and it seems in chat so no pressure yeah yeah look at this give us no promises um real quick Adrian um looks like uh something got FAQ recently yes the far site is now nine inches nine inches yeah yes yes sorry that's right so 12. okay it used to be 12. it's now nine okay appreciate it yeah I have to be danger close thank you very much appreciate it awesome with that we have some secondaries oh we do indeed what do we got us for the town we have decisive action Aerospace and bring it down I love so these Town secondaries pretty consistently taken um they're cool because they're actually they're not Auto they're not Auto points yes but they're quite good decisive action I've come to really love basically depending on your if you're doing Kalyan or manka you need to hold at least half the objectives on the battlefield at the near turn to get four points amazing so it's an easier for uh 12 points but of course you can't get more than 12. uh so that's that Aerospace targeting relays we essentially have um each each halfway point on each side of the board gonna have a targeting relay effective Market I need to perform an action within six of that with an infantry Squad could be a character whatever if your fireworks have completes at the end of the turn if you're not if it's not fireworks you have to survive it's giving me going to give me a number of points depending on how many completes uh which I believe is two six nine and fifteen uh last of I'll bring it down this is of course the awkward tyrants don't really give up secondaries and they're going to make a lot of my other things difficult so bring it down for a total of uh potential 10 points yep I don't love it but I look I gotta kill these big bugs because they're gonna be running at me so might as well get points for participating yeah yeah I mean you've got to do it you gotta kill something you can't just let me live and have me like just run towards you barely towards you so you got to play the game a little bit and why not score points while doing it why not yeah that's it for me what about Mr John John hi it's bringing warp ritual grind them down and Behind Enemy Lines so warp ritual this is kind of a gimme I don't like how it's a very open Center but you don't have any sidekick you have no denies it's my secondary to lose yep um I have two characters to do it um I only need to do it three times to get 12 points really great grind them down it's a little iffy I was thinking oh man I could shoot planes you deploy them very well behind this LGT ruin thank you uh with it that's super tall and can hide your planes and so I might not be getting it turn one but I think my secondaries are so bad that grind should be fine you have to touch a primary at some point yeah I'll have to be able to kill something at some point so I think it's decent Behind Enemy Lines I want to go towards you this is the mindset I want to have I need to advance towards you if I can't shoot anything just get in there and stop you from scoring your objectives at the end of the game so having the behind Enemy Lines mindset just works out even if I don't get it turned one turn two it's still Four Points a turn if I can get two units in your deployment Zone absolutely really awesome I love it definitely highlighting your aggression in this game yes I'm into it yes awesome I think we I think we did it I think it's time for the yield roll off I've got a yellow dice John has the white oh let's see what's gonna be I have yeah I don't know what I want oh looks like I'm going second that's right so it's going to be Tao Victory sorry good luck have fun all right it's on so what you're trying to get objective uh sorry we're just gonna get a command point at the start of the turn I'll take objective security uh I'm going up to three uh tau's going up to one big one uh well I am in um so we have our first keep in mind guys got to keep this in mind okay we have philosophies of War coming from the Tau uh look you got to keep in mind that you should be paying attention when the game starts in your attack when you're playing against the towel opponents um whether they choose Kalyan or Montco monca means they're being very aggressive they're committing they're telegraphing that they're going to be very aggressive play the first half of the game first half the game and then Kalyan is playing the latter half of the game they're going to be playing pretty defensively at the beginning absolutely keep keep in mind capitalize on that keep in mind boom I love it uh yeah so Kion I'm gonna be able to from turn three onwards fall back and shoot a minus one penalty and if I'm shooting at John within 12 inches I'm going to get exploding hits uh now in turn three it's going to be exploding on sixes then it's gonna be exploding on fives and it's gonna be exploding on fours insane and of course most importantly these days it pairs with decisive action deciding when we have to score some stuff up I really like how that lines up because decisive action you want to play the latter half the game when you're Cal Young and then you also have um oh boy uh to tell something Telemetry what is it called Aerospace that you also can cash in at the end of the game exactly um you kind of want to have units and then just get on all of them and then do all the actions score like 15 points at the end and with that you know what uh you know what else is exploding uh Inferno damned just gifted five memberships what's up Inferno damn thank you so much greatly appreciate it let's get some Emperors in the chat for this absolute Legend hey Miss Liam amazing Liam's in the chat yeah that means he made it back safely yeah that's awesome welcome in chat uh look gifting membership is an amazing way to support the channel you're going to give someone a chance to check out our members content uh both Tuesday and Friday uh lots of exciting stuff happening there so thank you so much and uh honestly let's let's get started with this so command phase uh this is where I need to start deciding what I need to do this turn so decide some action look don't worry about it for the first three turns amazing first two turns right there um and then and it just uh the airspace we can start immediately in one maybe two places we can do one in the back for sure um we could try to be cheeky and maybe get here then I have to do have to survive the the tyranid onslaught um could be interesting uh and then last of all I'll bring it down well we're gonna have to kill stuff so let's take a look over here um I think so we're looking at where we can move what we want to be doing um getting a unit in the middle feels pretty spicy I do have a sacrificial unit of crude hounds man I really did want to go uh go second second would be very strong for you second would be amazing right now um that means you can get like a bomb off pretty easily I I'm not going to choose an imperative this turn okay knowing that hopefully you're going to play pretty passive you could just pull a fast one on me and just like have everything out right shooting something but I'm not going to do my four Ben which is a big one and I'm not going to do the feel no pain yeah um yeah I think I'm just gonna it's gonna be chilling so no imperative no imperative no involvement I think maybe maybe now that I said that you're gonna bomb me I might take the five up where do I need this this one I could bomb you I could shoot you frankly they have uh a ton of shots that's true I kind of picked your poison right yeah I I'm gonna play on the side of caution and I'm gonna do the five up feel no pain imperative oh and plus and plus one to cast it's also plus one okay sounds good I more care about the the five up feeling the pain yeah so hopefully this hopefully this puts you in a position where you don't feel like it's good to bomb me but at the same time can you hover these guys yeah so you have to fly somewhere that's not this L yeah which means I should I can probably shoot you uh-huh what's the range on Mr exocrine uh 36 on all my major guns 36 on all our major guns all major guns all the major guns sounds fantastic okay uh wonderful so that really is the biggest decision in the game or for me to start let's go and take a question yeah so first one is from Simon Byrne Sarah for the community cup proud to be part of the tabled in round one crew oh no there was so many people getting tabled really I I like woke up ate some breakfast and I was tuning in to yeah a zukari versus Knights game and boy the truecari was in a tough spot the devastation um there was devastations on almost all boards um big thank you to Melody it is if you don't if you guys don't know there's a community cup happening in our Titans Community it's in our Discord unfortunately it's already started so can't join but check it out there are people streaming it yeah um on TTS really awesome on our Discord um very very cool happens every year amazing I absolutely love it um uh keep in mind okay oh my I I had this doubt when I was going through the units yeah the Venom Cannon is four damage the claws are three oh okay so I had so it takes three shots three more damage yeah so it takes three to bring one down yeah and I get one reroll just want to say thank you to the Chris TV for gifting a membership hey thank you so much greatly appreciate it amazing John what am I going to do so they're dead I could fly so I could bomb I could fly off and bomb right I I but you've also made that not interesting yeah exactly so I'm like okay you probably want to fly off the board that means you want to bomb something so that's why I took the field of pain that's my mind so that's why that's my line of thought so I'm a I'm a two mines right now one Warriors Warriors yeah I could bomb them and shoot them or I could bomb and fly off yep or I just shoot straight on the cross and go for your hive turn s so good you're like I don't like that that scares me um not minus one damage probably I could yes not minus one damage but five of a field if I have a feeling pain yeah both are transhuman and he has an involve he has an involvement they do not the Warriors do not I hate this don't worry take your time my turns are should be fairly quick so oh yeah that's good that's good I appreciate it depending on what you give me yeah because those bombers are doomed in this matchup it's it's a rough one you kind of have to play very weird with them you usually take them for the Sisters match up like for the next match a lot of match-ups but you particularly stop a lot of a lot of their things I Frank I'm I think I go for you while you don't have the involved because I don't think that's going to happen pretty much ever again as much as I want to deal with him he could just bounce four pinball if I don't feel the pain so we're gonna go ahead and do that uh but what does that mean over here we're gonna go ahead and give the auto eight inch advance to the big bottle of Crisis suits uh we'll go ahead and make them opsec I guess because why not and then last of all uh ignore penalties on them as well uh that's that and We're Off to the Races cool nice how's Chad doing Lindsay um they're doing pretty good they are loving the new overlays yeah pretty cool right pretty cool Adrian did an amazing job thank you for them we wouldn't let them sleep for weeks yeah seriously overlays only right okay now when I've played top players they use the mall the whole model for flying over let's check this out correct okay so I'm just going to fly here we can get a little mood blocking while we also get the tip going over the corner here and then for this boy oh you want to resolve that yeah let's resolve that yeah just it'll give you more information five six seven eight nine ten dice yeah eight dice sorry uh mortal wounds on four UPS from the sunshock bomber into the period Warriors let's go nice that's good nice now he's got five of Philippines from his imperatives one's dead oh one's wounded okay four Mortals pretty nice wow okay I don't like that which guy would you like double that was probably the right way to do uh doing good okay pulling this back guy cool and then I'm wounding the other bad guy yep oh you know what I realized what's up I do need to touch in huh oh to like because you're obscure otherwise oh with the base it's weird it's a weird one basically the same thing yeah uh and then this boy let's go I don't know where your book is oh my God goodness kind of stay a bit away devastating and we'll bomb them as well three four uh seven dice now that's it seven fours I think you'll kill one for sure fives oh brutal kills one puts another wound on another guy um I don't like this at all this is Warriors early yeah we're we're making moves making moves if we're gonna die we'll make it such an end right real quick I just want to thank Peter Strasser for gifting a tabletop membership all right Peter thank you so much for the gifted membership who is the descendant of Peter now is doing [Applause] uh we'll Advance these hounds right here very nice now do I think I'm gonna be able to deal with these guys fully this turn um I think I'll give you close but I don't know if I'll fully kill you um because we could toss the hounds here for a cheeky little objective hold early on ooh um but like also keeping them later on because this is kind of nice as well yeah like so far you're giving me two units to kill yeah and one exactly you know two four six left I I don't have the like the strongest sense of them honestly the warrior and they'll slap super hard no no but durability it's I don't know I don't know they're gonna have a three up cover save so not very good your AP will do a lot of work totally minus damage minus damage I think I'm just gonna stage I can't afford to just trade out these units too early um I agree yeah so we'll do that and then Aerospace we should actually grab the Zach's Aerospace markers all the way back to here I'll grab appreciate BRB okay I think we're just going to go ahead and Stage return again don't need to be overly aggressive just yet um we're gonna Advance the towns in the middle now this is worth two points for me it's also worth two points for you though going in the middle yeah yeah yeah that's a that's a rough decision you're going to get the two points basically guaranteed I'll have to roll some advances when you move eight right I shouldn't be able to touch it one unless I Advance oh yeah for sure for sure so you need decent advance but if I move on and then I'm for sure giving you the two points in exchange for my two points let's toss a indecisive Advance on these pepperinos oh it's good I hate it uh really I have three shots per Venom Cannon yeah you could string into a ruin maybe right and make it interesting cheeky be cheeky okay I was like there's no really rich you're not killing them but you're totally right that's a pro move I mean I don't know uh I'm super interested this is the it's the competitive day you know but all the techniques he's paying the game totally know how far the other side of it is toss in advance and just try to move with block yeah move block me no block it here um this is decent we'll go and take that yeah let's go puppers we just need to slow you down puppers go let's go poppers popper is in Disguise like two theme songs we'll touch one in there you are uh so that'll get that for us oh and we I forgot to thank uh Zach and Kat yeah we're doing the terrain oh my goodness I'm sorry guys you are just the um let's we got a lot going on that's entirely Fair uh yeah thank you Zach thank you thank you thank you for making this Terrain they did it they did it on hobby Titans um about a week ago and uh they did an amazing job it looks super cool um this lgd terrain is kind of like the UK standard I believe correct me if I'm wrong guys in chat but it's what they plan LGT and it looks great um it's usually not painted to this um basically this this tier so um they've made it look really good Zach and and cat yeah they did an amazing jobs definitely shout out to those guys yep sorry 18 oh 18 is quite far turns out 18's quite far so we're gonna go ahead and touch into this terrain oh my gosh um We're not gonna be getting marker lights and all that jazz yeah um this was my big big debate is like do I yeah you're minding the the Gap the the Gap and the also the huge Tyrant oh for sure I can move so we're gonna be doing a strike and fade yeah okay um to a point where if you want to throw him in you're gonna make me navigate this building and yeah I guess we can go top level he knows I won't take that risk I know you won't take that risk this is an advantage of also knowing your opponent foreign Pro tip know your opponent get into his head psychologically and really messes up you'll do fine sorry that was the marker light for here um someone in it is gonna knit gonna do Aerospace somewhat undecided so we'll be doing that and then we move backwards we will be pretty pretty good we want to move kind of sideways uh to here okay my movements are pretty telegraphed exactly okay so we're gonna move the cold star Yonder get some Lane sight chat how many Venom cannons does it take to kill a sunshock bomber how many licks does it take [Laughter] uh ignore penalties dude he's kind of got a hang back we'll just Advance him for now quick John man nice eleven it's gonna be first try right here what card affects one sunshark I mean I I kind of think you're just gonna cut straight through them after finding out what I did I was like well they're just dead no matter what uh and bombing is just not gonna be useful later on anyways yep uh so we've got that and then Mr Enforcer gives the object and all that good stuff um oh you know what he's slower so he's gonna have to advance let's go nice all right so we're getting back to that 10. keeping it moving all right cool boom boom this will be character blocked when we jump back sure uh we're good there this crisis suits unit they are so terrible against these carnifexes no neon fives uh and you're gonna get your two upstairs excellent with the burst yeah with the burst so I think we wait we'll scoot them up and we'll scoot these guys up I won't have these prices do uh Aerospace in the back here we're good there we're good there we're good there cool look for better or worse we made Moves yep and it's time to get shooting oh marker lights um marker lights Market lights um so we've got one here one here uh we'll put one on this boy on a three yes and then the other one on is it gonna take more than one unit do you mind I can transhuman a monster in in your shooting face I appreciate it yeah so like I'm watching there might be some reason to spread things out right yeah you're telegraphing with your marker lights so I'm like oh what is which which one am I which one am I gonna trans human all right well I'll take your bait and I'll go Mark a line on that guy all right so one on each but I have a yellow light marker marker marker marker thank you Roger Roger Commander Staples uh so we're there cool we shall see uh we're off the shooting phase uh we have to start with a big unit because we want to strike and feed them so that has to be the first strategy we used that's right so I do declare strike and fade what up guys there we go yeah cool this is the thing with the scenes yeah that one didn't get the thing oops Yeah not bad that's probably gonna be the case for the others keep in mind Boop okay so this unit um there's not really do I want to overcharge anything possible to wound even though you're minus one damage so that feels a little bit necessary so we'll go ahead and charge our cyclics you know I'm training yeah you're not gonna overcharge that uh cool easy peasy uh and I was asking about cover you don't get any cover light or otherwise right do not get lighter yeah cool sounds good two three four five we'll start with the plasmas oh sorry just like stealing all the dice here this is pretty rough man so here we go uh we've got the market light we're gonna use it up so we're hitting on threes re-rolling uh ones from the commanders yep let's do this thing I wouldn't need a dice box then oh sorry she's yeah she's just fixing she's fiction stuff behind scenes there we go appreciate it so this is on three rerolling ones let's go oh that's good quite good quite good fours nice is you know transient nice man oh no we'll use our farsight re-roll okay it is we've got two ap4 so sixes yeah jeez aggressive amazing so that's three each down to two each so four damage most excellent uh six clicks you do start with nine yeah one two three four five six one two five let's go sick lick uh yeah they keep falling out here we go again on threes rolling ones yep no overcharge John is a kind nice boy can you cut those twos there twos thanks sir oh that's really bad twos are out Boop and the ones the other ones uh and then winning on fours for many reasons all righty these are gonna be ap2 uh so four is here yeah oh yeah oh no oh my gosh uh yes okay we're just gonna hope that your burst does nothing oh okay down to one okay this is not great he's cutting through me one two three four five bursts uh so it's 30 shots two four six eight two appreciate I have 10 here or uh one two three four five oh I'm a cheater I literally have one extra suit in there oh that's the entire my bad ten uh no let's drop those okay so I'm gonna have to pull the suit oh gotcha and just put it that's a pro move right there in this scene you should try it yikes my bad sorry and then the twos are out didn't even realize the ones are a re-roll shoes are out what's up winning on fives no reals here yeah we're gonna get your full two up though so yeah I'm looking forward to the two of them uh five five fives there yeah not bad not bad two four six eight dice eight two ups you've got one Moon left two ups wow wow I do have two commanders that can see him I know uh weirdly oh geez why are you thinking about it I'm gonna fire in strike and fade yeah you do that I don't oh man this guy will be not in the game anymore yeah uh I think I will CP this okay okay I do love my CP but I also like carnifexis I mean having I want us to see you stress about where your commander should go totally fair I think that's what I'm excited about uh all right it's messed up when you're done oh yeah roll dish too well there we are awesome I'm gonna CP reroll this uh Lindsay 2cp go down to one for the tyranids here um CP real two up two up don't fail me now okay how certain was I that you would uh okay cool so that takes us on to we could do any other shooting but I kind of want to just make sure I can deal with him uh next yeah we've got uh the enforcer right here so it actually is he the best one to go in because he's got the full re-rolls uh he's dressing the cold star I gotta do my my downtown calculations how do I kill my opponent uh uh they're both Overkill in some way do I get greedy yeah did you want to think about it while I'm doing it yeah let's actually let's start with a question yeah okay [Music] so this is is for Fate Stay dreamer hello thank you Fate Stay dreamer for spin the wheels are you guys only doing GW if not would malifo be in the cards slash wheel my fave Skirmish Style game that's awesome yeah I think uh so I think everything is kind of in the cards to some degree yeah some higher degree than others sure um I I think from what I gather from uh you know spin the wheel I think we're sticking with GW games for the first month for the most part I don't know what the exact timeline but we're starting with GW but it is absolutely going to expand other things you know we love things like Legion we know we want to we have people talking about Infinity it's absolutely going to expand beyond that yeah so many and like like you're like standard like board games and stuff too um so we're gonna have a lot of fun with that battlefo definitely on the table super cool yeah totally forgot about these Market lights if you don't mind yeah good so we're gonna put two Mark lights here on threes perfect oh my goodness I'm not gonna put them down because you know who they're coming from oh wait but on Far Side you count as having martial arts already yeah I played myself did you want to marker light another car defense uh yeah I would do the only one that I can which is the guy sticking out sure thank you yeah I'll have another one cheers uh okay so sunshark bombers let's take a look this guy has a little bit worse line of sight so I guess we'll start with him I'm gonna shoot you would you like to minus one damage so I've got the missile pods it's two two damage shots I'm just going to shoot my secret missiles because we're not long for this world and then the uh interceptors have a bunch of two damage shots so uh they start at so the AP is not going to matter but it is uh 12 of those shots Jesus 12 shots yes so I will spend another CP Lindsay for sure um for minus one damage on my Warriors I have to double check you both are at zero CP correct okay yep look I can live I can live on the edge I don't know about you uh and you have you have many transhuman I have trans human you have actual trans that's what it is okay sounds good but no one bones no in bones okay minus one data what does that mean we start with we can go cover uh uh no you get your cover I'll allow you to have cover yay all right here we go so let's start off with um I guess missiles so we'll start with this guy two missile shots yeah oh no hidden on threes because I'm uh marker lights cool nice uh and then strength seven so four is go straight nice uh we'll use our re-roll here cool actually that's probably mistake so we're gonna stick with it maybe two maybe two so five nice damage two good one you got it you got it uh and then he's gonna have the Interceptor drones which is an absolute just fuselage weapons oh hidden on threes let's go [Music] that's good four is here that's quite excellent baby this is gonna be apde too five again oh you're a fiend not bad damage uh two down to one yeah so kill a guy take a guy to one that's right just in time for my 2D three damage secret missile to do a wound let's go I like it I like it yes strength nine so still Force yeah that was the one I knew I could use it for oh well uh look I'm glad you didn't put my my hands over there because look you got another sunshark bomber I can now start with the proper weapons yeah just want to say thank you to Jesus the machine for gifting five tabletop memberships what up Jesus thank you so much greatly greatly appreciate it we very appreciate the support agent do I just go for an air throws now oh maybe oh no no because I needed you to proc the minus one damage because not having the CP is very hurtful yes um so they would be minus one to hits it would be four up in volume it wouldn't be minus one damage but they would be LC transhuman it'd be trans human the G5 they are how many wins these days still three uh I believe it's four yeah just talking about the same for me yeah in terms of in terms of your kind of checkpoint yeah and damage so chat is is saying you get more shots you get more secret missiles secret missile shots two secret missiles thanks for helping him out here I appreciate it now I'm still just like stuck debating like I don't know what to do here and I don't know what to do here that's a hard thing it's a tough life yeah yeah um look I'm here for you minus one damage not my favorite I just went on damage and I didn't put a market light over here anyway so I actually be here on five no way we're going here let's go let's go son um baby shots first shots we'll start with the missiles one and then on four not not using your b-roll like are you sure uh then here's the Interceptor missiles interceptors yeah on a threes trees let's go sunshark bombers nice not bad not bad and fours going into fives that was so bad I'll take it and then last of all secret missiles threes both hit one on fours uh farsight re-roll dang it got AP this is 83 so six out sixes yes 2d3 can you live no no okay wow I'm running out of Warriors down to three everyone wandered in chat like me yeah uh okay cool so we're done there we've got our commanders to decide who's gonna be more optimal um all the card effects is still standing yeah for now not for long all right we'll start with the both yes okay we'll start with the cold Star Commander we'll go into here uh this is going to be the plasma and Nova surge plasma into here oh no that is that is one gun my bad that's right that's upgraded and then the three burst cannons into here one of them is high output one of them's high output okay that's that's a lot of shots that's probably efficient because it's human yeah yeah yeah exactly see I know all right and we know that these guys are going to be taking the modifier though right you might just want to hit yes but I also have Marco lights gotcha oh so he'd be burning both marker lights if I do this hmm don't like that oh like one for each because it's every time you shoot so this will burn this one oh split firing not looking too great now and I can get the benefit of that uh I hate this this is horrible I love how it's stress agent you stress me out man I like I'm picking this up okay we'll just put everything in here here we go we'll start with the plasma hit it on two yeah that's probably smart yep what's up yeah this is the guy on top of the building no I am going to split it because the other guy has four rerolls oh so this will be into here first of the plasma all right on a three yes ap4 uh and I rolled six oh so yeah so it goes right through damage three by two yeah yeah exactly so I'm on seven okay Adrian Chad is poking you again yeah um four missile pod shots per plane oh my God I like it I like it wait so this this one needs two more that one needs yeah two two more two more yeah the good news for you is I definitely this would have been much better at the time when you had one Moon guy so this is this one on threes on four it's nothing and the other one come on let's change the pass let's go yes and you can't change the past apparently or shooting all over again I know right all right this is we'll start with just the regular app uh first cannon here oh oh my God okay well good thing you have this market right fives okay so this is ap3 because wait didn't you don't you have rerolls here no this guy does not oh that's what I'm starting with this guy so there's maybe three because they roll the six so five's here no yes we got him he's dead we got him He's dead Jim and then the enforcer we're figuring this out so we've got the two cyclics a plasma uh and the flameer which will be out of range I think it's a little bit shorter anyways so let's go with the cyclics I could overcharge do you get plus one to wound I will overcharge okay plus one to wound yeah yeah uh yeah sorry guys this is a lot of information this is uh going a little bit crazy don't worry don't worry all right so here's the first cyclic I've seen separately because I can take damage separately I will re-roll from the Precision of the Hunter and then on threes now oh yeah not not as an ash creature cool amazing so you've got three at ap2 uh so four is here takes one down one damage yeah and then the other guy down to six the other gun they all hit moving on fours oh Jesus okay solid these commanders hang out uh four is good yep Force ooh takes two more damage two more six goes to four most excellent last legs here and the last and final thing to check is the thermonutronic projector yeah keep in mind oh keep in mind not a keep in mind moment but burn me off all right here we go Thermo yeah all right did we do it I think we did it end of the turn it's good uh so we started Aerospace back there we haven't finished it just yet okay um you are synapse so you're Fearless yeah and at the yeah it's bringing up so bonus I'm gonna get two points for uh taking the center so two points there no decisive action no airspace no bring oh sorry breakdown is gonna be one point for killing one carnifex Perfect all right there we go taking the way to teen nudes two nudes what's going on yeah oh no no okay go to go to front clean and then and then try it again oh wait um okay huh that's straight there we go let's do this thing awesome so we know that we have the plus one sidekick plus one to nine imperative we have some command phase stuff we're gonna throw um an extra D6 drop one of them for the second cast on the neurothrope and the zoanthropes cool cool um we have the The Relic to do it our warlock trait to do it in two places sounds great um that's all the command phase stuff let's get moving we gotta take these planes out for grind and really just move up the board um yeah yeah you know that I'm kind of I can get an angle on these these dudes yeah with these these two these two yeah yeah that's right okay I gotta I gotta take it I'd rather be hidden on this side and just take a couple here I agree yeah okay cool let's do it uh that is doing great excellent um real quick hold on I gotta I gotta find something here come the Warriors Warriors this terrain is really cool I like how there's not a lot of Windows I'm a fan of it you can it's it's it's great for assaulting armies staying at a line of sight of all these pesky shooting armies what can I say I know as a harlequin player I like it and yeah today is town I don't know uh it's cool actually one of our local game stores versus games uses it so I'm a little familiar with it that's awesome um but I like it it gives play to certain armies that don't always have play yep which is cool to see all righty how am I moving these carnifexes I need to be able to shoot with them I also need to do the action um Adrian chat is also reminding you uh that the plasma is ap5 maybe five maybe five yeah that's insane oh no I like that a little bit less because that means it's a piece eight when we get it uh I I you know seven is kind of cool but you know what are you gonna do here's a question for chat um that six that I rolled so the model that attack is allocated to cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses that doesn't get through damage reduction does it gets through feeling pain and uh phase capping um I don't think it gets around damage reduction let me know oh I don't like narrow our throat oh no I don't like the one on the advanced you're looking for a warp Patrol right yeah I need to be right here uh right six you were 14 from The Middle from there 14 so to this point it's it's quite far I moved six so I need a four yeah you need a four uh uh don't like that you also have more you have you know I have more turns more turns exactly so that's what I'm thinking now um cool uh I assume that I can assault you through this uh little ruined wall there yeah if you're within an inch no problem um cool here is the Venom throws oh yeah eight plus nice okay watch out keep in mind keep in mind throws you don't speak any monsters spaghetti monsters dude they're so cool they are really cool I can't believe how cheap they are too it's kind of crazy yeah and that their stuff just works on like everything right it's not like oh if you're a Monster yeah you have to have this many fan of throws or whatever you don't have to be core yeah oh my God it's great it's ridiculous it is great oh I should probably move my [Music] um listen let us know in chat what events you guys are thinking about going to soon we're going to be off to the SoCal open next week next Friday good time to mention no show next Saturday because we'll be playing it's gonna be a ton of fun yeah uh and then we will be right back at it you know I think there's a good chance we'll be looking at doing some SoCal style stuff in that following show yep um but yeah let us know if you guys are planning any events what armies are taking how are you feeling about the game right now at least before the bounce dad update if it changes everything everything's changing okay oh falling over I have regrets why why why why I need to kill more I need to kill more this is how I am I'm scared that how much you did Kill yeah yeah wanted my Warriors to live the whole game um now they might not yeah the moment you do that didn't do the involved I was like okay this sucks but yeah we can turn this into an advantage yeah and just forces me to be aggressive with these bombers it's true so we'll see um the pro is I'm I'm lined up to get grind yeah you are actually like for sure um it's like there's a few people going to SoCal as well yes dude we'll see you guys there we're gonna see a lot of people it's great it's gonna be awesome super excited well if you're ready to take another Super Chat yeah let's just came in yesterday in the evening oh okay this is for Nicholas what's up Nicholas finally Destroyer Cult of a destroyer called AR yes any interest in playing it when it comes out and if so would it be a Tuesday or Saturday type game hey this is a good question uh look I think it could be slotted into either one um if it's competitive um let's run it on a Saturday if the members want to see it let's run it on Tuesday yeah yeah if it's diverse enough you could even see both uh in a short span yeah but I think you know we are going to be looking at competitive lists playing lists by you know winners or close to Winners yeah um but also it's about just exploring the meta exploring exploring that space so new Army uh comes out normally ever known especially everyone's curious how does this thing stack up against other necrons let's try it out let's take it into the field let's look at it from a competitive standpoint and we can learn from it uh and if even if it doesn't turn out to be as strong as what it is out there it's more looking at it through the lens of a competitive player so 100 I'm super excited I was actually uh last night I had actually ordered some more destroyers for US ah looks like we're gonna have it we're gonna have enough okay it's happening that's awesome uh Tuesdays though like members nights um is famous for having kind of the release date after like usually Saturdays are release day Tuesday is like a second coming of like a release stuff so we'll play play like another release probably going to be Destroyer cult at some point totally yeah I think the white door comes out next week it's pre-ordered today so nice okay not too much movement here yay um I I have a lot out in the open I'm hoping it's just threat overload I don't want to move my Tyrant into like a Kill Zone at this moment uh my hive Tyrant so he's gonna stay in the building skirt and just chill uh uh yeah we have psychic phase them because his wings kind of sticking out oh yeah thank you thank you yeah it's weird it's actually hard to hide but it's very hard to hard so I was like he might just be better how he was up to you yeah as long as this is yeah that's good perfect it's actually almost the same thing I tried it I appreciate it I've seen that I appreciate the subject yeah I try um okay let's start with the neurothrope okay okay uh we're gonna throw five up feel the pain on the Warriors sounds fantastic here it is on a seven seven roll three dice oh no oh no wait let's do some math plus two to cast yes that's good well plus three to cast actually because the imperative but yeah it goes off no chance to deny um yeah okay uh what was that that was Final field of pain on the Warriors we're gonna throw them into the four involved imperative you got it uh this turn think I'm gonna next battle around I think I'm gonna do the four up involved anyways so I actually might skip this one yeah um and just Smite yeah schmatt I think I just Smite This Plane let's smoke this plane here it is remember these guys you can see this is not upstairs oh yeah yeah uh psychic scream is closest visible yep neuroparasite um no but that's bad not ideal so that might actually be my only option here yeah it's a weird thing to note about these guys and they say in the player packet these are not obscuring um we're just running we'll throw the four pinball on the Warriors yeah here it is on five hey you got it very nice cool um here is Smite from the zoanthropes looking for a super on this awesome plane hook up uh it is a uh 10 on the dot wow um very sad that's okay nothing else is awesome Liberty fires gifting 10 really appreciate it thank you so much yeah Emperor's in there for the size of fires D3 Mortals to the sunshark hurry up somewhere in there okay let's do some shooting go right now yeah and then yeah Tyrant not gonna do anything yep okay how do we want to allocate this we'll start literally left to right here here is first card effects into the far plane hitting on fours cool with the Venom Cannon yep here we go doing it now fours I have a leviathan reroll yep nice nice and then winning on threes amazing maybe four all right straight through so this is eight damage you're on four yeah look it wasn't don't do they die it wasn't to my calculations like that should be a one shot one one kill yeah yeah but uh I'll take it I'll take it um here is uh second card effects into that same plane hitting on fours sounds great such a great gun for this amazing uh Leviathan re-roll okay two hit what do you want threes see that cool does he does this one over here yeah over here is he blue nope he's quietly yay there he goes first kill you killed one one thing gosh I almost don't want to kill a third thing because I need to get cracked I kind of hate this look yeah don't don't feel like guys no um here's the exocrine into uh your plane here Sunshine primer cool Sunshine bomber um D3 plus six so it's eight shots cool cool minus one hitting on fours three rolling one of them for Leviathan uh and then winning on threes this I think you'll get a save not great if you should be ap3 if I'm not mistaken nope goes through only three damage all right down to six here here is the third carnifex into your Sunshine bomber sounds good hitting on fours yep so Savage oh no got it too wow I don't tell me you're sweating I'm not sweating I just want no this is fine yeah yeah uh here is the fourth card effects into him hitting on fours oh no Leviathan oh wow huh I don't like this uh termagons just to like be super efficient with my shooting yeah yeah they're within 18. so Four's going fives let me double check yeah you're good single shot each yeah four shots no sorry five shots uh hitting on fives oh okay quite good nice we on fives uh fives bummer he's too powerful bummer it's too powerful look just don't you know just don't because he's debating he has one card effects I can see the crisis yeah but also the plane the thing is like I would be okay with this guy living if he only had shooting sure if he since he has bombs you can bomb again and I'm scared of those bombs because you can go and determinate our term uh our guns yeah uh you can go into like monsters scary stuff oh man what is the math there I have no idea on these guys yeah you do five of them kills five yeah because you roll one for each model the ten dice every four yeah I like that but I I think I want to keep this alive it's weird I might be crazy I'll tell you afterwards okay I'm gonna shoot I'm gonna shoot the crisis with this this point with this conversation all right that's good because I'm definitely gonna get grind already uh uh here it is oh hitting on threes let's do it Leviathan you classic nice nice very cool wounding on three strength nine oh good it's so good three children no no lost two wow not bad cool let's charge let us charge let us leave oh you know what I can do I could just charge the uh the uh uh so first car fix we'll go into this crew Hound Squad in the middle you gotta take the middle here Boop very easy three inch charge the front card effects here in the middle charging it's 11 moving literally an inch amazing uh actually we'll pivot in such a way where we can literally consolidate forward yeah exactly uh the third card effects will take the distance here oh only three wow everyone rolls super high when like you're super close but this guy who actually needs it will just move here that's fair yeah because you want those big charges if you got them big enough then they can make up for the move block yeah um yeah Fair um do we charge this plane decisions decisions basically it depends if you were actually speaking the truth before if you're just saying that to make yourself feel better yeah right basically did you actually mean it that you don't did I yeah the slap oh man I don't know I don't want to get tabled by by you know a tour too soon right I want to be able to score my points [Music] um there's also had odds with each other right yeah to kind of keep you alive but also not get table you want to get a table but you want to grind yes wow um sure let's charge why not why not get a free kill uh it looks like a three or four yeah nice issue we also need to make sure we're not throwing away these guys somebody's kind of cold in there so many tentacles okay uh John are you forgetting the Zone throat Mortals Zone throw more oh yeah thank you yeah oh this this is sunshine yeah that's what Chad's saying thank you yep no you're right we're just still regular Smite I just yeah I was I was so like bummed that I didn't get the super I was one away from the super that I like didn't even calculate the other Mortals it goes down I'd appreciate it Chad thank you yeah what's that helping both of us out they're fair oh absolutely cruel but fair look they're on the side of it I don't know how okay I was like somewhere like this yeah I was like sticking out a little bit okay now yeah all right cool cool um that is oh no sorry I have some charts some fights let's do it uh and which method would I like to kill you we'll do this card effects first it's six attacks on the charge no seven sorry please hold please hold please hold it is four base one for for the claws the talons and then one for the card effects charge so six sounds great hitting on threes to the hounds got a leviathan reroll nice oh and then wounding on two it's T3 yeah [Applause] this was this guy this one all right so which one do I want to leave probably I mean anything on this front row is pretty good yeah I think this middle guy is the best yeah cool uh and then you just tell me who you want to go next and we'll plug them I will do the outside guy next cool you're gonna do pylon real quick yeah so I'm gonna do three inches around you doesn't get me to the objective but it gets me there and then this guy will take his six yeah well he could do his second move then oh after he fights I see yeah you're right that's probably right there it's true you can definitely get him on the point fine I'll take it Perfection love it cool cool cool cool and then we're touching the ruin with or sorry the dents with two counter fixes not the one though yeah checks out all right that's my turn love it let's score it up all right so tyranids will get two for bonus you got it for killing and or holding the middle uh psychic ritual not yet I'm so close I need that four up Advance yep didn't roll it grind them down I do grind for three points uh quite good um and then behind them knee lines not yet okay cool cool and with that we're off to the top of turn two is a Tau all right let's take a look um we're just gonna get a command points naturally are I'm gonna get two points on Aerospace because I finished one uh marker points there and let's do this thing we'll do Buffs and all that good stuff oh I should say foreign time hey hey imperative and we can probably do I keep in mind keep in mind for imperatives always got to keep those imperatives yes so uh you know tier knits they have something called imperative synaptic imperatives Um this can really um dictate what they're really good at in a turn for this turn it's four of involved it's only a one-time use once you use an imperative um it goes away can't use it again so you really kind of want to bait out that imperative right um You can really scare your opponent into using that four up thinking he might take a lot of damage and then not going out into the open to do that damage just holding back waiting until it's until it's gone yeah and then and then striking patient Hunter patient hunter gets the prey man after my own heart I love it amazing um okay so we're in the command phase we're thinking about where we want to put the Buffs uh and I'll kind of talk about what I'm thinking for the turn over here I'm almost certainly this might be the turn that I come out snipe the points and also Aerospace with uh the breachers they are fire wars which means they complete it at the end of the turn so that's pretty spicy uh can you shoot and do the action not no not with them there's materials that can let you do that uh so there's that and then deciding what to do here we want to kind of keep especially these car effects are kind of the big the big bullies we want to keep them at arm's length yeah um the play with the sunshark bomber really split my assets up yes like you didn't let me move up this side of the board exactly and now these guys are kind of sticking out so I'm kind of out of position here so it's it's it's quite good thank you we're trying we try you do have involved so it's going to be tougher to get through those carnifexes uh so the question is where do the Buffs go do I try for some things what's the damage on the Reapers sold three uh I believe it's three yeah the blitter X yeah representable glitter ax repurge of oblitorax quite excellent uh it is three correct ap4 okay does a mortal every time I hit uh-huh sorry every successful wound yeah yeah here with your nonsense uh okay so we're gonna go ahead the crisis Commander is gonna give his buff to these fine people naturally uh and so that's going to be Exemplar of one call it's going to be [Music] take no penalties all that good stuff the auto advance will give to same guys and then the enforcer for obsec that's the one thing I'm not entirely sure if I want to put it onto the unit 3 pop them out here kind of force your hand we're both kind of just sitting here and wasting this point right now yeah um we have nothing on that point I have nothing on that point I thought about it and maybe I should have honestly forced you to trade something yeah um but I was too cautious too cautious do you think that do I think that you think that the hive time will be able to take out the crisis here um yeah we'll put object onto the unit of three actually we'll go for that nice and that's gonna be it for the command phase Buffs we'll get moving cool and let's take a question yes this is from Inferno damn thank you Inferno put it away for too long having to work is such a giraffe all the worst looking forward to catching up on a lot the last few months of content yes oh Max so glad to have you look life life is ultimately unfortunately more important than Warhammer so you got to do what you got to do make sure you treat yourself too work can be very draining as you know so make sure you take some time for yourself recoup recover have some fun um in whatever way you think is is cool 100 you know yeah yeah so we're gonna get these guys out move on up grab this point uh we're gonna start the action action I like it yeah and the cool thing is you just have to be within six you don't do holy within six nice it's absolute nonsense I like it so these guys are gonna complete the action immediately and they're obsec or just stealing this objective for me I only got one body on there it's quite good uh do I want to spread out a bit over here um no I think it just gives charges for your carnifex we to that to that tune we're gonna pull away from the wall just going to put my two bodies which is all I need to take from you yep um and then make sure you can't charge me through the wall sure so we'll go there um as far as other stuff goes what's this devil fish going to do I'm not sure what his purpose is now what is my purpose I like it let me have a culture here a man of culture um we have a few little baby pink shots we could toss but it's not particularly interesting uh let's toss in advance cool I could have a regular dice a dice it said it's a classic on table Advance here we go oh before we can go 16. um could just toss another move block oh no I can could never go anywhere give you a grind but yes you're gonna get this anyways um you're thinking about crisis suits I'm thinking about crisis suits oh man I'm not gonna enjoy the whole getting shot thing again it's rough the whole yeah it's not great it's not great uh um you could do it oh so aggressive it's a little move Block in here this is like an Adrian special this is yeah this is a stable thing to do I've got two CP yeah do they want to separate those drones out hmm I feel like that for more screening screen while you screen it is for more screening it is for more grind so that would make you happy they would only move eight so I'd have to get a decent advances to do it again but yeah yeah no that's okay we'll leave them there um I don't want to give you extra unit kills uh so we're there we're there over here we're gonna go ahead and hop on over these guys are going to air space here nice again staying inish from the wall only going to accept combat from your high Tyrant yep nobody looks like they're poised to do so yeah and we're just touching onto the point because these guys are either opsec cool uh we'll see if that's a rookie mistake or not is it Naseem is it a rookie mistake I feel like it'll do a good dad I really want to line off some shots right here yeah um that is that is the move just move so we're just gonna jumpy jump these guys here and you can fall back and shoot that is from a commander so these guys have it gotcha uh from the commander the big man yeah and then starting from well actually next turn is turn three so my whole arm really let's do it oh these guys can do it without penalty though it's just gonna get worse it is it is just gonna get worse that is 100 true so we're just moving over here getting line of sight distance to these two carnifexes um we lost a cyclic this guy here drones will hop here and then what I'm gonna do is a force with the flamer flame Is Not Great yet this is a minus one damage these are out of line so you can't see anything yeah so yeah I think what we're going to do is we're just gonna hop here this Commander really likes his burst he's super into burst uh so we'll go here we're gonna hang just a little bit back from this wall yeah because then we strike and fade he'll still remain untargetable choose the plan very cool um actually you know what we're gonna have to make space so he'll he'll do the same thing but over here just sticking out while you're making space let's take another Super Chat let's do it this is from the very um Liam Dempsey oh my goodness uh here's a massive thank you for everything you did for me this last week you guys are literally the best love my Titans family so nice thank you so much man appreciate it as always yeah that's empty if you guys haven't checked out Liam's MC on YouTube you absolutely should look we maybe didn't quite hit the subscriber goal that Mel said ambitiously two days before he left uh but look I think we should go over there toss him some some likes some subscribes really amazing content in in the spirit of Warhammer that we uh appreciate honestly and well said he is absolutely part of our Titans family here um we're super happy to see him visit hopefully we see him again soon yeah 100 uh recruiting here recruiting here up against the wall and then this guy crisis man Chris's man Chris is man it's a man on a mission this game was ten she's a little faster let's see I think we're just gonna do the same thing oh all right there we are yep it's peeking out you can only see this guy though peeking out for better words cool uh cool we're there we're there keep in mind sorry not keep in mind I can't do that anymore yeah the John like copyright police are going to come get me that's terrifying you just gotta make your own thing now yeah yeah you gotta make a new one all right cool let's go so we're Aerospace here Aerospace there um let's get shooting 2cp if we want to strike in fade this is the time to do it so yes we're gonna strike and fade and and try to get paid here we are aggressive don't want to be with a striking face the patient Hunter that's the prey 100 a nice little reminder yeah all right so you use two CP on that this is gonna be one CPU which I can fade sorry I'm totally I'm just gonna be here John I want to be with a nine yeah you're good so I can uh shoot you you're good oh so I can get my rerolls yeah that was literally the whole plan that's cool that's a pro move right there pro move Pro oh move and just so you know what's going on in my neck of the woods we're good it's my turn this card effects closest to you yep doesn't have a four pimple oh what yeah because I need to be within uh synapse oh you know what John I appreciate that yeah you're uh it's a little little oops oopsie oops all right fair enough shooting so yeah one CP strike and fade we gotta start with them um he doesn't have an inval yeah interesting okay yeah so we'll put hurts my brain just make you do more math I don't like it we'll put the plasmas into a guy with no involved yeah we'll put the burst into a guy with the Anvil mm-hmm it's five plasmas got a couple more um this is hard this is hard math to do yeah I'm glad I'm glad the math is on your end I just get to say I'm here you go to a floor in a way so the cyclic is kind of the same um it's five of them eight wounds cyclics we'll put we'll put two cichlicks here and two cichlicks here cool and transhuman anywhere oh marker lights I'm so bad at this Army here we go Marco light here yes and then Mark a light on the other guy yes and that's actually it okay that's it nothing from the the devil fish or anything no one else can okay I promise you're good I promise all right your same activation okay yeah um I don't know what's going in here again this is all the burst into cyclics okay this is the plasma and two cichlids that's a tough decision right oh my four is here I believe oh yeah so yeah there's like does that change your answer sorry not really right not really yeah no okay um finishing I feel better yeah right uh no go ahead I feel like I need my CP okay sounds good uh let's start with the stuff into here this is gonna be the plasmas by plasmas this is out okay no no transhuman no trans human so this is on uh threes okay t7 t7 and then full re-rolls because Exemplar Montage because I went within nine come on there it is yeah uh apparently it'd be five uh it goes right through so that's six damage six damage okay uh that's it's three damage each goes yeah and then the cyclics into there uh yeah so here's first to click they all hit second cyclic they all hit okay rolls so good so good amazing ap2 because you get four UPS here uh four UPS oh no um this is two go to one yep and you still have bursts still have uh no this is everything in here we're done into there for now oh so wait he's still he would still die oh okay this is this is this guy yeah he's super dead correct yeah uh and then the other guy uh we will start with the cyclic so here's the first cyclic yeah second cyclic okay threes here uh no oh sorry he's minus one because he's touching the thing but probably wasn't a big deal you gotta rerolls anyways right not to hit we'll just do it again sorry fours three really just the one no okay nice and then the next one fours nice amazing and then this is threes because overcharge oh way worse all right four oh I'll use my one reroll here yeah no okay okay so you're good and then the burst cannons uh which is it's a whole bunch it's one per uh sorry it's four of them actually because one guy doesn't have it four five six six six this is soup one two three and four on uh fours we're doing once twos threes ones exactly and then fives here no re-rolls um it's good it's a few yeah okay all of these are your two ups good sir the Wolves that's it oh yeah come on move nice oh so good totally good okay we lost we lost the one that made the mistake should have stuck with the pack yeah stuck with the herd exactly always stick with the herd yes uh so we'll go ahead and strike and feed here six inches and because we have the devil fish there we know that this line of sight is going to remain yeah pretty much entirely safe there's this guy that can move this way but it's literally one Venom Cannon yeah exactly so if he moves eight he could see there yeah so we can take one guy that is acceptable acceptable yeah and you're going to probably kill this guy right yes exactly okay yeah I'm not even factoring but Okay cool so that's that there let's go to the uh full re-roll Bagel Hunter plate Mr enforcer man with all these reals I don't know if transhuman is ever worth it um it is against I don't know it's a hard call I don't have to be with a nine right like now I'll put those guys before yeah exactly yeah yeah I think I just let you keep going and then I'll if I see a opportunity to four up re-roll yeah we'll see okay so you're good yep so we're gonna start with the first second line we are gonna overcharge minus one yep minus one plus one's back to twos nice use the marker light second it's a click choose oh nice no mortal wins yet what do you want threes full rerolls noise all right so just one misses four UPS four UPS I have four wounds on this guy card effects live oh got a one down to one okay in there yep you have burst after this uh plasma plasma oh no okay but you have the inval on this guy right yeah yeah no problem so Plasma on a two nice on three yes four up live okay hanging in there for now I love it now we'll do that again we'll start with the plasma that ignores and bones let's go oh no that's what I like to see no I got cocky all right hold on now I have to see what else we have one CP I don't really want to use a CP on that it feels not great um oh we have another Commander after this I can still shoot yeah so yeah this is Nova surge so um first cannon do regular burst Cannon and then we'll get to the high output first can the regular burst can for for Giggles uh this is on threes because minus one to hit is on fives nope and then the high output which is full so many dice hitting on threes and this is master of killing blow yes cool threes and fives oh no this is fives and we will use one re-roll come on oh it was the six for a second it's a one at AP1 because high output uh three up oh he's hanging in there I don't like it uh and then we've got the uh regular crisis Commander we've got first cane cyclic ion Advanced burst Cannon and a plasma rifle jeez this guy is so much first cannon cyclic this is too many weapons oh because it's upgraded Okay cool so let's just start with plasma rifle let's go on a three nope yeah that's good that's fine that's fine second uh plasma rifle Adrian it's two burst cannons on that guy yeah oh okay cool hold that thought hold that thought threes fives cool okay and that's extra EP oh two so uh no zero up to three oh oh yeah uh oh wow plasma from the next Commander okay uh yep Sephora okay four up Fiddlesticks all right cyclic ion uh I will overcharge it this is on freeze okay good this is on threes oh no AJ what's happening and then it's one mood card Effect that's crazy I gotta look up the Prototype uh so my apologies for a second okay this is what sorry is this the burst okay cool oh my goodness and they don't degrade guys so this carnifex living is huge he just acts like nothing happens to everything it's everything in the whole entire world um yeah no feeling pain or anything after this I'm probably the magic threes okay I think I should use that CP John uh string six of fives okay one he's a monster all right cool um you're not wrong that is literally my entire turn oh oh well yeah there's no charging there's nothing uh so let's score it up so bonus I'm gonna get two points for killing a unit on the middle uh decisive action still nothing it's not turn three airspace I'm gonna get what was it it's two six nine fifteen fifteen yeah so it's gonna be another four points up to six nice bring it down another single point for another card Effect nice and that's gonna be it for me over two nudes are you holding any uh um oh you held up sorry top of the turn I was on one one hold on yeah my bad totally jumped through that yeah now John okay John's on two nice sperm excellent let's do this thing hello all right so we know we have the four up involved imperative um we'll throw the roll extra D6 drop one of them on the neuro and zoen again yeah and we gotta start doing this action and keep on killing yeah you killed one I have two literally right here that I can kill let's do that let's keep let's keep going oh no I'm a Fool it's looking your end game is looking strong still yeah I'm very scared of your your end game here it just would have been very nice to not have that kind of text there yeah that's all fair fair totally fair um cool cool making sure we're good we can take a question if we have anything super Chad this is from zlaquion saying that right yeah maybe huh black onion maybe yeah yeah it might not be black onion but that's how you said it okay now that I say it it's a minute yeah so thank you black onion uh was I wrong to think there was more flash gets in this channel Rebrand and what if admit got an ability to ignore rules that alter their AP oh man look for the Liam game I was very close to running flash kits but the problem with free booters as we know is either they do nothing or they just destroy your opponent table them and that wasn't really yeah the vibe I was going for so uh there will be more flash kits uh especially if you keep watching our narrative Crusade series check it out on Thursdays of course I'm sure you're aware of it at this point but um look we gotta hire some free booters at some point during that campaign so keep your eyes in the appeal for that yes I like it as far as adminac ignoring rules that ignore the AP uh I worry about just the layers and layers and layers and layers and layers right so I don't know if that's the answer I just worry about that it gets really really bloated but certainly since they need something and certainly something to help deal with stronger contempt whether it just be extra AP or x3p on sixes or fives or whatever something would be really I think cool and appropriate for them so yeah good questions as always Zach black onions black onion laconian I don't know what to do with this card effects oh I'm sorry yeah but just a free card Effect but that's true you can't really do much this train can you yeah yeah um that's a commander right there that that uh yellow big yellow dude I don't like it yeah weirdly this card effects if he wants to be an imperative range he is going to be sticking out which I don't I don't care we're going to give you next yeah exactly and I I contradicting myself here but you don't want to touch into the terrain I do get that minus one yep uh uh he has a lease on life with nothing to do with it I know what's up with that um I'm gonna try to mind game you here okay I think I go and that way I do have shots you do yeah and then if you do want to shoot him you have to move in a weird way I don't know man okay I don't know oh man it's still not touching terrain that just sounds like a bad idea okay here we go fair enough so you don't take the minus one ahead yeah and he's just in a weird spot yeah cool he's a weird boy um exocrine it's like traffic jam out here man that's the idea that's that is the one that's the one big advantage of how having this matchup right yeah is maneuverability and frankly just things that can go through breachable uh so we're just gonna try to bog you down slow you down cool we're running out of trading so I'll say that yeah whew I love this terrain it creates like cool Alleyways shooting paths but still very scary yeah I think I do take this bait here take the bait off link how many sleep you have I have three three nice no suits or sorry no drones I should say no drones you're not you're still doing the action so I can stop you if I kill you yep I think it's worth it we'll move 16 just right up to you it's happening yes amazing cool positions in such a way sure yeah it is a decision to shoot him yeah no freebies no freebies here uh okay all right gosh I need to get behind I need to get behind yeah the secondary's earlier you're blocking me yeah blocking my shots I'm trying man I'm gonna keep you out of my land yeah okay I think I am ready for the psychic phase cool cool here it is we have neurothrope doing the action in the middle yeah let's do it you literally need anything but not a two it's not not a double ones yeah you got it cool very nice like a easy 12. big war Patrol there yep three points uh we will do Smite with the Zone throws into the transport totally this is just to get some moons out there oh I should be rolling uh three dice ah that is an eight plus three that is a super so wait why is it plus three uh it's every model in the U oh okay cool cool yep because he's getting plus two he was getting plus two for different reasons he's getting plus two because of his crown Relic and then just being himself and then he had the imperative and then he had the imperative sounds good yeah so super super D6 plus three we won't forget it this time solid four every time no it's all right it's not it's unneeded check the winds uh all right that is oh I can I can smile over there um do you have any do you have any uh troops in that like little L there I do have crude oh wait does this guy have neuro parasite no it's these guys oh the Tyrant oh slots what yeah why would you take that that's weird I don't know man I mean it's good here specifically ask Mark Mark let us know um yeah neuroparasite it's weird because I want to kill I don't know this is gonna help me kill the suits neuroparasite can just kill some crude we'll go for the crude okay I think it's worth it no parasite it's oh it's on a seven though okay um so it's actually quite risky here seven eight that'll do it yeah so You're Gonna Roll ten dice yeah 10 crew in there and every roll that is equal to or exceeds their toughness is Immortal wound yes and it doesn't need to be visible which is really strong oh crazy strong three oh wow two Max of six correct crew Max is six I'm Max of six so six crude dead everyone don't freak out uh that's pretty amazing uh okay you're look you're gonna live are we taking Moon markers very nice um okay shooting cool let's shoot exocrine into fire Warriors okay you're touching the ruin there's like a little Gap right here that I can see into I love it so let's do that D3 plus six from the exocrine hook up there's eight shots classic classic eight hitting on threes yep one Leviathan reroll very nice missing two cool winning on twos Looney on twos little t3s ap3 ap3 watch out four up three up and covers so we've got six UPS here yep heads up oh yes six is for days that's right four dead nice [Music] oh you know what yeah uh got to kill a guy in cover gotcha cool uh all right so I I want to charge this devil fish so that I can consolidate and Pile in and get some extra distance um so I really hope this doesn't kill the temple fish uh in fact I'm so scared of this I might just charge it instead yeah are you on the train piece still on the train please for with your fire Warriors yeah I've got one guy in the corner okay I couldn't uh we'll shoot one Venom Cannon there sounds good hitting on threes Leviathan reroll sorry and we got two straight nine straight through cool so now we are off the train uh sorry db3 roll some sixes oh okay okay oh if you insists if you insist oh yeah I did okay off the terrain very good um we will shoot trains yeah Doctor Strange uh I think we just go right into charges here oh sorry carnifex into your balance yeah let's do it fitting on threes oh wow three words three no victory's mine uh okay all right fascinating um charges let's do mm-hmm uh Tyrant into your crisis would you like to OverWatch but OverWatch I could minus two charge nothing feels particularly useful here uh uh even if I did minus two you'd have to like roll double ones yeah there's a lot of burst on this squad here yeah in your three of armor yeah it's not worth it here it is oh so far more respectable um since we've gone so far we're gonna thank you yeah cool uh we're gonna go there and hope we kill you are there not opsec they are opposite they are Ops okay so I don't have to try to contest the point either kill or be killed here um I'm hoping to overrun into your diplomacy um just be annoying nice here's Warriors into uh your breachers cool sounds good hold up let me know if you want to OverWatch at all uh I'm good is it a it's a five straight dead though I appreciate that we're gonna be on the wall here anything in this video uh yes some peppers Peppers Peppers pepperinos yeah puppuccinos yeah yeah okay sure I'm gonna do with that flank um hey it's supposed to be my strong flame oh hopefully uh card effects into devil fish yep wow they are not feeling it it's a little warm up here uh next con effects into the devil fish oh this guy too bad he can only move two inches um and uh don't want to touch that terrain piece so we're not going to do anything with the Venom throws I think we are good nice awesome okay let's go into the fight phase starting with the Tyrant we are going to use uh verocious appetite I believe this is a stratagem moment yes Australian rocious appetite for receptite uh re-rolling all wounds for this monster here this is great um pretty scary stuff very scary I don't like it let's see sorry it is five base oblitorax does anything for attacks nope I feel like I get an extra one some how is that right I have one guy with a shield generator here okay that's a four up noise oh here it is it's the talons no the boat yeah he doesn't want to use the talents he wants to use the bone sword so only five checks cool um hitting on twos [Laughter] look nice amazing only uh four mortal wounds probably not the best place to re-roll wounds but that's okay right well no no it's on two yeah four AP four damage damage three damage three four mortal wounds on top of whatever you feel okay so Shield gen yeah I do have a tail after this thanks what are we think about that no oh no it's still dead never ending no so good so one guy goes down to one and then you deal four mortal moons so kills a guy yep I do have a tail and then takes another guy down to one wound [Music] so kills the shield gen guy oh just kidding just kidding no the tail is not no attack okay I don't think that changes just kidding anything no it doesn't Okay uh uh no we're good so he kills him and then he takes three so he's done one all right cool nice wow dupe that's a big deal could yeah that went bad I went poorly what can I say wow um all right all right well played and you're keeping me in combat so I don't overrun yeah well played geez well played sir uh uh we have carnifexes six attacks to the devil fish to the devil fish uh doing the awkward position one first yeah six attacks hitting on threes okay wow this guy wants it here we go uh this guy's streaming my threes feel like he might be strength six weirdly because it's the claws it's the claws yeah so five's here wild fives okay oh oh AP AP is three sixes oh oh two damage each oh okay oh sorry three damage yeah okay so down to three uh and then the other one yeah just need one to go through here threes amazing amazing hits uh and hives though two you need two sixes no problem we got this oh oops there we go okay John did you finish your attack on the hive Tyrant I did what did I forget tell me um I don't know Melody's saying well I do wrong Melody tell us tell us if I I usually I usually run the walking one with the gun and not explode I'm not familiar with the blitter X I'm sorry um um cool uh is that he doesn't feel like I was like wait what happened and he's scared I should have I was just taking that opportunity right there like if you want to win a tournament okay this guy's just gonna barely touch on here cool sounds good um we have some Warriors uh I don't think I need the extra attacks so we will literally just use the base three oh it's with the Dual so four attacks each one two three four four uh four times left yep hitting on threes yep threes Leviathan totally amazing oh totally amazing dropped one yeah strength is eight two twos look only two yeah so sixes they're dead there they go they did their job though yeah they really did so good so good cool cool okay melody was referencing the tail attack yeah but you did the tail attack right yeah I I did not do that I said I'll go through it with it oh yeah okay was I supposed to go through with it I'm just just take a look at your book not battle scribe yeah yeah tyrant [Music] Tyrant talents yeah it gives you just re-rolls a hitting wound with the tail it doesn't do anything besides that yeah and you hit me with everything yeah yeah we're good okay appreciate it though yeah I was like I thought that like I think that's an eighth edition thing where they had like an extra attack yeah zero AP D3 damage it's very weird yeah uh I think I'm gonna just not worry about combating to you because I'm gonna drain it if that's cool with you yes cool um I think that's it man that was a big deal it was it was a thing didn't get to do everything you get everything I wanted so insightful but uh you know oh I do owe you leadership on these crude here uh here we go uh they definitely fail so it was uh four left now three left running out ones and twos two crew left two left look that'll get the job better than zero yeah exactly um boom boom cool nice let's score it up the end of your turn the bonus okay hold on real quick uh to go back to the tail thing chat is Charming in with um the Tyrant Talons the feet have two attacks what oh yeah that's what people people are saying the feet feet okay yeah yeah I see the beat oh sure it's the one I tried to do instead of the oblitorax okay uh twos nice and threes re-rolling nice two AP three maybe three yeah okay so um Shield gen guy Shield gen guy very good okay she's the best what happened did I oh yes you're shielding do you guys have the shield alive and then the more he was alive at the time because he died from the morals which are afterwards yeah that's what threw my I was like wait he's dead we're good can't change the past thank you though chat I appreciate it and uh Melody did a super chat a uh apology for uh she will never correct you uh in rules again we will correct you ever again I want that Super Chat yeah today today more than others too uh okay cool okay scored it up yeah score it up bonus do you hold the middle hell yeah I do two points two points there warp ritual a big three points there yep completed my first warp ritual the two more grind them down I get three points totaling six and then unfortunately for Behind Enemy Lines zero still boy his move blocking is effective yeah how much are you holding oh oh sorry did we oh yeah we did it we're good yeah because it's top of the turn okay yeah that's right now it's my turn I'll put them on into you actually sorry end of my turn um I did complete another Aerospace nine for Aerospace uh and then now top of the turn I'm holding two objectives hold one hold two uh craziness then living that's a big deal boom excellent now you know what happens with turn three I don't want it to happen yeah he's gonna get deadlier oh that's awesome fall back and shoot uh and getting exploding sixes just to shoot in in shooting on hits yep so it doesn't sound like me did it right yeah um all right let's do this thing so we got the CP uh just to double check the CP I forget if I already changed it yeah Adrian you should be at two or she should be at three I think three now okay okay that's what I thought you know chat will let us know yeah because I I was prepared to do a re-roll and I was gonna believe take me down to one okay cool thank you thank you um imperatives oh imperative yeah yep uh I can do exploding attack like hits in combat uh yes um well I don't think he won't get it because he's too far isn't it his imperative I think it's Warriors and he's fallback and shoot I think oh yeah it is weird um but he synapse so he will get it I need to be able to chain it through the Warriors like I need synapse lines to him he's all the way out there for the imperatives for the imperatives no needs to come out through this no no all your snaps creatures get that ability the pick one you have to chain it okay yeah um keep in mind I will still do none of those I'm not gonna I'm not gonna choose one Mr heard okay so no one volumes we gotta kill carnifexes shocking also gotta kill the Tyrant and kill the time the Tyrant is like Target number one right now I have I still have a little time before the carniflexes reach so we're gonna of course give ignoring negative modifiers to these fine folk here uh we will give I could give up SEC here uh if I needed it cold star is definitely out of range to pass that buff so we just have the crisis um oh no we can't pass optic because that's here so he's at arranged uh yeah so we'll give opsec here we'll give ignore modifiers here um and we'll give the auto advance eight is here to here we do have a drawing side and that is that cow yawn huh pretty cool go on yeah let's take a question yeah it's from Nick M greetings from RI which I'm guessing is Rhode Island yeah uh great games and content with a new show schedule zip love it so far I'm glad that the bugs decided to go out for sushi go bugs whoa hey whoa hey Sushi nice no it's not funny anymore the tides have turned seeing how the turntables have turned the turntables scary stuff um okay so yeah we're gonna be we move here you just shoot the heckins out of him yeah try to stay outside with three if we can for interventions and all that stuff yeah because that'll give our bonus for killing this one guy on the point yep see look I like good goals here good goals yeah good goals yeah good goals good goals smart goals um so that's the that's the goals yeah gargoyles can we this guy's actually bottom floor yeah okay I guess this this guy is going to be the easiest easier one to see because he's here I have to get there this guy I have to get to here we have to get to this dice which we can and we'll be visible which I don't love like at all and fall back because we're obviously in combat okay we have a plan this is this is not good this is lost so frankly the puppers we go for one more move lock or we just run away regardless could I have a actually you want to roll me in advance for this crude house Advance roll crew house it's a three it's a three modest three it's a 15. okay okay no only time for Old Time sakes that feels like a move are they all SEC questions no I wish otherwise I would totally yeah trade up here yeah 15 doesn't get me to safety honestly I should have tucked him in here if I had done that 15 would like literally just put them on the other side as it is yeah I think we do this cool so if I go here go here I think I'm giving you the kill no matter what I do so they're kidding blue the correct answer is to just slow you down gosh I hate this that's cool right so good so good at this game oh um don't really have extra movement for those stuff so let's see here cool so we're gonna go there uh over here I hate it but they're just kind of sitting they're not gonna have range with their burst cannons that's why I really wanted the the puppies to reach here the bees because I just don't have something to sit so they're just gonna sit um that's tough that's a tough chill to swallow there's no like sticky obsec or anything here so I don't believe so I could really use that well let's take another uh super chat if you're smart yeah yeah this is from Tyler Grizzle thank you Tyler hey Titans loving the new schedule dropping by to show some love before I get working on this turn paper go towel go towel hurtful greatly appreciate it thank you so much hey the last one was for you yeah yeah yeah I appreciate that I could I can respect that yeah yeah uh look good luck on the term paper I would be stressed you shouldn't be that's amazing oh that's so good um but hopefully you're able to relax as well um you know good to focus on work but also take time for yourself yeah yeah for sure um oh John I need to I need to hold at least half the objectives oh for you really about that small deal one of your objectives uh that's decisive action it's now Tran three it's time to play the game yeah um you've thrown quite a lot away I've thrown them this was my fear I was like if I trade everything I have to actually play the game I'm gonna be in trouble look I don't feel good about my secondaries either so oh perfect this is great perfect we're buddies um okay so I really wanted to start rotating around this way but I think maybe we don't I think maybe we start coming here shoot this secure this these guys can hop forwards they're not doing much else for me anyways this point is relatively secured um and then I could get a little sassy with the cold star and I can put them down over here going to these guys then these hands could potentially take the point sure in fact I have three you have four yeah I do have four CP I don't like it I re-rolls so you can see I'm trying to deter him please killed by Warriors let me give you all the reasons why you shouldn't do this oh it's so interesting I hate it thanks but thanks from all the love from the past two super chats they've been talking about the new schedule and honestly we're super excited about the schedule as well um we have like like very like specific days where we focus on certain types of games yes and it's like Adrian and I love like practicing for tournaments and stuff it's what we do off stream as well like we'll just get together and play like a competitive game just a practice with an army and now we get to do that here every Saturday like literally you can watch us and we always like seeing the new list coming out of the tournament scene so it's really cool to pick the brains of of those people as well yeah we greatly appreciate it it's just fun we love to celebrate these different ways to play the game um so if you haven't checked out the other shows absolutely do and if you like this one you want to see more of this do consider liking the video and subscribing to the channel as always uh congratula I appreciate it John you just giving me a puzzle and it's a tough tough puzzle my friend I don't appreciate it you know take your time if I'm honest you're doing I think you're doing great Adrian I honestly you think you're you're playing this very well I'm sledding the score is very close um you're so Killy show killy I could just totally like give up on that point you know what I'm saying yeah uh um this is good in the interim for sure what playing for the middle is actually very strong too because you get the bonus yeah um and it's like just close proximity to your other safe objectives yeah yeah exactly of course I also want to secure my safe objective my natural objective so yeah that's losing the Warriors would be would be very serious I don't think I can kill them with just him um um I don't think I can yeah I don't know I don't know I don't know two Sunshine bombers killed like six of them yeah that's a lot that's a lot though he has so he has the birth can and the highway output outputs such and such and the special plasma okay um I don't know they're transhuman I can minus one damage I'm in cover all right well we know we have to do this move yeah we know we have to go for it all right let's take another question yeah um from blackbirds you can see over over and things much WoW Adrian or John advice on materials for stencils and general use oh that sounds that's awesome stencils uh cheap sticker material don't get it too strong because you don't want to strip the paint um that's kind of it honestly you know I I appreciate Blackbird including me in his hobby question uh it's a nice thought right it's a nice thought um Adrian is much more knowledgeable in that respect YouTube for those who don't know you're too kind ly appreciate it um yeah that's awesome I look I have a Cricket if I was to buy a new one which I eventually will um I mentioned this for before I think I'd go for a silhouette uh because qriket has been trying to do this thing where they turn theirs into like a service model and they're like yeah you can like use your stuff as long as you keep paying like to subscribe like a monthly fee and it's just like that's sorry is this stencil stencils this is the stencil cutting machine oh so Cricut is when I have silhouette is their competitor oh so you have the machine and you have to pay a subscription they're trying to use yeah oh they tried to do that and everyone's like no and then they said okay we won't do that understandably unless you buy a new one and all the future ones will have them all we're like okay cool I guess we're switching to silhouette now so if you stop paying you just have visit piece of machine in your house yeah isn't that crazy that's horrible no it's horrible so yeah not a big fan of that I'm also not a big fan of this Hive Tyrant not a big fan wow he's hurt not a big fan behind his back no less you turn around yeah exactly exactly he's like fighting this crisis suit and he's just everyone's just mocking him kind of amazing tyrants have feelings too uh we'll Advance the cold star we're gonna pay CP and reroll that Advance let's go what's up much better but Blackbird tournaments super fun uh I hope you're building some current fixes because they're super cool really easy to play easy to pick up um you need your zones and neuro throw ups as well don't forget those yeah 100 watch out take your warriors oh eat your eat your Wheaties eat your Wheaties yeah it's very important okay so we want to get everyone within nine for your boy to die yeah boy yeah boy he must die 100 uh so we're gonna fall back with these guys because we can yup uh and they can shoot yes they can shoot because no the only question is do we give them up for trades you have gargoyles gurgles gurgles goggles that was a that was a good TV good TV show classic classic 90s TV I just caught that in my childhood like I was they were just phasing gargoyles out oh really oh then like Network so like I was able to like watch that and then Pokemon came in and like dominated my childhood entirely Fair that's amazing I love it now we'll just stay here oh yeah yeah I like it I gotta make sure I'm locking down the point they're not upset this time they're not obstacles but the big the big squat is the big squat is yep yeah oh exactly exactly yes yes I like it uh and anyway everyone uh this is the crisis Commander make sure we stay three away so he's gonna have to end up there we'll tuck in like so it is a threat range but I would consider the 25 from my zone throws um there's no enthropes yeah because I can Smite him oh yeah I appreciate that Mighty you are an absolute gentleman so we'll be here just outside of the three inches with our enforcer uh but he's already charging if he needs to because he's he ain't no coward um cool I think we're just about there oh oh man hop back here we'll do the normal block and then we'll move these guys with a nine suits are durable man they're so tough they uh yeah you're giving them to me well see I I failed to pick them up last turn we'll see if I can pick him up this turn with how much you're giving me you're gonna take your your pound of Flesh here though I'm trying man I'm trying yep oh boy all right you ready for this yep big unit of strikes yep uh no penalties everything into the hive Tyrant you have any things to do [Music] um my mind's going blank I'm synapse uh transhuman I have a four up in vulneretti I have five of feel my pain nothing else I need to declare defensively yeah okay I'm good cool I'm checking everything looks good okay so here we go plasmas first this is the big gun oh Market lights first dang it first Mark light on him good yes uh and then there and then the other one is this guy oh this guy doesn't have a marker on the turn he just stole someone's Market light drone it's this guy and then this guy same thing no it doesn't go Okay cool so then first gonna burn the market light you all ready for this uh I don't know threes early ones good thing yep amazing fours uh constraints human yeah re-rolling everything yeah oh no come on all right fours man this guy's going down quick oh yeah that's fine it's just one blue it's nine would be nine damage I think he's so dead so you have burst and cyclic after this yeah and then you know all this you have two commanders point out three commanders uh two this one the bursts can't reach uh I don't think the high output has a longer range sorry two planners there commander commander oh okay and then all these otherwise in here um you know let's just roll hot on the uh feel the painter yeah if you have another save that ends up being close later on you can take it then right yeah fives it's not great I take seven damage I am down to five seven that sounds good uh cyclics with the overcharge naturally so here's the first guy I'm gonna do slow unfortunately ruining ones this was a two uh so I'm just gonna put two dice here uh who's just throwing dice just one hit that's two we like twos cool three guys four guys you have a reroll at some point here we're only ones to hit and do you have like a uh like a re-roll one once it hit and then everything to wound here Far Side does have a real two wound but I'm already rolling oh one re-roll two weeks exactly so here we go strength eight someone threes now we're rolling everything oh because we're exemplars out of the monkey oh I didn't do the sixes every time right now oh my gosh did we get any on the plasmas Lindsay um no no I think everyone yeah everyone's uh focusing on the exploding this timer is dead guys yes you better be there you go ap2 the fourth Force yeah oh that was good that's good so it's this times two yep uh five UPS oh does he blow um did you say oh you have to be within six just roll it look s is it three or six I thought I thought it was six uh it is within six yeah I my question was did could you have been out no okay no way D3 on the crisis uh-huh yeah oh big three and then the commander uh this Commander here yeah three D3 okay one this one okay yeah yeah uh nothing else right well there's not no that's it um oh no you get these guys oh which is are these crew no crisis oh crisis D3 wow so you actually killed a guy wow MVP Tyrant uh well let's not go that far let's not forget he only killed one crisis I think you're you're Warriors are still MVP yeah they're just gone this was three on this squad I've got two shell drones left uh or do I put on a chump guy that's pretty cool that's a hard call now we'll put it on the Drone so two there and then one on this drone here because they have two wins each tough tough boys nice okay that was effective and then this should I can fade we're gonna hit again yeah so we're gonna move six back oops we're within three here um now Chad's saying they think the um explosion Only Hits the closest enemy unit oh okay that's my bad no worries uh so we're gonna get this guy back yeah easy easy fix I knew that I just totally blanked oh because the commander commander yeah so he takes the one he takes the one you can put your drones back which I didn't even like I totally forgot about him uh let's go thank you sir I get a drone and Guy thanks guys we're yeah you know always learning that's what we do here uh and then I'm just gonna take the one on him because I want to keep that market like drone yeah explosions for tearness are so weird and weird it's like doesn't it yeah it doesn't hurt your own guys only hurts one dude super Epic free whack but it's like forgiving I don't know okay we're gonna do whatever comes up we gotta kill this one guy yep so we're gonna take be greedy be greedy uh keep in mind I got this guy your commander I got Commander he can go into either okay these guys can go into either this guy is just the bat guy yeah because the cannon but that's it um keep in mind this guy's minus two minus two because of the dense and and also the uh buggies the Venom throws makes sense so minus one I can't get any marker lights here right oh my count is having a marker light so there you go oh cool that's good okay so we'll do these guys we're just gonna put everything in here we're not gonna mess around with them today yeah let's go uh quick looks first sick looks first overcharge yes uh we roll the one from the commander within six and the other one amazing uh the four misses no it's plus one minus one so four misses uh we've got a six in there first six I remembered good winning on uh threes here nice amazing fours uh for us does he blow oh watch out on a six no shucks you got him yay and then we'll do we'll just go the commander here first we're here next the first hands out of range is just the plasmas okay uh um CP Rich oh I think I transhuman here we'll do indomitable monstrosity okay four CP go to down to three for the tyranids Shaboom and this is transhuman transhuman yes most excellent just for those plasmas those pesky plasmas yellow crisis burst cyclic ion Advanced burst plasma plasma he's just all shooting Kelly all the time um okay we'll start with the plasmas because we know those for sure cool uh minus two so minus one yep uh so this is on threes oh nope and then plasma so on a three four transition four and then uh parasite re-roll there you go oh like five uh uh goes right through uh yeah that's right so three down to two yep effective effective effective I hate it so much that's all good let's take a question yeah this is from tabletop infiltrator oh dtt team loving the new schedule and content keep it coming I'm attending I'm attending my first ever rtt in a few weeks time have played for years but have never com competed any advice for a newbie ooh great question great question uh this is exciting this is something that every tabletop player goes through um we all have familiar stories here or similar stories where you know we play a lot of garage Hammer growing up we play like you know with our friends close friends you know parents family members and then we kind of expand beyond that literally my first game um I went to Game Castle outside of my garage I went to Game Castle yeah and met Bridger that same day that's crazy so like it was just I was just like thrown into it and met like a bunch of friends and it kind of Grew From there so it's very exciting that you're getting out and playing in some events an rtt is a smaller event so it's good that you're starting with that but of course make sure you're sitting down a lot you're going to be standing a lot or hunched over a table make sure you like stretch don't hurt yourself it's the first time you're probably doing something like nine hours of tabletop gaming in a day right make sure of course you know your list and know your rules and just have fun really is the most part the the biggest part so yeah any any other tips it's a lot of like physical things drink water make sure you sit down um you know keep keep the game moving regardless um and uh don't be afraid to make yourself a little cheat sheet I hope you remember stuff because we think we know our army until we go to play it and then yeah now we're on the spot and like oh man yeah exactly that sounds awesome thank you so much for the support greatly appreciate it we appreciate it good luck have fun that's it uh so this guy's gonna be out of range with the rest of his guns we're gonna go to the cold Star Commander into your boy right here yeah boy um yeah boy your boy your boy and here we go so we're gonna start with the Nova search plasma rifle someone that ignores his in Bowling which you don't have cool here we go uh plus one minus one so on a three yeah yes oh so good on a three four four sorry there you go five no three names down to two oh and it's uh six so so extra damage I don't know seven goes to five on your damage Direction just no feeling pain yeah sounds good and they've got the high output burst can which is going to be 10 shots cool cool five three four five it's a shame I wasn't within one color range huh so here we go threes and then fives again yep fives I almost changed uh farsight there we go one at ap2 one today if you won because there was a six in there yep uh I'm sorry AP one first okay three up and then ap4 oh I think it's a plus three oh my God I thought you're gonna say zero I was like um so sixes oh first first it's two bursts here we go three's here yep nice cool oh six oh six oh sorry sorry I'm not freaking out now I did the same thing so five is here we've already used a reroll it's quite excellent though and the sixes are gonna be three so these are ap3 yep uh fives uh-huh okay so mean and then AP none so two up uh sorry four uh sorry three up two up oh two you rolled one gotcha no okay I'm on three wounds on this card effects in the middle here oh my goodness that is yeah burst Cannon burst Cannon how do I put burst Cannon a plasma rifle yeah I think we did cool done there done there done there can't see anything else here it's a embarrassing I just killed too many things dude it's hard okay that's gonna be it for frankly my turn nice so scoring it up I'm gonna get two bonus for killing something on the middle and taking the middle uh decisive Action Four Points I'm holding these three objectives right here bring it down better this one we got three points for killing carnifex oh yes yeah just one right so uh one yeah three points total current effects and the high of tyrant four uh bring it down bring it down three total and then you you said your bonus as well yeah yeah perfect first cool Perfection over to two noobs nudes turn three we hold two objectives you took the middle from me um so getting eight points there uh and we'll see about warp which we'll grind them down and behind uh let's do this okay neurothrope puts the extra D6 on the cast on himself out of range of anything else I think I actually get pretty aggressive here yeah um I need to I need to get things done yep you're running out of screens you get killing I have some good shots on the middle maybe a little bit on these crisis but I'm taking the minus one won't feel great okay so these card effects are just going to move we can take a question if we have any um oh man so far it was Behind Enemy Lines yeah that was the other reason to get rid of that dogs right into them yeah an overrun yeah uh we're gonna Advance the Warriors Warriors oh yeah but again two okay and we're getting the next turn cool hopefully everyone's having a lovely Saturday um we know we are yes uh it was like it's like a weird break point yeah gonna start getting that behind every line I'm gonna get behind your lines okay so instead of uh doing a Super Chat oh let's look at some memes memes [Laughter] what am I missing on Wednesdays yeah like you guys have to check out the good talk on Wednesdays it's pretty spicy as you can see it's a nice uh some nice leg action there yeah chat loved lean's shorts they were that's good that's great um and everyone has been very excited about all just this whole week and the new and yeah so I had to include this one I love it especially awesome because it referenced today nice boys yes yeah I like it amazing [Music] oh yeah apparently this is not a swear word I tuned I was I was like watching at that point yeah I was like huh what do you think yes yeah but there's there's levels there's levels to swearing yeah I think that's like yeah that's a very tame swear that's I also don't swear a lot like this this is swearing for me yeah yeah yeah yeah well we're on the same page yes yes I get you it's the nestland news um oh amazing yes I like I like the reference to keep in mind there oh my God it's perfect Richard was a it was a grumpin about that one that's a grudging okay this one oh you can't see quite cleaning up to translate for us yeah so on Monday uh there was a super chat of top five moms oh yeah um and um the boys didn't quite um and so yeah the white text at the top says spends the entire show answering some other question that was never asked about best examples of motherhood and the whole time chat was like giving good examples they were also giving bad examples like it was hard to like sort through um but yeah and that's pretty much this so good yeah I know in the next day we got asked top type top five TV moms and then and then that also escalated too because like people immediately started talking about like not TV moms yeah there's like what kind of mom are you looking for you know what do you consider a great mom like I yeah yeah some of these moms yeah not my definition of a great mom but you know that's great TV moms are hard to say if they're if they're good good or not because they're they're supposed to be entertaining exactly yeah same with TV dads I totally agree right yeah people all like inflate like a likable character with a well-written character yeah right they're like oh this character's so annoying that's so dumb why do they do that like that's literally the point yeah they're like the antagonist about this that with the other thing right yeah so but yeah so that's that's this next John oh more more about moms Sarah Connor these are all the good examples that they just did not so many good examples yeah the alien queen that was a popular one also a Disney princess now by the way oh yeah alien Queen's a Disney princess congratulations [Laughter] and then that's it that's it back to the leg amazing amazing oh so sorry yeah you guys should honestly check out this is my little self-promotion Wednesday the good talk uh is talk show we talk about you know primarily Warhammer stuff tabletop gaming stuff last week we looked at um where the game's going where you know what changes gonna happen we we asked chat we can add a little debate on whether or not it's a good thing that campaign books now no longer have match play rules I won't spoil the results uh and we also had a little fun making some Warhammer models brand new Warhammer models using some machine learning uh techniques which was adonifying that's so cool it's pretty crazy like the future yeah it for sure is so definitely check it out and join us next Wednesday live uh 12 p.m Pacific Standard Time nice okay we have some psychic okay everything's out in the open I mean I need I need you to like not look at these Warriors yeah on the open look at look at this look at this no don't look nope I'm looking um I think so the the plan here is to charge the center to get some objectives some surface area and some movement totally um and really just to touch you as well and then shoot everything we can into this back Squad um this ruin touching into this with Windows like the only ruin with Windows right yeah type of room with Windows uh opens up a lot of this sure and I do have to shoot through the dents but I think it's going to be worth it just to shoot yeah you're right nice nice yes okay bring it on son let's do some psychic let me do it here's my second warp ritual on the neuro I know he's just sitting there uh doing his thing what you gotta do need literally not three twos or three ones uh good uh got some points there and we will do a Smite let's on uh with the zoanthropes only rolling two dice here yeah need a actually apparel is what actually work fair enough uh we get three plus seven so ten so close not a super it's D3 plus three onto the crisis oh yeah [Music] um oh I I did have a question for you sure I'm able to charge these guys on the other side of the wall no they're more than enough away so you can charge uh I guess we and if I'm on top of this building I still hold the objective yeah totally okay cool that's what we'll just climb the width then okay cool um cool I love it let's shoot oh boy here comes we will start with this literally this one Venom cannon that has this gun sticking out into the big Squad sounds good hitting on fours because it's this dents here fours nice amazing a re-roll okay and winning on threes nada the next card effects same thing yep threes or sorry force uh and a leviathan no threes okay first one goes ap3 okay this is a shield drone who I've injured before up I don't like it exocrine same thing yeah D3 plus six very consistent exocrine yep I like you Leviathan oh sorry fours fours oh that's nice ooh three same Shield drones I'm realizing I have two shelter drones I was thinking about that nice you can do it two at a time two at a time so fours uh I'll see this let's stay alive oh so it kills one children and that's the CP yeah and then the other remaining Shield drone uh once they start dying they nourishes no Okay no Okay that's what it sounds like um [Music] here is a corn effects yep that isn't taking the minus one into your uh same squat cool do you have anything wounded no three no Leviathan reroll nice and threes two AP uh ap3 ap3 huh yeah is this your last shooting uh oh I I do have gargles I for I've forgotten sure that's fine yeah uh I don't want to have to pop the stem injector doesn't feel worth it I think I'm going to need it one more turn in the future use your hem for damage each four damage that's literally perfect yeah oh my God this could be so bad do I pop the stem injector um ap3 so I could put on the Iridium you could do fives yeah five UPS yeah or I put it on someone else with a shield gen which is a four that's a real tough call that's a really tough call I'm gonna put it on a shield gen for a four please [Music] oh you see Pete already okay I did I did uh um I've got one other Shield gen here and the stem is on another guy yes on the radio in the Iridium yeah which is the smart thing but I I yeah if you started dealing damage sooner this has been easy I for sure pop it yeah and get it you know I you almost oh man I don't know you know I have little shots coming up so iridium might be good because you'll be making three ups with this but if I fail this then he's just dead yeah well I could use the original you could use the five really not too fussed about those guys but yeah you should still a little efficiency blew it chill okay okay all right we lost one guy okay at the end of the world I'll take it oh my god um do we care about we don't need to be character blocked anymore we'll kill him we'll still be within six okay yep nice yeah I mean you yeah yeah it was good it was good I'm not gonna complain I'm just saying that one guy Max killed that one guy and then this guy gets to shoot like these guys could only see that one dude you know well this is already shot right I know exactly so I'm like saying it worked out for me yeah but that's close to as worse as it as it was going to go very nice uh here's the Gargoyles yep titty on fours uh Leviathan reroll absolutely nice and fours and yep wow wow that was if you won really good if you won um on the shield Oh shoot that's right yeah yeah that's what I was saying the radio might be a good Force no problem good four good no problem uh but it does mean well ruled we needed to actually not fail that that I will have to take damage on the shield before I can go to the Iridium next time correctamundo interesting things happening here um let's go to charges cool right now here's card effects into your little baby corn effects is here your little crew towns yep uh first one easy baby crying effects baby I like that uh Second card effects into them trying to get on the objective can't I'll pile on into it uh here is oof you have CPA interrupt yes it's a OverWatch yeah um let's do Venom throws into uh your crisis suits getting on sixes we're only ones voting sixes it's cute four wins each with T5 with T5 yes a nine this is really good because they actually have like tendrils that keep you in combat you know oh so it could be that's excellent five shoe very cool vehicle um we'll have a card effects charge yep into those same crisis suits I like it do you have anything on this point besides the commander nope just Commander so I will cheeky beaky cheeky cool cool um and then this is the long seven inch charge from the winthropes um I might re-roll this if I need to into the crisis just trying to Dogpile this unit the thing is like now the Zone threats are out in the open right yeah and I would really like to like kind of wrap this crisis unit sure well they'll fly so I know I can keep you in combat with the benefits right yeah oh yeah well it's not the wrapping it's just the touching right or yeah I mean tag in so that sure they're also in combat so you also can't get shot yeah it's a real re-roll cool let's do it actually sorry let me check the Venom throat rule is it affected by fly and is it infantry [Music] there's still something can I fall back yeah must remaining stationary yeah so it's as long as you're not a monster or a vehicle cool uh here is a seven on the re-roll I'm down to two CP for tear notes um or maybe three um well you were at four cool so you're down to three yep okay roll the nine they're in Bring It On just the flying heads terrifying flying headbutt love it I should be able to fit here but it's like literally the width of the objective so yeah nice um cool uh oh yeah you're like looking I'm like I'm like do you want a thing I literally need to go like the width or the height of this yeah go and roll it with the thing oh it's like a tour nope not that I already re-rolled so fair enough they're chilling that was okay very fortunate look hey I have the objective for now for now I do have a character back there that's true would you like to hook I do now I was double intervene yeah no is this The Punchy Guy this is The Punchy guy I guess the two damage is not super effective against me but they could be in trouble um nice where do we start where to start let's start with gargoyles I guess because apparently that's the only thing in trouble apparently they're in trouble I love it uh all right I'm just gonna Pile in bringing it down beep okay and then after that nothing else gets to fight so we have two rows here three six I assume they're one attack each that'd be crazy if they're more and it's cheering is it is one attack each hitting on four cool we'll buy it at the mural wow that's really good oh my goodness uh moving on uh fives here cool nothing cool next one uh not gonna interrupt uh here is the card effects on the charge six attacks you have a guy on three so I kind of like that three damage three's here Leviathan nice and then six on your five yep so three's here could be very effective excellent AP a piece three three uh blah blah wow there's so many weapons on this guy maybe three sixes nice damage three uh kills a guy oh that yeah kills dude and then hurts another guy or is there a mess that up oh well he's got the involved oh you can yeah I'm just gonna roll both okay perfect I feel better about that I just totally just yeah with that yeah all right cool excellent cool uh Venom throws wow five attacks each scary this is not good uh hitting on threes T5 strength is five so four is wow I might that just might kill you I think I mean with one wound for sure yeah yeah if you won so fours no let's go it's gonna even dye the Venom three upstairs yeah gosh if a Zone throw kills you wild man hitting on fives could I choose not to use a reroll yeah of course yeah it's you may reroll yeah yeah okay cool shrink five somehow with the head butts no nothing fiddlesticks um cool cool uh you're not I'll check on your commander are you no okay no no you've taken that point cool well played sir well played uh so this is going back into you yo do you want to just pick those guys up sure cool uh going into neuroth ropes nice no re-rolling anymore uh one save our string five yeah on your Nero uh neuro four up yep all good cool cool Zoop and then over here I've got the enforcer Commander uh with a number of attacks so it's going to be 4 base and then we've also got the Prototype nice which is what D6 plus two extra okay so this plus two extra eight extra attacks a lot of attacks this is terrible all right what's your strength 12. strength four okay re-rolling everything okay uh okay hitting on twos yep are we rolling everything no dang it and then there is three's reeling everything yep let's go uh it's quite good plus they're safe uh their save is six they're all dead no no that was a big deal big deal on those points oh my God that's some primary for you you just beat the heckins out of them he's coming for you next here you are sir uh yep bring it on nice and I think that's gonna do it yeah for tearness great let's score it up peace all right so uh we get two for bonus for controlling the middle here we will get another warp ritual going up to seven seven uh more personal there yep no behind and then grind I've totally forgotten what happened so you killed I killed hounds I killed oh I think losing the Gargoyles was a bad because that probably puts it well that alone yeah because I killed two units I've killed three units now gotcha yeah so no ground ah no okay I'll take it okay it's close it is very close I hate it 36 35 excellent yeah yeah top of my turn I'm only on one objective okay so I'm gonna get just hold one well played sir um yeah messed these guys up that's it cool let's take it away on part dude exploding on fives within 12. nice can you take the middle from you let's see what I can do it's gonna come down right down to it huh right down to it right down to it and you have bottom train which is really unfortunate for me yeah so I cannot fall back period I I think we roll I think I had to roll a four up okay to do once per turn when an enemy unit okay with an engagement range wants to fall back if it does so roll 1d6 on a four up it cannot fall back it must remain stationary instead all right I would like to pull it back John ah here it is four up come on oh no that's horrible carry on okay Carry On Carry On sir uh command phase mm-hmm yep and I really don't wanna give up my big Squad big Squad Squad oh I couldn't auto advance them and just take it that might be the move let's move just move so he's gonna make them objective secured they he's gonna let the model Advance six he's gonna let them ignore the negative modifiers um oh man it's so intense it's so intense so that's that uh an Exemplar one cause from him we'll put it on them naturally naturally and let's do this thing cool cool oh boy oh boy oh boy I don't like you getting Behind Enemy Lines but then not much so look at them they're shy yeah yeah don't look chat oh man I need this back point though maybe I'm being greedy oh what is he gonna do um so this is one two three four five six on this point yes you can come back here shoot or be on the point um cold star moves 14. trying to see if I can get to this dang uh near throat finish off your psychic early it's not super possible to be honest um but that is a big like Five Points isn't it uh yeah very tempting tempting tempting that is maybe that's the move feels like the move time for a power play no all right uh so take it back all the bus are going on these guys let's do this thing and let's take a question yeah yeah it's from James Barton yo yo thank you James first time long time haven't tuned in in ages where's Brian new room and new p and people Brian is living his best life in the Bahamas his family running his his daytime business um so he will be back he kind of visits every once in a while yeah we've been we've been chatting it up about Legion he's super excited about Legion for sure as soon as he gets time away from his uh business and family um we're gonna play it up in the studio and get some Star Wars Legion in oh 100 it's gonna be awesome he's basically demanding it I'm demanding it so we're gonna use the 18 inch Advance Sure get aggressive because you got aggressive and now I have to get aggressive aggressive hopping on over gonna try to take out this narrow throw up can I don't like it I don't like I'm so scared man this is really intense so we're there we're there um not sure how I'm going to deal with this side of things but it's fine uh we'll go ahead and it'll fall back as you do We're Not Gonna touch in cool use that nice finish movement yep again on that point um I can go for a that's nine I think yeah because it's eighth of there but I still have to get another inch or so in so it's a nine inch cow Bunga into them um it's probably not the move just yet probably should just send him in here as we do so we'll go ahead and do that because he's a slow boy moving eight he's walking moving in taking his wound from the exploding Tyrant these guys just sitting here holding that point chilling um could I get a cyclic I don't like to be exposed um oh I'll tell you what it's actually Advanced these crew that I forgot about oh my gosh that's amazing okay that changes everything so we've got croup back here now okay which means we don't need these guys to just hide yeah throw them away throw them away so we're going here um we've got a lot of Firepower on them um okay 10 at what he's thinking I'm thinking how do I we have another question um Jack OB Jack Kenobi Joe Jack list advice um now this is gonna be for yeah uh list advice Tempest tournament coming up at LGS two stompas not and Gaz any idea on how to play the list slash Clan after joking about it now obliged to run that list plus the 20 the plus the 500 plus parts no numbers that is hilarious and that's amazing that there's a tempest tournament so cool coming up so cool um that's so cool I I I have yet to even hear about a tempest tournament right um in our like areas yeah so it's super cool it's super cool best way to play that um it's definitely like a coolest it's like very trolley it's amazing big characters big monsters or Vehicles 100 it's awesome it's almost like tougher in Tempest than normally because you're gonna have to draw your cards and then do whatever they say yeah um I would play pretty strong down the middle to be honest um watch out for people being able to just burst through your AP through your armor with ap um but it'll give you some unique ability to kind of reach out and score things so I play very centrally in the middle um be aggressive but be aware if not to throw them away right away um that's that's amazing I love that yeah be ready to just throw away Tempest cards like there's some that require infantry or offsec so you might just need to like throw those away for more doable Tempest cards yeah gotta cycle through them quick don't be don't be shy about throwing stuff away early absolutely do we crisis Commander you I mean do we call Star Commander you Gold Star Gold Star resume down [Music] oh let's see if I can still see you I think you're good yeah it looks good yeah go like this I like it excellent excellent excellent and then last but not least uh I don't know whatever you're gonna have a lot of targets anyways you're gonna have lots of options um I'm gonna go ahead and dance them okay okay that works out it's like in here all right keep in line good stuff I don't know all right let's go no he's doing it on purpose gotta steal your brain is anyone gonna strike and fade um not really huh yeah where would you go I guess where would I go yeah but then what's that like you're throwing away a CP to you have three three yeah why not tell you why not I don't know if you move eight here you know so the commander that's there would be safe but it's one it's like I'm trading one Commander for another so it doesn't feel super worth it oh and this is the guy that's charging in so I definitely don't want it yeah yeah that's cool okay and think no strike and fade oh strike and fade yeah let's do it okay um sorry just recognizing yeah just agonizing take your time no you know this uh cold star has to go into tremorgons yeah but a striking phase has to be the first one oh you're still considering yeah I'll do this so these guys are touched in I'm gonna strike and fade them and they're just gonna step off okay so we'll do that so they're touching in right now uh let's start with them we've got the two burst cannons each and then the cyclic ions um the question is I can turn off auras on someone with cyclic ions so I can turn off like the minus one to hit I don't know if that matters here if I should just go for killing uh we're gonna be doing a charging here lots of combat hopefully um we need to kill them him uh uh okay so which burst into the Venom throw okay actually just everything into these van throws okay yeah ready for it sounds good let's do it uh we will overcharge cool here's the sick clicks first guy minus two minus two marker lights we have to do a second dang it oh I took him out of the wound Market lights marker life I can't he's not eligible we're gonna charge him we're gonna Mark a light the contacts the current effects yeah where's my other marker later oh he's in there yeah so we'll mark a light from here to the Venom throws okay yes does this helps um so this goes here yeah and it gets used immediately okay um back to threes oh minus it's minus two it doesn't matter yeah yeah whatever I appreciate it sorry yeah I'm just trying you're good you're good you're gonna take a mortal wound yeah this misses this is a hit second guy on threes oh no on fours real one okay good so this is three hits so far now winning on threes uh time step reroll I mean uh RSI everywhere ap2 uh the save on these guys are not good and of course yeah so down to sixes oh okay oh yeah oh damage to each no very nice uh one will perish um yeah um one is wounded sounds good uh and then the burst on Force reeling once oh good thing looking at the sixes for the first time ever yeah it's extra hard on stream when you're a tournament like you're kind of in the moment it went on stream you're just like ah here we go uh four is here yeah two five wow oh no that was horrendous there you go AP one no nothing oh Force look one point he's on one whale sharks cool so then they'll strike and fade back off very cool cool uh we're gonna go ahead and do uh this uh this crisis Commander into carnifex we must die she must die Must Die um I'm going to transhume in this man uh indomitable monstrosity 4cp down to three this is transhuman on my card effects that's wounded sounds fantastic yeah uh okay we've got we'll start with two plasma rifles yep so it's plus one minus one plus one minus ones back to twos yeah and Adrian Chad's trying to remind you of your of exploding fives fives fives he was I was so I was I don't say proud that's a strong word thank you chat there you go one ap5 involved uh ap5 oh yeah it goes right through okay so three damage down to two yeah cool so he's on one and then the uh First Cans two regular burst cans yep one two here we go on also minus one so twos boom boom one two explosions nice 100 fives here oh man three uh three the six the six is gonna be AP three okay so here's a five up oh twos okay twos okay who is this man I mean he's alive and the advanced burst Cannon to go this has AP on it this doesn't neatly have AP on it so here we go this is on twos one two explosions nice and then fives sixes are nice there we go so these are ap4 these are AP one ap4 first uh on sixes come on oh all right see if I blow oh no my God that would be so bad that'd be horrendously bad oh good kill good kill thank you you're doing it you're doing it thank you it's a tough game it's so weird you're doing great Adrian okay um let's do so here we've got three into the neurothrope I just need them to die yeah now let's do him first into here okay we want to weaken these guys following charge him and uh charge him there so this is gonna be the enforcer uh with Precision of the hunter so we're gonna do cyclical ions into here over charged um the flamer into there and I've got one plasma rifle we'll put into here try to soften the up cool flavor first uh flavor first do you think two shots three shots that's a CP right there yes there it is there it is solid uh hitting on threes because minus two nice oh it has a hit and a five which explodes that's good and then fours moving on fives because it's a strength four oh five yeah sorry and then re-rolling there you go cool so you've got two ap2 door cover six ounces okay uh two damage each there oh two damage each yeah so it kills a guy that's a good weapon oh cyclic ion overcharge okay I have two wins left cool nice um misses but before we rolls nice and we've got a six in there winning on threes are you rolling no yes nice if you do uh success this guy should be dead nice good kill thank you we try and then the plasma into the neuros right here hits very cool wounds oh got your four up Good Sam oh uh four up on the neuro or Zone throw ups I should say or is this neurothrope let's go Zone okay I'm so bad about that there's three damage okay okay so down to one two down to one all right cool all right so that leaves us here uh again taking no chances we'll put three into here one into here I'm gonna worry about X screen right now that's a problem for another day so plasmas into your boy yeah Plasma's into your boy this is three of them this is character yeah putting everything I can to him yeah so this is yeah minus one right because of the oh sorry you did it right Venom boats are gone I'm like looking at the Zone throw ups think yeah you're good oh nice explosions winning on threes I mean sorry yeah this is fours here right or two threes to win three's four is the wind because these synapse there's two threes in there was that after the reroll oh you can watch it for sure you can roll the threes there you go cool Sorry cool good fours sorry threes no no uh I will CP reroll oh he's Saucy because there are three moons each or three dams each yeah well and then you have still bursts and cyclics I'll have nine two damage shots going in after this so many uh I think it's worth just a try here here's a CP reroll down to two CP um three up nice so I've taken three damage live on live on two I believe yeah cyclics here's the first one uh this one misses this is re-rolling ones five and three I am plus one just plus one that's two hits so far next cyclic you're like this okay they all hit no explosions yet nice and then elastic click oh real ones nice this is a hit this explodes this one goes back in yeah cool uh three's here we're rolling everything fours four is here rolling everything it's crazy so many rules all right just making threes we're just making threes amazing threes yeah he's got three wins left but he starts with how many start with six oh wow that's crazy okay cool this is not good um then we've got the burst cans okay so much all right hard part's over oh my gosh hello I need more dice I'm obsessed with dice there we go 18 shots yeah let's go this is on threes yep 25s twos are out twos are out really the ones oh more fives more five six seven over 100 you need more dice is nice I have three I got it okay uh winning on fours reeling everything yeah an example of so yeah successes here wow terrible conversion so one two yeah that's horrible threes I could definitely still die here oh perfectly dead no way did not oh my God good kill oh thank you oh my gosh and then into here oh this is tiring it's explosion threes rerolls yeah yes you got two four UPS on your boys four UPS oh I should do the burst first oh kills one cool four five six four wow okay so they all hit in four explosions yeah and then this is T5 so fours are you rolling everything so let's start with this many sandwiches fours yeah oh no so kills a guy oh sorry kill the guy yeah kills a guy takes guy down to one and then you're flat uh no I'll do stick like next so kill the guy down we're still overcharging because we have to say that before we started okay okay threes three holes so much effort you guys follow that time I did not this is great this is insanity cold Star Commander into the dramagots let's go be so Much Death duh so much DACA once I'm not shooting in the carnivaguses it's great yeah yeah um cold star burst Cannon burskin high output burst Cannon so we'll start with 12 shots from the burst can not have to be confused with their high output cousin um yeah here we go yeah twos lives explode one well you actually remember I know three's here amazing I'll just use my reroll here that was uh amazing amazing uh there's AP on this there is no API pretty sure I just get six of x's yeah I think North oh you're not touching it uh oh turn my God so fives oh nice yeah amazing oh my God uh five there's one left okay watch out watch your mind you just heard me close my book is what it was high output burst can in 10 more shots like you miss 100 of the shots you don't take yeah twos oh no they're a hero ones get back in no no no no okay okay three's here keep in mind uh cool wow that's not good okay charges oh Commander into the remaining Zone heck yeah oh yes go here stay character blocks stay cool weirdly you're strength four um yeah string four but re-rolling everything moving on fives huh this guy moved here we're pretty happy with how safe we are um we're not going to charge in and the other crisis are hidden somewhere else is good good to go good oh my gosh okay here we go so it's D6 plus two extra attacks so uh that would be eight attacks total yeah are we happy with this um yeah so here we go hitting on twos re-rolling well exploding fives no no no fives re-rolling [Music] okay all right well there's a chance I live it's definitely I think it's favorable in fact yeah four reps here fours hmm it did I could reroll to keep him alive I have four wounds you have two damage punches yeah so here's a reroll I'm down to one CP I would like this guy alive okay okay the four up hey nicely done nicely nicely done cool uh quite excellent sir looks good uh sounds great he's synapse in over your ship yep uh let's score it up okay into the turn I'm gonna get two for a bonus for taking the middle uh decisive action another four points for holding uh half the objectives and airspace is done as it is for now and then bring it down where are we on total two we should be at six one more okay and that's gonna be it for me over two two nudes good turn okay it's a great turn yeah amazing all right so oh my goodness there's the only imperative I can choose none of these guys are gonna oh they could um we're gonna do exploding sixes in combat I'm from the Warriors sounds great uh yep no command phase stuff we will just get on move in here oh and sorry Lindsay I am on Ron one objective cool yep Four Points cool it's close it's very close I need to clean up here or I'm gonna fall behind uh are you still like so close on points right by having a zero not for long I feel like I've been what the heck get out of here I love it cool cool Warriors are getting my Behind Enemy Lines finally hey he's behind the lines he's behind he's behind keep in mind um well let's take a Super Chat cool you're doing that Magnus this is from Magnus did nothing wrong thank you Magnus uh fam excited about the new guard decks and units coming out listening to gaunts ghosts again and going to start working on mine uh which would be better molding cloaks for them out of green stuff or getting 3D printed ones oh well that's a good question pros and cons right Pros for 3D printing uh it'll be faster to produce a whole bunch of them cons for it uh it's gonna be you're gonna have to get them done in like a specific way right because with green stuff you can sort of like actually mold them around them a bit more so with 3D printed you'll have to like I mean maybe you could have them a bit kind of three like pre-wrapped for like your guys or they'll have to kind of straight maybe it's more like a superhero cape or just on the back you know so that's the cons there uh probably seeing it's more mass uh you know you can do it in mass and then the green stuff if you're willing to spend the time I think it can look better it can be more customizable personalized for each guy however if you're playing guard there's gonna be a ton of these so unless you're really willing to do in all of them I think um I would be aware of of that um you could do it on certain squads or your vets or something but um that's kind of the pros and cons cool so I feel like I might if I was really trying to do it for everything I'd go 3D printed and try to get one that really works for you yeah thanks so much as always appreciated good to hear from you man well said yeah um all right I am ready I will start with my psychic phase I just need to clean up this middle section um see what we can get out of here I was like you have a psychic face still I do actually so anthrope this is this one uh living Zone throw on two wounds actually deal uh is gonna be cool let's go going into this Commander a smite I need a four oh that'd be cool if it was a Peril Super Smash I don't know um I would have taken that uh so it's an eight unfortunately D3 plus one oh four yep uh okay that's on him oop s on him that's on him down to two oh I'm dumb this is the Big L Hunter plate oh you got feeling pains yes oh I even had the feeling pain on another thing yeah so I'm just gonna do it yeah fives oh so good so taking a total of three okay and a four Fair he's tough way all right let's do my carnifexes into your crisis suits yep there it is um here's the back one that has minimal line of sight threes minus one oh because you're touching I'm in the middle now oh yes okay um and so forth I'll hit uh threes threes okay this is three AP three no uh we have to put on the wounded guy so um six up so it doesn't give like cover as well does it uh I don't believe so do you remember I don't six I don't think so yeah you're dead yep next oh there's another safe John real quick yeah and do you still get imperatives with your hive Tyrant is gone uh any imperatives I don't know but it's not going to come up anyways okay don't worry about it I was just saying one to to choose one that's good yeah we'll put it on the Iridium so this is five up okay so we'll activate the stem injector get four ups for the turn um four damage yeah let's go Ballers so good this is the term we need we needed it for down to three on yeah gotcha nice I got me self-sufficient independent uh that guy's dead right and you want him to do that was please um all right uh second card effects into the same Squad hitting on threes sorry fours keep in mind keep in mind reroll oh thank goodness and threes no um we are okay with that your stem injector lasts for the turn for the phase for the face okay so it charges for the chain that would be great yep um let me know but totally I would that would be dope okay we're gonna shoot the exocrine into the cold star actually the cold star not a great no not a great save totally messed up we'll have a blockchain in combat with you do you want to back out why why oh this is not the oh this cold star yeah is that oh this is a no no you're good you're good okay you're totally good okay you just caught me off credit yeah no problem doesn't scare me a little bit that's fine what's the save on the cold star it's not good right like that's shooting Cold star is valuable uh this is end of turn question okay that's that's good for you yeah uh cold star save our defense profile uh not amazing right it's like a normal Commander okay as far as I know yeah definitely three up okay um none see if he has a shield gen suddenly I'm like does he have a shotgun at least have a shield Jen let me know let me know oh no he doesn't have a shield generator yeah no that's that's common though he does have a marker drone though I I did I didn't steal a marker light who doesn't have a market light a marker drone hitting on threes uh-huh that was good re-rolling because Leviathan oh my gosh oh no threes quite good very good ap3 we get sixes uh you need a good amount of six this year so six drama I could put it on the Drone or I could try to get a bunch more sixes oh because I could I could save her protocols so I get the six up if I make it I'm good if I fail it um I think we just keep rolling it on him yeah you have good audit God good odds actually right at this point how much damage is it it's oh it's it's three but so he's dead I had to roll three more sixes today why wouldn't you put on the Drone first it's not a shield drone oh I see I see yeah I see the problem okay yeah it's not good never mind I'm just lying wow all right cool nicely done next event uh okay that is shooting no Shields right now we have charges let me Shield generator um the exocrine into crisis suits bring it on uh here it is like two in charge let me know if you want to OverWatch um I feel like I do yeah yeah let's find a CP Lindsay no damage reduction right no damage reduction T8 uh uh armor two though okay trans human well uh yeah we'll overcharge yeah so cyclic wing for sixes rolling ones from the other Commander nope second one oh and I did take a mortal wound from that oh he's already wounded um sure five up I mean four at Philippine we're good yeah and let's see no oh the forfeit was really good yeah it works really good last guy wow wow turn it around nope not gonna take the Mortal wounds or the unity on a four up we're good uh and then the plasmas yep uh and then the bursts like they would have been explosions too I know right yeah they have an addendum for that four six eight nine ten uh 18 here we go sixes literally nothing wow and then on fives four wheels because simpler manka four wheels nothing that was a whole lot of nothing all right carry on let's go to the yeah the process here okay um we have a further charge from the carnifex looks like uh within five so it's gonna be four cool sounds good um I have two CP even what you can design afterwards okay oh there you go you have to make it to trigger it is true I don't know I don't know uh we're gonna Touch This uh dents oh boy you're deciding if you want to do mortality if I want to do Mortal wounds on the charts exactly um and the answer is no I am going to go with the carnifex first and we're going to spend uh ferocious appetite yet again for re-roll wounds here sounds great hitting on threes first because you have a guy on three moons yep um you do have the feeling of pain yeah totally Leviathan nice nice and five three's re-rolling uh this was string six six yeah yeah so threes yeah cool oh no that's all right all right uh ap3 so this is iridium so it goes to fives uh technically I have to do one at a time okay here's the damage on Force oh so good down to two five up oh come on die die die he's down to one die die die he's dead okay oh should I cpeed that next one last Shield gen guy okay so he's dead there's no more feeling pains and we have one children and then you're straight on three till morning oh my gosh craziness okay um exocrine 30 attacks uh hitting on threes somehow that's cool threes Leviathan trashy strength is seven so three's here cool nice AP one here two damage Forest um For Better or Worse is worse it's worse it's just not good interesting yeah I don't know how I feel about that I'm not getting bonus on the middle yeah you could run I guess I don't know uh I lost three I could run I do a two CP yeah okay you get to attack first oh let's go real quick uh there's uh four plus involt now on iridium no way yeah now is saying it makes a difference yeah I checked it and I totally missed it um so okay cool that's why you don't need a shield gen are you only fail yeah he's saying he's only failed one he's only failed one so he's good thanks man appreciate it yeah same outcome though yeah uh you just have more bodies no it actually yeah because I put both of them back oh puts both of them back oh I see we only failed one and then we did the feeling of pains yeah down to two oh that's a big deal so good very tanky okay uh amazing cheers thank you okay leading the leading the blind here um here we go this is the flame attacks it's gonna be uh again eight attacks cool it wasn't enough before is it gonna be enough this time um you think about reroll yeah cause now I don't need to save it for the leadership now we're just gonna have faith so twos re-roll nice five see those fives baby are you rolling oh amazing [Applause] fours probably dead oof okay coming towards you I don't think I did enough but it is still very close it is very close let's score it up for tyranid's turn four and then we'll go into the final turn wow um all right so did not get a bonus unfortunately okay um warp ritual is stopping at seven grind them down definitely didn't get behind any lines though hey two points two points amazing uh what do you score with Tau Tau it's gonna be a big turn uh does mean I hold uh hold one hold two hold three big turn for us here in uh Titan Titan territory Titan Tower territory uh and then that's it for top of the turn okay yeah let's take away uh so let's see bufferinos we've left some things out um he's uh unfortunate Community to make them offsec uh the crisis Commander gonna make them ignore negative modifiers co-star is dead it's tragic truly truly tragic and that's that we're in full Carry On so exploding Force unless I fall back oh so I have a decision there to be made um I'm kind of torn about it to be honest you know I think I probably just sit and shoot you you can't minus one damage him right um no yeah I cannot okay I cannot cannotch uh but then I can't shoot anything or they can shoot then that's it yeah so what am I you know I'm exchanging weird amounts of things um oh no this is the example of one cost so they've got exemplars they don't have the four wheels anymore it's just this these chumps uh so that's good for you let's take a question yeah um we are caught up nice yeah nice long game uh okay I'm going up to 2cp cool so these guys will just sitting here this is yeah this is done and is it better to have exploding Falls no involves anywhere uh no involence anywhere T8 two up save yep everyone's two up save trans human T8 15 moons okay just overall good guy killing the cold star was good because it stopped me from getting my last um Aerospace I was 100 gonna do so that's good so knowing that we can't get Aerospace knowing that you're going to score at the end of the turn um I kind of just want to hold on to what I have maybe deny you on this one um Naz is now saying no it doesn't get to explode in combat doesn't get to explode and come yeah oh thank you appreciate it okay that's helpful so now no fallback is there a reason to stay in combat right you know I mean it is a ton of shooting oh because you don't have fallback issue I do but it's minus one I see uh and then I have to take OverWatch if I charge back in let's see I'm already holding these yeah okay we all fall back we'll fall back we'll touch in here big ten inch move uh just cool take his model off the objective that's a pro move for sure this is the Iridium down to two so he would be the first to die [Music] um I think he has to be because of the way that they have to move um we'll go to here we're just kind of trailing out the battle suit that lived I know come to die what a baller so we're gonna go like this um we will have to take OverWatch this is slightly scary [Music] um no fallback in charge here that comes from this guy so they are out so this guy's the only one that can charge back in uh which is fine so we'll be here cool where we need to be and I think we do just kind of come out here this is a bit nerve-wracking you move eight move eight yes eight so with a so you're 12 away a four Advance would get you on that point don't love that you're like I I do I find it quite tasty um okay this is Crisis man crisis man crisis man we'll put a second body on here yeah just to not tempt me yeah not attempt to I like it uh and then these guys that are now opsec will go here just in case you know we're just trying to put the Firepower on I like it what's that easy peasy this is a lot of drone confusion here right and then we'll stay we'll stay back stay back cool I think we done did it nice uh that's everything that we can do we're holding three as long as nothing crazy happens here's you know you never know shooting strike and fade I don't think so yep yeah let's do this so let's go ahead and do minus one damage is no no good we don't like minus one damage so let's do these guys the plasma all into here into the carnifex nice on the middle points yep and uh let's do marker lights so we want to market the sky cool yes goes off and then from here we're gonna Mark a light we're just going to focus on him and then charge him kind of feels like it minus one yeah we'll mark our light him again the other one okay so about two more cool perfect perfect Perfection I'm going to you're going to declare on the middle yeah the plasma is here for sure uh we'll do the uh they're all two ups huh they're all two ups we'll do the bursts here and then we'll do the cyclic ion into here with overcharge because he's not minus one damage yeah uh correct all right cool that's the plan I'm gonna transhuman you have the middle card effects uh then keep in mind he is touching the dents so yeah watch this one yep yeah and these guys are minus one already because they fell back so cool uh works out yeah um I have to use this yeah which does nothing because your mind is minus two yeah not the correct order but I'm just going to roll with it you could I mean so feel free to no it's okay we'll keep it going um so this is plasmas on Force very old one ap5 uh it goes right through so three go to two damage each and he goes down to five excellent this is into the exocrine now scary gun uh this is the overcharged guns ruling the one uh so misses but doesn't take damage next one uh re-roll uh takes damage um on the Iridium I'm gonna kill the Iridium I'm a fool this last one I really don't want to roll anyone's here come on two one one one this one thank goodness no exploding sixes so here we go this is on threes okay oh wow maybe E2 uh so four is here exocrine yeah yeah Force oh six damage it's quite spicy right there uh he is on nine right okay and then the burst back to the carnifex slightly out of order my apologies Rule and them once explosions no they fall back okay oh that's right that's right no you're good you're good we're there's five's to wound so it's just three two ups on the current effects cool and you spent the re-roll already yeah oh uh two up but you're good two up okay and in the sense that you're not good because the four wounds on the carnifex cool what's happening is that all the shooting from that Squad that fell back yeah the one Squad that fell back okay so now you have another crisis Squad and a commander yeah a lot of shooting John if you've shot like pretty much everything every day I know so relentless okay so we no involence yeah Master of the killing blow burst burst high output burst Nova surge plasma rifle I'm really not sure what my priority is here we know this these guys cyclic ion into here overcharged because you can't you know the the damage reduction doesn't matter and the burst uh we'll throw into the current fix so here we go so cyclic ions from here to here okay first guy uh this is plus one minus one because account is having a marker light but you're touching the dense but you were also touching the dense but I'm also touching the dance so threes perfect thank you sir this one's out so we've got two hits so far the four doesn't explode the four explodes [Laughter] we're your only ones okay and one explosion yep so good oh my God what is this uh T8 so four is fully rules because Empire of my car oh no oh wow thank goodness for three girls let's go I mean Minecraft maybe wait two this is on fours yes strength eight I overcharged okay yeah uh ap2 you said yes Force oh it's so good he takes two damage all right down to seven the one in there seven oh my gosh oh that was a nine not a six yeah dang it uh and it starts with a lot of words yeah he's a beefy boy right so here we go honestly I'm kind of getting sold on the exocrine this game I I think he's great I'm not playing him like the best but he that makes two of us is actually a very good uh he like destroyed that cold star he's holding it down he's synapse he gave you a great I don't think he synapse oh he's an upgrade oh okay yeah I like that then um I think he gives you something that your list doesn't normally have you know uh so threes here yeah exploding Force three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen we definitely don't have that many dice I'm not even gonna do this many yeah four fourteen you know yeah seven eight nine cents dude look I got 13 right here re-rolling everything it's gonna be two upstairs all right team effort team effort exemplary okay okay huh AP on this sixes don't matter no AP sixes don't matter oh my gosh all right here we go this is on the carnifx two ups kill me now I want that I'm so sorry we have to roll that I'm gonna go there oh my God four goes to three that's even worse I'm not even bracketed oh my foreign all right let's do this Commander over here into here this is Crisis Commander yeah uh yes I have The Goonies nicely nicely done so yeah it's great let's go ready for it plasma everything in here plasma uh um threes yeah within 12 maybe huh go minus one yes because of the dance um so it's plus one minus one cool cool back to twos and double explosion wonderful amazing three's and parsite okay okay uh that's dead yes uh yeah does it Glow uh oh it could blow I think he does oh he does that's huge that kills this guy does he know yeah that's amazing I love it I love it damage oh D3 oh no no it's always one it's always one it's always it's always one all right it's a card the boom here uh um wait it's closest unit yeah is that not the closest isn't it this guy uh he was like he was like great Chuck can let him let us know he was like he was like this oh he's there then it's for sure yeah I was I I touched into the okay yeah no you're right you're right you're good you're good good um cool that was that guy this guy still um yeah I just don't think I really worry about him he's kind of just like a yeah the force of nature at this point I don't have enough to kill him yeah so this is the enforcer baller here we go cyclic ions two of them we're gonna overcharge and then we've got the science man all the good stuff is he called a baller or a brawler baller it's baller wow exploding Forest it's aggressive day and force to wound uh we'll use our far sight yeah amazing so these are ap2 nice so we got four UPS four rows oh four damage four damage and then we've got uh the plasma rifle I'm gonna uh I'm gonna CP this I feel like there's not gonna be too many situations to CPE things in the future Cora okay so I take two a nicely done down to five and then oh this is precision right uh plasma minus one plus one I think so it does hit okay and I'll get to reroll it pitch for four uh this is on four nope nothing cool and then we have the flamer D6 plus two so it's five shots it's nice this is hitting on uh twos nice good thing no explosions wow wow wow sixes success oh I hate it oh it's a four out of two take that damage back oh it's two damage yeah oh five go to three the whole time no okay that's all it's shooting that's right punches punches my boy into your boy do you want to OverWatch me no I'm good go ahead baller okay like good enough it's good not great here um nice they're gonna charge them too actually yes I have a cunning plan this charge I don't want you doing any Shenanigans like you did before yeah yeah so I just want to be all over here yep that's smart thank you schmort all right let's do this thing we will start with him okay like so and see if we can do it do six plus two shots the Emmy attacks seven let's go with him four five six seven plus the four base and on twos rerolling everything good amazing six six six let me rolling so far okay that's all I need that's all I ask you oh Fiddlesticks yeah all right okay so I have what's ap on this two four amazing all right we'll Pile in yeah in the Drone so you're contesting this or no you haven't huh because of the Drone yeah because drones are models I like it drones are models drones are drones people too and his boots let's not I forget uh crisis [Laughter] all right you wanna hit me back yeah I do gosh what is this what does this look like okay I will hit you back on the commander okay yeah the commander why not here it is on fives uh Leviathan only uh uh strength sevens of Threes here if he is one oh I forgot oh okay good good turn yeah for me yep what do you score up score it up for a bonus it's gonna be two for taking the middle one in the middle kill himself in the middle yep slice to action another four for holding more than uh at least half red and bring it down seven seven total okay no no yeah hold on uh actually should be yeah seven because these were two points yep okay excellent John how many points are you on Hey yo uh I will score at the end of my turn to be at the bottom uh what virtual will stay the same grind will stay and then behind uh we can calculate calculate at the end it sounds good just some minor moves here yeah totally um man this is not I think it's I think it's a done game no there's not very many options I can do with two units sometimes three do you consider that those guys over there right uh um try for a long bomb I couldn't try you have a minus two charge thing 18 yeah it's too far too far even if I Advance cannot get there um oh I forgot I have adrenal glands seven so I might need a six uh uh six on the six on the advance well then how do you charge I'm not charging it would be obsec on do you have object over there uh no oh you can get on the point um that'd be great if I'm if this is like maybe I could you have to get through the wall that's right but uh that'd be amazing uh 13 no 13 is wall to wall basically so I couldn't and I can't end within the wall so I can't be on the objective yeah that's what my hounds were running into yes um yeah I think we can call it I can shoot at your um Commander for some points but I think you're gonna take away take it away here make sense um cool let's shoot the octocrine into the commander Coco here it is what would be more points no yeah killing the commander would be more points D3 plus six well if you kill something on the point that's bonus would be two points but four on the primary would be more yep that's uh that's very true let's do it D3 plus six oh nice shots oh you're he's breaking legs he's going down breaking the norm he's going down no more eight shots for him yeah fives here oh no oh no uh reroll so good it's quite good I like it uh eight on your lesson eight so threes oh no I missed three out of five oh no here is a CPU roll I'm down to one oh into a one ah cool Tuesday is for you two saves ap3 ap3 uh three up goes to six UPS oh you know what sorry I can't show you this Weapon It's blast is it blast it's blast shoot okay okay that that that's turnips nice I will hold one objective for four points at the end there and will not grind I will Behind Enemy Lines for two total of four and that'll conclude talibur students very nice man amazing game super super good game that was so intense that was fun I learned a lot I wish I did yeah I learned a lot this game it was it was a very interesting Dynamic we kind of created um tau is just like has so much Firepower tyranids is so bullish and durable and so seeing those two Collide just makes for like a crazy topsy-turvy game where just like it's all about dice rolls um and just being in like very minute positions around the terrain 100 agreed now uh because we've gone through the super chats we're gonna hang out here if you guys want to get any have any questions you want to ask us this is the place to ask send them on over and we're happy to answer them uh because uh yeah we we're definitely uh answering questions as we went through so let us know um but yes it was it was interesting I think funny enough the Firepower was amazing for the late game obviously but it was the movement I think that won everything for the Tao yeah move blocks striking Fades only got this far on this flake just because like every it was all like every turn I was getting move blocked and then when it finally came down to like turn four or five you were like full cow young damage exactly and you're just like that's how you do it right you have to like could start being aggressive uh in turn three and like preparing to like move in I like it um which is super cool super fun and we literally were like neck and neck until those last turns it was so I was like oh I feel like a good place but then I look at your points and you're like like right there I'm like like I still have like behind me lines I could still get more warp rituals like I had I was like on the up and up too um so it was cool you had so many potential uh throughout the game you know pretty pretty crazy did you have any MVPs you would mark down as uh for this game what's your what's your favorite favorite unit to see I mean the big crisis obviously did work they were awesome um so it was them as enabled by the commanders yes always like that play to snipe the neurothrope was like literally a five point at least at least a five-point swing yeah no that was a big big swing it's only made possible by kind of the different skills they have I I could have been more aggressive um I think in some regards I think some of the commander is kind of just sitting back a little too much not getting their worth the enforcer for sure yeah having characters that can dish out that much damage is so great because you can just have them tow out of a building they're still character blocked they're not the closest and they're just getting free shots every turn it's amazing so I feel good about that having said you know said that like I I wanted to be more aggressive but also if I had gone out one turn soon with the crisis we saw you kind of like burst up through them and if you had one more turn you could potentially burst through them again so yeah anyways give it to the crisis teams for sure what about you um I don't know I really wanted to give it to the Warriors and the Tyrant or the exocrine because I that's not something that isn't usually in my list I should say flying time it not the not tyrants in general uh but there I really wanted to play with them because I don't usually play with them and even the Venom throws I usually don't take them too often yeah um most of those didn't perform to my expectations you capitalize on a lot of things bombing the Warriors shooting the Venom boats when you should have shot the Venom throws um you liked it in the proper order where you like kill the Venom dopes and then you shot the other things afterwards so they didn't have the minus one thanks very good um but uh I think the exocrine is what I'm most impressed by yeah it's one of the only things left on the table and um it's definitely worth its weight in gold it's I think it's what is it 200 and something points but it's totally worth it when you have this this hunky guy just following up with everything with synapse is really awesome the gun is really great just don't shoot in combat and you're good he's a big big scalpel honestly yeah he doesn't seem like it but you know you have to position him carefully he doesn't get the minus one damage but he's like he's like a little more shooting than the Venom cannons so like my thought when I saw on the list was like why do I need an exocrine when I have this many Venom cannons but he was literally like the Venom Cannon best basically Left Alive yeah and was able to take out the cold star of all the other stuff right went somewhere else the three damage shots right they're three damage shots so he's almost three carnifexes he's getting six plus D3 yeah almost and if you uh if you didn't really have CP in this game but you could have given him exploding sixes that's true as well uh I just think you get so much value out of him yeah carnifexes do their job they're great but he's an excellent support in that category true true I think it's cool man yeah extra good amazing awesome well hopefully you guys enjoyed the first episode of nice boys being lists there's gonna be more let us know in the comments below what you guys want to see with that let's take some questions yes this is from Mr Emperor Bob thank you Mr Emperor Bob hello handsome Lads got an avat question what are the best ways to buff plasma Academy Destroyers oh great question um there's a long line a long history of admik and buffing catafron destroyers it's a story as old as time um it's great yeah you really so there's a couple things you can do obviously the techno-archaeologist formerly dated osis lets you uh like do actions with them and and still do things uh there's Agra Pinna which can give some Buffs to make them tougher um even though they are the big the big thing with them is they don't have core give them core back like come or give them core period it's literally a troop slot they're expensive as it is they're handling hit on four space I think it's it's a couple things one they were worried about people were starting to spam spam them before yeah and two they're like oh they're serviters they can't like be smart it's it's silly um um that's a good point they're paying for the sins of the past yeah it makes sense there are however um some of the the orders holy orders that actually specifically do work on them I can't remember the specific one but I would almost if I was ever taking uh these these like catafrons breachers or Destroyers I would take that order to be able to buff them and give it's like one of the only Buffs you can actually pass out to them so I think that's important and then they also do still get your cult um abilities so you know I think Mars is interesting in the sense if you're not going agrippina for the the like the influence and stuff then you could still go uh Mars Just for the for access to like the doctrinas and things like that so which no they won't get the doctrines um it's all these guitar stuff that gets the canacles so Mars Mars is okay gives you the reroll which is nice because they're not getting it any other way yeah thank you um next we have tea time thank you tea time good day fellas just wondering will we ever see Brian come back to the Channel full time sure miss seeing that dude cheers for the great content thanks so much there's always there's always a hope and a prayer yeah but uh we'll always have Paris I don't know about full-time um you know Brian is a busy busy man he loves jumping around different projects and stuff so um I don't know if we'll ever get him full time he never was full-time to be clear that's true he was working at Google uh yeah yeah you guys were first starting exactly literally just a Workhorse yeah he's addicted as far as having him back on the channel like consistently maybe one day I wouldn't put past him to move back here yeah um he's definitely very passionate about Warhammer and tabletop gaming oh for sure so I wouldn't be surprised okay we done did it yep that's it most excellence awesome look we did the thing we did the thing saying stuff right yeah great game yeah super fun lovely opponent amazing job Lindsay thank you thank you guys for joining us and we'll catch you next time on the tabletop bye [Music]
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 97,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, tyranid, tyranids, bugs, leviathan, tau, competitive, lgt, US Open, US Open Chicago, Chicago, friendly competitive, tournament, tournament practice
Id: rRjAxJOMgg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 20sec (13940 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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