Charity Live Stream - 4 Way 40k Battle with destructible terrain!

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foreign [Music] live stream for BC Children's Hospitals thank you so much for joining us today we've got mooben we've got Nick we've got Tycho we've got me and we are super excited to be blowing stuff up and eating gingerbread it's destructible terrain edible terrain edible and it's a gluten-free gingerbread because Tycho has a gluten issue so we made sure that Tycho can eat the terrain as any good player would want so basically what we're saying is that if we shoot near a Terrain we're gonna blow it off we're gonna oh yeah I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna play Stompy stomp with my Revenant at some point and just squish stuff I highly suggest you do the same itching for it it is it is so what we're doing today folks is um it's all a charity live stream and we're doing this for BC Children's Hospitals as we said earlier um our publicly help funded Health Care does a pretty good job but Children's Hospital does very specific things and it costs a lot to work with the kids and the research they do and all the things that they do different and special so um we're raising money for them and it's probably one of my favorite Charities um I know it's really close to my heart and a lot of my friends and family have used their services um because they're they're amazing so that's what we're raising money for there's two ways you can donate you can donate through super chats we absolutely appreciate that but you can also go to our donation link which should be up somewhere as well the highest donation on that donation link is actually going to win a silent King a fully painted silent fully painted silent King painted by it was a whole patreon project as I understand it there's several people involved in this but they've donated it to us so we can give it to you guys so whoever has the single largest donation on that donation link is going to win the silent King but randomly someone is going to win today a judgment core game from Creature casting and that was really almost dropped on the table that we weren't messing around Heaven boy this is a Squarespace game made by futurecaster beautiful Miniatures in it and we did a how-to for that didn't we yeah absolutely love the game really really cool game so we got some cool giveaways we do we got a cool game we have a very cool game it's very simple we're hold two objective scores Five Points hold three objective scores ten score at the end of your player turn there are no alliances or are there right so they've been making alliances with everybody go figure it's the Tau however every what did we decide on what was the number was it 100 again we already get to fire the uh for every 250 in super chats we're gonna fire a death strike missile and you guys are gonna get to choose where it goes oh the chat says hunter or the description says I just came up as 250. 250 is what we're donating oh what we're donating oh yeah that's what we're donating oh yeah so every 100 for super chats we fire the device for the winner of this game between the four of us we'll get to donate the money that we get in super chats plus 250 dollars and we're gonna donate that to the charity on behalf of the winner of this game so it's big big time bragging race is what it is so we already have two okay so to clarify when the death strike is going to happen it's gonna happen at the end of a phase end of a phase end of a phase whatever the closest phase is what it ends that's when however many death star eggs happen will happen and they're gonna they're gonna launch they've already been pre-site on one of these five uh objective markers yep and so right now the center is held by no button but each of us has a home objective that would be utterly destroyed it's all Mortal wounds so it's gonna be a mess um I'm running an oathway Detachment today I've got eldrad as my Primark stand in and I've got a Revenant Titan because well we hit the we hit the numbers because of you guys donating so we were able to get all feel the big old Titan monster um Taiko what are you feeling I got death guard with mortarion and Evol on his apology tour it's the leave all the policy to her I love it I love it moving is the only one not running a Titan but he's got enough bugs to scare the crap out of me yes I know everyone's like why doesn't even have bio Titan unfortunately for biotech is in pieces he needs a little bit of love how does he get you know you know what it's not going you know the funny thing is is if you leave them in a warm area he just starts to spread because those legs are so skinny he was dead he wants more you don't really have a Primark and I don't have a Titan I just brought a bunch of big bugs big bugs landing on my face everything and I have of course brought the towel and so I have two Hammerhead railguns I've got a unit of Crisis and some dude Drake I've got a unit of uh Chateau kickasso oh yeah I have I have deep strikes too I forgot that are you a unit of breaches a unit of Strike Team and of course a Riptide and a town [Music] um that's the tsunami suit this is the tsunami suit from our uh Pacific grim dark episode that was one of my favorite episodes and I sprained my tongue those names oh my goodness I have Rangers that are gonna come in walking from the shadows and I have fire dragons that are actually web wasted we're at three strike missiles thank you oh see the destroyer's too close to them eldrad's so dead so we are using um the the uh plasma barrage Warheads we're not going to use the one that possibly does 18 mortal Woods oh my God because this will be over in a half an hour but what it is is roll one D6 for each unit within D3 plus six of the center of that model's death rate token which is the the objective marker uh subtracting one for the result if it's a character infantry character on a two to three that unit suffers D3 plus one more wounds on a four to five the unit suffers two d three more wounds and on a six that unit suffers D3 plus three mortal wounds it's entirely possible that we lose a lot of models real quick well let's see who goes first and see who gets Deathstrike um cool my mic is not on still they're working on it they're working they're working on it okay um so go to Inquisitor you're a man after my heart Mike is working my mic is working yeah are the booms working good ah because we projected so for yourself before we I think we do so how many death strikes I thought it would go out after the first players if you have a phase so who's going first they got a command phase it ends and boom sure let's do that I've already I've already um pre-rolled my fate dice I have two advances I have a charge I have a wound and I have a save I do not believe you I don't have anything of use I'm not charging you and I'm not charging no they're gonna take you to church and if I Advance I'm just gonna die are we gonna be doing all right thank you sir so so first turn are we gonna roll in the tray yes so they can see it at home here we go all right I'm Gonna Roll oh five I get a two one oh it's up to moves this is big one oh I'm either going first or last I'm a rookie Bobby and a baby with another five oh number one go go Eldar no Who's number is I mean you're number two we're gonna have a lot of command points this game yeah up to four every command phase we're gonna be doing some stuff I'm gonna use one of my advances immediately I'd be six normally and then whatever you would have spent so I'm sure you would have been more carrying this world or trade so then one command point oh maybe yeah he gets it he gets it no that's not his paid points for that yeah besides five up to six JT doesn't sound real what an amazing voice I don't sound real before you move it sounds like a ninja turtle oh yeah oh command things oh that's right oh yeah command phase all right um my turn I'll roll what do we do with a six okay six I get to pick six is real oh six the player gets to protected no no oh hold on check is to pick who gets nuked yeah um that's going to take a while then make four options and then and then it'll be up to Ben to choose which four options Center uh or just pick a player and that player's objective gets new uh Tiger's home JT's Homer Nick's home yeah who gets nuked all right yes you guys you guys we should probably actually start moving while we're doing it okay sorry okay because we're gonna be here forever do the movement s so 13 because I'm using one of my fake guys he has to escape his oh no I'm not escaping another Center because I'm going to be on two objectives I'm moving your big bugs are scary no comment he's like well moving off the table first oh you don't have to worry about his mic issues [Music] uh I'm going to advance my Seer Council destroy Nick so everybody else is going to go to here those are gonna be three of these and then I'm going to there's three Advanced eldrad all hitting one point then this feels sure okay top three in the pool because we have three oh my you guys how far do hornets move again nine ten fourteen oh boy oh my goodness I was very wrong on how far Hornets moved I'm definitely gonna be taking some they go 18 inches we need bug spray mutes oh I don't I don't like smegmatic and I don't like the plague burst crawler but I really don't like hammer heads he's got two of them I know both have real kids so I'm gonna go zip top of the chocolates top of the chocolates oh and I haven't got to smash anything yet okay Revenant Titan time do we just get in and start wrecking stuff Revenant Titan time here we go it goes 30. so the Revenant Titan on the crater first thing well he's gonna go 17 inches to here and then he's gonna go 13 inches to the other side of the crater but in the meantime I'm going to go okay stop breaking there it is that was tasty not bad and it's gluten-free all right I'm done moving this what happened he moved he destroyed some turrets the Titan kicked over the terrain yeah once I'm moving no I'm gonna destroying this and have my own thing please I want to say thank you very much to my wife Patricia thank you who baked all this stuff um she's an amazing cook should say amazing Baker um she did a fantastic job I glued it all together which is why it's a little and Dan Miner and Heather Miner for all of the scatter terrain the KitKat tank traps are probably my favorite absolutely love those um fire the news so who are we firing it at oh it's me and talk so we gotta fire it at Nick in the pool I think I gotta reprieve because I'm the only one who piled all my good stuff sad thing I had eldrad I'm like oh dear but I'm also on the middle one so I feel strange you got to we are eating the train is edible it's actually quite good it's good see Peace So Fire the noob at move it moved so what do I roll what do I roll have fun dying moving oh boy I escape tiger escapes my lucky number 13. thanks everybody so all right uh I need three dice if I could please thank you sir all right so um at moving uh no no no okay so movements Target everything within uh D3 plus six inches everything within six six inches yeah thank you from the Edge from the uh the edge of the market thank you no from the center of the marker I'll try and backstop too take out a box oh my oh are they gonna roll for each unit right yeah and each unit um roll on a two to six things happen all right let's start with the toxic cream toxic creams six talk screen takes six oh D3 plus three Mortals for the toxic cream is five Mortals all right so he's down to 12. thanks Tyco and then the next one uh go with contact number one Carfax number one with a four two three so he takes three three hey wait a minute I'm playing l oh no it blew up the train and then next one next one's a three yes D3 plus one sorry the next card effects two two and then the horsebacks Haru specs uh takes D3 plus one thanks oh four this is good uh thank you uh thank my wife she did a great job to four what's left moving just hold one eye just hold one eye old One Eye takes four people oh thank you both you and are gonna be dice caddies yeah and then old one I took how many four so I spread the command Point group so far nice because he has still no pain oh there you go give him uh all right I think I actually have that too come to think of it I'm both way all right all right so next was Nick next was Nick yay how many units are within well like a D3 plus first of all we got uh D6 plus three inches I'm gonna give Evol a warlord yeah yeah all right so both hammer heads the riptide oh not the the drones are on the Deep strike um both Hammerheads the riptide and two infantry units okay which one first start with an infantry unit the Strike Team Strike Team yeah he's gonna take D3 plus one nope it's gonna take uh uh on a two to three and only Summers D3 oh so it takes two two okay starting place two next next the Bridgers breachers they're gonna take D3 plus one uh they take D3 uh no they take uh yeah three plus one four four four preacher's Dad yeah next uh Riptide Riptide on a D3 plus three right yeah sorry no it's two d three oh it's 2d3 yeah on a six is two D3 so I'm down to uh I believe it's uh nine wounds on him okay and then anything else oh yes first Hammerhead one oops first hammer head takes T3 Plus One D three plus one three three all right second hammer head takes nothing that's the first one first one yeah now we get to wait till we get to my shooting phase two oh I gotta hit two I think because you abandoned that objective I don't know I didn't abandon it I'm still on it it's who's on it my Guardians are still on it sneaky sneaky my Guardians are still okay yeah well maybe we'll get a nine and hit all these guys oh I gotta roll it oh before we do that yeah I think they're roller switches I think the desk the thrust spray kit nine inches worth I think this got decimated maybe you could you could just snap a piece off it but then it gives you nowhere to hide because I'm gonna hide okay I'm gonna shoot you you're an alliance you told me with each other I said I agreed to nothing I think Nick has an alliance with everybody he does I don't have a lamp to move him he can't reason with me all right come on [Laughter] so do we want to randomly determine here we go can I do it do you want to determine oh I have to technically but that I don't care however do we determine this one or this one um randomizer randomize it one to three four to six yeah sure one to three all right how big is the explosion somebody else would be rolling for the bigness it's uh the two it's a three plus two inches five inches from the center it's D6 plus six it's D6 plus three inches so it's just the Guardians D3 plus six inches it's just the Guardians all right three D6 and you're gonna hit my Guardians so guardians Guardians receives oh 2d3 damage four five I'm sorry one two three mortal wounds three more balloons five epic noise nope kill three and what else to hit anything uh the race here the racer gets nothing oh nice what was last that's it that's it that's it cookie all right so now it's time to Shust now it's time to shoot shoe stings oh I have lots of stuff this is a storm surge this is not a storm surgeon oh no this is like 1200 actually this reads tuna [Laughter] one of your three fish jokes what only three are allowed no more food no no we total I got my own three no I'm not sharing I don't share you each get one fish joke that's it that's a very good amount of jokes no it's not it's like all right okay here we go psychic phase I'm going to start with the man the myth Legend eldrad Ultron okay eldrad has Doom executioner and Fateful Divergence carry on so I get plus one to cast because I'm within the Seer Council so I'm gonna start with faithful Divergence to give me a command point and I don't know why I am doing it but I am yeah three four Eldred can re-roll if I'm not mistaken you guys should just switch places oh does that make sense yeah I think you can actually re-roll Ghost Town what's that oh maybe he can't no three fails all right and then uh I'll take what's this other one I'm gonna do do I have somebody with range of Doom yeah somebody range of doom doom I don't think I have anybody in executioner range nope so I'm going to Doom the horror specs uh it goes off with an 11. he's doing you wanna try to stop me so selfish Ness if we follow his rules [Laughter] I would say just keep let's just keep going all right uh warlocks warlock's Loadout they have conceal reveal and protect Jinx and can cast two so I'm going to protect the Guardians oh it goes off and then I'm going to I think that's it because I don't think I have anybody else in range I can't affect anybody else so that's it for them the racer Mr Muffin Mr Muffin I thought it was important to bring muffin during the gingerbread those of you at my local shop are very familiar with muffin he got really powerful in Crusade and made everybody angry including me it was just too much uh do I have anybody with an 18 inch from him no nothing in 18. attempt to Smite smite doesn't go in the Box I'll just throw it at Nick smites with a 10. absolutely all right go for it deny it Ollie will um just people are aware of these uh these fuzzy dice these are our Command points so our logic Tech way of showing you Edwards are do tonight on a 10. hold on uh does he get a plus to cast or Plus at an i if he does you deny otherwise you're taking that really really otherwise you're taking two notices there you go so I'm gonna start by shooting my Hornets and I'm gonna shoot my Hornets at the Hammerhead on the left Goat Simulator come on DJ where is it Hornet there it is at least two four six eight shots hitting you on threes you ready Nick sorry who are you shooting what uh shooting on your Hammerheads with what uh Hornet pulse lasers fine you can't see this one yeah two four six eight shots on threes toughness is seven on the Hammerhead right uh yeah so Force chest of one oh no one ab2 I save it with a six all right uh horror specs is gonna take a d Cannon D3 shots three shots on threes one hit that's it JT our alliance is broken that's a big wound s just once at AP silly does he have any good gave you my word right yeah what's your do you have an involve saved yeah ap4 yes there you go okay and you're gonna stick something to make here that's a six stop there you go um so that's it for him now it's the Revenant I really want to kill big stuff but I also want you guys to be able to use big stuff you can try ah I control that really sounded like what is the biggest actual unit of dudes probably well I can't see epoxies when they're hidden in the building I tried to hide them yeah I can't see them I can see those guys to blow up the terrain oh I could and then shoot the guys no I'd rather kill your I'd rather kill a hammer I'd rather kill a hammerhead I'm gonna slow my cloudburst missile launcher at that breacher team this is a firework firework team I'm gonna throw my cloud versus launcher with them and then I'm gonna throw the Revenant pulsars I'm just gonna try to dummy one Hammerhead got it so I'm gonna I think I can probably see that guy from a Revenant or that guy no I don't want to kill the reptile can't do this shots into your little dudes in here yeah five shots yeah kill him that's gonna be four hits uh it's yeah that's uh three wounds three ones my civilians 82 maybe two uh [Music] very soon two three four five six one Army skulls with all right ready three guesses I don't know you might be too angry to make it you know I'm very angry are you are you angry enough uh I'm gonna use one of my two wound rolls to automatically would you I don't know what's going on I'm shooting your other hand where Revenant Pulsar is strength Quest this is the best so I'm only one threes okay so it's one two three four five wounds at ap4 and four damage each fried things so four damage each four damage each four eight twelve yeah it doesn't explode the Hammerhead does not explode first kill two he even has the guns I know first kill sure you take God Hammerhead but the other one cannibalizes the gun um swap the bottles but probably but everybody everybody Advanced let's go everybody did what they had to uh Revenant we're supposed to be keeping track of the one the one on the the charity Channel uh Revenant can't charge I'm on two objectives I'm done I'm done thank you I use my wound um though I do have a charge of six do I go after smegmatica I would need to roll a six Voodoo Inquisitor thank you very much I think I don't think I want to actually charge you to be quite honest I'm good in the middle of the board we're close if we're not I'm not charging you Tycoon even though I always note okay yes yes no Alliance nothing promised nothing promised but we're just yeah it's weird all right I'm not my way and then decides no I am done you managed to kill my Hammerhead I did I feel like you'd spent an entire turn trying to kill me no that's all I had to shoot at I did shoot him moving too look what I did to him I shot my D cannons my charge he's all T8 I can't see the fox Walkers All Right Move It Go oh nice extra Terrain can I build a barricade with a nuggies all right thank you got some nuggies I'm eating nuggies what else is what's happening here hey everyone get a grand boy I got five oh come on points oh I'm actually at six because I got one from your turn yup yeah I'm at five we're gonna need bigger dice yo oh we have now triggered a Deathstrike missile thank you very much now now I do have some command face Shenanigans to do first so once that's done command phase oh wait so we need to pull where it's going yep Ben next uh I get cover from the nuggies yeah probably include the center in one of them because I like it shenanigans hold one eye is healed I think this battle mat actually PT um I think this is one that has sugar stains oh it's an old old I don't know honestly we should actually be eating off of it here we are it's gonna happen you're joining nurgle one way or the other we have the constitution of Gamers old one eyes telling him to do it better because he can there we go moving moving knows what command stuff all right so nothing else matters there my goodness so yeah that's the only thing in the crab face for face it's Death Strike time all right as a reminder before moving all of your monies that that were the monies that we get in super chat um that has a YouTube takes a percentage of that and then whatever's left over we're giving directly to the charity however if you do donate through the link that we have posted in chat and in the video description all of that money goes directly to the charity so if you can it's it's better for the charity if you donate that way we understand extra clicks and we don't want you to leave so that's totally cool if you want to donate through super chats all of it that we can put to it is going to get to charity so yeah that's kind of the key plus don't forget the the highest donation that we have over on that link actually is going to win that silent King that fully painted silent King also JT believe it I did I scored five points because I held two objectives X excellent so you have five points you're winning I'm winning high five and everything is gonna die now but I have I have a wall of nuggies to hide behind that gives me a two-up save wow the gingerbread crater I'm in the greater I don't think the Revenant Titan gets cover from the crater he can try you can try how are you I can't believe this thing moves 30 inches I'm just happy I get to put on the table flies doesn't it it flies there's like Prince is there yeah it's like this like I made the comment earlier that this is the most Gundam out of anything I mean Tau look mechanized but the fact that this thing moves 30 has great big guns and jumps around the Battle Board way more Gundam ass and those are good nuggies you guys should try these nuggets they're great all right play your turn where's the desk right going all right how big is the explosion wow it wasn't even close it wasn't even close wow small explosion six seven eight inches instead of nine I think we should make one caveat whoever's turn it is it can't be on their own objective how's that Ben what so for the because we have a center objective right so if it's your turn the death strike can't be on your home objective is that cool that way we can do the other four because you need but of course it happens after mine yeah of course it's not even your turn yet once again it's not listening everybody everybody preachers preachers the thing that we that Nick fails to remember three plus one fourth oh sorry is that the moment his Tower gets to shoot he's deleting everything off the table fire Warriors I took it easy boys there's an entire box of nuggies sorry tiger you got something in your uh never mind oh nuggy because I'm waiting to smash through got 10 wounds left on the riptide and then the Hammerhead oh there's an escape Justice oh 2d3 283 2d3 all right so one two three wounds fortunately this is the Hammerhead that hasn't been damaged yet no hectic damage I don't have a date oh I do have a dice beside it I thought I didn't see the dice there it is with the on the Hammerhead no that's it that's it thank you chat I love you that was lovely it was so lovely I I feel I feel the love coming from you guys it's fine Prime aesthetic wants us to use the Nuggie box as a building so is this a sea salt you're exerting right now you're awesome I said no more jokes that's just an ocean joke that's an ocean joke however that concludes the command phase because I get to start moving things I mean this nugget wait a minute okay well yeah cause that happens at the end of the panther so now it's your moving face now it's my moving face Something Fishy is going on here oh wait it's not Nick's turn even fishier there's my one it's Lobster here you should feed him a Nuggie you should be carrying one around yeah he should get a wound back because he eats a nugget s how many moons does he have left okay so put them at 10 left and eat a Nuggie because you know you're the hive mind so there you go don't worry I have to eat a nugget t-shirt noogie for the high respects West Side sorry oh my the funny part is this is just us on a regular Friday afternoon but this is oh it is Friday we literally don't know what day it is fish day fish tank fish day I guess it technically is oh dude it actually no it was that Sunday Nick actually made a fish joke is this your lvo practice yes this is my lvo list ladies and gentlemen 2200 points but you know I would love to just with arcs of omen I can actually do it I might do it because it'll be fun 500 points and then put the Revenant in the board does not work yes and 32 wounds of toughness nine down it's for a drinking tournament rather than a winning call yeah yeah 100 percent there are different reasons to go to tournaments folks oh yes it's not always to win Vegas is Vegas Vegas is a little bit of both little column a little column B yep but it also will be up forever afterwards so you can watch it anytime afterwards if you can't make it or need to go watch how ridiculous they are crazy hijinks and watch everyone eat nuggies as much as you want okay sure sure they're good nuggies um first things first I just need to kind of power everything's moving or is it like get things moving get things move in oh look it's another box of nuggets all right put some terrain on the table you're hiding from things got very fast forward he's full of nuggies no he's hey Ben there's more nuggets oh man I was gonna put a barricade nugget up but now I'm not but no you don't have to reheat it instead uh end of movement phase the psychic phase not again whenever you start throwing nuggets at the table absolutely take them away all right starting with the swarmwork for casting he's gonna Onslaught himself he does not he perils immediately no no one slot for me drop me down okay I'm rerolling this okay you're down to which whatever you are you recording somebody else still fails so no Onslaught for him no it's similar oh he's gonna try and on uh Catalyst the hi Karen 2D 390 damage yeah unless says no yeah Eldred says okay so no Catalyst either great great um so that's no sticky bugs I have three more denies foreign can you do that to a monster 18. what's your role uh a six what's it go off on seven oh no and last but not least she's gonna use Behemoth power on himself what's that one uh Unstoppable Onslaught so it's just plus one to wound in melee that's good with the knife I'm gonna try I don't I do not deny so he has Unstoppable onslaught no no no no no no no no no no bring the shoesting it is just there's a rupture Cannon there is Mr spew going and I have the shark oh well this is just I love me a shark please note I didn't Target anything big I know I know wait 36 oh the Tyrant can hit him oh absolutely oh yeah oh he's got the shark going I'm always running this thing oh boy into the the same amount paper scroll that's the one uh looking for threes sorry no twos because he's tired not gonna check guys just gotta blow my nose you have damage reduction I'm gonna spend the fan point re-roll that one so three hits that's the string 12 so when you go three three wounds ap5 five damage uh saving on fives because I'm a demon Ninja I save one take two so that's why damage each going down to four because that's me eight um yeah I think I have start with 12 or 13. I took eight damage I think I have I totally forgot to do things um I will double check that yeah I attack uh 12. so yeah four left caffeine America yes oh that sounds super tasty is that yours you have coffee Nick said no caffeine there's nothing within 12 inches other than muffins can I Lightning Fast reactions muffin you really want the cake don't waste it on this one I have five command points the Hornets are already minus one ahead no I imagine like four specs oh he's Auto hitting he's oh he's just he's just trying to grab you with the tongue oh that's right he's go for a licking not only is he super hungry oh Wizards what's the toughness on it uh T8 yes yeah so five it doesn't move there you go see he's fine see I told you not toy stuff you just got a little slobbery it's what it tastes he's he just tongued my muffin well no no I respects tongue Warhammer did this people it's not our fault don't you hear about the conquest game I did recently that was uh yes the names of some of the monsters you're really bosses what are you doing here hold on I'm measuring things wizard first rule thank you so much um I think that actually puts us at the next the next shot that definitely Nate actually definitely that now we're definitely at the next question right by JT they're a unit all right so exocrine into that unit what's he Auto hitting nope cool you already minus one to hit because they're they're Hornets because reasons because eldark garbage 63 for seven shops looking for fours he's full of nuggies too he's shooting nuggies at me oh look at all the duggies but one does hit uh T six I think threes saved all right before four four five no I have an invone save against shooting I think I think I'm let me double check yep Forge World no I think you just punch right through I don't think they have the influence save anymore no I am out the way though yeah so um yeah saved I'm both way of course you do those silly shenanigans definitely gonna happen there all right so rupt your Cannon yep all right I'm deciding my target on a 50 50 dice roll okay this is the guy who does not want to get anybody angry but notice how he doesn't tell us who's getting what number so literally he's just completely doing this for show absolutely no and Nick was one to three town I was getting three shots from the rupture oh God see the funny part is now you're the only guy who hasn't shot at Nick hey so Nick is going to dump everything over here so you can just swoop it and kill him all right it's true same both oh oh snap well I found it better oh Cassie oh no live paintball kill team nugget eating contest oh Cassie that's up there with drinking the water and shooting phase your brush in your coffee can you not shoot me this is why I'm not a brush liquor Red Solo Cup and coffee cup nice red Solo cups always foreign hey oh there you go we're calling this or am I just destroying I don't know I think you just automatically destroy it just hit with something I don't know just poke up with your fingers that's one rack second level for you no more seconds and you get to eat a cookie all right charging phase oh it's a boom timer I think technically we should wait till this next turn so that it's not on Nick's objectives if chat really wants to kill me they can kill me um foreign [Music] for the munchkins so it's the top two top two all right those are Kit Kats man yeah I'm hoping to crash through it and eat them I just kind of your fireworks just gonna charge the kitkats and drop kick them oh uh boom none of those are moving subjective next objective right away so Chad are we going for the boom are we waiting waiting okay fine fine if it helps if it helps if it helps to vote you you can make more fish jokes this costs too much this game is going swimmingly no now it's on dicks okay close it in ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hold close and of course it's on me uh so it's gonna go to Nick and then Taiko oh um and still again it's not even close that's the first one and the next one's gonna go into Taiko as the second second one so the first one against me does how many inches so it is a six inches plus uh D3 so that six seven eight eight inches wide that's gonna hit everything the exact same again I haven't had a chance to move yet Riptide uh does uh so that was I don't fry like that four four all right I am down to I'm down to six wounds with a Riptide and he hasn't even done anything yet all right wow this feels like one seventh edition again one more uh firework goes down picking up before we even move them I don't know I don't know uh yeah there's another one there yeah it's fortunate hammerhead and it's uh yeah so that's four uh four damage on the Hammerhead too scattered back and Killers the Hammerhead is down it's okay so let's do it right back if you want the hamburgers Wizards first rule 57. the hammer when we're going we gotta go to the next phase Mr Kaboom I was gonna say it's my turn I make the executive call well they're doing they're doing this are you charging and stuff yeah I'm gonna charge this stuff before you do I want to clarify everyone watching home a hammer heads down to four wounds and my Riptide is down to six charges are going to be how big is we're just figuring out uh tycho's uh size of explosion is full size 679 inches zege wants it I think you literally hit my hole box they're tube you know what for that the Box Walkers get one of my nuggies the uh gets a three so on a two to three suffers D3 plus one uh D3 plus one it is two on the lawnmower uh on the skewer it goes through and it does two on the spewer three on this viewer um on uh the character there what's character grenade in there oh that is minus one on the character minus one on the character uh so a three so that's D3 plus one this is uh go see the Destroyer four wounds on ocf Destroyer oh I think it's only got one or two left you can earned you to shrug these no no oh that's right you use that death guard is not what it what it was yep okay the uh the flag burst crawler and it does go through and that's uh that's D3 plus one what's the name actually you can't hurt uh how did I kill it with four more wounds oh because I got shot with um oh all right explode explode no because he actually explodes for real not like nurgle explode yeah that's right okay that's gone uh mortarion oh full 2d3 damage as a character it was a no infantry character oh Adventure character so um one two three four four wounds on motarium he can ignore these he can he's gonna do it like a boss he ignores two fixed it and then uh I build the destroyer of the knights great the big knight uh goes through so D3 plus one and it is one two more wounds total Two Worlds to eyeball he can grow them one sixes oh all right oh okay now you can start charging charge phase away I'm gonna OverWatch you who's going wait a minute who's charging me I'm charging the horsebacks first these are multi-charged into muffins what's what's the range into the Hornets eight eight to get the boat eight tickets I think I'm going to go he's back he may have redeemed himself right there might OverWatch oh you missed with the uh what's it hey I'm gonna watch I'm gonna OverWatch with the Hornets two four six eight shots with Hornets okay eight shots two three four five six seven eight shots here we go I get one see you uh fails to wound but I'll command re-roll it no I won't boo earns oh looking for the eight because I got command points coming up my Wazoo no command reroll down to two Nick oh sorry yeah I got it I don't think that's it nope no I'm tired into the Hornets can I come uh six I don't think so sir no it does not I don't think six I'm just outside of six I think you're just uh are you I can't tell I can't see from this angle come on hi timer yeah just out of the side of six so good thing you knocked that building over right uh that's even my charger just because Carl Boyd has just brought another Deathstrike missile so at the end of this charge phase we're actually firing two one from first of the world Wizard's First Rule and one from Carl oh my God oh my God so first one on the left is gonna go into the others because not the other one on the right one good old underbite he does not have it all right that's where I should have taken the rural charges but I choose not two okay cool touch base is done are we shooting things that starts at the end of charge phase uh we've got to do some more we've got to do two more uh two more districts there Ben yeah we do so let's run it that's yeah good fight and then go from there well you know what do this do the poll I'm gonna do the fight and then we'll do that at the end of the fight phase because I've only got one thing to fight yeah so you guys are voting for the top the top two that are in the vote will be shot does Nick get a five six seven no no don't put Extrusion for me if I kill if I get killed I get killed my calendar is nicely away from the objective he is right yeah yes it is Brandon you're awesome oh my God all right so Hive Tyrant who has Unstoppable hunger into those Hornets looking for twos and then twos again because you drink 12. uh nope because I go strength eight because I charge and have a plus one because of the psychic power yeah but I'm tough to six yeah so winning on threes normally plus another plus one to wound so twos and twos you know what I'll drop the one I'll save it for the wounding phase okay because yeah I wound you with six what's your AP believe it's ap2 one damage let me just double check for you uh ap3 one damage sixes how many go through six all right Daddy-o I say one I Take Five Wounds and he's done he's done chewing on you he's done chewing on me so then I gotta fight back yeah pick him up with one wound but is it yeah T6 and eight one he just has regular little claws now yeah he's got his little toes he's got his little toes you used to be able to run him as rending claws which are really nice but they're like no no ending claws for you so I'm going to Kyle in a little Tyrant titles now vortex I think we've raised close to seven thousand dollars for the hospital now if not I don't hit you because I'm pretty sure I hit you on six years moving foreign oh no all right my turn's not done yet my face over all right all right now we have three missiles to launch I think we only get one right now we have to do more pulls for more missiles well we're going into the center we've said the top three results okay just just to streamline it because it was my turn shooting them on the money I'm with tiger we're on a team we got this tiger we don't we got this you're all dead my counter hasn't been touched all right let's do against me first roll for a range for me oh already Nick all right how big is the explosion it's only a seven inch explosion this time it still hits everybody same thing Riptide uh it hits Riptide for uh three mortal wounds so I'm down to three more or three wounds left with the riptide Hammerhead uh gets hit for um three two more wounds two more ones uh so I am down to two wounds with the hammerheads and then uh preachers uh they're dead you guys can't survive that uh fireworks uh they they're dead they can't survive that either sorry so that's uh all the Infantry is gone all right uh I think I get one too yeah and then I do as well all right don't worry JT I'm rolling for you is one so it's only seven well you want them to roll for you well let's say all right on your flag bearers like for the birds the Walkers the the zombies and it does uh G3 plus one so it does you're so good for you on those plug Birds that's a great question the zombies did you have a safe it's a seven up thank you very much sorry same as my racks I got that all right and then we're gonna go to the oh there's an anonymous takes silent team going somewhere sorry uh what what uh two so does it mean it goes to the company [Music] on to uh mortarion and I hold the Destroyer for him why don't you roll up to me okay yeah exactly you don't want me to roll for you fire the device is a full 679 inches oh it's gonna hit um there's lots of things that's great lots of things it probably hits me too it doesn't hit my sear Council though oh they're out it hits Guardians and in his Revenant type is it your guys nope just out all right all right so on the big giant Titan the Revenant it hits it okay um and it does two more wounds I'm Craft World all through what players cannot see this when the fundraising two more to lose seven thousand I will put the worst tasting cupcake in the world on the table he's down to 31. this is just on the table the guardians or anything foreign do get hit for 2d3 and they they one two three more so this could cause that Hornet to blow up but a five up ignore or six epic North new does it explode yes I think it might be only one mortal wound though what do we say about explosions we love them when I blow up yeah everybody within three inches takes a mortal wound all right so fly orange is down to 11 then all right so I have to roll for all my guys in a Range muffin take some more and then we have more Justice mortal wound eldrad he's not honestly uh and these guys aren't within three because it's this one oh because I was the wounded one more he takes a mortal all right actually it was a five wasn't it was five five yeah so he doesn't know that was just thanks you didn't ever get to move where it is so is that is I believe that concludes my turn completely now all right so before you go further to your uh we're just gonna take a second to rear if we're doing it for the first time this is a charity live stream my name is Nicholas we've got JT moving it's Tycho uh this is vladim tabletop it's the first time joining us we're playing a four-way crazy game if you're joining in for regular 40K this is not it this is a crazy fun game where you on the chat gets to help um affect the battle but also donate to the BC Children's Hospital Foundation it's a local charity in BC here that's that we have a children's hospital that supports over a million kids uh around the province uh we do have publicly funded Healthcare however that is not enough funding to really take care of kids the way they need to be taken care of so this Foundation goes towards them you can do it two ways you can donate through the link in the description on the pinned uh chats or uh or that QR code that's on the screen right now um that will go 100 of those funds will go to them uh alternatively you can also donate to a Super Chat YouTube does take 30 but we will be taking everything that is donated through Super Chat and putting it directly uh to that charity um and actually the winner gets to donate it in their name to the charity so that's that's what we're playing for so we're joining that's what we're playing for here so the six are actually very high very very high uh it's all bragging rights despite the silliness of the game yes we've raised almost 7000 yeah uh and as we as we uh led up to this uh donations affected the games we started with a small combat Patrol and then we added things like destructible terrain we have gingerbread terrain that is destructible if someone shoots it or walks right through it or if we're just hungry or if we're just hungry uh in addition tasty then as we brought in more uh more funds we added um and then that was my Riptide here's the mortarion uh Seer council with elder or else just a whole bunch of bugs bugs and then we then we got to a certain range where we added a Titan so I added a town or you had an eyeball Destroyer you had a Revenant Titan I added more bugs added more bugs hey Moon would you like more bugs we've got more bugs no no I think this is enough is that enough bugs I think it's enough one last thing to note um we as one of our patrons graciously donated a fully painted silent King model necron silent King Monsters uh that will be donated and sent to the person with the highest donation amount in that uh in that link on that page um not in the Super Chat on the page so yes it's troubled through some hands lastly we have we have a prize for the live stream we are going to be giving away this in the live stream at the end of turn one we've come through two player turns yet so far we've got two more to go uh there's lots of manual destruction this is uh this is the Eternal Champions judgments this is a skirmish based game from Creature they donated it so that we can give it away yeah and it's really a cool mechanics are really nice we did a how to play for that um had a lot of fun playing it was it was a hoop it's a really fun game all right and so as we're as we're into we're playing uh so for score wise uh well we have an updates oh you have a good score if you hold two objective markers you get five points at the end of your turn if you hold three you get ten that's the only way to score in this game I got none the only way so high risk I ran out and grabbed two objectives so I could get bored but I am winning and every time we reach a threshold of a hundred dollars donated either through super chat or through the link we are launching the chat is launching a death strike missile that hits by your choice one of these five objective markers dealing mortal wounds of Plenty and we've already seen I've lost a hammerhead I've lost two infantry you've lost uh crawler a tank playlist crawler you've lost I've taken a bunch of damage most of my my drones are dead or almost dead I lost three Guardians so far the chat has been really focused on me now that it's my turn I think it's time to focus on movement I think so yeah no no it charged me and I don't like that all right I finally gonna turn this is my first turn I'm at seven minutes I'm gonna spend a command point in my command phase to make my Hammerhead fight full of course is that two versions of all the uh missiles that have come in um and then I'm going to spend two command points five four uh to make sure that this guy can Nova charge and not fail because he's taking so many wounds so he's gonna overcharge his gun uh to be no he's gonna overcharge his boost I mean ballsy oh you mean well I don't know do fish are you still doing command for your stuff no okay I know you killed all my marker lights I didn't kill any marker lights um and then the town R can see your Revenant Titan the hammerhead's gonna sneak out to hold the objective and shoot your Revenant Titans and we're gonna shoot everything into the Revenant Titan oh okay okay let's go okay if you didn't if you'd understand I'm a little better against the rubber Titan because uh njt had a had a gentleman's agreement that we wouldn't shoot each other with you no we didn't and he we didn't I did not agree last night you said okay that's exactly what and then it was told that Nick made the same deal you know what the best part was you didn't say that I was left out of any discussions last let me double check I might be spending a command point on you here Nick okay well I'm gonna fire at you anyways yeah the giant hammerhead shot uh where the heck is my yeah it hits the Hammerhead hits against the revenants with the minus one to hit even with a minus one it has well there you go uh yeah I don't think I'm a two up I think I'm a three up I might just want to be hit maybe all the time I don't know well it doesn't matter damage to take a full uh six seven eight nine ten eleven you take 11 wounds okay and then two secret missiles oh I failed both of them but I could be real one hit roll oh oh you gotta start the pull now yeah and then um then his first cannons that's a lot of guns it's are we minus 100 oh no all right right in the missiles in here today just come over here and put it in the middle now we're going to the riptide Riptide into the Russell say hi to everybody hello Nate oh that means that means we hit seven oh my goodness did someone have to eat it's like why is it there it's as close as we've ever found to sugar-coated sand the first person to be tabled has to eat it I'm about to lose my Revenant all right uh the riptide has hit you four times five six times come within range for marker lights um toughness nine one two three eight so this is what I get for breakfast and Rule once a wound yes three wounds at you three wounds uh save two I believe it's just two damage okay might be three actually but let's say it's two okay shots fails one fails two town so some people were confusing this with a storm surge this is not a storm I have one at home oh yeah um half the size is about eight half the size also about 400 points is about 1200 points and has many many more guns oh it has so many guns it's crazy uh yeah well yes it was and you only rolled for one of them yes I I didn't realize what it was so I've got three of the giant big ones yeah so we're gonna fire the big giant guns first at the Triad uh the these are the pulse Ordnance drivers you know somebody's picking on me three heavy I told you at the start if you betrayed me I would kill you you betrayed me there was no deal you agreed last night JT I love all the fact that he didn't even ask me anything no no no no I knew the bugs wouldn't listen I mean I split the fire fairly equally here I was trying to form a coalition against moving that's all I was trying to do I I had the position and then somehow the elves come out trying to make peace no see here here's the thing I'm trying though no uh it's strength ten you still miss I got one we got one wound and at FirstLight Enclave so I get two I got two wounds minus four or five damage each four UPS oh uh I'll come and reroll one of those nope all right take 10 damage down to three and then the tri-axis cannon is 3d6 and I have two of these so basically six dice one two three four five six three eighty six shots never trust a towel your mother was a guppy and your father was a jellyfish no more all right this is hitting on fours because all of Tau shooting this on fours and I don't have any Market lights because you killed them I didn't do it no you killed them so I had to shoot my guns at needing fives two wounds yeah two wounds at minus two I feel about three damage each six damage okay what are you down to one yeah no way you have one wound left on the Revenant all right I am done my shooting face oh no I'm not done with shooting face I have Smart missile system with who is him oh there you go the first scanners are out of range but I might as well shoot the smart missiles the explosion on this thing is awesome oh no uh oh look I hit you a bunch of times I only need to do one wound right now theoretically yeah uh I did one wound AP 18 one I'm good oh yeah I have nothing else to do unfortunately uh except Char so just to be fair Nick only shot at me just to be just so everybody's aware today so I didn't have enough to shoot hey hey excuses excuses at the end of my shooting phase so we do start the death strike missiles now and we do and JT I did spread the love as well I mean yes there will be boarding actions of the future so it's moving and then the center and then there's three yeah there was three it goes uh it goes seven seven inches so tell me a thing and I'll tell you how much hold on just making sure what it actually hits the Deathstroke missile launches basically like two inches it just like flops over all of this so we're gonna start with card effects one card effects takes a D3 plus one it takes two two mortal wounds okay so he's down to three next card effects it doesn't get hit okay uh horsebacks osprex uh gets hit for D3 mortal wounds okay and then stormlord gets hit for D3 plus one that is uh four oh thank you goes down to eight and then what's the next one last but not least old One Eye hold one eye gets it for D3 plus one three four wounds on old One Eye he goes to ignore on five I like this position he takes three damage again rifle place is the head of this Coalition it can be equal Coalition coalition oh hold on one more extra revenant's gonna die one more EXO cream exegrate that's a hit D3 three mortal wounds on the extra train okay down to 12. all right and then when you do what's the next one that fires us the center Center objective Center Center oh so this movement gets to roll this because you are actually within range of that Center objective as well it could be how many inches is it first hold on oh yeah I'm completely out of nine so it's the cupcake that's the cupcake oh it's actually oh man it's stuck just out yeah and the council doesn't hit the riptide you know what Riptide first from the center from the center we have a nine inch widget let's grab it yeah oh I think that's it just out I don't know you know what that's a half chance I think the cupcake makes it in it's a cupcake the cupcake oh that's so effing closed it's so close but out all right I'm sorry I say it's in Revenant revenant oh sorry 2d3 283 yeah no I want the pleasure of doing it sure see that's why I wanted to do it four five five more wounds of the Revenant Titan so Guardians Z3 for three three mortal wounds ignore them on five strikes yeah clearly I shouldn't play guard okay so no no this is big I still have the Hornet oh the Hornet yeah uh he's gonna take only two oh wow all right Hornet I'm gonna use one of these dice you like grow the explosion surfing it you know yep he's at six oops sorry Florence all right so this explodes on a five I think I should be able to use the three command points I have to use the orc stratagem Karine it doesn't explode we're gonna explode on six five oh doesn't explode yes we do for this stream sure now do I get to spin the 3d6 what do I get to Karina no to me they got pointy ears ready it's going six inches six inches oh I think I can command I think I get the command re-roll that going down to two all right sure one command re-rolling the explosion sure nine inches actually not legal folks but we love it no we love it oh yeah that's gonna get you and that's gonna get me and I think it's actually gonna clip the fly rent too hold on it's real close no just out but it hits these guys yup all right so let's start with I love how I start with l-drad shall we I love how D6 Mortals on my own dude five two three four five Eldred has taken three wounds oh I think eldred's down to three on the council the council takes five oh boy uh three wounds on the council which means two dead warlocks oh boy the uh Guardians are taking four Guardians are only taken two all right all right he's doing okay Gardens all right all right all right all right foreign [Music] he's dead uh I was gonna take the cupcake he was gonna surge into there it's fine you're getting no no uh I have Nova charged to be able to get my job no you jump shoot jumped no I did you're right no you're right you are correct all right well the Revan is dead ladies and gentlemen oh I could have spent command points to do two though that's what I guess nice to know you buddy he's gone you never know you never know he could regenerate and the riptide is dead uh could we put him my bold idea to try to take the center wait I'm I don't think we're done here because I think the explosion was so big we got to blow up some of this terrain oh I mean so yes nine inches I think this one needs to get hit I'm the guy who lost the Titanic that was just as effective the knuckle of Doom that was proper display of Cal melee's capabilities holy crap what a mess I do believe we have one more boom left though don't we death strikes oh yeah we gotta do Tyco I'm doing Taiko I want all the booms oh the booms all the booms that's just crunchy right right distance so everybody uh nope nothing I missed Fox lockers oh they get hit they get hit uh Nick I need help with the dust right oh it's D3 plus one D3 plus one yes classic ldar sad four down uh Morty beat up yeah Nick three takes three what he takes two evolstered or he has nobody to charge now there was no Alliance you said last night on stream on video you said yeah sure yeah sure one it can't be obviously you've got to throw a little whatever I don't know and then last time I think it gets hit for three yes someday the race stuff they struggle right now or death more destruction no Royal icings it's blocking all this oh that's attack thing I can't oh in um having way too much fun I know how to help I'm gonna add the cupcake oh I see he thought it was the same thing I haven't been here the entire time he keeps bringing it in the mouth uh okay so let him do his thing then what oh all right all right let's enjoy my coffee here Phillips stop coming in deep strike so I'm not I've got stuff coming in deep strike too I'm not out yet either I've got some cookies eight would you like a green D20 I think for six command points we get to bring a model back for six command points bring a bottle back all right is that a thing I have no idea oh let's wait till we go one turn all the way around yeah yeah keep in mind guys as silly as it is this is all for charity the link uh the link is in chat uh you can donate the donation page the highest donation will actually win a painted silent King uh donated by our patrons a whole group of them and the highest donation so that's going to go to the highest donation and then we have judgment the core game being given away uh courtesy of uh creature casters absolutely fantastic second time Nick so much fun um they're gonna give that away we're gonna get their way randomly uh as soon as we get through like a turn or so because it's taking some time yeah we're gonna do it at the end of one if you eat my cupcake you can bring your uh crawler back oh no you guys didn't hear that oh okay we were debating about how to bring stuff back tack has suggested to Taiko that he eats the cupcake that tastes like Sugar Sand I think I don't understand why this is so terrible this is a gluten-free cupcake that's not why it's because it was just poorly designed it's like the huge part of why hey man you know what hold on it's great how much is the plague burst crawler 145. I think if he has to eat the cupcake for the play purse crawler it gets come back an additional time because I think it's time I don't think the cupcake's worth it for two players that's what I was saying is one is not that that's not enough like you should be able to resurrect it one more time if you're gonna eat that cupcake okay two two plate burst crawlers I think that's fair so not worth it the great The Great Devourer is fair and kind and Let It Go a turn don't don't do it at some point the price is going to rise on this cupcake yeah yeah probably be able to get a phantom back bring in the Phantom yeah okay yeah you want Santa back eat the cupcake well they're having a bag eat the cupcake yeah see I'm wondering if I eat there goes the cupcake look at the camera oh he doesn't even have some taste oh thanks yeah wow one bite this is amazing he's like tearing up JT does not like sand isn't it great JT no yes we weren't joking all right okay this makes me so happy where is it it's right here okay yeah bring it on sure no no he needs to bring it on on his turn on history oh no no I'll bring it on now so we can shoot no I'm not gonna eat it yet is this open War I probably absolutely I wonder the same thing but I didn't ask him sure why not go for it if you want to bring my first turn we're not playing match playing get these guys off the objective how about people they're not on the objective right now yeah they are are they oh they look they look Oh I thought oh [Music] yeah his intent was to be holding it no I took him from the back the cupcake out of ten negative 12. ouch oh it's cupcake number two what did you earn yourself am I Revenue okay you know what you're right that wasn't worth it nope nope but but JT do you understand why I said one it wasn't fair for just one Flavor 100 yeah are you kidding me that's like a warlord Titan level oh my gosh that is um you taste every piece like I try to understand that I can't even explain this also literally also tiger I do agree deep striking turn one should be allowed okay cool because we're gonna go we are playing yeah I ate it all just yeah go go deal with yourself right I don't want to know about that just do your thing sir okay nope so he'll Advance too smashing through the building actually don't smash them it's true he flies I wanted to leave somewhere for my pox Walkers to hide thank you very much that's fair only the objective is again that's their job and they know it oh we're just gonna fly over here no this is the last cupcake there's no more cupcakes um my one wound left on uh Destroyer you guys didn't really make a motorbike appointments so long oh no almost the other side of the Nugget oh wow that cupcake does he eat the Nugget as he drives by okay actually I'm gonna eat the Nugget and get a room there you go there you go eat the Nugget have a wound it is unmuted should be can you hear me now um I am unmuted if I eat it I get the fire the Manta for one turn do you know what that tastes like I figured it out that's very as I was cleaning it out of my uh I know what that tastes like if you ate hydrophilic sand you know the sand that can't absorb water that's what that is they're suggesting if I I get to fire the Manta if you eat the cupcake it's not worth it you don't think it's worth it no no it's totally not worth it there was a reason why I was advocating for Tycho to get I'm trying to play at one point as I'm eating this cupcake I had to turn my head away because I swear if I was here and breathed out it would have been this cloud of absolute cupcake bits that just it doesn't absorb liquid I don't think we have any missiles queued up right now correct I think we're they're gonna wait for the next missile it is very chaotic the cupcake of nirkle the cupcake so to understand the cupcake it was uh tack bottle because both Tack and Taiko are gluten uh gluten intolerant and so he bought it from a special place that made gluten-free cupcakes and apparently gluten-free cupcakes are oh I've had some lovely I have a lovely gluten-free gingerbread do we have another Community I had to fire it twice no no but twice it's a manta you get once I mean your talent are deleted the Revenant you really need the Manta no I had these no no the Hammerhead did 12 wounds oh that's just true that's why I needed them dead I mean um nothing I didn't say nothing it said ignore's involvement it's just so strong okay I have moved things around the table you have we have this strike with my deep strikes I love how movements pretty much gotten off scot-free like he is I've taken damage you've lost the model I gotta drop that Tyrant good no that's mean to me no yeah he sharp gulleted you he did I thought he'd appreciate it I did it the shark gun sounds very nurgle highly effective yeah but it sounds very nerdal so I figured you'd appreciate it but nothing else but I am still gonna shoot the big guns that bad eh both the big guns sir I'm really rethinking maybe I shouldn't do this [Music] I really wanted like sadness okay I'm gonna be more than just sweet sadness I'm gonna need more than just borrowing the badge I think oh okay it's a Tim Burton level of cupcakes psychic face Nick I'm actually afraid I don't know what it's doing in my insides right now martyrian's gonna try and uh my ass must not die I think six I think you need a seven four letters yay so many sad didn't you psychic he's doing psychic oh what are you doing seven I have I'm putting my eyes make him nice and stanky I could deny depends who's more Terry and charging yeah you Advanced oh okay who's actually going to be charging this turn into any of my stuff actually I think they might be able to charge us hey Tycho you still fail okay just remember that was moving that called attention to that not me absolutely uh he's about to shoot it by me sitting down folks I'm hiding behind he's about to shoot the tyrants Smite your your okay no I won't okay looks like it's been working bad points because it's open work yeah you can't go for it yeah you have lots of band points smitten uh with a watch seven okay I'm gonna try it so six because minus one I don't deny definitely do not can I try to deny it exactly what's going on otherwise I get multiple casts I think I deny no no it's yours it's yours okay how much damage oh yeah I ignored on fives nope nope more gone bye Guardians uh remember the last cupcake goes to the uh this is true we have to save it this is the last cupcake I've been saved by eating the last cupcake you've been saved from eating the last cupcakes that's true I do have very little left on the table thank you you're right dude absolutely correct all right um that was a psychic face my mouth is still dry two things I have dry sorry Lantern it's like hydrogen experience and sadly pistols get really weird I would do anything yeah like you can't just randomly fire while you're I don't get it it's fine into my into my wee little dudes he doesn't have Advance too okay yeah that that appears so I'll give you a cover yeah five dollars pushes over we are now at Magic start the poll magic Missile magic myself everyone but you've got a character Darkness sorry that's going way deep on that one oh um it was a DMV we're guaranteed there now uh three yeah well lots of force uh what's apis and one's a reroll yes because plague weapon because oh so at the end of this phase we will fire another Deathstrike missile and you will decide where it goes Ben is putting together a chat uh poll right now of deciding where that's going to go well Tycho finishes ATP nothing maybe nothing's all right so I am four ups with cover because a piece up here so I need three yeah I knew that happens one two kicks me off the objective that means I don't actually have to shoot anything worse you don't well it's like I was thinking but they might run them around I think an 8K Nick makes fish jokes sure if we get to 8K I will make as many fish jokes as you want yeah I don't know many fish jokes to be honest all right are you just dumping everything into the flyer are you gonna split fire a little wounded basically everything except for these three thank you I appreciate that everything but these three is wounded thank you I appreciate that and you can't Target him because he's a character yeah but they're not wounded Yep they're what wizzy wig so Venom Cannon claws all right [Music] all right so the weakest of the card effects is we'll take the battle cannons okay so he takes both out of cannons and then it's actually upside down plasma and volcano Cannon are still trying to take Tyrant okay and no magic Missile oh there's a magic Missile um Tyrant too because he's got a big Ward save he does and sing fishy songs is there fishy songs baby that's one song that is not copyrighted Hammer see who's getting hit with it uh oh he's dumping the big guns into the Tyrant magic Missile into the Tyrant and the shoulder cannons into the poor weak Little Current effects over here on top of it right he's like bring me closer this guy is shooting at everything over there those two guys right there I make one fail one and we'll spend the command point because I don't like volcano lances nope I still take one of them all right oh God he's dead does he go boom you do oh what's that oh thanks and no I don't know how to say that name no and no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and then there's poor sucker over here because he's not within range yeah that's fine who's that guy what are you shooting he's gonna shoot at the top screen because the carnifex is a little out of range they all work every Tau vehicle you can sing baby sharks to you he hits back baby [Music] there's only one I have no idea what's happening right now this big time is shooting at all the bugs over there glucose like stones I don't know what's going on that cupcake is affecting you the cupcake has made me go all charging I believe that's all you're shooting unless I'm mistaken sure my Terminator won't to charge on those fleeing Guardians there were the two little dudes Joel with my four shots no oh no sorry before you charge there was Booms that needed to happen we have one missile right it's right here who who wants to pick on moving can I can I do it all right the big size oh it's a full nine inches all right giant explosion the death strike missile right there get both of them get all of them he's the only one that doesn't make it Point your target uh talk screen talk screen takes oh D3 plus one takes the whole two two sit down to four and what's the next Target uh Mr few Mr stew takes D3 2d3 uh it takes nothing okay uh contracts one contacts one six uh D3 plus one six four more oh he's dead yeah kill the card effects that is first loss my first Dead uh next card Effect the tyrant that one takes uh D3 so all these guys are figuring out just how much damage that Deathstrike missile does uh just a timed a quick reminder I see the link just went up uh two plus one so that is the link to our um our story page where all the funds go directly we appreciate the super chats um so not as much goes to the charity however we we know that old one is the only one so we will appreciate it no matter what make sure the charity gets all the money though sorry no extra cream oh extra cream donation on that's it by default charity page is gonna get a free custom painted uh silent uh and uh everybody who's watching three right now that's right one two three four five faster one two three yeah five Oh no you're still charging so you still got to do things first that was just the end oh you missed a charge oh no this is now a tie game between JT and Tycho ageless for the win Priceless pantsless danceless here we go all right and just you know that concludes yeah that includes turn once we're gonna do some things at the end of term one first of all uh just to let you guys know the loser of the game the one that it gets table first has to eat the gross cupcake that is gluten-free I'm gonna do everything I can to not be that person secondly secondly um we at the beginning of turn two We Are Gonna Roll again so because we're rolling against Eagles first it's possible time to go again right now you never know but before we do that last thing we do before going to the next turn we gotta give away it wait how are we giving it away how are we giving away we are gonna uh so we're gonna ask the chat a question and the very first answer that we see that's correct that we see on this end uh on the chat there from the first name is going to win this box set this is a judgment of turtle Champions it is a MOBA game it is a miniature game for by creature Caster um the Miniatures are beautiful uh we have done a how-to in a couple of uh gameplays on our Channel creature Caster donated this uh to give away now just the minis alone are oh yeah the Miniatures are gorgeous they're creature Caster minis like you know they're amazing all right and we got a question picked out already I have one unless you have one I have no no one no if you've got one already if it's a good one it's gonna be a tough one uh it is that was close so the question is from the public games of 40K that we've had on our Channel since the beginning of the beginning of our Channel who actually has the highest win rate which member of PlayOn Jin candy he's the one that does the stats okay the only person that can't do it is uh staff members all right so uh Tycho I see Tycho there from oh no don't go up go up there yeah it's definitely not me it was Tycho if that's not a hard question who was it look at this let me see well that's true a lot of bands it's Ben actually I think it has actually that's true it is bad I think it actually is Ben it is better right that is true I think it actually is yeah it's like 86 or something and the only reason it is because Ben's only appeared on our Channel Once you kicked your butt and he kicked my boss and this was this was for a we did a testing live stream yeah public facing games on YouTube and uh to test up live stream back when we're starting that and it was Ben and he won does that count as a public game technically a Garrett is right as well so then it was Tycho so then it was like Gary Garrett is right sorry technically a Garrett is right I don't know what his answer was yeah he said his answer was not Steve yeah Steve is true yeah right it was was wonderful was public pacing I did say that so Mystic chrysalis all right you win okay so Mr Chrysalis you have to contact us to uh to get your information you need to uh go to the about page on our YouTube channel you'll see a email I don't want to put that here so that we don't get a lot of spam go to the about page find our email email us and we'll get in touch with you about how you can receive this box set of Eternal judgments so happy uh there's lots of interest in here and uh congrats you know Mr crystals that's a pretty cool name the best part about this though is like literally you could just randomly enter everybody's name and you'd hit it I appreciate all the people that said Nick but it's definitely not me I am just above Steve Justice is that around I'm just gonna roll my strands of Fate it doesn't need to be on camera nope you got your strange Shenanigans I do and I'm going to reroll one of those no so we're gonna keep those five because eldrad lets me keep an extra one okay uh if you want to buy the game separately you can actually just go to creature Castro they sell it there oh is it actually released now is we are going to roll to see who has uh first turn and it's gonna go clockwise from there I'm pretty sure I have hydrophobic sand coming out of my nose so Nick got a one oh oh oh Nick touched I didn't touch it it just touched my eyes oh no what what Nick yeah it's not available yet there's a lot thank you you're not team greater good greater good greater or good Creator because we include some death Gardener as long as you come for hugs we're happy we'll send some groups great love hugs all right we actually won that I didn't accept it last um I lost one uh one Guardian to morale I didn't get a chance to remember well wasn't there another one supposed to go off in the middle though how close are we to another boom we're probably getting close is it is this including the ones from the uh from the site okay we should be though supposed to be that takes math because if that was the case and we're at 7 500 now we're supposed to so you really want to do 10 minutes uh that wipes the table and adds Buster how about Let's do let's do one to honor that and then let's from now on count us what do you think sure all right we'll do one to honor those because we did say that all right and then uh we'll do it right now so hold on hold on I would say Ben put up a poll yeah so that we get that one in honor and then while the poll is up I say do your command phase and your movement so it gives time for the pull to go through and then we'll do the shooting I have 12 wheaty little s's left seven points gotta come on yeah uh I guess you technically could do oh command face is just patting himself on the head yep unless otherwise noted Mortuary likes to re-roll things he does I love the last option what was the last one what's number one right now there you go uh are you going into the uh licorice crater I I it doesn't matter oh that's he's death guard he doesn't care about it all over the base sorry it's like it's like it's like the Beast of nurgle stuff leaking out of this armor run run he's running a little aircraft it's because of the beard we think yeah it's definitely the beard everybody with a beard gets bullied in this room I don't know we all feel it so yeah I guess that's why I guess that's why Tech doesn't get belief system doesn't really have a beard no I can't really grow one oh that was like sorry that's okay I'm just neat sitting down so people can see your movement oh that cupcake is still with you oh no a random grenade went off and blew up some of this tank drop it's tasty it's a mini KitKat yoink would just smash the crap out of it oh where are you going I mean I am the Greek to Devourer Buzz actually has insects and so he's uh thinking about changing sides he's gonna see what a fox screen tastes like and aside from there it might not be very good um it'll be better than that cupcake but you know what not good not as good as these kitkats oh yeah I think another grenade goes off and destroys more of the uh more of the tank trap hey what's that thing over there in the distance it's a wild Bend it's a wild all right uh I have moved welcome for boy and you made it [Music] damn it all right moving you're receiving uh no I want Tyco to roll for me sure oh it's worse it's fine I just wanted to go to roll eight inches hold on eight inch explosion from the missile yes Magnus was yes yes he was by himself [Music] um cool same thing as everything else that one oh two three four you guys are literally oh no you killed them I wanted to taste him okay it's killed your church okay did you roll words welcome to Warhammer 40. right uh thank you you're trying not to kill him are you trying to charge him yes Mr spew [Music] s you need a hat for Mr stew because with a name like that he's gotta have a hat McCain or an or a monocle your position JT gets covered let me go to the uh he's a cam yeah uh I know on purpose three he's down to one uh uh Power specs woof yeah five five kills them Thomas Rhodes it's actually um you know why he's my newest painted model oh that's right he doesn't get to get used uh he's okay yay uh exocrine he's in he's him hey Rhino he's taking the 2d3 uh for four four all right and then left but not least old one I hold one eye don't tie hold one eye okay okay uh he takes three three ignoring none oh we still left 77.30 my goodness one left oh no all right end of deck space so I get to shoot things hey I'm the only man sitting in there what are you saying oh God at this rate I might be the one that gets tabled first I can't shoot Eldred because tank is in the way uh yeah well technically he's character protected because of the Seer Council good enough um we have two missile strikes yay in the future at the end of this phase please not me so the top two votes from the from the uh chat there Brandon and I will absolutely not make me eat the cupcake I mean we tease him and make fun of him but I wouldn't put him I'm getting dangerously close to getting table dude don't don't do everything you can I'm good models back okay spend command points to do it foreign [Laughter] it's just funny oh that's just me thank you glass Shadow we appreciate it I believe the Hornet is okay you're not gonna put three on me though it's six right okay five okay down to three what's your favorite so far Lantern Nick also Nick gets missiles yes you could actually shoot eldrad with him no it's your council with Lantern see your Council no shoot the Sierra Council then and then shoot him too I will shoot the Guardians all right that helps thank you I'm so looking forward Rhino two pictures uh rhino rhino offered to uh build the build and paint the rest of my uh AOS luminous Army so we can start doing some AOS on the channel um yeah that's uh that's exciting because I to be honest I started building it and I ran completely out of time and I just can't find the time to build it so well offered to do it for me and he's I'm so looking forward I forgot about those grenades oh 10 shots who had guns who against the Guardians right in front of your grenade through the building I know I'm gonna kill them yeah you are spend a command point to re-roll that six oh you got to re-roll both oh wait a minute we're playing open more roll whatever you want I'll probably roll both okay so that's more doable um seven shots this thing is something I've never used before always wanting to what is a phosphex I have no idea phosphax is a chemical weapon with you nope nope it's just throwing Napalm on my little elves it's four at minus one four minus ones one two three four minus one so that was a good one we actually did uh we actually did a company that we did a whole narrative campaign based upon that information uh for our YouTube membership patreon membership it was a lot of fun not only himself not only me he wants you to eat the cupcake bring it down so the volcano new Mission table Taiko is it now just gone what are you doing why okay what if he's gonna he's gonna do it um it's JT you're off the hook I'm not firing at you ever again you're good you're safe that's great with my five guardians so I'm I'm melting my brain because of that cupcake only one shot volcano okay you know what you should have JT you should have more of that gingerbread that's the volcano actually you know what here have some kitkats oh I got one here no I know this one's broken already so I have some kicking I've been carefully eating mine is fine oh you've been careful no I don't get any vote for this okay it is against him yeah oh okay um there's three wounds okay save one um go down to one see if I can save another that's the point oh hey that was actually that's a good idea I'm gonna have a red one that's pretty good okay good chocolate icing so how many total wow for real good 19. I have 30 wounds that you just chewed through to give me 11 wounds remaining on the tower the town who's left after eyeball deciding to be dumb he's really dumb he really is dumb the level of salt is causing problems to the ocean was this against no invulnerable save uh this is the guy strike missile uh minus four okay uh on a six nope five damage all right I am down to uh six wins remaining we're charged electroplasma disintegrator estimator ectoplasma I'm trying but I'm losing things some shots seven shots this thing's gotta wipe this thing out he misses once uh strength we'll face a web with barbecue Meats a table full of barbecued meat no yep yep I get messy and in turn one we'd all be in meat Comas uh it's also true it's gone they just shot a giant gun at him oh wow you got a four pinball yeah you know what I better double check I think it might be a five do you remember annihilating the uh it's only a five oh no two go through uh three each three each so he's dead I always command points ready roll one you will wow well you keep in mind you can use multiple command points too I fail I could add a two roll another one I fail I got another one again we roll re-rolls it's all the other ones he failed yeah he's alive oh wow metal kittens are uh really good so you got battle cannons too this thing is insane yeah they're 2d3 oh yeah the yeah how many points is that thing 400 600. we're like 600 points way better High 1500 points if you just deleted it from the table I use two units he's using one oh yeah this thing's gross I swear I used three units chance to kill him and I didn't actually kill him he was still down to one wound well enjoy I do have a four up involved and toughness nine cool t7 edible table oh my goodness that'd be so much fun I thought I thought about actually doing minus one stained glass we can possibly save it yes just way too much for it nope he's dead if we are does he explode if he explodes he kills it and you're tabled you could also reroll yourself I have to re-roll though oh okay wait I thought it was you good reroll not you had to I think we have to you have to um it does D6 damage I have three wounds left on this town are I rolled I so four five one three four five or six the counter's dead oh the Hammerhead you mean yeah the Hammerhead just exploded well the Hammerhead exploded yeah no no technically Nick is tabled first nicked Nick so he can eat the cupcake and have the towel in our back well you can't re-roll explosion results Nick you can eat the cupcake and have your towel in our bags you just did [Laughter] I'm giving you a chance I will give you one of my Five Command points to re-roll that it survives with two you're welcome that's very kind of movement moving you have been excluded from any future Firepower I will not fire at you I JT I will not I make no promises the only person I will fire on from now on is no I've got Jacob that hand but you betrayed me you've been trained that's all betrayed you not me evil the betrayer that's that's his new one still betrayed me okay evolved the Betrayal he might have might have stolen Carmen's moniker um because he got gorgeous oh not yet or something what it is making sure [Music] all right how close are we been how close are we to blowing more stuff up I'm very close to eating the cupcake I'm very close charge no destroy the train charge right through it are you 15. oh yeah we're supposed to launch a missile right oh we're supposed to launch a missile before we do that okay anyway wait well you know what you said it if you're firing at me I'm far enough away from the objective it cannot you know what okay you know what Ben come here and roll D6 okay why we're gonna randomize missile boom what three missiles coming in oh yes you want all three of those to fizzle I was not saying that that's not fair to the people that donated to see this you know what soon as my turn starts Nate we'll talk three then how about this how about this redo a poll with more than just no the pole is Nick and also Nick that's why I was saying if you just leave all three there one two three four yeah so I'm just saying we drew a new pole on top three go and let Nick be one of them so what I was saying is we do a new poll we run through your charge and fight phase and then we do the booms there we go more Mortgage in Marty's charging in he's in uh Guardian don't roll snake eyes there you go it'll kind of like hang out like this oh yeah I'm just gonna expedite things here no look he's gone why Dave are you gonna go hug the cupcake now that was Dave the guardian uh oh yeah just sit where I am uh Buzz heading into the toxic I'm gonna OverWatch because he has tentacles slap your tentacles tentacles oh yeah don't get it tangled in the mower because that could be ugly that could get real nasty uh 2d6 oh nine you know what I saw I saw this public service announcement about using a wood chipper and your hands and stuff like the tentacles I saw this PSA this is like I got one most horrifying scene we've never actually seen animated ever commercial from the 70s are the robot and the arm comes off that messed me up yeah you're fine all right did nothing come on in charging seven that'll do just right in right into the tentacles into the hugs we'll go the other way so we get closer to the objective oh no one eye one eye would charge you yeah yeah he doesn't want one I come in on him so exactly start getting in here fight phase Jacob don't you have these cupcakes are in range I'm in range that doesn't matter carry on actually we command Point things I'm gonna point reroll that one nope never mind carry on yeah it came from the page it's just toxic here's minus one to hit so yeah and it was also just trying to make you go last night yeah four five six you go last so you you missed it you got his tentacles stuck in the mower yep they got stuck in the mower but I'm only heading on Force you are that's pretty big my three he only has the one wound left though your T8 you got a t7 no he's T8 oh right you're minus the thingy so t7 um and I'm straight seven to fours oh what's Nick doing now I didn't do anything I just responded to a message my wife if you're watching I know she is if you do yes ex-wife if you're watching he loves you fives I doubt she is she's my wife's boyfriend no she's gonna be so sad seeing these smashed pieces that we built I'm gonna spend my last two command points to re-roll my fails there you go we really fails I need five up keep this toxic Korean alive yeah nope talk screen's dead exploding no re-rolling did you roll it no sorry I missed things what's exploding he died he had a wound left he died I tried I expect all my command points Buzz oh I have I have inbound saves though oh did he wanna Tycho go closer no all right you gonna stay there I'll be I mean it doesn't really matter you're in for trouble anyways exactly what am I doing what am I doing I'm looking for more right I forgot about that because my brain is mushed today you turn everything over there into a pub s 21 attacks yep sounds about right twos are the only ones and then two is really ones basically yeah checks out there's a toughness too right now yeah that's a random doggies that's the pox vloggers knockies there's a whole box of food I can eat it exactly there's more magical leggings you should have had magical leggings for your attack on that's true eat a nugget take a wound oh you know what uh eat nugget get D3 wounds all right D3 ones in real life no I wish all right nine moons there that's it he's not done yet oh oh did you just want to roll your saves and just pull them off but Tycho doesn't know is I'm just gonna pick up all the models anyway 19 wounds all right they got impulse I have five dudes wait that's slice of the site gotta be so big it's got this race on the terrain there's two they're all dead yeah that site is gonna destroy some of that terrain grab one inside we can do it yeah go to the cycle inside camera I wish for my Revenant it was surgical it was surgical all right is that the end of your fighting uh that is the end of the fighting I have three objectives oh my God [Music] listen it's moving the neck I'm getting tabled I love you that much Nick very popular all right all right who wants to do the honors all right here we go so it's on you yep you explosions first guy is oh actually hold on a second nope he's out he's in he's in oh he's in and he's in for sure the first guy takes 53. first guy takes three mortal wounds all right down to six I'm next guy three plus one takes uh three more hold on slow down protected three mortal wounds okay all right by the wall sure why not he just grabs the wall next guy close enough to the wall takes nothing okay next guy takes G3 takes three he's dead next guy takes D3 plus one explodes right D3 uh takes three three mortal ruins old one I survived it's really like this is the rolling death Creek barrage and you're worried about is is and y'all are worried about me being the one that was gonna win all of us are in trouble here's the only one that hasn't really lost much it's truth truth this is the truth okay so I've already said I want to attack you three-way alliance against Taiko nope moving I agree nothing the hand of friendship to the bugs I agreed enough he eats it off [Laughter] I do believe you scored another five points though is it only five you're holding Oh no you're holding three three so you're holding you're getting ten points ten points ten points all right so that means that means my turn I believe it's your turn everybody gain a command Point what you changed the names of everybody on the screen what do you change the betrayer time the betrayer Eater of cupcakes we have ants was there just the one explosion or just the one shot right yeah yeah okay this is like yeah how close can I get I'm sorry yeah second one misses because Nick doesn't have anything great the last one was where Santa in the center in the center oh that hits everybody oh that could doesn't hit me but yeah it'll hit everything the explosion is only seven inches oh it's from the cupcake all right so it's gonna hit the Terminators and the Hornets Terminators take do you need three damage take three four mortal wounds no Terminator that's right they don't have an ignition the uh the flying tank thing there yeah it takes D3 plus one it takes three mortal wounds so I have to save one of these right just one just one I need a five I got one and then what else is in range that's it that's it that's it all right then I believe it's JT's turn all right JT's turn back can I actually get to Nick's objective no no you can't 25 inches away to the objective yeah if you advance you can make it I'm gonna spend my Advance oh he's got it he's got plans no spreading my Advance he's just dancing as far as I can get so that if I explode maybe I do Immortal one to you so let's see where it went oh thank you appreciate it all right nope this ooh I feel like you need to deal with that he's like nope or Tyrion nope how quickly can a wraith Seer nope the nope out of there I gotta go fighting yeah oh no another random grenade moving both those units to there all right I do I have a couple of reinforcement units to come in these guys are going to walk in they deep strike so I'm actually going to the Titan can fly it anywhere on the board I want to oh yeah that's the best part so can I get onto that objective with these guys within three of it I believe that is and then I'm outside now to your dude you are what about this one oh no storm Lord protective wall for now no I don't think I can get in there no because that's there you can get in there would you like would you put my Rangers on your home objective please sure come hold my whole objective now I have five fire dragons you realize you take my whole objective I'm gonna have to oh you're gonna kill them which I'm okay with I'm just scoring the points I still I still will not shoot you anywhere else but home objective I obviously have to do something about it just hide underneath the Hall of the Hornet the question is where do I bring the fire dragons they're really good against heavy targets yeah like a Towner you know what jointly we can take this out you take it on yours my crisis Taiko has cleared me off my home objective so I kind of feel like I should return the favor I put all my questions here and I take it out the rest well the problem is we work it together I have no way to get that Center objective unless no one's tabled quite yet Voodoo Inquisitor unless I drop these guys because it was a warlock upset which I'm upset they're not I have to try to kill you yes we will have to vacuum this table it looks I have to try to kill you I think I might actually have to get laundered we'll see it might get laundered steam cleaned I can definitely shoot this guy but then they die but that's kind of that's something they don't tilt in first can they not tell it they have his anti-armor like they're really good into monster into Vehicles yeah yeah so kill something well it's worth 25 cents I can get that one I can get that one as long as I get a charge off he's a quarter yeah that's what he said 25 cents no pennies for his face yeah right is that a quarter this one oh it's a nickel oh it's a nickel 25 mil nickels he's not that rich okay is the terrain destructible you bet it is uh if someone shoots it like this is why this is all destroyed this is oh it's not only destructible it's edible yeah I have to completely destructible I have to get my home injector back oh no Morty Morty reduces damage though attack but bend on the scoreboard because I want to put them over here I'm gonna draw them in your backfield it's gonna be like and then apparently you're winning Ben yeah I want to be 12 inches away from your tank though because I can be apparently or else just you know what the charges then [Music] um I don't know where to put them there's a little guy in there playing the saxophone you know that one one clip of A Space Marine Planet saxophone yeah who do we send them after box Walkers I'm gonna send them after pox Walkers you do have a nugget protection so you'll get extra OverWatch that's right but I'm nine inches away from the Posh Walkers or the Revenant [Music] bizarre it's a completely bizarre game all right let's cast some Powers uh I'm going to jinx your terminators scare your minus one have fun is the overhead out of focus six five minutes uh then I'm going to innervate swarmlord uh it fails not like that you won't change where are all these coming from Eldred is going to Smite he could not see this he could not foresee this one but I roll there and it's just like extermination that's five six seven eight seven seven so six is good so I started eight sir sorry what so you're smitten with an eight I don't like that markarian says no foreign [Laughter] I'm going to executioner then with a seven six I will six you're minus one well then I'm gonna I'm gonna reroll it there you go I'm gonna re-roll it here we go executioner it's my execution smashing it so far yes I think I just got just you guys know attack is controlling all the uh all the taxiderities Executioner nugget of protection faithful Divergence let's see if I get a command Point what I get you got eight so does somebody want to try to deny that yes I have your command point s does not deny uh even with the minus oh no no you're good because you have plus one minus one that's one First cast so oh just the First cast you don't even know what a psycher is all right let's sing a song I say no shoe sting Let's uh let's throw the D cannon into these guys two shots hitting you on threes uh I hit you once I will command reroll the hit roll I hit you once I don't wound oh dear combinators wow who's at the shop nope doing it again I'm re-rolling it there we go four AP four uh muffin why is he called muffin because he's muffin because there's muffin in cupcake these are good uh I will throw my singing spear at you oh no those are the two The Traveler spear says no okay new dice these guys suck they're brutal um all right so here's where we're gonna have a little bit of fun I think oh boy oh uh I'm going to snipe the tylenolar because I don't have any oh I can snipe this guy yeah yeah my Rangers will shoot here once three wounds remaining I have oh miss miss and then I need sixes nothing I have 30 something moves like a ridiculous number of wounds yeah shots okay put up a pole I believe my eggs I'm gonna shoot the Connecticut badass you really have donated enough though thank you for all you've done no no I won't spend my command point to re-roll it to hit roll it hits oh that's why he's in oh no this hits on a two oh no five hits no I'm gonna spend my two wounds so two wound and then I believe I'm re-rolling these because I'm a fire dragon to be fair I'm not tabled yes I just have 10 or left on the table however I have all those crisis suits coming into the night good night uh saving on fives because I forgot to rotate oh rotate go ahead whoa three one gets through oh you wouldn't anyway because you take cost you two one gets through four four damage I gotta go around sixes four plus two I think of your day might be six take four I am down to double checking don't use these guys 27 wounds I'm not the boss of you no you're right I'm not sure seriously why uh take two more uh although it looks like a fairer it's too close now it actually was winning on threes two more wounds because it's D6 plus two oh okay down to twenty six okay yes fair so what they're voting for so if you are voting for Nick's objective and over here you're actually not going to hit any of Nick's stuff you're gonna hit uh this one George World flyer thing and uh JT's unit of Rangers um if you aim for this objective right here you're gonna hit the Box Walkers and possibly if it rolls high enough these fire dragons for the center objective you'll hit the death strike Death Star up that's shroud Terminators and these boys um and possibly this I don't think it's close enough though and if you aim for move as objective wow it's all of this uh very little left but the uh but a few just that yeah and that's and one of them's in or you could aim for JT's home objective which won't hit oh it's not available well um it's just my Revenant left it's just scattered into dick it's just my Revenant left put his wall back up so what's what I'm gonna throw my cloudburst missile launcher 36. yeah probably oh I can't reach him so cloudburst missile launcher is going to have to go to these guys and then when he got at the back there absolutely take your pick area trains right you are literally on area train touched cookie touch cooker right now we're firing he's got six he's got eleven he's got five okay I'm gonna go with the guy with five okay [Music] I can't do that I can't make a cupcake I can't make him eat a cupcakes so uh one rev and a pulsar here one Revenant Pulsar there and then the cloud burst into the middle that's being very kind JT thank you I ate the cupcake you don't eat them he knows how bad it is Revenant Pulsar into the canicket uh hits three times and then five by four I think it's strength 12. yeah strength 12. uh ap4 flat four each all right save one take two take eight damage uh ignoring on six yes sir oh wait you might have killed enough stuff oh well I forgot to countertop I think it's probably ignoring on fives now yes he is let's go with that yeah you definitely murdered things like Cardiac Arrest what am I doing in chat talk about making Red Bull with uh coffee with a Red Bull all right uh into mubin's Target six shots on threes near T8 Right Moves yep it's five hits and three swing Jew because I am strike 12. all right before oh wow you had five things left Take Five these ones you want tough one's five yeah so it's gonna be three wounds at ap2 two damage each we go you're on a one-up right now so I can say about a three yes cool sorry three moons living on threes yeah same ball whoa well here we go here's where here's where eldrad dies uh I'm going to charge my wraith seer in oh is it the end of the phase it's the end of the phase oh yeah [Music] um it's one shot or two what all right this objective marker is getting a test strike missile yeah you don't get protection anymore I want a cookie wait let's see how big the explosion is first it is uh six seven eight inch explosion which I think gets this guy oh no not muffin that's him oh it doesn't get him I've ever met so it gets him look at him it gets this held our model this tyranid swarmord him this turn a big monster all right tear the big monster gets go back and fix that D3 plus one takes four more lose okay down to seven uh swarm Lord takes four uh takes two more loons okay he's down to three and the Eldar wraith guard right here race here that's racer that's right here it's a seer of Sir oh it takes two d three more you'll survive yeah one two three four yeah he'll live you'll be fine on fives two of them thanks to all right all right you know the bugs have only really been damaged aside from the one shot here from the big giant yes I haven't been able to leave I'm going to charge my rates here now into Storm Large swarmy cool with a five yeah on this side yeah burger man stay within an inch of you and try to get near your objective yep and then I'm going to spend my six and I'm going to try to charge tyco's home objective here we go watch you get to you get a free reroll on them because of the Nuggie though uh and then I got I gotta kick you off that you're gonna murder me don't do it don't do it JT I'm doing it don't do it uh yeah I'm gonna send the Seer Council in first okay OverWatch all right you're OverWatch he's dead no point Here Comes hell Dad four flop three wounds thank you am I oh because it's because it's upside down I'll put it onto your uh you're actually like color yeah okay cool um yeah so you charge it in there that's fantastic uh the dragons want to charge dragon's not charging and we don't have any more explosions so you can just go right can this thing actually take out boxers how would you see in close all right he's good Dancing Queen I want to see this fight I'm curious to see what's going to happen here swarm Lord is this true el dragon more like l dead right so moving can't interrupt me I cannot Taiko possibly can I have no idea but I'm just gonna work my way across the table shall we sure is that better is it still rubbing or is that better thank you thank you well we'll start with the we'll do moving stuff first cool all right muffin most muffin got for me what's muffin got muffins bringing the pain all right where is it D3 plus three I'm pretty sure for his attacks yep all right uh where is yep ghost spear strength plus three AP three so we strength ten remember four attacks um and I'm just gonna try to scoop your objective one two three four attacks yep here we go uh I'm gonna hit you twice this is eldrop no no big fight over there all right and I'm gonna wound you once guess what uh I use a command point to re-roll the other wound nope that's what happens I'm safe you save it and if I failed guess what happened it goes to zero oh cause he's got an ability no yeah because they got rid of his three-up involunt and just give him a turn it to zero you want me to just fight back here uh we'll just roll across the table real quick all right Eldred with his mighty three attacks I still have it yeah have we ever had Alpha Legion in for a match we have we did the marathon library but now we have it again look twos now we've got Alpha Legion coming in to support the tower uh eldrad hits every time all right all right Taiko three eight miles Collision would be two damage into your Marines all right looking for threes all right three ap2 two damage each into your dudes this is uh eldrad what is uh EP two maybe two so I will fail two of them oh you do have do you have a command Point left I don't oh so it kills one and leaves one in a wound there's two damage yeah I have one wound left on my sergeant and I'm not piling in no you can't I'm not coming near you no when he oh you're absec yeah well pull away the model you actually don't get to fight oh yeah because you're out of combat now and you didn't charge and you didn't charge but you know what just because it's more fun I'm gonna touch you up because I don't know I don't think you can kill me do you want to punch him back or should I can but I don't think you can uh over here though oh no yeah against a bunch of pox Walkers I don't think I can kill you squish the stuff I think it's 12 attacks with his feet pretty sure apologies thank you what's up Titanic stride three hit rolls instead of one AP three three damage here we go 12 attacks on three yes just Alpha Legion five ones I'm gonna go use him I rolled out of 12 dice I rolled nine ones he's done uh well you automatically pass one because the Nuggie my number save at seven nuggy yep he saves no you only take two three each oh and ow well I think he kicked it hard enough there we go definitely looks like he's lining up for a kick right right originally he was going to be punching so the one that dies two times 20 inches so 40 inches so he gets punted across the table oh look he hits martarion and on a 60 he doesn't mortal wound area no he fails what just happened to this I'm just gonna fight back here real quick because I've only got the one yep uh looking for threes did I get enervate off on you she might just want a wound no I failed no you failed I loved the theory about the uh the unnamed primer you're super like teared aren't you no I got this double it's on Mid bracket still ah even on two uh what's your company what's your strength uh strength nine so three yeah I love the theory uh the unnamed priority was actually a Sigmar in ages three AP four three damage each three AP four three damage each so what am I at six fools it says nine but I'm not no it wouldn't have made a difference I realize I'm starting 10 but uh so three AP four yup I'm gonna pass one okay so automatically pass so it's two two even fours uh so I need I think it's five I make one so three damage three damage uh two damage oh you have incoming uh yeah you have damage reduction down to four doesn't have that fun stuff all right and then Tycho gets to do the fight who gets a pox Walker me I'll pilot whatever you're gonna smack my l-drad come at me bro um is your defensive uh he is transhuman all the time I can't read that I think he is foreign get off my property oh Jesus uh he also is only gonna do one damage a piece uh he was still gonna move you up fours but re-roll once he's well you're minus your two toughness right now oh that's right I'm two times but trans human well it's transhuman yeah I think nightlors is one of the few chapters we haven't had on the channel uh Chad six minus one six minus ones so it's all on my invulnerable save see how I like to roll ones we know this uh I feel too he's alive he's alive he's alive we get to share the objective together I think we should I'm good split the point in half we share the objective yeah yeah he's upset you're not oh I didn't take will of Assyrian damn it apparently let's kill a Titan with box walkers that's right Fox Walkers are trying to kill my Titan the best part is Nick's about to shoot my Titan in the butt no no I get to go next I'm shooting oh it's your turn next which means I'm gonna get to fight before you he's evil so bad I really whiffed hard man one goes through when he's oh he already got blown up Jacob all the Army's been blown up I've got a tower for all you Red Dwarf fans They're All Dead Dave everybody's dead Dave They're All Dead everyone's dead Dave They're All Dead okay are you trying to tell me everybody's dead even Peterson yeah Dave your toughness is Lots nine series oh that's the three wounds so far it's like play bears pox Walker Fox Walkers little zombie dudes zombies zombies in my feet revenant four wounds AP no three or four or three UPS I hated a wound I got them scratch he did Thirty-One and it's way easier he's got wedged in he just kind of stuck his face in there I have 31 wounds okay to be to be fair the Towner shouldn't be on the table uh the guys were generous and allowed me to the guys face moves come from quite aggressive spreadsheets we are 58 US dollars from another missile well I'm done my turn all right so your deck return G20 points uh I hold it I hold one I hold two this one that one and that one you do hold that one I did not hold this one because these guys are eye hole I get 10 Five Points ladies and gentlemen oh you're doing the two and a halfs nice and Nick the Destroyer is -10 okay I will sit down now and get out of the way my turn I get a command Point Newman gets a command Point everyone gets a command Point yeah yeah yeah command points all right movement do some things here we go we're on our way I call them Rockets that's okay well if it's more positive than missile oh wait no come on face on that Dreadnought oh you can check this red not out this is from for the Death Watch Army it's a Tau uh remote controlling the dead that is so cool shot so kickasso was here that is so amazing who made that uh I have Annabelle Annabelle you are you were amazing that is so cool I want one too no you know what Annie Bay you've you've inspired me no they're not you've absolutely inspired me to wire in my Gunners straight into my uh into my Raiders and ravagers now at least our paint schemes match like right that purple and green I don't know about you guys but I'm having a bit of a sugar fit yeah I'm Wilson you're Wilson like if I look at the camera like this right now and be like uh Heidi Ho there neighbor Hood we're not boom time we're out right cool uh movement complete psychic phase yes let people put the side camera yeah let the people see the things what oh oh left me speechless he also says donating to the BC store he's not wrong there he knows if anybody knows we also know that playing on piano takes uh playing on play on takes over off your chest I'm spending both the screams are still echoing okay spinning a command point to heal it before Lord Heal The Sword Lords halfway through like there's things on the table where all the guys that I have no idea but I am seriously I have such a ridiculous sugar high right now I could just pass out like I'm I'm crashing so hard all right hey more cookies I'm gonna do psychic things okay onslaught doesn't matter where he's going no where are you going he's going wherever he wants to go uh that's good with a six so that means he gets to advance and then charge or carrying will not oh can I am I arranged no I'm good and then he's done with that he's gonna try and Catalyst himself Lord catalysting with the six denying the seven no minus one is only on casting you know what fine he's just gonna sweat your Rafe boy nope someone's gonna Smite the rape boy yeah D3 ignore one all right acceptable acceptable I'll just grab a dice I can actually read this there you go guys and the representatives with at least six different boom boom okay I don't understand what's going on shooting days would be like what is what is happening what is this game I feel any younger that I'm gonna have to put on diapers so now if I wanted to shoot over here right all right a friendly model that's right so shooting just over Mr Smith look how he's speeding through his turn so he doesn't get missile yeah no I do not want to do acid spray oh no Stinger Salvo cool into a character bodyguard on threes you know I just want to hit with all ground right uh yes I am no no you're not I might as well hit me because I'm in combat I don't know your T4 though so when you go on threes no I'm T3 right now oh yeah T3 no he's four normally uh three wounds if you can't win me on threes oh yeah so two if he wants human baby yeah oh I make one fail one that'll kill me one damage good thing I got a command point come on baby oh yeah all right D6 plus six for what into typo excuse this guy is this guy is vicious he's like a rabid vicious guy that is a good point everybody it is for the children um children's hospital with our efforts and being ridiculously silly today there is a link which you can donate directly that link all of the funds will go down to three for you um YouTube super chats we appreciate them we love them however YouTube does take a percentage so if you would rather get all the money to the charity go to the link if you'd rather donate super chats donate to Super chats but we're going to make sure that all that money gets to the charity so that we can give as much to BC Children's Hospital as we possibly can I don't like the top donator on the actual um donation page will win that silent King absolutely all from our patreons such a cool piece um can't thank our our community enough you guys bought it you guys paid for it you guys painted it you guys gave it to us to give away and that is just pretty indicative of the kind of people that we have that follow us and we love you all for being here thank you so much who's dead I'm I'm contemplating where this one's seriously we're all sugar crashing hard right now all right break this painting trap and it's going in for the kitkats right you know what this is absolutely it's the most ridiculous thing ever but I'm gonna do it regardless alone stickers all the way to eldrad again just no one's on that objective now really so Stingers elbow first you got a bunch of ones me I need foreign I do have one command Point left so I need two four UPS I can save them again oh no he's so dead does he explode I don't know does Eldred explode you killed myself three into the Terminator oh hit didn't Castle power yep you're in the middle of the board you feel one or two I feel it's about 145 points and nothing uh five and ten so 15 damage yay the murder things Mouse after charging those poor suckers I think that means moving I'm about to eat the cupcake no tables we could table them we could focus this down I'm just gonna bring things back too you can't there's nothing to bring back this is Bhutan versus you speak they're gonna charge those poor do it Rangers nope he's gonna sit there and look yeah it wins um oh come on look just as moving turn his ending I'm re-rolling my charge with my last command Point nope I still fail so JT yes uh because the postal has to go up do you want to try and finish up first don't I yep yes I do only two two four were we fighting uh right here into stormlord oh that's a great way to fight JT terrible great way to fight I won't you oh slimler still says I don't care is this a fight face I haven't failed it yet well then do I get to roll my strands of Fate every time no it's hold on I will tell you every player turn it's about to be over though like two seconds because otherwise you're taking five damage it's it's once per turn the first time a saving throw is uh made against a melee attacks of Fate every single turn I haven't failed a melee one yet I saved the last one well you just failed this one yeah so this is the first time I'm turning it to zero that's that's right yeah because they've made my four up last time so now I take these things shenanigans oh mortarion's gonna come smack so I'm gonna murder you now or you try this thing only have I'm hitting you on twos now is that 31 30 or 31. yeah because I've got the old play on dice in there you have 22 wins oh I guess this Argent is that a magnet when are you on three still I was worried this is swung Lord fighting back JT five saves five saves ap4 three damage to fly to each one two three four five six yep uh I'm gonna say one two I do have a command point which I will use oops child safety gates impact numbers two how much damage two three damage each uh so two damage each that's enough doesn't go boom ERS Shenanigans my sister just had a kid and so I'm finally an uncle and I'm excited by that oh Nick cute little girl well that's the end of my turn no Here Comes the Boom oh yeah here comes the boom where's the boom Going Ben get more okay 30 seconds I'll take my turn all right so on my turn points yeah command point I'm gonna use one of those command points to uh to uh make us think fight at full blast uh bracket and then he's gonna go oh boom boom boom boom boom put himself at risk objectives charge him it's gonna kill my ring he's gonna kill things and hopefully charge yeah um then I'm gonna deep strike a big unit of Crisis suits and uh Commander right in the center because no one has it and it's mine if Eldred was still alive I could have shot them you realized that right like as soon as they completely blow them away they've been picking on me playing chat whoa whoa what happened just moving just blaming shot yeah I'm totally blaming chat this this is why 34 in Taiko with 32. and this is why children I blame you called them out I'm just saying early chat moving they've been picking on me pretty much the entire time perfect they're all in range of evil can you be that close to him stand on the Cupcake don't sound what four movements Bugs see you just come back anyway bugs just go back oh no oh because you have time yeah 18 inches you're in range of melters lots and lots of melters but luckily no range of farts this is gonna be gross no unfortunately uh I have marker lights that can't fire this term because they they have to do the action in the movement phase at the beginning of the move base so no marker light sister I'm gonna destroy that cookie protection it actually fits right around his gun oh wait we gotta do the explosions it is a full 90. it's everything nothing that's right Johnny on the rupture Cannon oh 2d3 yup it takes six he's dead oh no okay oh he could explode nope and the other one takes uh D3 plus one yeah it takes two just reminding you that the first six were targeted at Nick yeah technically the seventh and eighth were also targeting me but then we decided to put them elsewhere because they couldn't hit anything how much it was interested or no swarmler got nothing in here yeah uh he got two no it's down to five okay so uh I put everything on the table that I can um and then I'm gonna use two command points for Drop Zone clear revealing all my hit rolls and all my wound rolls for chat now I'm going to kill things all right I have a command point you could have had it now use my command point to re-roll it oh what if I can re-roll your charge then can I sacrifice can I sacrifice one of my meltas to blow up this uh this this building here oh it takes more than welcome how what does it take two milk two milters wait what is one of your big guns one of my big guns or you can just smash them but watch this out of it what I'm trying to do is open it up so these guys can shoot here no this is appropriate oh I've got a brand of flavors we're getting close to two ten thousand oh my goodness okay so we're gonna go guys you're amazing Squad first as Nick kills everything on the table with his tylenolar you guys are amazing like really very much this is stunning um one melta that's not in range of this to fire here at this uh mower leave me alone nope yeah I told everything to do uh four meltas into here um he's got a shield five plus uh five flavors one here rotated Islands um I'd give them a free rotate for that Shield so now you guys know why we were shooting at all at Nick because we knew this was coming yeah oh one plasma to hear two plasms in here do you know what I actually have left on the table yeah yeah that's fine oh wow yeah they're hiding back there they're dead they'll survive you'll be good yeah I'm gonna OverWatch so uh over there and I failed but I can roll all hit and fail Moon rolls this turn I hit and I did not wound but I can re-roll all wound rolls yeah so no good there he's alive Uncle destruction of a Public Enemy No won't at minus four so I'm up I want to see swarmlin uh yes you are God no I'm not going there all right fine that's just guaranteed death just to make life easy you get one of these dice yeah all right all the flavors whatever this guy is first The Relic flavor he's hiking he's trying to make his way across the board slowly re-roll all failed wound rolls and hit rolls and one two three five strength four come here oh yeah fives two one one to minus two from the from the relative Relic claimer two damage okay two damage um do I get a free rotate I guess not this no this is against the uh yeah one damage another guy why is it going down one damage because I'm a death guard yeah okay well then the rest of the flamers is covered now uh 679 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 technically you don't even need that you just get tank trap cover um this one this one automatically hits and all failed rolls Shannon the Sheep you're T5 hey fly by with a man he doesn't need it you don't need it oh yeah I'll see it make 18 saves if we had actual non-sugary food right now it'd probably be good I'm gonna go eat it salad I'm done I'm going to chop whatever that is thank you very much you know the Sheep is amazing um you guys are all amazing like you just literally can't excellent got him shouldn't have betrayed me oh I had to should have betrayed me have all I've all had got all full of hubris all right um plasma from plasma from the character into uh evil hits and rotations uh your T8 I'm guessing there right yes yeah okay yep fails and then three melters from this crisis Squad Jenna the Sheep not entirely sure is it one hits nothing oh my God this failed and then the plasma all of them hits oh no one wounds where did it ever go one wound wow I whipped hard oh that sucked Captain Porto some of the changes um first cannons and uh secret missiles into these guys right here um one tri-axis cannon into these guys here the Rangers yes Rangers thank you uh the other tracks in Canon into the the vehicle both are miners one to hit okay that's fine even at this range yep I spent one on the Rangers yep and then the Hornets are always mine and all three of the big guns over there okay all right so um three big guns is the plasma uh pulse Onslaught drivers um one two three four five six your notes are amazing I gotta say you don't like my notes I love your notes oh it's the best they look like how I'd write all right I hit you three times at eyeball uh strength 10 this one threes 100 once only once okay minus four no yes command Point roll there we go get another yes two two at minus four give me a keyboard save them both wow that is annoysenses baby tri-axis Cannon uh right here at your vehicle there uh 3d6 shots uh four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve three four six seven nine ten eleven twelve twelve shots hitting on fives I have four hits on your JT on who on the flyer thing on the ranger on the uh T6 All right uh one two three three wounds at minus two three wounds minus two yep wait where did the 300 come from uh three damage each take six damage I think that kills it straight to the that's not explode oh my goodness and then the Rangers and there it goes there goes the entire board there goes the table oh the Rangers get hit so bad uh I think we've just hit every single objective at this point yeah one two three four five six two just once he's done shooting everything gets blasted six five twos on the Rangers right here okay it's twos I make two this is just one reason everything on the back one Ranger left one Ranger okay and first cannon still minus one hit me okay we're good uh one two three four five more wounds no minus last command point to re-roll yes one left there's one left got it and then lastly the smart missile system oh this isn't good this ignores any cover you have all right so then yeah so then I'm basically gonna die if I don't roll I think it's fives at this point it still must one hit though oh yes the entire shooting phase okay oh one more last command points one word minus one come on buddy yeah goody overhead to show that there but it's just like there's one Ranger hold on to this objective here oh God they're metal yes they are metal this is your flamethrower no you can't kill the metals can't kill the metal he's not starting you cannot kill the metal oh oh it's a metal all right well then I'll charge you I can't fail this charge end of shooting phase all the objectives are getting bombarded oh no okay what's gonna be really fast if the Tylenol dies and the ranger lives that it will be epic all right how big is it it's full nine inches uh full nine all right so both the boys over here uh on swarming okay takes uh two d three no uh swarmy's gonna take two two things down to four again on big dude same thing he's gonna take three oh down to two for him all right and then on mortarion takes 2d3 full damage that takes uh one two only three Downs only three more does he ignore them down to twelve yeah he's pretty good actually it's okay down to 11. um and then uh going down to here uh so there's the Revenant Titan and the Box Walkers and uh possibly if it rolls possibly uh the fire dragon yes uh it's a full nine inches okay do the fire dragon homes no they would have had to deep strike outside or not outside oh yeah no they wouldn't mean they would have been still okay they're probably okay all right on the fire dragons on the fire dragons uh take D3 mortal wounds you take three mortal wounds five UPS to ignore it I know I'm gonna lose one I'm gonna lose two and I'm gonna lose three on the pox Walkers uh it takes D3 plus one more to wound you take uh four mortal wounds of the Box walkers uh takes D3 plus one you take three more one two three fight up ignores because oath way uh takes two more down to 29 I'm just gonna go 20. I'm going to burn the hurt on this Center to the center Center just strike missile that's just one big Squad dice just four orange dice to get hit uh that's d uh it's D3 plus it's D3 sorry orange dice please uh two three plus one okay so that'd be three yeah so right no the first thing it was they're all in range so the first one was you rolled a two two which means D3 more D3 so two mortal wounds on that unit so I'm gonna take the two marker lights off okay and then for the commander sex spot spam all right that didn't do it so good and then now the tower the Towner has three wounds remaining this could really care and the Rangers hold on really yeah both way okay no he's he's safe all right so I'm not gonna bother rolling for range so we're gonna roll on the Ranger Ranger first get a one wounds so it takes place I'm so sorry I would like this objective please oh I saved one the other two the Rangers Dead So currently I have the objective unless this I kill him oh it's only T3 I have three wounds remaining yeah we believe in moving one um [Applause] spending my own command points three I'm gonna spend my command which we roll yours I think it's a Max explode and I reroll could we have we said we have to be roll for these nope no explosion no the town our husband lifter which means I don't score any points I was about to score points let's go points in the middle no I don't know my own objective oh no that's right if I can't get any points no one can so yep all right I did what I could that's right that is the end of turn two that's the end of next turn that's the end of next turn that's the end of turn we go up a new turn yay and I no longer have eldrad on the table what's left okay so I don't need that before we go on the next turn let's talk let's go through what we have left on the table so Taiko what do you have left on the table I actually have times left on the table I've got Buzz my mower drone with one wound one wound remaining I've got a squat epox Walkers that's running around with eight guys remaining I've got more Terry of 11 moons remaining and Ivo with 22. oh who goes first I mean I feel bad the tower is dead so you don't want Nick to eat the cupcake but he is guarding the cupcake he should attack me yeah all right oh Revenant just the Revenant figure oh Revenant and two fire dragons [Applause] no they're fine okay um and then how what do you got left I have sword Lord erupt your Canon Trend effects and the good old mouse after great and I have left in the center uh Chateau kickasso with two drones oh sorry one drone left and a unit of four Chrysler suits with one drone left it's gonna really come down to what order we go in here isn't it so we're gonna we're gonna go for turn three and how we do turn order is we all roll dice the highest dice goes first and then we go clockwise before we do that let's remind everybody why we're doing this exactly um we're doing this for BC Children's BC Children's Hospital uh that's what the fundraiser is the goal is to help them with the programs that they do they're they're amazing for kids if you've ever had to use their services yes Canada has publicly funded Healthcare however it doesn't do all the things it doesn't cover all the things at BC Children's Hospital provides if you have a sick kid this is the best place in the province to take them they literally are service about a million kids yeah they do a lot of the money goes towards research as well exactly so we're really proud of you be supporting them all of the money that we raise whether it's through super chats or through a donation page is all going to go to support that charity YouTube does take about 30 of all your super chats which is fine we're going to put all the money that they we get anyway from them and that's all going to go towards the charity but on our donation link that we have 100 of that goes to the charity and the highest donator on that page is going to actually win the silent King that is painted and gifted from our patrons it's absolutely beautiful so the highest single donation is going to get that silent King earlier who was it that won that Crystal Mystic Mystic Chrysalis yes right which is like the the the um how close the wizard butterfly which is like oh now I feel like watching a Ralph actually movie all right let's see who goes first uh I'm Gonna Roll my initiative real nice okay gotta roll the big gotta roll the real things can't roll no not official um so who won that one I have no idea tycho's claiming how's dominion over the big ring dice I'm good for that so this is where it gets here okay so so Tycho gets to go first again which means I'm last again I have a charge two to hits and a save so how does the scoring work is it any three or do I have to hold the middle anything I'm sorry Mr Pugh I'm coming for you [Laughter] oh yeah what you want to do I want my objectives do you just want him yes but Mr Pugh you're coming for for you are you sure that's what you want to do oh yeah so just yes uh hey no more yeah it's in Lou hey no more riding I mean it every time we can get a Princess Bride reference I kind of want to charge your tightness it's inconceivable I I kind of want you to go for it let them fight listen to this guy kill the crisis suits with evolved I will not Target evolve with my fire dragons nor will I Target him with my with my Revenant I tried it but you still haven't worked you still have more time to clear him off the middle of the exact middle of the table I still have more Terrier you do if you said something objective then I have guaranteed points that's true but that's not fun that's who I don't know I totally do I want to see his face when he eats that cupcake actually I don't know again scorched Earth policy for those just joining us I'm at zero we said a a goal uh um this cupcake here is a very very terrible gluten-free cupcake probably the worst in the world and uh and whoever gets tabled first has to eat it it's hydrophobic it actually doesn't absorb water so you eat it and it just sits in your mouth powder it's it's like kinetic sand you know like sand you got that's hydrophobic that you can play with underwater that's what it's made of oh I think mortarium is just gonna be awesome and sit tight tack you're really mean what's what's the range on Lantern oh uh oh okay never mind that's fine carry on do your thing I guess you could like try and take a pot shot that's right never go up again yeah look at his shiny carapace look at all fancy and shiny my favorite scene in that entire movie is when Prince uh Humperdinck picks up the vial of iocane powder sniffs it and says iocane powder I'd stake my life on it you know the odorless colorless tasteless powder you know exactly all right all right I'm a movement psychics you are the blue School psycho king of things um martyrian's gonna try and be hard to hit John and eat nobody can deny him anymore I mean I could deny him but I don't okay do your thing the cupcake has definitely taken on a bit of a fishy taste yep and so I offer ghost Mighty because storm Lord is so nice no that already came through um at the end of the second phase the shooting phase I'm sorry Mr Q I can't afford to let you try and OverWatch my drone so I could explode and kill you that's possible that would be awesome I'm down with that all right you have two wounds left two left and you have a very good oversave chew up armor save T8 yes but then Prince humberton Mr Chrysalis finds it on the ground and they're tracing them sniffs it and claims it's okay because they are cowards actually no they just follow orders they just they don't even follow orders they just run at you they're just stumbling around I swear they put in some guys like wearing pajamas that's funny no unfortunately I feel like when it fell down it should break this train okay right everybody watching here we go wow the Tom alien was actually effective though actually you know what it hit launched from this drone it killed it yeah it killed it there you go it's all good that's that's the thing that's just attack stealing more cookies less than one I guess that's slightly Kinder attack [Laughter] every time I every time I shake my head my beard is going goofy all right um wrote in some unusual size well those are just a rumor fire dragon thank you don't do it man I refuse I won't do it I'm gonna shoot everything else except the plasma but if I do the Revenant comes back this time he comes back as a phantom oh it's so gross it's so gross okay um this is going into PP boy into Mr Pew over here there's a few you're split burner with this big thing into a bunch of things yes Into the Fire dragons uh The Shield breaker cannons yeah yeah the uh plasma into mystery fire two missiles so that's it for missiles and volcano and Deltas into gotcha sorry six shots into Mr that guy does a lot of damage he's ridiculous it really blows your mind when you realize that at 1500 points that things got 2d6 plus 12 shots that's it he blew my toner away but the the Knight whatever you want to call it the castellan yeah it's so incredibly powerful that's good in a 2000 point game it takes a third of your army but it absolutely deletes a third of the opponents I oh no plasma plasma you're right actually I take two wounds myself ignoring on files nope down to 20 moons yeah you survive that'll get Shield Breakers it's a Coffee Crisp I'll bring it the other way Nick go in his own route oh no there's explosions now I've got cover all around I don't care about modifications to anything because I am Master two nods or a master of nuts what's your strength seven my strength is seven so threes ooh ah three minus two three one so there are four UPS no I make one how much damage okay I will command re-roll and I save one so I'm left with just my sergeant throwing a Pokeball because that's what they do all right all my fire dragons have their their multi melters or their tank Buster bombs what are they called our local bombs they're the multiples or Pokeballs uh melt the shots twice oh no Revenant strength uh eight so winning a fight my fives custom toughness nine well that'll do it um okay all down to the volcano oh boy volcano she doesn't matter mean two hits strength ridiculous strength of what your wife's your wife my wife's on the Stream really where is she hi we're eating the things I will use my strand of fake Dice and ignore it yes oh I live I live I don't have to eat the cupcake I don't have to eat the cupcake I'm so happy I heard him oh this thing is hideous oh I'm so happy charging no idea OverWatch oh I'm almost I'm in tears oh I'm so happy this thing is so bad gonna start with the Stinger Salvo oh my gosh five for those of you who uh just tuning in the uh free cupcake if you want to the table I got to eat it to bring the Revenant back after it got deleted the Stinger softball does it does it kill him how do you shoot the big guy it explodes it explodes in us how many wounds well hold on there we go he's exploding I don't know what's happening oh yeah I think it only does one wound I think it's got the little boom so there's a four up to explode but it only does the one yeah for uh six inches one mortal down to one oh wow yeah that gluten-free cupcake is made of hydrophobic sand don't get me wrong I expected the rupture Cannon to do the work not the Stinger cell though that was funny and charging of the Phantom oh can you get around your little epoxy Walker Buttercup all right uh I'm an OverWatch I'm gonna OverWatch I bet you are I mean I may as well thanks uh I have two to hit roles so I'm going to use my big cannons are going to hit you twice and then I have 10 more shots yeah ridiculous six seven eight nine ten so these are the other big cannons four more hits with those so that's four five six these are strengthy okay uh so that's gonna be one two three four four damage literally talking to the water and then the cloudburst missile launcher these are straight 882 flat two well ten shots oh yeah baby I get two hits three hits and he forced to wound you I want you twice at ap2 for two damage each still fours probably yeah nope two damage each the uh it's tasty the Twizzler uh Forest died down to nine oh OverWatch doing work baby yes it's a big one oh it's close that's awesome fortunately he's not that great in combat he's terrible this was a bad idea he's kicking him in The Shins it's exactly what it is oh my God it actually is I get more kicks than you though we're literally two giant robots Kick Kick this is like two umpires kick them flipping robots instead of rock them talking robots 12 wounds of strength nine I'm gonna go for four fives and I got an extra one there's reasons because you're up to what's it's yes oh that's why the cupcake of Doom T9 yeah the fact that it's default is annoying fives one wound one wound AP minus two two damage Ben is two damage down two kicked your shin and now I get 12 attacks back so now you're I the Titan is literally just lining up and it's like boom he's right in the dark trying to kick a field goal hitting on threes so weird no Auto wounds are exploding sixes what the heck strike nine though T8 threes baby oh here we go that's gonna be five AP threes for three now oh my God whoa sixes uh five some two of them oh right so I take three uh which is nine damage it is you want to use one of my command rerolls all right all right so I say four wow I'm down to four wow survives right did return intentionally just stay there yeah that's true that's true I think you called that objective over there too so that you score yeah I was going for the yeah it's so good if you did so Tycho scores another five points down his turn and tiger is stomach 20 to 10. so I have one charge left on my dice he can move 30 inches I could basically go anywhere I want to pull back in Georgetown it's a Titan yes yes I can do everything the only thing they can't move do is move over other Titans I don't think I can actually hold two objectives at this point though what I'm going to do is I'm going to jump the Titan over there lay him down almost he's just gonna fall back oh you want that one I want that one all right I'll let you have that and he's gonna oh there's just no way I'm gonna get it oh is this sort of you're gonna kill me I'm gonna die let's not even started my channel [Applause] I'm gonna shoot him and hopefully kill him with that hey you obviously could well he's a fire dragon eggs Arc so he actually hits on twos and I think I re-roll against Vehicles right plus one to wound Vehicles because it's a strength nine gun too uh these days to be clear are our Command points so I've got two you've got I have two one one I really like that Evol charge the huge that's awesome kicked it and survived it made him run away maybe maybe you kicked him so hard you actually tossed it he just push them drop kick yeah and he just kind of had to do this like like to slow down I mean it makes it makes sense look at the frail frame on that thing right he kicked you and you didn't move She's Gotta like go ahead excuse me this is gonna look weird fire dragon [Music] fire dragon had evolved oh yeah there's like 20 ones there wow re-rolls ones because he's a fire dragon wounds you ap4 strike nine oh yeah dragons are worth playing Mr strike nine and his D6 plus two damage he's so dead what's he gonna do he can charge how many guys in this one two three four five six two six guys commander and four guys at a drone oh so the commander is actually the closest unit it is yeah because yeah because I killed a drone with the uh yep yeah technically go for it Shasta was gonna eat some shots go for it uh I'm gonna put both pulsars into shots really wow then I'm actually gonna throw because you still got Morty oh you're gonna blow up and kill my fire dragon but it's gonna be so worth it I'm gonna throw the cloudburst into eyeballs okay all right so 2d6 blasts into eyeball from this thing here yep nine shots four five six seven eight nine shots oh oh not very good I did not actually and four is because you're strength eight or T8 just two ap2 two damage it's enough oh and how much does he ignore two through another down to two fire dragon kill him I've already tried I have a I have a strat in combat that if I get in he's gonna OverWatch and Pace me so yeah I will he's gonna he's gonna interject intervene on me anyway it's a character isn't it oh yeah yeah he is I'm gonna charge him why not six seven eight so now you're doing both these giant guns into shadow a pitiful Little Commander yep awesome pitiful Little Commander he has taken out a knight and a storm turn and almost and almost took down um uh what's his toughness bellicor so twos he came really close to them he did really close to building for a little bit better dice roll would have got a six AP fours flat four oh my God four all right go down one to three so I can I can take three of the two I could take two of these because I have seven why does it go down to one uh minus one damage all in coming down all right so all income damage three yeah what's your save I already rolled it okay use a command point to uh take a window to this guy this guy dies okay so I now have only five to save okay um four UPS wow okay so I saved two of them he can take two and be it alive so you have their command last command point to try to roll this last one to try to save his life [Music] okay what is my strategym for melt the bomb fight phase yes okay guys so compare to a hammer full bunker taking on Amanda no yes [Laughter] because that only did one wound to the Manta where's his where's his rest of his body going on he's missing like an entire jumper and a bunch of his guns absolutely I'm going to charge you're going to intervene anyway so I'm going to charge feel free to OverWatch my lone fire dragon eggs Arc he's got a three up save he's got two wounds he's got a six up or five up in vulnerable because he's an aspect Warrior so that's for my last command point on this I'm gonna get in and use my command point and if I hit you I'll do two to three mortal wounds that's so good yeah fair warning here he comes here comes volcano okay things quick just one shot it's in the shooting phase we got to do the missiles I'm charging it was in the shooting phase we gotta do missiles there was at least one yeah I might not be here to charge uh I might not have the charger save your command Point wait and see if the poll is ended oh we might all be down all right I'm rolling for it that goes objective how far does it go well I think it doesn't matter it's gonna catch everyone yeah it's got everyone around here yeah six inches still here picking your targets lockers to start all right D3 plus one I don't know what does the four do on the missile thingy doesn't matter D3 plus one it's only six yeah yeah three take two those five lockers are like yeah whatever dude oh I think at this point this is toast oh yeah that's definitely tell us now boom Oh bigger than that no no it's you still got cover okay if it gets hit more into a ball nope he's gonna take D3 oh technically we can't re-roll this but we're doing it anyway first two fire dragon that's true all right because then it might not it might not be there no but it'll still hit everything else yeah you explode yeah for everything I think the double only expands the range not an amount of damage all right now this is toast oh Cookie yeah so it's yeah if I go to 3d6 instead of 2D if yeah either way um I do I don't know how far away are they nope 2d6 3d6 no no you didn't get the two numbers though okay so I'm doing a D6 mortal wounds go to my fire dragons if you kill them fire dragon takes you all right I have five up ignores he does I'm gonna re-roll one of them no I'm not nope are we on the other one I'm out of command points and then the pox lockers [Music] do they ignore it [Laughter] well that was explosive that was fun that was fun the only guy with multiple units left is Taiko and move him yeah actually look at that is in the lead with three units yeah but I'm at dead last points so no I'm dead last with points I haven't scored a single point neither have I yeah Nick actually is negative oh okay never mind someone's been kick-assed [Laughter] uh does that conclude JT's turn I can't charge now [Laughter] foreign what disappeared I've got this is nice it's magnetized this this uh is is Jet Bag is just gone over zealous and eat it I will I'm pretty sure that would have been a little crunchy there's a dude underneath the oh that's a gun I'm jacked up on sugar I could have eaten it oh well all right my turn to do things this guy has like lots of things stuck to him no that's all his guns wow my gun spoken outside is just gonna Advance the objective is under the cupcakes yeah you know one one Edge oh my gosh give me a point the only reason I'm still in this game is no excellent two more I hope you're super accurate movement it's great it's fantastic the only guy with anything left in front of him [Laughter] Lord oh stop bracket oh boy are you coming for me in case I survived no he is I don't want to yeah we're friends fine we're friends oh mine then ah six wow we've really lost the plot Gents what are we doing nobody knows way too much sugar all right we're gonna see how this selected face goes here I'm just sweating through my eyebrows like it's there's so much sugar in my system right now all right Mouse after I think also made the cupcake taste like not Onslaught I'll send my last Grand Point to reroll that he took 40K in 12 seconds I guess it and barrels so Onslaught so you can still charge but he takes D3 mortal wounds X and my second cast I'm gonna go with peroxism which is one that doesn't look I actually can I can deny with these guys I have the Relic for the first side on place that's fine that's fine I'm just gonna try and make sure that you can't OverWatch uh it's good with the seven so you'll take another three more balloons oh wait no you guys oh Mercer hold fire the missiles for a good don't deny take another three more oh no no the Revenant so it's JT's home objective movements oh did you break it it's magnetized right there no that's part there's a magnet there I'm just messing with you scare everybody here that base is just cut from from plywood because they don't come all right storm Lord Catalyst for once it's bolted through its legs you know what he's just gonna swipe the crisis suits because why not it's good with a seven you have your Relic don't you I already used it I picked two more world of wounds okay fine got one left on one crisis so we thank you so much for the super chats um after YouTube takes its cut we're making sure that all that money is going to go to the channel we also have our link that you can donate directly to the charity through that if you choose her objective and the highest single donation wait no dude no I'm shooting next you have to charge I'm shooting I have a shooting phase a painted silent King donated by our patrons um painted by our patrons it's just an absolutely fantastic this is over yeah now we get a missile yeah yeah I think it's like your face is done we get a missile yes looks like it is going into the center objective oh my God how do you raise the iron hey guys JT's objective is this JT's objective it's Nick's objective is it nine it's no it's seven inches oh okay roll this to you all the time no it's a nine he's a nine okay all right to hit my Crest suits it does D3 plus one kills the units bye bye I've been tabled oh this thing looks disgusting don't don't do it don't do it really bad why did I do that why did I tempt it oh it's really bad I don't do it oh my goodness I don't want to do it hold on hold on hold on Ben pull let the chat decide Nick I'll eat it for you no no I'm not letting you do that oh that is really terrible I've already done it you don't need to suffer this I'll leave it for you and you can bring your stuff back it tastes like Wax it tastes hideous I'll eat it for you you can bring this stuff back no no I'm not unless you guys want to see him eat it I'm not doing that I'm not doing that this is why I said pool you say the last one was single gun drone single gun drone no you get to shoot stuff marker drone just a marker drunk running it up flashlight this is for what you get for eating the cupcake okay [Applause] oh wow why did I do that to myself [Applause] I try to tell them it's the worst the company that makes it and recognizes it right now is like at home crying like oh God horrible human beings he did I think he actually might be I don't blame him violently expelling the cupcake we'll let well yeah we'll let him do that but I do have a shooting phase I only have one thing to shoot I don't want to be that guy yeah but he didn't actually eat it no he tried he put in his mouth and spit it out again I don't think that counts Tycho I'm just letting that go you're beautiful man tiger I feel like mortarion hasn't gotten a lot of attention so the rupture Cannon is just going to go into him kinetic sand right you're minus one hydrophobic stand oh it doesn't look so good hot pot that's fine I'm still shooting oh I think we need to eat that now go go Mr pew you got a six um you are not table you get a gun drone okay uh attached to a Riptide something more than that guy is that where you're playing right on the objective three inches away that way oh watching you eat that no no no hold on hold on Nick Nick I'm giving you the option here you can bring the gun drone in on your turn or the Drone in on your turn if you leave it there I'm charging it you can try it it doesn't make a difference I can't score any points so I'm gonna just try and charge that poor drone cupcake at all I I suggested enough of it I don't think I only got rid of it oh yeah it's what am I looking at it was vile right you're right it's a 10. it's a 10. re-rolling last command points command points hello everyone no mouse after zip this is a barricade that means it's minus two to charge over it luckily no one pays attention to Nick I'm not charging over I can put you through it be within two inches yeah exactly he made my charge so you get to OverWatch with a drone sure OverWatch unfortunately all my shots do D3 mortal wounds no unfortunately this is a double ion cannon drive from a sunshine bomber oh there you go I wondered with all of them [Laughter] it was my charge phase yeah all right phase whatever uh missile hits uh my drone wow Center objective for every ladies and gentlemen this is how all political polls are run answer it does three more wounds of you now Dominion's coming for us oh my God is that addition to the 12 Mormons 84. yeah I Shrugged them don't worry about it I was gonna say six shots with ion guns from a sunshine bomber drone why can't I I was supposed to get people to find the Manta I thought that was happened I heard that earlier that I could spare the Manta if I okay oh and no actually the jar of pickle sounds good after the amount of sugar I've eaten pickles [Applause] so I'm just gonna sit here yeah I'm gonna sit here and I get to roll the desperate missile from now on yes cool I finally scored five calls that means Nick's done that's a new round I didn't even get to do my turn oh I gotta save advance and fans what really matters I don't get any re-rolls oh my God oh this is a big one this could be big oh the moves of the jts again with a five well I can't hold oh I still tasted my teeth right well I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna Blitz this is turn four he's gonna jump to an unfailable charge here I'm going to try to clear off tycho's objective and then kill movements dude and that way nobody scores any points nobody scored any points well I could still maybe theoretically oh we're gonna go double Cloud bursts into swarmlord actually you're gonna go double we're gonna go double round the other one left yeah we're gonna go Revenant to him what's his involved say nothing nothing it's just two up armor says here one Revenant Pulsar one Revenant Pulsar here we go and nothing into the middle so uh no I'm gonna go kick them he's gonna kick it kick the baby come on burst into the pockets all right sir oh hello pots Walkers goodbye pots Walkers nine four what's funny it was good you only lose two yep yes oh my goodness well that plan didn't work guards and then one two three four five six Revenant pulsars into big boy what's your save two up no involved all right so I'm gonna use one of my to hit rolls into him automatically hit so five shots good thing I did that because three wounds T8 uh winning you on threes no strength twelve threes that's gonna be two wounds AT AP four flat four maybe four flat four sixes sixes oh there's one oh you might even say swarming I'm efficient for sixes no it's so close and then oh my gosh I hit him once dude yeah he's fine I rolled four twos and a one yeah he's fine because he ignores it right I'm gonna steal it for me though no he doesn't I don't know are you doing all right charging your melon throat oh look you made it oh it's an advanced dice it doesn't matter oh look you made it it doesn't matter and then it's 12 attacks [Music] [Laughter] even that cupcake these are all ap3 AP threes three damage each four up involved oh he's got an involved yeah involves oh I only made three so nine damage he's alive with two oh no way he can nibble back and that guy in the corner he's dead oh yeah [Music] no I get to roll it did he die no no he's got a wound left I am touching back it's on to Mr Rubin yeah I'm just double checking thingies all right three attacks on fives let's go I have two I'm at four but it's not enough to put me in mid bracket so he's just gonna go for the big smashy smash yep uh gets one T9 right nope nope nope I got a backwards engineer this all right so there's already a um it's your turn movement it might be better it is my turn where should I go that's nine inches you can put it no it's moving no we're going clock off so it is still my turn I'm gonna sneak back over here I'm gonna tick up to command points I'm gonna go to a command point I'm gonna immediately spend it to you four Lord he heals for three the only person that can still keep scoring is Tycho dude yeah do we have a I just bumped it over 10 Deathstrike missiles what oh [Music] no you know what ten thousand I think I think honestly everything's dead everything is dead you guys just wiped the board chat wins I'm like there's no way we can live through this nope yeah except Jerry or Jerry he's safe yeah Matt s just Matt uh I don't know if that's the same Matt s but it's a mad ass just donated another uh one thousand dollars which means we are doing ten Death Strike missiles at the end of this phase so finishing up gents because this game is ending right here that was the end of my command phase well let's let's go Nick's gonna win because Nick's gonna do all the the strike missiles well no are we going to school where we're gonna put these or what oh two each all right ten no but okay here here but to me there's nothing there there's only three left there's only three with dudes on it okay thank you so very much I'm doing I'm being picky indeed for instance this time it's going to be I'm I'll lead up the chance there's three different types of missiles the death strike missile can do the first one could possibly do 16 mortal wounds um but it's a much smaller range so we're gonna do that one we're gonna do two onto there and I'll randomize it what kind of missile it is uh this into Morty's uh way over there and it's gonna do oh both uh both uh middle brackets so it's the same one we were doing all right so Morty unbelievable don't need to worry about range um we're gobsmacked I I don't know what to say uh so each one we'll do a D3 mortal wound so you take a total of one two three four five more wins on Morty and Morty shrugs pick three down two okay and then into the center what kind of missiles is it uh it's the same again that's just the middle one I want to see the bigger weapons and for the mouse after um this is one gets one three for D3 mortal wounds three mortal wounds on the mouse after this yes bro does he explode let's go how many Mortals does he do that's what I'm just checking hold on one moment oh D3 mortal wounds I do that in the Box two mortal wounds to the Titan yep two are the wounds to the Titan and the Titan is hit by both of them for D3 plus one for each one so uh one two three four four more one so four more from the Titan uh he takes one all right see without a tower shooting at me that's actually pretty good um the boxwalker is six too many moons get the get this crazy good missile and the weird other missile so the gods for your warhound War missile does two to three does eight mortal wounds is this black real thing you could I believe in your tiger you got this you got this buddy you got this I got re-rolled I cannot do this I believed in you I wanted to bring some back but I never got a turn I didn't either well right here this actually is big enough if it would make the other one that it's possible could go into here are you sure and Tyrell no it just hit Tyrell you know what Nick how about technically isn't down here yet well you know what it's now a 286 waned weapon hold on how many have we actually we've only done four six yeah so I guess two more in the center all right no he's already got I've already taken it and then I think one should randomly Target swarmlord as well you know okay okay one two three four one two three four five six yeah there's nothing eight nine ten so what we're gonna do is one of the swarmlord yeah one on to mortarium I've already taken two yeah that's what yes he's already taken two what kind of missile is it it's the really strong one and the middle crap so the super strong one that could possibly do 16 more balloons does it only does eight more just as effective as before and it the other one does D3 plus four sorry D3 plus one uh does um four additional four more wounds so eight nine to eleven twelve portals and on fives I ignore them I ignore one so I take 11 11. which there's 12. you can do that and then mortarion takes one and he takes the regular kind which is the one we've been using uh D3 plus one uh it is uh four more wounds on mortarion oh save it save it now I believe in this Morty's gonna walk them all oh he takes for three takes three down to five and then the Swarm walks oh my goodness there's another one go nuts next this world war takes D3 plus one takes four mortal wounds Ben you haven't done anything yet Ben where's it go right there in the middle of all three you know what it does it goes right there and it explodes 36 inches and so it gets everything on the board and it does is this the exterminatus this is Tyrell it does the big explosion so it possibly does eight uh 16 mortal wounds this is what we're doing here we're into the game right here is what's happening this this is this is seriously he's been watching aliens too much you wiped me out this is happening you all betrayed me vengeance is mine see it's the fish on mortarion for some reason oh man he only takes eight for some reason I thought only eight mortal wounds for materials [Laughter] oh my God I get to shoot the Manta I'll shoot the Manta too sure why not oh there's gonna be nothing if anything survives I'll shoot them ahead oh no three of them six of them they can't use his yeah use Knicks I'm still dead all right we've tried into swarmy Nick he's too busy grabbing his big oh I got one box Walker left he takes the objective look out it's coming in I think technically this is toast may I I haven't got to do this yet oh wow that was actually got really solid didn't it those are pretty Chalker all right and then can the Manta take out the rest of the river the Titan oh you gotta shoot them down oh yeah sure like eight more wounds okay now how many does the Revenant take oh it takes oh uh it takes 10. and hold on sorry uh no sword doesn't explode no 12 it's 12 more wounds sorry 45 is 12 more moves oh we got another one more more oh wait a minute that doesn't look like an exterminatus type ship oh oh the tower have been experimenting missiles oh it's true that's how lore they've been experimenting with uh star explosion missiles like missiles that literally explode a star and blow up the Oh you mean like the plot of Star Trek Star Wars yeah yeah they've been trying to capture the energy so into the Revenant Titan derivative derivative take four railgun shots just kind of derivative period two six is two ones that seems uh save fail how much damage uh uh 14. okay plus three more sorry I didn't I had that I can't help myself Maggie I hear something yeah and I'm down to 240. ion cannons he's got a box Walker left yeah those are that's what the 64 burst scanning shots oh hey um one two three four five at minus three so are we doing the the next District missile 303 yeah why not we'll do it on that crap um he's hovering right now I've learned from the votan reactive reprisals he's letting the gears out wait are you shooting at me yeah shooting back yeah I'll get out like a 2000 Point Army from it for strength nine AP threes four strength nine AP four damage each save one of them take 12 damage all right who gets I think Tycho gets to roll for the minute take the time is the team dead I died that's gonna be the god spear Warhead D6 because it's randomly generated now roll D6 for how much damage the match it takes [Applause] you know what honestly it's time for me to clock out roaming Victory here actually goes to actually very close yes um absolutely the victory goes to the kids uh we got to thank every single one of you that donated every single one of you you're the best every single one of you that liked that subscribed that follows that's in our Discord that's on our patreon that puts up with the crazy Shenanigans and silliness we do I am so sugar rushed out right now I don't know what planet I'm on I just I like I'm smelling colors gingerbread I watch gingerbread I think we actually need food after this gingerbread man's just lost it man yeah that was definitely an exterminatus that's true the stop it holy crap I'm just spent nothing we are overwhelmed with sugar so we're gonna end it there you guys are awesome 10 227 for the BC Children's plus we are also going to be donating I'll go check that right now oh because Taiko technically is the winner oh is he because he's got a box Walker left no he's actually one out on planes which means if I'm not mistaken the we were donating whatever we got from Super Chat that's in your name that's right 2.7 000 that's before the 30.7 2700 you mean 2 700. here 2.7 million what two but I said a million no 2.7 000 so add that to the nine thousand and we have raised minus thirty percent minus three percent for YouTube take thank you YouTube um sorry 19 yeah a lot of money wow amazing gin of the sheep the reason pox Walker survived is because the Revenant kicked it across the table in the mortarion that was a Nick Rule and it's a great rule we like that rule and we forgot about him yeah we're going to top that up to 2000 so that's going to put us at 11 and change amazing you guys are overwhelmed by the support it's amazing thanks guys it was silly we had a lot of fun uh no we weren't [Laughter] Edward my OCD thanks you so much that is five times more of the charity stream two years ago that's right it is yes unbelievable um wow this is actually a reflection of all of you yeah the community is amazing and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it and the the community we built around our Channel and our patreon our Discord and our YouTube membership is pretty awesome it's amazing pretty awesome I think they're better chat one chat one indeed no the kids no the children one children but there might be children watching that's true children shots I have a headache man I can't even think all right well at that note because it's you've got chocolate in my peanut butter we will go to peanut butter in my Revenant we will go take a look at who won and we will be in touch with you on the uh from the from the uh um because whoever donated the most amount of amount of money wow yeah whoever's doing the most amount of money from the online thing on the channels the silent King model oh right so you guys can see that your daughter's watching your daughter wins yay that's right for the children and with that until we okay let's see if I can do it until we see you next time in the Grim Darkness you ready yeah let's see the mask I have to actually turn the hat around for this because I gotta get right yup um until the next time we see when the far-flung universe of a grim dark future wave attack we're being attacked by attacks does that equal ten thousand close enough it doesn't look very close what does that mean what that means [Applause] [Music] I thought I thought the whole point that we had to raise it before the stream started no it didn't matter I agree I need insulin [Applause] it said we had to raise it before the stream started no you're just making up rules I think we have to do another one now we got to do another one okay fine so the next time we see you in the far-flung universe of a future Marathon lifestyle play on okay go press the buttons [Music]
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 55,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports, live
Id: rfNeDSMZbrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 25sec (14005 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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