Titanic Warhammer 40k battle! Manta vs Reaver Titan. T'au vs Imperium. Modern take on Damocles!

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damocles golf 742.m41 a massive crusade crosses the democracy's gulf to attack the tower homeland to rid the galaxy of the threat once and for all welcome to 40k features [Music] [Applause] [Music] your host through this epic affair inspired by the lore of the damocles crusade 40k features is a show where we focus on a narrative event in the 40k universe and show it off in a massive spectacle in addition a four-part narrative campaign exclusive to our memberships has been produced to go along with it culminating in this massive combined sixteen thousand point battle to tell this tale we have who else but our very own tau nick and guest to the greater good lorne davis it will control a colossal army of tao featuring battle suits of every kind a town are and the newly finished tau manta opposing them and controlling the forces of the imperium is space marine steve and friend of the channel zack the imperium features forces from the ultramarines the iron hands the astra militarum and a reaver titan of the legio titanicus the battle is joined on the outskirts of a key tao city the imperium has breached the walls and the defenders rush in to fill the gap the victory conditions for this battle are twofold gain points for controlling key objectives on the board and by completing an army-specific secondary admission the tau must destroy the five biggest units of the enemy army scoring eight points for each one the imperial must secure their advance by completing actions on top of objectives lastly the opponent's warlord is also worth an additional 10 points this represents an ongoing fight with troops being rushed to the front line from both sides so 3 500 points of each army are placed in reserve before this bloody battle it was here that the tao empire chose to make it stand mobilizing troops by the millions to defend its people the imperium would go face to face with the high technology of the tao and have a newfound respect for this zeno's enemy it is here that one cato sicarius made his mark rising from obscure battle brother to a leader of men it was here that the legendary farsight bought one of his greatest battles and cemented himself as the tao supreme commander it was here the two empires fought over the fate of an entire race welcome to the damocles golf welcome gentlemen to the epic battle i'm going to say of the year the damocles crusade we've got a few new people in the house today if you're watching for the first time um my name is tonic and we've got space marine steve on my side over here introduce yourself i'm lauren i also play tao i don't have a nickname maybe you guys can give a nickname by the end of this hi and i'm zach today i'm playing uh guard and some big boys here soon to be playing squats again we are playing a massive 8 000 40k game today and on the table is currently only 5 000 points on each side who come in in turns 2 and 3 and later is another 3 500 points and only 2 000 points can come in per turn so so a full army of normal 40k coming in for a turn this is one of the key battles of the damocles crusade and it's very much a first contact war the imperium has sent a crusade into tau space and both sides have very rarely encountered each other up till now and it's a first of all sorts it is a fantastic story there's multiple books done on it there have been campaign books done in the past and if you're a fan of ultramarines there's one specific character called cato secarius that made his name in this particular battle is he on the battlefield today yeah he's the blonde guy right over there cato cecarias makes his name in the story blades of damocles by black library audible has nearly the complete collection of black library audiobooks and as we were researching the lore for this battle it proved invaluable to be able to listen to the audiobooks on our phones while painting miniatures or assembling terrain this episode is actually sponsored by audible and they can help you get caught up in all the latest 40k lore they have provided us a free 30-day trial where you get full access to thousands of audiobooks original entertainment and podcasts visit audible.com play on tabletop or text play on tabletop to 500-500 for more tau lore check out the damocles anthology exploring the tao going on the offensive on the other side of the gulf it also includes one of my favorite stories broken sword it follows a human's experience joining the greater good for the first time and becoming a koivesa literally translated as human helper visit audible.com play on tabletop or text play on tabletop to 500 500 to get your free trial the walls have been breached the city is under invasion the imperials have to be very aggressive to take the city here and we honestly have to be kind of defensive to guard our city ready to do this folks i'm ready all right first turn who gets it we've already deployed we've already chosen sides highest nice wins come on man roll the one that's not good all right there's a high five for the great seems really bad we are have to choose our tactical philosophy right now and when you're thinking even though farsight is in charge of this force that he he's thinking he might bow to shadow son's wishes and we go kion kion will let us in turn three four and five get extra hits the exemplar of caiun warlord trait lets us redeploy three units and so we can take any three units and stick them wherever we want all right so we're gonna do a pre-game move we're gonna do the croots they can do a seven inch pre-game move and we're just gonna just run them up we're gonna go up to 17 command points uh additionally our ethereal is gonna enact uh one of the invocations of the elements uh to get us a free command point one free command point this fire blade right here is going to use his command ability to make this fireware unit uh rural hits of one counter is gonna go [Music] we're gonna advance these fireworks to try to get onto that objective it's like a bit of a long long hike besides it coming six i got a six here we go with the breach in the tau defensive lines the auxiliaries are sent running to fill the gap strike teams get into position to hold the center as the big guns inch up the battlefield angling for a shot the smoke and debris make it difficult to find a target of course there is one target standing tall and in the clear first thing we're going to do is marker lights at the beginning of shooting phase all the marker lights from this magic because this wall's obscuring so all that stuff's behind it i it can't literally see anything so six marker lights into that reverb six marker lights and we got four the critters yeah let's start with the crew how many days the crew and the fire warriors combine their firepower but because of a clever smoke screen and trans human physiology they only managed to kill one marine a lot of dice for pretty much nothing so this unit is now going to fire all i think all of its guns needs to go into it yeah all of its guns into this one unit right here [Applause] terrible four only four wounds but the one guy dies taunt into the river if i access cannons i assume we're over charging oh of course we're returning fire the town r shoots into the reaver but they use a cp to save a void shield three void shields left big giant mega cannons on top the first one and wounds once i think we better see people roll the one because let's shrink ten yeah let's see p we roll you're rolling the one oh into another one okay so one wound no sick all right next one same thing ah this is one of them oh no last last of them uh hits what is with these ones awesome hits once oh man if it's and wounds at minus five five up all right so collapses one more void shield but alas we have a void shield remaining oh well not for much longer kyrie's gonna fire on it d3 plus one shots it got two shots five apps oh how much damage first one does one [Music] second one dot oh another one we'll collapse it but it's both missiles yeah both yeah so finally got the void shields collapsed now we can move on to the fun stuff let's do the manta i want to do the manta fire it's heavy railguns dealing 36 wounds in a single volley bringing the titan down to 12 wounds what a shot 12 remaining and we still have two overheads smoke begins to billow from the damaged god machine but the tau do not let up two railgunned armed hammerhead move into position last mark light so hit on threes and it wounds the reaver has three wounds remaining the second hammerhead lines up its shotgun we do not have a mercolate so who knows what's gonna happen we actually miss the hammerhead does get an automatic reroll though so hopefully that gives it to us i can't believe we didn't get it with three wounds left it's that's the last one i'm gonna blame yours i'm gonna blame your eye on candice that's unfair but okay picturing in the inside of this like cockpit right now it's like the old star trek episodes where they're all like yeah there's like the thing and they're like they just sparks flying everywhere like their chairs yeah they're all falling out of their chairs it's just smoking the titan still stands defiant um crew commander take it away all right uh 18 crude in charge range uh we're gonna charge both multi-charge this full squad yeah we need to get rid of both it's unlikely we kill both but we need to get in there the crews pile into the infiltrators despite their numbers their weapons prove ineffective punching through the ceramide only killing one in return nearly half of the crew unit is wiped out in a brutal counter strike you know what we actually could feel morel tests now that's a fail the one guy died give me a bowler ones one so one more guy we managed to prevent actions from happening on this one so he's not going to do the action here pretty good plays might be in a pretty good spot here we might have delayed the inevitable strong counter punch and next term we need to start bringing in all our reinforcements gonna be good all right bring it imperium death to the xenos for the emperor so we gained a command point down to 13 put these guys into the assault doctrine [Music] steve and zack shrewdly elect to use the cover to their advantage and keep most of their units secured from the big guns however they do quickly identify two mistakes in the tau strategy the center is held weakly by a single fire warrior squad but more importantly the far right objective is only held by a single model can they take it down so at the end of our movement phase this squad of uh devastators the five-man squad that doesn't have any heavy weapons they're gonna perform um the secure forward positions action on this objective the librarian is gonna psychic fortress he does and totally so they all have five have been vulnerable saves now uh okay cool so then we go to the shooting phase infiltrators uh both pistols on threes two hits wounding on threes uh two wounds eight nothing all right six ups two sixes one set we got one well done halfway there the four pistols from the other squad on threes uh so three ap minus ones because they're in the assault doctor three more dead this squad of intercessors will shoot their um their assault bolt rifle their auto bolt rifles uh down here at them three easier only ones breeze bales two the second squad does the exact same thing so i guess i'll go into the uh predators uh so the first one hitting on twos ruling ones will shoot at the counter the astartes and astra militarium tanks combine their firepower into the town r supremacy suit hoping that their combined firepower will be enough to break through the tau shields command point we were one of these four on five you only see one only thing that's it you're working with your places fine whoa awesome oh sick 15 damage tank commander 26 shots i re-rolled one because we are playing as katachan i got one all right you did better than i did all right we got two wounds remaining you hit him with this last cannon at the back that's what you do the with the guard off the guardsman here it is on a four up oh it hits wounds ap minus four five up does he explode no exact opposite it lifts him off of that object it does oh the town are falls and now an objective remains unclaimed [Music] we're gonna take the reaver apocalypse launcher and that's going to shoot into the uh into the the back most hammer head underneath the the wing of the manta whoa not a single one oh no that sucks the reaver titan is just too damaged though it manages to severely woo one of the hammerhead gunships the rest of its weaponry fails to connect we'll go to the charge phase where we will declare no charges then after that we'll go to the fight phase the infiltrators manage to nearly wipe out the crew leaving a crude shaper facing a large group of angry astartes warriors at the end of our turn the devastators complete the secure forward position action we get eight points at the end of our turn putting the score at the end of turn one eight to nothing we have lost the town r we've lost some infantry we are losing this objective we're on no objectives the space marines the imperium is breaking into the city it is time for a massive drop of crisis suits it is time for revenge after a bloody turn one the imperium has managed to push forward dramatically the tau have been pushed off all the objectives and a key enemy unit has been eliminated this battle is far from over remember 3 500 points of reinforcements are still yet to be deployed and they can begin to arrive now they invade without warning without mercy show them none so in the campaigns we go up a command point we are now at 17 command points and in addition our ethereal is going to invoke uh the elements it does now we need to take these objectives so i think we need to fall back with the crute time to be aggressive the tao have been kicked off their objectives and need to take them back as soon as possible rivarna moves up to threaten the infiltrators and the strike team advances well contesting the objective not risking their home objective again two hammerheads and a crisis suit squad move into the void left by the destroyed town owner let's bring in some reinforcements okay so the orca and the orca's got inside it a broadside ten breachers three crisis suits some drones another three-man crisis team commander farsight himself oh yeah they're just gonna strike down bring it on reinforcements in this mission both sides have 3 500 points of units in reserves but are restricted to a maximum of 2 000 points of reinforcements per turn uh we're ready to commence with the beautiful shooting phase because i'm going to spend 2 cp and the aggressors are all going to hit farsight okay oh they both go through four wounds remaining on far side ouch pathfinders and the manta use their marker lights to pick out the closest enemy infantry and the reaver titan i want to kill the reaver titan first in case it explodes because that would just be lovely a broadside battle suit takes careful aid and targets the smoking reaver titan we wounded both times it does a heck of a lot of damage minus five he just dies and doesn't explode come on oh explosions the titan shutters and falls and a plume of smoke and dust that's eight points for the tau the remaining broadside combines his firepower with the hammerhead gunships to destroy a predator and the drop pod on five uh one two three at minus two oh yeah one guy died darn it and missile pod the sky ray and the strike team coordinate the fire hammering into the two devastator squads holding the objective one squad of devastators are completely wiped out but the other squad clings to the objective holding on with one marine remaining almost got the squad okay okay that's the oh we saw the manta oh i was scared i was i forgot about the man you were good the manta trains all of its long barrel burst cannons and the ion cannons into the intercessors on the defensive wall one squad is all but wiped out with only our stand-in for cato securius holding on alive and screaming for this is vengeance nuts just beeper eyes oh i love rail guns so much the crisis suits weapons hot even as they plunge from the sky spray death in all directions aiming to destroy the company commanders bodyguards and the smaller unit of aggressors commander he's gonna fire everything into that unit the flamer can't shoot but he has a burst cannon and uh plasma weapon both of which are gonna fire into that guard squad oh no we're just out the last guy gonna hang around you're like oh it's out of range for sure one of those guys and i was like [Laughter] the commander fires into the librarian the librarian still stands with two wounds remaining the last remaining unit to shoot fires everything in the librarian who dies in a flurry of ion fire no mind bullets for you the shooting phase is over we did good i'm very happy with that uh we have one charge to make um farsight and the commander actually i want to go kill your your commander i think that sounds like fun commander charger there he needs the same nine 679 yeah commander get in there okay fighting and guys you gonna fight on death of them only in death so on threes all of them so three ap minus fours i failed this before yeah you totally have not this time it takes one one goes through and does two damage to him all right he's got four wounds remaining avenge me brothers uh so these guys lost uh four dudes he runs away uh five six nine eight nine he does a brutal morale phase for the imperium the last remaining devastator tactically withdraws leaving that objective open and in the clear also two guardsmen flee unwilling to face the tau guns any longer the imperial advance has been pushed back and looks to be faltering losses are mounting the reaver titan both predators devastators and the astartes captain and even the librarian have gone down however this is merely the first wave of attackers and on the imperium's turn 2 000 points of units will be deployed put that in perspective that is the size of a regular 40k army and there's much more to come the turn after the inventory squad is bailing out of this camaro yeah so we did a lot of damage this turn but we got a lot of stuff coming on it's scary um we do yeah we're leaving the night off though no absolutely not and then uh we're also we're gonna get cagey with some of your scoring units i think steve and zach choose to hide from the big guns they leave the night castellan and the large aggressor squad off the table while both are priority targets for the tau their heavy firepower will be sorely missed both repulsors join the fray using the walls for cover as well as another drop pod full of devastators to threaten the middle objective the end of our movement phase one of the infiltrators over there is going to do secure forward position the shooting phase do you mind if i start this off go ahead mr zone all right great uh cato cecarius is going to shoot into the don't kill a dude boom the infiltrators destroy the remaining croot while the chimera roasts the strike squad with its heavy flamer objective taken for the emperor for that uh zach do you want to do uh this bad boy punisher cannon yeah punishing everything into here wow missing all of them wow okay lehman russ tanks fire into the crisis suits killing the commander suit and the drones leaving the crisis suit a juicy target for the repulsors the repulsor fires into the crisis suits and kills almost all of them while the repulsor executioner ranges in on the bomber and destroys it with heavy firepower the uh bikers are all going to shoot into farsight spikers in the far side got it oh yeah x ap minus twos six a b minus two what oh no maybe you'd better take over get out of here oh first i take like five damage on a four up using one command point oh yes okay so then the suppressors are going to shoot far aside so on fours and then on threes i believe for the greater good yeah right it is not failed for now 10 whole points coming our way bud oh yeah farsight is mortally wounded but he manages to eject from the battlefield he is out of action for this fight that is ten points for the imperium for eliminating the tau warlord uh and for the charge phase the outrider bikes are going to charge the remaining suit you took out the entire reserve detachment that came in like that's gone uh at the end of our turn um the infiltrator unit over there uh completes the secure forward position it does yeah so we need an additional eight points eight points thirty points for the imperium two bam for the and you hold almost the entire table full of objectives aside from what we do but it is not over yet what a turnaround for the imperium through some shrewd target priority and heavy firepower the tao are now reeling from the brutal imperial counter punch the way is now clear to move in and take the city they're closing in don't let up are you guys ready for turn three oh yeah which we utterly destroy you and what's left of your army i don't know about that but okay and then at the beginning of our tougher turn we score four points we actually have an objective yay um we are going to see if we get a command point from the ethereal got the command points to start off we're gonna get some disembarking happening to try to take that objective all these guys are gonna get out of the i've got lots of guys in this orca we have a broadside we have crazy suits we have breachers it's gonna be great all right so all those guys there um should we go somewhere with this uh orca just leave them there you can go pester somebody over there [Music] uh let's bring up some reserves another wave of tower reinforcements arrive a prototype tiger shark bomber flanks the back line while a storm surge artillery suit stomps through the trees all right so shooting phase uh we already did the declared marker lights let's get the marker lights going um i think we should do the sweep and clear again the pathfinder's not going to do all their marker lights four into the chimera and three to the draw pod let's fire where should we go first uh we gotta use the manta first because it's we gotta make sure yeah that's actually a good point yeah cause that's the most limited shot good call we'll split the rail guns into the camera and the draw pod 64 burst cannon shots into the front unit of devastators into the drop pod and threons and the camaro just make sure it's dead so i am going to spend one command point reject the flash embrace the machine for a five up fuel no pain all right so 64 burst cannons into those devastators so i take one two oh and then i save one so one guy takes one moon two rail gunshots into the chimera do you explode no oh the other two the other two shots against the draw pod no vehicle is safe from the might of the tower rail guns go out here the rip tide splits its fire killing the infiltrators and the lehman rust punisher from across the battlefield imperial casualties continue to mount as the devastators and infiltrators are wiped out rail guns from the tiger shark smash the repulsor executioner eight more points for the tao that is the entirety of our shooting phase and we that was fairly effective in the charge phase the last thing we're going to do is we're going to charge move this this riptide and hopefully get onto this objective right here 2d six inches and we get three oh i don't believe we can command one no it's which means that there we do not control a freaking objective well that was a little annoying so at the end of your turn you you've destroyed one more of our main main targets so you got eight points so we're at 20 points to your 30 yeah a tao i've dealt some major damage to the imperial invaders however the imperium is gaining ground and there are still 1500 more points of imperial reinforcements that are poised to attack oh yeah in your turn you score four points for holding that uh that objective bringing you to 34. yeah and then we spend one command point uh to power uh to power the machine spirit all right so these guys will all hop out as it is turn three all reinforcements must be deployed or they count as being destroyed so zack and steve are forced to place their priority target units on the battlefield the warlord is sheltering in a chimera and deploys as far out of the way as possible yet more guardsmen and scions mill around the imperial base objective while the castellan knight aggressors and assault intercessors hurry to reinforce the left flank one of the tempest science squads does the action on our home objective yeah so this is your third third action so to be clear you've done it on that one over there yeah done on this one here and then now our home objective cato cecarius is running for the objective yeah he's still alive sticks yeah he can move seven inches from the side of the wall i'm gonna spend one command point two um tons of uh sons of giamin the eradicator so they re-roll once and then they're going to shoot the bomber eradicators the repulsors and the suppressors fire into the tiger shark dealing serious damage four wounds remaining on the tiger shark pedo securius shoots the stupid breachers two ap minus ones and kills oh yeah yeah cato's ciao okay let's just give it two rangers as he's running for the objective well the knight then just pummels everything into this and tries to kill it the knight splits its fire shooting meltes to take down the bomber and everything else into the storm surge melted shots into the tiger shark hits wounds shield breaker missiles and the volcano lance bring the storm surge to two wounds remaining a tank commander tries valiantly to finish off the storm surge but he fails the castellan knight charges into the devil fish but does not manage to destroy it end of turn three and you guys have managed to uh hold on to your objectives your home objective you contested that one over there scored an additional eight points for doing the mission action on your home objective there bringing your score to 42 to r20 the imperium though a bit low on firepower has come out ahead strategically with a commanding lead they need to focus on the mission as much as they can all the reinforcements are now on the table will the imperials take the city will the greater good prevail let's find out because we control two and you only control one even though we can test that we actually score more than you so we actually score a total of 12 victory points from primary objectives we have to really focus on killing the units that are gonna get us points so those units are that night this uh this repulsor and the company commander in this freaking chimera on the other side of the table the manta can't shoot barely any of them the hammerheads are all out of position all of our riptides are way over here doing nothing like you've denied us a lot of shots you've done a very smart movement phase on your turn uh no we're charging no charging no charging we're gonna do the speed boost on that so we can just move 30 inches nick and lauren are going to have to think carefully here they've managed to inflict some crippling blows to the enemy however are down on points and with only two turns remaining in this game they need to make up the difference they still have two priority targets on the battlefield the knights castellan and the aggressor squad the company commander hiding in that command chimera is also worth a whopping 10 points if they can take him down the avara boosts up the field to try and flame those guardsmen off the objective and the crisis suits move into position to support because because it's uh turn four we can actually do two devil fishes so we do that one and that one they can move and then drop off their cargo kato you want a duel with an arvarna um we've got some real guns here that are going to try to kill that red tank two wounds two explodes it does yeah oh no [Laughter] so d3 to the crisis suit team one d3 to the suppressors one d3 to the vanquisher three 20 shots with breachers into that lone dude there the wounded storm surge fires everything into the approaching night but only manages to score a couple of wounds cato cecarius versus arvarza and then some flamers let's uh ice that front guard squad then amanta is running low on targets the manta fires the weapons he has in range at the night to try and take it down the ion shields hold okay so this broadside is last shooting at that tank eight shots twelve wounds you twice so four damage total there's one room ready and that's the end of our turn heroically intervened heroically intervened yeah the tech marine heroically intervenes into the avara fails to wound it in the morale phase more guardsmen flee meaning that the objective is held by the slimmest of margins we scored zero extra points unfortunately we managed to get these two objectives and hold on to the center and really threaten your home objective and almost wiped you out of that the tao did not manage to achieve any of their major objectives this round and only inflicted minor damage this is the chance the imperial forces have been waiting for for the emperor um all right bottom of turn four you guys score additional four points apothecary's just gonna move up here a little bit and then the bikers are gonna go right there zach and steve are playing to the mission and sticking to scoring objectives they are looking to hold on to that rear objective and keep their warlords safe [Music] the five eradicators go into the devil fish on threes yes 18 narration guys explode them explode them export them oh the bikers are going to shoot everything into the bikers almost wipe out the breachers holding the bottom objective while aggressors attempt to take out the crisis suits holding the gap in the walls uh so seven ap nothings to the crisis team okay so takes one the knight elects to split its fire shooting its melta into the wounded storm surge and the rest of its shots into the crisis students wow two oh says them both failed to hit the storm surge the remaining guns do kill one crisis suit but the squad is left standing uh so the the outriders are going to charge into the strike team here we need a five need a seven six seven eight the assault intercessors the apoca theory all gang up on the avara a forest oh nothing what assault intercessors into the aurora takes four six remaining primaries apothecary two eighty minus ones yes it feels one they can't take it down the avara goes down to five wounds but holds on i consolidate with my outriders into the broad side now you've got lots of choices do you chase points at the back of the board or do you try and affect this i think we got to try to do both we got to try and do the only way we win right we've got to we've got to take you off all these objectives and deny you an ability to scoop in any of them because you can do that at the end of your turn and we've also got to try to kill this chimera and this repulsor and then the guy inside the chimera to maximize her points and that's gonna be top last turn of a very epic damocles game let's do it here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] spending one right away back up ai on that storm surge so you can fire full ballistic skill the tau stratagem backup ai allows the mortally wounded storm surge to fire at full capacity to win this game at this point they need to kill that castellan kill the repulsor kill the aggressors and try and kick the guardsmen off that rear objective [Music] storm surge into the repulsor he's shooting his big giant gun at that repulsor the storm surge crushes the repulsor with its overwhelming firepower eight points for the tao empire by doing that by killing a repulsor we are now winning by two points however on your turn if we don't knock you off that objective and knock you off this objective you're gonna score enough points to win the game so the only way we win this game is now killing all of this and all of this well let's see if we can clean up this now okay um it did the broadsides the ravarna and the hammerheads destroy the bikes and the remaining rust the center objective is now clear okay they are wiped out of the our city they're pushed back out of the city now we got to focus on what's going on over here this guy is going to shoot the guardsman with a railgun this guy's going to shoot that vodka fairy with a rail gun into the apocalypse gary it hits pretty good it wounds yeah it does and it does a lot of damage kills him and then one railgun against a single scion and it wounds handles yeah it utterly utterly kills the guardsman i think there's light pieces of his toes left the only thing left holding that rear objective is the tech marine all right so we are going to use one cp on sequence frequency lock for this storm surge to fire out a line of sight old missiles sorry this guy ready to fire all those missiles out a line of sight more than one yes there it is oh snap oh snap oh no and you have no more cp left five up we either wipe them off this objective we have to kill all three of these units or we lose the game because he'll be able to take that objective scoring four points putting him two points ahead of us winning them the game that's crazy i think you're right here okay so starting with the rip side fail them both so it kills two dudes so i need two one or twos from you yeah otherwise we really should not have split fired no i really think we should know i might have lost the game anyway oh oh yeah okay that's worth a four figured high five how high five well that's bad take him out of there the riptide kills all of the assault intercessors just the tech marine left all right we've shot everything oh no i can think of one thing that we have not shot right the giant it's strange how it escapes them we have not shot the manta the manta targets everything of the tech marine two rail guns six ion cannons and twelve first cannons the battle is over the imperium assault failed but only by the narrowest of margins the warriors of the emperor fall back the battle for the city is lost though the stratageos would say it was only a matter of time till the tower utterly destroyed by waves of imperial might that result was not allowed to happen as high command was debating their next move an urgent summons called the entire crusade back the deal with a bigger threat the damocles crusade was over thank you for joining us for this narrative battle we hope you enjoyed this retelling of the first contact war between the tao empire and the imperium of man if you would like more damocles action make sure to sign up for our patreon where you can get full access to a four-part campaign telling the full story of this crusade it goes a long way keeping the lights on and allowing us to make more videos such as this one thanks again to our guests zach and lauren and another shout out to our sponsor of this episode audible you can get a free 30-day trial by going to audible.com play on tabletop or by texting play on tabletop to 500 500. we are so glad you joined us and hope to get to see you again in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium i am your host tycho imega and until we see you next time play on [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 94,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 40k, Warhammer, battle reports
Id: icR0Si6YmIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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