Can Sous Vide make a BETTER Philly Cheesesteak?

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This is the soggiest 10 minutes I’ve ever had, the jewel of my quest. Thanks u/dieseltrain08 I needed this right now

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BrowntownMeatclown 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome back to sofia everything guys philly cheese steak it is absolutely incredible sandwich it has been around for so many years for a reason but can suvi make it even better there's only one way to find out check it out here i have two beautiful steaks this one right here i'm going to be cooking at the traditional version which is to partially freeze it so that i can slice it nice and thin the other one however i'm going to be cooking at sous vide to make the perfect medium rare philly cheese steak and after putting on my freezer for 30 minutes this is what it looks like as you can see it's partially frozen and it should make a nice perfect philly cheesesteak sandwich but there are a few things that we gotta keep in mind you see right here this is the silver skin and also some connective tissues those gotta go so the first thing to do is to start slicing it nice and thin as you can see here since it's partially frozen it makes the job a lot easier if this sticks was at room temperature trust me this would not be achieved so easy now you can go to town until you get to the silver skin and once that happens you gotta make sure you remove all of it out i was able to take it out just like this that like i previously mentioned has to go there's no way that you can render this down it's just basically shoe leather the goal of cutting this meat is to get it nice and thin but at the same time we are not looking for ground beef we want nice little pieces of steak because it's called philly cheese steak and not philly ground beef so after chopping it up even more this is what i was left with that is exactly what i'm looking for perfect little pieces of steak but it's not ground beef and if there's one thing that goes nicely with a philly cheese steak is some caramelized onions i highly recommend using a cast iron for this and the first thing i like to do is put a good amount of oil i'm using grapeseed oil it's pretty straight forward you just gotta stir fry them on under a medium high heat if you keep them moving all the time they will not caramelize just let them get a little bit of color first then you start moving them from my experience this speed ups the process quite a bit once they reach this kind of color the next thing to do is to season them and for that i kept it pretty simple only with salt and freshly ground black pepper and of course the next thing to do is to mix it well to make sure every single one of them is nicely seasoned now the only thing left to do is to let them cook until you are 100 happy with the color and your caramelized onions are done that right there is a nice sweet taste to your philly cheese steak and if for whatever reason you don't like caramelized onions just don't put them but let me tell you something i love them now the next thing to do is to cook up our beef using the same exact pan i threw in a little bit more of oil followed by that beautiful ribeye we just chopped up now one of the most important things to keep in mind when cooking this philly cheese steak is that you want that pan nice and hot for the first two minutes try to avoid mixing it up too much because as you know if you do that would not build that crust so go ahead and start the seasoning and for that i threw in a little bit of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and onion powder nothing else as you can see because i was not moving my meat right away you develop a nice crust that my friends is flavor and something you definitely want as you can see as i move it around the moisture of the actual meat starts deglazing the pan itself there's no need to use any liquid for deglazing now the only thing left to do is to make sure every single one of them is nicely cooked because by that time your meat is done now you tell me if that's not perfectly cooked meat for philly cheese steak these little crusty beets are absolutely phenomenal now let's talk about the bread for today i'm gonna be using this italian bread you can actually find them in any supermarket but as always you can always make it at home and if you do want the recipe just let me know in the description down below one thing that we cannot miss with a philly cheese steak is the actual cheese and the original is always cheese whiz and if you've never tried this it's basically a salty cheese that is very melty and absolutely delicious all you gotta do is get a saucepan under medium heat and throw it in there let this thing melt nice and slow keep stirring it to ensure that it does not burn because once it's nice and hot it should look just like this that my friends is cheese whiz and everyone that serves philly cheese steak in philadelphia has it but now all there's left to do is to assemble our philly cheese steak so of course we start off with the steak followed by a little bit of that caramelized onions and finish it off with the cheese whiz maybe a little bit of extra cheese because as we know cheese never hurts anybody no green peppers nothing else and if this does not put a smile on your face i don't know what will because take a look at this come on that is perfection but now the big question is can you get even better than this what if we make it a perfect medium rare philly cheese steak is that going to be better well let's find out for that i'm going to be using this second steak right here as you can see it is a beautiful choice grade rib eye and we're talking about one and a half inches thick to season it i kept it exactly the same as i did with the previous one a little bit of salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder and nothing else to ensure that i'm going to be cooking this steak to perfection i'm going to be using sufi and for that i just throw it in the bag vacuum seal it and it's ready for the water bath talking about that i'll be cooking it at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours that will give me the perfect medium rare that i'm looking for i have no idea if the sous-vide village steak is actually going to be better than the traditional one as you guys know i cook that at 135 degrees fahrenheit for a total of two hours that will give me a nice perfect medium rare in the middle with all that being said the steak is ready and it's time to take it out let's do it i got my beautiful ribeye right here everybody if you could only smell how wonderful this thing smells you know after many years of doing seville it always hits me because i know when a steak is going to be something special and i can tell you that about this one right here because it's also extremely tender and it smells fantastic but i'm not sure if it's gonna beat the traditional the traditional philly cheese steak and there's only one way to find out so i know my steak doesn't look good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful philly cheese steak mama oh you like philly cheesesteak i love philly cheese steak but it has my nemesis on it i know my mouth is lactose intolerant everybody and just so you know i put a little bit of extra cheese for you yeah yes come on like it's pulling all over the place over here cheese wins everybody when you go to philadelphia they give you several different types of options but the original is cheese whiz all right so as you can see we have two different ones over here did you forget one of them on the grill or something yes one of them is a little bit more over cooked than the other yeah okay so we got that one it's kind of like uh this one looks beautiful i know medium rare perfect pinkness that's i think you can already tell what this video is about i'm guessing it has to do with the doneness i exactly exactly so i want to know if it's worth making a philly cheese steak medium rare or if it's just you know madness okay you ready for him will try the traditional first you ready now i went a little bit overboard here and put extra extra meat in there that's some thick boy right there look at that this is the way it's supposed to be i don't even know if i would be able to close look at this there's no way that it's just not gonna fall it's going to fall by no matter what cheers everybody wow i love philadelphia and their cheese steak because it's amazing whatever my mouth you have some onions yes surprise caramelized onions come on everybody it's a philly cheese steak you know what a fiji steak tastes like it tastes like heaven that's how you describe it even the sweetness of the caramelized onion just hits you right there i'm actually quite surprised who with this it's been a while since i had a good cheese steak this is a good philly cheese steak one thing you got to remember is do not over season the meat because if you over season because the cheese wheeze is a little bit salty yeah you know what i mean some salt in it then you're going to have it too salty just remember if you're going to put a good amount of cheese wheels for your lactose intolerance cousin do not over season it everybody i'll tell you one thing this is absolutely phenomenal and i am not even gonna say if you never had philly cheese everybody had a philly cheese steak once uh maybe they haven't like you know brazil we never had this before this but yeah this does not exist in brazil there's no such thing as a philly cheesesteak and if you live in a country that you never experienced anything like this do it do it i absolutely love it your mom perfect okay take it in my mind's already halfway i'm already all right let's go to the second one to see if it's worth it yeah look at that it's all fun it's a mess everybody that's the way it's supposed to be when you go to philadelphia the good places give it to you a little extra maybe that's why they're better they say the messier the better exactly cheers everybody so different wow very oh my god it's like night and day even though it's the same steak before i say my opinion mama what do you think let me ask you like is it the same same exact steak you just really seared the other one more than this one the other one was actually just cooked on the pan it was never done sous-vide this one i cooked at sous-vi and then obviously just chopped it up nice and small okay because it's so it's like two completely different sandwiches it is i agree with you it feels like this is a steak sandwich this one is like a sandwich made out of steak and this one is like a steak sandwich i don't know if that's a good description this is like the steak sandwich this is the sandwich with steak yes that's difficult to describe it's difficult to describe but for the first time i think i'm gonna prefer the nozzle oh no way really i prefer the flavor of the steak sandwich rather than the steak there you go everybody you can never go wrong with the traditional philly cheese steak i'm coming back to this one oh mama i really like it everybody he really liked the traditional one anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye you finish that one first i'm gonna finish this one first this is good see you guys on the next one everybody
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 333,068
Rating: 4.9382892 out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, philly cheesesteak, steak sandwich, steak, how to make philly cheesesteak, cooking philly cheesesteak, best steak sandwich, how to cook sous vide, sous vide steak
Id: 8NIaLuK8LbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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