145-Hour Steak Dinner vs Basic Steak Dinner!

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and for our basic stakes we're gonna start off with these two beautiful new york strips as you can tell they are one and a half inches thick and they are some nice steaks always look for a well marbled steak just like this now the first thing i like to do is to transfer them to a steak seasoning plate so that i don't lose any of my seasoning and talking about that i'm keeping it as basic as possible with a little bit of salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else even though this steak is basic i'll tell you one thing make sure you always have a nice beautiful steak as always remember to season both sides including the edges the last thing we want is to have an unseasoned meat now of course we're going to be cooking this steak sous vide and for that we just gotta bag it up vacuum seal it and get it ready for the water bath which is perfect because it allows me time to make a very simple side dish now even though these are simple i'll tell you one thing they do not lack any flavor i like to call them mini garlic bread sticks and here's how to make them i first started with these canned doughs as you can see they are hawaiian style biscuits and i mean the dough already comes ready for you you just gotta put it together so i first split them in four pieces and make them look like a stick just like this that does not get any easier now the only thing left to do is to stick them in the oven and let them bake at 325 degrees fahrenheit for 20 minutes as it's doing so it's perfect because it gave me time to make an amazing garlic sauce and here's how into a bowl i threw in half a stick of butter followed by a little bit of garlic paste and of course a little bit of parsley mix it well and your sauce is done that is as easy as it gets but once my sauce was ready so was the breadsticks and this is what they look like as you can see they are perfectly golden brown and also very flaky now the only thing left to do is to baste every single one of them with that beautiful butter we just made and i mean take a look at these as we base them they just get even better one last big advice you definitely want to try the best you can to eat them while it's hot because i mean come on no one can help themselves are they basic yes they are are they easy to make come on does it get any easier than that now the question is are they delicious cheers everybody holy oh excuse me my bad no cursing allowed it is delicious everybody it is very good now moving on to our elaborate steak and for that i'm going to be using these beautiful filaments i mean is there any other steak more elaborate than a beautiful filament like this i don't think so and as you can see these actually have a little bit of fat on them which is fantastic now to season them i kept it very simple going into the bag because we're gonna be making an incredible sauce to go along with these steaks so i just threw in a little bit of salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else honestly for souvi that's one of the best things you can do and as always i recommend seasoning both sides including the edges now the only thing left to do is to vacuum seal it and get it ready for the water bath which is perfect because it allows us time to make some incredible side dishes and the first one is going to be these incredible crunchy oven baked fries and even though they are a little bit extra it is worth your time the first thing i like to do is to start by peeling them if you are one of those people that love to eat it with the skin then just leave it on but as you can see for me i like to take it all out to cut them instead of making them in wedges this is what i like to do i split them in half remove both ends that are uneven then i just cut them straight down now the great thing about this is that they are all the same thickness this will not only make them cook even but it will also make them look awesome to cook them i like to use my outdoor stove it is more powerful and brings the water to boil a lot faster talking about water i like to season my water with a little bit of salt and also vinegar the vinegar actually helps the structure of the potatoes and keep them together that way they will not fall apart on me once i'm done with the boiling talking about that i like to leave them on the boiling water for a total of 8 minutes once done i immediately transfer them to a cold bowl and let them sit the next thing to do is to create a cornstarch slurry i just mix a little bit of cornstarch with water mix it well and let it sit for a little while and this is what you get then you want to dry the potato as much as possible now we're going to be putting a very light coat of this into the potatoes that should get them nice and crispy so the first thing i like to do is to make sure every single one of them are completely dry once that's done i transfer them to a clean bow and add a little bit of my cornstarch mix now the goal here is to make sure every single one of them has a nice light coat this should give a nice crunch to those potatoes now the only thing left to do is to get them seasoned so i started with a little bit of salt followed by garlic powder and a little bit of smoked paprika now the only thing left to do was to throw them in the oven at 450 degrees fahrenheit to get them nice and crispy and once the time was up this is what they look like i mean come on take a look at that even though these potatoes are a little extra let's see if it was actually worth the trouble it is extremely crispy check it out it does take a little bit of effort it does take a little bit of time but it's an elaborate thing that you're trying to do you know and and if you are wondering if there's any taste of vinegar absolutely not no taste of vinegar at all i'll tell you one thing um come on come on i don't bake baby i'm telling you those potatoes were amazing the next thing i got to prepare for this elaborate steak is a nice sauce and even though i'm calling this elaborate steak this sauce is easy i first started by throwing all of the juices from the bag that was left over from any steak then i threw in a little bit of heavy cream and combine everything together now here's one of my favorite substance to use ever it is called demi-glaze you just gotta throw a little bit of it mix it well and make sure everything gets nice and thick the way you like it because your sauce is done that is as easy as it gets now the next ingredient i'm gonna be using is called a cured egg yolk and this is an absolute killer to make it it's super simple i started with a mix of salt and sugar as always remember exact amount and ingredients always on the description down below for you then i made some indentations so that i can throw in my egg yolks once that's done you want to completely cover them with salt and sugar mix now there's left to do is to let them cure for a total of five days in your refrigerator because once that time is up check it out what they look like i mean if that's not easy to do i don't know what is it just takes a little bit of patience now to finish them off the only thing left to do is to wash them well and make sure we take all of that salt and sugar out then you want to put it on a cooling rack and set your oven to the lowest setting throw it in there until everything is a hundred percent dry mine took three hours and once the time is up this is what it looks like there are so many different applications for this and i'm going to be using for many things so make sure when you do it make many of it you don't want to make just one or two but now that we have all of our ingredients for our elaborate steaks it's time to cook these two beautiful steaks and also the basics and for that i'll be throwing both of them in the water bath which is at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours and i honestly cannot wait to show you how i finished these four beautiful steaks [Music] and that is how you make the perfect sauce those side dishes you already know it's good because i tried both of them and i'll tell you one thing i can eat that any day now here's the thing i cook both steaks together at 135 degrees fahrenheit for two hours they are ready we are hungry and it's time to take it out let's do it as you saw it there both of my steaks do not look that good right now i'll be honest with you because as soon as you take it out of the bag even though they smell phenomenal they look horrendous right because we got to put a nice beautiful sear and the best way to put a sear on a filet mignon i'll tell you right now is with the flame thrower why because if you do it on a cast iron pan you will not only overcook the steak but the edges around the stake usually don't get a good sear but with the flame thrower you have no problem now here's the deal i will be basting it with some garlic butter the elaborate steak aka filet mignon the other one we're just going to go as basic as possible and just flame throw the thing because it is the most convenient way to sear a steak but i know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] so [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks what do you think mama they look beautiful they do look beautiful and they smell phenomenal now here's the deal we have a little uh basic steak and then an elaborate steak right here you call that basic yeah it's a basic it's like that's like five-star dining restaurant no no no trust me it's very basic and it's very easy to make that's why i call it basic it's easy to make this takes no time at all everybody you can store it let's go for it mama on the bottom there's a side dish on the bottom there as well so i guess it's kind of almost like a sushi style you know what i mean as you grab it like that check it out you know what this is this is like a five-star restaurant sandwich that's right yeah there you go first one cheers everybody that is amazing what do you think my mom what kind of bread is that um very very not fancy bread i'll tell you that right now if i tell you what this is you're not gonna believe it try it mama some fancy bread it's not fancy it tastes fancy but it's not fancy you know those biscuits that you open and it comes in a can yes exactly that's exactly what it is but made it in a different way the little bread is it's a liar why because it keeps telling me that it's facing but it's not it's not messy at all it is amazing very easy side dish to make everybody i'm pretty sure you love it just give it a try now that one's fancy yeah this is basic that one's fancy cover the potato man you tell me what do you think my mom likes the potato right potato man that is absolutely phenomenal now start the show you ready for it let's do it okay cheers everybody wow i got a little bit of extra something something different there ah was it the sauce or was it the golden locks on the top let me try just the sauce try it sauce is good like a flaky creamy it's hard to explain yeah yeah and it doesn't taste like the strong taste of the bag i get a little hint now that you said it but it doesn't taste like eggs no it doesn't taste like eggs at all it's just like the creaminess of the egg itself that is what it is for me it is phenomenal i love what you do with the potatoes over here i only wish i had a little bit more of uh the sauce the sauce so i could mix it around a little bit more there's a lot more sauce don't worry which one you like better the fancy one the fancy one is the winner everybody now the basic one of course it takes no time at all this one here takes time you got to put some dedication into it do it for somebody special that is what it's all about anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy this video make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 299,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sous vide, steak, dinner, how to cook steak, filet mignon, steak and potato, oven baked potato, crispy potato, steak sauce, best steak, filet mignon recipe
Id: 2u8KfxrH8X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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