Dear @SortedFood, This is a REAL Philly Cheesesteak

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Glad there is a video trying to clear up some confusion. I am getting to the point that it makes me feel an inordinate amount of rage when I see people make β€œPhilly Cheesesteaks” with green peppers. Mostly because , how fucking easy is it to just not add them??? It’s literally LESS work! You want to make some kind of beef sandwich with green peppers? Go right ahead. But if you want to claim to make a Philly Cheesesteak, do not add fucking green peppers. How hard is this?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JuanCancun πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

that clown friend of his calls them cheezers? That's not a thing. That will never be a thing.

Decent video otherwise.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skip_tracer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

That may be the sexiest video I've ever seen. Now I'm hungry! Meet you at Steve's!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Femme_Shemp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I expected this to be lame as fuck like every cheesesteak related thing but man that looks great, well done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Phillypede πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

He properly addressed he grew up outside Philadelphia!! I trust this dude

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GT4130 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skomoruchar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'd make cheesesteaks with that handsome gentleman any day.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Been watching these guy's videos on and off for a while now, no idea they were originally from the area.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-TomServo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched for 20 minutes just to see this guy ruin a perfectly good cheesesteak with ketchup

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/karmatin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to sunday's fridge camp thank you thank you now our lost and hungry tour across america was fantastic however i was slightly disappointed by the philly cheesesteak i was really just wondering just one dish what should i do how can i make it better you gave me loads of tips and now i'm going to show barry how to do it right we need to toast this basically that means it doesn't get all soggy with all the juices that's why i was so disappointed with it when we ate it because i was like my expectations were up here and the result probably wasn't bad but it didn't meet my expectations now i like the sort of foo guys i think they've been making great food content on youtube for years but what happens is on this platform people get a little aggressive with the titling from time to time and they start throwing in those extra you know sprinkling in those extra words for hits like most amazing best ever greatest whatever it is and i totally understand but when it comes to the philly cheesesteak that's where i draw the lime that's where things get a little personal because i grew up outside of philadelphia and i've been eating cheesesteaks my whole life and to call this the best cheesesteak recipe ever i don't think so and i think what happened was you know they went over to philadelphia they had a disappointing cheesesteak and then they came back and recreated their own version and it looked like you know a delicious steak sandwich but to call it the best philly cheesesteak ever that is a problem because there were many flaws to the actual sandwich so i'm here to uh to kind of stand up for my hometown cheese steak and show you guys what a real cheesesteak is but i myself have to go on a bit of a journey this is a sandwich series we're making everything from scratch i need to do a little more research so for episode 10 we are headed back to my hometown of philadelphia to learn all things cheesesteak so we're headed to gyms your favorite cheesesteak place and and what makes it what makes it the best when i was a kid i worked on 9th street in the italian market and patch was about two blocks away from the store and we used to eat pats every weekend and what's pat's like is that that's his pets is an old school long time cheesesteak place maybe maybe the first one i'm not sure maybe the most famous maybe the most famous it's the one that does kind of get the credit in philadelphia and everybody people just go there for that for the name and we stayed there all the time and it was good and then when i got a little bit older we started to go to gyms gyms was a spot where you go to a concert you see music and then after it was over you still wanted to hang out and talk about the show so you go to gyms and have a cheesesteak and after eating gyms we found out it was just a little better than pasta that was it you were converted what makes it better we liked it because the the uh the the atmosphere inside is good it's an inside place so if it's winter time you can go inside instead of standing out on the street and the meat they they chop the meat up so that when you take a bite out of the sandwich you're not getting a whole stringy long piece of meat with it so pats does the full on pieces yeah pats just lays the steak on and i think james also gives you a little bit more meat more meat a little bit more meat [Music] this is jim's at fourth and south street uh so we're known as jim stakes jim stake south street jim south street um we are a famous steak and hoagie shop in philadelphia been here since 1976. and what has changed over the years not much not much yeah not much has changed we're a lot busier now than we were when we first opened up but as far as changes to actual product or what we do here nothing's really changed on a busy saturday we can sell up to 2 500 sandwiches 2 475 of them are cheese steaks what do you think makes it so popular well in philadelphia it is our sandwich we're known for cheese steaks roast pork sandwiches soft pretzels so when you come to philadelphia you have to get a cheesesteak i think what makes the cheesesteak so special is that it's simple it's not pretending to be something else cheesesteak is you know three ingredients beef roll and cheese and that's in essence you know three amazing ingredients put together there isn't a whole lot you have to do to a cheesesteak to make it a great sandwich so anybody can make a pretty good cheesesteak so anyone can make a good cheesecake a pretty good a pretty good cheese what makes a great cheesecake a great cheesesteak uh starts with a great roll the combination of its softness and the way it's baked is a great platform for our salmon next comes the beef you know you have to use a really high grade of beef so we only use top round we only use choice black angus beef that we slice here slicing right in the back now so we have a an oil which is a kind of a proprietary oil that we use here it's the um i believe that we're the only people that do serve this oil i'm not at liberty to disclose what that oil is off camera i'll tell you but that helps season our beef because we don't use any dry seasoning at all we don't use any additional seasoning we want you to be able to taste the beef next is you know your cheese you know we use american provolone and we sell more cheese whiz than anything else cheese whiz is kind of has become the essence of the philly cheesesteak even though when philly cheesesteaks were first invented back in the 30s there was no and it just made its way it's perfect it it gets into the beef especially the way we serve it because we chop our meat we don't serve it in the slab so that cheese which just kind of gets into the meat and and every bite you get cheese and what's your favorite part about being in the cheap chef business people yeah people behind the counter and the people on the other side of the counter it's a constant um making a new friend every single day it's different than a lot of other businesses where you're seeing the same people all the time here half of our business or people that we may not never see again but once you come in our door you're a friend [Music] now what most people don't know is that the reason the cheesesteak is so good is because of the bread it's served on and the reason the bread is so good is because there's a really big italian population that's been in philadelphia for decades making incredible bread because you can get you know great steak grape cheese anywhere but to replicate the style of bread that they serve in philadelphia it is very difficult and there's a lot of places around the world that you know they try to open a philly cheesesteak place and they fail miserably because they can't get that bread specifically the amoroso baking company they're the most popular and they just make this soft and fluffy and chewy it's just a perfect long roll for steak sandwich and we are going to do our best to recreate it at home which is no easy task i have not seen anyone successfully do this at home so we're gonna start out by blooming some yeast with one cup of warm water and half a cup of milk add your one package of yeast then i add two tablespoons of sugar and i'm going to be adding a special ingredient called amylase enzyme right here so this is a starch conversion aid and it says it converts starches into fermentable sugars and i actually saw chef steps use this in a sandwich roll recipe and they said that it just makes the rolls a little bit softer more like store like and that's what i'm going for for this roll so we're gonna add five grams of this stuff now here is my new bosch mixer bosch was nice enough to send me one of these things which is so exciting because it's gonna make my my bread recipe so much easier just look at this dough hook right here that is serious i'm gonna add in my flour and then add in my salt and just turn it on a low speed to incorporate those two then once the yeast is bloomed and it looks like this you can add that to the flower and then just turn it on a low speed for about one minute until everything is incorporated then you're gonna let it relax for about 15 minutes before you move on now turn it back to a low speed and let it go for about 10 to 15 minutes until you really start to develop that gluten structure once it rests you should be able to perform a little stretch test right here so you want to be able to see through the dough without breaking it too much now that was my first time using the mixer but it worked great and i'm really excited for future bread recipes if you guys want one of these things bosch is offering a 60 off coupon code click in the description below to access that now just take the dough out and give it a final need and some flour and then put it in a bowl with some oil and we're gonna put that in the refrigerator to rise and ferment overnight a nice slow fermentation when you wake up the next morning you can divide that dough into four pieces and then you are going to shape your long rolls [Music] so [Music] all right here's how we're going to do this we're going to slide these right down at the top rack and we've got this pan preheating in there oops and we are [Music] to really help those spring up in the oven and create a nice crust all right it's been 10 minutes those put them in for another 10 minutes so i put the bread in a plastic bag overnight to soften even more and the texture is just perfect you want that softness that's the classic philly roll the smell too smells exactly like a store-bought bread which i've never had before i don't know if it's from the amylase enzyme or what but i think we did a great job replicating the amoroso [Music] so not all philly cheesesteaks are created equal you know everyone has their own tricks and techniques and when it comes to the meat you know people have different thoughts a lot of people use ribeye or top round so i wanted to get some non-bias information from our friend ansel over at fleischer's to really break down what would be the best meat for a philly steak there are a lot of really great options when you're making philly cheesesteak the classic is ribeye it's fatty and it's flavorful the problem is it's become very famous so it's pretty expensive it's a very coveted cut and it's not usually not your best choice if you're going to be making cheese steaks personally i'd recommend chakkai it's much more affordable but it's just as fatty and flavorful as the rib eye what is chaka chakai comes from the shoulder it's part of the main muscle it's actually when you look at a cow the chakai leads into the rib eye there are certainly other good options top brown is a pretty common one it's also very affordable the biggest issue with it is it's pretty lean it's not going to have the same flavor that chakai or ribeye would get you other options include bottom round which is also from the same muscle group as the top round it's a bit fattier than the top round but personally again i'd recommend shotguy so what would you tell your butcher to prepare if you wanted to make cheesesteaks you're going to want to get what is called shabu-shabu cut beef or beef that's been sliced thinly on a deli slicer you'll always want to give your butcher shop about a day's notice before picking it up because they'll need to freeze it overnight before they can slice it if you're crunched for time you can usually find it at specialty asian grocers because it's very popular in dishes like hot pot when it comes to making your own oil or fat for cooking cheesesteaks what would you recommend rendering your own animal fat is super easy all you need to do is mince up the animal fat add it to a crock pot with about a half cup of water let it go on low for six to eight hours you just need to stir it every hour or so to make sure it doesn't burn after about six to eight hours what will be left in your pot is all liquid fat and what's called crackling which are the fat structures and little bits of meat left over in the fat you'll strain it through a cheesecloth lined strainer let it come to room temperature on your counter and you can refrigerate it for six months or freeze it for two years [Music] so philadelphia is known as the city of brotherly love and i think at the core that is very true but on the outside you can get something a little bit different you know the sports fans they're they're known as like super aggressive and that is very true they're very intense and when you go to one of these philadelphia cheesesteak establishments they can be uh let's say a little abrasive a little intense and sometimes it's scary to order and you got to get it right so i'm bringing in my friend julian who who i would say is a philly slang expert and he's going to teach you the ways to order a cheesesteak in philadelphia well i mean people in philadelphia take cheese steaks to a very high regard so you need to come prepared recite that order over and over in your head while you're in line leading up to um and it's a very proudful edgy you know people of philadelphia so you have to get it right or they'll see right through you so take me through when you're going to order a cheesesteak you know how do you want to sound so they don't see right through you you have to sound confident like you have to go up there and acting like you've been there before even if you haven't you have to go your cheese of choice first yeah you have to let them know american whiz wit or without so for me people find me a little you know off color but i like whiz um i go wizwit wizwit and it's a quick cadence and it's you know no h in the t it's wizwit ah so that's it just whiz wit means cheese with onions cheese whiz with onions correct so what if you want you know provolone without onions you go up to the counter and you go provolone no onions you gotta let them no onions go throw them in there and what grain is like the onions also add such a great element to it i mean my father asked for burnt onions that dude loves a fried onion on that cheesesteak so tell me about uh if i'm your cousin you want to go get a cheesesteak with me down in the city just just tell me how that would go yeah so i mean look not everyone's fortunate to have season tickets to the eagles yeah so what you would what you would do was you go down you get yourself parked down there and pass yonk avenue roll early go down there get a couple cheesers you know get a couple steak sandwiches and you go back to your cousin's crib and you sit down there and you enjoy your steak sandwiches watch the birds win hopefully but uh yeah it's a typical day and you know maybe take a walk around the block say hello to the cousins go back for supper but it's really you get down there early you get yourself a cheeser you sit on the cash you wash the goals you wash the eggs and you go from there but it starts and stops at the cheesers so i'm sure most of you know how to dice an onion but i'll give you a quick tutorial to get those perfect caramelized onions so you can see i left the root on there so what you're gonna do is take your knife give it just a few slices this way boom i did three a few slices this way turn it and then when you get to the edge just flip it and go around so you don't waste any onion at all so you saw gems you throw the meat on and you can slice it up on the actual griddle i don't have a big space for that i don't have a huge griddle so i'm just gonna give it some pre-chopping here so i don't have to actually chop it up on the griddle just a rough chop i'm not mincing this or turning this into ground beef i'm just chopping it up into these little pieces so you still get some nice steak chunks i'm gonna use a nice big cast iron skillet here on like a medium low heat just you know a nice even heat throughout the whole cooking process almost like you would be cooking on a big flat top grill our dry aged beef fat you can see if it's cool in your house it will solidify we're gonna go in with some of that to cook up these onions now the key to good caramelized onions is really just patience just slowly cooking them over a low heat letting those sugars develop you're not like quickly trying to fry them and turn them brown but i'm also not going for like an extremely low and slow caramelized onions there's levels to it i'm going somewhere in the middle and also a little bit of salt will help the the browning process as well we're getting there the sugars are starting to caramelize but we need a little more color just about there it's been probably 10 minutes stirring these so they don't burn looking amazing they taste amazing and they still have a nice texture to them which is important you still want to retain some bite so i don't need all of these onions for one sandwich so i'm gonna scoop some out and just sweep everything over to one side let those onions stay nice and warm on this side of the pan now we're gonna go in with more beef fat and then in with our beef i'm gonna keep it at the same heat too of course salt that i'll throw some pepper on that now you're really just looking to cook the redness out of the meat some people will do a harder brown on the meat but you know when it's so thin it's like you don't want to dry it out we will combine the onions with the beef so here's the key to assembling your cheese steak number one this has to fit in the pan your bread roll so we're just gonna cut off the edges there now of course slice this down the side but don't go all the way through just open it up wow this is a straight up philly roll right here okay now we're gonna stack the meat in the shape of our sandwich this is key right here then we're gonna lay our cheese right over top to melt i'm using provolone which has always been my favorite you can use american that's pretty classic of course cheese whiz i'm not a big cheese whiz fan the processed stuff not for me now just take a lid like that all right she's melted look at that it will continue to melt in the sandwich of course now we're going to take our roll just like you saw at gems and just boom right over okay now this is the hardest part and it makes it a lot more difficult because i don't have a big pan but i have to scoop that back into the actual bread roll i need like let's see maybe two spatulas can i do two spatulas is that even possible is this even possible [Music] yes this is what a cheesesteak should look like super gooey cheese melted all the way through beautiful beef still nice and juicy caramelized onions there you go i'm proud of this thing i haven't even tasted it yet but i feel like i did philly well you know sort of food they were disappointed with the philly cheesesteak they decided to craft their own version this is a true philly cheesesteak but the official taste test oh boy [Music] there's a reason that some sandwiches are so popular and they don't change for decades and the philly cheesesteak is a great example of one that's so simple but everything together the softness the the beef the the cheesiness the caramelized onions it's so simple at the core but it's just incredible you take one bite at least for me i get transformed right back to eating cheesesteaks at home it was so good it was so good listen it's not something you want to be eating every day but it's just such a treat like julian said you head down to the game you get yourself a few cheesers and when it comes to like picking a cheesesteak place what i was realizing is it's really about tradition it's it's what you grew up on if it's your local pizza shop in philadelphia they're probably making good cheesesteaks you know i've had so many good cheesesteaks from just around my neighborhood but then it's like yeah you know my dad liked gym so that's the place i grew up on that's what i like i don't think i've ever tasted one this freaking good i'm like salivating just thinking about eating the rest of this but make sure you follow me at life by mike g i'm teasing out uh episodes of the sandwich series and giving away prizes if you get them right definitely try making it at home if you're in philly try cheesesteak i know the sort of food guys were disappointed i don't know where they ate at but this is the true stuff right here when you come to fill it up you have to come to gems on south street number one hippie street it down and in fact we have the best cheesesteaks in the country number one because the black angus number two the atmosphere and number three is the customer doesn't make jim so great have one when you get a change amazing
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 1,732,262
Rating: 4.723639 out of 5
Keywords: cooking video, enzyme tire spunk, how to make cheesesteak, cheesesteak recipe, perfect cheesesteak, hoagie roll, amoroso roll, amoroso recipe, real philly cheesesteak, jims steaks, best philly cheesesteak, philadelphia cheesesteak, philly slang, how to carmelize onions, sorted food cheesesteak, mike greenfield, perfect long rolls, italian roll recipe, sandwich roll recipe
Id: D9Vn2i6uwZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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