BIRRIA Tacos Sous Vide, Best thing I ever made PERIOD!

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[Music] welcome back to sevilla everything guys you saw the thumbnail this thing is absolutely phenomenal and it is also a hundred percent inspired by my good friend oscar from youtube channel la capitao shout out to you broad because this thing is amazing let me stop talking about it and let me just show you check it out and everything starts off with these beautiful pieces of meat and if you are unfamiliar with them they are short ribs and as you can see these are very well marbled it almost looks like wagyu but we all know it's not now birya tako is something that it's cooked for a very long time so the first thing we gotta do is to put a nice beautiful sear on it because by the time we are done cooking this sous vide they are just basically gonna completely fall apart and obviously for that to put a nice quick sear on it the best way to do is with the flame thrower nice and quick and the results are perfect every single time i know they look good enough to eat already but remember they are completely raw to go along with our meat i'm also going to be adding a little bit of bone marrow this should give a nice rich flavor to our broth and if you know me bone marrow and myself we are best friends now the next thing to do is pretty easy you just gotta back up those beautiful short ribs followed by a little bit of bone marrow and an incredible marinade which is all of where the flavor comes from and to make this marinade is super easy and here's how remember exact amount of ingredients always on the description down below for you the first thing i like to do is to prepare my chilies these are dried guajito and to use them i first like to cut the top part out and remove all of the seeds even though the guajiro chili is not that spicy i definitely recommend you taking it all out at least to me in the end you will have a better broth and these are the second dried chilies i'm going to be using it is the same exact process and as you can see they are not that hot just make sure you remove all of the seeds the next thing to do is rehydrate them in boiling water this does not take that long we're talking about anywhere between three to four minutes and don't even think about throwing that liquid water away now the next thing to do is to throw everything into the blender i started with my tomatoes followed by white onions all of the rehydrated chilies we just made a little bit of that water that was boiled with the chili then i threw in some salt garlic powder ground cinnamon brown sugar one chicken bouillon and finish it off with lime juice now there's left to do is to blend it well because by that time your marinade is done that is how it's easy to make this wonderful marinade and of course before adding it to the bag don't forget two bay leaves but hey we are not done yet the next thing to do is to make a seasoned oil because we're gonna be using this amazing seasoned oil to fry up some tortillas so into the bowl i threw in a little bit of garlic powder followed by smoked paprika brown sugar black pepper freeze dry oregano and finish it off with one chicken bouillon now there's left to do is to mix it well and your spice mix is ready for the season oil i'm also going to be using a little bit of guajiro chilies and just like before with the marinade it is the same exact process make sure you remove all of the seeds so into the pan i threw in a little bit of canola oil to make sure that it's hot enough i like to use the wooden spoon trick and as soon as you see a little bit of these bubbles coming up it's because it's ready but if you like accuracy you are looking at 300 degrees fahrenheit because the last thing you want to do is burn the spices and as you can see the next thing to do is just fry up those chilies you want to stir them around and fry them up for at least four minutes this should extract most of the flavor once again using that spoon trick you want to make sure that your oil is at 300 degrees fahrenheit because the last thing you want to do is burn the spices and if your is at 300 degrees fahrenheit it should fry up nicely just like this keep it under very low heat and let it simmer for at least five minutes once that time is up the only thing left to do is to strain it because your seasoned oil is done that is as easy as it gets but now that we have everything ready it's time to go back to our beautiful short rib after adding our marinade the only thing left to do is to vacuum seal it and get it ready for the water bath talking about that i'm cooking them at 185 degrees fahrenheit for 24 hours that should make them nice and tender and i can't wait for you to see how awesome this recipe is [Music] the color of that seasoned oil is exactly what you're looking for everybody at the same time you got to cook everything to nice and tender to make sure that the bone completely comes off that's why i did it at 185 degrees fahrenheit for 24 hours i'm telling you if the bone is attached to the meat i'll be surprised but it is ready and it's time to take it out let's do it [Applause] [Music] there we have it everybody it smells so fantastic i wish youtube really had smell-o-vision so that you guys can experience what i'm experiencing did you see how tender it is the bones come completely off at the same time it still holds a little bit of its structure but the smell just absolutely kills me now here's the plan we're going to be making video taco and the way it works is as you guys saw it i made the season oil so i'm gonna dump the tortilla in there put it on a cast iron skillet with a little bit of this wonderful meat that we just made together obviously with the juice and then it's just time to serve with a little bit of cheese cilantro and onion is there any possibility that this is not going to be amazing i don't think so and don't forget always with video taco you got to serve a little bit of this juice so that we can dip it i know it doesn't look that good right now but watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful birya tacos what do you think mama why the sampler size oh mama come on mama it's little street tacos from amal to give it a try and if you enjoy it don't worry i got the big one too he tells him to come over here if i'm hungry tell him to come over and then he gives me appetizers they saw me actually making a few more mama you just don't try it mama what happened with the film yes why they didn't make it let's not go there but at the same time we have other family members in the house you know who you are okay okay we i got more don't worry my mom i got plenty guys this one actually is good because he gives quite a bit of tacos you know i only i did four short ribs by the way short ribs in there okay so it's gonna be good already i know right and there has quite a bit of tacos you can probably make i don't know maybe i made more than 20 tacos everybody all right so this is how it works let me show you you grab a little taco like this check it out this is messy food this is you're going to make a mess it's a taco it's a mess yeah of course all right you grab your little right here your little dipping sauce you know what that is a lot of fat bone marrow okay i'm out so here you go ready for it a nice dip yeah okay you know what i'm excited you ready mom nice dip and cheers my mom cheers everybody my god wow how are you doing there my mom it's amazing it's amazing so here's the deal it's nice and crunchy the outer skin the short rib is fall off the bone as you guys saw it you bite on it there is zero resistance and only flavor it's ridiculous it's that's what it is that's ridiculous that's how good it is that's the description ridiculous what do you think mama you tell me what do you think it's ridiculous describe to them if they were here with me how they can experience this kind of flavor because guys i recommend this one a million percent so the only thing that actually has any resistance when you bite is the shell yeah it's crunchy it has a little a little bit of crunch you know why because it's just soft crunch yeah you're soggy crunch but soft crunchy it's not crunchy yeah because it was the kind of deep fried almost you know in the oil that's why i have that little crunchiness yeah so it has a little bit of a crunch but still very soft and pleasant to bite and then you get inside of it the short rib is amazing is crazy oh sure if you guys gonna do it make sure you make it a lot because you can just sit down and just mold them like a lawnmower like i'm already on the last one and i feel like i'm talking non-stop over here i know it's almost like the last one too look at that it's um because there's a little street tacos there's three bites and you're done three bites and you're done and the sauce is amazing when you dip it everybody i mean check it out you have a little flavor of the bone marrow you have a little bit of the short rib and then you can have the taco either with the sauce or without it and it's two different flavors yeah like when you add the sauce on it it adds a little layer of fat to the flavor with all those uh ingredients that we have over there the the extra flavor from the from the juices from the bag too you can tell yeah that's amazing this is one of the best things you've ever done i think this i agree with you i think this is one of the best things i've made in this channel that is how good it is yeah that's better yeah now we're talking now my mom is happier yeah it's bigger it's always better sometimes anyway guys these are the results i highly recommend you guys giving this one a try it's definitely definitely worth your time and it is worth you tasting something absolutely incredible if you do enjoy this video make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in any of the equipment i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 696,960
Rating: 4.9414015 out of 5
Keywords: birria taco, sous vide, street taco, best taco, street food, juicy taco, steak taco, tacos, taco recipe
Id: db8KvJjyRuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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