Can Sous Vide Make a BETTER Popeyes Chicken Sandwich?

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[Music] welcome back to Sevilla everything guys today I'm gonna show you my take on crispy sandwich from Popeyes check it out in order to do justice for the sandwich I first got to give it a try so after heading up to Popeyes and getting my own this is what it looks like now the same don't judge a book by it's cover it's true here you gotta remember this is fast food and the fact that the buns are all squished up means nothing it is a hundred percent about the taste I can clearly see that the chicken is quite crispy there's a thick pickle in there and I'm gonna slice it up to see what we got inside whoa that's a thick crust I think it's also potato bread the chicken still looks juicy you can also clearly see that there is some type of sauce but the most important thing is the taste how will it taste so I gotta give it a go and as soon as I took a bite I was like whoa this is good it's crispy juicy the meat is tender and the texture difference between the crispy and the bun is awesome that is an awesome chicken sandwich and I end up eating all of it and I have a feeling if you are doing this kind of research you would have done the same for using the other hand we can clearly see that the sauce is spicy the bread is kind of sweet so it's definitely some type of potato bread or brioche okay I think I got it now let me show you my take on it so let's do it to find out which one is best I'm gonna be using chicken breast and also chicken thighs I know for a fact they were using breasts but I do feel like chicken thighs are way better so in order to find out which one is best we're gonna be using both now for a fact we know that there was no skin on the sandwich so it needs to be removed because it's gotta go to take it off it's pretty simple just start off with your knife and pull it out with your hand it is not a big deal we also know that there was no bone on the sandwich and to remove it's pretty simple just work your knife around the bone and take it all out if you don't want to use it now you can always freeze it and make wonderful chicken stock with it but once I was done you can see that was left with boneless skinless chicken thighs I also did not remove all the fat that is exactly what you're looking for now moving to the breast one thing I noticed when I sliced that open is that it was flattened so I'm gonna go with my instinct and make sure I take care of that and to do it it's pretty straightforward laid out some clinch plastic put the chicken right on top and another layer over it using a meat mallet just go to town and make it as thick as you wish by the time I was done this is what it looks like it almost doubled its size as perfect for fast food because you will make three instead of just one once I was done this is what they look like we got the chicken breast and the thighs ready for a marinade talking about that remember exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below for you I started off with buttermilk if you had unfamiliar with buttermilk it's not the same thing as milk as you can see it's much thicker it's pretty easy to do it at home and I'll make sure to link a video in the description down below which I've made in the past you can always check that out later on for the seasoning I threw in a little bit of cayenne pepper followed by garlic powder and finished it off with salt now there's left to do is to mix it well in your marinade is ready as you can see it's nice and thick and exactly what you're looking for now you want to separate this in two batches because one we're gonna be marinating the chicken with and the second one we're gonna be using as a batter so that we can deep-fry it and the first one we're gonna be putting raw chicken on it that's why it's important to separate to marinade make sure you add one by one coating all the sides before throwing everything in this way sure that every single piece of chicken is covered with the marinade you want to let it marinate for at least four hours or better yet overnight the very next day I took them out and laid them on a cooling rack this will allow all the extra marinade to fall off remember we've done a marinade experiment before and it's always better to cook without the marinade in the bag you don't have to wipe it completely dry just make sure you let it straining before adding it to the bag the next thing to do is to seal them and others left to do is to put my chicken to cook talking about that I'll be cooking the breasts at 149 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour the chicken breast however will be cooked at 167 for two hours and I can't wait to find out how my sandwich is gonna taste I got my beautiful chickens ready the breast was cooked at 149 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour the thighs however at 167 for two hours but they're ready and it's time to take him out let's do it [Music] but now that they are ready we must season our flower so for that I throw in a bunch of all-purpose flour followed by garlic powder smoked paprika black pepper salt and finish it off with corn starch mix it well and your season flowers done here's a quick tip if you like it spicy just add a little bit of cayenne pepper you know my good friend chef John loves this so in his honor I just added a little more once that was done my seasoned flour was done the next thing to do is the sauce and as you can see I have my tiny whisk ready so I started with a little bit of mayo followed by sweet soy sauce now since Popeyes is from Louisiana and I have to use Louisiana Hot Sauce if you've never tried this it's wonderful and I think it's perfect for the sauce then I threw in a little bit of garlic powder and to finish it off I threw in a little bit of pickle juice now there's left to do is to mix it well and my sauce is done I'm telling you right now friends this sauce is amazing and at least to my taste is quite similar to the one in Popeyes now we can't forget about the next ingredient which is the bread and for my take I'll be using brioche buns alright everybody we have our beautiful chickens ready as you can see we have the breast and the thighs they're ready to go now here's the deal the juices from the bag itself since there was a little bit of marinade left I wouldn't recommend these saving it and making a chicken stock or anything like that this one has to be discarded ok with that being said I have a still a little bit of my marinade left and what's gonna happen is I'm gonna dunk it back in there and then put it on my seasoned flour so that I can deep-fry it until I got a nice beautiful golden color on that flour of course so you can make it really really crispy I'm not gonna recoup the chicken and just flash frying the dog don't know the the flour so I'm putting my oil at 400 degrees Fahrenheit that would be good to give it a nice crispy skin without overcooking the chicken itself and of course I have my sauce already ready to go with all that being said all there's left to do is put it together I know it doesn't look that good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] alright everybody we have our beautiful chicken sandwiches here what do you guys think okay so we have popeyes chicken here chicken said you ever had it no no everybody's going nuts for this one and I actually never had it but I'd have to do some R&R or DNR or what is it you got buddy IND yeah and I already tried it so I want you guys to try that one first to be fair to Popeyes all right everybody the bun looks all squished up because they put it in the bag everybody all right they put it in the bag mine was not put it in the bag that's why it looks kind of ugly yeah I'm ready to take a bite cheers everybody oh you guys tell me that's pretty good I like Sam what happened my god Henderson it's amazing isn't it good I mean who is that this is not good they're crazy buddy it's juicy it's also a little bit spicy do you feel the spiciness it's not like I'm gonna kill you or anything like that yeah especially in the end after it just it's it's a lot spicy there's just a little kick yeah the meat is not dry no no no just juicy juicy yeah one is not dry either no no no it looks like it was stepped on but that's because it was in the bag but it's good it's a great one it's a great boy somebody stepped on the bun everybody did pickles great great higher to the saddle where ever come out with the sandwich deserves an award you guys because it's a pretty good center let's go in my first attempt ready no I give it a try alright this one looks kind of funny cuz it look kind of squarish but anyway you ready for this cheers everybody okay I'm very biased if I have to say anything you guys tell me wow that one I mean I'm biased but I prefer mine better yeah yeah your breast is a lot more tender the breast is more tender and juicy obviously because he was done sous-vide first so it's you squished it no yeah you could add it yeah i fleming the chicken breast yeah yeah this is just a big chicken breast but that was put in the fryer so ya didn't do anything so it's what I think is that the chicken breast itself is just more tender yeah right it does feel a lot more tender though it's just more tended I need a check the taste is pretty similar everybody but the chicken breast because he was sous-vide first he's just more tender and then the bread is also brioche bun I think they use potato bread on the wooden butt which there's nothing wrong with it but the breeze but the brioche bun to me at least is a little bit better so I definitely think it's end up great your spicy yeah not gonna kill you but I do the violet there's some bytes to have way more space than the rest Yeah right I think it's better but that's all I gotta say about that so what's up with this there's all here's the deal right original as you guys saw they make it what you can breasts I did the same what you can breasts and then I try what you can dice I like to confess better I know you liked you can dice better I know you don't like chicken thighs better right I mean you're good in certain place so we're gonna try and see it what are you doing all right look the same now you trying to be fair to Popeyes of course with the everybody Cheers hey it's just more flammable from me what do you think better no you like the brass better what about you Sam live or did I - I just think the guy is such more flavourful mouth don't you so you telling me you like less flavor pissed off at you it's a different kind of flavor okay fair enough there you go when you can give it a try - both of them I do feel like the chicken side it has more flavor juiciness obviously has a little bit more fat so for me it's better fat equals flavor so I think that's where we come in how are you saying it one third one I'm out pick one favorite second one chicken breast anyway guys this is my take on Popeye's Chicken they do a really good job if you've never tried it definitely give it a try but for some reason homemade is always better so much better homemade is better than Maddie anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interested in anything I use everything's always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,117,497
Rating: 4.9252405 out of 5
Keywords: popeyes chicken sandwich, crispy chicken, best chicken sandwich, how to make sous vide chicken, sous vide chicken, sous vide, fast food, recipe
Id: imxSZQJj8GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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