Can randomly generated Pokemon defeat the Elite Four?

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hey everybody what's up how are you doing we're beating the game today for the third time uh this is the third stream in a row for pokemon that i said we're beating the game but we're actually doing it today yes hello how are you hope you're doing well uh let's very that's a little more reasonable geez but like actually like actually yeah like actually we're doing it hello sorry it was so loud yeah uh we're back uh we're how many hours in are we actually i know it says 26 but we're we're not that far in or we're further than that i don't know uh yeah we're here though um this is my i'm not i know i i know minecraft splits are there i i know you think i'm a minecraft streamer but i don't only play minecraft uh how many hours in are we again does anyone remember i don't know your 1 000 gift box is gone oh my god gabby can you thank you for the uh the the nine months by the way i appreciate it uh i am zelda uh lamech kmg thank you for the subs i appreciate it we're 22 hours into this this one is taking quite a bit longer than the other ones i feel like right i don't know still it's fine those 3d textures though yeah look at this look at that 3d house very nice first stream welcome what gamers this is pokemon diamond you can see our team let's heal up and look at my team really quick okay okay thanks to tier one i appreciate it matt smith thanks for the nine months pp 696 longer thanks to the tier one thanks to the subs hello hello okay so our our team our team is this is this right now we're trying to get a better team uh we have greg level 50 turnip level 37 silver level 48 bonnie level 48 pretzel juice uh we're gonna replace turnip pretzel juice today with uh just wild level 4850 pokemon and then we're just going to throw ourselves at the elite four until we win it's as simple as that in joker thanks 100 bits but uh yeah we're just going to catch some slightly stronger pokemon uh i think we were surfing around trying to find slightly stronger pokemon last time i don't believe we have any money left yeah we have 60 poke dollars to our name so i'm gonna surf around a little bit to try and find a pokemon that's like level 45 or higher i'm not gonna be picky i am not gonna be picky have you found a shiny yet not yet but there's a chance we find one today there's always a chance we find one on any particular day i think i used up all of my shiny luck for the entirety of my life in that one shiny challenge next beyonce so the 16 months been lurking for 16 months now i feel like it's time to look a bit less today hey nexions thanks uh and avocado thanks for the tier one marshy thanks to tier one quite awful thanks for the tier one as well okay we're waiting until we see like a level 45 or higher that's it that's all that's what we're waiting for literally it we're just gonna go here gonna surf back and forth until we get a good pokemon don't replace pretzel i'm sorry pretzel we have to do it use the versus seeker on the yeah i mean i know how to get higher level 44. oh do i catch a level 44 i don't know i don't know it's pretty it like it's four levels higher is that high enough no i'm gonna say 45. i'm gonna i'm gonna say i'm gonna i'm gonna say level 45. that's when we're gonna switch them around okay slidex thanks for the prime surfing diamond pro so slow it really is isn't it 36 i won't catch it you look like point crow come up with more creative insults please it's those are getting a little bit old sir zyko thanks for the two months nightly nicholas thanks for two months are you using an emulator no what makes you think that the cave is better odds you think if we just like a surf in the cave i guess maybe uh i'm gonna get a pokemon that can learn fly and then we'll just go into the cave i guess uh there one can learn fly there you do not look like point grow i mean i'm white and i wear glasses and i have brown hair uh uh uh apparently we all look the same th thanks to tier one i look like many of you in chat too do you get collector's anxiety no i use up all the stuff i need at any point in time paul burgercraft thanks for the prime it's weird that you need to use waterfall to go down a waterfall that doesn't make much sense now does it all right we're gonna go into the cave try and find the level 48 or something we'll see pretty sure there's water just to the right of this yeah we'll just we'll uh rock climb and and go into the water uh real quick rock climb i have no idea how long this will take none of my pokemon can learn rock climb never mind okay is this going on youtube read the fact if any of you are new to the stream and think of a question there's a 95 chance that it's in the fact and wait i'm i'm thinking next thing you're gonna ask is absolutely i'm new to the stream and you're gonna ask a completely ridiculous question that you know isn't in the faq wait for it where is it where is it no no now that i said it it's going to happen but one of you was at least one of you was typing that in and i see right through you okay are the owner are you the owner of small and vods yes i am i am the owner of small and vods oh my god i forgot to upload videos on it um i should probably do that that it's all my to-do list too i just haven't looked huh i'm new to the stream what question isn't in the faq that one really bonnie can't learn it [Music] there we go why is geico on my arm i just got a new tattoo i just wanted to try it out i did say i was going to get a a tattoo at a million subs and uh geico was like yo two mil for a tattoo like it's a win-win um i'm just gonna run level 44 i'm not settling for anything lower than 45. i'm sorry i just won't settle yo this team is kind of kind of stacked though [Music] sherry yacht thanks for the tier one bomb back thanks for the prime laurexy thanks to the tier one where is the fact now that's a question that i think is actually somewhat reasonable to ask it's uh and just scroll down with your highest level hype train they can only go up to level five but we've had a level five hype train go to two thousand percent before it was terrifying it was terrifying level 36 you're garbage i don't want your level 36 garbage get out of my face never mind he's gonna get me out of his face okay thought you weren't running from any encounter i am for like uh these aren't making the battles any more interesting i'm just trying to catch a wild pokemon at this point i'm just trying to catch some odd pokemon yo yellow cape thanks to tier one [Music] how are your taxes oh i should probably do that right something that i forgot to do is apparently when you're self-employed instead of paying taxes like at the end of the year you have to do it every like three months i haven't done yet and i think you have to do it by the 31st but i have no idea how much i need to pay or where i need to pay it i'm canadian by the way do it like ludwig maybe yeah i could just ask ludwig how he got got away with it [Music] oh level 46 don't mind if i do yeah call an accountant my i don't know if my accountant is is the 31st a holiday maybe i'll like email my account tonight and see if i can get an email for tomorrow is december 31st a holiday in [Music] statutory canada in canada new year's eve is december 31st new year's day is january 1st in canada new year's day is a federal statutory holiday in every province and territory okay it's not a holiday tomorrow i can email my accountant at like 1am today or technically 1am tomorrow and then she'll probably get back to me so i know approximately how to pay and where to pay it this is this is how i do things last second last minute it works great uh i don't know what i'm just gonna crunch it yeah that's gonna do nothing i really should have done that already i just forget i'm working on other stuff you use a smoke ball run away from random encounters i'm trying to catch this one though it's your taxes but like if no one reminds me to do it i just won't remember the only reason why i remembered to pay my taxes is because my mom has texted me every morning saying hey have you done your taxes yet so like that's literally the only reason why i know how or know what like to do it like literally this morning i woke up to a text that said from my mom good morning you getting to the bank today to pay your taxes [Music] do your taxes or you pay interest [Music] i i will it's just it's it's tough to get around to it because it's it seems like a lot of work like what i don't what am i supposed to do dr jaws thanks to tier one [Music] like it's so boring how how am i supposed to do taxes when they're just that like i'm gonna have to look through a bunch of numbers and like send them to someone so they can tell me how much to put into another number place like come come on we caught it by the way you have an accountant yeah but i need to gather some numbers for my accountant also we caught stelix what are we naming this is anyone in chat named taxes by chance any any any sub named taxes [Music] anyone at all anybody i'm waiting for a sub that's named taxes magma thanks for the prime i'll name it after you that's me huh captain quinn give me a sub thank you i'm scrolling i'm scrolling uh there's someone with texas texas in their name that's close enough texas welcome to the team all right um we need two more pokemon let's do it i need to have a faster pokemon out front that doesn't do anything right yo he just masked man thanks to the four too late to get a man named after you hey don't worry about it there's a level 45 i'll catch this i'm crazy i'll do it uh will this kill no amber gifting us up to taxes thank you amber don't kill him yes yes okay poke balls water and bug type pokemon this will work on floatzel gonna catch another one floats was caught first ball no problem queen of the wall flowers thanks for the 11 months okay give a nickname absolutely i'm gonna name this one [Music] i'm gonna name this one joy i think just joy is a nice name that's good not jew joy okay one more [Music] one more and then we're good well there you go there's our last pokemon we're gonna catch it and we're gonna get the free out of here dude float souls water type not bug type yo the warm tortilla thanks for the prime bori thanks for the primer boy stimpy thanks to the prime he can survive another one right we'll rage all right and we'll catch it with a simple pokeball in the first throw easy peasy one two oh it's easy what did i say what did i say no okay never mind it's easy and so i ended up getting some mail today and i went to go pick it up and i i've been ordering like pc parts for a new pc right because i want a better one and uh i got like like i'm beginning i have one two three four five packages in that that's pc part so far and i've been waiting for the case that's one of the big ones and yeah i got another 30 90. okay it's the third one i don't know why they keep sending me them i don't know what to do no but um i went to go pick up the mail and i go to the place and i'm like yeah here's here's my id they'll they'll take out the package and the person goes into the back takes out a package the size of like a refrigerator like i think there's a refrigerator in this box it is massive and i'm like uh that's that's not right and um like it's like taller than me no it's not um it's big though and i'm like like i look at it it's like what did i order that is that large and then the person beside me they go and they walk over and then they sign and then they take it on like a little a little thing that you know the little tippy thing with wheels on the bottom and they like bring it out of the building like okay it's not mine a dolly a dolly there we go they put it on a dolly and take it out of the building and then i'm waiting and then they go back to the back again and they come back with a package that's almost as big it's like like kind of almost up to my chest it's like real wide a completely black box and i'm like my god and i see on the side it's a uh it's the computer the pc case i had no idea it was that big like it is filling up a half of my closet that's why the stream was five minutes late because i was like what am i supposed to do with this thing it can't fit in my room i had to like empty my closet there's like a bunch of on my bed that was in my closet before like like some like uh like uh like my suitcases and stuff and that's just it's just there [Music] show us no it's not really all that organ i mean it kind of is organized but nah please say it's 90 air no i looked in the box there's like a little bit of padding but [Music] it's grab the box no it's in like the back corner it's surrounded by like a thing and another thing like it would be way too hard like it's like a server rack size a shiny the next 15 minutes to get a hundred dollars okay but yeah i have uh i don't know why but they keep sending me uh 30 90 graphics cards it's kind of absurd good streaming for fiving bitcoin if they keep sending me these damn graphics cards it's like half of my closet i don't know why they've sent me so many like okay these are at least easy to grab because they're on top we have this one right then we have this one yeah then there's this one let's put this one back in the closet and then there's this one they just i don't know why they just keep sending me 30 90s what is going on [Music] i don't understand do a giveaway i'm i'm giving it away to my editor quad sli i don't i think i don't even know if getting handled too got to fill up the case somehow yeah this refrigerator of a computer i'm going to need to put it in like an industrial like refrigerator to cool this thing off because there's so much garbage in it [Music] a box fort out of 30 90s yeah one two three caught not okay was the chunky rocky redeemed by the way let me see review requests q yesterday there was one there was not redeemed today [Music] yo i think this i need to do here we go and i need to do this i imagine making so rich they make a 4 out of 30 90s i'm not making i didn't i only ordered one i only ordered one i didn't order 17 of them i'm not rich uh like you know i i could scalp them thanks for the red the other day hey no problem it was a lovely coincidence that you happened to call your your whole group the ant colony as well kind of funny because we just decided to rate a random streamer for for christmas oh yo there's someone redeemed him that was that was funny i wonder if it was like what are the odds right what are the odds appreciate the ant crossover yeah where do you get the 30 90s from best buy best buy just had some [Music] okay i'm just gonna wait until we catch this thing i'm just gonna just gonna spam this it's gonna it's only gonna take another second or two i bet it's just gonna take a second or two it's all it's only gonna maybe one more like one more pokeball tops like after this one i meant c told you okay goldbat was caught level 45 now we got a brand new team let's name this after someone uh colonel thanks for the three months nobody thanks to the prime not you rms titanic give a nickname to the goal bat absolutely who are we naming this one after [Music] hmm blade thanks for the prime does casey the goal bat fit i don't think casey the golbat would fit [Music] how about me cynical party thanks to the tier one you know what cynical is kind of a cool name maybe we'll name it cynical how do you spell cynical again did i spell it wrong wait no i can check the the sub things cool this is how they spell their name right cynical cynical party yeah yeah yeah okay okay yo leo thanks for the tier three by the way man that's crazy thank you all right let's get out of here now do i have an escape rope no i don't uh we don't have a pokemon that knows digs so we just got to escape somehow and i'm just going to throw myself with the elite four and hope for the best really um crunch might take me out we'll see mean look me air cutter there's like a good chance we lose this battle i'm gonna be honest call the dark type shadow they they're different every battle they're never a dark type oh juice juice no i'm sorry you're done kiddo okay one of these boys gotta learn rock climb right rock climb yeah okay mud bomb is this a nuzlocke no if it was a nuzlocke i wouldn't have had any deaths ethan thanks for the five okay we are running we are running we have run okay uh we do have a pokemon that can learn fly so i'm gonna fly up now i love this music let's take a moment to appreciate this song do as i try and blindly find the zap plate i know it's around here somewhere i remember finding it when i was like 10. i know there's a zap plate around here you can't hide it from me forever [Music] i'm gonna find it around here somewhere i'm not going to use the item finder i refuse to use the item finder it's garbage the the poke app sucks i refuse twist it's in platinum it might be in platinum but i don't want to believe that raffle thanks to the sub walk let's see is it behind the statue maybe this little thing riveting content it's solid content what can i say is it behind the statue perhaps nope this looks like twitch plays yep come on it's around here somewhere my 10 year old brain wouldn't have wouldn't lie to me i know there's a zap plate around here somewhere if i were to hide a zap plate where would i hide it right here but apparently they wouldn't okay i'll use the item finder [Music] told you there was a sky plate told ya [Music] my my child brain has betrayed me i had the plate part right okay nico thanks for the tier three by the way i appreciate that man okay um i always say zap plate but it's never a zap plate i just want a zap plate okay let's swap out our team now and defeat our rival wait what i did not press half of those buttons let's try this again turn up you did good kid i'm gonna leave you in the special box same with you same with you juice all right we're getting a new team are we doing the elite four yeah that's all we have left all right what do we got we got um texas we got cynical and we got joy a whole new team we got a ho-oh uh zapdos a mammoth this is a pretty solid team though didn't you do this challenge before ads week yeah i did it in gen 2 and gen 3 and i've been doing this for the past month or so on stream it's uh it's been really enjoyable and which is why i've done it multiple times you have a hobby i'm sure that you do more than once you know you don't just ah yes this whole drawing thing yeah wow i really enjoy this yeah i drew a smiley face never again though i'm not gonna do it a second time that's absurd why would i do it twice anyways let's fight our rival rival time [Music] we're fighting the man stir raptor stir raptor will be destroyed by my love disc just you wait [Music] um yeah we're just gonna start by water pulsing and hoping we get the oh we're fast hoping we get the confusion would you look at that love disc is just too good u-turns oh okay torterra yep that does exist we will now flail staraptor does hit hard and love disc does not [Music] okay um check move sacred fire you know what fire blast recover that is not too bad let's shift in cynical exerting pressure we're going to sunny day to start what's does it what's i got like earthquake grass type move crunch synthesis idiot you don't need a synthesis what is he doing he's not he going he got earthquake crunch like a leaf storm and nothing else he doesn't have stone edge that's ridiculous synthesis heals more now well fire blast is just gonna take them out in one hit it doesn't matter it's no big deal look at this [Music] all the way down no problem one hit ko easy dude look at that [Music] sunlight still strong blanche all these thanks to the gifts up whoop and thanks for the seven months i appreciate about to send in float so will i switch sure yeah why not texas what you got you got a good electric move no you don't um screw it we're staying in float soul has got what like a water type move in the sun what's he trying to do nothing doesn't matter why is your team so under leveled because i literally just caught them as a wild pokemon it's not gonna do anything wow that does quite a lot actually swift just about the same amount [Music] do i use fire blast on this floatzel i'm trying to think hmm i don't know we'll see i think we'll use fireblast because the sunlight is strong and i think it's worth it because it's still like it's it's gonna be stronger than swift because of the sun we should take out floatza with fire blast it's if it hits which it didn't the sunlight faded okay um let's get out speed we're gonna recover i will use sunny day okay now we can't kaomi we're gonna recover we're gonna recover okay we're back to a good situation it's only the swift even without the side i guess so now this fire blast will hit because it's just so good even if we are frozen will thaw out instantly doesn't matter we hit the fire blast so this will probably ko the floatzel based on my calculations they were a little bit off um my mental math isn't so strong today we'll just uh fire blast again because he's gonna potion never mind okay that was a critical hit lovely fire blast hits there we go [Music] tuck them out beautiful [Music] sunlight faded but using hair across will i switch oh you know what yeah we're gonna pluck this hair across pluck him dude he's probably got rock slide but like texas is gonna out speed right right vbdm thanks to the bits okay um hey aerocross use aerial lace don't you have rockslide and you out [Music] yeah why didn't you rock slide i'm probably gonna get taken out from that i just don't know why he didn't rock slide at the start we survived there we flinched where'd my pen go i need to fidget [Music] okay i used aerial ace again like an idiot what is he doing uh pluck [Music] what is this man doing you know you have a super effective mood my move my man he's just using random moves [Music] okay but i said it's the raptor will i change [Music] i'll change to heal bonnie you're going to be a great distractor for this raptor it's just gonna it's not gonna know what to do why did i drop my pen again i gotta stop doing that knee chips thanks for the nine months by the way okay it's all right bonnie don't be intimidated everything will be fine we're just gonna use one of these bad boys on my good boy cynical [Music] bonnie you did great okay uh no i healed the wrong one i was supposed to heal texas i okay we're gonna send enjoy it's just gonna close combat me bonnie died for nothing my mistake joy you didn't die for nothing though that one guy 2018 welcome to twitch if you just like watch around you'll get a feel for how everything works just just go with it just just act like you know what you're doing it'll it'll work out is this a new camera perspective not really no [Music] every time something cool happens type p o g with a capital p yeah yeah okay ancient power they use aerial ace they've used close combat so the defense is lowered this should take out stir after i think because texas has pretty high special attack maybe beautiful this raptor is down okay better than in snorlax [Music] i don't know i'm gonna send in silver just to see what silver can do you know just out of curiosity what's it gonna do [Music] how many pokemon does he have left two oh we got three we got the advantage for sure here although snorlax is kind of an absolute monster it'll it'll be chill it's fine uh we're gonna do um i'm gonna check the stats of silver really quick i'm not sure which set is higher summary uh your special attack is far stronger but snorlax is special defense as much so i'm just gonna use brian i am just going to use brine whatever wow that did nothing okay that was a crit that makes a little more sense but jesus i'm gonna whirlpool maybe get some chip damage off maybe some chip ah what do i do [Music] uh the extended metaphor thanks to tier one i guess i'm just gonna sunny day and fire blast please don't do a lot do like less than half and i'd be a happy boy good less than half sunlight is strong all we need to do is hit this fire blast we'll do pretty much all the damage we need to great hit the fire blast do a ton of damage please like all of the all of the health [Music] it has thick fat ah ah he's too chunky dude um frick ancient power please get the boosts critical hit that is not a boost get the boosts yes we got the boosts and use rest again let's go [Music] more boosts more boosts more boosts please please more boosts [Music] unpop do i have like an elixir or something [Music] i don't care we're going for the boosts it's a low percentage play but i'm doing it pluck the berry could be delayed oh my god why did that do so much he rested a gun let's go all right let's eat this d wait do we eat the berry now i'm gonna eat the berry delicious stuff wait he doesn't have a berry apparently never mind ancient power come on give me the boosts we can take another one of those give me the boosts give me the boosts don't lower defense good uh high propulsion plucked is way more why use angel power i'm trying to get some boosts that didn't do half give me the boosts that won't kill that won't kill it's not going to kill this [Music] oh [Music] give me the boost it did not give me the i'm not gonna use any more stuff uh do we out speed i think we out speed we can take out the pluck yes yes he's done spidey thanks to tier one [Music] rapid ash did i use all of my ancient powers already extended metaphor thank you for the five subs i know that one guy 2018 thanks for the sub by the way appreciate it uh i did huh okay it used sunny day sure why did i use all of them um screw it elixir i don't care it's my only one but it's worth it please survive this you can survive this [Music] texas easy no prob no problem texas yeah it's it's fun uh we're gonna lose this battle and missile fire blast we're gonna win this battle [Music] and miss another one [Music] let's go we won we won no big deal it's rigged only a little bit okay only a little bit defeated the man [Music] luke and caleb likely eight months got a shiny whooper in pokemon go nice did you tweet about that i got a tweet from someone saying that before maybe it was like instagram i can't remember cool all right tougher pokemon league gonna become the pokemon champion but trainer blah blah blah blah blah no one cares blah blah blah we got all the badges [Music] okay very well you've indeed collected all the badges of the center demonstrate the power yeah yeah okay should we just go for it i know we don't have the stuff like at all that's good but should i just try once looks like a ladies to me let's just i'm gonna check which uh how much money we have five grand i'm gonna buy just use all my money and then we don't lose anything by dying we're just gonna buy a uh freak how many weeds we got we only have three okay we're gonna buy three of these bad boys there's no unless we get like stupid good luck there's no way we win this but like it's fine it'll be okay okay we got the big bug man aaron of the elite four maybe i'll beat the first guy i don't know [Music] this elite four still has five pokemon right yeah okay this guy still has five pokemon dust docks this should be oh it's level 53. oh what you got not a bad move set if it weren't for the hot garbage that is oh my god darling mim thank you for the 20 gift subs welcome to the a colony you 20 people that is a lot thank you just gonna check moves real quick [Music] damn yeah we're gonna switch into cynical thank you darling okay switching to cynical go cynical yes toxic yikes oh um we have wait we have refresh [Music] we can handle that good it double teams what's it gonna do nothing it's gonna take the lesser bird straight to the face this is such a cool move not a movie cease very often at that damage oh these bug buzz that's super effective but like dust stocks is oh god what is that a crit that wasn't a crit uh he's gonna heal but i'm gonna have to heal as well he did not heal we're dead no use light screen yikes i'm after zen headbutt take it out okay we took it out at least wow um so we can't use special moves now bug butts did a lot beautifly switch pokemon yeah we'll we'll stop the beautiful fly silvery of like rock slide [Music] no you re you just got garbage don't you okay um bonnie do you have an ice type move that'll work that will work now the light screen is up which sucks whatever he's got earthquake at least against a beautiful eye a flying bug it's not gonna work unfortunately yeah it is a special move but it is what it is [Music] sorry bonnie i don't think you can take that you can take that let's go [Music] that did not do a lot of damage though um i'm ascending greg energy ball me it's neutral damage it's gonna do nothing that does a lot uh i'm gonna leech seed to start here it's gonna energy ball again not a big deal i am simply going to synthesis bug buzz that's super effective we can take one we can take we can take one we cannot take one huh i guess we'll rock slide [Music] that should ko that should ko right it's quite a super effective yes good good job texas good job [Music] do i have a flying type no i don't cynical can maybe take it okay i'm gonna send in bonnie i'm gonna heal up my psychic type and hope mega horn misses that's literally what i'm banking on at this point snarf thanks to tier one okay we're just gonna do this we're gonna hope mega horn misses when it uses it on uh on our pokemon there oh it has night slash oh it's not gonna use mega horn it's gonna use night slash [Music] then i don't think we outspeed but i'm going to luster virgin hope for the best yeah that's gonna win it ko [Music] woof uh special offense fell as well do i have anything that's switch fodder he's gonna use night slash joy can probably take a night slash oh huh sank back mafia thanks to the five you could have taken a night slash but like not the other one i guess um guess we'll use another one of these things they read me like a dang buff dude i like i guess we'll just earthquake i guess [Music] uh we need to survive [Music] we need to survive another night slash [Music] or he'll just close combat sure apparently the ai is dumb how did aaron get to be in the uh elite four what uh what a guy everybody said investigate will i switch pokemon uh no i am actually going to keep battling it's exerting pressure not a big deal we're going to heal up texas and texas is going to take the rest of the stuff out defend order that is terrifying actually that's really bad yeah that's really bad because out might take a rock slide uh yeah we're gonna try rock sliding it's gonna defend order let's just get a crit on the uh the rock slide because its defenses are doubled now so this isn't gonna do a ton now it also has heal order ah its defenses are double the app get a crit attack order not very effective yeah because i am a ground type geez that does a lot still uh is attack order a special move though [Music] it's physical okay we'll just rock slide again then [Music] that's neutral that shouldn't do as much as attack order did about the same we missed a rock slide you've got to be kidding me it's going to heal order now never mind it is a bigger brain than i now would heal orders we have to get a crit at this point we just have to get a crit should use lava plume it doesn't really change anything defense rose this is this thing is a monster [Music] heal order attack order power gem defend order it's a flawless strategy we literally have to just hope we crit on lava plume [Music] [Music] hmm crit please this is killing me dude crit [Music] we're using all of our items do i care no not at all not in the slightest oh my god that does a lot not in the slightest okay rockslide still does more damage i was out of rock slides i used 10. well we blacked out we couldn't even take the first first first one out um let's get a better team and try again back to the grind i feel like this is the best kind of grind that we could have you know atari is flying type actually we have two flying types and the whole team is weak to fly and we do know dragon dance and refresh this might actually work we could dragon dance uh yeah this could work this is hilarious one is a tail although it drag you'd underestimate the power of setup moves need more items we'll be okay okay all we need to do dragon dance that's fine dragon dance bug buzz what's that do nothing that was a crit dragon dance bug buzz dragon dance toxic we'll refresh we use double team uh plus four is probably enough we're gonna fly it's light screening we hit fly we do pretty sure we just took this out unless we happen to miss a fly i believe we've just won i think greg just won this battle so easy a plus four stab super effective fly not a bit wait is that that's not a bug type is it it's poison dark let's hope we yoko it let's hope we won hit ko it it knows ice fang huh we're at plus four plus four stab that's like basically super duper effective damage wow that does nothing but he used x's or like an idiot uh i'm just gonna fly again [Music] did he just use cross poison could he get a crit for me greg or a high roll [Music] or a low roll it's fine too you did good greg you did good [Music] he didn't do good i didn't mean that i've taxes surf texas my little my little heart disc fish that did nothing it just used an item [Music] um [Music] joy fake out did that do one damage i think so sorry joy buddy hey bunny uh endeavor after you survive a ice fang yeah [Music] egg bomb the coverage on this drapeon is insane we literally can't do damage to it we did just we can't we'll try again sure want to use exp share by the way i don't know where to get it okay this might joy might know uh swords dance no uh no you can learn outrage that's crazy doesn't exp share get given to you no he's a slightly different team jirachi has rest it's not that useful though is the problem you're right about taylor i mean i i didn't think the drapey ah i forgot about drapeon you used to be sure as the southgate of hardhome maybe maybe catch late guardians or higher levels what level are they 50 [Music] right they're like level 50. you can get tms tms you use them once and they're gone forever though yeah late guardians are like two levels above me [Music] these features in a turn of south gate maybe i'll go check it out then but it's like it's not really worth it let's though wait till we get a better team oh we don't have okay well that was disappointing i'm just gonna run uh flygon is interesting dragon dance dragon breath sandstorm um not really a good team matt druzy is next with tier one dragon dance flag on i was just hoping it would happen all right we're gonna fly to a turner really quick just to grab the esp shard not that i really need it uh i'm glad flag on evolve the anarith how my after it evolves it'll be randomized apparently southgate of eterna [Music] yo my man long time no see you look puzzled learning who i am long way i've met 185 exp share okay we got the exp share [Music] maybe where candies evolve definitely worth getting at least you see it as a zelf i don't think it is worth catching them because like our pokemon is only like five levels four levels below that benny thanks to the two like we're not getting that much better we're just like we'll save like four levels or something we're gonna play after this i mean it depends on how long this takes this takes all day just this four levels is quite a bit but honestly it's not really worth hard to say all right greg we're just gonna dragon claw until we take this out good do battle zone i guess greg leveled up i guess i could give yo heatran wait a minute i think heatran is all we need literally heatran will just destroy everything what level is it 46. texas joy this is a solid team this is such a good team let's go battle uh oh i wonder if the exp share is randomized she's gonna check the moves on cynical ah it's not great but better than nothing i guess might be worth it sticking to my older team for ivs yeah perhaps not really worth teaching the any of these [Music] i'm gonna go for it the hare cross will smash me we have flying types for him you'll get tier one subs equal to the difference between your highest level pokemon and cynthia's lower okay save just in case if you save and reload it it undoes it uh we're going to start by using superfang and then discharge and then discharge and then i'm just gonna let them take out greg i think okay so we have cynical we're just gonna fire fang hope it does a lot of damage it's not bad okay uh these greninja greninja doesn't exist yet okay so now they're sitting in here across i've gotta teach a flying type move to our pokemon but maybe we'll out speed with joy [Music] joy hopefully out speeds and wing attack one hit ko's uh he didn't use rock slide but night slash is gonna do a lot it didn't do a lot never mind huh interesting that's not going to want ako though is it okay texas i think we'll have aerial ace dammit bonnie bonnie bonnie listen to me listen to me bonnie [Music] please destroy this aerocross or not you don't have to that's okay too no no close combat okay well it was it was a good run [Music] it was a good run yo metagross metagross would be super good why won't that level what does it look like i'm doing i'm leveling up on the elite four [Music] yo yo [Music] yo dream reader that we can't use yo rip the special attack stat 96 yeah whatever better than nothing i'm going to save the game just in case i accidentally reset you spent all your money yes i have wait what happened to your badges duke of burgers oh wait did you guys see that we use the exp share but it's gone it got rid of our uh exp share held items don't do anything you're not sewing up on ant's chat oh did twitch chat die i think twitch chat died cuz look at this oh wait is it coming back it died on my end i don't see anything [Music] yes we're gonna fight it again it's kind of working i think it's like half working yeah uh i'm gonna just immediately switch to bonnie double team gross i'm gonna iron defense just three times one two three i'm gonna agility as well probably two agilities looks like chad's back now yeah if your channel is dead that could be the case yeah you know what you're doing after pokemon today it depends on how long it takes cj maybe minecraft though okay we sidekicked it took out at least half of itself that's good it's double teaming again you've missed at light screen to that sucks we're gonna heal is this diamond to pearl this is diamond all right please hit this please i need to save some psychics for everything else stop it [Music] that didn't do anything okay um discharge it missed toxic discharge missed we missed we missed we hit one we hit one oh my god beautiful i i'm just gonna keep battling i'm gonna hope for the best maybe we can take this out somehow with just a bowl load of shadow balls oh wow oh it has shadow bow silver [Music] bounce all right i keep battling maybe it won't use close combat i don't know admit stone edge [Music] oh miss stone edge again no he used it again silver almost took out aerocross that's crazy dude okay um not that we're gonna win this battle but like wow [Music] i'm just gonna hope we survive for a little bit we'll see night slash uh do we have teeter dance hit stone edge okay joy you need to survive one hit one hit oh she switched out that's annoying and you know i'm just gonna lose the battle there we go battle is over i fail looks like chad isn't working this is gonna be very hard to stream without seeing chat what do you guys want um uh no one type in chat if you want me to play minecraft great okay i'll switch over to minecraft now i'm i'm kidding uh [Music] huh i don't like this team we're gonna switch teams we're gonna it's so quiet how did i ever i so i streamed for like two and a half years to three viewers and this is what chat was actually like for that time how did i like do anything i just talk into the void i feel like i'm i guess i'm okay at talking to the void but it's a little bit difficult to make that content entertaining in some way but yeah looks like chad is that hopefully you guys can still see my stream here i'm gonna check discord really quick i bet there's um i bet there's like discord mods talking in the twitch channel but we'll see some of us can chat but none of us can see the messages except that one randomly let me see we can see it okay yeah i think there's certain random messages that are coming through [Music] okay yo are you guys back wb wb chat wow so uh minecraft then huh [Music] okay i'm glad it's back some of you i think are really behind those so probably refresh if you need to uh let's do you know what greg can take it out i bet look at this incredible slam just tried to swallow these tangled noodles it'll be fine you're back oh and i think you're gone again i think here let's see what twitter has to say for twitch's issues because i'm sure it's it's having some issues today let's see twitter twitch i spelt twitch wrong apparently to which twitch support let's see what they've got to say i'm sure they tweet pretty quickly uh no they haven't tweeted about it yet okay interesting they have not said a single thing yet we missed a slam we missed another slam gonna hit a slam will greg be able to take out the pelipper we'll see so how are you few that can talk and chat play odyssey legend teemo uh next week i don't feel like playing it right now and i never play odyssey on wednesdays legend if you watch it if you watch the twitch streams you should know that i don't play odyssey on wednesdays on wednesdays i play pokemon pokemon on my my wednesday or my pokemon days tune in next time on dragon ball z yeah cantina you're following so you guys should stay here for a while let's go you're trapped you're trapped wednesday is pretty much always pokemon day without fail uh we have one that can learn surf okay what's the next challenge i don't want to spoil the next pokemon challenge because it's like one of my coolest ideas yet i know i say that every time but like i mean it every time no we got the boosts oh wait that was not the right boost poisoned okay silver use next pokemon uh cinnamon can probably take it out first pokemon stream welcome chicken lies oh psychic beautiful beautiful take it right out well from luxembourg what's up yeah the next pokemon idea um is really exciting this is interesting we do have palkia and we do have a rock type for once [Music] what does texas know water pulse dragon claw spatial rend ancient power oh i think this is the one i think this is the one get rid of water pulse let's what's wrong with chad looks like chad is having some issues today that's okay though i'm just talking trying to beat the game doing my best yours aren't saying again it might take a little bit for twitch to reset its stuff yeah down detector does say twitch is having a problem okay silver silver my man my man you got to listen to me take out this dust docks yo that actually did so much that did so much right back uh it does i don't think it has any good moves against bonnie because it has bug buzz so i'm going to send in bonnie hopefully bonnie knows a rock type move rock blast rock blast is actually pretty strong it's going to be not very effective because i'm a ground type never mind i guess i forgot my tight match ups rock blast should take this out though like it does so much damage look at that beautiful beautiful took it right out okay bonnie leveled up bonnie's getting so strong but bonnie wants to learn stone edge honestly actually yes get rid of um [Music] what's that eighty percent i'm pretty sure rock glasses eighty 80 as well and it's just it's just a stronger rock blast let's go generally on average switch pokemon [Music] i'm um gonna check what greg has i am going to switch in greg and just endeavor we're just going to endeavor ground is not very effective against bug not the other way around uh we're going to survive one hit because my defense is really high great marowak's merox have high defense should survive one mega horn yep great job greg you did good send in texas now and all i got to do is spatial rend and uh it'll do some damage yeah close combat we'll survive that we're a legendary right the thing that literally controls space good and its defenses lowered spatial rend is gonna do a boatload please [Music] damn that did a good amount okay now it's going to miss its stone edge like an idiot it's gonna use night slash again let's hope mega horn that works too um cynical you out speed right right [Music] wait you can survive that discharge my ko [Music] not even close and a useful restore uh i think we're broken a little bit yeah a little bit we need to get stronger somehow we might need to grind for a few minutes honestly [Music] granny is so slow in this gen but i think we're gonna we're gonna grind you know what let's grind guardians in the lakes i think granny level 50 will be better because then we'll have the evs as well all right here's what we're gonna do ready to go here we're gonna do this we're gonna surf yes i hate having to grind but we gotta do it it should only take it shouldn't take that long because we do have speed up and i'm gonna make it so um it doesn't sound too bad oh man we can get shinies if we find a shiny i'll use it for sure are you silenced yes the world wasn't ready for you yo joy look at you you're so woopy you're so whoopee okay versus seeker in this game actually you know what that would be a very good idea we should versus seeker the trainers do we have versus seeker we do have the verses seeker we're gonna go fight some trainers actually that's a that's a good plan i like your i like your thinking because then we'll get money as well [Music] late to the thing but congrats on joining panda thank you okay we're gonna fight a specific set of trainers that i know are good to fight twitch chat's still broken yep it's still broken so there are some rich trainers over here unfortunately we cannot use the amulet coin because it will just get melted in uh when we get randomized but that's not a big deal we'll register the first secret we're gonna fight these two kiddos here register good yeah we're gonna fight them okay so we're gonna rob these rich kids it's gonna be slow for grinding at the start but i'm pretty sure on the rematch they have a stronger pokemon this will give us a good amount of cash but i think we grind so i don't know maybe we're like level 55 or something i think that would be reasonable here i'm going to mute the audio sound settings we're just gonna mute it for now zero we're gonna play some pokemon battle revolution music while we're waiting or while we're grinding here because battle revolution music is kind of the best they want to fight again good delighted to see you again let's go let's twitch reboot the raspberry pi's yet not yet it seems uh dark pulse should take this out and want to hit yep get some exp we got a bunch of cash we're good wait why are your chats all popping up on screens because chat's broken right now it's not working unfortunately so sad double edge takes that right out good rich boy jason and we'll go back and forth now music eleven out of ten it's good chat machine broke yes what headphones do you have uh they're i don't know i can't remember the name of it honestly [Music] other trainers don't feel ready for battle is wait until later all right twitch lag kind of are using exp share exp share i used it for one battle and then it disappeared in the randomization are the headphones in the fact i don't think so they're very like they're really good headphones though they are uh sure srh1540s okay lot bunny level 40 should be able to take that out and headbutt good should do some damage so now we're fighting kind of stronger pokemon for sure but apparently we can't attack i'm not sure why we keep not being able to attack i wasn't really paying attention though but we're getting money dude how do you make it only fast in battle not when i walk around um it lags when i'm walking around battle it doesn't lag as much i'm not that's i'm being honest there you're back kind of was chad all rebooted and stuff she used a full restore oh okay fire punch i guess dizzy punch we got burned full restore wow she's kind of rich ain't she silver you have psychic yep i could at least stormed actually let's leave storm that'll be fun took it out nice wow this team sucks where do you get the versus seeker you just get it in natural story progression battery is charged enough 42 more steps okay anybody plans for 2021 i'm not sure yet chad is back from christmas break welcome back i only do this because i love my pokemon what you force them to fight in like some animal sick like fighting ring thing you monster slash that should take it out there we go what are the rules for this challenge try to win i think that the rules of the challenge are try to win it the it automatically randomizes my team every single battle there's really nothing else to it it's just a modded version of the game welcome back chat i'm glad to see you back i was so lonely without you i didn't know what to do i was so alone i started crying and everything you saw it you saw the tears running down my face i know you did the raspberry pies are back online man still got his 19 luxio i know he's a a disappointment really looks like chat's back what's up guys welcome back wb smartbee thanks for the five yo debris thanks the 18 months appreciate the support looks like subs are back as well i accidentally roared looks like we got out sped anyways [Music] tears you must have missed it yeah it was uh it was rough but haven't seen me all day i know i haven't seen you all day 21 21 why we need money it's just nice someone would even play an ad i mean all right if you say so i'll play it i'm crazy i'll do it grass grinding might be better well i'm getting some cash right now just because having some extra money will be nice as well twitch removed debated wait did twitch remove your baited no they didn't you're just trying to make people spam jubaited so they get debated i see right through you you had me for a second there i mean they removed less rng because the person depicted and it apparently did some bad stuff but maybe the debater guy did the same thing but no no i just got debated catch lake spirits you can't make me i don't want to thunder punch how much is more thunderbolt or thunder punch let's find out i can't tell now because they kept going and crashed yo what's up moment hello what are you doing gaming we are in the middle of gaming currently we are gaming hard harder than you've ever seen before willing master thanks to the 10 not the 10 the tier one look how much cash we have now 51 grand you did this for whooper only challenge i do this for like most challenges honestly these two people they give you so much money it's worth it if evs carry over uh yes evs do carry over all of the like behind the scenes stuff stays the same except for the pokemon itself and the moves speed boost air slash and the items items don't carry over apparently as we found out and apparently status effects don't get randomized their parents are going to be pissed when they find out how much i won from them [Music] hate having to grind but you know what is what it is if you got a grind sometimes you gotta grind sometimes you gotta do that in challenges we'll probably fight these guys until i have like a hundred grand cash and then we'll fight against pokemon that are like actually worth fighting to to get like levels from like i don't know wild uh pokemon in like the victory road or something is our cold soul silver no pokemon ever gonna get uploaded i really don't know at this point no clue the music is worth it the music is nice at the very least why does it look so laggy it's actually sped up so the frames go down i i don't really know how it works other trainers don't be ready for battle like here's what it looks like normally and it's slightly faster if i do this but the frames just get eaten because i'm going so fast i'm like teleporting places there we go we could get stupid amounts of money and then buy ev items yeah but like what eevee items would i use like i don't know which eevee items i'd use you could tell now bika what's up there's an older couple in the same route they give 8 000 each but they don't have as good rematches or something i remember we decided not to fight them because the the pokemon themselves were weird in some way display lion thank you for the two months i'm doing well and sean thanks for the two as well i get speed evs yeah but i think i'm just gonna get random evs honestly we'll probably buy some battle items i guess speed evs yeah like a jolteon man you guys want to know something kind of sad that i've that i didn't tell you guys about uh so i was doing uh minecraft speedruns after the stream yesterday because i have a problem um but i got to the ender dragon at 20 not 28 or 29 minutes fun fact actually really sad fact i got to the ender dragon 28 29 minutes i messed up the bed strat again second time tuck man thanks for the prime i messed up bed strat i just i was my hands were shaking and i messed it up it was sad i didn't die but um messed it up sad isn't it so sad but i mean it's like the third or fourth sub 30 minute run that i've had that i've killed so like it's just a matter of time it's literally just a matter of time at this point are you me did i thank you for the five i don't know thank you we don't have any moves that can do damage okay interesting nice gotta control the chokes here's the thing what my i'm gonna be so like what's the word i'm looking for not jaded but like i'm gonna be feel so calm in like a few by the time i get to get a few more runs under my belt that get that far i'm gonna be so calm and i'll be like i'm just gonna kill it anyways whatever and just having that mindset it'll it'll calm me down i'll be like and then i'll get it i'll start i'll start to get it i'll start to become apathetic to the really good runs yeah i'm just like whatever it's just another run like this is like my tenth run to this point like whatever did i miss your six months did i where was it yo i did mr six months no i i thank you you said big frog big frog i saw that i remember because i was like wait that didn't show up in chat i wonder if bt tv isn't working i remember thinking that maybe i didn't say it out loud but i did recognize it thank you surprise thanks to the prime doo you know what almost done connor thanks to the prime ash thanks for the prime watching the pencil shopping champ absolutely oh yeah i should probably get back to that huh the nether fortress incident hurt your heart yesterday i was so upset about that yo bonnie the milotic nice it's a throwback did you buy the game yes i own this game i could go grab the game if you want like the cartridge i'm doing all of this legally don't you worry about it lake spirits are not even hard to catch yeah but they don't have the evs that's the thing um rockslide i guess we'll be fine what's your favorite food spaghetti yo i didn't tell you guys about this so i ended up last night after the stream ended i was i was working on some stuff going through some notifications and i was uh working but then i was hanging out in abby's stream i was watching abby because i think we rated abby and i saw a message from stephen one of my roommates he was like could you guys tell tanner to come out into the kitchen i was like what why didn't he just message me instead and then i checked my phone and my other roommate chris was like hey come out into the kitchen and i'm like like what's going on like both of them messaging me at the same time like this is this seems kind of serious it seems like a big deal and so i go out into the kitchen and they're just standing side by side and uh they it was a big deal actually um they uh they stepped to the side and they said congrats on the million subscribers on youtube and my roommate had made me a golden play button cake i forgot to take a picture of it but it was like they made it from like like they had like they made like a strawberry filling layer and like a custard and like cake layered cake it was so good it was so tasty and they got like like a bunch of ramen so i had like ramen gyoza i think some avocado rolls in there it was a it was a good supper it was so good it was nice it was it was a very it was so nice it was it was good who ended up during the minecraft games lincus it was his birthday so i figured i'd give it to him supper i know no such word it's the right word for the evening meal benji thanks for the nine months and skeletal thanks to tier one yo captain cook thanks to tier one peppa pig thank you as well you should look at my tweet when you have the chat cj was that the one where you took the gif of lincoln's flossing but then turned it into a a picture j y a oh wait so happy happy birthday lincoln seven to commemorate the special day i decided to find a screenshot from our race yesterday and congratulate you on your win it's just 200 ender pearls all around him i only traded 10 gold so lucky capital l lucky dude that's link is why are you training against low players i defeated rich boy jason got three thousand dollars for winning i wanted some cash first before we did anything crazy we're at 92 grand i'm gonna do two more battles then we're gonna fight stronger trainers how long have you been at this challenge if only there was some way to know maybe one day we will be able to figure out how long i have been doing this pokemon challenge maybe one day we'll know maybe hmm how long chat do you know how long we've been doing the challenge 20 minutes okay that sounds about right i'd say about 20 minutes oh none of wants to try it no one wants to try it no one wants to fight you know what do you get annoyed by stupid questions sometimes honestly not really anymore i used to get annoyed by it but the way i think about it now is like if someone in chat is asking a like a dumb question like that like maybe they they don't know the rules or something like that it's because they're new to the stream which means there's someone new in the stream which means overall the channel is growing so that's a good thing that's also a thing that i've i've kind of come to realize recently is i used to like up until recently i got pretty like inter i didn't i didn't really like i mean i think it was somewhat obvious if i would like make a dumb mistake and people would like keck w at me i would get like a little bit frustrated a little bit tilted at that and i was like like it would frustrate me for some reason but recently you know if i make a dumb mistake and you guys kick w at me that means you guys are like having fun you found it funny it's entertaining i'm doing my job it's great it's content right it's not a bad thing and so it's it's really helped me uh you know feel better about my mistakes recently molding over twitch chat kw [Music] you're in love texas no simping thank you sean thank you for the two subs all right are we gone yeah we're done let's get out of here [Music] tia tos okay okay so you know how they made uh simp and incel and version you know how they were like hey stop saying that to people or whatever you'll get banned it's only if you say it in like a really like like you're doing it to like bully someone like it's it's like uh what's the word i'm looking for like it's targeted like harassment with those words so like it's actually we could we can just say it as long as it's not like towards a real person in a way that they are uncomfortable with it you know like as long as it's not like in a mean way towards someone else it's very vague which is kind of bad but like what can you do all right all of our pokemon are almost level 50 now zen headbutt yeah cross chop i'm a small like if you're self identifying as a simp i feel like that is i mean that's that's probably allowed right twitch vague never yeah they never do that um maybe joy has like a steel type move oh i mean you do but that's not what i meant yikes so we're leveled up we like that uh i'm gonna switch in my weakest pokemon to try and train them up a little bit to level 50. that would be nice yo why does digirio kind of look sick in this game i don't know why but the sprites are looking fancy dude what levels will you grind to oh like i think 50 for now is a good stopping point we'll see how that goes see if it helps if that's not enough we can keep going [Music] did you just did rio is cool i feel like de rio is an underrated pokemon i think there's some rich trainers level 40 to 60 on a road to 12 hm maybe raticate is one of the best pokemon like you wouldn't think that i could take out an onyx easily but look at this not a problem took out this onyx no issues whatsoever who's cynical named after i think it might have been you cynical summer child if you have cynical in your name it's probably you do jordan thanks to tier one all right cynical i'm sorry but you've died playing diamonds with speed up and still 24 hours yeah it's a slow game raticate isn't good tell that to my level 60 radicate that i completely swept red with when i was like 12. pokemon crystal i solo run the game with eradicate it is too good because what what ended up happening when i was a kid i basically the way it worked was um i had eradicate i caught eradicate and i had picked uh prop what's the coolest pokemon just for starter i probably picked like totodile i think i picked no no i picked the fire type right total no i picked totodo i picked totodile for my starter when i was a kid i don't know which one it doesn't matter and i'd caught eradicate just for fun just because i wanted to try it out and after um after going through sprout tower the belts one one of the trainers took me out took my uh my totodile out and i only had the raticate left and i was like whatever i don't want to go back to the pokemon center so i'm just going to uh i'm going to go through this area with my with my rattata jj flash thank you so i went through with my rattata and by the end of sprout tower my rattata was like three levels higher than my starter and so i was like it's stronger than my starter i i should just use this instead it survived the tower it must be better and so i deposited my starter and i just didn't use it i just didn't use my starter and just use the rat at that and throughout the whole game it got stronger and stronger learned super fang and hyper fang and literally all i did was i was super fang three times and then a hyper fang like two or three times like depending on the pokemon because superfang always reduces half the health that they currently have and so say all right we'll just super fang like once or twice twice brings it down to a quarter hp and then whatever i need to do afterwards just take it out it was the top percentage like it evolved and i just swept through the game i have no idea how i made it past the ghost gym if i'm being completely honest with you maybe it learns like crunch or bite but like it swept through that game pokemon diamond remakes are announced tomorrow you think so is there a um a pokemon announcement tomorrow cynical group level 47 yo cynical remakes announced next decade maybe i don't think they are they're still 11 months away how do you know they're 11 months away the announcement is what are they doing congrats on crushing the fake mon challenge i mean i've played all the pokemon games i don't know what they expected but if you come up against the ghost type i had some move that i taught to my eradicate to deal with ghost types cynical sky uppercut sure does some damage wow that doesn't do as much as i would like though bye cynical uh texas yeah i think it might have had like crunch wow i thought that was gonna do more whatever no guard machoke yep they're most likely going to remake gen 4 in 2021 yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't doubt that uh this is not a good pokemon to have here uh this is a really bad team for a steal likes we might actually white out to the steelex and i haven't bought my items yet that would suck oh we'll be fine as long as we hit it yeah there we go we're good i'm gonna go buy my items before we do anything else because i kind of need them what the heck does no splash no discharge i don't know yeah it should get that checked out um what's the music in the background pokemon battle revolution music you know i i guess that is true you know it knows it's discharging it's it's not it's boogers uh fly it's electric uh kind of yeah razzylicious thanks for the prime appreciate the support uh okay i'm gonna buy a few x items i'm not quite sure how many we're gonna buy we're just gonna buy like a little bit not those we're just gonna do like oh we have 11 in bag we'll buy seven then yeah i'll have sets three sets of everything so we're gonna get uh we need 18 that's 13 then yeah we're gonna buy 18 just in case we need them yeah guard specs prevent stat reduction we have six that's really all we need dire hit what is that raises the critical hit ratio not really helpful x accuracy we don't need more than 11 of those x special i'll buy 12 of those 11 12 yes special defend we'll buy eight there we go good stuff do you have anything for me counter wrap very useless uh we're gonna go up to the top floor we're gonna buy some soda pop just for in-between battles um we're going to buy maybe heck i don't know like oh sorry lemonade well no it's it would probably be better to buy milk we should buy milk instead yeah milk is better we'll just buy like like a dozen milk maybe elixirs and revives you can't buy elixirs those aren't for you can't purchase those yeah what about mary's salt or marley salt thanks for the six it's my six months anniversary don't forget to speed run your taxes canadian version yeah i probably should farm leper berries nah i don't feel like it wtf is milk yeah and elixirs aren't really necessary because when it randomizes it restores power points which is nice we need a new song this works but you haven't we have milk okay we're gonna buy like 12 of these i guess why don't you buy energy roots i don't know where to get them in this game can you please play factorio i've already beaten factorio liquor and i beat it off stream recently the real xavier excites the nine you buying celestic oh well i'll buy some revives there then [Music] we did make a cool s yes all right i'm pretty sure moomoo milk is still cheaper than the uh the herbal medicine but we should definitely buy the revives there okay how many we got 15 milk perfect that's a good amount [Music] i'm looking buff i think it's just the shirt i don't i don't know why i might look buff today maybe it's the angle is it the angle maybe i don't know maybe it's just the lighting or something i just look good in red nice i'll take that no you always look buff hell yeah where's the herbs give me the herbs do you sell herbs my man no you don't you know what you know what it is it's because i had to lift a refrigerator by myself into my uh into my apartment this morning that's probably it [Music] specs black glasses nice what yeah i had to just carry it on my back it's a turn of city not celestic okay i blend into the polygons i'm looking angular and when i say refrigerator i mean my new computer case that was in the box the size of a small refrigerator did you move out of prince george no no i still live in prince george maybe it's a platinum thing i don't know yo you got him herbs darling how about you fella nothing how's life inside of prince george i don't know i haven't really gone outside much yo draco plate can you speak danish yeah milk yo wait a minute herb shop pogo two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve okay yo what's up nicholas bye 30 energy roots yeah how many of these we got 12 we'll buy three more you visit unbc and prince george it was interesting it's a really nice looking campus though all right we got the good herbs and now we train [Music] fighting the resort cafe for money we already have cash like we're good on money now do you like pokemon cards no so when i was a younger when i was a a young child we ended up going out to uh uh we had a holiday in um we went for like i don't know two two weeks we went to go and uh go to like mexico or something and we left it was the middle of winter and [Music] um we ended up having a hot tub we had a hot tub we like have a hot tub at our house and we had like a family friend of ours check up on the house just to see because we were having issues with the hot tub but we didn't want it to like turn off and then freeze because it was in the middle of winter because it could freeze like completely solid and that would have just destroyed all of the oh the pipes and stuff so we were gone they checked on it it was fine checked on it a few times while we were gone and we get back home open the door and look over walk over to the laundry room which is directly directly above my bedroom and there's a little bit of water on the ground and our lawn the house is laid out in a weird way there's like a door to like a deck that leads to the hot tub it's a little bit cold in the house i'm like that's weird we go over and uh the hot tub is fine but the door was open the door had been left open for the hot tub to get to the hot tub and the pipes in the laundry room froze inside the house and they had cracked and it had completely flooded our entire basement and everything that i owned and so i had a few thousand pokemon cards they were completely drenched all of my handheld game systems soaking wet all of my my clothes like i put on some swim trunks and just ran around in the basement because there was just that much water [Music] and um ever since then you know i dried out my pokemon cards but they're pretty much trash now and i mean i haven't ever had any pokemon cards since [Music] see seeing the pokemon cards on the uh seeing people open pokemon cards and have so much fun i'm almost envious but i just can't can't shake that why are you telling stories so slow okay so we left the door open the pipes froze the basement flooded now i don't have any pokemon cards is that better you happy now what are we supposed to do for the rest of the stream damn zoomers um i guess we'll solar beam [Music] never mind and also you guys said oh you're rich rich no no um living in a small town and the cost of living like isn't isn't that high at all if you make like over like forty thousand dollars which is like slightly of like if you make like forty thousand dollars a year i would say is like it's like you're doing real well you're very comfortable [Music] 40 000 canadian i actually don't know like if you make minimum wage you you gotta you got a house for yourself you're you're just living you know you can afford to pay all the bills um you're in top one percent of the world at 40k a year but like anyone in canada is gonna be some of the like in any first world country you're gonna be relatively making a relatively high amount yeah the only negative thing is that you live in the middle of nowhere or i'm at the cheapest house is a mill yeah no like in my hometown you could probably buy like a like a half decent house for like 150k canadian i bet honestly i'm gonna check i wonder what like an average home is in my hometown that's like uh decent [Music] yeah three bedroom one bathroom built in two thousand two ninety two thousand dollars canadian four bedroom three bathroom nice residential area next to a school eighty nine thousand dollars next to a school yep right next to the elementary school like like it's right next to it small stash i forgot to shave today that's seventy thousand us dollars by the way someone did the math lakel did the math uh close combat yeah that that's the cost of living in the middle of nowhere though you live in the middle of nowhere maybe turn off animations for grinding you genius there we go try toronto all right let's check uh greater toronto area right [Music] all right toronto real estate a condo two bedrooms two bathrooms seven hundred eighty nine thousand [Music] dollars [Music] yeah yeah this this that's terrifying vancouver is even worse than toronto okay let's check let's check uh vancouver by home i'm pretty sure vancouver is like the most expensive place to live in the world or something like that in terms of like properties all right we have a [Music] it's actually kind of similar a four bedroom two bathroom house 30th avenue vancouver 1.858 million dollars one bed one bath condo five hundred thousand dollars a three bedroom two bathroom condo 3.5 million dollars [Music] how [Music] still probably cheaper than london downtown i don't know this is why i guess most people rent in vancouver and still barely survive why would you decide to live there i mean i don't really plan on living there this is why i'm most likely gonna move to calgary because like a calgary is is like kind of it's much less expensive you can get a house for like like a more reasonable price for not like you know you don't sell your soul for it [Music] don't come to calgary alberta is whack and i live there hey what's uh calgary like [Music] here's some information about calgary calgary a cosmopolitan alberta city with numerous skyscrapers owes its rapid growth to its status as the center of canada's oil industry let's see more information on it calgary scroll down um it's economy blah blah blah calgary's economy includes activity in energy financial services film television transportation logistics technology manufacturing aerospace health and wellness retail tourism sectors blah blah blah the economist intelligence unit ranked calgary the most livable city in north america in both 2018 and 2019 has been a top five contender for this title in the last 10 years calgary was also ranked best city in the world for drivers in 2019 so apparently it's a good place to live i've been told [Music] you know that when i drive once a month apparently it'll be a good experience [Music] are there teaching jobs available i don't know probably [Music] do you have a car yeah it runs most of the time wow that really doesn't do much damage huh [Music] you got a sponsor i got a few now how come people in canada don't drive they they do drive isn't it better to have a car that drives than one that runs yeah but i wanted a really like uh what's the word a um it's not unique it's not gimmick but it's similar to gimmick not exotic um eccentric not quite quirky no novel niche novel might have been the word i don't know novelty yeah i just wanted a novelty car mine has legs edrick thanks for the prime you want a novelty car yeah one that just runs around instead of drives around it's got like little baby like whenever i'm driving it like scares children away because it's terrifying it's great six legs it looks like an ant it's really cool uh what's our pokemon levels at i haven't been paying attention at all have we leveled up like at all or a two-legged car that's just a human um not really huh wow we really got some garbage pokemon this time an ant mobile yeah joy could do with a bit more leveling yeah for sure humans are really just two-legged cars without wheels yeah you know what joy let's get you up front i'm gonna level up cynical so this is why i don't like grinding in these challenges because here's the thing with grinding you're only gonna use the pokemon if it's a strong pokemon right but generally strong pokemon take longer to level up want to go to the daycare i don't know i feel like that would take longer [Music] and it's i don't know two-legged cars are just motorcycles yo you might be right about that one um silver might handle this oh yeah brian there we go why is your game lagging so bad it's not lagging it's going fast here this is what it looks like in normal speed [Music] okay dang it's caleb thanks for the five just [Music] wake up slap kill them yep we send enjoy we send headbutt [Music] didn't you turn off animations i did turn off animations yeah like you you kind of see why i'm not using what like it's smooth now but it's you know if i do this it's a lot better let's finish use rare candies i don't have rare candies i changed the battle type to set i'm pretty sure i changed the battle scene to off oh you know i pressed b instead of confirm [Music] i do not want to caterpie out front let's switch this in the back there we go joy up front now it's a neater end okay yeah i didn't confirm it before double kick crunch that'll work yikes i'm so sorry joy but your your life is over um greg why are you always good never mind we nate gained nothing from that battle and we lost two pokemon please stop killing me i'm not killing you it's the opposing trainers that are what's up finster why is that something you could turn off just in case you don't like it you use exp or sharing pokemon oh we put exp share on a pokemon and then it randomized and the item was lost it gets eaten we don't have the exp share anymore [Music] slash okay uh texas use versus trainer first seeker for trainer battles maybe yeah we could get a little bit more exp oh that's two levels right there what cynicals evolving no you're not uh i guess i could if i really want to i don't really want to though horsey ah no what do we got silver can take this every item is of one yeah every item only lasts a single battle i like how gyro ball and electro ball are just like opposite moves i never really thought about that at what level will you stop i think we're stopping at level 50 was my idea if you switch to opencl it'll save the frames i don't want to worry about it [Music] we've missed irontail three times in a row four times in a row okay we hit it once go ahead i'm gonna use one of the milks that we got or lemonade that'll work [Music] all right look a trainer good you have so many custom emotes yeah if you sub you get 60 emotes if you sub tier three you get 70. isn't that insane uh yes we'll just earn crunch whoa that did a lot of damage um joy when you get a million small coins you get to tell me what color to to dye your hair yes the person who gets a million small coins we'll be able to choose what i dye my hair but i don't think you're going to be the person to reach it i'm pretty sure there's someone that's only 30k away close combat that did not do much damage take down yikes areas that's fine so sorry joy if only you could take the hit [Music] that did a lot defeated the bird keeper who was the closest um i mean they can say it if they want to but yeah then once once we reach that i will um i'll turn on gambling this is going to take forever we're not going to be able to take this out that's okay [Music] we'll just wait yep there it is use next pokemon greg my man [Music] what do you stop receiving smoke ones after watching for a bit you keep getting small coins it's just i think you get an initial bonus when you join the stream i like this one grab amber take it out one hit never mind it took me out in one hit okay you get 300 for follow initially oh yeah initial bonus when you follow and sub yeah that sounds right [Music] okay i think twitch was messed up a little bit today with their um uh twitch was a little bit messed up today with uh with chat so that might have messed up the the coin rewards or something why don't you just go in go into what [Music] i'm honestly tempted to go fight the elite four again because i'm kind of sick of grinding i think we're gonna go just see what we can do i mean i know our pokemon are a little bit low leveled still but like kind of want to try it oh wait that can learn fly uh it's too late [Music] going attack cause like we we spent all of our money already i think i'm just gonna throw myself at the elite four maybe we'll be able to grind some levels at the elite four here i'm gonna turn the game music back on or maybe not hmm if we're gonna be play doing the elite four i'm gonna turn the visual stuff back on [Music] confirm let's turn the sound back on sound settings 50 percent how clean are the badges very clean [Music] he didn't save oh yeah whatever it's fine shift mode user shift is better in every way okay hansgroh has some high attack stats so hopefully fly oh it out speeds but we're slow wow that does a lot of damage hopefully fly does a lot but bug buzz nearly ko'd me there [Music] almost the one hit ko that's amazing aaron use the floor store that's just a free fly chance for a critical hit [Music] so close bug buzz takes me out darling thank you for the five subs i appreciate that thank you the health go down so slow i know it really does uh this could be good kadabra is really strong beautiful i i'm gonna keep battling we might be able to i mean i know it knows like bug buzz or something but like psychic does a lot [Music] shadow ball we can take that we have high special defense right yeah totally um [Music] look at that joy completely took that good job joy you took good job took that hit [Music] okay joy leveled up that's exp grinding if i've ever seen it to learn trick no vespa quinn go switch what else we got for it um check moves on greg rain dance muddy water could be pretty pog let's try it why not uh rain dance wow that does a lot of damage let's use some of that milk yeah [Music] do uh i'm gonna muddy water it's gonna do a different move this turn it's not very effective [Music] so [Music] muddy water hit thank you but i already used defend order we're so screwed we're so screwed yeah we have no chance did its accuracy fall though [Music] did its accuracy fall i wasn't paying attention what do you keep using rain dance it doubles the power of my move rain continues to fall miss no defend orders heal order yuck i paralyze paralyze okay it has pressure no it doesn't doesn't it have swarm or does it have pressure oh it does have pressure never mind you're right please paralyze okay paralysis is nice hidden power ice ice rock never mind it's garbage i have no idea how we can win this it's all set up like we hope for crits on body slam but like we don't have any we can't i there's no attacking moves left [Music] um [Music] [Music] poison stall it's paralyzed hope for a rayquaza next time just hope for a legendary it'll be fine attack order it's a crit okay how many attack orders does it have five i thought it only had five whatever um let's use psychic hope we get a crit special defense fell it's paralyzed paralyzed [Music] special defense fell he'll order that's fine we're out of psychics we took out joy bonnie uh [Music] bide i guess future site apparently missed by didn't do anything and now at power gems takes us out in one hit how did i pay out four grand why did i have four grand left over oh that was all of my money okay [Music] yo we have a salamance [Music] zen headbutt this is super good yo wait a minute wait a minute we got bonnie psychic type psychic type rock type ghost type curse curse of especially i think we got this i think we got it this time [Music] if we save and reload our team is random there's no reason to save before a battle there's no reason to save before a battle we don't gain anything by doing that gonna crunch maybe lower defense or something all right here are my thoughts i have a few different thoughts greg with a few x attacks should be able to sweep but do we need to because this dust stocks all it's gonna i'm gonna fly on the dust stocks because all this dust ox is gonna do is gonna poison me yeah there's the toxic good [Music] good we took out dust docks in one hit yeah but it's then in drapeon i will switch we don't have really anything for drapion i'm gonna try using texas though if texas can survive one ice fang should be able to do some damage it is 10 levels above me but [Music] or it's gonna aerialize it has ice fang okay [Music] doesn't quite do a half we're just gonna earthquake again i guess there's the ice fang this shouldn't ko though right because if ariel lasted that much then icefang shouldn't take me out yeah this is fine [Music] okay earthquake okay um i am going to heal they're probably gonna heal as well but i think it's worth healing here they did not heal they used aerial ace i could have taken them out there i don't know why they didn't heal but x scissors shouldn't take me out unless it's a crit even if it was a crit we were fine and done [Music] let's go the drapeon was down texas took it out but it's in here across will we switch absolutely greg should be able to one hit ko it intimidate lowered its attack we fly here it out speeds how does it out speed [Music] bonnie come on you know psychic you out you don't out speed it misses stone edge how was his hair across so fast bonnie bonnie bonnie bonnie yes you're not it's one hit k it's a grid right back oh let's go better send me a beauty fly will i switch would i just might um and no shadow ball actually no i'm not going to switch here's what we're going to do and no it can't do much to my greg so i'm going to send in greg yeah because i figured it would take me out in one hit there we can send in greg now let's hope it can't do anything to me when i fly we out speed good this might be one hit ko oh it is all right now that's mcqueen we will switch there is no way it takes out silver in one hit all we need to do is hit curse not gonna do much damage it's not very effective that was a critical hit what the heck we curse and we just sit here and wait honestly i'll potion i'll potion here uh we can use our milk it's going to attack order uh oh willow wisp make it a little bit faster power gym that's going to do less yeah [Music] burned and curse that's gonna full restore so we're gonna willow whisp again [Music] very nice [Music] okay uh i guess we'll shadow punch shadow punch attack order is physical so the burn is affected by it that's good and we just wait one more turn i think we're going down nevermind it's using heal order it's going to take a minute i guess heal order again power gem did we win we won and there we go we could have done that all day can't avoid the inevitable we defeated aaron finally god that took forever to defeat a single one of them oh my god our team sucks it is so bad okay i'm gonna revive my team and we'll try again actually our team isn't bad for who we're coming up against our team isn't bad i'll give it that we have water wait our team is actually really good grass types water type water type this is actually decent i should why did i heal texas i don't know why i healed texas [Music] oh yeah zero's normal type i forgot i thought that was a merrell this team might actually be able to win we'll see though uh-huh amnesia that's very interesting [Music] is not gonna do much for us but we might be able to plug sticks and sweep i'm gonna save [Music] i'm not sure what she has what does she open up with interesting tail whip [Music] no okay we're gonna send in bonnie use dig if it's gonna use dig screw this i'm gonna x defend [Music] x defend one [Music] why did that do so much damage you sandstorm uh have i made a mistake perhaps dive to counter dig god damn screw it we'll just set up you have a grass type why most of the pokemon that we're fighting against aren't uh aren't they they're like they're not water ground it's not good to set up with not as good double team this is fine okay we're plus five defense that does less now good that's good um i'm going to use amnesia again that'll be three amnesia's we'll feel pretty good about that now um is it damp or water absorb i don't know uh let's go up now into x specials so i can use my water move to three four five i'll heal now because why not dead to a crit though oh yeah absolutely we're dead to a crit hopefully we don't get crit i'm going to use x speed so we have speed a little bit i think we only need like what like 2x speeds 3x speeds i don't know i'm gonna 1x accuracy because maybe it'll counteract the a double team or something i don't know uh let's see if surf does any damage it avoided the attack i no longer have dive i guess we will bounce it misses its dig it protects fair enough surf it used double protect all right triple protect fair enough it missed hydro pump we hit a hydro pump let's go let's go let's go let's go baby okay bonnie bonnie you're killing it i don't know how hydro pump hit it was like like plus six but whatever i'm not going to complain uh send in sudowoodo i'm get no sudowoodo should be easy dude surf no problem oh no wait we have x defense we should be fine easy easy not a problem bunny gonna sweep i think so look at this damage look at this damage beautiful took out the suit of wudo [Music] sandstorm rages i think we might need to heal i'm gonna heal here just because like i i need the health back hopefully it doesn't do anything oh it used curse idiot it used curse like an idiot without sturdy sturdy doesn't work like that in this gen zoomer you only know gen 5 and later tip out on gone took it out gollum keep battling surf easy [Music] go go a little more like got him uh keep battling with cash no glitch score to deal with surf this one might not one hit ko we'll see is this going to one hit ko let's catch a chunky boy not quite it aqua tails me bonnie with the sweep with cash more like uh give me this cash bertha cause i just beat you that was a bit of a stretch but we got some money let's go what bonnie is evolving i'll let you evolve bunny look at you your body evolved into waylord nice wow bonnie is no longer a laylord [Music] body is now a tropius let's go you are chunk with cash more like this trash got him uh this team's a little wack but i'll give it a try we have mostly grass types but it is what it is i'm going to teach lake tong surf might be useful um power whip you whip them with that tongue huh uh get rid of me first just preparing a little bit because it might help uh yeah sure all right let's do it how can you explain to look forward to seeing you in battle mister the fire type man flint rapidash oh go oh god oh my gosh a fire type ah oh no absorbed light okay it's using a grass type move that's not going to take it out i know this if it was a crit it would have um joy you can take this [Music] you absolutely can take this there you go detect good stuff um i'm gonna use a fire type move now i'm so sorry joy but you're this is you're gone flair blitz that's damage to itself um silver might be able to take this hit uh i guess we'll just use an extra fan while we're waiting like there's nothing else to do it out speeds me so i guess sir [Music] no i'm gonna surf i'm just gonna surf because it's gonna hit me and then i'll i'll surf it oh it missed nice [Music] here we go infernape will we so oh huh if only you were a fairy type huh it's probably just gonna flare blitz right [Music] i'll fly see what happens thunder punch now it's gonna flare blitz there's the flare blitz all right bonnie hits the fly how much damage are we doing wow that's actually a kind of a respectable amount do we have any milk we do have some delicious milk thunder punches again that's a crit uh i'm just gonna melt it up again mock punch idiot fly if it flare blitzes me there's nothing i can do okay thunder punch it [Music] that's an item range no it's not getting the yellow now it won't use an item if we can fly one more time we win why isn't using flair blitz because it's an idiot [Music] mock punch uh bonnie are you gonna do this it keeps using flare blitz while i fly bonnie did it [Music] what drift blim i i guess i'll switch um [Music] silver i guess sure what what does driftblim have for me here like i'm gonna surf and see what it does double team okay i miss surf uh i'm gonna use some x specials i think this is fine we have refresh yeah no big deal like special oh baton pass oh no [Music] hi jump kicked me [Music] hope for the best we out speed no we don't it must use uh like roar or something mirror code oh interesting we're gonna do this and we're gonna fly on a high jump kick i think no use mirror code again use fire punch it missed the fire punch oh they hit a fire punch we're going down for that no we're not want to use fly it use mirror coat this one doesn't have high jump kick wait it doesn't have i jump kick in that case [Music] uh in that case all we need to do is use like strength because oh then it's just gonna mirror code or fire punch right let's heal one more time um not too much yeah we'll surf whatever let's get a mirror coat oh yikes uh frank damn that does a lot please okay we hit one strength that does nothing it's probably because we were charmed like eight times uh leech seed oh you have leech seed late seed we just gotta hit it once all right this will crunch i'm gonna synthesis because it's gonna fire punch me no we won't oh wow interesting this is not a big deal i mean now it's just a matter of waiting we just gotta wait now sunny day defense fell charm fire punch ooh there we go a lot bunnies down that took forever [Music] um hmm silver leveled up nice drift blim switch drift limb has nothing on silver uh yeah i'm just gonna surf [Music] okay steal it okay again sure surfer's gonna do a lot decent amount not bad uh i will x defend here [Music] never mind we are switching um [Music] gonna switch in greg at rock tombs uh we heal up our texas texas should handle it fire fang yikes uh lord's defense maybe doesn't matter okay okay this is a bit of a concerning fight here because firefighting might take me out in one hit so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna battle at him i'm gonna x defend i can't use too many ex-offenses we have a lot of fights to go sunny day oh dear god okay i'm gonna x defend again it's gonna rock tomb lowers my speed doesn't matter fight we need to leech seed we need to get leach seed on it it misses fire fang we hit leech seed sick stelix is pretty strong uh now we get your drain what is it doing okay now we just wait should win here never mind they full restored okay we switch into silver because the defense drop yeah silver takes the hit good how much healing items we have like 30 healing items we should be fine for a little bit you sunny day okay we're gradually getting health back surf fire fang in the sun i know surf doesn't do much because it is sunny but whatever that should be hit yes sunlight strong and we take out stelix okay we stay in here you know what no we're standing in texas it might use fly if he uses fly whatever i want to lease seed this leaf seed is super nice willow wisp no big deal it misses anyways we hit the leech seed and we have crunch crunch double team sure a crunch it's gonna take forever but it'll work ominous wind didn't get the boosts uh i'm just gonna synthesis it'll take itself out that's a crit that's not a crit wow okay drift blooms down thanks to leech seed and that's the third one down no problem texas levels up pretty sick and we defeated flynn do you do that with that team i'm just that good what texas evolving no you're not you're perfect just the way you are texas the next flight's going to be interesting slowpoke rattata lunatones scissor krabby and wormadam [Music] hmm yeah i don't know about this one we'll [Music] see i think texas is gonna hard carry most likely texas will most likely hard carry uh what's the first pokemon that we need to fight though i'm not quite sure if our slowpoke is curse and amnesia i think the slope i think we'll win this battle it has amnesia i think i'm gonna teach it surf and we're just gonna amnesia a bunch it has slack off which is super nice uh yeah i'm gonna get rid of zen headbutt all right we'll save i think we can win this battle all right blah blah blah blah blah what's bug man moves whatever okay mr mime we are going to start by using amnesia a bunch wow that does a lot [Music] healing immediately geez please teach x's or if you have it too late use reflect that's what i wanted uh amnesia again it's using light screen we're just gonna wait out the screens okay psychic not doing very much uh do they have physical psychic types do i have to worry about physical psychic types garlade yeah i guess god laid all right we're gonna use uh 3x defense oh it has thunderbolt and it's paralyzed well we have something specifically for this situation full restores that still does so much that's scary um it doesn't have a gollate and diamond and pearl oh doesn't have a validating diamond pearl huh anyways let's defend two more times wow that does a lot i think this was a mistake fox thanks to the prime uh ralt isn't even the game [Music] hmm [Music] one more x defend uh i'm gonna slack off i'm gonna slack off okay it's light screen war off it's gonna use light screen shoot that's all right we didn't need it anyways we used like two items on him uh i'm just gonna check his moves he has x's or and night slash and iron defense [Music] texas my guy let's go we can just use iron defense x special defense boom survive one hit and you're good okay but we gotta okay we're at zero one [Music] two three two three four five six okay now we'll heal [Music] reflect war off okay now we'll use iron defense three times one two three uh we need to x speed probably i'm gonna do three times two three no crit good we're paralyzed that's fine we have four restores okay light screen is chill it's gonna start struggling soon which is fantastic now we use x attacks six of them one two [Music] three [Music] doing it again you're only gonna have so many thunderbolts battle items one two three four five six we could set up freely now baby okay where's my uh oh we can just use our defends now iron defenses one two three he's out of attacking moves it's literally free uh xspeed we'll use three of them one two three why is he not switching because he's an idiot uh 6x attacks one two three four five six okay now we need to wait for reflect to run out the flight failed light stream wore out light screen reflect war off okay now we just night slash i guess or we act scissor yeah it doesn't matter okay so we're all set up i can't imagine we lose now right what is that in meta jam keep battling um little scared i'll be honest with you i'm a little scared because this might not ko it is 11 levels of but it's not if we're fine no big deal it's chill okay we were fine the whole time uh alakazam keep battling no big deal uh x's are again we out speed yeah alakazam taken down texas leveling up giraffe rig keep on battling giraffe rig off took him out no big deal no problems whatsoever light screen wore off not like it was helping keep battling bronze on level 63 jesus wow it's a kind of a high level isn't it x scissor it didn't want hit ko yikes they use earthquake double yeah it's fine look at this earthquake [Music] just a scratch [Music] no big deal no problem remittance bo thanks for the prime we're making this work we're making these teams work texas with the x's easy dude easy all right the final battle challenge ah okay [Music] starts with spirit tomb i'm pretty sure spirit tomb has embargo this will make it a little bit difficult um [Music] let's just check my team i'm just gonna look it [Music] um okay [Music] we have two different nidorans which is interesting one do they both have horndro no this one has a horn drill x accuracy four times uh i think we need to switch into bonnie to sleep powder and then we'll try setting up with bonnie uh what is the biggest threat for bonnie only works if your level is lower [Music] spear tune was pressure lucario rose radia i mean this will do well enough well x accuracy so razor leaf is guaranteed to hit don't need sweet scent oh i should have saved before using the tm rip i'm gonna save now [Music] rare candy i don't have any rare candies i think i don't have any rare candies silver window on spear tomb that'll be fine hmm what can bonnie learn to deal with the lucario i don't think anything but lucario can't do anything to to my pokemon yeah this will be fine our candy's in the other bag no rare candies are in the medicine pouch rare candies are not in this pouch shiny stone iron plate heart scale nothing of use ohko's automatically fail if the target is a higher level that's sad yo listen to music apparently fighting it with this team goldeen to nidoran's luxio cacturn and victory bell [Music] do do do all right let's see if we can do it i doubt it but i'm gonna try okay spiritual psychic ominous wins silver wind and embargo i believe uh level 61 kind of a high level but it will be fine it adds pressure which does suck but that's whatever uh we're gonna start by wait what does flatter do i'm just gonna double check check moves in case we get one move out no sharply lowering special attack if it's the opposite gender dang it that would have been so good i guess we just crunch dark pulse that's good it's bad swagger yeah okay that's what we kind of wanted we need to put it to sleep immediately hope we survive oh no bonnie can't use items anymore please hit we hit the sleep powder at least we're gonna switch to try and get embargo off let's check moves can we can we make it so it can't move in another way um um i need to switch to another pokemon and then switch back now i have an idea we switch in wait a minute uh switch and silver yes lower special attack right we can we can do that yeah yeah if it's the opposite gender it sharply lowers its special attack we're opposite genders we can captivate captivate one two three so that might not even ko now okay uh what is poison jab this is fine we're gonna go into bonnie now let me just sleep powder it ah i'd use embargo again dammit sleep powder does put it to sleep though uh let's set up spikes how many layers of spikes can you make one two or three in this gen three layers okay there's two layers of spikes use embargo again that's chill three layers of spikes um i think that's all we can do for now we just need to wait for greg to go down i will deal a little bit of damage to it yeah i'll do a little bit of oh no what why did he she switched cynthia's no regular ai apparently uh what moveset does lucario have [Music] uh synths cynthia diamond per pearl just gonna double check cynthia's and this okay here we go uh pokemon platinum vomit diamond pearl orosphere dragon ball psychic an earthquake it's going to use psychic most likely uh so we are going to x special defend it use earthquake it was a crit [Music] okay let's try this again it's going to use psychic so i'm going to use an x special defend [Music] okay wow that is so much damage still it's going to use orosphere again maybe it used psychic that time that's going to ko wow this team is kind of trash [Music] it's got something for every one of my team members [Music] we're going to have to just happen to survive something yeah it's gonna have to or a sphere we have to hit sleep powder hey crit that was a crit that's not a crit and we miss sleep powder okay sure um sure silver come back to life use earthquake whatever don't burn the items what for the next battle bonnie or a sphere put it to sleep come on that's better all right this is going to be a little ridiculous but it's at this point where we need to set up x special attacks no x x attacks that's physical yes that's physical no that's wait sludge bomb is special oh god damn it we're gonna need probably 4x speeds it woke up and immediately use aurosphere that's probably worst case scenario because i mean i don't think any of its moves can miss well it took us out first attempt failed let's try it again all right [Music] dude uh okay so i think we can use surf i think surf would be helpful to give to this water pulse acid armor sharply raising its defense that's incredible team change yes it's a random team every battle not a random team some battles greg it's snore aqua tale earthquake future sight get rid of snore fly honestly cynical might be a pretty good pokemon for this [Music] right uh because it's really bulky yeah it's special defense is really high it said it doesn't have hypnosis yeah um [Music] let's go for it please heal taxes too late okay cynical's coming out and i think we just need to take out the spear tomb before we do anything else so uh what's what's higher my special attack or i we gotta use special moves spiritual's defense is insane right right i cannot remember spiritual stats spear two stats game data um defensive special events are even okay so we will use uh i guess i'll just check my pokemon stats summary my special attack is higher so we will use not extra sensory but air slash okay dark pulse we should be able to take one of those yep um yeah if only we had a super effective move joy [Music] memento might be a good move to use hard to say too bad it has no weaknesses i know i'm gonna roar it i'm actually gonna roar it out that was not the good pokemon to roar into god damn it i think we just lost um [Music] [Music] we survived that wait a minute wait a minute that's the same as get impact [Music] i have an idea it was intimidated it earthquakes silver [Music] we revive we intimidate uh sure joy brick break ow we intimidate it does barely anything we intimidating will cynthia switch i don't know the coverage is really good though impact misses i think that's six yeah it's at minus six now earthquake it's gonna take out texas yes just gonna check the stats attack is one sec attack is 106 special attack is 97. looks like joy is the best bet here we're gonna asset armor that should be regular defense our defense is sharply wrote risen that does even less acid armor acid armor red plus six defense [Music] okay we'll fully heal no crits please uh i'm gonna use all of my ex special defenses now just in case we don't want hit ko and other pokemon i now we're gonna use some x speeds two three [Music] four that's probably enough uh what moves do we have now we got uh surf that's our only attacking move okay x specials then huh i'm gonna heal one more time next time do it without x items that's no fun then you have to sit oh god that's a crit damn it ah that's the games we play the risks we take we're fine [Music] fight acid armor one two three okay whirlpool the trapper good idea whirlpool she can't switch out now do we have x speeds we do good one two three four no crits uh okay now we use x specials till we're at plus six one two three four five no crits six whirlpools out we it doesn't matter if they switch now we've won i believe we may have just won [Music] please tell me we've won what that didn't one hit ko it used struggle how cute [Music] how did that do so little jeez okay we took out the guard chomp but he's roserade i mean i think we've lost maybe because this is gonna be not very effective [Music] do a dumb move do a dumb move and use sludge bomb that's special no ugh what the hell do i do [Music] i guess i'll surf again do we just surf again please kill it okay okay okay uh gastrodon uh oh does it have a storm drain i don't know what ability it has i guess we'll find out such bomb that's gonna do a lot you've got to be kidding me not very effective no no accuracy drop no oh yes that's fine it's a great no why what is this luck uh [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm trying to think [Music] amazing for the 10 months we have to use momento we can still win this it's gonna be scuffed as hell but we can still win this [Music] does anyone notice what i'm doing [Music] poison doesn't matter whatever strats baby just memento three times on it okay what okay so we've we've taken out guard chomp rosa raid guard chop and rosary we need to take out milotic lucario [Music] toca kiss maybe lucario spirit tomb oh it's gastrodon melodic spiritual lucario so other than this spear tomb lucario spirit tomb lucario my lady uh those are all likes do we have any ex special defense no so we have to set up a pokemon that can take out all three of those fire fang takes out lucario extreme speed yeah it's attack is 126. do we have any x speeds oh we don't have any x speeds [Music] we get somebody by milotic a plus six attack at extreme speed does greg have earthquake do we have x defense we do have x defense don't have any x special defense what ability does greg have [Music] anticipation greg does not have amnesia we're gonna have to heal and set up with texas don't do a lot please uh that's a lot my accuracy felt god damn it [Music] remember that i should use guards back then raise that okay this is so dumb i'm gonna have to take a few hits yeah that that stone edge is terrifying um if stonehenge hits were screwed basically because it's it's a it's probably gonna crit battle items thanks to fan use i mean if it crits we're done anyways x defend hope the best one more ex defend accuracy fell what i thought i used a guard thing whatever we're gonna hyper potion again zeon cynthia yes um heal again i think just in case i can't i'm not sure how much money water does about half okay we gotta use one x accuracy i gotta use one more x accuracy so firefang always hits we're running out of items teams missed war off that's fine now we get plus six attack [Music] one it's just a matter of time [Music] wow i'm still gonna try she might throw she might throw who knows [Music] i think gastron is about to struggle actually okay um next attack i guess hope for the best greg is gonna clutch this god i don't know man he is if that's so good for us that is so good for us it just lets me set up more do i how many can i use this let's [Music] all right here we go greg has got to take one hit from everybody pretty much or maybe two hits i don't know greg leveled up lucario you can take a single hit from a lucario right [Music] let's go what it's just melodic and they use a mirror coat earthquake no way okay mirror code again greg did you surf you could take one surf this is gonna do a lot come on yes i took it out okay pressure whatever embargo use embargo spiritual psychic that's a crit you've got to be kidding me [Music] embargo silverwind don't get the boosts no boosts please [Music] attack is higher earthquake great come on greg that's over half is that a crit that's not even a crit it dude so dumb that was so dumb oh my god king over thanks to the prime saying girl thanks to the prime and ignore me thanks as well trophies thanks to the five gift subs and let's see the team that did it oh dear hundred likes of two subs i like going makes the tier one that was so scuffed ugh pokemon is really pay to win huh cowboy this crusader thanks to tier one chewie lamb thanks to five all right let's look at the team that did it we got cynical level 48. i don't know what that text is joy the ass elf apparently we got it in the link trade bonnie apparently we got it level 51. darling nice of the seven subs [Music] texas level 50 [Music] silver level 51. greg level 54. oh greg did it man 33 in game hours we sped up a little bit 72 thanks for the year all right i'll take that what a team super good [Music] saving strongh that strong excellent two well that's it huh we've done it that's pokemon diamond with a random pokemon team every battle doo greg man greg i had everything went wrong in that battle except at the very end when everything went right should have trusted in greg what are we gonna do now uh i'll probably have another pokemon challenge for next wednesday i'm not gonna start a new one today because i want people to know about it and have it on the schedule um there's a few different ones we might do depending on what's ready for next wednesday it's either gonna be a secret that i'll put on the schedule on the weekend or we're doing gen 1 except stat changes are permanent negative stat changes are permanent if someone lowers your accuracy or axe your accuracy permanently goes down if someone lowers your attack it permanently goes down that's most likely what we're going to be doing next week in gen 1 permanent stat changes [Music] it'll be tricky but uh i'm excited for it and you can't even with the time six limit well here's the thing let's say your attack goes down by one stage in one battle after that battle it's permanently set and you can go down one stage again if you get minus six in one battle that's locked in and the next battle is a new battle you could get another minus six the next battle you cannot boost your stat changes you cannot boost your stats boot positive boosts are not allowed that's what we're gonna do pretty crazy right hopefully it goes well but i mean i don't have any more pokemon today
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 230,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, smallant vods random team every battle, smallant vods pokemon diamond, pokemon diamond, smallant vods pokemon randomly generated, pokemon randomly generated team, pokemon randomizer, smallant vods team randomizer, pokemon diamond team randomizer, smallant vods
Id: 1B0ewfTCE2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 11sec (13691 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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