Pokemon Blue against the WORLD CHAMPION

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game normally except wolfie [Music] controls all of the trainers that i fight uh so i'm just gonna get into a battle to show you guys how this works so we're just gonna fight this random hiker you just got down from mount moon nice nice yeah doing a little hiking mm-hmm of course yeah you're into that right yeah yeah i like hiking this is this is basically what you look like in in in real life anyways i actually yeah they are they actually contacted me way back in you know 95 and they're like hey we need inspiration for the hiker character you got that bulk dude all right um all right so i'm gonna switch and then wolfie can take his turn and as you can see i have access to um karate chop karate chop which is very nice um and if the trainer has any items i also get access to those so i'm pretty sure that yeah this one will not have any but you know i could see here like yeah it would be in there and if i have extra pokemon i can switch so oh my god that does something that's not even a crit oh you're so fast want to do that oh that doesn't even get close to one he came okay okay oh yeah karate chop is normal type that's a crit okay okay oh right i totally forgot it like crits almost every time it's fine though i got wide dude we're just going to make a punch it's easy sorry i mean thanks for the tier 2 let's go that's more than i think that's exactly what you missed the entirety of last stream i used like i used like 20 of them last stream and i missed a single time all right i forgot we had a timer going last time three hours 30 minutes okay uh edit let me fix that real quick yeah go for it three thirty and thirty thirty there we go yeah cause last time we ended up ending because i accidentally reset the game we lost like an hour of progress so i've i've gone back to where we were before we got back there and now we're we're good and um i think something that uh we we agreed to last summer that i agreed to i guess if you wipe me out i'll give you five subs right so there's yeah there's some incentive yeah so i need there's another oh i have another one oh i realize yo luke thanks for the sub appreciate it it is so cool um geodude yeah i don't need to switch we'll be fine i think waiting you out as we as we learned last time will be a little bit difficult it's gonna be your your uh yeah and i mean it's i'm gonna get it even more powerful considering that i uh i now have the ssn ticket which [Music] it's uh i i have a plan i have a few different things that i'm gonna do so now that we've done that battle i i have some plans some evil plans to do oh no i didn't mean to walk into this guy good pokemon good pokemon good pokemon hey he's probably just like he brought me a bell sprout bellsprout that's what i'm calling right now i hope it's more i hope eradicate oh no these are like the hardest pokemon to fight uh um it just does so much damage okay you know what you can take this out it's fine sheep man thanks for the stuff i want never mind yeah the hyper fang is just gonna one hit k it just does so much damage i also totally forgot all mechanics oh wow it doesn't it does not show much oh i just hang on i realized uh i have the i'm doing i have to really quickly i'm showing the whole desktop rather than just uh oh it's just like i just totally forgot to readjust the levels because i had to redo it oh that's okay i mean all i have is like random files on my desktop what do i got here i've got floor is lava mod a folder called payloads who else i got overwatch which i've played once uh i got some forged stuff i got server dot properties i don't know where that came from i never played overwatch i know people love it but you're not really into shooters i guess yeah i'm not very good it's very overwhelming yeah too much going on mm-hmm all right cool i'm good all right all right uh aligned with and you'll hyper fang and one hit komi with a level 14 rat at that there's no way i'll do like 20 damage tops it's going to be a crit and uh hyper effective oh yeah okay wait i didn't check my other pokemon it's a gen 1 tech hyper effect because oh that's true that's very strong excited metaphor they give her the subs thank you oh wait does this have rap uh oh right i forgot rap is it oh i think you might be able to take out at sign no way i i think you might cause like no because rap doesn't do any damage as i recall but it like makes it so i can't do any damage to you right i think yeah just like two damage a bunch of times yeah i mean if you survive like oh my god it takes like i can do it it takes so long wait no i managed to tackle okay i'm gonna try poisoning just because i'm curious how much it does you want to see something weird here poison sting not very effective okay that wasn't very good a nice fun little graphical glitch let go boy thanks for the two subs i appreciate it okay okay and you hit your wrap this has got to be like the longest wrap of your life if you want this to work i don't think i don't think there's any oh yeah yeah no chance unless i miss okay oh i forgot move animations are turned off because i was trying to go through this area fast i should turn them back on it's nice animations will i change pokemon you know what yeah oh my god you actually if this raditat somehow like out speed the hyper fang crit flinches me you you have a chance here uh you know as someone just played a lot of pokemon i i don't think i have a chance i'll just go for the cheap damage get my little six damage and go okay i got the crit it's pretty red at that nonetheless deserved metal mania thanks the tier one all right so i need to check do i have any balls i have two rare candies oh my god i forgot about the recordings oh you've been nugget yeah yeah yeah yeah okay i need to buy some balls really quick i need to need to buy some stuff because i have a plan that involves an abra that i mean since you haven't played the games you might not know what this abra can do but it has what they have for last time and i still don't remember has some incredible power that's all i can say obviously i can't get an alakazam but i can get something that is going to be an unstoppable force i don't like that well there's actually going to be a few things that are going to be rather unstoppable you'll see you'll see okay well i enjoy i this is my uh my backseating time right because i don't i don't get to control the wild pokemon yeah yeah basically until i get back to um well we'll probably be getting into trainers right after i catch the ab right i just need to skirt around to go to um that's uh not virgin turf vermillion vermilion city um yeah did you know something that's crazy in this game is uh it should it's something that you that i forget a lot the elemental punches are special moves so you can teach them to like alakazam yeah you know i've i've been playing a an emerald nuzlocke oh yeah because i've actually never done a nuzlocke i was just doing that earlier today actually but um the it's funny because like certain pokemon are just like i have a gyarados right and gyarados it doesn't learn any flying moves and water is special because it's like a little elemental type so i'm like well i guess i'm using fireblast thunder gyarados but yeah i think the physical special split is like a really good change because yeah yeah such a big so many pokemon were just useless and yeah like gengar for example yeah when he goes through a physical so bad so how how difficult you've done a fair few difficult challenge runs so if you had to rank like the difficulty of something like this how how hard would you say it is from scale of one to ten i mean i feel like because like there aren't any limitations on it yeah i would put it like kind of at even difficulty with something like um pokemon but you're level down oh there's an average goal well that looks hard i watched i watched one of those uh i think the first of those videos and it looks pretty difficult yeah like no it i mean it is a little tricky hopefully i catch this it is tricky but like as long as you're able to plan like in advance a little bit you're generally good and i caught it okay first try okay yup yup and i'm not sure did we catch an abra last time and what do we name it after i can't remember i can't remember i don't i don't know if you caught one no okay okay i'm just gonna write it i don't i honestly don't remember who are we gonna name this after uh we'll do we'll do zoe there we go zoe welcome to the team first try easy um but yeah like as long as you prep like a little bit in advance you're pretty good with with those challenges like the ones that you need to prep like way far in advance is like the the no damage runs where you have to think about the whole game right from the start like that one does it's not like you can go back right yeah like especially with like the limited amount of saves mm-hmm so i mean as long as like i'll plan a little bit in advance i think i've got the hang of this i think i should be okay for a little bit i think it like not that i think i'm like a bad opponent or anything but when the pokemon are under leveled like there's only so much i can do yeah you know it's so hard when when it's so limited oh wait is this the big man no he's okay never mind i thought this guy was my time please don't be a strong rocket machop oh no that actually is kind of strong um it's my highest level because this is always going to have like critical hitman chop uh and it's it's normal type is karate chop right your poisons zoey can take this zoe can absolutely oh no he's always got this i wish i ate maybe i have a setup move oh oh don't just karate chop apparently it's a crazy job oh zoey couldn't take it that's a great job zoe so why have you heard my dig theory by the way i haven't no it's it's the every move is based off of dig how so yeah okay so like dig right it's it's a it's a two-turn move you become invulnerable in the first turn you attack on the next turn right that's the basis of it fly it's basically just flying type dig yeah right dive it's like water type dig right um let's say earthquake it's just like the second turn of dig right okay so what about like mega punch mega punch it's just like the second part of dig but a normal type but you know because it only takes one turn it doesn't take that second turn of setup they do need to nerf it a little bit so they reduce the accuracy just to balance it out it evens everything else yeah yeah i'm like no you're making a lot of sense to me right now every move applies to this protect it's just the first turn of dig right yep definitely i like the cry of drowsy yeah splash it's just like not using dig oh my god it's uh dig theory it's it's coming up in the world everyone's starting to believe in it i you know you kind of got me on board at first i wasn't sure but now no i'm not quite sure giga impact it's just like reverse dig you know we put the turns in the opposite order ah right wait this draws it kind of strong hold on oh wait i wasn't even looking how did you know me uh explosion you tried all right okay wait that can actually do some damage here dodge make a punch okay let's see i need some luck oh you have confusion yeah and i also have gnosis so my hypnosis i mean actually oh my god no no no okay let's go oh genuine sleep was definitely broken i'm pretty sure uh okay uh no nap time i think i could chewie kay here maybe yeah i think you might be able to one hit k only confusion is busted oh never mind i'll be fine but sleep i'm pretty sure sleep is broken uh do i have any potions [Applause] i don't think you can oh oh okay yes believe it's so broken ah sleep next turn to wake up oh yeah and it would i would no okay um got out speed it's a drowzee it's got to be so slow oh no you're higher level than i wanted okay well i can't wait unless i yes charlie yes that was the scared most scared i've been in a minute i think it's the closest i've come since you got the nitto king yeah i can get out all right without winning i got the the unstoppable power now i have digo so out of all the challenge runs you've done which would you say is the hardest the hardest one um i feel like a lot of people would assume the shiny only challenge but definitely not that one is that more just a question of patience more than anything yeah well it's hard to be that patient but the thing is since i got to dial as my starter you can technically solo run the whole game because it learns all the hms you need so i could have just stopped at any point so that one was easy it's just like if i just wanted to stop i could have just beat the game um so i'd probably say i think it was the no damage pokemon platinum yeah i think i think that one yeah that one took me a really long time and it just it's so much planning and thinking ahead and like can't really make mistakes [Music] oh he can't learn waterfall yeah i know even if you can't learn waterfall you catch a red gyarados which is great guaranteed shiny anyways right yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it's a rally or couldn't learn waterfall uh apparently that's dumb that's what i've been that's what chad's saying at the very least we should try this but it's a nuzlocke i feel like i would just like bore him with grinding so i didn't lose that's fair that's very fair yeah because like you can beat any pokemon game you can beat anything i was like with pure patience right like you grind to a level 100. yeah get to the air you put them in the daycare you grind a little 100 right like yeah definitely like any nuzlocke is certainly beatable but if unless you add like level cap rules which i think is if you're gonna try and make a nuzlocke interesting in the year 2021 i think you have to add like level caps like pokemon challenges like i don't like that uh like the streamer pokemon challenges i know them i feel like he has he has like a good set where he like he can't go higher than the gym leader's highest pokemon or right for his levels i think that's a good way of doing uh nuzlocke's to make them difficult in the current state of the world do you like randomizers um i i do yeah but like i like the the unique randomizers where it's different every battle for sure i like those a lot more because it uh it it forces you to use really bad pokemon sometimes which is kind of fun you know you get a team of like four metapods and a weedle and then like a macargo it was like all right i guess we're using my cargo and like you can't you can't really adjust your team too much with the w with the random team every battle whereas with the like uh you don't have a flying type move yet but it's good um this will be good this will be good zoey that's the normal type in gen 1 i miss tackle uh why is he letting abra die i just bought it for swish water it's good it's quick it's like stronger [Music] nta facts thank you for the year by the way i appreciate it blainey thank you for the prime thank you so much sen to santi says chirp thank you so much stronger yeah i think i think quick attack is stronger i think gus is like 20 base power or something dumb like that yeah i don't know here i'll check what is gust's base power in gen 1 um 40. so i guess it's the same as quick attack but it doesn't have priority right so it's just a worse version why do they make it normal type it doesn't make any it must be like a translation issue like it must be like a something that's more normal in japanese and they just made it like oh pidgey learns it let's make it a wind type thing right yeah like how bronzong doesn't learn heal though yeah i like what makes me mad [Music] oh no i that's okay oh sorry oh no big deal do you want to join me no no no kill me it's okay you have three pidgeys oh my god i thought you only had one because it was level 16. um give me your pidgeys no no pidgey well this [ __ ] should ko you there's no way you out speed i mean i don't know how to speed but i got this oh more six damage eleven more i think i'll be okay as long as i don't get a miss or two i like this pidgey more it's clearly the superior pidgey yes yeah you it was like a 30 chance to hit that hypnosis when you hit them that's so dumb well i wasn't getting this thing without sad attack anyway so i'm gonna regret it yeah status moves suck for you because i think they just got a base like 25 drop on their on their chances to hit which is annoying because like that's like i feel like if i'm going to win any fights i feel like i really should be utilizing status quo i have to use the status move stuff for sure yeah like hypnosis stuff like that like those moves can actually be good but if i can't hit them then yeah they really didn't design this game with uh the you know kind of somebody else taking over the opposing trainers in mind yeah why didn't they consider this like 25 years in the future they didn't even consider that someone else might control the uh the opposing trainers so we just raised game design in my opinion yeah it's it's so lazy like someone would go in and rewrite the entire battle system and they they didn't consider that like fix your game game freak what's wrong like gosh gen 1 is so busted dropsy trolley okay oh spiros are just better pidgeys no yeah there's so much because they have a flying type move you got stat or i guess you have stabbed but i'm pretty sure peck is better i don't know should i got here oh a fury attack oh no no let's go fury attack i don't think this always hits all the time okay two two hits three hits four hits [Music] let's go although i wasted on the wrong one but we'll take it oh my god chazz ads thank you for the 20 gifted subs thank you so much once again thank you what the heck it's got to be wide i gotta i gotta do wide i i'm going all out and mega punch dodge it zero i have to furious i think it's pretty bad this game no i said dodge it why is it dodging he's so strong oh my god [Music] jolly can do damage but you know what that's okay that's okay i can take eradicate it's only level 16. this run has made me much more appreciative of radicate in general that's you know what no no no i'm here to level up jolly nothing else split split can handle a hyperfang i like the little cry yeah okay well bye split you did you did your best good oh that's a great trick oh okay wide all white needs to do is hit a mega punch and we're we're in a good good place i think i would i think i need probably four or five hyper things to kill you there's no way they're they i think you need two no way this isn't doing three hyper fang is a really high chance to crit we'll see okay if i dodge oh okay i could have gone for [ __ ] attack the only one i was winning i think was miss into hyper fan crit nice okay i defeated junior trainer nice try junior oh i tried so hard okay okay [Music] let's do some healing and i'm gonna save the game a little bit more often this time so in case i actually reset somehow we don't lose an hour of progress so yeah we're just gonna i'm gonna save before i do anything else here yeah so you've gone here before you even um before you even thought about doing misty's gym oh yeah i haven't even tried to fight misty yet that's true i didn't even think about that i i only have one badge don't i yeah oh would you look at that okay yeah i guess so but it's okay it's all a part of the plan oh no there's only poke balls here no i'm gonna eat so many one no what are you doing yes okay i'm gonna catch a pokemon that's relatively rare but is way too strong for this point in the game diglett almost doug trio you got it oh right you can get dugtrio here first try dub trail easy easy green no okay oh oh i think this one's shiny you can tell by the nose yeah the nose definitely gives it away oh no no no use a better move get white out by a diglett okay okay here's what we're going to do here's what we're going to do i think i caught a jugger when i play through fire red it's so good it's such a good pokemon it it there's the i did the first pokemon challenge that i did that wasn't um uh i feel like the first pokemon challenge that was like kind of unique rather than just like ah i can't see the game i was um i did a pokemon blue run where none of my pokemon could level up it's like it was an earlier predecessor to the level down challenge it was instead just you can't get exp i caught two dug trios and they carried me to like the eighth gym it was really pain yeah they're so strong oh no like they're level like 20 and they they taking out like level 40s it's nuts do they get like good good moves like it's just dig is the power of earthquake in this gen oh i didn't realize that yeah oh no oh no wait i have an idea i have an idea i have a real good idea it's basically yeah like three digos combined [Music] make this a little bit faster rebel there we go now only strong pokemon will show up great can someone tell me a source for the rom hack um at sign the person who makes pretty much all of my pokemon mods uh custom coded it over the course of like two months and thousands of lines of code there's that's so cool it's it's amazing it's pretty pog okay okay now a a doug trio should eventually sh oh here well it's just is it just level 21 diglett freak off that's as strong as your strongest pokemon i don't need it i don't need it well at least it gives me a higher chance to get a dunk trio i don't know like two more and then you can combine them yeah yeah did you know in this game reducing a pokemon below one third health actually doesn't increase the catch rate at all really yeah the uh the catch rate formula is bugged also uh great balls don't work properly they're i think they're they can technically in certain situations just be better than ultra balls just because they're in the formula they're just given the wrong number that's so weird yeah and also great balls don't aren't any better after half health but either that's so weird yeah it's so it's so counter-intuitive you know i yeah it's weird it's so weird yo someone flexed oh my god that's nuts right when you're in red hp i know that i watched the uh the speed run of like the world record speeder on pokemon red or blue and like they wanted their pokemon to be a red hp and i don't remember the exact reason why yeah it's so funny um uh oh is this a sneeze one second no i think i'm fine it's it's so funny like this is like huge air quotes glitchless first gen pokemon speedrun because there are so many glitches you actually like if you're trying to do a true glitchless run like you technically need to go out of your way to do a tradition basically like not exploits but you need to be pretty careful to not like do not ever like actually include a glitch yeah is there like is it like is there um like a line between what's a glitch and what's just kind of weird like is the red hp thing um technically that is a glitch it's it's something unintended that the developers it's like an unintended thing that the developers didn't intend to happen but it just happens anyways and how do you know that how do people know that that uh it's not intended right uh i imagine it's because it doesn't happen in the most recent games they they fixed it i would i would guess but uh yeah like um for example if you have one badge and you ever get your stats changed uh it miscalculates your stats so if you ever get a stat change after the first gym that's a glitch wait a stat change being like a like plus one attack or whatever yeah plus one attack minus one attack plus one accuracy minus one accuracy it miscalculates your stats and it actually boosts all of your other stats if you get a stat change it's up or down it boosts all of them yep oh my god yeah so when i'm stand attacking you i'm making you stronger technically you're making all of my other stats like i think it's one-eighth stronger it's it's increased the badge boost glitch and that's actually like used in speed runs in glitchless speed runs because you just can't avoid it right you if you're gonna get sand attacked at some point jeez why yeah oh no yeah there's so many different things um [Music] it's it's fun to think about like potentially how to do it and uh yeah i'm i don't want to spoil it because this is related to a video that i'm working on but um i don't want to say how but it's technically not possible it's not possible to beat the game without glitches huh that's really interesting yep i won't ask questions so that i don't accidentally reveal information do you have a favorite pokemon game by the way like is there one that you prefer about all else it's either like pokemon platinum or like soul silver or heart gold gen 4 is like the ones that i i'm not sure if i put the most i think i put the most amount of hours into x and y honestly but oh let's go oh hello that's what i was trying to get oh my god 29 oh no it's too good it's too good oh no don't you're break free [Music] wait you missed what does that mean i missed i'm gonna throw poke balls and i catch us if i gotta gift you five subs because of a wild dug trio whatever yeah [Music] is doing my job for me no wait okay wait we have a flying type it could dig me that's fine oh particularly so many turns okay it missed that attack let's hold it let me control you stop missing oh no it's i i can't hit it okay that's just like a turn like an instant break or um the gen one is weird because you know how it randomly shakes a certain amount of times in other gens yeah that's not how it works in this gen in this gen how many times it shakes is how hard the pokemon is to catch so if it misses it's very difficult to catch got it so it's just real difficult to catch got it so if it shakes even once then you've caught it yeah so if we if we see the ball at all in this you know 100 on the first shake that i caught it got it makes sense [Music] oh like that there we go we got it let's go easy new data okay you can name this one you can name who this mole go through a chat any [Music] stubs transfer the bills pc i'll keep that in there just in case i need it it's just a threat yeah i feel threatened i'm not i'm not going to use it i'm just going to use it as a threat it's psychological damage you're an actual vtc player if i need it i have it in the back it's a counter pick i'm amazed i didn't get whited out there yeah yeah i think the flying tips are good but it also yeah cause i guess only scratch and dig could like even do damage at all oh wait um sorry i had to look at the thing okay um you know what oh [Music] oh can you go i thought you needed the ticket i do have the ticket i got it from bill oh i i did skip the second gym do you need the second badge to use cut i don't know if you do pretty actually i have no idea yeah i don't know the chad is asking if you like durant by the way durant it's you know what i didn't for a really long time i just thought it was like a crappy little metal ant and then i did the the i think it was the the no leveling up pokemon black run and that completely changed my mind that thing swept like the last half of the game it was nuts really like it was it's so strong with like set up it had like hone claws and and hustle oh yeah yeah it's broken it's so good yeah it uh it was actually really good in vgc before like backflips yeah it was like doing really well oh yeah uh okay jolly i need two more three more levels uh oh i thought it was funny yeah it does but i have her candies all right um zoe good switch fodder swordsman towards that source please no my moves are still so bad would that even take me out oh oh nice nice teleport away doesn't it fails right i don't know didn't they change teleport in the recent gems where it like actually switches you out now exactly it's like a negative it's like lowest priority switch or something like a really low priority switch move so you could like go to something bulky take a hit and then teleport out for a free switch that's cool okay okay split i think split can take on this pidgey no way it's not it's only it's oh easy yeah no no problem basically 11. [Music] yeah i'll just peck you'll miss your quick attack somehow 192.56 it i was hoping for the one in 256. it's i it's okay um you don't have a flying type move yet i can take this unfortunately you're correct i might have pictured by the way yeah i don't know they just they just like to press b um okay i'll get like one hp back every turn this is fine i'm gonna growl so no matter what even if you switch even if you switch you're gonna get it's a flawless strategy no a shiny pidgey you see that for a moment the blue pidgey [Laughter] it was um poison sting's got nothing i think both these would suck um i think poison sting might somehow be stronger but i wouldn't swear by that four damage oh boy it's gonna be a long one should be a long battle when's the next rival battle i think it's on this ship i think we'll fight oh i think you're right we'll fight wolfie on the ship let's go i feel like everyone's been talking about it lately what do you what do you think about the whole game stop sin thing it's insane are you are you invested i'm not invested um no the whole situation is it's really bizarre but i mean it's like in terms of like a culture thing it's like okay like it makes sense right like it feels like we've reached that point as a society where this would like this could happen right but in terms of like the thing that it affected being like the stock market it definitely is a little bit wonky it's it's insane that a bunch of people essentially they're manipulating the stock market as a meme it's it's absurd to think about it's just i know and it's since like they're literally making like that so many of people are making like thousands of dollars on a meme it's it's ridiculous to think that they're gonna bankrupt that uh that hedge fund right yeah like literally people on a subreddit are bankrupting a billion multi-billion dollar hedge fund right like what yeah it's it's yeah it's it's just i like i don't have any really deep thoughts about it but it's just crazy that's all i can say yeah oh i think chat chat doesn't okay here i'll explain for anyone that isn't aware of the situation okay so basically gamestop is a failing company i think everyone understands that it's it's unless it makes some very drastic changes gamestop is going to fail and because of that many large hedge funds have bet on that fact that gamestop is going to fail and their stock like value is going to go down uh the thing is if it goes up they have the potential to lose more money than they have invested in this in this sort of this thing um and the the crazy people at uh a place called a subreddit called wall street bets started to recognize that and they're like we could really ruin all these billionaires days by just artificially inflating the gamestop stock by all trying to buy it at once and it's gone to the point where it's gone like they've inflated it so much that it's hit mainstream media which is giving it even more attention so even more people are investing and the stock price has gone up by like 2 000 and i believe the the the one company that has like a 13 billion dollar portfolio has lost seven billion dollars so far yeah and it's the crazy thing is who um they this company for anyone who doesn't know this hedge fund they had shorted gamestop and what a short is is it says um if the price goes down then you make money but if the price goes up you lose money um and so in a situation like this all these people drove the price up and some of these like my understanding is some some uh other hedge funds or other like people who had shorted gamestop or betting on it going down decided to cut their losses and bought like the stock um like oh like just accepting that they were gonna lose money and that because they bought stock like saying okay like we've lost some money but we're gonna cut our losses at this point like to the difference between what they bought it at and what it was before that again drives the price up which then forces more people to like have to buy the stock to like uh like re-balance their losses and it's just this vicious cycle um overall but yeah like the sec might get involved and like i think the president like the secretary of the treasury department or something had to like issue a statement about that they're monitoring the situation so the whole thing is just really nutty yeah in my opinion because it's like it's such a fine line because technically they are literally like by definition manipulating the market which is illegal but they're not doing it for personal gain so it's on such a like they're just doing it for a meme like so it's like it's like on a fine line of is this legal is this not but like how do you prosecute someone when they're just literally throwing away their money for fun like yeah [Music] it's it's very difficult to comprehend in my opinion yeah that's all i got well i guess it's i guess it's attacked oh a tourniquet it's the perfect crime um but i have a feeling that in the end like they'll regulate it or like undo it because i feel like the uh regulation tends to go in favor of the people who have all the money and since there's literally billionaires involved yeah that's my prediction hard to say i don't know i i'll be interested to see what happens for sure [Music] stonks are zodiac signs for rich people it's really funny uh you know what let's grab this item rare candy tm08 what's that what is tmo8 i don't know i know that wait let me guess i hope it's uh growl uh i'm gonna guess um to tm08 uh not double team it's a normal type move i don't know what it is though [Music] oh it's a good one it's so good uh do i get rid of mega punch i didn't think the guy in that room lost a lot of money in gamestop he was like a fancy fancy hat great ball great ball [Music] pretty sure in the mo in the remakes they have leftovers in that one instead no oh really yeah did you play let's go pikachu let's go eevee that is one of the only pokemon games i haven't played actually same yeah i just looked at it i was like i don't want to do that yeah i was like it uh [Music] oh yo okay sure cool thanks for the snorlax pokedex entry [Music] how's my team looking super healthy oh um i didn't realize it was that low oh you can take them they don't have anything good yeah nothing good at all i'm sure they i'm pretty sure one of them has a growlithe which is gonna decimate my team is this the bed that i can sleep in no there's a bench damage i should have less damage would have been made me feel more comfortable i'm pretty sure there's like one bed in here like is this the bed is it can i sleep in this bed or is that in the most recent gents do i have to leave to go to the pokemon center on this one no [Music] i don't know if this one you can heal inside that might be in the most recent gens talk to the girl okay i'll talk to is this the one with the girl nope wait wait this girl heal micro i always travel with wigglytuff i michael trainer battle pokemon are fully healed excellent heal me waiter i would like a cherry pie wait did she say wait or wrong no i thought it was w-h-a-i right there i ain't no waiter all right i guess we're walking back no wait it's next to the exit so like here [Music] the rich guy is it this guy oh no no come on come on johnny johnson charles did you just draw the jersey please don't come on guy who invested in the games or lost money again i don't okay i can still switch i guess i'll switch swords and swords insurgents that's what we got here bite roar number and in the back i have grave oh let's click roar i didn't think that old man had a pokemon i thought he was just a guy that i could talk to in that one i thought there was only the other old man in the other one [Music] burn that didn't even do that much damage oh right because you're physical right growl is supposed to be physical no no [Music] amber's normal type wait really no it's not good chad don't lie to me i don't have any [Music] see well it is it says normal but it's actually fired just the the thing is wrong there no 10 10 10 damage no this move [Music] yes okay i'll be fine i'll be fine i feel like it'll hold up soon okay come on girly they should have used roar what was wrong gonna do let me do damage should be fine okay growl i need you to dodge the water gun and then [ __ ] burn no growlithe one hit kale no it's not gonna kill let's go it's a crit that's too good okay you're getting so strong i hate new cake i didn't hate duking until today okay you know what i'm just gonna go to the pokemon center i'm not risking it i'm not risking it anymore i think the room that you were in earlier was like the two trainers like all the trainers the two the trainers yeah one of them is a trainer they disguised his trainer but they actually heal oh they're actually nurse joy of course there's no bed in gen one that's weird can't sleep in gen one don't none tailed thank you for the five months and nicole boy thanks for the thousand bits all right [Music] um you know what i'm doing it i'm gonna if this is a mistake it's a mistake that i'm willing to make but i don't think it is wide is going to start slamming things delete another move absolutely um i think it's just a better mega punch right yeah no no i can't even dodge and it has the paralysis oh you know what wait let me think um i'm probably gonna get that you know what i'm going all out give it the great ball oh no give it dig oh no it can't learn it nice job i can't learn dig in this game [Music] hmm that's whack that is whack i agree it can learn like surf but it can't learned egg that's bizarre it has water gun yeah it learns water gun but it doesn't learn dig hey you got any items oh wait this is the snorlax man yeah so this guy doesn't attack me but the other guy does i have a question about something you said a second ago yeah yeah he said um body slam is just like a better mega punch but didn't you mean body slam is just a better normal type second part of dig exactly yeah it's it's really it can paralyze too you know yeah yeah with the secondary effect oh hello uh am i okay yeah yeah i mean oh but i'm horns you might have peck see what i have i have pack no water move and my other pokemon are great i'm awesome okay well peg time oh my that does quite a lot still okay i have a level or i'm only one level away and a super hectic damage and it still only does like not even a quarter wow good job goldeen and i got you this fight [Music] i can switch but what's the point um yeah you can switch it like your tentacle but the battle is lost anyways yeah peck is pretty bad yep can't change pokemon yeah sure and switch training what they don't experience right uh they do it but it's called experience oh yeah and it's bad someone just asked was the last battle not the rival battle no that was just a random old man it's old man old man battle yeah [Music] put dunk trio on the team no no no no i don't need doug trio to win all right that's a cop-out doug trio is a cop-out it's it's simply there to act as a threat if i lose a battle i just take the treaty okay let alone [Music] okay he's tentacle i switch you know what yeah i'm switch training i like tentacles sprite in this game i i think i think it looks better than the current design yeah i just in general prefer typically like gen 3 gen 4 sprites over current ones but this one excuse me in particular is really nice it's very round see you in five turns oh do i need to do that jail huh oh sorry my pet dolphin just needed some attention all right all i need is for this tentacle to be faster than your entire suit if you get a pokemon with agility and a rap it's all over for me i just i just lose i think i mean until i missed but yeah please be slow please be slow no no you're so fast not fast let's try out this new body slam oh tentacles so much power [Music] there we go all right old man let's go ui person thanks for the fourteen floor do you have one next to the five oliver thanks to the 16. growlithes again one growlith pikachu so chunky dude it's so round oh no all right let's see we got here that's not great at all quick a deck away thunder wave really good in this chin i know body slabs pretty good unfortunately i think you're correct it's too strong so strong i have a level advantage and i'm still getting doing what 16ko let's go great [Music] okay what was this all for pretty sure this is like a full heal or something i don't know why i did this levels i guess dollars max oh that's okay i guess thanks ether nope no any items any items oh uh oh you should do a double battle i think it in this game the battles just activate one after another or they just can't happen i'm not exactly sure um yeah i mean i know there's not double battles in this game for sure i think you can thunder wave ground types this gen oh i would have missed anyone jolly tackle i want to see how much jolly can do now great job jolly oh my god no nope who else do i have master elephant and zenni thank you for the primes i appreciate it a lot thank you okay i have these traps [Music] my thought process was i could i can waste your oh experience attack make sure i didn't get the experience yeah i don't even know if i survived because you've got every time oh no white is getting wider try to learn oh i'm pretty sure thrash is like busted in this game in this gen we're getting rid of horn attack [Music] pretty sure thrash is busted we're gonna find out when's the next rival battle i think it's like two battles away um what's the most you can do to wide it's not good eruption fire blast what do we got here a burn would not even be an issue because we got water again no problem let's go ponyta good job amber just like and rapidash are just total disappointments when it comes to like actual pokemon like they're just so bad yeah it's like they're all slightly better with like the flame charge and flare blitz now but they're still so yeah they're just filler pokemon it feels like rare candy i knew there was one that does how many levels do i need for jolly now one more level one more is it uh [Music] uh i'm gonna heal first i'm pretty sure that's the rival battle i'm gonna do my best it's like an extra 30 seconds but it makes it a little bit more more likely that i have a chance here i don't think i don't think i can win if you heal although i don't know what my wands are but yeah at least this is before you gyarados there's not a heal on the ship [Music] fix your game game freak should patch it patch and heal he'll make one of the beds healing [Music] get the mole i don't need doug trio i caught it just to say that i don't need it it's like it's like uh it's like a a millionaire buying uh a house that they um they don't really need but you know it's just nice to have you bought it just for the flex yeah exactly [Music] all right here we go bonjour and seeing you here and were you really invited really and so are your pokedex coming i gotta really like just pause the answers i already caught 40 kinds comma pal different kinds are everywhere crawl around in grassy areas what a personality you have you are all right i only have four pokemans half of miners switch water it's 19 okay all right zoe switch fodder go okay so that thing can't do anything hopefully you don't have to move can i i don't i don't imagine any of these can set up so i'll just i'll take debate we say gusted gust is normal yeah okay i didn't know you had kadabra i thought you still had an abra just gonna body slam let's think about this so you have left nidoking ivysaur um i killed your i killed your abra you have magikarp and then the two flying types so really i just find a way to be or i think i can do this damage did you know i don't really need i'm gonna be using chinese cadabra only 10 damage that's a lot of damage okay you're not the same you getting chip damage in that might be significant enough i forgot to buy potions because i just haven't used them oh you probably have a potion too oh it's true oh it's the gyarados uh i think i have to go cadaver and pray i think i got one shot maybe not though uh-huh alakazam do not speed don't out speed don't out speed yes one hit please yes [Music] what are you sending out i was afraid i'll just send it outside [Music] okay okay i can switch to uh to um no i'm not going to though leech seed it'll be fine this is fine yeah no this is all right got the leech seed gradually losing that health growl that the growl was you amber what am i doing that didn't matter anyways i don't think i can get to this new king unfortunately you won't have to split's going to peck do i switch oh i should check my moves and there it [Music] goes oh my god oh it's really burned dude okay that doesn't do anything split what are you doing what are you doing little guy [Music] uh all right all right wide oh i just gotten confusion i off i can take one you're so fast like deceptively fast yeah oh wow that doesn't actually do a ton i don't think i'm losing anything either if i had blaze maybe we could talk but 10 damage oh noe and we got the lead seed you know what i'm a thrash to finish this off oh no should should be enough oh you still have eradicate don't you yeah oh oh it just keeps going wide gets wider no no need to switch need to switch oh no go use hyperbang thrashing the boat oh this is the crit no [Music] quick attack i think yeah i do have missed there okay okay managed to get the victory i heard there was a cut master on board he is a seasick old man blah blah blah blah blah smell you yeah sure wider the white get whiter [Music] and from this man is sick and i got close and rubbed his back does he not know about this whole social distancing stuff what's up with that you know what i can do right now oh no it gets worse oh oh no okay it's attack is 15 right now and now it's evolving it's such an intense sprite learn bite all right i gotta say i gotta see so it was 15 oh my god it's ekans oh no okay let's check wide stats oh my god it's stronger than y oh no all right it's pretty pretty powerful i'll take it yep sucks that you know i'm gonna give it surf and stuff and that's gonna be weak as heck but it's it's not bad bye ssn have a nice drip i like how like the water behind it is like attached to the boat it's like sliding along with it give me a headache oh [Music] all right all right i got cut i think it's time i get the second badge now yeah oh yeah that's true i should save i should save yep [Music] oh i don't think it's much of an issue uh oh yeah because i have gyarados now it'll be all right it'll be all right do you have a favorite pokemon by the way like if you had to say one hmm it's it's pretty close between a whooper and aaron i brought aaron to a tournament actually i i just barely missed top cut wait really with like fear tactics yeah it was before they made a rule nice they made a rule that uh you couldn't use like every pokemon under level 50 would be set to level 50 but before then i brought shell bell uh endeavor stuff it's really funny it's so good uh-oh oh oh [Music] how far back was that oh i think it would be fine that was 20 wait what year was that it would have been 2013 i think i thought yeah yeah and there used to be a thing where um um there used to be a thing where i'm hardly reading the wake up nope um uh like some people would use under level pokemon on purpose because uh of trick room so for example in 2011 some people ran amuse but that was only level 49 because oh i don't see that right oops um i didn't realize i confused you nice yeah some people will run level 49 and mungus so that in trick room they'd be slower and could uh oh i'm so sorry i didn't hit the game okay i yeah um yeah so some people would run under level the mungus because it was one point slower than the 50 of mungus uh and that way they could support first that's a clever yeah but they i guess people using it or like my level one air and stuff i think it was nine the the meta will get so advanced that you're running like level 35s i think before i started playing like 2009 like i think there was a strategy where i think like one of the best teams had like a level one smeargle it was like fake out dark void endeavor it was pretty trickier like it was like that like triple dust i think that's gonna be so annoying it's actually just fake out room and then dark void depending what they wanted okay i i have some i i mostly did like an x and y i did like singles but i made some really like gimmicky teams that i thought was fun and i'm going to run some by you and yeah maybe hit me i have what i want to tell you about but yeah go ahead okay so um the one that i had was uh the pokemon it was a talonflame i bred it deliberately so it's ivs in every stat were zero it had zero hp zero defense zero special offense okay it's special didn't matter and it had a maxed out attack and only attack and attack and speed evs okay um it had the gale wings ability which in that gen obviously flying type moves that uh priority um it knew um acrobatics swords dance and had a focus sash okay so i would swords dance first turn hoping that they attacked me and brought me down to one hp which would use the focus sash which would make acrobatics a 110 base power move with the sword stance and its priority and it would just it would sweep through teams it was brilliant that's awesome yeah i like that a lot oh choice so one of my favorite kind of gimmicky strategies is a thing called normalized trap but it's a little complicated okay if you want to hear i'm happy to tell you about it sure sure what what is it so the way that it works is del caddy has a unique ability called normalize which says all of del caddy's moves turn them into normal type right okay yeah so the way the strategy works is you lead dell caddy and like gengar um and i did this i brought this through tournament like a second with it yeah um and this usually don't get a gengar and you would fake out with del caddy and role play with gengar which copies normalized and then hopefully they killed your dog caddy and then you would bring in gothitel with shadow tag to stop switching and you would skill swap with the gengar to give away the normalized and then you would role play with gengar again copy shadow tag or copy uh normalized skill swap to their other pokemon so they just couldn't do anything at all yeah they can't goth until they could switch but yeah um uh but then after you really got normalized on both then you would then you would uh role play yourself role play your own uh role play your own gothic tale yeah steal tag and then you switch gotham are two ghost types and all their moves are normal and then uh from there like you came one pokemon at a time and before you kill them you role play them to steal normalize again so when they switch in you you still swap and then they then they have uh the thing again you guys again you got second with that threat i did yeah like i only know what that strategy was it was hybrid with that and then i also had like a parish trap option which is the move paris song and then shadow tag so they can't like switch out so but yeah it was it's like yeah one of the funniest things i pulled off it's so funny just completely stuck it was so funny yeah double battles are cool because you can do like fun stuff like that sometimes so like there are a lot more options are open when you have like multiple pokemon you can control yeah there's there's a lot more you can work with uh-huh by the way this gym is not going to be this is not going to be fun for me yeah this is i i went so far ahead that like yeah it's going to be rough [Music] okay you missed triple battles triple battles are just a little i feel like they're a little too much agree yeah i mean i never played triple battles because they were never like uh there was never a reason you know yeah how about rotation battles how do you feel about rotation battles are those interesting again i don't really know i don't like they were never competitive but i got the sense they were kind of dumb but i i i like never really played them except like whatever they made us do in the story in black and white you know yeah aren't rotation battles just like single battle pick three pokemon isn't that literally yeah it is i think the switching is a little weird as i recall but i'm not positive honestly yeah because you can like you can rotate left but that's just like switching out a pokemon yeah right exactly but i think could you attack the same turn you switched i can't remember i don't know i didn't like the battle royale stuff either i thought that was kind of like it was a cool concept but in practice it was just super dumb mm-hmm you can rotate and attack on the same turn uh okay anyways second gym oh boy i wonder yeah i think i think i've got this one i don't know maybe the the third gym you might have a chance here because i'm pretty sure surge has just some busted like strong raichu or something like that i think it does but you have nidoking so i don't i don't know so i think i think the next two gyms are kind of a wash yeah but i i feel like you're definitely gonna crush me once i get to uh sabrina because she is green is definitely the [Music] nice glad i am glad i have a water tape here yeah nice water tape by the way oh i had a potion in the rival battle i think that i forgot to use oh yeah you might have i don't even think it really mattered no truthfully well that's the second gym okay i'm bad that's another level you should buy the next gym immediately not quite i need to do one thing first i have a plan that i've been brewing up for a while now i wonder if it involves the abra because i've just been stressing about whatever the heck you've planned for that mm-hmm yeah this this abra being a psychic type is a little bit busted the psyche types are pretty good oh yeah psychic is like best type in genuine right yep by far oh no daycare you'll see you'll see you'll see i don't want to spoil it it'll happen in the next minute or so okay i'm just sitting back and watching the show mm-hmm someone says in my chat this might be mean but you look like nicholas cage if he was a nerd and younger do you think that's that's a compliment or an insult i i think nick is a nerd and younger i mean nerds i feel like are are considered relatively attractive these days right nerd yeah it's pretty desirable and like nicolas cage he's like the peak of male form so like that's really only a positive thing like everything they said there younger nerdy which is just i mean it's just synonymous with more attractive nicholas cage [Music] like i love um national treasure it's so funny that's a good one it's a really good one i haven't watched that in so long i should watch that again soon yeah i watched it it was like over a winter break in college my friends and i were like oh like with one like uh uh what's it called uh national treasure and then i was actually like i was actually like okay this is like it's funny but it's like actually an entertaining movie yes diggle used ground yes arena trap arena trap real nah all right faster pokemon jolly it must be fast plus speed minus third is that yeah plus speed minus special yeah you got it although i'm pretty sure there aren't natures in this gen i'll i'll the name does it i'm sure it does out speed run leveling prophecy you've stolen a juice donut man this dick looks as strong as all the pokemon i've been given what the heck [Music] i missed that raticate remember eradicate that was so good that was too good i was like level what like 14 and just a random 16 raticate with critical hits it was busted it's like man like i'm pretty sure um sabrina all of her pokemon no psychic and she has like abracadabra and alakazam and like it jumps from like level 30s to level 50s in that gem for some reason oh i'm looking forward to it i'm thinking like i'm pretty sure like right after gym 3 i could technically fight sabrina it's the fighting gym is there too right they're like in the same town yeah yeah like the the fake gym yeah the fighting game is weird yeah it's like a i think a human gym or something i guess is that what it's supposed to be like a human or like a dojo i guess it's a dojo i'm pretty sure [Music] oh no mr mime can still use moves like cut excellent wait did i not even need cut i didn't even need cut but i'm trading mr mom sorry zoe you're not switch fodder you've never been switch fodder no you wait cyclic is so good this jen i know and mister mime you have gyarados water flying ivysaur poison grass noodle king ground poison and now mr mimes your psychic pretty solid it was trade fodder what name does mr mime have miami is that it i hope so just add maybe sasha's original trainer trainer it's rather creepy this is just the hair it's the weird hair things and the face it's like so pale i don't know all right what do we got what do we got marcel all right marcel level 10. what's he known for level 10 one on earth oh and special is weirder than this gen yep because it's combined oh my god yeah 25 all right you know what marcel is the new switch training such a good name marcel is pretty solid he's like a slightly stronger cadabra but not quite as strong as alakazam it's basically the best psychic type you can get in by playing only one person i mean we're technically playing with two people but that's not that's different [Music] marcel can take him really oh no oh wow i think marcel actually can what oh no i didn't actually think it could there's something what's the mu glitch someone says i thought abro is for the mew glitch and it gains a boosted experience because it's traded oh no it's over the run is dead oh so um so in competitive pokemon um like in torque shield they have like an online ladder yeah and the way the ladder works is that it resets in the first of every month um and everyone gets kicked out of like the top tier and push down a couple tiers and um i have uh like in the past i've done like going into number one just like getting to number one in the world streams with like um challenge pokemon so sometimes it's like i got to number one in the world with red's team and i did it in like an hour because if you do it right after the latter reset if you're the first person and with really hard pokemon like glacion was really difficult that's like another way to do it but uh i'm thinking about doing hops team for february 1st because they're changing the ranked rule sets so you can use like one restricted pokemon one like really powerful lesson mary pokemon he has sashing but the rest of his team is so bad so i'm like sitting here thinking about like oh my god can i use like double and like snorlax yeah i think i've seen that on i think i've got that in my recommended before you did it with jolteon yeah i've done it the first one was leafeon i was leaving on the glee on the jolteon i like messed with espeon a little bit but it's it's really bad mm-hmm okay i have another like very cheesy competitive set yeah that i liked it's um it was purely to destroy the kids that go online and just have like only legendaries um it was a biblical with simple yeah oh it's simple okay yeah so the the stat changes are doubled right whenever you get a stat boost of doubles um yeah it had um curse amnesia black off rest rest okay and aqua tail oh boy i like that a lot that's super funny uh yeah i'm pretty sure it was a chesto barrier something of that nature and it it worked well whenever they sent out like a super strong legendary use just either curse or amnesia whatever they're going to attack with and it just then you're just you can just sweep for the rest of the battle it's great because like even if they set it like a kyogre like a plus six aqua tail is gonna do some damage you know it's funny the um there's a we have a three-time world champion like somebody who won three times and um he like after he uh i think it was in 2013 after he had like one like if you win then the next year um you get like an invite for free but he still went to nationals just like for fun and to hang out and he used new mel like like yeah and it had simple and it was like simple stockpile and i think it was jinx and like he would skill swap he would set up with stockpile three times and get the plus six defenses and then go swap dry skin onto it and maybe like hit it with water moves to heal it or whatever like maybe like kind of water moves i don't remember the rest of the set but um it was super funny super cheesy yeah and he went like i think he went positive i think he was five and four and i think he could have been like six wins three losses except that he like was playing at somebody who like he was a friend and he beat him with new mole so he forfeited so that way like because it didn't matter to him if he like yeah it doesn't matter yeah all right marcel [Music] oh no taking out this gym how long do i think i'll be streaming um like 20 minutes yeah yeah maybe 25. yeah 25 maybe probably 20 though self-destruct self-destruct please i guess you might have that oh i'll be fine there's no way you can deal damage to me i think i have sonic boom [Music] something good something good something good no you actually do have screech and sonic boom okay that's a quarter of my health gun dodge attacks just thrash should be pretty straightforward there's no steel type this gen oh never mind correct oh no my other pokemon are trash i didn't even see what you had you're getting worse just like real life oh wait you have a raichu i don't think i can do anything about it marcel can hand marcel will be fine tell him about celebrate vaporeon no oh sorry all right what's this move said it's sir no no no no no electric [Music] you can't do anything here you don't even have healing moves they're actually okay okay just some more of those why do you have x speeds when you're there your ride shoes gonna out speed anyways it's such a bad set of items [Music] it was a bigger issue in my opinion it's just like by the time you're using x3x speeds all your pokemon are gonna be dead i don't lieutenant surge he may have been in a war but he i don't think his tactics are very good yeah he he he was in a war but he never said that he won did he whatever you want for me i can't do anything guys the thunderbolt would have done some damage though yeah i don't think this is my type matchup all right no wide so wide whoa you're the real deal kid nice all right three badges not bad not bad zooming through but i mean like i figured once i got the once they got past like the the early game it would go a little bit faster i should have relished those moments where i was strong then you were weak i should have appreciated them when they were here where do i even need to go now i think it's like the the cave thing i haven't know it no idea pretty sure i need to go into the cave thing i'm going to do that yeah wait which cave not the the dark one where you need flash but i'm not going to use flash [Music] yeah i should yeah i should hit the sprinklers [Music] would have taken the wide right out um okay yeah i need to go through the dark tunnel yeah yeah yeah [Music] can marcel learn elemental punches i don't know [Music] i think it is in the new games yeah i think he can i don't know i'm probably not going to because i i don't know where to get them anyways uh you know one thing that i really like that they changed is that they removed hms yeah i agree i think that they've honestly like like sword and shield i actually really liked and i know some people weren't crazy about them but like i think they made a lot of really good changes mm-hmm yeah like when i was playing through the game like it's not a bad game certain things felt rushed but like agreed it's it's still pokemon game like it's still fun you probably don't need to switch oh yeah i have confusion don't i that's true yeah [Music] i wonder who's going to win this encounter oh okay nevermind yes my strong yeah i actually did a fair amount [Music] absorb is actually oh [Music] absorb is actually doing a little bit of damage i have so many of these jerks what how did you get so many pokemon where'd you get those i don't know i don't know you've been busy off camera huh seriously 13. oh seriously my phone activated it doesn't just have so many auditors and bell sprouts will i switch you know what yeah uh we're gonna switch into the only switch water i have still and let's get rid of that poison i don't need it no i don't need none of that no no no no do i have monkey man no i don't reach out at i'm sorry i don't read it i can't stand chat why would i read it so um yeah we'll be fine that was sarcasm if you're not aware [Music] this move is so broken it's like if you're if you out speed you just win you have like a 10 chance to miss but like 10 i don't know what the chances are to miss i have no idea yeah uh in marcel it's level 13 but it it's good it's psychic and psychic is just too strong i was wrong poison type oh we're gonna find out yeah oh all right bye marcel you did good kid you did good really just he's marcel just doing his best oh man nice job bell sprout trick two kills not bad enough all right time to take out the big boy split not much better i just try to even out my team i don't want wide to get too strong because then like once i hit the psychic gym i'm just screwed it's two okay hi abby hello yes three yes four how long can it last can it last indefinitely no just five i think it's two to five uh well that was five yep i wish you good poison powder your nidoking or your ivy story you know what jolly i'm taking up taking out charlie now can i yeah reorder moves okay this team this team has actually taken out a surprising number of my pokemon [Music] it's fine one left no jolly grows stronger [Music] oh i can't even train up my uh i'll switch anyways i can't even train up my marcel i killed it all right bellsprout is an airpod pro i wish i hadn't heard that kinda i guess i i really don't want to imagine shoving a bell sprout into my ear but i guess the shape is kind of similar and there's the wrap [Music] all in just one pokemon with agility and rap yeah if you get that you simply win like i i think it's only a five percent chance to miss after chad said that so so like is there anything so like i don't know agility rap maybe i think arbok doesn't get it right yeah i'm pretty sure dragonite does so potentially like if we get into a lance battle at the very end and it has like agility at a rap or like one of the dragonairs or something like [Music] it's a long battle oh no i didn't mean to jump down here oh i'm poisoned too this will be fine okay [Music] i don't want to go back to the pokemon center i'm pretty sure it's this way where is it i yeah [ __ ] my damage fly how am i doing oh we're still 50 guys fight this way yeah this way lance's pokemon don't have rap whoo oh no if we were playing yellow would have it agility rap probably oh great you thought you were done with the caterpies no no no no there's so much damage yo nice amount of subs by the way okay venonet all right this is what a naughty light is do you agree that um that venomoth and butterfree were switched by accident yeah like it they had to have been oh shiny oh shiny you see it good switch just [ __ ] shiny better that [Music] what i'm doing you take poison damage because i've tried a lot i'm pretty sure it's like when i attack you and you don't faint great oh no jolly got cut in half oh god i probably switch because i own mine i'm pretty sure disabled was like real good in this game because it just picks a random move yeah there's the poison there we go better splash nice can you do more than one i wonder oh yeah i don't know maybe i guess we'll never know okay just give us a little sneak pass sneak past you might have to fight this trip oh let's go okay this isn't for nothing and location right uh yeah if you go to the south like east like go down through the water you can get a zapdos i probably won't get any legendaries in here because it feels like that's kind of a cop out so i probably won't get any legendaries in this one but zapdos is like busted all right what cave is this what's the name this one called just arcade i think it's literally just dark cave i'm pretty sure [Music] i'm gonna try and at least make it to sabrina today i really want to sell all right this is fun oh this is rock tunnel and trainer yeah there he is pokemon fight red yep dark cave is gen 2 oh right dark cave is gentoo this is rock tunnel cubone bone bone this is this is wild right no this is a trainer i think pretty sure this is a trainer uh i don't want to keep using wide oh actually outside could take this fire move fire fire move pretty sure bone club does a lot though hurry up well it has the thick club i would do a ton more than one wait huh i think that's bone meringue right oh yeah bone ranger right what type is club it's uh ground just uh it's not actually super regular it just has this thing yes basically the way it's it's weird it's all that's a glitch actually um it plays the super effective sound and it says it's super effective but it's actually calculating neutral damage it just it only considers like the first typing when uh saying the message and the first typing for ivysaur's poison ah we again weird that is poison in our grass yeah given that it's the grass it's so strange it's just a gen one thing marshall oh no marcellus i'm really scared of marcel he's he's he's not gonna behave soon because what i got like up to level 20 or level 30 or something oh cause he's traded right yeah cause he like he'd he'll start to not obey me you know what you know what amazes me how many people don't understand how um how like obeying pokemon works like in my uh my damages run i probably had like five percent of the comments says like he obviously cheated this there's no like his pokemon were obeying them and they were level 100 and he had like four badges it does like yeah exactly so many people didn't realize that it was that that only applies to traded pokemon and so like like most of the dislikes on the video were because of that which is just crazy to think about yeah seriously [Music] it's so many [Music] doesn't exist yet weird feel like that should apply to all pokemon imo than not behaving i don't know maybe in like a challenge run that would be interesting like if you could implement that into like a nuzlocke where after certain badges like until you get a certain badge they don't obey you i feel like that'd be cool to like balance nuzlocks out but like for a casual playthrough no i don't think so because a casual playthrough you know you're rewarded for training your own pokemon they obey you the reason why they do that is so your friend can't give you like a level 100 dragonite and you just make the game easy it's supposed to like balance out the game so your friends don't like just cheese the whole game for you do dislikes heard a video because if so getting dislikes because of idiots suck i don't know like what do you think in your experience do you find that it affects it like at all truthfully like i haven't really had a widely disliked video yeah i mean i haven't i think the most disliked video for me is like four percent dislikes like i think i probably have one that's maybe 10 like maybe like i'm not even sure yeah but yeah so i can't i can't i've never had one that's like you know one of those like 60 or 70 likes or one of those um so i'm not totally sure but i've heard that they don't really do anything but i don't know if that's true yeah i feel like it's just like a button that is there for like the creator to be like okay a lot of people don't like this but like it doesn't really affect performance too much if they're still watching a lot of the video yeah [Music] it's basically a button that that youtube is left there to be like ha angry people get it out here it's not going to do anything but at least you'll feel better this is right yeah i guess it's more for feedback exactly [Music] oh there's a trainer hello you dropped pokemon when i'm home oh no what kind of pokemon are you drawing let's see one pokemon slowpoke no level 25 though oh slowpoke oh someone said it exclusively draws a card of law oh my god oh i think that was did you want to do that anyways okay [Music] i'm confused oh no it's a pretty high attack staff oh no [Music] if i'm not able to kill with that sign then uh yo [Music] i don't think confusion will kill here yeah actually you're level 25 okay everything's still fine i guess originally [Music] no so as a content creator how much like because your channel's grown quite a bit recently right or like over the last year or so a pretty good amount yes um how much like how much research do you or like how much of your like content creation work is like thinking of concepts and how much of it is like studying like what other people are doing and algorithm um optimization and stuff like that just for my own curiosity hmm oh crap that's another battle um like i don't really watch many youtube videos these days for for me um i don't know i feel like i i have a pretty good sense of like if something is starting to to get bigger and get more popular i can see it in chat you know people mention it a little more often ask questions about a little more often it's a good test to see if what people are interested in like minecraft recently i've been getting into minecraft like kind of i i saw that and i started doing minecraft before it really really blew up within the past like month or two it feels like um it's been like gradually growing but like i i feel like just i'm pretty much always working so things are always on my mind but you know i might spend like one like an hour or two and like a week just like thinking about cool things to do or like um like there are certain times while just like uh what's the most recent one there's one time where i was like okay i need to come up with more um super mario odyssey ideas and i want to come up with cool minecraft idea and i remember like two weeks ago i just laid on the floor for like an hour i was like what can i do with that someone is probably not done yet and so i thought about it and came up with some ideas and they they both involved mods so i like contacted some people that i know that are good with mods and they made that stuff and like with minecraft i was like i wonder if someone has um flipped the world upside down because i i bet that's possible and so i go check it's been done like a hundred times like okay um yeah like so i was like okay well what about um [Music] what about jumpless has anyone done jumpless hundreds of times i was like okay that still seems fun like sometimes i'll like i'll come up with an idea see if someone's done it before and if if someone's done it but it hasn't done very well but it's not because the idea is bad it's because the execution is bad i'll be like okay i can do that better that makes a lot of sense but um i don't know it's just like i don't know i think after you know constantly trying to come up with ideas seeing what works and what doesn't work i feel like i have a pretty good sense of what does right now and i hope i can keep that up really yeah that makes a lot of sense just hmm what was the original question even i feel like i got off track no no i was just asking like um what like how much of your content is like or how much time like that you spend working on content is like research and you know studying algorithm and trends and stuff and it sounds like your answer is that you kind of do that naturally as part of your natural process anyway yeah i guess that's true something that i that i've done once i started like getting really into content creation stuff like once i started recognizing okay this might actually be able to be my job before i click on any youtube video in my head i'm like okay what why did i click on this video right and or if i see a video with like three million views and i was like okay why does that video have three million viewers i'm not interested in it but why are people interested in it and try and figure out like what what it is about like thumbnails and titles that make things interesting and i mean after like two years of trying to do that i feel like i'm i'm not bad at it i'm definitely i mean yeah like the results people themselves right yeah so i feel like i've gotten decent at figuring out what uh what people in general like just from like my experience looking at things right how long have you been doing content full-time i actually don't know uh it's my birthday in 2019 so may of 2019 [Music] i started february 2020 so just a couple months after you okay mortal thank you for the 13. i appreciate it someone did do it abby did it um hmm oh i think you might not look like there we go if i'm being completely honest i have no idea how to get through rock tunnel i'm kind of just going in random directions so it might take i think they're going to be like trainers right uh-huh marcel is getting so strong so fast it's terrifying yeah i am i am very concerned about that pokemon at least poisoned what did i do before content creation i worked at a sawmill it was yeah it was a sawmill i watched people weld oh why did i switch in wide what about okay he can do it yeah it doesn't even matter oh my god all right come on i just need a quick lot no no quick you club say that there's no options all right if i get the one in 256 glitch and crit no i got neither [Music] um yeah i feel like a lot of the reason why like the content creation did so well at the start is my job before i was on like youtube full-time like i worked at a sawmill but my job was literally to watch someone else do their work and make sure nothing caught fire and nothing ever did catch fire so i was basically doing nothing uh i was basically paid there so their insurance didn't go up see and so i'd have like 11 hours a day to just sit there and just think and to be like okay what could i do what's interesting what what like they're working away and i'm just thinking like what are some cool things that i could do and like it was pretty much every weekend like i'd go stream for a week and then i'd have the full weekend to come up with ideas [Music] uh oh you worked in the weekend yeah it was like a saturday sunday job i was actually in a really really lucky position that i that i only had to work saturdays and sundays and it could pay the bills right right because you were streaming on top of that yeah how long have you been streaming for um uh i think i started march of 2016. okay i streamed with like three viewers for like three years though really yeah the crazy part is nothing about me changed in those like like i feel like i've gotten a little bit better at being entertaining but nothing has really changed like people that watched me at three viewers still say i act pretty pretty close to the same as when i had three viewers it's crazy how much just like changing up what you do a little bit makes a huge difference yeah no seriously [Music] okay i wish that was thrash because i got g dude oh i mean i'm downstairs that's awful put one in so i can get one shot by water gun who are the three people um one of those three is misa she's actually still here she still watches [Music] yeah i feel like it must be really cool to uh like to watch somebody and just see them blow up like especially in such a drastic like jump mm-hmm onyx is so bad just had no chance so hard yeah the girl from death note she she watched me it's kind of concerning i i swear she's real you know death note was like the only anime that i started that i couldn't but i couldn't finish you couldn't finish it i got to the the climax in the middle i'm not going to spoil it oh yeah like i got a little okay i think like after like the two-thirds point i i think i got what you mean yeah yeah like i think for me like it's just i have a really hard time i i struggle with like kind of cringe humor where um the characters make like bad decisions if that makes sense like where like the characters like have the information but they make bad decisions and what i learned watching death note is i really struggle watching like smart evil characters who are like the protagonist um because like i think like i don't know like i think that like how do i say it like they're like i feel like growing up there was like an archetype of like character character who is smart right and like so like and i that was always like the archetype that i identified with right like i was never like the super strong character like i was that was never the one that i was like oh that's like me you know but it was this really smart one and so since i'm used to like identifying with like that genre of characters seeing them be like super immoral and unethical it's just like really i don't know i really didn't like it but it's a good show like i definitely i don't see why people love it i hope there's more trainers yeah i'm in a real bad spot right now aren't they uh there's more i guess this depends on how many trainers are left please homie bye marcel i'm pretty sure the way out is like right here i don't want to turn back i should be able to turn left oh i was about to say i should be able to left i wasn't drowsy drowsy please drop oh no no no no no no it's just a hiker why couldn't i have anything that was half decent not this garbage onyx boat oh no okay you please tell me i feel like that isn't onyx [Music] no trainer than this person easy dude it's just rock types water gun all the way down thanks for the free xp nerd no i can't even do anything about it i can't even run no running from a trainer i'm not even trying to make wide get stronger yeah i feel like i keep knocking at your other pokemon then you're forced into it [Music] i guess buying just technically better but well i think it does bind work the same as rap is that [Music] i'm not sure i think i think it does but i'm not positive i'm not sure if it was just like a one turn rap i'm not sure in this jen okay please be close to the is it i really i'm pretty sure there's a ladder right here and then i think i don't know vine is one turn i wonder can i take on sabrina right now yeah i don't yeah did you say that like a little pokemon yeah because like i could go and fight sabrina right now i think i think i could run through and try to fight sabrina what there's a wild pokemon okay oh this is just a hiker no no it's just [Music] the only pokemon with the genders is uh is the nidorans everyone else is non-binary that's ah yep for 1996.95 whatever yep oh that was fun pokemon led the charge died there's no way i don't think so [Music] because looking is so strong yes i'm going to make infinite dollars smallest beanie thank you i just needed one half decent pokemon do 30 damage yeah just easy like if i miss maybe or if you have like quick attack or something or enough quick attack oh you do i do but like it's gonna do what four damage yeah six damage it's a hyrule wait why did my timer freeze what what wait how did you survive oh no you did okay i'm um hey wait hey uh if i get uh if i if i gotta care with payday then and and you lose the battle then that's ten gifted subs agree wait say that again if that me outside okay so if i if i had one if i use payday and and i wipe your team then instead of five gifted it's ten gifted i think i think if you wipe my team and you've used payday sure how many water guns do i have left actually zero oh you're in a water gun oh no i'm fine i'm [ __ ] all right i have seven i'll be fine if you get a 1 256 then you might actually get me i think i can kill you if i get one one and 256. yeah because self-destruct is really strong yeah it would chao wide for sure funky looking okay this thing has a tiny chance i think to survive so i'm going to click self-destruct and pray oh i didn't miss please survive gravely right so much faith did you oh no oh my goodness have a good pokemon no switching for me thank you all right 1 and 256. taking kill you can't run from the pidgey or your pitch you can't run dodge peasy sturdy sturdy no no problem i think there's it's got to be close to the end i really don't want to have to go back yeah i think you have to be close no okay that's not the way that's a wild okay it's a bug sturdy's not procking there's like that's like several layers of wrong it's like one abilities didn't exist two when sturdy was first introduced that's not how it worked right it only worked on um okamu so yeah like one hit kale moves that that could only like fissure and stuff oh no eek don't try anything funny in the dark eek yeah hear that small yet nothing funny funny okay okay i mean it's not it might not get overcoded yeah some progress that might be like sunsport if you can wait oh wait hang okay let's see oh no oh no wait i can do this no no no no no no yes please i don't have any full heals do i lose because you can just keep rapping now it's infinite rap [Music] go airpod okay there's apparently a 15 chance wait wait wait wait can i can i can chad you're helping him and chat whose heart are you on here the person you're watching or me person you've probably never met or heard nice advice chat you killed pidgey okay okay this gives me one more chance oh my god please i don't i have to go through the rest of your team though they only have one other mod three health okay i might have one more chance to attack but like i could also just get paralyzed that's true okay three damage okay okay last one let's go i finally killed this new king oh that's a wrap that's a wrap you got me on that one okay all right let me open up your stream i'll give you five subs give me a sec thank you all right thank you for your well that was a service accuracy stun sport as well yeah like that was that like a what a 60 chance to hit yeah it's not it's not good i'll tell you that much all right there you go there's your five for now thank you thank you oh there we go oh well at least all my pokemon are full now i'm sure that was i mean i don't think that was luck from him i think that was just like i mean i got i got lucky for sure but also like i i only got lucky because i knew what i had to do right yeah like he chipped me down over the course of like like seven or eight battles so like now by the time i get back it won't be as big of a threat yeah because your pokemon is stronger now mm-hmm and marcel is just oh and i don't know all the other trainers that's right [Music] this cave sucks yeah i'm pretty sure i took the right path all the way through the first time which is pretty impressive yeah it's it's it's also like it's surprisingly long i did not realize it was like this long is there even flash in this game where are you supposed to just fumble your way through the door i'm pretty sure there is flash but i i actually don't know where to get it i think i might have needed to use cut when i after i got the abra trade use cut and go south from there i think i'm an iconic on it pretty sure that's and you needed to catch like 10 pokemon to get it like it's actually you have to go quite a ways out of your way to get one right better i mean you i mean you made it through that flash right so it doesn't really matter yeah yeah it's it's just faster to go through without because it's there's only like a few different paths you can take [Music] you don't actually need cut i mean if your friend gives you a pokemon with surf i guess like that's true but like cut you generally need it to get into the third gem [Music] uh this way nope never mind just sounds like a fighting type user i got even worse just another lazy old hiker level 25 though oh it is kind of strong you're just going to explode on me aren't you i haven't for sure you know what screw it i'll just barrier you saw me wait doesn't self-destruct ignore defense boosts uh defense in half at least that's how it works in gen 4. you can survive moreso you can do it do it do it you can survive someone just oh i gave you so much experience 69 let's go [Music] barrier was necessary oh i went up and around okay okay nice sick [Music] i went left i can't remember for the life of me i wasn't paying attention so i can't help you unfortunately age thanks for the two yeah fair plus can't really see where i'm going anyways sure that's true at least i'm in red bar so battles are going by faster because i don't have to hear it like uh the cry of my pokemon is like cut off that's true that's true like it just looks like it's so strong yeah it's like actually very scary i i used it in the challenge um i beat fire and leaf green without uh using any items catching pokemon or evolving and i ended up using a uh i think i ended up using a mr mime or something like that wait how you couldn't catch pokemon uh i'm pretty sure like i use my bubble sore for a while and then you get gifted like i think i bought the magikarp but i didn't end up no i couldn't use the magikarp because i couldn't evolve it i don't know man how did i do that i i think i got like a gift to abra from the i gift abra from the game corner or something and then i traded that away from mr mime it was a bunch of different there's a lot of steps but yeah you can actually get enough pokemon just gifted to you oh got the eevee as well goodbye i usually do a lot i think let's do half did it a fair bit that's not bad oh i wonder where my next pokemon is oh it's dead buddy's graveler nah i can't remember this game yeah graveler is really unique in this game it's it's a lot different it's the face it doesn't look as like derpy it looks more intense it's cool an actual intimidating rock rather than just a rock yeah little around the bowl yeah [Music] okay this has got to be the right way hmm does there no self-destruct explosion have defense in this genre is that just they're just changing for uh yeah this way there's so many wild pokemon yeah it's annoying we already used your repels in the dog tree earlier [Music] marcel still in red bars still living i would like three steps [Music] caves are so like yeah jen yeah [Music] okay uh there used to be that like so explosion of self-destruct have defense explosions at 250 baseball move and like that was true even when like competitive pokemon first started like vgc and gen four so like self-destruct was like meta and so like substract snorlax was like very very good because you could protect your partner and potentially hit both their pokemon with like a super strong move i remember seeing like a lot of normal gem explosion pokemon yeah i think by the time gems were introduced that was gen 5 so like the defense have thing wasn't true anymore but yeah gems were really good for boom as well bellsprout my friend welcome back yeah but but now you have a full team marcel is a monster now marcel can take out a bell sprout out speed one shot you definitely have speed but i think it's i think it's wrapping time i don't know about that one okay never mind oh oh you're confused oh no you weren't wrong oh no it's already level 20 oh no got 10 levels fast what the heck serious ladies clefairy will i change yeah um i feel like i haven't used ad sign in a minute [Music] hmm we're gonna i guess what of course you have to sing i wish i could um sing and then explode so that way like next encounter because it's not like i'll beat you with clefairy the uh sing sing and explode just to deal damage should be and then the pokemon can like get taken out yeah exactly that's the next encounter like next time you bring this thing in it'll be asleep but [Music] i wonder if it's stronger probably double slot yeah it's not bad damage and double slab hit like oh wow did not it's more than two times double slapped three times [Music] okay he's still just waiting to wake up wait go fairy's actually kind of a monster you missed and i woke up never mind did i will i uh unclear he did but i had to read you can't what so in gen one the the wake up counts as your attack for the turn yeah but you just no you didn't know it read like a book i guess you can just alternate double slap the first turn because you know that i'm not going to wake up and then then sing the next yeah [ __ ] fair you suck i should have probably pounded at this point but are you gonna take out outside i think that's a crit too that's gonna do so much because every everyone is a crit yes okay wake up sleep is so broken let's go fairy we'll take it all right you know what jolly's coming in to clean up that's it yes my fairy typing resists your dark typing wait why is this thing so good it's so it's just someone just asked why i've only gotten this far in this long i look at this battle and you'll understand just watch the battle i'm trying to make it easy for you i know doing a good job too oh my god okay okay getting a lot of three hits this is something like evie like clefairy going on here clever is actually good in uh vgc which is really annoying because it has fringuard which um like it's like reflecting light screen for your partner when it's on the field oh really yeah actually every time oh my god i'm not going to go what do you expect i can feel it if i listen to the strainer again [Music] oh that's my bad sorry i'll use oh my final double slap the reeds are insane oh nice double slab all right it's two more after this not this one with the next one or like the next one is your last turn to sleep [Music] actually it might be this one i think the next one yeah one is waking up just senses what i'm going to wake up so you're waking up this turn but if i use sing then i'll miss i'll just go for it what i didn't wake up [Music] that did way more than it should have oh more very clefairy no no no no no no oh it could be the fairy trainer junior trainer [Music] no simple pidgey marcel i don't believe in marcel not this battle the whole but you do you know so much damage yeah surprisingly actually there's like i don't think i could afford to switch in case you do have another clefairy all right one more down it's probably just four pidges unfortunately it probably is just four pidgeys all right wide oh no a level advantage two stage evolution oh no [Music] oh no adventure nothing gained six damage come on oh exactly six oh that's not gonna be good for me ran yeah actually no marcel can take out a bell sprout marcel could do a lot of damage [Music] it'll be a one-hit ko i believe growth wrap poison powder sleep patter okay i have to switch oh let's go oh and you're confused okay i can do this then yeah hit yourself take yourself out make it easy wait how does this work engine one do i have to switch it immediately i think i might hit you that's how it works in gen three oh yeah i think i hit your other edit down with confusion oh no unless the attack just doesn't happen oh wow oh just skips it okay oh why did i no thank you for your sacrifice myself peace homie yes marcel's a monster oh no oh no i thought i got you oh i'm sorry [Music] i don't think valspar could take this anymore maybe probably not let's go no confusion all right we got one okay you got marcel not marcel he's a new member of the team he doesn't know how things work yet he doesn't know you're not supposed to faint all right all i need is a and two fifty six nope no problem so wait till you fight senior trainer is there will i we'll see oh i think this might be the last trainer as long as it's not a hiker oh yeah club fairy clifford close fairy cliff no no no no no no no no no no meowth oh no oh no okay don't wipe me out okay payday i have to i have to hit payday i have oh no oh okay i have to go for it what is that girl oh my dollars oh no and a level up i'll take it i'll take it what do we got oh i'll be fine oddish no big deal thrash away pretty confident thrash thrash will do yeah [Music] i didn't have rap so it doesn't really matter but uh i mean i could have gotten paralyzed a bunch of times in a row like yeah i mean it wouldn't hurt like or like if there was one more trainer maybe it could have helped but yeah [Music] oh sorry there's you [Music] i don't think you survived that right oh not after a grit okay there we go yeah i think you're doing that yeah that's that's a ladder out we need to remake on this game [Music] on pokemon blue yeah uh if if only there was a remake maybe maybe one day nintendo will do it yeah i don't know popular yeah i don't know i mean it is only one of the best selling games of all time i don't think they'd remake it though like yeah you know they made enough money the first time right they don't want to ruin their other brand you know they like they don't want to like fix all the mistakes that they made in this game with all the glitches and stuff because then they they'd be admitting that that you know the game had yeah i think it was fun yeah i think it's perfect oh it's lavender town it is money badger thanks for the six months thank you so much daniel thanks for the prime thanks for the bits everybody as well [Music] um not sabrina rival battle sabrina rival battle sabrina well we can't actually we can't do sabrina until i get the stealth scope troops [Music] what do you guys think in chat rival battle or uh the rocket hideout [Music] all right everybody's saying rival we'll do rival battle i love the music in this tower yeah it's cool he's right here uh don't forget to save maybe because you haven't seen a while i think i just i'm sorry i'm not sure i'll save it again just to be safe oh you're right you totally just did it okay here we go [Music] okay just had to take a listen [Music] hey aunt what what brings you here your pokemon don't look dead i can't at least make them faint let's go pal we'll see what you got okay you probably open up with the pidgeotto now yeah what oh it's kind of high level why is um okay first of all what items do i have okay a bunch of oh a lot of potions okay i have oh my god you haven't let's go it's not bad next to do less though can i switch into this not really easily right um your team is so good excuse me at all not a lot of you oh and crit you've [Music] [Music] um okay jolly's gonna do some damage be able to bite [Music] hold it dude do i deal more damage in the potion seal though i don't know i think that's just me at a range it's close [Music] i'm just gonna assume that it did come out of range now i feel like i feel like i survived now get another attack off [Music] okay okay oh no he's getting stronger okay okay you fight your team is actually busted though like you know it's pretty nice i have my younger it is yeah why is canaveral such a low level that was my question it's too strong oh i actually want to ship a summary oops do you want to oh sorry um wait i didn't even see what you were sending in uh um i can't that those can uh i can't stay on jolly okay all right so good that's a big egg dude never mind it doesn't have doesn't have confusion i don't know why i was afraid no that's what i had yeah okay oh do you have a pokemon that can set up i don't think so let's see the moves hey i think teleport confusion disabled okay not this okay uh unless this thing has something there's a doubt oh did that have dragon oh it does which is 40 damages i recall yeah it does deal 40. um sorry i'm just thinking i'm not going to stand you huh yo you're yo shiny shiny shiny let's go let's go execute good job how did you get a shoddy executing gen one what the rarest egg okay just need to do four damage oh it tastes multiple times i was like this thing yeah i was like that does nothing just these deal four oh because you have your own uh wow five heads okay just one more turn of sleep if you don't mind taking okay now the colors are right nice do you really learn dragon rage at level 22 that means i'll learn dragon rage at level 22. aren't you level 22 right now yeah aren't i is your team illegal yep hacking question mark concern um god the dragon rage is gonna do so much but my body slam will do more oh sorry that's right i was doing that anyway okay not bad okay wait did you have a hydro pump oh i do hydro pump yo but it's stronger than red i mean probably um i'd probably get one shot right i'm sure i'm sure one shot um yeah i can't really switch let's hope you do i'm pretty sure i get one shot so i'm gonna use potion oh that is so smart and if i don't know this potion again blue cadaver blue cadabra good eyebrows the colors are all wacky in this battle all right healed up but these gyarados listed okay how can i i don't have any potions to heal me i just gotta go for it yeah maybe i must hide your pump or maybe you'll quit me but they're like i don't think i don't think one uh hydrogen will kill you anyway because it's special in this generate hey gyarados the special is a hundred okay no no no no no no no [Music] wait i don't have anything for charmeleon charmeleon i saved it on purpose is it worth saving i don't think it is i think i have to let it go down because i think you're gonna do like 10 damage oh if i hadn't been paralyzed i could have just dragged the rest of this game but it's cool i need to use payday now oh no too many levels furious you're going down no chance oh no level 25 back against the wall it's probably got like flamethrower or something by now oh i hope it is flamethrower [Music] what no i meant i was trying to leave my brain don't care it's not gonna go i hope it too it goes i should have weird dude miss miss miss i'm not embers let's go is good in this game and not really no i thought it did something weird um okay uh trombone go gust i leered you if this should do just insane amounts of damage free damage this may one shot all right epic showdown charmeleon versus oh you're under leveled i'm at level 21 too oh no get that hyper crit cut hyper effective ultra crit max damage oh that doesn't really stick together okay crit quit crit i got bad news unless i get like that's a white out gg okay okay fine five more subs for you i guess i was a little reckless okay sure you you got them well uh i guess i'll give you five more then lychsey does like nothing in this genre which is really bad all right there you go all right you know what i'm not even gonna change up my team what i'm going to do all i need for the five gift service it's gonna teleport no all i need thunderbolt yes oh no marcel there we go marcel yeah marcel not wide no no no check this out check this out stats on marcel 47 wide he's only how many levels is wide above he's eight levels above 54. 54. in eight levels marcel is going to be a monster i got it this time i got it this time bring it on [Music] oh is weird that white could learn thunderbolt yeah yeah no newton gets really good coverage moves yeah he learns like everything yeah it's really weird all right marcel this is your chance to shine all right well i'm not gonna let that happen that much eggy you know executor is kind of like one of my signature pokemon yeah because i brought it to the world championships and i got second with it finals yeah execute or executor executor but like yeah the whole i feel like the whole line that's cool yeah you have to switch it's not that dangerous you can just switch it hypnosis uh uh [Music] jolly okay because i know you're gonna hypnosis yeah if it ain't broke [Music] how does it always hit i don't know it shouldn't be hitting no no i do not want to attack go [Music] okay then derage pretty fast flinch damn it [Music] i'll flinch you i'll flinch you i believe they should have exactly at hp uh-huh i have a clean melt okay come on okay i don't think i needed jolly for anything but it still hurts okay um i just got a thunderbolt i know you're gonna switch but like i just gotta do it again come on it does such a little damage though red gyarados okay um um hypnosis i got a switch do i need it i don't think i need that sign okay uh i think it's fine you can just leave them mods oh you're healing gyarados oh that's actually a good thing because i can uh i'll just cut yeah this is fine [Music] oh no i'm not gonna be able to i'm not going to be able to deal that much damage let's go ahead so bulky i you come on i got two more of these i'm just gonna make them count [Music] you're just wasting your potions yep just wasting them away uh [Music] my water type fainted [Music] this is the perfect time to switch wide in alrighty i'm down to get some damage in this thing [Music] as long as this doesn't burn burn burn burn burn burn only 12 damage not great i'm going for the i know you're just going to switch so i'm just going for body slam that's a good move i think i said cadaver now um oh however you have so much potential and you're so bad oh no oh let's go wide getting wider by the minute i think i suck i don't know buddy pidgeotto yes marcel i still marcel is pure hasn't been hit yet um okay and then i you just switch back into the air fluid imagine a parent it's gonna be bad for me this is so many switches i couldn't have noticed this but i think this is better oh wait no this just this actually doesn't work okay i'll go into wide i'll go into right why am i why am i um [Music] [Applause] paralyzed i don't okay it's worth saving at this point all right what do i do ah i think i have to sack it oh no yes [Music] all right you can switch oh right oh no oh okay um [Music] i think i just have to go for damage i don't do any damage i know that um [Music] okay uh ah oh no i didn't look at what you clicked but i think it's probably it's just thunderbolt come on paralyze crit no miss all right let's go all right you've got to be kidding me um if i switch you just hypnosis again [Music] okay one it's one turn okay faster good my special is high this isn't gonna do much okay let's go please wake up please come on come on no i just have to sack marcel you tell me [Music] okay all right this is difficult it's time to get into blaze range [Music] i had to think about that so much i was like if i water gun you'll just switch into pidgeotto and quick attack me if i if i oh okay no no don't take me out um yes okay uh [Music] okay okay this is where i saved execute earlier it's now second okay take execute out this is good this is good that's good and now i got pizza and now i can switch yes split yeah okay uh fury attack is better yes and hope your quick attack doesn't take me a little bit okay i think there's a lot of damage okay do i have anything you gotta saw that nugget buddy oh oh using the pokeball scuffed your items sorry oh we can't use items anymore that was so big oh no i was gonna heal oh no i can't heal anymore are my items broken no looks like it just messed up yours i feel like at sign didn't test someone throwing a pokeball yeah check my items are they still scuffed um this is a normal move right just yeah i guess it's definitely [Music] it's not bad oh that does so much am i just going to do this um i think not every potion is pretty bad here this is nine no yeah big crazy crit till to the left oh you see before i went to hp though i have no chance okay uh i think he might take another one which would be bad it wasn't paying attention that much it did but i couldn't yeah guys you want you take you take me out with ember anyways because you out speed right but i have to beat that i have to beat the nitto king no your nidoking is faster than me is the issue wait needle king is still alive yeah you switched it so this comes down to whether i can position pidgeotto to ko your um neo king i should have used growls [Music] i didn't even if you just growling i was pushed into because i i didn't i couldn't risk terminating in earlier okay [Music] okay i see what you're doing getting getting rid of each seed i was hoping this is just slightly safer uh-huh so it comes down to whether or not quick attack is gonna do six damage to your nidoking i think it's gotta do six damage there it has to i think it will but you were four levels above and a fully evolved pokemon alternatively we also have the one in 256 glitch on both of our sides yeah what am i doing um just checking that item actually i don't really need items i'm just curious if they're fixed they're not all right for amber it connects okay it comes down to this six damage five subs let's go no no no no you're getting four hp for that oh no didn't think about experience oh my didn't even think about that come on that was that was really that's that's a photo finish oh that was one hp of my life wow [Music] wow that's he's crazy [Music] that's like scripted like level up just enough to survive by one that's some like protest that's like plot armor right there if i've [Music] all right man cool i mean i think that's good i mean i was planning on stopping in five minutes so yeah i think this is a good that that is a good stuff but you said you could only have three hours today so that's that's fine that's a good stopping point for me uh so i guess um to save the game this time and uh yo kane thank you for the five i appreciate it oh cool well that was a lot of fun thank you for your session yeah thanks for joining me i mean i got two badges three badges yeah and a bunch of rival fights that's that's all good yeah yeah see you next week i guess if that works that sounds good to me i am totally down for that thanks for uh thanks for playing i'll see you next week see you next week bye bye bye [Music] all right that was fun glad he could join for three hours um today i am feeling a little bit tired yo wolfie thank you for the raid uh today i am feeling a little tired so i might call it here as well um probably go edit a video for a while uh but i think next week we'll probably fit in where like i'll stream with wolfie for a bit and then once he's done i'll start on a new pokemon challenge next week as well so we'll kind of have enough for like a nice you know five six hour stream next week instead of uh just a three hour stream how's worse coming along good it's very close to being out i i have all the pictures taken and everything we're just in the last little thing so i know it'll be a nice quick three hour one today um tomorrow and the next day tomorrow we're doing the race against like mischief and simply that's gonna be fun but uh another quick one i i didn't have the best sleep last night so i think it's a good time to stop anyways but uh wolfie thanks for streaming with me i appreciate it it is fun um i know we are kind of you know only three hours in but i don't really have anything else for you guys today and i i don't feel like minecraft because i know i'm gonna be playing it for a long time tomorrow and the next um we are going to raid who are we raiding you know what you guys said minecraft we're gonna write northern lion today we never get to raid northern line do you guys want to watch some minecraft we're gonna raid northern lion so i hope you guys like nl he's uh i've been watching him for like 10 years at this point it's crazy i really hope you guys enjoy his stream um but uh have some fun over there he's fantastic um thanks thanks for watching it's a fun stream let's uh let's head over here we go
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 79,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, smallant vods, smallant vod, smallant stream, smallant vs world champion pokemon, smallant world champion, smallant twitch, smallant wolfeyvgc, smallant versus wolfeyvgc, smallant pokemon, smallant pokemon challenge, pokemon challenge, smallant vs wolfeyvgc, wolfeyvgc
Id: -yuW4wEGskA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 44sec (10064 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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