Top 10 BEST BTD6 Secrets/Easter Eggs!

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balloon tower defense is an absolutely astounding game especially because there are so many little secrets and awesome things in balloons they may have secret maps we have secret settings that make monkeys super big or small or balloons there's super secret settings on maps where if you click the right things you get special occasions if you put the certain and there's so many things so in today's video saber and i are going to be covering our top 10 favorite balloons td 6 secrets starting with number 10. this video is sponsored by frag pro shooter frag pro shooter has been played by over a hundred million people on mobile devices and by clicking the link down in the description below you can get exclusive rewards haven't heard a frag well you'll be glad you heard now discover all 100 unique characters available to you choose wisely from your team of five and pick your character of choice for 1v1 battles but that's not all alongside other modes like street frag or payload play with a friend in the insanely addicting 2v2 mode build a team with your friend and jump right into the action this personally is what has me super intrigued ryan and i jumping in having each other's back covered and just working as a team so be sure to check out frag pro shooter down in the description below by clicking the link and only by clicking the link in our description will you get exclusive free rewards by doing so even if you already have the game which you might just by clicking the link you can also still get these rewards and thanks again to frag pro shooter for sponsoring this video number 10 strangely adorable so we all know that you can get a vengeful sun god temple but did you know that if you get a vengeful sun god temple when you have a level 20 at dora a door will also become a vengeful adora and on top of that did you know that if you do all of this on a doris temple the map it will also change the map itself here let's see all right so we have everything that we need we have our two fully t5 super monkeys we have our super monkey that's ready to go to the true sun god temple all the sacrifices needed on a doris temple with a level 20 adora let's see what happens when we un unlock it to the true vengeful sun god temple so as we go oh they're both upgrading let's go so there's the true sun god and here's the vengeful yo and the entire map turns a dark red with the vengeful fiery adora and that and we got a little bomb shooter right here and of course all of her abilities also change as well as you can see the dark red orbs and then it's like the red oh man that's so cool we lost because it can't hit camo balloons oh my gosh number nine the jason monkey there is a hidden murderous monkey in balloons td6 and i'm going to show you guys just how we're going to expose him to the truth so let's go to the cabin map on the beginner section here and we can just pick easy it doesn't really matter where we go we don't really need to worry about too much stuff here we're just going to jump right into it and we are just going to do things in a very specific order which i have written down right over here so we're gonna click on the door once the bridge three times from right to left then the bat once then the tire swing then the axe and then we're gonna sell this car there he is running away there he goes okay so i mean obviously we can't we can't see him again unless we restart the entire map so that's that's a cute little easy one you know i don't think it's really gonna help you or do anything but it's nonetheless very interesting to see a jason monkey with a ski like a murder murderous like hockey mask running across the map but let's jump into the next one take it away ryan number eight flooding the valley on the expert map flooded valley you can in fact flood the entire valley which is in the name you just gotta do something a little bit tricky so when you first load into the map you're gonna see there is these two panels there's a panel here and a panel here so if you click on it a bunch it'll open up each individual one so if you press both buttons they'll both turn green but what you need to do is there's also this panel right here so in order for this to work you have to open the top panel and not click the button open the bottom panel and not click the button then click the top button and the bottom button before it happens so i so i messed up and i clicked the button so that's not gonna work so you click on it and i think you have to click on it three times so one two three one two three four five and then button button and then it'll open up this button right here which is a secret button you click the button remove for five thousand dollars he'll break it open and then boom you now have the flooded valley number seven today we are going to be unlocking big balloons we're gonna make them oversized and in order to do that you need to select good old pat fusty what do you think of that pat flussy pat it's squashing time okay that was quite the intellectual thing of you to say now you just need to beat 10 games of just anything i think it'd be easy it doesn't really matter what you play it on with pat busty so let's go ahead and just get him down and kind of get it going here so we're gonna get the race button down to be able to skip some things obviously uh you know you could just let the rounds play out how they need to play out but we're just gonna do that and then let's see here so we've got pat here and we just need to win 10 games in a row so we're just gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna put insta monkeys down just because i'm trying to get the point across i don't really think you guys need to actually see that here why not why not let's just get that down give pat some time to hit some things here i got some dartling gunners here let's get that one down too here why not he'll just let's get this one down there we go and lock it right here perfect advanced targeting beautiful okay yeah i'm happy with that i'm pretty happy with that all right well let's go ahead and just start skipping some rounds here because i'm pretty sure we should be able to hit everything here in a second actually wait can i hit everything i don't want to i don't want to not be able to hit everything and then i'm in big voodoo trouble here no i think we're all right i think we're all right okay let's go ahead and skip it skip some rounds keep skipping some rounds hopefully i don't lose nah we're holding up just fine come on pat keep it up bro keep it up what do you got what do you got pat oh good okay we can hit leads that's good i was a little worried we wouldn't be able to hit leads but i guess pat can hit leads so let's just keep going skip skip skip skippity skip skip i'm really not getting any money oh getting him knocked back keep punting him back bro keep putting him back pat there we go okay i guess i don't even need to upgrade anything i'll do it anyways though yolo all right be round 41 come on and win all right cool so let's go ahead and go home we're just going to go ahead and jump right back into it you just have to do this 10 times so i will see you guys on the 10th round because i doubt you guys want to see this all right well i know to you guys that was probably like a two second skip but to me that took absolutely forever so we are on the final one we have the tenth one to go and i'm just gonna go ahead and get something down here let's just get this one down or something so basically what i've been doing is i've just been getting instant monkeys and i'm just trying to get it done as fast as possible obviously if you don't want to use your insta monkeys you don't have to if you're willing to just do 10 games you can do it on easy you can do it on an easy map it doesn't really matter at least i don't think i hope i'm not wrong i'm pretty sure though so let's go ahead and get these going we're just gonna get skip in and let's just see if we can't finish this one out nice and strong nice and strong let's get a ninja monkey down why not um we can hit leads right yeah we can hit leads we're good okay go all right let's just keep her going we only need to beat the moab so it's been it's been pretty easy it's more of just a time consuming thing so let's get it going wow that all those are popping so easily it's not even a problem oh my gosh that's insane right here why not um you're sure no why not all right there we go send them all out let's do it uh-oh come on there we go okay stop them all let's go let's go oh come on let's go easy all right we did it we should be good to go so let's go see if we actually have it right there it is so if you go to the achievement section we've got big balloons pat likes hugging big balloons even more there we go i've actually got a couple of other things so let's go ahead just accept those anyways but now if you go to your settings and extra section you should have big balloons so that is number seven for you guys take it away ryan number six the golden ticket on the beginner map candy falls there's actually a secret that allows you to unlock small monkey towers that makes every single one of your monkey towers super duper tiny i mean look at them look at how adorable and cute they all are oh my goodness so let me show you how to unlock it so there are a total of eight little oompa loompa monkeys all scattered around the map you have to click on all eight of them in a perfect order to play the oompa loompa song and you'll unlock this thing but you have to make sure you click them in a fast enough order or else it doesn't work so i'm going to do it in a pretty relatively quick speed and well here we go click on the trees click on the door click on the chocolate waterfall click on the forest in the top left click on the bottom bridge click in the bottom right corner then click on the windmill and then at the very bottom click on the eight and that is the oompa loompa song and once you do that you will unlock the small monkey tower so you can play balloons with the most adorable tiny towers you've ever seen number five this is how to unlock the secret map the little l-shaped map that is super short and basically a meme on btv6 if you guys don't know what i'm talking about we are going to be playing on it in a second here so let's go down to the content browser and then we are going to search up this code now if you guys want to do this you can do this code as well and this is how you're going to unlock it so the the way you're going to unlock it is you basically have to type in this code so z-m-a-h-c-o-d so we're gonna type that in and this is a challenge that ryan made because he already has the blondes map unlocked so this is for the blondes map as you can see kind of really small in the corner there's a little tiny map and the way to unlock it is by beating a challenge made by someone else with the map already unlocked kind of ironically so you need to have someone that already did it but we will let you guys put in the code and unlock it for yourselves if you want to i'm going to go ahead and change my hero to just like be sata or something bro cause whatever so let's go ahead and do that and i just realized that i need to kick it up a notch and turn on double cash mode new game get it started and we just need to beat this and we should have it nice and unlocked at least i'm pretty sure so it's one round so let's go ahead and get it started here is it coming let's go oh my gosh you made him so slow are you serious right now bro all right there we go all right so now that we beat it we can go home and we should have the map unlocked so now if you go to the content browser and then you go to create you should be able to actually pick the map if i'm not uh if i mean if i'm not wrong here should be able to pick it at the end over here there it is right there so now i have it unlocked at the end of your maps in the challenge editor so the only way you can actually pick this map is if you go to the challenge editor and you actually go and select the map if you want to play on it you can't just go and and select it within regular maps when you're just hitting play it won't show up it's not going to be at the end over here so you can't pick that but either way that was number five on the list take it away ryan number four ice monkey pontoon stack this easter egg is actually kind of like two balloon secrets combined into one really awesome one so i don't know if you know this but the middle path of the ice monkey arctic freeze actually freezes the water allowing you to place normal land monkeys on top of water so you can actually use this ability to stack pontoons on top of each other to create giant pontoon towers but why would you want to do this well it actually allows you to see over everything in the map allowing things like sniper monkeys to attack anywhere on the map without any restrictions here let me show you so you're going to want to make sure you put your little baby pontoon down after you do that you want to make sure that you can get yourself an ice monkey put your ice monkey down and then you want to get arctic wind you can also get larger radius if you want and then you can start stacking pontoons on top of each other because technically it is now a land-based tower so we can just put as many pontoons down on top of it as we want and as you can see we're actually just completely stacking it up and you can place land towers on top of it so as you can see right here if we put a sniper monkey down he's not going to be able to shoot past the logs but if we place him on top of this pontoon he can attack anywhere on the entire map looking to absolutely just annihilate these balloons where this sniper won't be able to attack at all pretty awesome right number three the cave monkey if you've ever wanted to use the cave monkey underneath that ice on the on the ice map then all you gotta do is get a mortar down and have it set to actually hit the ice monkey there i'm gonna go ahead and get sata down so that we can just pop all the balloons and have to worry about it for a second here and we're just gonna go ahead and keep going until we break the iso the more you uh yes you see how the ice is already breaking the better the mortar i think or the faster it shoots the better it's actually going to crack all this stuff so we don't need to worry too much about it but let's go ahead and get it open come on cave monkey let's go baby whoa so we have the k buggy now and of course if you guys watch super channel we've already gotten the cave monkey before but either way that is how you get it super easy i love how simple it is but it makes sense you know you get the mortar you got to break up the ice and let the cave monkey out i don't know how he's alive because he's been under the ice this whole time he should be dead but i'm not gonna question it he's helping out the team now so that is number three number two alchemist man and balunicle boy this wacky achievement is how you unlock small balloons and balloons td6 to make all the balloons just super duper tiny and adorable in order to unlock this achievement you need to get 900 000 pot on a balloon master alchemist before round 100. some people say you need to be on impopable or chimps mode for this to be able to be possible however you can unlock this in free mode however you do need to exit out before you go past round 100 or else it will not work now there's no special thing that you need to be able to do with this there are a lot of different strategies and things i would personally recommend going on either logs or cubism because they're the longest maps in the game and pretty easy for being able to rack up the damage now really the only thing i can suggest is try to get your balloon master alchemist as quickly as possible but if you can get them around round 60 you're still gonna be more than fine just try to get them as quickly as possible and put them at the very start of the game allowing them to get as many pops as possible [Music] no that's a lot of damage and finally number one number one is chunky monkeys basically do you want your monkeys to be slightly larger than usual well to get that we are going to win 10 games with either oh no hang on i don't have pat foster oh my gosh i just made a fat mistake guys oh my gosh will you ever forgive me please please guys don't hurt me don't hurt me okay so you can beat this on easy by the way and it doesn't matter what map you do just need to beat ten games with pad fussy and only big towers so that includes uh buccaneer the uh ace the monkeys the heli pilot the mortar the super monkey the banana farm the monkey village and the spike factory and the cave monkey actually also counts so if you want to use the k monkey you can do that but let's go ahead and just get pat mcfusty down here let's put them let's put them right here one night so basically you got to get him down and or you don't have to put him down but you just can only use big stuff and you just need to win 10 of these in a row so i will be right back again when i do 10 of these in a row be right back guys after all that time ladies and gentlemen i would like to clarify and say that it's actually you must beat 10 rounds with only large towers the ones that i stated previously uh but you have to keep it on medium or more and i was trying to do it on easy um either way after finally going and spending a ton of time you should be able to see that you will have unlocked the chunky monkey achievement and gotten the big monkey towers in your settings so with that being number one we've gone through all ten ryan how how do you feel about all ten of these easter eggs and secrets they're my favorite i love that there's so many different things that you can do in balloons i mean there's so many like little secrets that you would never even like thought about like that's they don't even talk about like there's a hidden map there is a special feature where you can like stack up pontoons like there is so many amazing little things and i just want to say are there any secrets that we missed comment down below what is your favorite btd6 secret is it one that we listed in this video or is it one that we may have never heard about should we do more videos like this in the future let us know by hitting that like button subscribe and turn on notification because 70 of people who watch the tubers channel aren't actually subscribed that's a real statistic it's real it's a real thing so help join the thirty percent of people who actually are subscribed and become a youtuber so thanks for watching everyone as always i hope you have a great day saber do you hope they have a great day of course bro every single day stay hydrated stay hydrated drink water be kind and we'll see you tomorrow for some more awesome tuber content peace bye
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 1,453,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, top 10 best btd 6 secrets easter eggs, easter egg, secret, btd 6 easer egg, bts 6 easter eggs, btd 6 hidden, top 10, btd 6 top 10, top 10 easter eggs
Id: fpnkDfyCBc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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