Firecracker Evolution 🍊

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firecracker Evolutions unlike The Barbarians that are only one cycle The Barbarians are raged that that was a little underwhelming we have the skeletons and the counter Pekka holy crap I never thought about that that's really satisfying but we have firecracker if you drag her to the evolution slot there oh she's looks like a little rhinoplasty when you drag her to the spot wait what is that you watching it that's a poison yeah it's powerful holy crap wait she survives arrows all right let's try our own this is my first time seeing it so you you know a lot more than I do the fun card she's a fun card to play that's for sure I didn't predict an inferno Dragon but I did predict something okay I mean I'm dead unless we kill the wizard first then we go gobbins here shoot yeah zap radius uh I I staggered it because I thought it would be within Rings imagine evolved e Giant I hate it as much as it already is yeah what what what happened you're destroyed my my moments with your NATO the NATO fight it's my fault for stabbing the bridge but I know you're gonna defend it oh man she's thicker but watch this longer how far her radius goes damaging the gods behind it what the and let's go dragons there oh my God I need to protect her she's got a huge radius boom oh they changed it never mind dude she's wrecking me right now I have nothing for it nothing goes in yes she's got so much HP though no she'll thank you she was basically her firecracker spawns additional Sparks that that deal damage over time behind it it's not game changing like it was for the skeletons like you missed the skeletons once and you lose firecrackers like oh that's good you know what if it's evolved I think the goal with the evolution is that like it enhances their like natural abilities and so like barbarians become better barbarians essentially firefighter and firecracker becomes better firecracker but skeletons become a win condition which is not okay it's a one Elixir card okay oh God oh God I don't want to mess with your firecracker oh baby see right there actually the king Tower is basically like you didn't even have to do something special oh my God she survives what we don't have that in notes that she got stronger oh man get on your princess please no oh raging with malts away oh see that help me understand how Michael the Knight didn't Dash on his wizard Clash Royale they fixed your game I don't do a good raging with knots that's what you gotta do oh he does he he's very angry with the mini Pekka oh okay white cracker is pretty powerful though right I like it it enhances it and I don't with the firecracker I didn't feel like I needed to cycle but if I had it it was nice barbarians versus the evolved firecracker which by the way my deck is stronger because the firecracker encounters barbs but we're just doing this for the video and let's go baby nice poison oh thank God your heel Spirit died that would have been so much trouble for me I don't like evolved barbs they I I thought they were cool because it was the first sneak peek but after going through skeletons and firecrackers I was like ah yeah I just think they need a faster run speed I think they would be much better if they had like ebarb run speed I'm running a clone deck you got poison and needle Sparky for my barbs it's a legit hard counter and you got two buildings oh Jay get out of here with this disgusting counter attack I don't know it builds it for me all that is so satisfying it kind of looks like a paw print it's not that strong it doesn't it doesn't even kill goblers that quickly the additional DPS oh wow it took out the Flying Machine it's mostly just it tanked it that's why I think it works belt like well with your with your strategy with the NATO and these and the poison because that it combines with the DPS to just kill things faster like by itself it's not enough DPS to just to change any significant interactions cycling firecracker too [Music] I feel like that's it would you like a common occurrence in battle so everyone's just like yeah just like my card should I get some Evolution over here okay it's that's a nine Elixir logic if you're trying to cycle to her that's a prison replica now huh that's Valkyrie uh it's actually right here but you don't want a fireball her because they're saving it for the evolution oh God value and what value I would say there's no GPS no we can go live on this place over here because it destroys the disconnect activated all right cool now I'm ready I'm prepared for the evolved firecracker she walks it looks like she walks moonwalking or something let's go oh come on he doesn't hit in that range you joking what yeah wait what I thought she would actually hit the camera you still wearing the same deck no I'm running a different one Golden Pearl piggies with a valkyrie and a fire trucker okay oh God that's actually gonna happen there's no shot that dolphin gets a shot off there flash rail come on we need to have a little chat me and you there we go firecracker that's wonky yeah firecracker first place okay I can do that I can get with that into ice beard uh no it's a monk [Applause] you get through my own King Tower oh I didn't know that that would happen anyway oh true come on you can actually do that with magic action board I hate that my firecracker didn't move she could have lived oh god oh baby it's the time for the comeback oh you wasted your lunch party let's go I wanna there's so many cars I want to see what the evolution does for like imagine evolved Goblin Barrel like how would that work it spawns out like Goblin Brawlers and notice that it's the same same Diamond as the hero is it well no the hero's yellow and then that's that's a purple Diamond though same shape is that tricky Barrel yes yes it is yes you fell for it let's go I knew it was a tricky Barrel too and then I put down the log I'm doing it I did it what why did it build me a 2.6 hog but instead of hog you gave me monk oh God yeah she's going oh god let's go all right or we can go in with one look at this Valkyrie value Valkyrie value just destroy oh my goodness no no I put so much blood and sweat into getting an evolved terrible when you work up an evolution and then it just dies instantly can you not tricky Barrel actually can't tell when tricky Barrel happens oh my god oh how much damage like is that extra DPS man it's not enough the the the Sparkles and crackles this will work come on please one shot yes that's all I needed where's your mouth can't save you now ah let's go that's the firecracker she has 435 health and extra damage it's not that much it's like 15 oh 15 Crown Tower damage per second cool Oh I thought the the big sparkly thing was Stronger but it's it's the same damage oh it's because the sparkly thing uh has reduced damage against Towers I think yeah no I thought the smaller sparkly things were more damaged but it's not
Channel: Orange Juice Gaming
Views: 146,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uIEb1SA4qzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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