Can A MAX Level 100 Paragon Beat The ELITE Vortex? (Bloons TD 6)

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for this week's elite vortex here's what i'm gonna do this one's on lotus island i haven't played the last few weeks four texas but i'll do this one and i'm gonna bring geraldo because i want to try out a an actual max paragon versus elite vortex now since i last played vortex there's been changes such as geraldo not being able to refresh level 20 if you buy or sell him that's a big problem because well like you can get totems faster if you buy or sell them but since you can't i have to drop him really early in order to afford a enough totems to get a 300 paragon that being said i think we dropped drawdown on round four is it right and then we get the nft so yeah the degree 100 paragon of choice would be bowit just because the planes work when it's it vortex stuns it all the other paragons i believe get disabled fully including ninja the ninja does have the full map range of the bomb but i still think boats would be better than that plus i guess getting a boat to degree hundreds easier because the money that it makes accounts towards like the degree of the paragon see our farming isn't looking very good with geraldo over ben but hopefully we'll make do with it i think for tier one i i don't know if this is the right choice but i've heard elin's pretty good against vortex as long as you don't put it in a range where it gets stunned okay i'm saying that we'll probably just go lead defender because apparently that's better than elim and cheaper too i'm gonna put the sniper here it gets full my range but hopefully if i give village range to the boat it'll reach this so it gets sell back and then we sell we sell we sell and we sell and let's sell the waff too there we go and now we village buff both towers and uh i don't think that's in range oh also i need to put the elite defender in first for a bit because balloons are leaking maybe that's why i get back up here huh yeah so that the elite defender doesn't have to worry about it [Music] like i could also try to leak lives to make the shoot even faster but you see we're doing just fine right now so i think i'm just gonna work on well the minneapolis oh wait we're looking lives huh okay that was uh totally all playing guys now we got x4 attack speed for what 15 seconds that's pretty epic if you ask me also if i leave more lives here i can have it activate again wait don't die uh okay yeah activated it activated put it back in strong knuckle defender is kind of fun for beating it here oh crap holy crap these moves are fast as f i i just remember that yeah vortex a slip slip stream makes them go really bazooka now they're almost killed though we gotta start selling towers so after this pops see ya see ya okay round 49 cleared so we'll get a 40 knot that's all right to me so what i want to do for tier 2 i guess the mat is probably easiest just just like usual again put it on the top of the island and it'll do work let's go for trade empire and now guys boom and because we're not doing rank mode we don't have to sell like our farms if we're short of the mad it's fine we just wait it's not a big deal and 20 on round 26 all right and the vortex is coming in don't have mad yet it'll be there before the other round there we go round 61 so just this with that with jungle drums and i guess we'll do a tier 4 out buff and in the meantime i will get as many of the essential markets as you can like those ai 63 balloons are gonna just run by on the back side of vortex here also crap it's on my mat it's it's fine though it's fine as long as we pop it that's all i care about so just a cluster bomb over here guys two recursives off of both of them and you see how easy it is should have gone ranked oh yeah why am i using farmers bruh there we go checkpoint's not needed yes i placed the part for extra hard place yes i did chad i did i hide it okay no one saw that so i'm replacing my opus on the right or left side i think the left side has more more space also yes it won't get stunned by vortex at least at the beginning so that's why i should do now that we beat this sell you and we're missing one central market so let's get 10 and then upgrade all these to flavored there it is guys fully maxed trade empire army also make sure to do uh monkey city okay so now we do it guys eight farm monkeyopolis okay so what level is draw the level 14 okay so because of the glitch getting patched i have to get geraldo on round 75 earlier to afford it for around 120 because here's the thing they actually buffed the totem to be more expensive but but but but let me get energizer for a faster i should have actually got this earlier for faster level ups because rhino's gonna be really expensive to to afford to roll though before it required 60 totems to get to 300 but they buffed it from 1500 power to 2000 so now you only need 45 just a quick math from 120 45 rounds is 75. so right now it's around 17. so basically i'm going to sell you and i'm going to power level them how much does it cost ouch that's going to cost a pretty penny but yeah we got two times starting then we had gotta add one every round we're gonna start doing 45 totems start from here but it's yeah it's so pricey look at this 26k per totem so this is still gonna be very hard to like afford what i need because i still need to build farms right what i should actually build is a yes uh a monkey nomiks basically this plus travalo's life reset is pretty nutty over i guess he could get more votes because even though it doesn't count towards the merchants or the trained empire it still gets buffed by the um woody gullets the central markets so this will get us even closer to the amount of pops or money that we need plus there's so much water left over i just realized i can't do a paragon because i'm using paragon totems to get to 300 i can't actually build a paragon because they eat up the paragraph terms first so tier three and four has to be paragon less so it probably has to be a temple then found on the boat spot so this one's gonna be a carrier flagship basically i want well damage on this guy like essentially we're looking for a good amount of pops on the character flagship so we're trying to super puff it too by that i mean like a homeland defense somewhere so mob for more damage we'll make sure to get glue storm too and then we'll work on a super brittle is somewhere over here i guess and let's go okay i got my man now guys you gotta remember yeah while the boss is going we have to keep dropping totems every single round can't forget that and we'll just keep spamming homeland all that oh apparently some people say that the buffalo doom is decent boss damage now so i guess i'll try that it's very expensive though but whatever we're getting to the quarter mark uh pretty far in the track i don't like this very much you know what else is good a sky shredder all right finally abilities back up go go go go okay we'll probably lose this one i need to redo this yeah if the stuns are mad here it does okay i lost okay we're getting way too many overtowers done so i'm gonna have to redo this round and figure out better placements for all the stuff so one more try it's close though i think what i should do is i should literally just put towers in the front so that like vortex won't get back to the front after it leaves so they'll never be stunned ever again so this will stun the the man nowhere is okay i'm just gonna build another platform this is getting ridiculous i can't place anything so let's go sky shredder earlier this is pretty good i guess we'll build a big plane too since popular quest and damage is okay i guess on this guy but sky spread are way better anyways uh i think we're doing a little better this time i just know that we won't have any of our crucial towers stunned while it's near the exit i think i'll just drop a quick radio back here it's actually wow that's pretty good damage huh i guess the buffer doom did did help a lot okay it's actually getting really far though so we gotta quickly put this down before it gets too close to the exit come on skull push back thank you good news uh the uh ray doom shoots through also we have max totems again so annoying to have them keep track of all this i got 400k but i don't want to spend it because there's nothing to spend it on oh yeah i also forgot elite defender why am i doing that it's a perfect candidates for it more damage 230k if i get this skull i think i'm good yeah for tier 4 i definitely have to get a bench ball because it's just going to be too much for normal towers to defend considering three was this annoying without a temple i just want to build a temple because i already had too much stuff on the field and my god that was way closer than it should have been but either way we got half a million dollars so let's try to spend it and also let's give pops we got to sell all this because we don't want to give pops at all to the other tires we gotta give it on the boat remember that so here's what i'm thinking guys i'm gonna put the super monkey here that'll be the least intrusive intrusive to not eat up anything else actually i have enough money at this point i'm surprised that i thought money was gonna be a big issue but as you see it it's not really anymore but yeah for around 100 we're doing okay like almost a million here like again 50k ops and money on both of these as well as the other 40 boats so build a temple this round ventral true sun god sell it the moment we kill tier four so we get even more pops on the boats that's the plan this should be eventful if i did it right let's watch in suspense to see if i messed up great first try now my biggest regret is that the vengeful is in the range of the boats so it doesn't get that many more pops but yolo and these are banned this week so in case you're wondering why no overclock ultra boost i wish i could what if i could guys i really hope this doesn't take a long day to pop there we go event was finally back in action you see when it's it's active it actually shreds so so much so again that's all we got to make sure of that we don't stun the vengeful by accident or anything i guess while we have time we'll start building my boats too because again the more money we get the better it is okay let me sell the heli because apparently i sold one marketplace so there we go back to 10 stacks lost a little bit of damage there but as you see now that we're not studying the vengeful we're absolutely shredding okay and this will be the kill finally took us long enough gg tier 4 so let's get rid of the vengeful now quickly everything and work on that vengeful uh boat now all we do is chill and hope that this is going to end up being a 300 with 16.2 million and pops plus 4x money must equal 16.2 million so basically after this round i'm going to drop the next totem and it should be 100 if it didn't mess up if i did i guess we'll just keep waiting longer now i do want to try to see how much damage it does like on its own but i'm pretty sure i won't be able to sell though because in my other tests um well the other pair of guns weren't able to sell like balloon arrows or lich and after they buff vortex after the first week i think it's a lot tougher now so i don't think there's a chance i probably will need help that being said come on and this round drop the 45th totem and let's see 99 okay okay i think we're missing one round of totems unfortunately there's no way to know if it's pops i'm missing or it's the amount of totem so let's wait one round this is probably gonna like cost any chance of soloing yet dude 120 just never ends we're letting vortex going get getting way too far hello there we go god all right now 100 please it's still 99 okay i'm just done and then maybe now it'll be a degree oh i got two totems right i forgot to place it last round come on 100 i couldn't see there again 99 goddamn that last series a lot 123 guys do you think this is going to be the 300 still 99 i think my only option right now if i want to actually get a degree 100 is to go for a temple over here that way it doesn't touch any of the boats i think i missed a few rounds of totems that's my guess i think my pops are there but there's no way to know all right i think we have about as much as you could have without a paragon so let's go and hopefully we kill these rounds quick enough well so far our vengeful two sun god seems to be doing absolutely zero damage so that's really awesome yeah we're not even at one skull so uh this is a complete and utter failure so far basically you need the overclock on the eventful otherwise it does nothing as you can tell i think i'll wait after 123 and hopefully 124. has what we need all right there's one round 124 so quickly get the i'll i'll do it up here now since it's far away yes finally but again too little too late unless you think we can somehow pledge it hang on here's what i'll do holy heck that's fast let's quickly get a degree one ninja paragon we'll do a boom paragon too it's far too late though as you can tell simply none of track length to take it home unless you think there's a chance that would be an epic clutch though if i could somehow take it home here but again i highly doubt it highly doubt it's gonna happen i'm just gonna drop random crap um we just have the odps faster than it moves but it's not happening as close as it is honestly for the fact that we got it so late that was a pretty nice try it almost makes me want to try again to see if there is a way i can um do it faster i think we just had to change where we put our eventual juice on guide this does look doable guys with the green boats okay let's waste one run to see if i need any more pops on the boats or if i just need totems because if so i have enough space on the left side to fit other stuff i kind of want to try if 123 is enough i'm just curious probably not oh no wait wait wait okay this is huge actually this is huge guys i didn't buy any marketplaces i just did totems on 123. it actually doesn't work so this i think is enough to help us guys getting to 300 right as it turns to spend so that out of the way i think i can now set up for the uh the degree 100k i think here's what i'll do i'll get other boomers and ninjas down so that the degree of the ninja boomerang is higher i think that'll help us a lot so basically i'm going to build my boomerang ninja pair gone over here where it could attack the exit ninja sticky bomb will be very handy so let's work on as high of degree as possible for the ninja all right guys i think this is good enough i think we should just play it and uh see how quickly it dies ladies and gents 123 is about to start so quickly quickly quickly i'm gonna again do this one up here and there should be a hundred nice perfect and now we unleash all of it so ninja is 31 boomerang 26. and i mean this should be it guys this should be the run if not i'd be very surprised gotta lava clean the uh or how smooth the gameplay is now now that all those cameras are gone and come on take a look at this ballpark look how much pops is doing at the 300 100 000 dps if it wasn't stunned now it is done though and it's very sad it will still do damage because the planes well actually they're not okay it's really weird because at some times i noticed that the planes did damage but this one isn't doing damage for some reason so this is not good okay now it's doing damage well i guess we just gotta hope it doesn't get stunned anymore then are we doing fine i don't think we're doing too hot right now i'm gonna get back all these towers come on quickly take you down please uh three skulls left two skulls left i think we have it this time old paragon come to clutch at last minutes either way yep we'll beat it this time so there it is i couldn't figure out whether or not it could solo the vortex because well i couldn't get the 300 at 120 but it's good to know that it does carry a big load up to 20 million pops so pretty much half the vortex right there guys nice that was a very annoying run should have played a lot safer earlier on to like guarantee i had enough totems but hey at least we got it right [Music] you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 1,067,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch, battles 2, battles 2 gameplay, bloons td battles 2
Id: 9RA8wCJ-qaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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