Can Wizard Paragon beat round 300? (BTD 6)

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the updates dropped a little bit ago baby and with it the wizard Paragon is here a new map called erosion is here a new Sada skin called I didn't look at the name of this honest kid but it doesn't matter uh plus many more but today we're gonna be using the wizard Paragon and with the help of the time Master Mod we're gonna see how it is against round 300 or more no way but we'll see because this guy it's crazy I'm actually so hyped for you have you seen anything about it saber no I actually have uh purposely looked up nothing about it so it's all gonna be uh like a legitimate surprise like I assure you I have no idea what this thing is even gonna do all right let's just jump right into it so I haven't played on this map either way it's all just right here oh you know it's gonna slowly melt and go like along put something down saber was that a good choice no we're doing something on the wizard Paragon put down a wizard bro we're losing we're actually much better what's much better upgrading see that's much better all right better all right so this is kind of like muddier bloody puddles or something right but it's like tilted at an angle definitely yeah just just like yeah I like the color of it though like this nice like blue most of the ice scraps like I like them but they're like really blue or like white this is like a nice blue color I like it a lot agreed agreed so this map is called erosion does that mean I've never played on this map either does that mean like slowly this like ice is gonna like melt away I don't know but you should put some more things down saber we're good thank you thank you this guy just wants so many things for me man look at that look at that see I just want to not lose saber that's all that's all I want is this that was not loose you could also put down the new the new Sada skin too yeah yeah I was gonna do that but I just I was like well if they're gonna come from different paths like Loki Sada isn't gonna be the play but I guess I'll just put side of them I mean eventually yeah I don't know it'll be I want to see when does it swap right I know that's what I'm worried about dude here I'm gonna put sonic so they can hit both why'd you put soda there we can't even see this kid now brother bear walks around doesn't it it'll move no one wants you here bro how are you doing this to us saber guys this is a really cool sauna skin I love how it looks I love that was my favorite part is like the the polar bear face it's crazy dude I placed it in the one spot that you literally can't genuinely not even trying to do this right now okay no you're definitely you're definitely messing with everyone here wait I can't wait does the polar bear move I don't think so all right fine when is it okay that's oh as soon as I replaced it are you kidding me right now that's such a that's sick joke that's a sick joke homie it doesn't Road no way that's the sickest of jokes I replace it the moment I replaced it it broke and got rid of our Towers whoa whoa what this I just realized this is probably gonna be a really mad bad map to go to round 300 on because there's only gonna be that one little top part do you want to just go to a different map bro dude a part of me wants to double down because it'll be funny but another part of me doesn't because I don't think we'll get to round 300. no we won't even get to like round 20. but this map is kind of cool man no because it's not heating up very quickly that's the problem that's the problem that's our issue right now this is our issue right now I think we just need this is a cool map but for going around 300 it ain't gonna work Stevie all right fine okay guys you win everybody's like like all right fine so the skin by the so the skin by the way everybody it's called zhangshi Sada and I just realized I can literally click on SATA and it'll say the name of the skin so it's a yikes on my part um but yeah so that's that's cool now we're back uh we're gonna actually hopefully get the wizard Paragon this time and not have you know global warming ruin our game yeah I hate what that happened like we were trying to put down our characters and then that ice just melted away and it was just like dude just turn on the AC or something man just keep it cool oh here's your ability saver oh right right to the Grave that's actually pretty cool that's cool it looks cool oh right she is like oh right I I muted sounds when we were playing with your Heroes yeah if you guys didn't see that video you gotta go see that video yo saber you want to use your ability again please all right man whatever you say I'm gonna get a wizard I'm so glad that you're uh you're doing the money this time yeah I feel like you gotta have the the authentic experience of the wizard monkey why did you sell them I didn't like the placement like okay you know what that's fair enough that's reasonable we also don't have cross Packers the mods have just been like updated Friends so we actually have to like work you were just trying to hide so much pain in that sentence just like you know gotta just like buy so many more banana Farms I man I love mods in Bloons db6 bro I mods mods have saved me a lot like I don't unders you guys you guys like kind of understand but you really don't understand how much mods mean to us genuinely dude genuinely however much you think it is important to us double it then and then you'll get near close to even considering how important it is to us mods are quite quite something okay they allow us to make this type of content at it's it's crazy absolutely crazy I mean take this video for example okay just the time Master Mod right we're going around 300 okay so instead of this literally sitting here for three hours we get to do this in like a 20 minute video for you guys where we get to actually just test it to its limits would we have even gotten to like 303 hours I don't think so yeah it would have taken like literally like six or something yeah uh probably three hours because it takes like two hours to get to like around 200. okay okay so like an hour every 100 rounds basically uh I think just gets exponentially it's like 30 minutes around 100 and then like and then from there like a little bit over an hour for each one now I can't see Sada dude who cares man we already showed off the skin on the road get the skin upgrades and you get this you get new things all right here I'll move the wizard Margie don't that's fine no just oh wait you got the wrong uh pad okay that's fine oh I just didn't know how long we were gonna be relying on this so I got monkey sense yeah that's reasonable um but it's okay because I'll just get the next one down see level 10 does it oh it doesn't show when she gets this season that's crazy crazy man yeah we're gonna oh and now that we're actually working together on this I can get all of my T5 wizard Paragon stuff down and try to be able to get a high degree wizard big facts dude big facts what's the highest level we can get just between the two of us you know I mean we could get like if we really tried we could get up into like the high 80s 90s I think what wow okay I mean that sounds like what we stacked Wizards or something and then we just if we put we pushed every single wizard down we could upgraded to the highest possible tier and then survive for a really long time making sure they all have like hundreds of thousands of pops and like really meticulously like grinded it out yeah yeah that sounds uh it sounds kind of brutal man I'm gonna line yeah also you might wanna here I send you some money get some nice very nice yeah we're good I miss the days of cross feathers it's only gone for one day I know right it's like not even that long of a time we just I think we made our point we don't need to dwell we made our point I I am so excited for you to be able to see the wizard Paragon though I think this is my new favorite Paragon like hands down really oh I mean hands down I've I've yet to see any other than the PNG of it so I'm I'm interested I'm interested you are I it I think they knocked it out of the park with like the design the funness like just all of it fun to I don't think is actually a word but I'm still gonna use it because I think it accurately describes it um it says waiting for other players but it's stuck on the five seconds like of the countdown it's like I'm just I'm just staring at the countdown screen but nothing's changing uh where I'm just playing balloons right now we're on round 77. uh yeah I see that wait what do you mean dude I don't know what it's as if you're about to like lag out but you're never lagging out nice so I don't should I just alt f4 or something yeah that seems probably like the most reasonable thing and then try to join back in what can you not rejoin it didn't give me the option it just showed me the update screen what I altered Ford I don't know we'll be right back again easy we're back everybody uh you know I hear the tuber Channel we troubleshoot we get things done and this is why we like the time Master Mod friends oh man do you think we'll be able to be around 300 with a wizard monkey bear gun what do you thought I don't know I don't know you like everything or no sometimes probably most of the time no really yeah most the time I'd say no there's no thoughts um okay I'm gonna send you a bunch of money go ahead and get like some t5s copy that t fives acquired all right I'll work on me getting t5s as well wait why does it say hey don't I did I not unlock the oh okay I guess it's because I alt f4 to like reset all the progress I did all right nice so let's hear it I'm gonna look at Magnus perfectus dude what's his description only the most perfect wizard can channel the ancient powers of the Beyond yes very hype all right round 90. let's go all right basically we just need all these guys to just get like dummy pops real fast okay let's do it let's get her done I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a Homeland defense I'm gonna get an alchemist so we can oh yeah that's not because we need to get them to get as many pops as possible the more people can get all of them the better sada's fully upgraded by the way fully leveled up I can't see her they look kind of the same as the base skin I don't really I mean then again I can barely remember what the oh no no there's so they got some like kind of demon or something coming out of their back I don't know yeah used user like a main ability or her like sword ability oh that was that was the first ability I'm all right okay it kind of looks the exact same oh no no yeah it's a little different the exact same looks a little different though that's not bad that's not bad it's still pretty cool I like it it's it's Unique I like I like the vibe of it it's a very cool Vibe yeah I agree I agree all right we need to get just put down more Wizards yeah I'm gonna sell saadas that they don't even get any Bobs just let's get a bunch of stuff in Phoenix's all right big facts dude heard we just want to get as like a highest the highest that's a ninja the highest possible degree Paragon that we can if we if we have any hopes of trying to even get close to around 300 there is so much on the screen bro don't worry it it'll get it'll it'll get awesome soon all right we're still just so we're literally we haven't even gotten the Paragon we're around 113. that's actually a good point that's actually a really good point we we literally are already one third of the way and we haven't even paragoned yet oh my gosh yeah we're it's getting pretty crazy and we're just like we don't even need to like usually a bit like look at us using the abilities and it just oh my gosh dude that's so cracked it destroys the balloons oh summon phoenixes are the way to go they get so many pops they're Global all right I have like six summon Phoenix's is that enough are we doing like way more just just Spam them down I say we just the more we have the better the higher degree Paragon like true if every single one of them you put down you get an extra t one tier like I don't know oh okay but I will keep it in mind like that yeah but if you envision that I think there's like you're like whoa okay so just like I just put a few more down then I think I think it like slowly scales away from that like I think the part where we're at every single one we put down gives us like a quarter of a level but hey whatever man whatever gets us as high of a level as possible so we can show them what's up all right I think this is a pretty reasonable spot that we're at now so I think we just want to get some more Pops I'm just I mean we haven't even like I haven't been worried about losing it like actually around 140. all right use all of our phoenixes all right but I'm using my faces we have so many phoenixes being summoned all right I literally that's a lot of fire wow that's a lot of fire that's a lot dude the bad is popping on round one honestly I thought it would like actually pop a little faster than it is I'm surprised it's popping this fast actually really oh yeah the round 40 140 b80 is crazy all right we should get it saber we should upgrade and get the all right which one are we doing which one are we doing it doesn't matter it literally doesn't matter all right here I'll I'll get this one then or that's yours and I'm literally dumb okay okay there we go all right here we go baby you ready oh I need money you need money all right here we go wizard Paragon baby let's go all right you wanna okay all right almost level 70 Paragon that's not bad at all okay so just the Paragon down dude I love the Phoenix dude it's like this galaxy isn't that so good look at how strong it is okay so nice so as you can see you basically have different abilities and things so oh yeah so if you look at okay so if you let me try to explain how this works so if you click on the wizard guy right yeah so you have a button that's next to like his left which is like this Rune thing okay uh okay if you click on it it'll swap to having him attack and he uses his laser oh now click on it again to swap back oh my gosh what so when he's attacking he's charging up his abilities right like he's because you can see he like runs out here so if you click on him he charges up his stuff so have him charge up okay so he's charging up now yep okay and now like use his ability oh my gosh dude whites and then he just mows them down so now he's gotta like go back to charging up okay so this is like strong phase and weak phases yeah okay so he's not constantly at a certain strength he has he has major weaknesses but he's even stronger when he's strong interesting so what does this one do yeah what yeah wait were those lmgs yeah dude zom G oh my gosh dude this is amazing he gets crazy strong my guy oh my gosh all right so let's just send like a bunch of rounds and then see like have him spawn his balloons now oh my gosh we're almost lost right there oh I want to see what happens is like his most powerful stuff because I think the problem is was like with this week oh my God nice dude this is this is sweaty bro I have to like actually be on top of this I'm gonna put down stuff that slows balloons down to give him a chance yeah that's a great idea let him pop blue yeah yeah I like that so okay so when I activate the Rune ability he's super dog water but charges things up fast is that what he's doing yeah yeah basically he needs to charge up look see look his balloon pop count goes way up so you're winning you want to fill the bar like all the way wait so then why would I not activate that ability wait what what are you talking wait what I don't know man I think I'm going crazy okay do you see he has a like his energy bar like his yeah I see it at the top yeah yeah okay and then it goes down but then it automatically recharges why do I need to toggle this Rune thing because it's not because it's oh it's Auto toggling on and off for me I can just manually do it if I want oh okay okay that makes sense that makes more sense I was like I want to see what this yeah because the problem is when he's in his like weak phase the ddt's he doesn't stand a chance but when he's on his like power form he M he's gonna be able to destroy them all right I'm gonna have to be on top he's had 30 million pops now saber wait okay can't you also get the Paragon now there's no wait there's no way I can can you or no I don't remember are you able to also get a paragon I don't think so that'd be cool cracked if so let me see if I can I don't think so though I cannot okay okay that would be a little wild that would be Wilding bro that would be wild all right let's try let's see what he's got against round 200 okay all right all right let's do it I think I think the abilities are solid here let's see okay ready all right one all right use his ability oh oh I got an insta monkey okay all right oh can he defeat something wait wait we didn't lose no no we didn't lose we didn't lose we didn't lose he's gonna he's got to generate more stuff and use his ability again everything's getting by on my screen bro wait what what do you mean everything's gonna buy out of years ago as soon as one DDT got by it was like game over and then wait we didn't lose on my screen though okay well let's continue let's continue let's continue wait I think I think we're just DC happening dude oh my gosh my game is my game is messed up now dude wait what happens I can't I can't do anything you say where you broke my game I broke it all I did was activate the abilities saber you broke my game why would you do this saver it's all your fault I have zero lives right now and my money money is just like plastered across my screen for some reason like oh yeah wait mine is too wait what dude I can't click on my options right we broke the game we can't even fully try it it's completely on my screen it was doing fine like I think on I think we would have been able to beat around 200 like I think that was do you think we could have beaten around 300 do you think it would have been possible I don't know I have no idea I probably not because we barely managed yeah we barely squeaked that one out I think a level 100 Paragon stand a chance actually I think a level 100 Paragon could do that uh well hey maybe when mods get fixed we can do that until then hit that like button guys if you want to see more of this amazing Paragon thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys tomorrow for some more gamer content peace peace
Channel: Tewbre
Views: 72,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tewtiy, favremysabre, sabre, gaming, games, game, showcase, challenge, modded, mods, mod, gameplay, vanilla, playthrough, comedy, video, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, no cursing, no swearing, video games, let's play, lets play, cursed mods, bloons, bloons tower defence, bloons tower defence 6, btd 6, can wizard paragon beat round 300, btd 6 round 300, btd 6 wizard paragon, btd6 magus perfectus, btd 6 wizard monkey, btd 6 new paragon, btd 6 paragon, tewbre
Id: ERiovc7wjPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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