This Mind-Blowing Challenge Had Only ONE WIN In 3,000 Attempts...

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one man army has a fun short puzzle here and take a look at the win rate it is super duper low in fact only one person has actually beaten it only one at 115 total attempts one in 3 400. now i will say as a disclaimer i did take a look at the challenge for a little bit before this commentary right now i've actually taken a look at uh what the challenge has to offer so i actually have an idea of what to do although i haven't beaten it yet so the rule is basically money puddles chips and the moab is super opie and the ceramics they are very very very rigorous so either you gotta one shot them or they got an anti-regrow something like that five towers no selling and yeah just a bunch of random restrictions let you take a look at it so that said again the biggest roadblock i believe is the end the max hp mob which has 4k hp it is pretty slow but still there is no elim or anything what i'm looking at in terms of uh uh breaking it is glaive lord and elite defender first off i'm going to try it the furthest thing uh the gladlord so if you put the glaive lord here it will create a rigor form because regrow balloons will go backwards and thus uh just keep keep on multiplying before it does damage so there's the lag restart however if you put the glaive lord closer to the track like at the very top um apparently the reaper balloons cannot jump backwards so they die watch no lag and we beat everything so because of that i'm gonna cross path five two zero in case you don't know glaivelord like its attacks now do dot which is really good against cycle target but we won't make it just take a look at this so we're gonna be all four waves easily for the ceramics with the moab take a look we need 9.1 k to pop it and look how close we get we got to 81. so three quarters of the moab with a label there but even if we did pop it uh how would you deal with the ceramics that is the problem they are camo and regrow and gladwell's on the wrong side and glebel's also all our money there's one thing i can do i can give uh jungle drums and pee training but i'm gonna show you it's still not enough we do get very close i think with the jungle drums and the extra range but the last it's still not popular so i don't think it's the answer i think it has to be elite defender now how do we beat the uh regal ceramics at the start so they have 5 hp and they're slower so a few things i found is uh first off if you just want to get rid of the regrow we go for the shattering shells and there's actually enough money for that and an elite defender but i will show you that it's not enough just watch here like we're gonna beat all the ceramics but there's not gonna be enough malt damage even if i go for let's say a jungle drums so now the elite fan is gonna target the moab that's fine i'm gonna put it back in first though with it shattering cannot get the greens i'm getting ice camera too nice we got that we got it however moab still not quite there like 20 hp left so that said there's also another um thing i could do that doesn't involve anti-regrow because that's very expensive there are three one zero snipers and surprisingly they can defend the waves just watch here two of them i'll get the elite defender too i'll get attack speed as well so they should be on first yep we're gonna have that deal with the camos and then let's see how much damage remember you need 4k so elite defender itself already to three quarters so this mob has like 108 10 hp left so i wonder if this is the solution like if it is a lead defender do you have to maximize like the attack speed of it because in case you don't know the further along the track is yes it says in the description here attacks faster the further the balloon is so do i need to like leave balloons very far back here in order to maximize the dps of this guy i don't know if that's part of the answer but if it is it's kind of annoying but regardless i'm gonna see if i can maximize that one more thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna buy mauler in the middle of the round that also gets extra mold damage so basically what i think i do is i put the snipers on last so they don't target the ceramics once the ball comes in so they keep on like the surround wave keeps going further and further so this guy keeps up the attack speed i'll put on first when it gets far though like now one decent reminder this did 3 000 and now with the extra manipulation we actually popped it guys we popped it but we die immediately i still don't know what to do from here though oh i'm gonna try one more thing i'm gonna discount does that save money with my towers so i can afford something else maybe four thousand six hundred okay i have way like way more money than before yeah i'm up like two thousand dollars but what can i do with that because i can't get any an assassin or anything i could only buy bigger range on my bomb tower maybe p training which would give more range on the mother i guess i'll give it a shot yeah i get to buy this mid round so let's try p training let's try to do this last minute there's three ceramics left three two decent decent this did 266 and it should pop a little bit earlier now yes but still we die pretty quickly now i wonder with um uh the discount could i afford a downdraft i saw this was uh sonic you used but it's very expensive which is the problem can i make it 400 short now the problem guys the problem is i do not have uh jungle drums so i don't know if i can even pop the moab without jungle drums so i try two three one zero snipers what if i try just one of them but under jungle drums how much of 55 can defend and then maybe i could just keep on uh using downdraft to blow back ceramics so after this i still have 2600 i'll get a muller then get a muller that's about it i'll play yeah the only problem is that only one of them is really sketch i gotta also make sure not to regrow it so remember they have five hp so i can't really do much uh too much blowback action otherwise i do too much damage basically again what i need is balloons getting very far to the exit see that that's not good the the darts do too much damage at once like how do i prevent that i can't i literally can't i mean we'll get a lot of attack speed now with the elite defender but uh yeah i don't know that ain't it okay you know what what time i'm looking at i'm looking at glue maybe a liquifier can go past the rear way because why else would it be so exact so let me just test this i'm gonna use a shimmer and then uh a four two zero let's see if this bypasses the rear right so [Music] yes right yes yes it looks like it barely does that too because it lasts for a long time does this cost more than sniper yes what's the point i don't know dude trying random crap so i do this right yeah i'm out of money and i have even less malt damage because i don't have snipers but let me just see so oh elite defender screws everything up i don't know i can't do that i could buy the defender late but the thing is wave four comes out at the same time like wave four will still be out when right before the mall comes up so i have to buy this like really late the time is gonna be like on point wave four um let's go now the problem with this though is that the ceramics aren't really far on the track so this does less damage so now we're further off wizards attack cause reform yes but i don't think it activates unless it attacks oh crap it does activate oh hold on hold on hold on okay i might have a discovery here so what does that mean for my sniper does that mean i get a 302 sniper perhaps that would do more damage to the moab right maybe shimmer could be at the very bottom yeah that's actually interesting idea like upgraded to elite defender while everything's still camo so it will target the the moab instead of you know the ceramics which causes a farm we'll give it a shot so 302 let's just go attack speed so you see this it's too far it's too late it's far too late so the shimmer has got to be even higher up but i don't know if there's a spot where that actually works actually you know what it does defend barely now uh i'm not gonna get this in time i could ice though i could ice should i ice i guess i should why not still not going to make it though all right i'm going to try ice tower like snowstorm oh sorry arctic wind arctic wind think we'll make it in time right oh i hope we got that ceramic we did and we didn't pop it yeah that's a problem if you don't have uh the mauler all right let me try this setup again although instead of uh the three three zero two sniper i'm gonna go for the liquifier right so after wave three i upgrade to two zero five all right i wanna two zero five now okay i got fourteen hundred for what maybe another sniper for damage for the moab like a one zero two and then wave four here we're fine because glue glue good um and let's see how close do i get will i have enough damage no ah that's annoying maybe i can swap that that uh sniper for a mauler how much i mean i'm a short buy oh i got it i got it never mind i got a range too to boot okay where can this get me pop it nah i didn't pop it does it involve the bug where if you get a frame perfect shot that doesn't kill it it won't regrow so watch this a 2 1 0 play the round there are yellows there are yellows notice that they don't regrow so what i could do is manipulate the speed apparently the and the answer to the challenge does involve using that bug so wave three put them on last last last please be a yellow nice we got the glitch 16. so this yellow will make the elite defender shoot faster i wonder if i could just leave this gun first and hopefully i'll get 16 shots but either way i'm just going to let it go for now and see what it can do i'll put it first now uh yeah too many yellows maybe i'll put it on first immediately sure let's do it immediately what does it get me to i was pretty good good timing now uh i want this sniper on last because i don't want to cause a rear form right leave this on first still ah there was some leeway there i could i could have done a little better but either way let's see what this does is it any better than before yes or no no it's worse ah what's the point of that glitch how do i use that glitch to my advantage more than what i'm currently using it for alright so i took some time after this challenge literally thought about in my sleep and i have a couple ideas in mind now in fact two of them however i think only one of them actually works let's just go over the first one which i believe is the intended way to do it so the creator mentioned that you're supposed to use the uh rico glitch with snipers to beat the challenge so all this time i thought that the only balloons that i could get to not regrow were uh yellows and zebras because i can only do either a one one zero or a two one zero however uh this glitch actually works with two snipers so you can combine them to get a different combination of glitch balloons so watch what i'm gonna do here for example i'm gonna do a two one one zero snipers if you do the map six damage to five hp ceramics gets you to four zebras and six layers down from zebra is red bloon either way let me just show you what happens when i start the round and then upgrade these two three one zero to one shot things right after look what we have a camo rigger red and a couple cameras camo zebras but that's not important the thing i want to show you is that the speed of the camel rig red is pretty slow and that's actually really important because look at how it times up with the moab so let me just let this go here comes wave 4 and then here comes the moab and you see the camera breaker right is basically near the exit which means elite defender is going to have a lot of attack speed and thus extra damage so now with this extra wiggle room i'm going to set everything up and i'll show you how it goes okay so let's set up 202 village elite defender run strong two one one zero so i'm gonna upgrade to three one zero after the first shot and a mauler for mold damage now apparently mahler isn't part of the intended solution it supposed to be in the sniper but either way let me just uh play and upgrade these after one shot now i should note that there are uh three zebras and four reds i'm gonna put this on first to just snipe some zebras put it back in strong so the four reds are from the one zebra because like the first sniper turns one ceramic into four zebras and then the other sniper turns one zebra into four reds alright so for wave four here i'm going to put these snipers on close so i can get the ceramics first now i think i hit one on one of the reds by accident so either way one strong and then leave this on close back and first should be two reds left one red left and perfect and let's see where this gets me should pop out earlier and thus should be much closer right we got two of them but you see we still don't have the last shot to get the last two ceramics this is basically as close as i've gotten with uh this strategy and i tried it like probably hours to just do trial and error to see if any different damage amount less or more would make a difference but unfortunately if nope it all ended up being 0.2 seconds away from winning so now with that disappointing news out of the way i'm gonna go to uh my second idea that ended up working so i showed earlier that uh shimmer can shimmer balloons outside the range even if it doesn't attack it which is good because i'm gonna put it right here and one thing i didn't try uh until now was that a lead defender on last will actually not cause a rigor form because it takes two shots with seven damage to one shot the ceramics it'll turn it to blacks and whites and then the blacks and whites go to nothing with the two zero five but the problem with that before was that well i couldn't target a weak so it always caused a real farm but on last it actually doesn't cost a regular form because watch this because balloons like that spun from stronger balloons the children uh they spawn behind the current balloon that means on last elite defender will always trigger the right balloons you see that flawless so with that out of the way here's what i'm going to drop i wonder if you beat it right now let me get one of these to one shot these three zero twos will be able to one shot the um the last wave and i don't even need to change this um you know to like close to do any damage i keep it like that so it you know lead defender shoots even faster i'll leave it on last and it should pop but we lose because they didn't drop the snipers early enough now let's see what happens when i have everything already set up so i can't afford all this so i'll buy mid-round again this on last these on first and this could be it anywhere i'll buy these as we go get fast forward so you see we basically get out the last shot with two three zero twos perfect amount of damage and uh yeah just let's just see what happens when win it was not easy again this wasn't unintended so in a way i am slightly disappointed that i couldn't end up getting the first like idea to work but i mean a win is a win right all in all pretty crazy but also brilliant challenge you do see that a couple more people beat it after though so it's now uh six and forty six hundred but either way still a hard af challenge all right i just got back with the creator of this challenge and it turns out uh i wasn't anywhere close to the nintendo solution in fact i don't think i would have gotten this in a million years so let me show you the setup two zero two zero zero five sniper without be two zero five eventually zero zero three and we're gonna do the regular glitch but we're not gonna spawn reds we're only gonna spawn zebras and here's the reason why so how i'm gonna start is this will not be camo i'm gonna play upgrade this and then upgrade this they're both gonna be in strong right now there are four zebras on the field i'm going to snipe everything but one zero so let's watch three snipers two all right there's two zeros left i'm gonna put one in first there's one zebra and then leave it on strong and when it gets really close to exit i'm gonna upgrade this and see what happens look a non-stop regal farm tell me how anyone would have thought of this seriously now i'm gonna put them both in close so i can afford this choose your five lead fender i didn't buy it in time so i might have messed up in fact it did mess up because i actually broke the rig of arm because i left these on close they should be in strong after i beat all the ceramics so let me do it over all right so hopefully you get this time so close get this immediately good and then back to strong after all gone like this perfect no shots down here and let's just fast forward and see what happens i feel like we should have this pop now and nice there it is so it turns out the very specific rigor write did end up mattering but only for the intended solution if that was the only possible solution yeah i would have stuck in this forever without any hints by the way i hope you enjoyed watching the thought process behind me doing this entire challenge it's challenges like these that keep me coming back for more even though at times it can be very frustrating not getting anywhere after hours of thinking yeah that is all i have to say see you guys in the next video you
Channel: ISAB
Views: 652,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, btd5, btd battles, isab, gameplay, strategy, btd6, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, btd6 gameplay, btd6 strategy, btd 6, btd6 best strategy, btd6 tier 5, btd6 round 100, btd6 chimps, btd6 5th tier, btd6 isab, btd6 best hero, btd6 mod, btd6 glitch
Id: w5XsCM36e8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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