Pokemon Isle of Armor & Crown Tundra Hardcore Nuzlocke - FIRE Type Pokémon Only!

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another nuzlocke on the isle of armor and the crown tundra that's right i'm determined to protect my dlc nuzlocke monopoly sorry other youtubers get good and this time i'm going to attempt it with only fire types so we're going to get some pretty sick mons here on the left we have the isle of armor fire encounters and on the right we have the crown tundra list along with the mystery dynamax adventure encounter that the thumbnail already spoiled for you we're gonna add one additional rule to the rules that we used last time no dynamaxing along with when a pokemon faints it's dead no items in battle but held items are okay set battle mode i can only catch the first fire type encounter from each router area in the dlc none from the base galler map and no leveling past the next boss's ace pokemon until the start of that battle these include avery mustard and the gallerian star tournament let's begin before heading to the isle of armor i met the super popular girl gamer clara we started chit chatting and she even wanted to hang out sometime if we should meet up again seconds later the corver knight flies me to the island and now she all of a sudden is too cool to remember who i was so i decided to prank her by giving her a pokeball she can't open look how hard she's trying to open that then this super kind lady upgrades my bicycle into this masterpiece thanks now let's get our starter pokemon in the warm-up tunnel as i ride through i crash into a torquel with the awesome drought ability which will come in handy for any pesky water types the name theme is going to be power rangers torquel is named jason the red power ranger and you can't be a morphin team without your ranger buddies so i head to the loop lagoon to catch a larvesta named after billy the blue power ranger this is billy all systems go then i headed to the dry pop bottom desert to recruit a fletchling named after zach the black power ranger zack here that's gonna be it for now since i can only match the evolutions of the boss trainers in the dlc nuzlockes no one on the team evolves yet since mustard has no evolved pokemon either jason faces off against miami starting with protect to block the incoming fake out mian food then strikes with force palm but luckily jason has an incredible defense stat and hits back with lava plume barely not getting the one hit ko since force palm can paralyze us i play it safe with protect to heal from the held item leftovers mian fu force palms again and then jason finishes them off with a useless critical hit shinks comes in to do what miyanfu failed to do himself paralyzed jason with spark it didn't matter though because jason just needed to pull off one earth power for the super-duper effective attack mustard saying that never gets old mustard rewards my victory by giving me the dojo uniform but i gotta admit i feel bad that clara was totally forgotten about she's been at the dojo longer than me and doesn't even have the dojo outfit yet and right when she gets it a slowpoke swipes it from her hands how insulting muster tells everyone they need to catch up to the slowpokes and defeat them in order to advance to the next trial the dojo trainers are all freaking out and running as fast as they can [Music] while i'm all chill taking a stroll looking for digletts [Music] after finding 50 digletts i hand them over to the diglett man and in return he gives me the gift of an alolan marowak to which i named tommy the green power ranger to the fall of zordon and the destruction of the power rangers now he may have those cool flames but he does have a hindering attack nature which is unfortunate however tommy is still the go-to for facing the slow pokes since i equipped him with a thick club item which doubles the attack of a cubone or marowak when held so even though the slowpokes are faster and attack first with psychics tommy just needs to club them once with shadowbone i take back claire's uniform from those rascals then hand it back to her and she doesn't even wear it why did you want it if you knew you weren't even going to wear it after being the only successful student to complete the first trial i get to pick a gen 1 starter pokemon as a prize and since this is a fire only nuzlocke i of course pick blue charmander mustard reveals the next challenge is to go find and pick some max mushrooms after the students rush in panic muster tags along with me to show me where warm up tunnel is where the max mushrooms sprout come on old man i've already been there i don't need your help i find the shrooms but claire comes out of nowhere claiming she saw them first so she deserves to have them and to that i say sure because i'm a simp i guess she didn't like that answer so we battle for them instead i still haven't evolved anyone because clara only has one evolved pokemon thus my tommy already fills that role unlike the crazy fast slow poke tommy gets to go first against this one and oco it with shadow bone coughing is next and is more bulky living a shadow bone then tries to hit back with assurance it's not enough though so here's another shadow bone for you world lupita's last and also slow just like the rest of the team so marowak clocks it with a single fire punch yeah clara ends up finding her own max mushrooms anyways and honey cooks them up for us i slurp up that soup but since dynamaxx is banned for me i give the dynamax energy to my blue charmander since claire's final team has two of all pokemon it's time for billy to become a volcarona claire and i face off in the third and final trial jason leads the team who gets badly poisoned thanks to claire cheating by placing two layers of toxic spikes on my side of the field before the battle even started i had jason hold a lumbery before the battle so he could cure himself right when the battle began scorpio tries to inflict poison upon us again but fails while jason uses rapid spin to remove the toxic spike hazards their poison fang fails to poison again so jason lights them up with a flamethrower the 16th u.s president abraham lincoln joins the battle clear smogging jason we flynn throw her back but even with his harsh sun out president lincoln survives he clears mogs again but then i put him to rest with another flamethrower thank you for your service mr president we're lupita's claire's third month so i switch into tommy to tank the incoming poison tail he swords dances the next two turns while wirlopee continues whacking us with poison tail and i'm getting pretty lucky not getting poisoned however that luck runs out against dynamaxx slowbro because yet again in another playthrough my pokemon being faster means nothing since slowbro's quick draw ability activates to spout off a max geyser it's over isn't it but somehow tommy hangs in there with just 13 hp yeah baby twirl that bone and knock them down with shadow bone clara is defeated with no deaths andrew you can tell the master that i cheated i won't huh but but why because i'm a simp that's why i guess it didn't matter though since muster knew all along and forgives her anyways i receive another reward for yet again winning another trial kubfu is introduced to me but apparently i'm too ugly so i'm not taking you with me man i work in the warehouse i'm cool i'm hip and i'm jive but i don't care about nobody do you know who i am happy halloween jerk with the final isle of armor match around the corner let's get our rangers in tip top shape zack evolves into fletchendard then it's final form talonflame then i head to challenge road to catch us alazzle and name them kimberly after the pink power ranger hey nice stereo i dragged the jerk cub food to the tower of darkness to give mustard the water version of hershey food so he can have the advantage last thing before the battle is the eevee train billy is trained in hp to the max along with some special attack and i totally forgot about the side quest with hop man this guy really loves to ruin the pacing of a story so we venture on a quest to retrieve the max honey from the vespa quinn's home this side battle is actually kind of scary depending on your rng look with what the queen bug decides to attack with and i can't dynamax so i have tommy handle this one since he's got the thickest defenses on the team but man that turn one is bad we got max airstream just for tommy the sword's dance and possibly die before getting to attack thankfully the rng is somewhat on our side with vespa quinn using attack order and reversal the next two turns while tommy fire punches twice but it's still not enough and vespa queen goes back to using max airstream killing our green ranger zach comes in with tearful eyes is faster than the vespa quinn and avenges his fellow teammate with acrobatics i hope you're happy hop with four power rangers remaining it's time to battle the dojo master mustard with billy's moveset full he's unable to protect himself from the fake out myan shall then close combats which isn't very effective thanks to billy's bug typing we quiver dance to raise our special attack special defense and speed by one stage billy dances again to make those increases two stages while mianchao puts us in the yellow with another close combat tired of being pushed around billy gigadrains oh going to meehan show and heals a good chunk of hp in the process the biggest scared of my firebug arrives being lykan rock who uses a cell rock making them move first with a quad super effective rock attack i prepared for this by having billy hold a charty berry cutting in half the damage done from a cell rock which would have surely killed without it billy also giga drains this opponent to yet again heal some hp corva knight may seem like a threat but thanks to our special power being doubled a single flamethrower scorches the bird to zero hp komo is the least scary for billy since all her moves are special attacks against our doubled special defense we both set up this turn using quiver dance and klinger's soul but that's not going to be enough to stop a psychic from us mustard sends out luxury next and i was hoping a giga drain would get the one shot here but it doesn't quite do it good thing for us though is luxury faints itself by getting recoil from the wild charge this leaves giganta max urshifu as mustard's only pokemon left who falls to the critical hit psychic good job billy sweeping the entire team if you're liking the video so far give it a like and subscribe to the channel for more before heading to the crown tundra i evie trained kimberly's special attack to prepare for the upcoming battle normally i'd be cold in this weather but my fire types are keeping me warm and toasty unfortunately that's not the only heated thing going on here a father and daughter are fighting and i try to leave the scene but they spot me and now i'm part of the family feud now i thought kimberly was 100 ready for this match holding her focus sash which will keep her alive at one hp if hit by a move that takes her out in one hit but i totally forgot about the hail so there goes kimberly no way freaking kimberly dodges the stone edge which would have for sure killed her so in the end she pulled off the battle all by herself after befriending piani i find his daughter in the max lair who asked me to hang out with her dad so she doesn't have to but come on peonia i'm not that friendly with him i do some dynamax adventures to find a fire type which happens to be the fire chicken combustion which of course i added to the team too bad we didn't run into this fire type first i wouldn't have allowed it anyways combustion and i escape and i name him lord zedd a villain of the power rangers i immediately evolved him into ablaze again i then head to the lakeside cave to find a colossal i totally forgot to teach zed some new moves but luckily the colossal used burn up losing their fire typing and would repeat moves that fail like stealth rocks she's caught and i name her after the last original power ranger trini the yellow ranger ready to rock the gang is now complete it's morphin time dragon sword oh shoot forgot you were dead pretty sweet team huh to prepare for our adventures with peony i gave zach a few carbos to speed him up a little and i drugged up lord zedd with enough protein to max out his attack stat looks like the squad is ready for the cali rex mission actually i'm not sure if this is cali rex what does that alien remind me of i can't understand it so we'll just battle billy is the obvious choice here using bug buzz which is four times super effective for the easy win peony then arrives and exclaims that's rita repulsa he's right it's her the longest lasting villain in power ranger history [Music] i ask around town to see if anyone knows anything about rita but all this lady says is i'm rather busy doing nothing right now lady you have no idea how much i envy you i chose to give rita the ghost tour since obviously the ice horse would be a piece of cake for my team thus it's zack vs spectrier this is why i speedy trained zack earlier spectra is a pretty fast mon but i wanted to move first i also had him hold the assault vest item to better withstand its special attacks zach would use thief spectra with shadowball after a few exchanges zach comes out on top but we weren't done with the beast just yet rita repulsa acts quick and throws her wand magic [Music] [Music] rita and the spectria are now one but if any of you have seen the show you know that lord zedd is the right answer for this now of course reed is way faster and blaziken is frail so she uses psychic which would have knocked us out but lord zedd was hanging on to the focus sash enabling him to survive at one hp lord zedd responds with shadow claw and even though it's four times super effective we needed that earlier eevee training to ensure a safe win with rita repulsa trapped in lord zedd's jail i call peony to see if he's okay and it sounds like the mind control is worn off he then informed me i need to hunt down the giants next thankfully the original reggie trio are all weak to fighting moves so lord zedd is going to keep being our fighter now versus reggie rock its special defense is way worse than its physical defense so i had zed hold the choice specs boosting our special attack in order to one shot the reggie rock with aurosphere reggie ice is the next giant and i know a lot of you say reg ice but please correct me in the comments to boost my algorithm luck oh yeah brick break easily ko's the giant for reggie steele it's pretty much the same however since it has better defense i had lord zed hold the expert belt just to ensure the one hit ko for the fourth and final reggie battle i chose to fight reggie drago since it resists fire attacks the things got a lot of hp too helping it survive a bug buzz from billy i was expecting a dragon energy from them but we take those hammer arms then finish off the reggie giant mission with another bug buzz two crown tundra missions complete one to go peony advises me to head over to the dynahill tree to investigate the location of the gallerian birds i watch in awe as zapdos jumps high using thunderous kick moltres retaliating back with fiery wrath an articuno coming out of nowhere to freezing glare them they're all now within fighting distance ah tommy do you really gotta call me now well the birds have scattered so let's go get them back to the main galler map to outrace zapdos with my speedy bicycle it's kind of ironic since i used the slowest member of my team jason to face the speed demon jason makes up for it with his defense which i guess didn't even matter since zapdos used focus energy twice i can't think of anything scarier than double focus energy jason flamethrower is twice taking out the first bird oh articuno where are you i gave trini the assault vest since articuno usually has special attacks but apparently it's psychic typing sees right through me and uses psycho cut like i care it's physical attack is terrible they managed to pull off three cuts but rock slides from trini even though we missed one we're more than enough to get the win montrese will you just come down here or do i need to use my dragonzord flutes and it's trini's time to shine again you gotta love that rock typing versus these flying birds and this motors is doing the same mistake as articuno using a physical attack sucker punch in particular chinese rock slides brings them below 50 health activating their berserk ability boosting their special attack but instead of going for fiery wrath motors used hurricane i don't know why rockslide finishes off the last bird completing our quest another reward for my valiant acts of courage the gold suit so precious so sleek am i precious oh yeah and pro tip don't exit the max layer while connected to the internet i accidentally ran into these two lovebirds and i can't seem to unglitch my way out of it but hey at least i got the phone call from leon to enter the gallerian star tournament i have enough dough to buy 36 hp ups so i split them evenly among jason zack and lord zedd when choosing a partner for the tournament i was going to go with marnie this time because you know she doesn't have a busted legendary on her team however if you pick marnie you have to fight piers in the finals rather than leon and his team has weaker pokemon and he won't dynamax not really much of a final boss if you ask me but since we're playing the sword version this time hop has zamasunta who's not nearly as good as zashian let's enter the tournament the first round is somewhat the scariest due to nessa's water types this is why i led jason because his drought ability brings out the harsh sun weakening water attacks in the process shiftry fakes out dub wolf which procs his ability steadfast increasing the shape speed glycopod aims for jason with liquidation you can already tell how much the sun is helping jason starts bulking up with iron defense double begins turn two double edging the shift tree it then throat chops jason and then galissopod and i set up swords dance and iron defense respectively double has something against shift tree double edging them again while shiftry does a decent chunk of damage to jason getting a critical hit throat chop galissopod piles on jason 2 with liquidation but jason hangs in there with one more iron defense to max out his physical bulk this time double finishes the job against shift tree but he also faints from galissopod's liquidation jason protects this turn because one big reason he's still alive is thanks to those leftovers he's been snacking on each turn zamasunta enters the fray with plus defense and sherm joins the arena going super saiyan under the sun the legendary doggo uses behemoth bash on cherum just to mention if it was ashian it would have for sure killed sharon blast back with the weatherball inflicting more than 50 percent damage glycepot is still trying to wear out jason and i want them gone because the bug is a threat from its earlier attack boost so body press gets him under 50 hp sending him back to nessa thanks to emergency exit jason protects the next turn to recover while zama zenta ko's chairman with another behemoth dash toxipex's venoshock fails since it was aimed at jason milo's had enough of this so he gets down to business gigantic maxing his flat bowl talk supex defends himself with just totally fine since zamasu and i both aimed for the dragon a super effective play rough also brings down their attack power helping jason easily soak in the max whirlwind since the sun turns expired jason brought them back with sunny day to continue nerfing nessa's team this match is going really slow but it's helping keep jason alive he protects again and for some reason hop aims for toxipex with a lousy crunch this time thankfully behind to protect that max whirlwind was useless too toxipex's venoshock was blocked so he decides to protect two while zamasunta and i ignore him to slam flapple with a bash from the dog he does pull off one final max airstream before passing away from jason's body press all of milo's mods are defeated making it a 2v1 for the rest of the battle though crunch is still doing little damage venoshock does respectable damage since jason doesn't have good special defense body press still isn't enough but one more crunch from zamasunto will do the sun is gone again and galissopod is back yet again for unknown reasons hop makes a terrible play using play rough glossabot chips away with liquidation even lowering our defense staff and i have jason bring out the sun again jason's gotta protect this time because he's in lethal range from a crit the doggo misses and we block their move hop plays rough again the water bug liquidations again and jason finally gets the knockout against galisopod dreadnaught is the last one in our way this round and actually turned out to be the easiest since he kept going for zamasunta which i found kind of odd since he has at least two strong attacks for his fire types we double up on him and it's hasta la vista baby on to round two we face off against the sword exclusive gym leaders bae and gordy you may think gordy's rock types will be trouble but thank goodness he starts with shuckle zach immediately attacks hallelujah with acrobatics getting the one hit ko doubles double edge essentially does nothing and even though shuckle attacks with a four-time super effective stab rock tomb zak is pretty comfortable thanks base 10 attack and zach is still a speedy bird even after the speed drop going for acrobatics again this time into the flings that didn't even get a chance to breathe when they send out to fight another useless double edge in a critical hit rock tomb oh shuckle you always get lucky somehow double cotton guards the next tournament champ is pretty much an incarnation of a slow poke because zach at half speed still goes first and slaughters the much amp to zero hp and this time shuckle went for double zakyu turns out of here bringing in lord zed who does get annoyed by the rock tomb because that could affect things later i protect this turn for a reason i'll explain later zed gets rid of the pesky shuckle with the rock slide to avoid further speed drops tyranitar is now here and is faster going for the stone edge but man this run loves me because we've dodged every single stone edge this run so then of course close combat ochos the pseudo legendary back to its pokeball now here's why i protected the earlier turn it was to time the dynomax's turn to be bay's turn when gordy's colossal was sent out that means gordy gets no dynamax and close combat gets us the w qualifying us for the final round it's hop and i vs champion leon and miss galar let's strip them of their titles now if you've seen any of my password shield nuzlockes you just know i gotta get rid of that flag on first so to make sure this happens kimberly holds choice specs boosting her special attack fifty percent insuring the wipeout with dragon pulse double foolishly slams into their king shield lowering his attack kimberly continues dragon pulsing but goodra is one thick special tank double could have helped but he's doing this which means my kimberly falls to a hydro pump rest in peace pink ranger reunite with your love tommy but our opponents are not done yet ages slash goes into attack mode and obliterates the sheep with steel beam replacing our fallen comrades are jason and zamasunta the steel doggo uses play rough to execute goodra aegislash deals over 50 damage to zamasunto with sacred sword and jason incinerates the royal metal with flamethrower leon sends out the quick dragon pull and right hand gigantomax's into rallydon they begin their siege with the shadow dragon burning our dog to a crisp with a flamethrower jason holds down the fork taking in the max knuckle then exposes doraleo don's terrible special defense with fire it's not taken down but that's a lot of damage against the dynamaxx mon hop's last member is intelion who is short-lived after being blasted off by a single draco meteor from dragopold jason continues to hang in there surviving another max knuckle then finishes off the rally dawn with another flamethrower it's just me and leon left i noticed their special attack dropped from the draco media last turn so i figured it was safe to swap in trini turns out it was she wasn't even bothered by two of the draco meteors so she places the stealth rocks for leon's ace but trini's luck runs out because dragon ball gets the lucky critical hit ignoring its -6 special attack annihilating trini in the process both of my female power rangers are dead leon you'll pay for this zach arrives at the scene not giving two craps he dusts off his shoulders from the draco meteor and flamethrower two acrobatics from him blow away the ghost dragon getting revenge for his fellow rangers come out charizard yeah how you like that stealth rocks damage one more acrobatics from zach takes out the charizard and crowns us the winners of the golerian star tournament i just want to say to all those who are sad i didn't get the other encounters frankly i was just getting sick of grinding pokemon to the mid-level 70s so i tried to finish in azlock once i had a full team of six i really enjoyed this run and if you did too why not give the video a like and subscribe to the channel it really means a lot and does help me out you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 529,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hardcore nuzlocke, fire types only, fire type, fire type pokemon, pokemon nuzlocke, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, nuzlocke pokemon, nuzlocke, pokemon challenges, pokemon challenge, pokemon, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon sword and shield, the isle of armor, the crown tundra, nuzlocke challenge, pro nuzlocker, hardcore nuzlocke rules, pokemon dlc, andrew collette, the andrew collette show, andrew collette show, monotype hardcore nuzlocke
Id: hKWkDEkaH2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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