Can You Beat Pokémon Sword Using the Exact Team That Ash Should Have Used?

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over the last year or so i've been attempting to play through each generation of pokemon using the exact team that ash ketchum used in every major battle across the different regions there have been varying degrees of success but now that we've reached galler there is a problem pokemon journeys isn't a series based solely in galler which largely follows the pattern of the games yes ash is still there and yes he's catching new pokemon but they're not all from the gala region he's not competing in the gym challenge so this left me with two choices for this video i could have played through pokemon sword with the team he's currently using which features dragonite gengar and lucario or i could do a deep dive into his teams from each region to determine what team he would have used in a conventional run-through galler as you can probably tell from the title i chose the latter so in a world where pokemon journeys was written as a paint by numbers pokemon series set entirely in the gala region what team would ash have used well let's start with pikachu throughout his adventures the electric mouse has been ash ketchum's one and only mainstay they've traveled across the pokemon world together and as a result ash has never used another electric type that allows us to cross out a few potential team members ash won't be using yamper pinkerton or the two-part electric fossil pokemon the reason i'm only mentioning pokemon introduced in generation 8 is because that's really how ash tends to choose his teams other than apam he hasn't ever really caught a pokemon native to a previous region unless it's going to evolve into something new even apom eventually evolved under dawn's ownership and became a new pokemon in the sino region so we're sticking to galler pokemon when putting together ash's new team next up we need to look at starter pokemon in every single region he's visited ash has caught at least one of the starters available to new trainers in hohen and kalos he had just one in cino and alola he nabbed two and across kanto joshua and univer he owned all three the other thing to look at here is patterns within his starter captures in six regions out of seven ash has caught the native grass starter only missing out on chess spin half of that number never evolved staying in their original form bayleaf got one evolution while torterra and sceptile eventually reached their final stage another thing to note is that on the two occasions when ash has only caught one starter that pokemon has reached its final stage water starters are his least favorite only owning four and somehow managing to get just one past its first stage ash's squirtle totodile in oshawa never evolved for fire starters the story is quite the opposite charizard and fernapen incineroar all reached their final stage with pig night and even kolava eventually evolving at least once so where does that leave us well with a bit more digging to do the easiest place to start here is with the early flying type aside from alola where ash had rowlet to take care of his airbase issues the pokemon protagonist has caught the quote unquote root one flyer in every single region on top of that they've all reached their final form pidgeot noctal swellow star raptor unpheasant and talonflame were all part of his team at least briefly as a result we've got one pretty obvious addition in corvanite steel was one of the types that i should never used until alola but melton was a start so it's no longer completely off limits the three typings that ash has still never touched are psychic ghost and fairy which i won't be changing here that rules out another host of potential pokemon and takes us into the final bit of narrowing down bear with me here the only types to feature in every ash ketchum team are electric flying and fire water and grass have been represented in six out of the seven regions with normal infighting falling one short of that mark the normal types were pretty often just the flying types though so it doesn't really count on top of that of ash's seven grass types only lee vani wasn't a starter pokemon and even then levanny was really more bug than grass to round out our typing talk ground dragon dark and bug have each been represented in three regions with poison rock and ice finding their way into two steel is the only type represented just once but we're going to change that okay i've gone into enough detail on all the digging let's get into the actual challenge i'm not going to go through the whole team right now but i'll explain the logic behind each new pokemon as we add them as i've spent like an hour on the intro we're gonna go through the rules real quick as is virtually always the case we'll be on a set battle style and we won't be using items in battle as we're trying to mimic the anime here that includes held items unless i mention otherwise ok let's do this ash arrives in the gala region with just his pikachu as is tradition crossing the border into a new region has reset the electric types level to 5 but he hasn't forgotten the moves he's learned last time we saw pikachu he knew quick attack thunderbolt iron tail and electroweb so that's where his moveset's starting off ash's journey through galler begins in the small town of wedgehurst where he briefly meets professor magnolia and the region's champion leon after setting up a meeting for later ash sees a flying type on route 1 and you just know he's gonna try to catch it using the pokedex on his rotom phone ash learns that the pokemon is called rookity and sends out pikachu for a battle i feel like i already explained this one but basically ash always catches a flying type when he reaches a new region it's typically the generic early option so rookity fits the bill there's actually only one other flying type galler pokemon and it's cramerant who doesn't really seem like an ash ketchum team member anyway a couple of quick attacks sufficiently damaged rickety to allow ash to catch it taking his team to two later during his meeting with leon ash is introduced to hop the champion's brother as well as the three galler starter pokemon leon is there to gift his brother one of the starters but the grass type grookie takes a liking to ash instead when he tries to leave the chimp pokemon attempts to follow him and leon tells ash that it's for the best so before we've even really gotten going ash's team is at three the logic behind grookie is fairly simple too ash has caught six out of the seven cross type starters with five of those being the first artery obtained in their respective regions we won't be evolving grew key at all though half of ash's grass starters never reached their second stage and as i don't think thwacky and rillaboom quite fit in this seems to make sense having seen ash and pikachu in action leon endorses the pokemon protagonist so he can participate in the galler gym challenge the champion then tells him to head for turf field and as this is a paint by numbers pokemon series i'm sure he picks up two friends along the way they're probably called april and olly let's say april's dream is to be an announcer for galler's many major stadium events and wants to travel with the gym challenger to see some big battles up close ollie is the son of a ball guy desperate to get out of the shadow of his father's massive head anyway they aren't important at all once in turfield ash heads straight for the gym where he selects the duo of rookity and grooky for his battle with milo by this point the flying type knows peck leer fury attack and pluck while grooki's moveset's made up of scratch growl screech and razor leaf with his two new pokemon prepped and ready for battle ash walks out onto a galler gym pitch for the first time ash hasn't received a dynamax band just yet so he'll be at a distinct disadvantage but as always he's confident in his pokemon the battle begins with ash's grookie taking on milo's gossip floor and after a quick back and forth the grass starter picks up the win with a scratch feeling he's already up against it milo decides to dynamax's zelda goss right away the max overgrowth blasts grooky and even though it's not very effective it's enough to level up the match rookie enters the battle's second fresh but pluck isn't quite enough to finish off eldergos so max overgrowth knocks her out too so like in kanto sinnoh and kalos ash has lost in his first gym battle during a training battle prior to his rematch with milo though ash's rickety evolves so when he returns to the turfield gym it'll be with the corvus choir the start of the second ash vs milo battle plays out very similarly to the first after knocks out gossip floor he's defeated by the dynmax eldergast taking the battle into a 1v1 this time around though core requires the one facing off against milo's ace ash calls for pluck and the flying type outspeeds elder ghost strike first it's a solid first blow landed but the dynamaxx pokemon counters with a max overgrowth even though it's resisted it deals some serious damage to corvus choir luckily she's still able to attack first and another pluck knocks off elgos to ernash the win despite lacking a dynamaxx band ash has triumphed against milo earning the grass badge to begin his galler journey on his way to hulbury in the next galler gym ash encounters a gallerian farfetched on route 5 and attempts to catch the fighting type for his team in pokemon journeys ash corgallerian far fetched for himself and unlike dragonite gengar and lucario i actually think this one makes sense fighting types have made it into ash's kanto johto sinnoh univer and carlos team so it's clearly one of his favorite options regional forms don't really count as new pokemon to some but like apom and gligar before it far-fetched is really being caught with its new evolution in mind anyway ash battles it with pikachu and then corvasquire after the electric type is defeated eventually ash makes the catch taking his team to four just before he reaches hulbury holding the leak is sort of galerion far-fetched this whole thing so she will have a held item unlike the rest of the team although grookie is holding an everstone just to eliminate the chances of me accidentally evolving it farfetch'd only knows brutal swing and fury cutter when ash catches it two moves that his anime version has used in pokemon journeys alright let's move on as soon as ash reaches the coastal town of hulbury he heads for the local stadium that's where his next gym battle awaits so it's all it's on his mind as he reaches the seaside town for his battle with the gym leader nasa ash selects the trio of far-fetched grooky and pikachu their move sets are unchanged from the last time you saw them so we don't really need to go through that the battle begins with nessus golden facing off against ash's far-fetched and although the water type lands the first hit with horn attack the fighting type gets the better of the opening exchange a critical hit on brutal swing tosses the fish backwards taking her below half health the two pokemon then repeat the attacks from the first turn leaving farfetch'd weak and goldie unconscious to give ashley the lead nessa calls on her arakuda next and once more her pokemon strikes first this time with a priority aquajet although far-fetched survives the hit after another brutal swing arakuda attacks again to tie things up pikachu replaces the defeated likachu and even though aquajet connects for a third time the electric mouse quickly regains the lead for ash with a thunderbolt that takes nessa down to her final pokemon so with her last throw of the dice she sends out dreadnough and instantly activates his dynamaxx form ash is still without a dynamaxx band though so he'll have to take down the gigantic pokemon with just his regular team members pikachu's thunderbolt definitely leaves a serious mark but dreadnough's max strike is just too much for the electric type to take the dynamax move decimates pikachu leaving ash with only his grookie the starter's ability transforms the battle into a grassy terrain as nestle wastes no time in calling for max darkness grookie's blown back by the power of the dynamaxx move but he returns to his feet to counter with a razor leaf the leaves whistle through the air soaring into dreadnaught causing massive damage to knock off the dynamaxx pokemon and hand dash another win that victory earns ash the waterbatch to take his total to two and bring him one step closer to the gallery's champion cup okay let's keep going on his return to motor stoke ash crosses paths with leon once again after realizing that ash has won two badges without the use of dynamaxing the champion gifts ash a dynamax band of his own once he's explained how it works he bids ash farewell and leaves at this point ollie probably has a deep conversation with his father the most stoked stadium ball guy and then it's time for another ash gym battle against kabu ash selects the trio of corvus squire farfetched and pikachu the flying type is at level 26 but her moves that's unchanged from last time farfetch'd is also at level 26 and she's added detect and retaliate to brutal swing and fury cutter one little higher 27 ash's pikachu still has quick attack thunderbolt iron tail and electro web on hand so with that covered let's get into the battle cavu sends out his nine tails to start the battle as ash calls on pikachu activating his dynamaxx form for the first time unlike in pokemon journeys pikachu can't just gigantox right off the bat as i'm not sure that really makes sense instead it's just a regular dynomax pikachu for the time being after two strikes of max lightning nighthills goes down having only mustered a single fire spin arcanine is called on next and he's hit by another max lightning which ends pikachu's time as a dynamaxx pokemon the attack takes arcanine to his limit though which means one quick attack's easily enough to finish him off with two of his pokemon down kabu sends out his gigantomax center scorch to attempt to turn the tide although pikachu is able to slow him down with an electro web sent to scorch's max flutterby finally gets kabu off the mark ash replaces pikachu with farfetched and the fighting types retaliate further damages the gigantomax pokemon a g-max sent to ferno is just too much for far-fetched to take though the jagatamax move annihilates far-fetched in a single blow leaving ash with only one pokemon remaining corvus squire enters the battle last and starts by attacking with pluck the super effective move is a critical hit that almost knocks out center scorch but he lives the hit encounters with another sente ferno along with the damage from the fire spin it creates the raging fire leaves coursewire on the brink of fainting 2. that sent to scorch's last turn in its gigantomax form though and with that advantage gone corvus guar is able to land one final attack for the win kabu falls to his knees in defeat before accepting ash's victory and handing over the fire badge with the cross water and fire badges now earned ash can travel across the wild area to hammerlock and beyond where further gym battles await on the long road to hammerlock ash meets a score bunny who's been abandoned by a completely evil trainer as is tradition ash's firestarters tend to have been abused by awful trainers along the way so this makes sense charmander chimchar and tepig were all treated awfully by their trainers while litten's past was also seemingly tragic so it makes sense that score buddy was probably also mistreated by a complete bastard oh god damn it that's a different e2 i think anyway ash has a pattern with his fire type starters that explains the choice to include score buddy it seems to go two on one off so kanto and johto yes oh and no sino and yunova yes carlos no we've already had the yes from alola so let's add one for gallard to keep the pattern going when scorebunny agrees to join ash on his journey it knows the move's quick attack double kick and flame charge its growth has been stunted by its previous trainer but unlike crew key we will be evolving score buddy in time like i said earlier ash's fire starters have always evolved at least once so there's no reason to change that now on the road from hammerlock to stowe on side ash's far-fetched is pushed to its limits in a fierce battle and then several critical hits causing it to evolve this feels like the right time for this evolution to happen in pokemon journeys ash's gallery and far-fetched evolved after around 30 episodes so a little over two gyms worth of time seems about right it's also around here that ash encounters hot once more and the two have a battle to test their levels it's really only notable for hops cramerans attempting to take down ash's pikachu by spitting a random wild pikachu at it i'd love to see its strategy for taking down a waylord anyway that takes us to still inside where ash's fourth gym battle will take place let's say it's here that april has to commentate on her first major event when the regular stoneside announcer calls in sick on the day we're now up to a four on four battle for the gym so ash selects the team of corvus squire score bunny serafetch and pikachu for his face off with b other than leveling up there haven't been any major changes corvus choir learned drill pack during some training and scoreboarding added bounce to its arsenal but despite evolving surface has an unchanged moveset as does pikachu alright let's get into the battle ash's core of squire and bees hit him on top open the battle attacking with drill peck and revenge respectively as it's a super effective attack going up against a not very effective attack corpus choir deals far more damage as a result his second drill pack finishes off hitmontop to give ash an early lead bee sends out her pangoro next and gorescar against the matchup going with a drill pack yet again pangoro's countering night slash isn't enough for a knockout but when corvus choir dive bombs for another drill peck bullet punch stops her in her tracks pangoro's massive fist collides with the flyer knocking her out to level up the match ash called on his newly evolved surface second so let's all appreciate the most beautiful move in any pokemon game fighting for her fallen friends serafetched attacks would retaliate slicing through pangoro to score a cinematic knockout for ash that's when b sends out her own surfetch to see which of the two is stronger although it seems like a stalemate at first thanks to detect the mirrored pokemon eventually connect with some moves a critical hit on retaliate almost earns the win for ash's surfetch but instead it's bees who scores the finishing blow with revenge third in line for ash score bunny loops onto the field for its first gym battle experience although b attempts to prevent an attack by calling for detect score bunny manages to avoid the barrier by leaping into the air with bounce by the time the fire starter hurtles back towards the ground surface detectors failed allowing a clean strike that knockout leaves being a one-on-two taking her down to just her machamp who she immediately gigantomax is ash switches score money for pikachu as the fighting type grows but a max strike quickly puts an end to his involvement one shot from the gigantic maxima champ blows pikachu away to quickly take the battle into a one-on-one score bunny returns to the field and in a final effort to close the battle back ash decides to dynamax a pokemon other than pikachu for the very first time scorebunny explodes in size and outspeeds machamp to attack with a max airstream that almost takes the giant fighter off her feet when the retaliatory max strike falls short of the knockout score but he's able to send another max airstream crashing into machamp this time around it's just enough to take her down earning ash another impressive victory as the battle comes to a close an action score when he celebrate the fire type begins to glow bright and evolve in an incredible debut performance the win over machamp was enough to cause score bunny to evolve into rabout b thanks ash for a great battle and then hands over the fighting badge to take ash's total to four then it's time to move on ash and friends head through the glimwood tangle to balinley where the next gym lies for his battle with the fairy type gym leader opal ash selects the team of raboot pikachu grooky and surfetched after taking a liking to him she seems to be testing ash to see if he's a suitable option to take over her gym when she retires without her focus totally on the win ash makes fairly quick work of her rabut burns up her glarion wheezing with a flame charge knocks toga kiss out of the air with a double edge and then uses another flame charge to take down mobile opel's gigantomax alchemy manages to defeat grueki and surafetch before her time runs out but once she's reverted to regular size she's no match for pikachu irontale finishes her off to handash the win and thanks to another fantastic performance of further evolution for his fire starter rabboot becomes cinderella's learning pyroball in the process then opel hands over the ferry badge and sends ash on his way while heading back through stowon's side ash and friends meet a scientist named phoenix she's researching pokemon fossils in the gala region and has recently restored a drokovish in order to learn as much as possible she asks ash to take the water type with him to use in battle as jerkovich has taken a liking to ash it's a no-brainer so with that we've made it to six like sir fetch drokovich is another galler pokemon that ash has actually caught in pokemon journeys this one also made sense to me in recent seasons dragon has gone from a type that ash never used to one that he rarely misses from sinnoh to alola ash has used four different dragon types so adding another feels right the reason i skipped over the sabble line is that ash's pattern with water starters is two on two off so seeing as we've just missed out in alola where he drew another region off anyway drokovich knows scald bite ancient power and dragon breath when i shout it to his team so we've got a well-rounded moveset to work with here this is one of those lengthy stretches without a gym battle so before reaching surchaster corvasquire evolves while saving pikachu from team rocket probably in hindsight i maybe went to gym early on this evolution but it'll be fine this also marks our final evolution completing ash's team this is a pretty powerful group but that's sort of the way things have been skewing in recent regions which completely makes sense the more ash progresses the better his teams become as far as base stat totals go this is still a long way short of either his kalos or alola teams alright to get back to korvenite she learns steelwing upon evolving and finally forgets fury attack that's everything we need to cover before getting into the surchastic gym battle so let's meet gordy for the 6th gala gym battle ash chooses to use the team of grooky surfaced corvenite and dracovish leaving pikachu and cinderace on the sidelines the only move changes since you last saw the team were the grookies learned woodhammer and surfetch just learned brick break so with that let's get into the battle gordy sends out barbarical to start things off as ash calls on grookie the grass starter begins by firing a razor leaflet barbarical and as he's quad weak it deals some serious damage by beginning with shell smash though barbarical ups his speed enough to strike next with a powerful razor shell so many razors and shells happening here grookie just about lives through the shell variety razor to counter with a second razor leaf and pick up the first one of the match gordy sends his shuckle into battle next and switches out to surfetch and we can skip the bulk of this in the end a brick break cuts down the rock type to extend dash's lead to two third in line for gordy is his stonejoiner and for some reason he starts by calling for wonder room that flips the rock types base 135 defense in base 20's special defense stats to really soften him up for the incoming brick break it decimates the almost defenseless pokemon taking gordy down to just his colossal of course he activates its gigantic max form as soon as it enters the battle and just hopes that'll be enough to come through a one-on-four two blasts of max flair do succeed in knocking out korvenite but already colossals down to just one remaining gigantic max turn dracovish is outlast for ash but g-max volcalith isn't enough to knock out the fossil pokemon so colossal reverts to its regular form with three of ash's pokemon still standing ultimately it only takes one as after a few turns to dracovish skald knocks out colossal to handash another gym battle victory gordy parts ways with the rock badge leaving only two empty slots in ash's badge ring thing after spending some time in snowy surchaster ash and friends head for spike mother next where the gala region's only non-stadium gym is located there's also no power spot in spike myth so there's nothing to facilitate dynamaxing but ash has proven during his last two gym battles that it's not something that he needs instead it's just a regular 4-4 battle to determine who's best in their first face-off ash and the local gym leader appears both find themselves down to one pokemon although cinderace manages to knock out skuntank with a double kick the ability aftermath means both pokemon faint simultaneously and as a result ash doesn't receive a gym badge when he returns for a rematch ash better understands how piers battles after sending out grookie to start ash quickly makes a switch out to surfetch to attacks with brick break she scores a critical hit knockout at the first time of asking giving ash a nice early lead when pierce sends out his malamar ash recalls surfaced and calls on grookie once more once it's done slamming malamar with a woodhammer though grookie's hit by payback and it's too much for the cross starter to take ash returns grookie to its pokeball and then replaces him with jerkovus who quickly gets revenge for its fallen comrade skald finishes off malomar but once again when pierce sends out his pokemon ash makes a switch cinderace and obstagoon take the field with the fire type transforming to fighting thanks to its ability as it attacks with double kick that comes up a little short of the knockout allowing obstagoon to counter with well counter it throws cinderace back across the battlefield but it also comes up a little shy another double kick leaves obstagoon unconscious so only scum tank remains for piers now while ash still has three pokemon available knowing the risks that come with battling scun tank now ash prepares by calling for surfetch to use its newly learned sword stats twice before calling for retaliate sometimes you just have to sit back and appreciate beauty and we will be doing that every time retaliate is used thanks to the massive attack boost surfaced one-shot scunt tank and has enough health remaining to live through aftermath that victory earns ash the dark badge meaning there's only one left to collect before he qualifies for the champion cup on his way back to hammerlock ash meets up with leon once again upon learning that he's won seven badges the galler champion tells ash that rahan's on a different level to the rest having kept a close eye on ash and pikachu during their galler journey leon recommends that they travel to the isle of armor to train and see if they can access pikachu's gigantomax form so ash and friends head for the isle of armor where they spend their days exploring and training they meet mustard and honey who even for pokemon characters have exceptionally dumb names this is probably like a 15 episode arc at the end of which pikachu learned how to use its gigantomax form so the electrotype will now have access to gmax vault crash when it's gigantomax upon returning to the mainland ash heads straight for the hammerlock gym to challenge ryan for the final galler gym battle ash needs four pokemon and they'll be facing right hand's team in the double battle format selecting the team of pikachu corbinites cinderace and drokovich ash readies himself for his toughest battle yet the hammerlock gym leader gets things going with flygon and gigolith and sends out pikachu and corvanite before any of the pokemon present can launch an attack gigoloth's ability causes a powerful sandstorm to kick up after all the training they've done together ash decides to start by recalling pikachu and allowing it to gigantomax they are quickly brought down to earth when flygon strikes pikachu with a breaking swipe but the close contact results in static leaving the dragon paralyzed pikachu then fires off a move in its gigantomax form for the very first time the max steel spike that ripples through the field to collide with flygon actually doesn't cause that much damage though it's not until korver knight's brave bird lands that fly got knocked out of the air ash calls for his pokemon to repeat their moves so they run it back with a max steel spike and a brave bird combining to finish off flygon and hand dash the lead ryan sends out his sandaconda in place of flygon but it's another ground type so pikachu really isn't able to make full use of his gmax vault crash just yet instead ash calls for another max steel spike this time aimed at gigalith even as a super effective move though it doesn't make a massive impact sadly before even reverting to normal size pikachu is knocked out by an earth power from sandaconda so it's all square ash sends out drokovich to replace pikachu who joins april and olly on the sidelines the fossil pokemon almost gets off to the perfect start just failing to defeat sandaconda with skald the move does leave the ground type burnt though so he responds in kind by paralyzing drokovish with glare that's sandaconda's last action though is the bird chips away his last sliver of health leaving reihan with only two gigantomax duralyodon takes the field towering high above the rest and gets started by sending a max rockfall crashing down on drokovich you know what they say though a rockfall a day keeps the fossils at play that is to say drokovich loves the hit and scolds giggleth into unconsciousness ouch even though reihan's gigantomax pokemon is still in the battle is now at a massive advantage with his opponent forced into a one on two after the sand storm subsides the whole crowd realizes the battle has been happening this whole time and is almost over and that they paid thousands of dollars to watch the world's worst to rude concert unlike pikachu doraleodon succeeds in using its gmax move but like vault crash depletion is a pretty disappointing name they'll never live up to butterfree in its gmax befuddle weirdly gmax moves aren't only judged by their names though so depletion is still enough to take down drakovich cinderes enters the battle loss for ash and is badly injured by that giggleth stealth rock that i completely failed to mention earlier for some reason right hand waste geralidon's final gigantomax turn by instructing him to attack corvallite with max knuckle as the skyscraper shrinks down the size of the task in front of the harrolock gym leader only grows cinderace casually showboats for a minute before kicking a pyroball straight at dragodon knocking him out and ending the battle as the crowd pull out their phones to check on the terms for a refund rihanne hands out the dragon badge filling up the last slot on his badge coin thing that automatically qualifies ash for the semi-final stage of the gala champion cup meaning his next stop is winden as he crests the hill and stares down at the most populous city in the region ash gets a call from phoenix who tells him that she's made a breakthrough in her research unfortunately she needs to examine jorkovic's progress to confirm some of her findings ash is more than happy to send drakovic back to its original owner for a bit so heading into the champion cup he only has five pokemon on hand that's all he'll need for the semi-finals though so he's all good for now alright there's only really one important battle left in the game so let's quickly go over the intervening battles and events ash draws marnie in the first round of the champion cup the two have crossed paths a few times throughout their journeys across galler and even battled once or twice before she is the younger sister of the spike with jim leader pierce and although she's stronger her gigantomax grim snarl is no match for ash's gigantomax pikachu after that victory there's only one more battle to determine which gym challenge entrant could compete in the galler cup finals ash defeats hop in a close matchup meaning he gets to bear witness to leon posing in the wind and stadium lobby following that there's a massive overreaction to leon being late for dinner which results in total chaos it comes to a head with a g-max volt crash electrifying oleana's gigantomax garbador atop rose tower i don't really feel like we need to explore this one too much let's just move on in the finals of the gala champion cup the victorious gym challenge entrant gets to face off against the region's non-opal gym leaders in a single elimination tournament ash's draw sees him facing the hullbury gym leader nessa in the quarter-final the stow-on-site gym leader b in the semis and the hammerlock gym leader ryhan in the final after defeating them all and receiving drokovish back from phoenix ash takes the field against leon but rose interrupts them with his potentially world ending scheme so after a quick detour to wipe the floor with the macro cosmos president ash returns to windham stadium to take on the reigning gather champion leon by now surah fetch has reached level 62 and her moveset's made up of final gambit brick break sword stance and retaliate also at 62 ash's groukie still knows scratch for some reason the grass starter has actually been really solid in this run but to keep this video from being three hours long i feel like most of his highlights have been cut next up jerkovich is at level 63 and now knows fishiest rend crunch ancient power and dragon breath for what it's worth i'm fairly certain vicious rend is stolen straight from a harry potter character if i'm not mistaken vicious rend was the hufflepuff seeker when harry first got hogwarts that's a cool little bit of trivia at level 64 corvanite's moveset remains unchanged she's working with drill pecks swagger steel wing and brave bird also at 64 and also featuring an untouched moveset we've got cinderace the fully evolved firestarter still has double-edged double kick pyroball and bounce last but not least ash's pikachu is at level 65 and he's equipped with quick attack thunderbolt steel wing and electro app that's it that is ash's team for his champion cup final face off with leon the two head to the center of the wind and stadium pitch go over the rules in place for the match and then take 10 paces back because it's time to do you get the point it's time to duel leon begins by summoning aegislash in defense mode as ash sends out his cinderace clearly the sword and shield's defense points aren't sufficient as a single pyroball knocks him out in one leon monologues presumably about not losing any life points and then replaces aegislash with hacksaurus ash also makes a swap recalling cinderace to send out korvanite that move proves to be prudent as the flyer dodges a hacksaw's earthquake and then the two begin a fairly tedious back and forth outrage and drill pack land repeatedly until leon's backs against the wall and he's forced to use a full restore even with that cheap strategy haxorus can't get the better of korvanite though the raven pokemon has almost nothing left in the tank by the time it lands the finishing blow as a result when dragopalt enters the battle the single thunderbolt is easily enough to reduce ash's lead to one drokovish replaces corvanite for the challenger but when ash and leon both call for dragon breath it's dragopalt who attacks first that knocks drakovish back and leaves it paralyzed so when it attempts its dragon breath it can't even move that allows dragopol to fire another dragon breath at the motionless fossil pokemon knocking it out to tie up the match ash is worried that the momentum is beginning to shift so sends cinderella's back into battle and calls her bounce libero changes the fire starters type to flying which the champion predicts countering with the thunderbolt that badly weakens him it's not enough for the knockout though so another bounce finally knocks off dragopolt and puts ash back in control then everything goes from bad to worse for leon his mister rime has barely felt the grass beneath his feet when a pyroball totally decimates him it feels like things maybe could return to normal as intelion enters but cinderice has just done something different double edge rips through intelion knocking him out in a single blow to take leon down to one the champion's final pokemon is his charizard who he giganta max's on entry and just to give him a chance ash decides to let cinderace knock himself out with a double edge for some reason grooky then enters the battle i feel like ash has weird amounts of confidence in his unevolved starter pokemon so this felt about right shockingly the 92 foot tall flying fire monster managed to get the better of the 10 pound grass monkey it was close though ash finally sends out pikachu next and to even things up he uses his dynomax band to activate his gigantomax form rather confusingly leon goes for a max overgrowth which pikachu happily takes before countering with the g-max vault crash charizard is left paralyzed and on the brink of fainting by pikachu's special move now unable to maintain his gigantomax form the champion's a shrinks back down and with no way to defend himself takes another g-max vault crash pikachunk has defeated charizard and in doing so won the battle for ash so there you have it ash could definitely become the gallery champion with this theoretical team if pokemon journeys was a regular series what was this video about again i did originally start this run with the planned team of pikachu corvonite intelion flapple karkol and klobupus but the more i thought about it the less sense intellion made to me i think and this is going to sound weird but i think intelion is too tall if ash is gonna fully evolve a starter it's probably gonna be kind of short the only fully evolved starters the dashes had that were over 5'7 were torterra and incineroar torterra is only that tall because there's a tree on his back so that doesn't count and ash never even used incineroar his tara cat literally evolved passed out and that was it there's a reason for that ash is famously insecure about his height anyway intelligent six foot three so i couldn't make it work that was the original team idea though just in case you were wondering if you sat through all of this video including that part then i'm sorry this took so long nevertheless thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time you
Channel: Enter The Unown
Views: 207,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, EnterTheUnown, Enter The Unown, ETU, FJ Pokemon, Enter the Unknown, ETU Pokemon, FJ, Pokémon Journeys, Ash Ketchum, Ash Ketchum Galar Team, Pokémon Sword Ash's Team, Pokémon Gen 8 Ash, Gigantamax Pikachu
Id: ZHJ_rgc5mB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 4sec (2164 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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