Teens Try To Cook Dinner Without Getting Angry At Their Mom On Zoom | LISTEN TO ME! Ep. #1

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- (gasps) I did it! - (claps) - Go back and get another pinch! Jaxon! - Wait. Shh, shh, shh. Listen to your mother. - (FBE) Who do you have on the Zoom call with you? - I have my mom in my room on my computer, and I don't know how I feel about it. - I don't know how I feel about you in my kitchen! - I have my mom. She's right there. - This is my mother, Charlotte McLachlan. Somewhere. - Nice to meet you all. - (FBE) We've also thrown a dad into the mix. We've got Sergio, AKA Tito, and his dad, Sergio. - (clicks tongue) - We're going to be playing a new game called Listen to Your Mother. Your mom is going to instruct you how to make a recipe over Zoom. However they want to interpret the instructions is up to them. - Sounds good. - (FBE) You'll get 10 points for your completed dish, but you'll lose points if you show any signs of exasperation. - What if it's in another language? - I wanna play this game every single day. - Are you ready to listen to your mother? - Yes. I think she's also ready to be listened to. (laughs) - Time to listen to your mama. What I want you to do is take half that bell pepper and chop it. - Okay. Into little strips or cubes? - Cubes. - Okay. So... - Ah, his fingers. - Don't worry. They're not in the thing. - Okay, so cut up your vegetables and your onion if you can. - We have bell pepper. We have tomato. We have some avocado. We have as many eggs as you'd like. - (FBE) You've come prepared with the vegetables already cut. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah. The ingredients are all prepared. - (FBE) Awesome! Then we'll check back in with you shortly. - Cut in the middle. Cut in the middle. No, no, no. The other mi-- (laughs) Oh my god. - No, it's okay, Dad. You need me to cut the onions in cubes? - Exactly. Now, make crosses. And then, you're just gonna slice, and the cubes' gonna just be on the plate. You understand? - Got you. Got-- no, I totally understand. Watch. - Just do the way you think it's easier. - Oh, no. I gotta listen to you, Dad. This is it. (laughs) This is it. - (FBE) That's a point. (buzzer) - Okay, so please dice. That means into tiny little cubes half the tomato. - (Becca) Okay. Half of it? I already cut all of it. - Well, that's okay. Just go the extra distance to cube half of it please. - So then, what you wanna do is just cut it lengthwise and then chop it up into little pieces. - This is so fun. I feel like Sandra Lee. I need a glass of wine. - Oh, your fingers! - It's not in the way! It's fine! We're fine! We're fine! (buzzer) - (FBE) Okay, I'm gonna take a point off for that one. - Mom, you're the one who caused that. (buzzer) - Make sure you're not gonna cry. - (Tito) I'll make sure. I'll try. - You got your glasses, so that's a good thing, you know? - (Tito) The glasses do help. - (George) I feel like during this quarantine, on top of all of the other skills that I've obtained, you know, being beautiful, handsome, charming, talented, ready to take any role, any opportunity as soon as it's over, I have also learned how to cook a lot better. I've been chef-ing it up a lot. - I don't know if we put the spray in first before we eat it. What do you think? - I mean, you're giving me the instruction, so... - I know. (buzzer) I'm giving you latitude. Shake it. - I thought if I imposed there-- - Wait. Just go with it! Don't let it disturb you. Come on. - Wow. I can't believe I was-- - Wait. Shh, shh, shh. Shh. Listen to your mother. I've always wanted to say that. I don't think I've ever said that. - Now, in the skillet behind you... - Okay? - I need you to add a little bit of olive oil. - Is it on? - No. Tur-- is it on?! - Turn it on. Okay. - Is it on? Is it-- (laughs) - Just making sure. I need to make sure! (buzzer) - (Enza) Nope! It's not on. - (Jaxon) Okay, what-- - (Enza) On medium. On medium. Not high. You gotta swirl it in the pot. Let the oil go all over the little pot, 'cause you want it to go up the edge-- oh. No, no, not too high! It's gonna go-- - (Jaxon) Okay, okay, okay. - Oh, calm down. You're gonna be losing a lot. Turn the heat up a little bit. - It's not me. It's you, so... (buzzer) - It's always me. Shut up. - (FBE) That's a point. - Yeah. Yup, yup! - Okay. So, they can go in the oil, and then you can chop the tomato and then put the tomato in after you get it done, 'cause the peppers will probably be cooked. - You hear that sizzle, y'all? Y'all hear that sizzle at home? - Okay. - Put your spinach in the skillet. - Is there a specific quantity of spinach? - Uh, what you think is enough. - All I'm gonna say is that you know what we're making, and I don't, so you have a better idea of how much spinach. (buzzer) - Go to your zen state, Becca. You're on the verge of losing points. I feel it. - A little bit more. That wilts really fast. Get a little bit more. Spinach goes down fast. - Let me stick with that to begin with. - (FBE) You didn't listen to your mama. - You've gotta follow instructions! - Wow. - Go back and get another pinch! - Give it a second, because it's... right now, I just wanna relax with this. - Jaxon! This is not Jaxon show. It's listen to your mother's instructions. - I can barely hear anything you say. - Jaxon! (buzzer) - (FBE) Okay, let's move on to the second set of instructions. - (Elham) All right. I would first take the eggs and, you know, crack them open and put 'em in the bowl and start mixing it. - (Anahita) All of them? - Yup. We got six eggs. That's what we're eating for breakfast today. - Six eggs? That's a lot of eggs. - Fun fact about this episode is I'm not really an egg person, but I will do anything for my mom. - Do I mix the eggs? - Yeah, you can mix the eggs. Yeah, you can mix the eggs, and you can put the vegetables. But put the butter on the pan, you know, let it melt a little bit in a low, very low, you know, fire. - No, I copy that. What I wanna check-- what I wanna check-- - (FBE) That's a point right there, sir! (laughs) (buzzer) - That wasn't nice enough? (buzzer) - (FBE) Not nice enough. - Okay. Copy that, Dad. - (Anahita) I'm like trying to hold the phone with one hand and then the crack the egg with my other hand. Let's see. Now there's pieces of egg shell in it. - (FBE) Uh-oh. - (Anahita) Is that okay, Mom? - Um, no. Would you like to eat an omelet, crunching on a piece of egg shell? - (Anahita) Okay. (buzzer) I'd like you to be recording it and cracking eggs at the same time. (buzzer) - (FBE) That is going to be a point taken off right there. (laughs) - (Anahita) It's fine. - I do get-- sometimes, egg shells fall in there, but I quickly take it out. Yeah. - Okay, Miss Perfect. (buzzer) - Keep whisking it. - (FBE) That's a point right there! - (all laugh) - There's a Brita container, right? A touch-- literally, a touch of water. A-- oh. A touch! A-- okay, basta! Okay, put it away. Now, hold that bowl and whip it like (makes swishing sounds) - You said a fair amount of egg white, so I just put in-- I put in so many egg whites right now. I actually put in probably too many. But it's better to be safe than sorry. - Pour it in. And with your spatula, you're gonna keep-- let's see. Da, da, da, da. You're gonna pour the egg mixture into the pan. And while you're doing that, slide the pan back and forth rapidly over the heat please. - (Becca) Okay. - Once you get the eggs beaten, why don't you take the vegetables out of the skillet and put them in another bowl and then put the eggs in that bowl-- in that pan? - (George) Oh, yeah. - (Charlotte) Yeah, just pour it in. Perfect. - (George) Great. - (Charlotte) Perfect! - Okay, so do me a favor. - Okay. - In this mixture, I want you to add a little bit of salt. - Okay. There we go. One, two, three, four. - That looked like two. - Oh, no. One, two, three, four. So... - Okay. Okay. Add about the same with pepper. - One, two, three, four. - You need to go like that with it. Let it-- okay, not five! Not six! (buzzer) - (FBE) Gotta take a point off there. - Jaxon! (buzzer) Oh my god. - So, I'm gonna grab a little bit of each of these, right? - (Sergio) Yes. - (Tito) All right. Let's grab a pinch. Italian style. Grab the onion. Put some there. - Yeah. - (Tito) Another pinch of tomato and another pinch of the most chopped cilantro that Tito could chop. - Once you have mixed the eggs, you pour the eggs into the pan and make sure the pan has hot oil in it. - Okay. - Get ready to fry it. (buzzer) - (FBE) That's sarcasm. - Oh, wait. Mom, you didn't even tell me to turn the stove on. (buzzer) - (FBE) That's a point there too. - (Anahita laughs) - (FBE) Yeah. (laughs) - I said once the pan i-- once the oil is hot, then you pour the eggs in it. - How is a pan supposed to be hot if I did put it on medium or hot? - Exactly! - (Anahita) Exactly what?! (buzzer) I said, "Do you want me to turn the stove on?" and you didn't even answer me! - See how they cook on the sides? - (Jaxon) Mm-hmm. - Now, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Okay, so now you're gonna try to flip that nicely! You see that? - (Jaxon) But wouldn't we wanna put this inside the middle? - No, it's gonna be too eggy, 'cause it's already cooked. So, can you do me a favor? Can you flip that. Come on, come on, come on. Oh, where'd you go? Oh, no, no. You made an omelet without the omelet. - (Jaxon) That's what I was telling you to do. - No, no, no, no, no, no. You gotta flip the whole egg upside down. - (Jaxon) Oh, upside down. Okay. - Yeah, like a pancake. - Can you smell it? - No. (chuckles) - (Tito) Can't? We need to tell Apple to get on the smell-- - Yeah, get the technology people. Yeah, it looks great! For me, it's perfect. - (FBE) Okay, what is our final set of instructions? - Oh yeah, perfect. Okay, so lift the pan up and just sort of move it around so that-- yeah, all the way around like around the world. Okay, perfect. Now, grab your vegetables and put them on top. - Veggies. - (FBE) Is this how you would be making the omelet if you were in his kitchen right now? - Yes. - (George) Oh, she's a big veggie omelet, isn't she? - Usually, my omelets look like something you scrape off the car floor, so this looks excellent. - Oh my god. - Fold it from one side to the next. - (Anahita) This is still gooey, so it's gonna drip out. Is that okay? - That's okay. It will cook once you fold it over. It's fine. Nice! - (Anahita) Recording in one hand, cooking in the other! This has become our life. - Okay, now put the mixture in there! Quickly! On one side! On one side! - (Jaxon) Woo! - On one side! - Okay. Oh, that's a lot of stuff. Okay, now spread it only on one side. Now, flip that one side over. Flip it! Make it like a half-- like a quesadilla. There you goooo! There you go! - (Jaxon) This looks so disgusting. - Put it on the plate! - (Jaxon) Put it? Okay. That looks so bad. That looks so bad. - So, get the spatula underneath it halfway to make sure it's loose, sort of go around. - This is gonna look very ugly, but it's okay. - Oh, that's good! Nice job! I'll take that. So, use your spatula and try and slide it on that plate that you just set out. - Okay. - (Debra) Ease it onto the plate. - I just kinda flipped it over. - (Debra) Okay. (buzzer) - (FBE) That's a point off for not listening. - (Tito) Does that look good? - It look good? You think you can get the pan and just throw the omelet to the air and (giggles) fold to the other side? Just do it. I trust you. - Uh-oh. (laughs) That almost went wrong. - The other side. I wanna see you flip over the omelet. - (gasps) I did it! - (claps) You see? Good job! - (George) Voila. - Oh my gosh! That looks amazing! You did a great job! - (George) A chef. - But it looks like a very good job considering she didn't know what she was making, and she had some inept in the kitchen giving her instructions. (claps) Bravo, Becca! - You like onions. You like peppers. You didn't get any in there. - It's not bad. (ding) - Still yolk-y, huh? - I didn't even get a vegetable piece, and it's pretty good. - Three, two, one! Hands off! (laughs) - Yeah! - (both laugh) - (claps) - It's pretty cute! It's not bad. - It looks amazing! - Ah! - Oh! - She keeps folding over. Okay. There we go. - Awesome! Love it! - (Tito) All right. So, there's the omelet. (ding) - Ooh, ooh. Oh, oh. - Very proud of you, son. - (Tito) Oh, thanks, Dad. - Moment of truth. - The moment of truth. (gags) No, just kidding. - I like that cheese melting like that. - Mm. Mm. - It looks perfect. - It's delicious, honestly. - Ah, see? - I feel like, honestly, the stress was-- considering the product looks sort of like what a dad would pretend to be thankful for on Father's Day... - Well, see, now you know why I always do scrambled eggs. It's just not worth the extra effort. - (FBE) Well, George, you got a perfect score! You ended up with 10 points out of 10! Congratulations! - Yeah! - (FBE) You listened to your mother! - Thank you, Lindsey. - Woo! - (chuckles) - (FBE) Well, Becca, you did a great job here. - Thank you! - (clapping) - (FBE) You definitely listened to your mom. You got seven total points out of ten. - That's passing. - (FBE) Definitely is. - Seven? That's all I get? I'm a seven student? Is that what he raised me for?! So I could be a seven?! - Now that I can, you know, talk freely since I'm already at zero points, Mom, your instructions are absolutely terrible. - I was expecting since she's always loved cooking that she would know the common sense things, so I was-- you know, that was my expectation and assumption. I should know not to assume anymore. - Yeah, you should know not to assume. - (laughs) (buzzer) - (FBE) And finally, Jaxon, you did the worst today. - Oh, I most definitely did. - (FBE) Do you think you'll listen to your mother more now? - Really depends. I-- probably not. - You're gonna regret those words. Luckily, it's on camera. You're gonna regret those-- it's not gonna age well, that statement. - Thanks for watching Listen To Your Mother on the React Channel. - Subscribe for new shows every week. - Hey, guys. This is Lindsey from the React Channel. How well do you think you and your parent would do in this challenge? Let us know in the comments. And to find out why I'm wearing this onesie throughout the video, check out our Kids Pick Our Day episode. Link in the description below. Bye!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 902,316
Rating: 4.9248533 out of 5
Keywords: Mother's Day, Cooking Challenge, Eggs, Omelettes, Recipe, Mothers Day, cooking challenge, parents vs. kids, kids vs parents, family fun, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, dad vs kid, mom vs kid, mothers cooking, mothers recipe, jokes on mom, laugh, mother's day, kids try, parents try, food, try new things, cooking, chef mom, challenge, vs food, mom's cooking, mother's cooking, laugh challenge, Kids Vs. Moms | Listen To Your Mother Challenge, RCQU2007
Id: 2DIPCol2jjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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