We Let Kids CONTROL Our Lives For A Day | Food, Outfits

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- We're going to have kids pick everything we do in quarantine for an entire day! From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, the movie we watch after work, and the kids will get to pick a special word or phrase that we'll have to work into a real REACT episode. Noelle, Leo, and Sydney, you are gonna be our bosses for a day. - Oh my gosh. - Yes! - Yes! - Oh my gosh, I feel bad. I don't wanna like, make your day bad. - Honestly, you're gonna have a ball of me controlling that. - You're gonna have a bad day, sorry. (group laughs) - Our first round is clothing. So Nick has four outfits that he picked out. I also have four outfits laid out, and I have some makeup options for you to choose, okay? - Yes! - Okay. - Oh yes. - Yes! - (Nick) Starting on the right, outfit number one is a black, long sleeve button down shirt with polka dots, paired with my navy blue joggers and black leather boots. Outfit two is an old t-shirt I've had since middle school, shorts with a bunch of holes in them and sandals. Outfit three is one of my biking outfits, a bright florescent yellow biking jersey, super tight biking shorts and my hiking boots. The final outfit is a sports jacket with red t-shirt, basketball shorts and low-cut suede Vans. - Why are they all shorts? - No, one of 'em's pants. The one on the right is pants. - There are a lot of shorts. (laughs) Now that I'm seeing this, I didn't actually put that together until I'm seeing it all at once. - So what are you leaning towards here? And again, you have to come to an agreement. - And you're gonna see us in episodes wearing these outfits. - Yeah, on the internet. - As a little bonus for you, yeah. - Yay! It's like eating avocado pizza with mushrooms on top! - Bike pants. - Fourth one, fourth one, fourth one, period, done. - No! - It's just a look that everyone is just gonna say "wow, I don't understand what they were thinking, but I kinda like it." - Alright Sydney, you got your turn, which nobody's gonna do, so we're gonna go with the holes. - (Sydney) Noelle! - What? - No, no, no, no. Tight pants is perfect. - My self esteem went down. - Just like walking around like ugh! - You know what, I'm gonna have to go with Noelle, just because the shoes are kinda nice. The sandals are the way to go, but socks with the sandals on a hot day, that is gonna be something that I hope you endure, sorry! - Come to the dark side, make him wear bike pants. - No! - Why? - Because the star outfit with the sandals. - The star outfit since he's had from middle school, would probably smell like rats. - It's a look that someone needs to... - Wait, Leo, what's up with you and the dark side? Honestly, I feel like you turned into Darth Vader. - You cannot say that, he's like the worst character ever! - Well you're turning into the worst character ever! - Okay! - She said period. - Okay, so guys! - Alright, you can just do that one, but then next round, you better come to the dark side! - Whatevs. - So you guys have come to a consensus, it's gonna be that star outfit with the sandals? - Yep! - Fine, but... - (Lindsey) Okay, well it's my turn. Starting from the right, outfit one is a blue robe, a shirt with daises on it, and shorts that have paint splatter all over them. Outfit two is a green jacket with giant buttons, paired with colorful patterned leggings. The third outfit is my mom's workout leotard from the '80s that I'm pretty sure she wore to jazzercise, with some pajama bottoms. Outfit four is my trusty onesie with enclosed feet, a hood, and polka dots. And finally, you can choose the colors from my makeup palette that I will wear. - Me first, me first, me first! - Okay. - Noelle, please. - Polka dot pajamas! - No, no, no! (laughs) - Yes! - Onesies, onesies! - I'm so sorry! I would choose the red leotard outfit, because it's a nice workout outfit. It's gonna be hot. - I'd just go with the polka dot thingy, but I know exactly which pair of makeup you're gonna wear. - So I'm gonna go with some pink makeup, that hot pink right there. - I was thinking the hot pink and like fading it together with the glittery blue to make some sort of like pink, purple, blue, fancy, crazy eyeliner, lots of highlight, make it, people know you have makeup on. - I would just like to remind you that at the beginning of this episode, you said you were gonna be nice! (laughs) - I am, I'm trying to make it work with this outfit! - Oh. - They chose. - Pink. - (whispers) Blue, blue, blue! - Yeah, probably blue, because they're both my favorite colors. - I mean, I am gonna go with pink fading into the blue, but add a little black. I'm serious, add black. - I'm okay with that. Add a little black. - Okay, okay, I'll see what I can do. - We are going to be testing your knowledge of soda and snacks. - How do you feel you did today, Becca? - Are you in like a super comfortable like zip up pajama, or is that just me? - So funny you should ask that. I normally would never wear this on camera, but we had kids pick our outfits for one of our episodes. - Oh cute! - And it's a onesie, and it has like a hood, so you're actually the first person... - It looked really comfortable. - ...out of all my shoots, that's like said anything about it. Everybody else is just acting like this is normal. - Nick and I have each pulled 20 options from our pantries and fridges. - Yay! - (FBE) And you will all get to decide on the items we have for lunch tomorrow. Nick is up first. - Oh-tay! What in the world? This is boring! Okay. I want you to have eggs. - Onions, make you cry. (cries) Onions! - In a tortilla. - Peanut butter cups. - White wine vinegar? Yeah, that sounds good. - Avocado. - (FBE) Avocado. - Yes. - (FBE) That was very nice of you. Okay, so the final lineup is eggs, onions, tortilla, peanut butter cup, white wine vinegar and avocado. - You know what, I feel this could've gone so much worse. - I'm good. - And I accept my fate. - Let's see what you got. Ooh, ooh! - Whoa, this is better! - This is gonna be good. - Tofu dogs! - None of this would go good with tofu dogs. Tofu dogs and swiss cheese. - I think it's cappers? Those little grain balls, cappers? - (FBE) Capers! - Capers. - Yeah, capers. - Oh my God. - Okay, this is starting to go south a little bit. - Let's go with lemon frosting. - I was hoping that no one would see that there, and just skip right over it. (laughs) - I'm stuck between taco shells and wheat bread. But I'm probably gonna go with taco shells. - I'm gonna pick barbecue sauce. - (FBE) So we have tofu dogs, swiss cheese, capers, lemon frosting, taco shells and barbecue sauce. So I have my six. - Hold on, hold on! I wanna take back those capers and make that pasta. - Oh, I don't think there are takebacks. - There aren't any takebacks. You, yeah you picked those capers. - She said that, she said period, done. - So I'm in my kitchen. I'm having to deal with the consequences of the items that I decided to give these kids. - Looks like I'm gonna have to make a meal out of what the kids have chosen for me. - So I've got my taco shell. I think the first thing I'm gonna do is spread that frosting on. - So we've got the onions cooking in the pan. - Take a look at that. That's a lot of lemon frosting. - Oh lordy! - I think I'm gonna do swiss cheese. So just like this, I guess? - In the meantime, you can see these peanut butter cups. They have started to melt, that's what you're looking for. It should look sort of like a really sad, summer day. - I'm gonna put my capers. Oh, capers just smell awful. Like, I like the way they taste, but they truly smell like butt. - Ready to add the eggs, so we're gonna add the eggs in here. Oh yeah. - Veggie dog. - If I'm being totally honest, I'm kinda proud of this. - I'm really hoping that this is the only flavor that I taste, but I'm also running low on it, so I don't know how much is gonna pour out. - Okay, you know, I think I'm okay about this. When you melt a peanut butter cup, it doesn't turn into sauce. - This is nasty. I'm very upset about it. - This is Romeo by the way. You're putting on a very good show. (taco crunches) (Lindsey whimpers) - Hmm. It could've been worse. - Okay, first bite, here we go. I'm very surprised, but this is actually okay. - I like each of these items, I really do. I just like them individually. Not together in one taco. Tomorrow, when we're in our crazy outfits, and we're eating all this glorious food that you selected for us... (Noelle laughs) We are going to have to work a word into our episode, without anyone knowing what it is. - Wow! - And you guys get to pick that word. So what word do we have to say in an episode, without anyone knowing? - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! - Oh my God, Sydney! - Yes, yes! - I mean... - No! - It's pretty easy, you just gotta say like, say it. - Um, I wanna say car floor? - Car floor? - That's two words! (laughs) - But, but... - Car floor? - Car floor? - They're compound, it's a compound sentence. - Compound word? It's one, it's a word. - Who cares, you're always correcting somebody Sydney! - I'm sorry! - Super, but you have to scream. - Super. - Yeah. - Oh we have to scream super? - Yeah. - I like car floor. - Car floor. - I'm gonna go with car flat. - Car flat? - Car flat. - Car flat! - It has to be something we can actually use. Let's go with car floor. - Okay! - Car floor. - Is everybody good with car floor? - Yeah. - Yes, exclaimation point! - Okay, well, we'll take two words here, 'cause I think this is the closest. - Yeah. - Okay. - We'll stick a little hyphen between them and call it one word. - You did a great job! - Usually my omelets look like something you scrape off the car floor so this looks great! - Oh my God. I feel like in my... - Lindsey! - I don't know, we're almost there. - It's now time for our fourth and final round. You get to pick which movie we watch tomorrow after work. We've compiled a list of several movies. Some good, some bad, we'll let you decide for yourselves which is which, and out of all these movies, what are you gonna make us watch? - Uh, you know, I'm picking Avengers! - Avengers isn't even on there. - It is on there! - There was no Avengers. - Yes it... - It is, where? - There is, there is, oh my God! - Yes, Avengers: Infinity War! - That's so long! Oh, Shrek, oh... - (FBE) Shrek the Musical. - Wait a minute. - Sydney! - Oh sorry, Shrek the Musical, my bad. Oh yeah duh, Avengers is the best one there. What the heck are these other movies? - The worst movie, Cat the mo-ive, I think. - What? - Cat yeah, the mo-ive? - Yeah, but the worst movie to me, is Pokemon MewTwo Strikes Back! - Out of these movies, which one are you going to collectively choose that we have to watch? - Avengers, Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War. - Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War! - I'll have to sit down and watch some Avengers: Infinity War, which out of all the options that were there, I'm actually really happy that they chose this one. My stomach is a little wonky right now, from that glorious taco that I had, but let's do this. ♪ (triumphant music) ♪ Iron Man, Pepper Potts! Love a good Stan Lee Cameo. It's a good movie, but, I didn't wanna end my day like this. - The film has been watched. No notes. No notes. - I think we should do this again but with only nice options. Well, today, did you guys have fun telling us what to do? - Yes, lots of fun. - Yeah! - I was too nice. - Just remembered. - Why did you not come to the dark side? - If you say one more dark side, I'm leaving the meeting. - Hey guys, React Producer Lindsey here! Did you know that we have a newsletter? You can join and stay up to date on all things FBE. We've got casting notices, we've got merch updates. We've got all sorts of fun tidbits! So check it out in the link below. Bye!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 303,921
Rating: 4.8553338 out of 5
Keywords: Avengers, Kids Pick, pick our food, for an entire day, kids react, adults react, irl, kids select, breakfast lunch dinner, weird food, 24 hour challenge, tacos, burritos, reeses peanut butter cups, fbe, reaction, people vs food, vs food, react, gross cooking, gross food, weird food combinations, 24 hours, food challenge, kids vs adults, We Let Kids CONTROL Our Lives For A Day | Food, Outfits, RCQU2025
Id: xob7ewmBlR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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