Parents Try Guessing What Their Kid Will Do With $100 | What Would My Kid Do? #9 (Frozen, Cookies)

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- Oh, I should've said that... - I knew Noelle! - That was a whole... - I knew Noelle! - I knew Noelle. - I know Noelle. - No! - Put Buzz Lightyear away! - Ooh yes! - Frozen socks. - Look at those, there's so many of them! - (FBE) How well do you think you know your child? - Ooh, I'll let you go first. I wanna see what you have to say first. - Total, totally, I know her 100%. - He's a bit of a wild card, 'cause as you know, when you're two and a half. - Okay. - Tougher to predict what your kid is gonna do. - That's true, that's true. - So, I hope you win. - (FBE) Here's how this will work. Your kids will be given a symbolic $100 to spend in four rounds of picking various items. - Ooh! - (FBE) And you'll earn points by predicting what it is they pick. - Alright, I think I can do this! - Ooh, go big, Liam! (Ramona laughs) Go big! - (FBE) So obviously, we also recently launched our new channel, called the Try Not To Channel, and we're welcoming Kyle, who is the executive producer of this channel. - Oh really, you ain't tell me that part! - Yeah! - Let me be a little nicer. - I didn't tell you many things. - Okay. - Now you wanna be nice to me, eh? - I mean, you're such a nice guy. - Yeah, I actually had Noelle on the channel. - Oh really? - Noelle did, Noelle did the inappropriate jokes episode. - Oh, that one! - What is Moby Dick's dad's name? - What? - Poppa boner. (group laughs) - Were you okay with her being in that episode? - Oh course. - Yeah? - She can handle it. As long as she can handle it, I'm okay, you know what I mean? - If you think my son is cute, you should subscribe to the channel. - (FBE) We... - Sit down Liam. - (FBE) Are each gonna give you... Gonna give each of you this. Do you know what that is? - That's the $100. - (FBE) Each of you can spend up to $100 on different items that we place in front of you. - (Liam) Okay! - (FBE) In four rounds, we'll give you four options of things you can buy, but you only get to pick one item per round. - (Noelle) Okay. - (FBE) You'll have to keep track of how much the item costs, because you're not allowed to spend more than the $100. You can go over budget if you really want something, but you'll have to put something back at the end. - Okay. We get money, Liam! - Yeah! - (FBE) Liam, what toys do you want? - Some dump trucks. Excavator! - I just want L.O.L.s and stuff. - (FBE) To start things off, we're gonna present some food options to your kids. - Ooh, okay. - Okay. - (FBE) So we've got Mike and Ikes, milk chocolate cookies, Cheerios, and grapes. - I think that Noelle's gonna, she's gonna try to be health conscious first, 'cause she knows she has money to spend. So the first thing she's gonna do is try to make us happy. She's gonna get those grapes. - Wow, she's gonna take grapes? That's a bold choice. - She's gonna take those grapes. - Liam is going to take the Mike and Ikes. - Mike and Ikes? - He's never had a Mike and Ikes before. - I think he's gonna get those cookies. - I think no cookies. - We'll see. - I think he's a candy man. - (FBE) So you get to have one of these foods. - (whispers) Look at this girl. - Not grapes, Noelle. - (FBE) Which one of them do you pick? - Um... - Don't take the grapes. - This one. - (FBE) You're going with that one. - I can share it with my family. - (FBE) Oh that's nice. - She wants to share with you! - What'd she say? - Maybe my mom will pack 'em in my lunch. (Kyle laughs) - (FBE) Oh. - We have grapes at my home and I wanna get something that we don't have. - Oh, smart, she's smart. - I am surprised she picked those cookies. Those grapes are huge. It probably traumatized her when she saw those grapes. - Oh, she was intimidated by those grapes. - Yeah! - They're too big. I'm regretting my decision. - Uh oh! - Am I allowed to change? I, it hasn't gone up yet! - Thank you! - He hasn't come up yet! - (FBE) So Liam, we have some different snacks for you. Out of all of these, which one are you gonna pick? - Candy! - (FBE) Oh, you're going for... - Dang it! - Yes! - (FBE) Do you eat a lot of cookies? - Yeah. - Oh, does he now? - (FBE) Yeah, how many cookies do you eat every day? - He's ready to open that bag! That is hilarious! - Five. - (laughs) Five cookies a day. - He said five cookies! - Wow, he's gonna be a big kid. - Oh, he's gone with his cookies! - He's gone, he just took 'em and left! 0-0. - I know, right? (laughs) - Man, this is embarrassing for you! - No, but the thing is, it's awful that I knew your son better than you did! - You're not one to talk. You said grapes! - You know what? - What kid is gonna pick grapes? - (FBE) Now it's time for them to choose from some of these vehicles. So we got the Frozen sleigh, the Paw Patrol vehicle, a pack of Hot Wheels cars, or a tugboat. - She doesn't have that little Frozen thing. She's not really Frozen right now. She's not really on the Frozen kick. She's very competitive with her little cousin Devon. I think she'll pick those cars. - Wow, bold choice. I'm gonna go with the Paw Patrol. 'Cause he doesn't have that yet! He doesn't have that police car. He has a similar boat, this round is gonna be one Kyle, zero Ramona. - Oh lord! (laughs) - (FBE) So next up... - Get your eyes over to that! - (FBE) We have some different vehicles. - She hates Hot Wheels. - Look at those, look at that! - Paw Patrol. - Put that down! (laughs) - Frozen! - I'm gonna pick this! - Oh, I should've said! - I knew Noelle! - That was a whole... - I knew Noelle! - I knew Noelle. - I know Noelle! - (FBE) Why not the Hot Wheels? - I Noelle. - Look, wait, listen. - Well... - She want those Hot Wheels, look. - I think I'll get the Hot Wheels. - Oh! - What? Can she do that? - So they get one, and I get the rest. - Ooh! - No, no! - I can give my cousins two... - 'Cause it's one, she loves her cousins! - She's very nice, she's sharing. - (FBE) Okay, so you're sure you wanna go with that over the Frozen? - Yes. - No, you want Frozen! - (FBE) Okay, well those Hot Wheels are yours! - Woo! We got Hot Wheels and cookies! I knew her, because I know her so well, unlike some parents that don't really know their child. - We're gonna see, we're gonna see. (Ramona laughs) - (FBE) Okay, Liam, we have four different vehicle toys for you. - Listen to the mind game. Four different vehicle toys. Mention those Frozen. - What? - Yeah baby, not even a thought! - That was quick! Wait a minute, wait, she's gonna talk to him. She's gonna talk to him. - Not even a thought. - Wait a minute, wait a minute. - (FBE) Did you get a good look at all of 'em? - Yeah. - No you didn't! - (FBE) You don't want those Hot Wheels over there? - Look at the Hot Wheels, look at the Hot Wheels! - No. - Nope, clearly no. - Oh my goodness! - (FBE) That! - Oh my God, he's so adorable. - That's my boy! - Wait a minute. - Police car. - Police car. - (FBE) Oh! - He loves police cars, he loves dogs. It's the perfect toy for him. - Aw, I can't even get mad. He did great, and I'm not kidding, 'cause he immediate went over there and snatched that car up and waved it around like a flag. - Yep. - So, that's what's up. - Who knows what the next one is gonna be. - To show you what my child and I have in common. We have that mental thing going. - We are communicating on a different level right now. - I've vibed with her from the minute, the moment that camera came in, we started vibing. - We were vibing from the moment he was born. - (FBE) Next round of toys are all interactive. So we've got a little one, a Slinky. - Okay, okay. - (FBE) We got a slightly bigger one, a T-Ball set. - (Ramona) I think she's gonna go for that T-Ball. - (FBE) A really, T-Ball? - (Ramona) I'm telling you right now. - (FBE) I've got a basketball set, and a cat keyboard. So which will they choose? - For Liam, I'm gonna go with. - Ugh! - I don't think he's gonna pick something that he can't physically remove from the table. The cat piano is out of the box, he can really see clearly what it is. It's the most visually appealing, he can pick it up, he can take it. He likes cats. Cat piano. - She has that exact piano, as a matter of fact. She's never really played with a Slinky. She's gonna go to basketball. - Ooh, wow! - He's gonna go basketball, and she's gonna go to basketball. - Noelle's going Slinky. Liam's going cat piano. - (FBE) Okay, so now we've got some interactive toys. - Oh, she's looking at it! Watch, watch this. - (FBE) So what's really standing out to you right now? - Let me see, I have to look first. Yeah, what is this? - Don't, it's a little bitty box. - (FBE) Have you ever played with one? - Mmm, Slinky, Slinkys are fun. - I wanna pick something tiny, because I wanna make sure it fits in my car. - Oh no, don't think about that! I'll take a... I'll rent a truck to take it home! - I did say Slinky originally. - I'm just gonna get the basketball. - Oh! - Wow. - (FBE) You are, okay, are you sure about that? - Yes. - Yes! - (FBE) And you don't want that cat keyboard? - Oh no, I have one at home, actually. - (FBE) Whoa! - And I can get a Slinky from the pride card store at my school. - (laughs) She's so logical! Isn't she wonderful? - She's very smart. I feel very confident about cat piano. - Oh, okay, you think he's gonna get the cat piano? - Cat piano's in great placement, it's great size, very visual. - (sighs) I'm sorry, I'm still... - Two and a half year olds love cat pianos. - Can I have a moment? - You had a moment, you've had many moments! - (FBE) So we have some interactive toys. - He don't even like that. He's scared of that... - Cat piano! Yeah baby! - Get that thing down, that was... - Not even a thought, cat piano! Not even a thought! - See, and I already know from his history, he don't put nothing back. - (FBE) Yeah? - (Liam) Yeah. - Look at there, Look at that little boy! Ooh! - Push it off, get it off the table! - Look at it! - Who cares about T-Ball? - Look at there! - Take it Liam, just leave! - They should've had that in a box. - Just leave! - He said just leave! (laughs) It's so funny! He can't afford it. - Leave! - (FBE) But why don't you want that Slinky over there? - Stop Lindsey! - Kyle got mad now, right? - Stop! - (FBE) No? - How cute, how cute. - Stop, she's... - How cute, look at there! - (FBE) It's pretty cool, I don't know if you... - No it's not, it sucks! - It's wonderful! Tell him what it does! - The cat piano. (bell rings) Yeah, baby! - Rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs! - He's out! - Where's he going? - He picked the cat piano though! - One cute kid. - Wow, this is big. - Yeah it is, this is big! - 2-2! - That was round three, there's only two rounds left. - Whoever get this one, really, well this doesn't mean. - No, we keep getting them. - Whoever gets five! - We can tie! - Oh boy. - (FBE) So for our very last round, we've got some characters. So we have a dinosaur from the Jurassic World franchise, a baby shark puppet, some figures from Frozen, and a Buzz Lightyear. - I am 150,000% nailing this. - What, the dinosaur? - Dinosaur. He has no idea who Buzz Lightyear is, no idea who Frozen is. - Mmm, really? - No. Jurassic World, final answer. - Okay. - Two rounds ago, she said she liked Frozen, right? But then, she decided against Frozen 'cause she'd rather get the cars. - Oh, listen to him helping me. - Would have a lot of different things in it. This Frozen thing has a lot of different Frozen pieces in it that she could share. - She got all of 'em. - So I'm gonna say that Noelle's gonna pick the Frozen thing. - I think she's gonna get that dinosaur. That's what I think. - Okay. - I think she's gonna, because I bought her cousin that same dinosaur for Christmas. She's gonna wanna have that, 'cause he has it. - (FBE) Which one do you think you're gonna go with? - Wait, what does this do? - Baby shark, take baby shark! - Look at the dinosaurs! Sweetie pie, we can go to Starbucks when we leave here! - I like Frozen, and it's really funny for me. - Yeah. - Can somebody tell her we're gonna go to Starbucks if she pick that dinosaur? - I love their songs like Into The Unknown, and Let It Go and stuff. It has such small arms. - What? (laughs) - Small arms, who wants a dinosaur with such small arms? - Come on, you can fight! You can fight! - I think Noelle's made her choice here. - Yes, and that sound, I'm looking for! - A lot of these makes noise. Wow. - How exciting, how exciting! - But I think I'm gonna go with the Frozen. (buzzer rings) - Wow! I think I should get a double point here, 'cause I guessed Noelle's. If you listened to me, you would've got the point. - I'm gonna go with just common sense, you know what I mean? I'm gonna think like a kid! That's what I need to do. - 'Cause it's called What Would My Kid Do? - For real? - The only thing better would've been like an excavator. But he loves dinosaurs right now, he's gonna be super stoked, 'cause it's a big dinosaur, it makes noise. - (FBE) Take a look at all these toys, and then pick which one you want. - Put Buzz Lightyear away! - Ooh yes! - Who cares about the other ones? Frozen sucks! - Look at those, there's so many of them! - (FBE) You can stick your hand in there. - Uh oh. - Baby shark sucks! - (FBE) So out of all these toys, Liam, which one do you want? - Don't do that! - Dinosaur! - Dinosaur! - Hey kid! - Take it, just leave! Don't listen to her! - Yeah. - (FBE) Yeah? - He's gone, he's hilarious! - He's done! Took the dinosaur and he's out! - Where'd he get that from? He's a lot like his mom or his dad? Where'd he get that from? - That's me. Quick decision making. - For real though? - Yeah. - That's amazing. I've never seen that before! He's not indecisive, period. God dog, look. As much as I want to just say something... - You gotta respect. - I know! - (FBE) Here's how this final round's gonna work. You are going to be able to wager your points and you're gonna have to predict if you think your child went over or under budget. So, you tell me how many points you wanna wager, and you tell me if you think your child went over the $100 or under the $100. - And these are, I need to know where you bought these toys at, because some places, (laughs) that's gonna be a factor. - (FBE) Target. - Oh boy, you know they overpriced, okay. - This is tough. - 'Cause he doesn't buy the toys. - I know. - This is beautiful. - Cat piano's the wild card. No idea what the hell a cat piano costs. - I do, we have one. - I think I gotta go all in, right? - Whoa! - I have no choice really, but to go all in. There's no way in hell I would pay more than $40 for that Jurassic World toy. - From what? - 40. Wagering all of it, under. - Noelle went under, I know she went under, and I'm betting my two. - (FBE) These are all the things you picked. - Yes. - (FBE) So now I'm gonna read off the prices of everything and then I'll tell you the total, and I'll let you know if you are over or under the $100, okay? - Okay. - (FBE) Okay. So the milk chocolate cookies were $2.59. - Two dollars, 59 cents, that's good. - (FBE) Mm-hmm. The Hot Wheel cars were $4.99. - Okay. - That's good. - (FBE) The basketball set was $29.99. - She did it! - Oh. - (FBE) And the Frozen figures were $39.99. - 40. - (FBE) So you totalled $77.56. And you are under $100, so you get to keep all of these things! (Ramona screams) - Ooh yes, thank you! I don't have to return anything, I wish I could throw confetti or something! I always said I'm good at window shopping, but this shopping was amazing. - (FBE) Ramona, you've once again taken the lead. - Woo! - (FBE) You've got a 4-3 lead over Kyle, but he also has the chance to go 6-4 on you here. - That would make him the winner, wouldn't it? - That cat piano. How much is that cat piano? - You wanna know? - Yeah. - I bought one, you wanna know? - Yes. - Are you kidding me? I dare not tell him. - You know what, can I change? - Sure! - (FBE) Do you wanna change? - Okay, well let's see. - That's a very interactive dinosaur there. - It is, right? Probably $49.99, over! - Ooh, he lost the frickin' game! (laughs) - Over! - Oh God, let's hear this one. - (FBE) So the milk chocolate cookies were $2.59. The Paw Patrol vehicle was $9.89. - Dang. - (FBE) The cat keyboard was $26.99. - Wee! (laughs) - (FBE) And the dinosaur was $24.99. - You poor thing, oh! - (FBE) So your total was $64.46, and you were way under budget! - There's no way to go over 100! - (FBE) I heard you have a baby sister now. Are you gonna let her play with any of these? - No. - No. (both laugh) - I told you, I know your kid. - (FBE) Okay, well good job. Those are all yours to keep. - It's strange. - Good job, Liam. He's the real winner today. You know what, you know what I think about being a parent? - But that's so cute, he got to keep all his items. - It's not about me any more. It's not about us. It's about them. They had fun. - (FBE) Ramona, you are our winner! - Woo! - (FBE) With a 4-0 victory! - I am, yes, woo! - I ended with zero points, but... - Don't go out like this. - But... - Please don't go out like this... - Ah. - Leave with a little dignity. - Kyle here from the Try Not To Channel with my son Liam, right? - Yeah. - Yeah! And we are so thankful for you guys watching this episode of What Will My Kid Do. But if you guys wanna see some really good content, make sure to go over to the Try Not To Channel. - Go! - Subscribe, go! Right, go! Subscribe to the Try Not To Channel. Bigger challenges, bigger prizes, bigger punishments. Liam subscribed, right? - Yeah! - That's what my kid would do!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,066,063
Rating: 4.9466004 out of 5
Keywords: what would my kid do, dad reacts, mom reacts, what would your kid do, kids toys, kids toys review, react channel, parents react, funny videos for kids, kids review, Parents Try Guessing What Their Kid Will Do With $100, family fun, parenting, parents kids youtube channel, $100 Challenge, Parents And Their Kids, reaction, Frozen II, Food Challenge, Paw patrol toys, fine brothers entertainment, fbe, react, people vs. food, do they know it, $100, what would my kid do with $100
Id: sE7EEqLEnrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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