Dads DESTROY Their Kids In One Second | Sonic Speed Challenge

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- No! I was going for a victory! - Did I get it?! I got it! (laughs) Ayyy! - (Sonic) Waa! (coins ringing) - (FBE) For all you speedsters out there, this episode is brought to you by Sonic the Hedgehog the movie, and we're gonna see if you can compete in some Sonic speed challenges. - Nice. - Okay. - Well, you know, I grew up on Sonic, so... Sega Genesis was all day, you know? - He's the one that actually-- you know, he gave me the knowledge of Sonic. (laughs) - I'm the Sonic master. - Yeah, Sonic master. (laughs) - I like the animation, the graphics, the actors. Jim Carrey's my favorite of all time. - (FBE) So, this "In One Second" is gonna be a little bit different, because we created challenges based on the film Sonic the Hedgehog. In each round, you'll compete to see who can do a series of tasks as fast as possible. The winner of each round will get a point, and the person with most points at the end wins a special prize. - Yeah. Yeah. - Ooh. Okay. - That's what I'm talking about. - Oh, she's faster. Definitely. - (giggles) - I think experience, you know... I think I got you. - He might win, because he's been alive longer than me. - (FBE) So, our first challenge was inspired by Sonic's impressive dart throwing capabilities. We're gonna play you a clip... - Oh yeah, that's right. - (FBE) ...and then have you both attempt it. - That's right. okay. - (Sonic) We gotta lay low. Let me show you how it's done. - OOH! Look at that! Uh! - See? - Oh, wow. - Yeah. - (laughs) - (Sonic) So, should we get outta here? - (both laugh) - (Sonic) So, should we get outta here? - (both laugh) - I don't think we can do it as fast as Sonic, but we'll... - But we can be like boop, boop, boop. - It's not about accuracy. It's about speed. - I think I'm gonna have some fun. - Okay. - That's what it's all about. We're gonna have some fun. - (FBE) 30 seconds. As many on the board as possible. If there's a tie, then we'll go with who gets closer to the center. - Okay. - (FBE) All right. You guys ready to do this? - I'm nervous being here. - Sonic time, baby. Sonic! - (FBE) Sonic? - Sonic boom! - (FBE) In three, two, one, go! - Oh, god. Oh, that was horrible. Oh my gosh. - Holy crap. Are you good? - I'm feeling fine, man! Oh my gosh! - I'm feeling okay. Mine are sticking. - You're gonna win. (chuckles) - Nah. - (Jordyn) You're gonna win. - (FBE) 10 seconds. - Wait! One got knocked down! - (Bernard laughs) - (Brayden) Oh my god! - Get 'em, Sonic! Get 'em, Sonic! Get 'em, sonic! Get 'em, Sonic! - I lost one! - No one cares! - (chuckles) You know what? Fine. - (FBE) And... time! - (laughs) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. - 22. - (FBE) 19? - 19. - 10. - I get eight. - I got 12. That was harder. - That was really hard. It was really fun, though. I just kept missing, though. - 20. And I just have three. - Hey, three's better than none, right? - Yeah. - (FBE) How many did you get? - I got 14. - What? I counted 13. - Ah! (laughs) - (FBE) All right. - He was more accurate. Mine was like all over the place. - Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I should've just went all over the place. - It was like Sonic in the trailer. - (FBE) For this next challenge, we are going to be inspired by Sonic's rings. Now, in the movie, he uses them to transport to different places. - Yeah, that's cool. - ♪ Let's go ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ - Oh, cool. - Wait. How are we gonna do that? I don't know how to teleport. - You don't? - No. - Oh, man. Yeah, that's another thing I didn't teach you yet. - That's awesome. - That's cool. - (FBE) So, we are going to be giving you a ring toss challenge. - A what? - Ring toss. - (FBE) Ring toss. - You gotta be accurate. You know I'm accurate. - I am that guy that has to go back and get everything. - Always. Like, when we're playing video games, he has to get the coins. - He wants to blaze through. He wants the Sonic speed. I want the ring. - (FBE) 30 seconds on the clock. In three, two, one, go! - Oh, I suck. I suck. This is a thing that I cannot do. - (Bernard) Oh my god. Wait a minute. - (Brayden) Oh! That's right! That's right! - (Bernard) Wait a minute. - (Brayden) That's right! (ding) - Oh! - I was trying the horseshoe method. - Oh my gosh. - Oh my gosh. That was horrible. - (Budders) Finally. - (FBE) There you go. - (Scott) You got one. - No! - I'm starting to feel a groove. I'm starting to feel a groove. No, I'm not. - (FBE) There you go, Jordyn! - No! I was going to for a victory! - Oh, no! - Cakewalk. (ding) Cakewalk. - No! - I got one! Oh my god. He's killing me. - (Brayden) Look at that! (ding) - Oh! It's a tie! Woo-hoo-hoo! - No! No! - Look at that! Look at that. - Oh my god. - I don't even have to play anymore. I'm gonna win. - (FBE) And time! - Ah! - (Brayden cheers) - (both laugh) - I sucked! - (laughs) She got one. - I got one. (chuckles) - You got one. That was really good. - I got four. - I got four. (ding) - (FBE) Ooh. - It's a tie. - (FBE) So, next up, this challenge is brought to you by Sonic's insatiable curiosity of the world's largest rubber band ball. - Ooh. - (Sonic) Oh my god. Stop the car right now! - (Tom) What?! What?! - "The world's..." - (both) "Largest rubber band ball"? - (Sonic) We gotta see it! - (Tom) No, this is not... - Yeah, he runs to get it. And he's like, "Oh, it's not"-- - (Sonic) Eh, you're right. It was lame. - (both laugh) - He was like, "Yeah." - He's like (imitates zipping sound) - Are we gonna have to take off-- I'm trying to think what the challenge is. - (FBE) So, in this challenge, whoever can put as many rubber bands on our rubber band ball in 30 seconds in going to be the winner. - Oh! - Well, I'm gonna beat the world record for how much you can put within the time limit. - 30 seconds. - Yeah, within 30 seconds. - We'll see. - (FBE) In three, two, one, band! - No! - Gosh, I can't even get my hand around this. - As a teacher, I use rubber bands for a lot of stuff. - Ah, I have to focus. Oh, my heart. - (Brayden) Oh my g-- yeah, this isn't working. This isn't working, Chief. - Oh, man. This is harder than it looks, guys. - This is hard, because the-- it's like it doesn't-- it doesn't stay on, you know? - (FBE) And time! - No! - You did good. (laughs) - 13. What did you have? - (sadly) Nine. - 18, 19. - Six. - I got six. - Yeah, I'm sorry. - You got like 70! - I know. I know! - 18. - 18. - (laughs) - (FBE) Ooh! (laughs) - (laughs) - (FBE) All right. Well, you're both gonna get a point in this round then. - At least I'm on the board. - Yeah, you're on the board, but you're still down. - I think it helped that I did this when I was younger. It came back to me. - The next challenge has to do with an item Sonic picks up from the Rubber Band Ball Fair. - I know what this is. - Oh, the paddle? (imitates swishing sound) - Ah! My favorite part. - I'm bad at that. - (Sonic) Gift shop was cool, though. - Oh, paddle ball. - Oh, a paddle ball. - (Sonic) Gift shop was cool, though. - Oh my gosh! - Yes! - (imitates paddle ball striking) - (chuckles) - Oh! That! No, I'm bad at that! No! - I'm so horrible at that thing. - It's paddle ball? Is that what-- - (FBE) Paddle ball. - I've done it before. I'm kinda good. - (FBE) So, as you can guess, your challenge would be to hit the ball on the paddle as many times as you can. If at any point the ball falls of the paddle, you'll need to start over again. - Let's check it out, see how it goes. Goggles on. - Gonna lose. - Safety first. - (FBE) 30 seconds. Higher streak wins. (ding) In three, two, one, go! - Shoot. - Oh, no. - (FBE) Go! - Oh. Jeez. - Oh! That's how it works? What is this?! No, no. - Ooh! - Ooh, get-- ooh, ooh. That was like six right there. - Oh, no! - Okay. (groans) - Ooh. - Ah! - We're gonna look like such fools doing this. - Okay, ready? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom-- Ah, no! No, no, no, no! - Okay, so the key is-- what?! I'm trying to give him the key, and he's nailing it. - (FBE) And time! - (groans) Whew. That's tough. 30 seconds is a long time. - (FBE) And time! - Did I get it?! Did I get it?! I got it! (laughs) Ayyy! - (FBE) So, with a running streak of 4-3, Marco takes this event. (ding) - What can I say? - (Lucas groans) - You did so good. - How do you keep winning? - I feel pretty confident now. - Now you feel confident. - But we'll see. - This is great. - Shoot. - You mad? (laughs) - That's all right. I'm letting her hang around, man. Y'all know I'm just joking over here, right? Y'all know I'm just playing. I could've just tore her up, had 30, 40. - (FBE) So, our final challenge comes to us by Jim Carrey's smooth dance moves. - Oh. - Ha! Let's GOOO! Ay! I'm gonna win! I've been dancing since I was four. - Yes! - Okay. - Yeah! (laughs) - Oh, no. ♪ (upbeat rock music) ♪ - Hey, Jim Carrey. - (chuckles) - (Robotnik) WAH! - Oh, no. - (laughs) "Oh, no"! - I'm scared. - You actually have rhythm. - (Budders) No. - I can't dance to save my life. - (FBE) For this challenge, you'll have 60 seconds to show off as many dance moves as possible. We'll name the dance, and you show off your moves. - Wait. I might got this. If it's Generation Z dances, then I got this. - Wait. Wait. - Wait, what? I don't know dances! - I don't even know the names. - I don't know dances! - I thought I could be busting out whatever I wanted. - ♪ Tombé pas de bourré ♪ ♪ Glissade... ♪ - Why did you have to pick dance? - (FBE) So, who do you think has the advantage in this challenge? - It's hard to tell. - ♪ Glissade, saut de chat ♪ ♪ Tombé pas de bourré ♪ ♪ Glissade, saut de chat ♪ - (sighs) - (FBE) All right. In three, two, one, dance! - Vogue. I don't know. - Oh, god. - Mop? - Whip/nae-- I don't know how to. - Mop? (ding) - God. - Yeah! - Moonwalk. - Oh! - Woo, woo, woo! Michael Jackson! - The mop? - Oh, moonwalk. Okay. (ding) - I don't know. - I can't do it. (chuckles) - Ah, what is this? - Oh, the Carlton! I love that. - Vogue. Is it like..? No? (ding) - What? That's not a vogue. - Yeah, I got it right! - What the? I don't even know. The cat daddy? I'm a dad, and it's a cat. (laughs) I don't know a cat daddy! - It just says mop, so I'm mopping. (ding) - There you go. Okay. - The robot! Boom, boom, boom, boom! - Okay, Macarena. Oh, Jesus. Macarena. - Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. (ding) ♪ Ah, Macarena ♪ - The mop? I don't know what that is. - The shuffle? Isn't it like, to the right, to the right. - Oh! The Carlton! The Carlton! ♪ Not unusual ♪ - I don't know. Oh! ♪ Watch me whip ♪ ♪ Now watch me nae nae ♪ - (in robotic voice) Eeh, bah, a robot. Eh, eh, eeh. Okay. (laughs) So... - I got the robot. - You can do it. - (buzzing) - Single Ladies. Wait. Hold on. - I don't know. - Wait. Is that ♪ All the singles ladies ♪ ♪ All the single ladies ♪ - Okay. (chuckles) - (chuckles) Oh, I want the robot! - Cat daddy? Meow, meow. I-- - Gangnam Style. Oh my god. I know this one, but I just don't know how to do it. - The Carlton! The Carlton! Yeah! - Oh! How come you got that one? - Oh! The floss! The Dougie. - Oh! Dab! Dab! - The floss. Yeah. It's that one, right? (ding) Dude, I'm tearing you. - (grunts) - The Dougie. ♪ Teach me how to Dougie ♪ - Bernie? I don't know that. Single ladies. - ♪ Everybody love it ♪ - (FBE) And time! - Dab! - The dab. The dab. - Oh. - Yo, I did the dab too! - Macarena? Where does it start? - What is that?! - ♪ (humming "Macarena") ♪ - (FBE) Five seconds! - What is it?! - (FBE) Time! - ♪ Hey ♪ - Moonwalk. - Oh! You got moonwalk? - (FBE) I'll count it. All right! So, Budders, I counted five. Scott... - (snickers) - (FBE) That's three. - Ooh. - That was rough! - (FBE) Vivica, you had nine. Don, you had three. - (laughs) - (chuckles) - (FBE) So, with a final score of 9-8, Lucas, you have won this round. - No! (ding) - (Lucas) I won! - What? You did awesome, dude! - (FBE) Marco, you are our winner. Congratulations. ♪ (victory tone) ♪ - Thank you. - (FBE) Your special prize today is Sonic's favorite food, a chili dog. - I love it! - It smells so good! I'm so hungry. - Oh. I... - Sweet! I love chili dogs! - Is this a challenge of who eats it faster? - (FBE) No, the challenges are done. - Oh! We should have a challenge of who eats it faster. - (Vivica) What's wrong with you? - That was the final challenge right there. - Dang! - Boom. I won. You didn't know it was a challenge? They just tricked you. - (FBE) In addition, we're both gonna give you two tickets to the movie, which premieres on February 14th. - Yes. All right. - There we go. - All right. - We both won. We both won. - Yes! - Woo-hoo! - Yay! Awesome! - Now we can celebrate. - No, we can't. - Dude! That's awesome! No way! Thank you so much! - Yeah, thank you. - We were going to see it anyway, so this is just a bonus. And so, thank you, - Yeah. - ...'cause it looks like a lot of fun. - Thanks for watching the In One Second Challenge... - On the React Channel. - Be sure you subscribe... - To see what challenges we do next. - (both) Bye! - Hey, guys. Ethan here from the React Channel. Hey, be sure to check out Sonic the Hedgehog in theaters February 14th. For more information on the film, click on the links in the description below. Bye, guys!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 1,400,483
Rating: 4.896419 out of 5
Keywords: in one, in 1, do in 1, react, reaction, fbe, react channel, Ring toss, darts, dance, Sonic the Hedgehog, sonic, sonic the hedgehog movie trailer, james marsden, jim carrey, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, guess that, secret pro, find the flaws, you're doing it wrong, can people guess, TMI, Most in a minute, do they know it, people vs food, RCTONE2004, Dads DESTROY Their Kids In One Second | Sonic Speed Challenge
Id: GZpt6o24AR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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