Competitive Eater DESTROYS Regular People | People vs. Food

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- (FBE) Go. - What the heck? You have a spoon. - I went in and I looked over and you were done. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - Hi, my name is Mary Bowers. I'm a world ranked competitive eater and I am here go undercover to challenge some unsuspecting eaters to a little bit of an eating contest. I am wearing cupcake couture. My very first contest, I went in, I was the only female in the entire field and so it was enough to get the attention of Major League Eating and six months later, it was a career. - (FBE) So, with the international Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Competition just around the corner, we decided to test you on your competitive eating skills. - Oh man. - Ooh. - Do you like to eat? - I love to eat, but I don't know about this. - It depends what food. If we're chucking down some hot dogs, I might throw up. - (FBE) First, we're gonna show you a video of a food being eaten super fast by a professional eater. - My gosh. - (FBE) Then we're gonna bring out that food and when I say go, you're gonna try and finish it as quickly as you can. - I'm up for it if you are. - I am. - This has been a dream of mine since I was probably seven, so to actually do this now, it's kinda scary. - I feel like we can do it. - Are we eating against each other? - Yeah, is it a versus type thing? Okay, let's go. I went up against Matt Stonie last year, so I'm really excited to do this. He gave me a few pointers, but I don't think it's gonna help at all. - (FBE) Now, are you guys ready to see if you have what it takes to be a professional eater? - Let's do it. - Let's do this. - I'm excited. - (FBE) This first clip is from professional eater YouTuber, Matt Stonie. - Hey, I know it's my boy. - (FBE) Here, Stonie is attempting a 125 cupcake challenge. Are you ready? - Yes. - Oh man. - Five seconds. - What? He just put-- - How big are those cupcakes? - I know. - That's how I am on the weekends. I love cupcakes. - Did he decorate all those himself? - If he did, I'm gonna be very upset. - Seven cupcakes. No, ten cupcakes in less than-- that was 20 seconds. - He just pops them like little M&M's. - (FBE) Here are some cupcakes for you to try. - I love cupcakes. - Yay. - (FBE) Now, we're not gonna make you eat 125 cupcakes, but you will have to eat this cupcake as quickly as you can. Whoever finishes their cupcake first wins. - I have a big mouth, so I feel like I could fit it in one bite. - (FBE) All right, let's see how you do in three, two, one, go. - Oh God. Oh. Wait, what? - (FBE) Go. - I think I have-- yep. - (FBE) Go. Go. Mary had a little edge on you there. - A little bit. - (FBE) She was a little faster. - Oh my God. Oh, jeez. - (FBE) That was impressive, you guys. Mary, what the hell? That was very fast. - Nice to meet you. I'm Dionte. - I would shake your hand, but it's covered in frosting. You wanna shake my hand? - I'm just-- I kinda got distracted by how good the frosting was if I'm being completely and totally honest. I was like, wow. - I think it's buttercream. - It was so good. - Really good. - So good. - It's the chewing. - Oh, you chewed yours? - Yeah. - Oh no, I didn't chew mine. No, I didn't-- no. - I did three large pieces. - That went down whole. - (FBE) You had a method there. You dipped it into your liquid. - Yeah, there was a procedure, so I was dipping the cupcake in the iced tea because I feel like it helped to slide it down faster. - That was so badass. - Thanks. - I went in and I looked over and you were done. - (FBE) So this next clip we've got is from the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest. - Oh. - (FBE) You knew that was coming. - Oh yeah, hot dog. - (FBE) This features professional eater Joey Chestnut, who currently holds the world record for most hot dogs eaten in ten minutes with a whopping 74 wieners. - That's a lot of wieners. - (announcer) Joey Chestnut. - Oh my gosh. He's in pain doing this. - I don't know. Is that pain or is that just concentration? It might be focus. - Yeah. - I feel like he's just like... and then it's gone. - He's just shredding them. - He's like when you eat carrots and you just... as a kid, I used to do that. - Oh yeah, I had a hamster who did that. - Cute. - I have to mentally prepare myself for this. This is a lot. - It looked like SpongeBob where Patrick just... and inhales all the krabby patties. - Yeah, it does. - (FBE) Here we have two hot dogs. - Hamburgers. - Is it a sandwich? - No, don't even start this debate right now. - (FBE) This is a Nathan's famous hot dog exactly like the ones served in the video. Do you have a strategy going in or are you just gonna go for this? - I feel like focus is the key. - See, I feel like I always see them dip it in [bleep] on every competition and that just grosses me out. I don't think I could make it if I dip it. - I took a major L first round, but I'm confident in myself, so that should help me by two seconds. - I'm confident in you, too. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - (FBE) Three, two, one. Go. - [inaudible] - No way. - Ew. This is gross. - (FBE) Okay, Mary. - I think it's a tie. - You have half a hot dog and a full bun. - I think it's a tie. - (FBE) That looks like Mary once again. - That was like a magician trick. It was there one second and then it wasn't the next. - I didn't even see that, but did you-- you got the wiener first. - Yeah. - You got the dog. - Yeah. - And then you did the bun. - Yeah, I feel like sometimes you have to divide and conquer. - I have a feeling that you've done this before. - (FBE) Jordan, that is correct. Mary is actually Mary Bowers, a professional eater. - Yeah, I knew it. I knew it. I knew there was something off. - I could tell after the cupcake. I was like, something's up. No one dumps a cupcake in iced tea, right? She went, smash, bam. I was like, "What the [bleep]?" - (FBE) She's a world ranked competitive eater. She's known for dressing up like the foods she eats. - I know who you are. - (FBE) Just like Matt Stonie-- - I know who she is. The second you said her last name, I'm like, holy [bleep]. - (FBE) She's known not only for her incredible food consumption skills but also for the stunning costumes she creates herself. - I love that so much. I love that you just add your own pizzazz to your talent. Your costume's on deck. - (FBE) We got one more food for you guys to try, but first, our foodie fashionista is off to show you one of her incredible costumes. - No way. You're gonna show me? Okay, I'm ready. - (FBE) We are gonna bring her out in her beautiful new ensemble. Let's see what she looks like. - I'm ready. - Ta-da. - Oh my God, you're like a cupcake Swan Lake. Oh my God. - A Disney princess. - You are a Disney princess, but better. - Oh my God, you're ice cream. It is so cute. - The shoes, the shoes. - That's so awesome. So you made everything yourself? - I did. - That's insane. - I want one. I want one. - You wanna wear it? - Can I? - You can wear it. - Oh my God. - It looks so pretty. - (FBE) You're in the perfect costume, 'cause now that you're dressed as ice cream... - Uh oh. - (FBE) What do you think the final food's gonna be, you guys? - Ice cream. - (FBE) Here is a bowl of vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup. - Strawberry. - (FBE) Mary, can you please give us some professional eating tips? - Okay, so you see the ice cream, right? - Yes. - Do you feel the ice cream? - I do. - Fear, admiration, a lot of things. - Channel it all into this bowl of ice cream. - Okay. - Yeah, eat from the heart, my friend. If you do start getting ice cream headache, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. - I've heard that one. - It helps a lot. - I think I'm ready for this. I feel like I'm gonna be best at this one rather than the hot dog. - Okay. - (FBE) Remember, this is still a food competition. Jordan might surprise you now that you got all those tips. Let's see what goes on. Are you ready? - Ready. - (FBE) To start eating? - Yes. - (FBE) In three, two, one. Go. - She's going with her hands. - It's so cold. - (FBE) Okay, how was that? - My hands are freezing. - (FBE) Two, one, go. - I was so close. - (FBE) Go. - What the heck? Dude, you have a spoon. You didn't even use the spoon. You don't even use it. I'm out of this. This is some BS. Now I'm just enjoying this. - (FBE) Go. - Did I win? - What? There's some. - I won. - (FBE) Oh my gosh, Jordan. You literally beat the champ. - I did. - Awesome. - I feel so proud. - I feel like I might go home and cry and then comfort myself with a bowl of ice cream. - Well the only reason I won was because you taught me. - Aw. - So be happy. - (FBE) What do you think, Mary? Does Tom have what it takes to be a professional eater? - Maybe in terms of style. I gotta give it to you on style. - Okay, I'll take it. I'll take style points. - You know, I feel like I'm gonna leave it to the professionals on this one, but it was a good time. - I'm so sticky everywhere. - You did amazing and you look amazing. - Thank you. - I'm not worthy. I'm not worthy. Honestly, I just admire what you do. People just look at it as just, "Oh, it's just people eating food really fast" but there's a skill and the beauty to it and you make it look so effortless and just intriguing. Thank you for that. - Thank you. Thank you for eating with me today. - Thank you for letting me eat with you. Peak on my list right now. - Thanks for watching us compete against a professional eater on the React Channel. - What food could we eat fast next? Let us know in the comments. - Bye. - Thanks for watching me trick a whole bunch of reactors here today. Don't forget to follow me on social media @EatBeMary and remember to tune in for the Nathan's famous hot dog eating championship on the fourth of July.
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 12,782,064
Rating: 4.8810015 out of 5
Keywords: professional eater, major league eating, hot dog contest, mary bowers, Competitive Eater DESTROYS Regular People, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that, pvf1917
Id: O-DXgW-ZsD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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