Can JUST ONE Riolu Beat Pokemon Brilliant Diamond?

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let's face it lucario is the golden child of gen 4. its appearance spans across multiple video games and movies similar to goku they both expressed their power through auras and even shared the same voice actor but what about lucario's baby form ryolu where's the love for this little guy well i'm gonna see if i can beat pokemon brilliant diamond using only ryolu from a previous journey riley gave me an egg so i traded it over to a new file ran around for 15 minutes and officially began my journey with a jolly natured riolu even with lightning-fast quick attacks being level one makes it difficult to knock out even level two badoofs shortly after my mom makes me wear this dumb hat then it's off to school where we learn the rules of this challenge no items but held ones are okay and no affection bonuses but you won't be able to evolve riolu if you do that that's the entire point you idiot do you hear me kakarot why is my rival yelling at me oh that's right i named him vegeta and my riolu is named goku anyways it's already time for our first gym battle versus roark i figured it would be an easy win if i can get an attack increase from using metal claw but after eight attempts of using it on geodude not once did it increase my attack three rock smashers later took out the onyx and it was too little too late for ryolu falling to the kranidos turns out the best answer was the simplest just rock smash really just clicking a different button got me to cranados with 28 hp it wasn't over yet though krandos used bulldoze to lower ryolu's speed which meant they could attack first next turn however luck was on my side with the held item quickclaw activating allowing ryolu to act first no matter what his speed is winning us the cold gym badge now if only i could keep cute little mars in her chibi form but unfortunately we have to fight her in human form her zubat is the main obstacle since the super sonic lands resulting in ryolu hitting himself in confusion this along with a critical hit doesn't give ryolu enough hp to win the fight against per ugly round two goes a lot better since the super sonic missed while ryola boosted his attack stat with a couple workups knocking out zubat with just two quick attacks perogly still has a chance however she used fake out which procked ryola's ability steadfast raising his speed one stage whenever he gets flinched this was crucial in order to win since you can see the cat only needed one more attack to defeat us buddy what are you doing you're not allowed to evolve i hope you all like the night time cause i'm not spamming that b button for every single level up i'm using rock smash at night hey guys guess what i'm breaking in the house at night look at me i'm picking berries at i burned night hand at night may i ask you a big favor no on to gardenia the second gym leader things get tough here why well first off her cherubi has dazzling gleam yeah does a hefty amount of damage after that i have to try setting up with workup since turquoise puts up a reflect weakening my physical attacks and oh ryolu survived with affection which is not allowed but he still loses to disable the power of friendship i head over to the herb shop to purchase some energy powder but i'm still not ready for gardenia since her rosary is faster than my riolu so while i train i hunt down weasels which increase our speed stat upon knocking them out then i went to find my chops to increase my attack power when all of a sudden [Music] yup that's a shiny machop after eevee trading for so many challenge videos i finally found a shiny unintentionally anyways at level 28 i believe ryolu is ready for the rematch we're still not powerful enough to one-shot the cherry so i'm going to have him work up first while being hit by a daz and gleam next turn rock smash does the trick i was hoping the same fate would fall upon turtwig but he hangs in there putting up the reflect it's stall time with workups as they use the super potion and work up three times you got too greedy my plant friend now die gardenia's ace rose rage shows up but she's nothing to worry about since i used a tm to teach ryolu rock tomb before this battle winning us the forest gym badge emergency two people are stuck at the galactic penthouse is everyone okay i came as fast as i could oh no they're stuck in a staring contest and he looks at me and i look at him jupiter stop this madness she sends in zubat which was a problem with the last commander but this time i have rock tomb when skunting comes in we start hitting each other back and forth with rock smashers and flamethrowers they eat their citrus berry aid our oranberry real's fourth punch ko's the skunk and rio barely hangs in there with only four hp from the aftermath ability nice job taking down jupiter but can you defeat me in a staring contest and he looks at me and i look at him oh i can't do this while cruising around hearthdom city vegeta ruby interrupts my leisure activity so i pounce him with paramore style [Music] on route 215 i find the fist plate this item is going to be held by ryolu throughout the majority of this playthrough since it increases the power of fighting type attacks by 20 now let's get more gym badges don hey what you doing i'm busy how fizzy would you say you are on a scale of eight to nine fourteen that seems like a lot it is geez jon get out of here to prepare for the upcoming gym battles i purchased the sword stance tm go back to orbit gate to find the brick brake tm and buy some vitamins to increase ryola's attack and speed you can see his attack evs are maxed out by ran out of effort values and couldn't train his speed anymore if ryolu can't strike first he'll simply die to just a couple blows due to his frail-based stats which is why i have to grind him up to level 34 to outspeed maylene's mons before attacking i have him swordsdance doubling his attack power while meta type puts up a useless slide screen now meline's team doesn't stand a chance thanks to the combined powers of swords dance brick break and he outspeeds all three of her fighting types cobble gym badges ours okay quick survey are you busy busy or just busy i said not to tell me from one weirdo to the next it's on to pastoria city to challenge crash or wake just like the last battle i start with swords dance while gyarados ice fangs us then rock tomb knocks them out against quagsire riolu gets to flex his new movie learn from maylene drain punch bringing us back to full health quagsired then much shots and is healed with a super potion but it isn't enough to save him from another drain punch waker sends out his ace flow soul who attacks right are you freaking kidding me real new get this guy out of here i did get the fen badge but was it worth tasting butt water something must be done for every like and subscribe this video gets i will personally put a cork in a floatzel's butt you can hold me to that promise meanwhile this galactic grunt claims to have received a package what delivery service would send it to you in this exact spot i attempt to chase him down but vegeta interferes i simply press play on my ipod [Music] i catch up to the grunt teach him some manners then oh it's cynthia i'm so afraid of her i'm like so afraid of her i don't get it hey and he looks at me two hours later from one creep to the next it's time to face fantina's ghost types i got a little too greedy using swords dance right away because driflim just flew up into the air to smack me with fly the next turn which meant gengar could finish me off with daz and gleam so it was back to the market to purchase the protect tm driftblim was still an annoyance using strength sap a couple times which weakened my attack power i was ready for the fly attack blocking it with protect then popped the balloon with payback although it didn't change the outcome with gengar as she immediately occurs me with dazzling gleam yet again my third attempt introduces another obstacle willowisp the burn cuts ryolu's attack damage in half which makes him unable to one shot any of van tina's ghost types to extinguish the burn i had ryolu hold a rossberry healing himself of the inflicted status but with that problem solved gengar's impeccable speed still made this battle seem impossible and it would take too long to level up ryolu to get to the speed that he needs thus a new plan was created which involved buying two more tms here's what happened a few tries later i have riolu start things off with two double teams but drift blim is still able to suck with strength zap and burn us which are the berry heels i then tell ryolu to use substitute which causes driflim's strength zap to fail it's back to using double team twice again while drifblim's fly attack misses i max out our evasiveness with two last double teams and triplum lands the fly attack breaking the substitute i bring back the substitute to swords dance safely the next few turns while the driftwood fails to land her next two flies i shift ryolu into attack mode decimating the driftblim with rock tomb gengar's back thinking it's another easy fight but this time her dazzlingly misses and she is sent back to the afterlife with rock tomb we finally get to meet fantina's ace ms maggies who uses magical leaf since that move cannot miss our sub takes in the damage breaking in the process and ryolu ends this nightmare with one last rock tomb at last the relic badge no time to celebrate though it's on to cantalave city i asked my boyfriend to meet me here but he's nowhere to be seen ryolu you you'll fight with me kakarot it's already gym leader time once again versus byron and what is this little pathetic bronzer gonna do to us huh there's no way we can lose this [Music] let's make sure to substitute first this time bronzor then uses trick room causing the slower mods to move first the next few turns they summon a sandstorm while i wait out trick room with swords dance bronzor shatters my sub with a flash cannon and i'm just lollygagging with another swords dance but i just want trick room to be gone before i take out the bronzor they confuse ray like they did the first match but this time i had riolu hold a person berry which snaps us out of confusion allowing us to substitute again safely they fractured it once again with flash cannon which i thought was gonna happen so i went for substitute again that very turn and riolu barely hangs in there with only three hp after being buffeted by the sandstorm trick room is gone so i have ryolu heal back up with the drain punch getting the ko in the process stelix is brought out next now you may be wondering why i used rock tomb here well stelix has the sturdy ability which means he'll have one hp remaining when one hit ko'd so no matter the move stelix uses next i can restore ryolu back to full health with drain punch next turn bastiodon also shares the sturdy ability however since the steelix didn't crack my substitute i just start drain punching right away while the sub takes in the attack for us another punch another win the mind badge is ours while rejoicing we discovered that team galactic has blown up lake valor and enslaved the magikarps like moses of old riolu steps up to saturn saying let my people go earlier on fantina gifted us the shadow claw tm enabling ryolu to swipe through saturn's entire team with little worry mars isn't willing to free the magikarps either too bad she doesn't say as real who slaughters her team taking a break from the bad guys we slide into a gym battle with candace obviously ryolu has the type advantage here and starts with a swords dance while being slammed by avalanche ryoda recovers his health with drain punch and sneezel falls to the same fate however mehcam is faster and almost gets the ko with brick break hardly alive ryolu strikes back with shadowclaw showing them the power of a true one-hit knockout sorry president obama snow nothing personal icicle badges ours oh are you finished already i'm not done with you come on vegeta swallow your pride for one gosh darn second we need to team up to stop these two frankly this double battle is difficult for ryolu not only is he my only pokemon but mars and jupiter have bronzongs and golbats both capable of doing super effective damage against my fighting type i need to play things right and hope they target vegeta's pokemon more in the next attempt so here we go again i put up a substitute while the bronzers reflect and confuse munchlax who bites back second turn i protect blocking both of their incoming attacks while munchlax continues to bite at the end of every turn ryolu's held item leftovers recovers 1 16th of his hp third turn ryolu drain punches mars's bronzord then is attacked by both bronzors breaking his sub munchlax finishes off mars bronzor she sends him per ugly next body slamming munchlax right away while i get another substitute up bronzor confuses munchlax resulting in him hitting himself i have really protect the next turn which will block bronzer's attack but her ugly body slams the munchlox again and he continues biting another body slam knocks out munchlax so with revenge in ryolo's eyes he clocks that cat out of here then his sub is shattered from extra sensory vegeta gets serious bringing in his infernape immediately using flame wheel incinerating the other bronzor you all know i gotta put up another substitute and gobat's poison thing fails to crack it with two golbats on the field and fernape and riolu both target mars golbat turning this double battle into a two versus one at this point victory is in sight ryolu knocks down the remaining golbat with a rockslide and infernape close combats jupiter scunting twice winning us the double battle it doesn't end there though cyrus is pissed and since his battle starts right after the last one i'm unable to change moves or held items in between fights things start off hopeful tailing the haunch crow with a rock slide but krobat is just too fast one shotting us with air cutter and just to have a rematch with cyrus i would have to redo the previous double battle all over again and i wasn't always lucky enough to beat the duo every time i tried i need more strength no i need speed i needed [Music] i knew you had it in you buddy you saved the world from the galactic boss himself things are not over yet dialga still needs to be stopped do you think you got this ryolu yoho totally rad dude you think you could pull off that magic with my man vulchner much appreciate it bro okay flint way to ruin the intense moment we were just having but i guess we'll go challenge your depressed friend because we need the 8th gym badge anyways even at level 70 vulchner's raichu is still faster than ryolu and they just vote switch in their teammate ambapon to take a drain punch to the face in fact that's all i'm going to be clicking this entire battle brokener heals his monkey with full restore which i'm totally okay with since this time drain punch actually gets the kill and restores ryolu back to full health raichu is here again so here's another volt switch this time in talked hillary who gets clobbered by a critical hit instant knockout right you a third time and you guessed it vote switches now luxury's ability intimidate does weaken the incoming drain punch revealing to us that we're gonna need three attacks to ko the lion they only get to pull off one iron tail before falling to a third drain punch bringing us full circle back to raichu and believe it or not we should lose this fight raichu's vote switch inflicts 73 damage and ryo's drain punch doesn't restore enough hp to live another shock but i guess vulchner's depressed mental state gets the best of him as he chooses to use a full restore rather than to attack allowing riolu to recover more hp which enables him to survive the last vote switch and bring him the gold winning us the last gym badge gg bruh ryolu i am so proud of you for getting this far on your own you're gonna have to face vegeta one last time before we take on the ultimate elite four clearly ryolu is better than his star raptor the annoying thing is that his bird is holding the focus ash so when it stays alive at one hp they use a flying attack then drain punch only heals ryolu with one hit point that along with infernape outspeeding us makes that a game lost nothing a few rare candies can't solve though after the delicious snack ryoulu goes in for the rematch fainting the star after bringing us back to where we failed last time fortunately at level 84 let's see who's faster now with the saiyan monkey now defeated the rest of vegeta's team is a piece of cake which means i can now prepare for the elite four specifically for lucien you see his alakazam is the fastest pokemon the elite four has and with it being a psychic type ryolu needs all the help he can get so i traverse across sinnoh to find eevee reducing berries to plant and harvest them until enough effort values were available for speed after the speed training ryola was ready for the elite four first with aaron with luck on my side so far realer's rock slides never missed taking out the dust docks beautifly and vespa quinn if you haven't noticed yet i intentionally brought riola to this fight with 8 hp why well reversal is an all-out attack that becomes more powerful the less hp the user has this ensured one-hit kos against heracross and drapeon without any setup moves but that's the only time we'll see it with the elite four because i re-teach riolu drain punch and heal him up before our battle with bertha he opens up with the swords dance while quagsire poisons us with toxic we are ready for this riolu devours his held pecha berry curing himself of the toxins then it was a light salad drain punch for quagsire pseudo wudo and wiscash for golem i switched it up with earthquake to save drain punch some pp for later the golem sped up with rock polish but was still too slow and begged her trainer to keep healing her with full restores ryolo kept applying pressure and eventually crushed the boulder her last pokemon hippowdon was tanky enough to survive a drain punch as was riolu withstanding the earthquake then ended the battle next turn back to the bag to prep again i replaced swords dance with shadow claw and equip the fist plate against flint it was a simple sweep oh draped critical hit as i was saying flint was an easy sweep earthquaking the rapidash drain punching low punny sorry simps also drain punching the steelix this time getting the one shot shadow clawing the driftblim and infernape does live with one hp because of the focus ash but ryolu also survives their incoming close combat then cleans up with drain punch the following turn it's on to the final elite member before the champion lucian now i was pretty confident going into this battle that shadow claw would straight up one shot to mr mime well it doesn't and now he has a reflect cutting my damage output i try my best to stall out the screen by flinching them with rock slides but the problem is mr mime is holding the light clay item which means the reflect will last eight turns yeah there's no way it's going away anytime soon still alkazim died to a single shadow claw however giraffe rig was able to stick around setting the trick room allowing for his partner medicham to finish me off you may be thinking to yourself why don't you just swords dance cool because now we're dead to psychic another option was to replace the fist plate with spell tag this ghost attack boosting item would ensure mr mime's demise but without the fist plate giraffery could take the punch which meant trickroom would appear and metachan would dance on riolu's grave once again so i gave back the fist plate to riolu kept restarting until shadow claw got a crit plowed through al khazam the giraffe rig and the meta champ but wasn't able to secure the one hit ko versus bronzong and then with its gyro ball ball reel right over to defeat well who would have guessed that the psychic specialist would be the most difficult for my fighting type i looked through my bag to see if i had any other options and then i saw it the payoffa berry earlier on a kind lady in pastoria city gifted us a payoffa berry i have really hold this instead it's swords dance right away mr mine puts up reflect while ryolu swords dances again then they use psychic thanks to the puyapuberry the super effective psychic damage was cut in half ryolu let's demolish everything lucian has with ryolu's heightened power of two swords dances not even a reflect would save any of them including the bronzong with that mental exercise over there was a single battle left this would prove that ryolu wasn't just some forgotten pre-evolution to a generation mascot it was time to face champion cynthia and right when she threw out that spirit tomb i thought oh crap i probably should have saved the piafa berry for this situation after swords dance what will happen to riolu [Music] yeah baby let's freaking go ryolu now show cynthia what you can do earthquake the spirit tomb and rosarate drain punch that melodic suck that gastered on two show that overrated lucario what it's like to be overlooked and slay the guard chomp for all the kids out there you did it riolu you proved yourself worthy to receive solo recognition in the hall of fame but is that enough for you or is there more back to spear pillar ryolu and i ascend at the staircase as we come to face our maker ryolu still recovering from his quest looks out upon the beauty of sinnoh he transcends to godhood as he strikes with one final reversal the circle is now complete when ryolu was made he was but the learner but now he is the master ryolu and i put a lot of effort into this video so if you enjoyed why not give it a like and subscribe for more pokemon content check out this video you all have a good one thanks
Channel: The Andrew Collette Show
Views: 128,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond gameplay, pokemon shining pearl gameplay, riolu, andrew collette, andrew collette show, the andrew collette show, arceus, riolu only, pokemon challneges, pokemon, pokemon challenge, only riolu, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, can you beat pokemon brilliant diamond with only riolu, challenge run, can you beat pokemon shining pearl with riolu, brilliant diamond
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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