We Shiny Hunt Random Pokemon Teams, THEN WE FIGHT! Pokemon Legends Arceus

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hey what's up everyone welcome back to a brand new pokemon challenge video it's me quit you g out here in a randomized file of pokemon legends rcs today we got a couple legends chilling behind me and a uh a tentacruel that really seems to not know what's going on here kind of freaking out and i'm recording with my best friend chill and play as always what's up pal what's up pal i'm here with sir doofus doofington the third i'm chilling here with some charubies our little homies i'm trying to get them not to eat them stop it badoofington you can't eat him it's not a berry snack pokemon stop it sounds graphic buddy sounds really inappropriate for the video we don't like the pokemon on pokemon violence out here yeah i'm putting them back in his ball this madoofis you can't behave well if you've never seen one of meencho plays pokemon challenges before what me and chill play do is go into a pokemon game gather up a team of pokemon with a twist involved and then at the end we fight it out for this challenge guys we've randomized all of the wild pokemon and we also increased the rates that you could find a shiny pokemon so what mean chill player gonna do is go around looking for shiny pokemon to add onto our team and the first six shiny pokemon we encounter we have to catch and add on the team after we're done catching we go ahead and change the move sets to what we need and then we're gonna fight it out now we cannot catch an unknown or an arceus the reason is those things actually spawn way more frequently than anything else and whatever we catch we're able to fully evolve it after we're all set up we'll do a recap and then we're gonna fight chill and play you ready for this challenge yeah i'm ready buddy i see a satchel over here let me approach it huh it's a lost satchel that's it was sent back to maven okay well there you go maven comment down below if you got that i just gave you your satchel bag you owe me like 100. wow i actually don't think maven watched the channel but if you do let us know you owe me at least 100 if i got you your satchel though you better pay up or i'm taking that back big dog i'm taking that back all right all right let's go let's go let's go just kidding let's do this all right let's start this journey guys it would be nice to uh have these uh legendary pokemon as a starter but sadly they're not shiny luckily this game's got good shiny sounds whenever you run near one it'll tell you with a big sound so i'm just listening oh what do we see here what was that what was that what the wait it's over there some stars what is that is that a shiny glamio you gotta be kidding me oh my goodness you gotta be kidding me now we ultra ball that that's gonna be our first shiny you gotta be kidding me glam yeah gonna turn into a per ugly which i guess isn't that bad because how fast per ugly is stay in the ball glamio there we go there we go okay our first shiny was a glamio so weird there we got a shining arcanine by the way here this doesn't count as a shiny it's just one of the uh frenzy pokemon but it's also friendly too so won't try to attack us which is cool let's go looking around for some more shinies oh what is that oh oh yes a shiny cresselia no way shiny cresselia dude stay in the ball please oh no oh no it didn't stay in the ball this is actually gonna be tough guys i'm just not realizing how much of a pain this is gonna be it's level five so we can ultra ball it for days we're gonna just do that and i think that's it already yes there we go dude what a huge shiny to get our second one is with cassellia already and driftwood's using hypnosis but i'm leaving that here we go team members let's go catch ourselves some shiny pokemon oh a whiz cash here to start us off and no magby actually wait no no we can evolve actually we're fine we're fine let's throw him a berry that was really quick and easy holy crud we just literally found this guy right away all right he's munching he's munching now we smack him in the back with a wing ball that should be a catch okay nice mag be on the team that'll be a mag mordar that's actually really good i'm definitely fine with that that's our first pokemon lol look at this ow oh my god alpha teddy ursa you're so cute but scary i'm running away i'm running away from that bro oh it's a nice day on the beach isn't that right unknown look at this guy he's just out here taking in the views he's just nothing but an eyeball another unknown how many of you guys are over here yeah that's why unknowns are banned guys because they're kind of broken oh what was that i just heard a shiny whoa no way we got the tang growth as well dude all these gen 4 legends are not even legends but like gen 4 exclusives how about that oh he he busted out okay you know what you think you're tough how about you take a glob to the dome how about that what do you think now how do you take an ultra ball to the back all right wow that was really easy two pokemon down already we just got ourselves a tangela or a tank growth i mean hey what's up guys quick gg here no no not not here in the yeah in the back right there sneezler yeah yeah quick gg here i just want to take a second to thank our sponsor of the video today which is me i'm just kidding i don't take sponsors but if you guys are enjoying the video just hit the subscribe button hit the like button for us it really does mean the world to us and a big shout out to everyone that's been following the channel or the past couple years since we've been doing this you guys really are huge important parts of our lives and uh just big thanks seriously guys enjoy the rest of the video all right i'm just gonna stay on my toes over here on my feet and on my toes no way we got oh my god guys this i must have them rates are too high the rates are too high we got another shiny guys a chinese aurora too which is a type that i've never seen before in a challenge let's do this a ghost normal type pokemon bro zarua captured we're getting these shinies way too quick i wonder if children plays getting this lucky as well we turned the rates up to i think four percent which i thought would be a lot harder but like we've run into like 30 pokemon and seen three shinies it's kind of wild all right any other shiny ones for the squad we got three already we got a normal a normal ghost and a psychic type already one legend too which is good i'm a champ oh not shiny dude i wish i wish that would have been such a sick shiny dude i just heard something what was that i just heard something i heard something shine what is this another shiny zarua what i can't catch it that's dupes that's doom claws and we're not catching it wow that's so funny i literally heard it shine it shine somewhere okay another arcanine frenzied that's funny we still need three more teammates to add i use that stealth spray so things don't just start attacking me randomly i'm also keeping my globs on me that way i could bust anyone up that's trying to attack me the one two whoa whoa miss maggie oh i like this i like this okay we knocked him out and then we gigaton him right in the tail that's a golden ghost dude that's sick yo that's a huge catch dude another ghost we have normal normal ghost psychic and ghost what is this everybody get a psychic ghost next okay my shiny look is pretty good we only increased it slightly and we're getting very lucky very fast let's just keep the type coverage up we've got grass and we've got fire so far i'm actually really okay with that that's a pretty good coverage we've got to keep this trend up of getting new things i think the best way to do this is literally just ride on the uh on the deer because it's just it's just easier to see all the pokemon and i can also hear the shinies if they spawn oh t-swing arcanine what a good doggo wait a minute are you a shiny burmese no way no way you are oh look what it is out here what the what the what the shiny thrusty boy we gotta glob that team there we go we hit him in the dome piece now we catch him what is a sudowoodo doing out here in the freaking ocean dude he hates the water i need to be careful oh my god i need to be careful oh my god i'm literally about to die no not without this thrusty boy oh my god i'm about to die i'm about to die mother die what how did he hit me out here what the how do you hit it what hit me what the what oh my god i just lost all my i just lost a shiny thrusty how are we supposed to get that back is he still over there wow dude i literally tried to stun him with a glob but i actually threw a smoke bomb and then i couldn't see and i literally got lasered wow that is just to pred you guys that is the predji i'm literally going back i want to see if that thrusty boy's still there i need that oh i don't think it's going to be there guys literally i'm seeing different spawns over here now oh no that could have been our third shiny guys that hurt so bad shiny dude wudo one of my favorites bro and he was literally chilling in the water i wanted to ask him so many questions like why why are you here in the water big dog why i guess we didn't deserve it team we're just gonna fly it's all right it's all right i'm just gonna shake it off team ask you legion get away from me brother okay we're back over here where we got lasered at i kinda wanna see what encounters are out here now oh shiny what was that what was that oh i think it was a shiny unknown literally dude i'm not even joking wow there's literally a sudowoodo right here but it's not shiny and therefore it's not valid i think i heard the twinkle of another shine another shiner what was that was that shining noise oh two shinies right here next to each other literally an electric fan right here let's go ahead and get that okay and then let's go ahead and see if we can oh go and see if we can get this glailey now that is a shiny glaze bro he's got red eyes that's so cool oh no our fan got away what the what do you think you're doing big dog get back in that ball okay we got the glaily wow that was a double shiny whopper right there no way well there you go big dogs that is super lucky two more shinies added to the team that makes four total we literally need two more now so we're chilling and we're playing subscribe today all right we're in a forest now anything any shineable ones please i still need two more now actually you only need two more yeah wow two shiners two shiners anybody would anybody like to see two shiners for the team oh a freezer a freezer rodom can't use that another legendary psychic but it's not shiny i think we're running out of shiny ones here guys might have to go somewhere else anything here on the beach thunderous tornadoes i mean reggie gebus not shiny anything here porygon zed bro oh i wish you never see porygon in these games what am i what was that what is that oh no no i can't lose you oh my god it was a samurai's far away can i still catch it bro he's in the he's out of bounds bro the samarat's there and out of bounds legitimately guys is he gonna smell that no way he smells that and runs up to it right oh oh no he ran away again what the bro i want that oh my god i can't go any farther he literally ran out of bounds are you kidding me i think he's legitimately gone forever guys i can't even see him because this fog wow what what is that all about bro dude it didn't even eat the berry are you kidding me that's that hurts that hurts to see i'm gonna leave and come back maybe he'll spawn again is this shiny no it's not just i think male and female are different colors for the masculine okay we're going back to see if we can run into that sam rod again i can't believe he did me just so dirty right there that was actually really dirty of them stealth spraying and i'm going in seriously nothing wow that hurts that actually hurts to see guys i'm just going to count that as an l for me i would have loved to have gotten samurat bro that would have been so cool all right let's just keep moving we can't sit around being sad we're just gonna we're just gonna move on what was that oh a gold bat i mean yeah a gold bat a golden back goal bat guys there we go that's another catch and that's our fifth teammate already oh my goodness guys oh my goodness that's crazy that is actually huge a flying poison type dude and it evolves in a crowbar that's gonna be massive oh oh i just heard something let's go look this way no what the heck yo clever was just teleporting this is a shiny it's got a shiny symbol on it bro oh i'm gonna die oh my god i'm about to die i gotta get out of here yo cleaver had the shiny symbol on him and he's gone are you kidding me shiny arceus i can't catch that oh shiny comedy no no is that what a was that a shiny combi it was oh my goodness was a male or female oh no this could be bad that could be a terrible catch guys literally probably one of the worst catches we can have and that's gonna be our last teammate too literally i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to fly back we're gonna have to see what's going on now that was crazy let's see all right six pokemon and yep they're all shiny here oh yikes let's go ahead and see what happens next i'm gonna go and check that combi really quick well guys sadly that was a male combi i'm not sure what this can learn or what it can do for us but that's gonna be our last catch oh man let's go ahead and i'm gonna change moves evolve everyone and then do a recap yo it's actually op to come out here in the water there's so many spawns what the mr mime mr meamer what are you doing floating out here big dog that raft doesn't even make sense i don't know how you're standing on that all right we're at sands reach go ahead and reach over in this direction and see what we can find we've caught four already we only need two more so we might as well go to a new area honestly not bad though four catches already decent look at that guys four beautiful shinies we got magmortal already tang growth we got glaily and we got rodom fan that's cool electricity all right welcome to the coronet highlands guys we only need two it catches oh elect fire that'd been pretty good but we do already have electricity what do we need what do we need we need a shiny legend how about that just give us a shiny legend oh my god look how big that luminion is okay it's alpha i was gonna say what the oh what is that okay that's not a shiny that's just oh it's a that's one of the crazy new uh legendary hunks alky out here would have been nice to be shiny big dog but uh okay rusty boy once again no shine to him no shine ain't no shine with my thrusty boys gone oh i heard something oh it might have been this arceus it was definitely this arceus rip okay oh my god shiny burma daniel are you joking what is this thing even good for how do you evolve this oh god that's terrible oh that's terrible well that is a burme a shiny burme for the team wow number five you only need one more pokemon but it oh man it can't be that bad again whoa no no no no and that's a shiner ghastly oh my god i love shiny gastly let me catch you buddy let me catch you buddy johnny gasly's awesome and that's a ghost type for the team we like that we like that there we go guys that is our sixth pokemon for chill play squad let's go ahead and we need to go evolve them and teach them moves and then we'll be back with this team recap i'll see you in a second all right guys we're here with our shiny team this gengar is not very shiny looking but it definitely is shiny uh we look pretty scary let's go over the moves really quick and see what we got starting us off with glaily we got the moves ice beam ice shard blizzard and dark pulse and then we've got rhodam with air slash charge beam thunderbolt and thunder wave then we got wormadam with bug buzz earth power shadow ball and hyper beam next up we got gengar with ominous wind energy ball sludge bomb and dazzling gleam then we got mag mordar with fire blast psychic thunderbolt and flame thrower and then finally tangroath with sludge bomb rock slide energy ball and sleep powder that's the team we're very shiny we're very cool uh let me know which one of my shinies is your favorite i'd have to go with either uh either probably tang growth or glaily the red eyes on glaily is kind of cool everyone just went to sleep what the crud guys wake up what are we doing we got to beat quick gg what are you guys doing literally gladly and gengar and magmorin are just like nope going to sleep all right well let's go ahead and do this fight guys all right now guys for our team recap we got a very shiny very friendly looking team here oh crowbar just passed out all right paragli here who's got the moves play rough night slash bulldoze and slash then we've got cresselia who's got ice beam psychic charge beam and moon moon blast hopefully charge beam works out and we could charge up and just slap with some cresselia action then zaryk here the first time ever using this work it's gonna be fun it's got shadow sneak flamethrower sludge bomb shadow ball then miss maggias here who i got with power gem thunderbolt dazzling gleam and mystical fire i didn't put any ghost moves on it because i feel like he'll expect that so not rock any ghost type moves then crobat who's got zen head butt aerial ace x scissor and cross poison pretty tough there lastly combee which is sad he's got gus swift ominous win and struggle bug now uh for the challenge we were supposed to fully evolve everything and this can't be evolved so the only moves that it can actually learn are these four moves but i'm gonna go ahead and get this evolved into a vespa queen so the fight's a little more fair i don't know what children play has yet but instead of having it be a 5v6 uh it's gonna be like you know at least a vespiquen there who's not gonna be as completely garbage as combi but that's the team right there and uh yeah i feel like we're pretty decent pretty shiny this is a lot of fun let us know if you guys want to see any more of these and let's get into the fight all right show and play teams are made and set up and showdown here let's uh let's do this let's see what happens our maid buddy oh the teams are made and the teams look beefy the teams look beefy they don't look shiny though your team is very round you got a lot of rounding big i'm just saying what i'm saying nobody's shiny i know you're not coming to my homies let's go why is nobody shiny uh i think it's because the pregame because i know i'm shiny even my i remember yeah i remember i did all mine i did all mine this should work let's do this this should work who are you sending i'm not sure who i'm sending first let's do this oh really that's the ghostly one against my normal one that's not my favorite the ghostly one versus the normal one let me see if i can and i slash my wait why did that not crit sludge beamer what why did it say i can't not crit though it's not guaranteed what do you mean buddy it should though it should oh it should have slashing it has to it has to be i need some beef i need some beef i need some beef really wow that's beefy thank you beef lord what's up it's me that's actually insane beef you just you just put it on me right there i'm telling you you critically hit that real quick oh my goodness but we bush you down oh no not enough though not enough though not enough never it's never enough not enough yep now we slash them crit oh my goodness you can't get me a single crit in this game it's almost like my roundness is absorbing the blows almost like your roundness is saving your life hey buddy all i know is this bush has never been greener i'm ready i feel like this is tangrowth natural look he just yeah this is what he belongs it actually looks really cool i really like that shiny he's booping side to side he's ready for you i do it like this buddy and then i slide oh my goodness where's your little oh yeah yeah buddy oh yeah or did i learn that bro oh just the move tutor you know where'd you learn it though that's okay i can only i could take three of those buddy before you go not gonna do that actually yeah you're gonna be tanking let's see let's see you're gonna miss right here sliding on your notch like this how do you not miss do you slide on no no no no wake up my body yeah we're good my body he bodied his body bodied his body didn't like that didn't like that shouldn't like it uh that's a very pink bat you got there bud pink bat with under with green kind of doo-doo green wings bro i'm sorry i'm just going to dis there you go there you go i said it just in there with a bunch of pink and i'm going to laser oh this is the are tearing me apart that's the first miss that's your first miss i know but i didn't need to miss there buddy no but i need to hit this right here with a crit why did i not create any of my high crit moves yeah you get lasered yeah i get lasers hit you with four hike five high crit moves now none of them so why did i not get charged be boosted why because rn jesus buddy that's why i don't blame him miss maggie miss maggioso not what don't you dare make a flinch oh my god goodness that would have been toxic all right it's time you want to see toxic you want to see toxic no why don't you boost me up right now why don't you want to see toxic wait what's this normal type those normal that is so toxic that is so toxic that is so toxic that is so toxic huh wait wait wait what the wait what the what the wave what what the weight what am i supposed to do to that um now they always say anticipation how do i have anticipation i'm not supposed to have anything is that even shiny it might not be what i don't know what happened to this one buddy okay it's anticipation so we'll let it slide okay i don't even know if that's gonna help but let's see if i can get a oh a little bit of damage a little bit of damage fine oh i can't believe i didn't one shot you why did i not do that wow i'm a dummy why'd you not do that yeah i don't know i should have done something yeah i should have done that you know imagine being a ghost normal bro you're gross you understand me pretty disgusting actually yeah you're really gross you're really gross this is really gross too by the way nice to meet you um we need some powerful lasers really okay go ahead laser them down oh that's going to be a laser with lasers that's a laser worth lasering oh my powerful laser oh my that's gonna be nice and juicy oh my god is that a sack em up kinda yeah oh shiny cresselia looks great yeah i like it huh you like it but i'm gonna have to punish it charging george beam oh no this could be really bad oh yeah special attack me all day this could be really bad actually attack me all day big dog how strong am i really bad actually be really that's strong enough oh is it though burning open strong enough please be strong enough be strong enough don't be just don't be i don't think no don't be strong enough buddy that was how much was that 42 point the 43 percent four or five the one carry the one yeah no way i can hide damage that high so we're gonna have to do this give me an extra one yes oh my god now give me what i need critical oh i'll give you what i need critical volume burned him okay this is a new ball game now i haven't missed any fire blasts we love that i didn't want to see it let's take him out the game no we took him out hey buddy can i live with one hp hey butter uh uh miss miss dazzling glee i dazzled on you what are you laughing at you don't like my glee oh i'm doing what i gotta do big dog i got the queen of vests bees bro by the way we did speak about the bees previously uh and we let them know about all the the bee situation since we have fully evolved pokemons what the ominous don't boost okay ominous boost me please i'm gonna boost me please lately show them what we're about gladly's in every video buddy there's a reason no we boosted no is that gonna even save me though not if i don't unless i miss struggle bug i'm faster than you oh my god that might have ruined me no oh my god oh my god no oh my god yes no oh my god yes gotti now all i got is my zoric the zoinks don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss don't miss this oh that's really bad for there we go and that's really bad for me i think we can do this i think that's a little bit oh god i thought those two big enough lasers nice shiny arceus battle pal down to the wire at least yeah yeah if you guys enjoyed it let us know in the comments and uh yeah yeah yeah
Channel: QuickGG
Views: 157,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QUickGg VS CHillnplay, POkemon Then we fight, pokemon then we battle, shiny hunt then we fight, we randomized pokemon sword and shield, pokemon legends arceus randomized, pokemon funny video, new pokemon games, pokemon knowledge, pokemon interesting, pokemon challenge, pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, Hardcore nuzlocke randomized, pokemon ROM, funny
Id: lki8rNYnCoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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