Medieval Ark Server ExtraLife Charity Stream!

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you a we are live just uh let me know if everything's working correctly I haven't streamed it a little while me just pull up my [ __ ] there we go when is that gonna pop up there we go I'm gonna meet myself cool what's up guys I am gonna let some people roll in first here you know right in the server meaning right now come watch and get your wallets maybe wish I could type alright what's up everybody I'm gonna move that chat window cuz that's kind of annoying being there we put it here we put OBS over there awesome hey everybody everything's working correctly oh gee oh god I almost fell I wasn't even looking oh man I can't believe I almost fell off that thing dude that would have been really annoying like death that's a very start of the stream that is not the way to go welcome everybody did the notification off go out I feel like it didn't that's okay there's a lot of people just not really man yeah I feel like the notification didn't go out correctly sometimes that happens I did have the event on that what is it called thingy first unlisted then maybe that kind of messed it up a little bit ah it's fine um so yeah guys welcome this is a charity stream for the extra live charity they raise money for sick kids so pull out your wallets and there's a link down below you can donate and anybody who does donate will get oh my god I've just realized I forgot to do like a very key thing I meant to freaking add the thing to OBS and I completely forgot about that yeah anybody who does donate will get entered into a draw I've got 5g portal servers to giveaway and then I've got a couple R keys I got a Genesis season pass key for PC and one for Xbox and none for ps4 they didn't give me one and then I've got I think two keys for Ark which is awesome so if you win it you can always give it to somebody one of your friends or something if you don't personally have a need for it or you can just tell me that you don't want it and I can give it to somebody else but uh yeah I've got to add that thing to OBS guys give me a second here alright in the meantime I'm gonna dance for you let's see let's go first person here you go one second oh stream laughs oh my god how did I forget you see I'm so rusty I never stream at all so I'm always super rusty whenever I do stream hey Brett I saw your donation dude that was awesome Brett donated $100 which is just incredible thank you very much we've got a few donations so far I'll read the mountain just a little bit oh yeah definitely donate guys like it's for a really good cause even if it is like just a few bucks and I say bucks because they accept it in dollars I guess and also if you if you're looking to donate donations to charity is tax-deductible so you don't get taxed on it which is really nice so let me let me quickly just had this thing to my to my thingy oh god how did I manage to forget to do this let's see add browser source where's that browser there we go ma'am this will basically mean that whenever I run it whenever we get a donation it should pop up I got to make sure that that's working correctly though that is key let me go ahead and trip that over there and this year I actually remembered to turn off super chats I forgot to do that last year the link doesn't work the site should be working let me have a little luck here you're saying the link doesn't work need more whiskey for these streams I definitely don't I don't want whiskey the link does work maybe it doesn't work on mobile I imagine that it would I don't know why it's not working for you buddy oh you know what here let's go do something cuz I've wanted to do this um well let's grab a lime on tree ah I'm gonna let's head into a cave and get some loot um let's see which one do I want to shake Oh take this one you've got a good amount of weight alrighty let's grab this drop here first and we can get that yellow drop and then we can head into the snow cave and grit and get those drops oh cool we got a couple donations did it pop up with anything I didn't even see awesome we'll read some of those out in a few minutes thanks so much guys for really good cause also a wild card is uh is helping the race on their servers with every I think 5 or 10k or something that it goes up by so if you're playing on official servers it can benefit you if you help out and it's for really good cause and everything I did this last year as well um alright I'll try to reach out here a little bit it says service unavailable I don't know why it says that you might are you in like a kind of an out-of-the-way country maybe maybe it's not available to you I'm not sure it's working for me and a couple people already donated so I don't think the donations are popping up which sucks but whatever we'll read them out after anyway the supports intact option in the chat I'm not sure what that is I took away super chat so you shouldn't be able to do that please don't donate through super chats if they are there cuz YouTube takes that money which is really annoying but yeah I saw a couple questions about what I'm doing right now this is my medieval server you guys have probably seen a couple videos on here in the last few days it's kind of like the new series there's gonna be a bunch of videos on here I've already got a couple more done that you guys haven't seen so I'm gonna get you up to speed over the next few days obviously but yeah and then do somebody asked how long the series is gonna last and it's gonna be a long C oh my god what the hell just to it's not paying attention it's okay we're fine yeah it's gonna be a long series for sure it really is Oh Chris Johnson thank you very much for becoming a supporter um that money does not go to charity unfortunately I can't make that go to charity YouTube takes a decent percentage of that well thank you very much dude hopefully you weren't planning on donating to the charity link through that let's see okay I'm gonna I'm gonna fly over here cuz there's a little entrance to this cave way and I'm gonna try to read some more questions how long am I gonna be streaming for just a few hours I can't really stream for too long I really I don't know I get like headaches and stuff after a while cuz it's kind of overwhelming mm oh my god we've got a couple big donations there thank you so much guys I'll be reading those out in a little bit and I'll mention it one more time anybody who does donate will get entered into a draw for a couple different codes and prizes so I've got 5g portal servers to hand out they will last you a month and is the stream kind of like lagging a bit it kind of looks to be on my end I'm not sure what that is but yeah those will last for a month which is awesome so thank you very much G portal for for handing those off to me I think somebody was just recently in here cuz all the drops are gone let's go check the other spots this one over here it looks like there's one here umm and then I've also got some codes from arc as well I reached out to the devs and they handed me off some code so I've got a Genesis season pass code which is worth like 30 bucks for PC and one for Xbox they didn't get me one for ps4 so I don't have one and then they also gave me two codes for art just the straight-up game itself so even just donating the smallest amount will get you into this draw so you could potentially win something worth way more money than you donated to a good cause so it's a win win is what I'm trying to say so yeah whip out those wallets guys oh man I was meaning to stream this yesterday by the way what was I gonna say there I got distracted there I was gonna stream this yesterday but their site kept getting ddos because some lowlife [ __ ] decided hey we're gonna ddos a charity site I was a really really dumb move by them and honestly I hope those people suffer in some way cuz it's just so [ __ ] up but yeah thankfully they can manage to get it back online but I don't even know what those types of people yeah I don't even understand their mindset right there that's really really weird hey Jim I just noticed you Jim without that wallet man oh hey dude well yeah I was planning and streaming this yesterday and it was kind of unfortunate that I just didn't want to stream if if it wouldn't you know if you guys couldn't donate so yeah let me just the stream kind of lacking a little bit let me know seems to be did you see that meola one the GPU oh did he I actually tuned out of there stream a few minutes ago I didn't notice that that's awesome oh man I'd say he probably has a better GPU than they have so he might end up actually telling them to throw that back in but that's awesome where is Ultima dark I've already touched on this in several community posts but I'm taking a little break from the series and forgive me but it's just mainly because I want my sanity basically the series just takes a lot of time to do and I'm just kind of not very motivated right now I just kind of want to focus on some other things but I will get back to it don't you worry doing game I'd love to play that I'd love to play it but it just requires a lot of like preparation and I didn't really do that I so unorganized what are my thoughts on the lunar biome oh my god I'm gonna have a video of this go up after so like after the stream you guys can check that out it's the footage of like the lunar biome and the space whale and oh my god that stuff looks amazing do we all just appreciate the fact that this DLC looks like has so much stuff oh I'm so excited I really am I see so many people [ __ ] on wild card like Oh money hungry and stuff like that but like if the game's gonna survive they got to make DLCs and they're definitely not trying to grab your cash because this DLC seems to be just gigantic and has so much stuff in it as well so yeah I'm really excited for everything to do with the new DLC and I've done a bunch of videos you can go watch those after so what does your what's your opinion wait what would your opinion be on taming the elementra and that you're flying on these things are the only fly of the I guess the only flyable creature the only flying creature that you're able to tame here on this server because I didn't really want the server to have like a focus on fliers but I did want there to be one so the lie mantra is tamable I haven't tamed one on here yet this isn't mine I think I don't know if this is anybody's but um I haven't tamed it myself so well we'll wait and see if if I manage to tame one at some point but I hear they're pretty easy to tame they just take a while unless you have kibble any modded series planned nothing more than really what you see I really don't like those giant modded series like with the ridiculous looking creatures and stuff I don't know I feel like it's just the exact same thing except it's got a different name on it like I'm not [ __ ] on the developers or anything the not the developers the mod devs but I really don't it doesn't piqued my interest very much at all and I get bored with it I've tried to do a couple little series and I end up just not using the footage because it's just awful so yeah I see a couple donations coming in thanks very much guys again there's a link down below if you want to check out the fundraising page anything helps I mean like it's tax-deductible as well which is great and you're gonna be entered into a giveaway by just by just actually donating so that's awesome any amount helps oh my god that was a really good drop damn dude we got some really awesome things here this is crazy let's see by the way did you I noticed this uh just there and I heard about it last night oh I'm gonna poop on this person get pooped on oh my god I just got a bully this person with my moth dust enemy ac-130 inbound no please no please don't I'm so sorry okay we're gonna date what are they doing here good gonna fly way that was awesome oh there's plants over there Jesus yeah almost like flew right into that stuff okay that enemy ac-130 joke is that we're talking about the other day in our tribe it's awesome alrighty so Justin I don't think the donations are popping up on screen like I have to completely turn my head to see OBS so I don't think that's working unfortunately I should have tried to set that up beforehand um but I will read out some donations here while we're gaining some stem so before the whole stream and everything started we got a hundred dollar donation from Bret Atwood thank you very much he's one of my patrons as well we got a hundred dollars from Fox as well and we got a hundred dollars from an anonymous person as well and then let's see oh did that okay hang on let's see all right and then we have we have $25 from kotone Katonah thank you very much oh we got some NPC Hut's here let's go read these we got $25 from destroyer friends and we got $10 from Dylan oh my god I was not even watching where are these NPCs there he is okay they're trying to bolo my things and knock me out get knocked out we go oh my god my mouth is on fire you ass they're just targeting my bot that person's dead where's the other person there got'em I think we got them all whoo um all right let's let's take a little look at some of the loot here okay cool grab all that I am thirsty I don't know how long I've been thirsty let's check out their bodies nothing really potato's cool and some lemons all right let's eat those potatoes my lifeblood all right what do we got in here oh we do have a crate nice and sweet all right let's get out of here what does I thought I saw something on the ground all right we'll read out some more donations here guys again there's plenty of giveaways if you want to donate anything helps and you'll be entered in immediately by just donating and I'll hand out those prizes after the stream you'll get like a message through the Extra Life thing and I think you'll get an email when you if you do get if you do win a prize so that's awesome anyway so we just said thanks to Dylan oh god how do you pronounce that Mira's wisely I don't it's not a Dave that I've never heard that a before I don't know how you pronounce it but thank you very much for $5 we got Husky gamer dog gave 5 as well and he says eat we got an anonymous $10 donation thank you we got 25 from Hex 100 from Miss Stokes we got 5 from Ethan and let's scroll up again we got 10 from Julius he says for the kids keep doing or keep up the charity stream routing from Germany thank you very much dude we got 25 from Jeffrey we got 2 from Petra or pet pet yeah I think uh I'm not sure we got 5 from Jessie 25 from Christopher one from hammer hammer time we got two from Harrison one for Anna one from an anonymous we got five from God how do you pronounce that Rev I'll oh it's so bad let's see and I ran out of stab of course I did oh man we got 10 from con man he's a con man but he gave two money to charity so that's really good we got one from Max and oh we got 25 from Jim I assume we already have a server Jim okay yeah no Jim doesn't want it with the giveaway I get it Jim thank you very much Jim oh my god thank you everybody who's donated so far so far on the fundraiser we've raised eleven hundred and twenty two dollars so keep that up guys ah there's a freaking vulture dude get pooped on does that work no it did not let's just get out of here all right I'll have a little look at the chat here now being kind of ignoring it what's the deck at Podesta day I'm so sorry I'm so sorry it's a lovely name I'm gonna name my first non-existent child that I'm so sorry thank you very much though ah I got stuck in a tree like looking at chat I'm so bad at streaming this is why I don't do it oh you you guys want to see something cool sue Mallard which is one of my tribe mates decided to make the Church of the - I can show that off I'm not gonna show off the castle much cuz yeah but yeah let's check out the Church of the - let's see you you're good okay cool so this is like a little pathway here it's probably gonna be changed up at some point I think this is the Church of the - this is where we come to to worship our Gallimimus overlord the only true Lord so it's really nice very aesthetic so let's let's check out the inside first for some reasons there's some cages here I think that's where the priests put their little boys I'm not sure and right here we've got a syntax statue just a floating statue that's naked which is amazing and then we've got what geek gamer girl Pia and owl wings trough water nice okay so we're gonna probably get a hold like a little wedding here at some point maybe we'll see we might invite everybody on the server to come to see a wedding let's let's go back out here let's check out this part here so we got a sign says only kinky priest D boys allowed winky face and this seems to be a little bondage chamber or something the priests I guess are kind of kinky this is cool I don't know what those strange liquids are but yeah who do we got right here we got Rosie she's just chilling in her bed with the priest and we've got I think this is Mallard up here so that's very nice very very cool he doesn't have anything on him does he okay good cuz somebody could easily get in here and steal all this stuff alright let's get out of here so yeah that's the Church of the - where we come to worship very very nice alright let's let's see dude do we have any more donations we got one more gizmo's on his mote gizmo son gizmo son maybe thank you very much you donated 50 - that's awesome shout out to kids no son if that's how you pronounce your name I'm so sorry I'm terrible at it alright let's see what do we get we got tons of stuff from all those things I'm gonna drop some of that back and we're gonna read some chat here how do you donate there's a link in the description down below you can go ahead and just click that and donate any any amount we'll get you into the giveaways and it's also going to a really good cause as well and if you play on official servers the more money that gets donated the higher the rates on official servers cuz wild card is like upping rates and everything which is awesome so yeah it helps out charity it helps out the people unofficial who spend their days collecting everything and just in general it's it's a really good cause and you get entered into giveaways I mean it's a win win win win win you know let's see let's go ahead and just dump all this crap in here I'm gonna keep the pistol bullets on me and I'm gonna dump the rest of it we've got a lot of ammo it's kind of ridiculous it's it really is crazy let's see let's dump the colors in here you guys got any questions let me know um we got resources going here as pop those in there I'm just gonna dump that in there for the moment I can hear somebody behind me we got that we got I'm just gonna dump that in there for the moment as well and I'm gonna keep that and can we dump this in here yes we got space what is this I think just little things go ahead and dump the blueprints in here more thing castle looks sick thank you very much I'll show it off in greater detail in an upcoming video at some point but I've done a bunch of videos they just haven't been released yet so just the way the things go sea meets going there vegetables going here Bam Bam and I'll put honey in there too awesome that can go in here oh my god I got so much crap on me damn some of those drops are nice but like it just takes a couple minutes to like fix up my inventory after and I'll put everything back pretty much but I think we're mostly done one more thing to do [Music] hey Eddie things are going great we're just raising money for charity if you got a couple bucks on you there's a link down below um let's see is more ultimate are coming I mentioned this a few minutes ago we will be putting up moral - Murdoch I'm just taking a small break on it because I'm just a little bit unmotivated but it will come back to me don't worry it's not quit I'm not quitting at all I would never do that that would be dumb I don't commit to things like that and then quit ignoring the valkira series no I don't think that was a massive commitment but I quit that serious cuz I wasn't really enjoying it at all but with the older my dark stuff I am enjoying it I just a little bit unmotivated right now but I'll get back there guys don't worry let's go ahead and it's not a white or a yellow I think it's a white drop let's head over there and grab that and then maybe we'll run around quell some stuff or something I don't know what type of computer do I have it's I mean it's not really like a tie it's okay it's super Opie with like really really good stuff in it but you got also remember that it's like a rendering machine as well for me so like I would post my stats and everything but I wouldn't really want somebody to go ahead and and pick up everything and basically rebuild my PC when they don't need it to be that powerful so I think my PC was like almost 10 K so I don't know you don't you don't need something that Opie at all but I think some of my stats are there might be a link down below that you can click on or I don't think I think I took that out of the description for this one but um there's like a link if you click on another one of my videos you'll find a link that will lead you to a page that or maybe Heather atro could post it it will lead you to a page that you can find some of my computer stuff but yeah anyway I can hear what is that just that a Dillo let's fly away quick all right we're good we're good see do you have any more donations coming in we got I think we got another one a few minutes ago got one from Alex he sent five I just bought a PC to make the switch from Xbox so I don't have a lot but hopefully this helps oh my gosh ran out of stamina again thank you very much Alex that's awesome and I hope you enjoy your new PC cuz oh it's a massive upgrade from the console deed you're gonna love it uh-oh stupid NPCs I can't do much can I fly away I can't a little bit let me put them off over here and I'll try to kill those guys alright hello nice headshots on them it seems to be the way to go by the way it's really really effective I can leave all their crap on them and let's reload the pistol we got one dollar from Chase and we got 25 from Kimba Lina have you pronounce it I'm so bad I'm so sorry but thank you very much of the videos keep it up Oh what oh no we lost megaliths arrows that sucks so yeah see we got 15 from oh god you have to numbers and stuff in it wait der stadt we're there Stefan I think I don't know I hate when people put numbers in their username but thank you very much ten fifteen that's awesome so far how much have we raised twelve eighteen awesome guys keep it up yeah if we raised 100k I'll do a face reveal how's that huh and before there's some like millionaire here and I mean it would be it would be good for charity but I would like to have to do that I'll stick to my words though if we raise 100k during this stream I'll totally do that I will totally do that but we're not gonna get there so impossible goals their staff like Bill Gates might be watching you never know he's being not he's been harassing me in my DMS looking for face reveals and I'm I was like bill dude come on need to stop this okay God why am i it's not even funny all right let's see um let's let's land up here and gain some stamina you know what I don't know whose moth this is but I'm just gonna level Stan because I want to my mouth now let's see you like the middle and that medieval arc awesome dude yeah I'm really enjoying it as well I'm really happy with the way that the server turned out and it's a pretty active server I think there's like before I was logging on I think it's that there was like 36 people playing or something like that so that's awesome maybe more people are online right now because I'm streaming I'm not sure but um yeah everybody's really enjoying it and there's hopefully gonna be some awesome content out of here along with a lot of fun um but yeah dude everybody's gonna donate their whole life savings aww dude that'd be funny like if we did get to 100k I wouldn't like to have to do it but yeah let's see what oh my god Wow how dare you milord dude pull out your wallet man we got it we got a lovely lovely charity here you can donate to did you imagine like wildcards reaction to finding out that I raised more money for 4 extra lives than them that would be really funny I feel bad though like overshadowing like Bill Gates might be in here you never know what are we at donation wise we just got we got another 25 from conman thank you very much dude we got a 50 from anonymous so that sets us at 1293 that is awesome guys oh and we just got another 25 from MIMO awesome thank you very much dude you guys are all really awesome and again if you do donate even if it's just like a few dollars you're gonna get entered into giveaways that are worth more money than you donated so you could potentially win something nice but you're also helping out charity win win win win win like there's no there's no there's nothing more than giant benefits from doing this let's see can I a maneuver around all right we got six grenades from that dude that's awesome maybe we can use those and read some NPC Hut's or something let's see is there any around here oh oh is that an Alfa Rex oh I think it might be yeah that's an alpha Rex all right I don't know if I have enough ammo to take that thing down but maybe if my tribe guys want to help out with that Alfa Rex outside or out front of black each come the help awesome maybe they can come help me take that thing out and we could do that on the stream that would be awesome let's see we got to fight those stupid bugs that are attacking us whoever don't have a hike or anything and the moth can't attack all right let's sprinkle some fairy dust on this on this alpha Rex and take it down there we go this is how it works ac-130 boom casualties everywhere Alfa Rex she's never gonna be the same oh man let's see let's land down here what are you gonna do another cluster video on aberration I'm not sure I'm usually like with the cluster videos I'm usually kind of holding off on doing stuff that I'm doing during the ultimate arc series like if I when I was on scorched earth I held off from doing all of the Scorch stuff on the cluster series because I just don't want to have the same kind of content side-by-side so once I'm done with ultimate Arcana raishin and then it's been a little bit I'll probably hit up the the what do you call it I can't even think I've probably hit up the operation map on the cluster there we go words do I have an Instagram I do indeed you can check it out there's probably a link down below I remove some links from the description just so there was more focused on the charity links but you should still be able to find it have I seen the new lunar biome yes I do there's or yes I have there's gonna be a video on that after the stream see ok maybe we'll like shoot it a little bit or something mouth is on passive means should moths be on anything but passes maybe passively but because they can't they can't attack anything really dumb what country do I live in I live in Ireland and I live in Dublin in Ireland in case anybody's curious born and raised alright why are there guns in the medieval series it's kind of like medieval ish is really what I'm going for hey that's kind of what I'm going for but it's not completely medieval um let's see this person wants to be dusted you want some dust there you go it will heal that rash up into the dust bro well yeah that's why there's guns it's kind of like medieval ish you know to an extent not completely medieval oh we got a rhino here nice face reveal please yeah we'll do a face reveal if we raise 100k on this stream during the stream not after awful pancake you really shouldn't like compared people to other people in their stream obviously my people are gonna be more they're gonna support me more if they're gonna be like me well yeah don't don't break up other youtubers to try comparing stuff that's not cool and them for me really so yeah see uh well yeah I read that one how old am i I'm gonna be 25 in like three weeks which is gonna be awesome so yeah there's that yeah turning 25 on the 23rd of November it's my dad's birthday today actually shout-out to my dad he's a 56 alright nice did I get some levels from that I better alright let's see what do we got we get okay I think Mallard probably took the stuff awesome okay when is the next ultimate arc not sure again I've already spoken on that a couple times why do you why you live in Ireland don't talk in Ireland don't talk English I don't know what you're trying to say there buddy are you saying that Irish people don't speak English because we definitely do breath all right let's read out some donations here we got a couple more again guys donate there's a link down below even just a few bucks it helps out and it's awesome so far we've raised 1368 which is amazing so let's read out a couple more oh god some of you guys have like really difficult to real to read names wait Alderaan Alderaan is that Alderaan is that is that with a u or an A is is that Alderaan Alderaan I don't know well yeah Alderaan thank you very much for the $2 have to or have to even it out awesome what's been uneven dude so make sure you get back on that we got seven from vaping Bryce sent eleven but we did our extra life event yesterday 24-hour board game marathon do that sounds incredible dude oh my god I'm sure that went down well I I can't I can't do the 24 hours it just ruins me but um yeah that's awesome let's see we got 25 from Hillary and we got 5 from what the hell's that say joyously joy joy joy oh I can't pronounce that thank you anyway uh let's see will you play Ark mobile I have tried it and didn't really like it see there's nothing to chat for me right cool I just I'm just not a big fan of Ark specifically on a mobile I know probably a lot of people have fun with it I just I don't think I could ever really play that seriously I had blah blah I can't even speak I'd um play a couple games on my phone though or I guess my more my iPad I've been playing a couple of older games that I used to have and that they got updated recently and really re-released like mini Gore and the hook champ video or hook champ hook champ games those were great but yeah i was playing a good bit of that in canada which was awesome sebastian i am 25 and three weeks on the 23rd apparently I'm 24 yeah it's kind of crazy turning 25 though I'm gonna be like in my mid-twenties I still don't even feel that old God um we got 25 from Stila dawn excellent on thank you very much dude that's awesome I'm butchering your names but like I hope you know that I do still appreciate it oh man let's you know what let's actually go ahead and stop here for a little bit uh I see a couple people asking about the Genesis creatures I'll probably do like another video when maybe tomorrow or something just kind of summarizing like everything that they that they put out because so far it put out all the promos and stuff and they talked about them a little bit and I went ahead and like just basically put that stuff out but I haven't really given my full thoughts and opinions on everything so I want to do that tomorrow I would say but I'm the blood stalker I feel like that one is now kind of my favorite I don't really know I the so far everything I've seen is just incredible and these creatures just seem to be so awesome and just pushing the limits of like what we've what we would be able to do in the game like the blood stalker looks incredible I can't wait to try that thing out we've got a couple more donations we got ten from salty we got we got ten from salty we got two from t reckt t wax we got two again you did you did good on the name Alderaan okay cool I didn't realize thanks very much again we got five from an anonymous person oh he just got another one we got five from a mystery Raven he subject love your videos keep up the good work love from Denmark awesome I should visit Denmark at some point I want to go to like Sweden and stuff Heather and I will probably end up going there at some point we'll probably hit up like a couple different places there but yeah that's awesome I've never been there I have been to Norway though Norway it was awesome I went skiing there when I was like 17 with my school so it was kind of like a school trip like a school ski trip which is awesome there is a horse here hmm hey let's see well yeah that was awesome I keep saying awesome but it truly was awesome I loved skiing it was so fun got a horse there somebody's raft oh you should create an Xbox server I don't have Xbox or Playstation servers I don't have Xbox servers because gee portal there they don't host Xbox right now I'm like wildcard and Microsoft and everything has an exclusive deal with Intrado so unfortunately they don't have access to is that somebody by the drop I think that it is they don't have access to the what do you call them the Xbox servers but if they did I might try it out at some point but I did have PlayStation servers at one point and that didn't really turn out that well cuz they were kind of a little bit dead after a little while somebody stole that drop for me how dare you I'm gonna come for you whoever you are whose stuff is this actually but maybe at some point we got Joshua's stuff there who's this over here uh who's this and then there's another little thing there's so many little shacks and stuff around here it's crazy let's see Jodi send thirty-eight thank you very much let's see what are we at now we're at fourteen fifty five that's awesome I actually have a goal of 3k guys so if we could possibly get to that or close to that that will be awesome I will say if we can get to if we can get to 3k if we can get to my goal of 3k I will donate another 500 I've already don't I donated 500 when I like set up the event and stuff so I'll donate another 500 if we can get you three case so it's gonna bring us up to 3,500 and that's gonna be incredible so yeah let's get you there I want to spend this money you guys need to help me you got Husky gamer gave another one another dollar thank you very much um let's see is there anything over here perhaps some NPCs to raid hello allo you're all by your lonesome won a load that's kind of strange maybe the other ones died what is your actual name Steven with a pH which is the correct way of spelling it how many people were watching the stream Oh - dude we got like over a thousand that's awesome and how many people have donated looks to be around 40 guys I'm seeing a little bit of a you know come on guys it's for charity even if you've only got like a few dollars I think the minimum that you can donate is $1 so if that's all you have that would still be awesome and it goes through the good cause and again keep saying it giveaways gee portal servers five of them to giveaway to season pass codes for Genesis one for PC one for Xbox and I also have two codes for Ark the game so you're gonna be entered into a draw for all this stuff and you can only win one prize of course but you have potential for winning a prize even just for sending on a small amount let's see Oh what body went all over the place dude okay let's take this nice let's see if anybody built in this little cave in here um nobody's built in here good see I think I mentioned it before in a video but uh I said it's so cave damaged it's just an incredible amount it's by a thousand it's usually six times but on this server it's by a thousand to stop people from wanting to build in caves basically we just we want castles on the server so that's like a way to force people to do that so if somebody was to build in there you're actually allowed to raid them without having to declare war or anything like that because on this server you got to declare war if you want to raid a tribe um so yeah if you if you want to go ahead and if you find somebody's building in a cave you could just raid it you don't have to get permission you don't have to do anything you could just rate it or you could just tell the admins about it and we can admin destroy it or tell them to move it or whatever so that's really awesome let's see let's pick up some carrots while we're here if there are some we gotta watch out for those aloes though that's kind of dangerous are you gonna donate to team trees I probably well yeah I haven't donated yet but I won't make a big thing about it guys sometimes I kind of just donate to these things and don't really like to make a big deal out of it cuz it's not really I don't know just need to be a big deal but the team trees thing is awesome I do like mr. beast he's a really good guy um I like what he's doing like he's different from all these other very large hype youtubers where you know they're just scumbags really but mr. B seems to be genuine which is awesome I like the stuff I watch some of them I can't get through some of it because some of it's a little bit cringy in my opinion but uh I guess my videos are too let's drop those into the moth I don't know if he eats those or not let's see [Music] yeah let's see oh there any like NPC huts around at all it seems to be it that there's like a lack of them right now I don't really see too many at all hmm let's go up around this way maybe maybe we can find some let's see let's read out a couple more donations CPM Kendrick sent 10 way to go syntek thanks for doing what you're we're thanks for doing what you do thank you dude thank you for the ten we got five from Phoenix you should play with naked Zombo yeah I mean we did like a Minecraft thing I wasn't Anthony I kind of set it up but that was awesome um I did invite naked Zombo to something but it didn't he was busy one time so maybe at some point we could do something together I think he's phasing out of kind of doing arcs though so I don't know if you'll be too interested in going back but um yeah we'll see he's a good guy got a 162 Equus I my team that should we tame that should we tame that oh my god two hundred and fifty dollars from Brian Potter dude that is awesome you are you are a true hero dude that is amazing everybody hype and chat for Brian that is awesome guys that right there is awesome thanks very much dude you're doing you're doing a really good thing right there thank you so much that's awesome you didn't even write anything oh man god I got so many awesome people in my community you guys are amazing just got to say that's that's awesome but even though that's like a huge amount we can't we can't not appreciate the five that's down cool also sent thanks very much dude and then oh we got 50 from metal girl I'll read out that message in a second let me just kill this NPC awesome that person's gonna be eaten by a scorpion there may be I don't think the scorpions hungry that is amazing yeah look at all that hype in the chat for Brian it's without the Y but yeah oh man let's see haste attack it's my birthday and I've got a lot of money and I don't need all of it oh that is so sweet thank you very much you're doing a really good thing happy birthday metal girl everybody happy birthday to metal girl in the chat there we got one from Zhen Qi Zhen Qi maybe thank you very much I don't know hood for that's that again I will tell you I am dyslexic but I'm not that bad I've just also I feel like in general I'm super bad at pronouncing things but I don't think that has anything to do with my dyslexia cuz I'm like not really I'm like on the border of not even having it apparently well yeah oh man let's see yeah what are we at right now we are at 17 77 that is awesome guys that's incredible let's keep it going come on all the happy birthday is a jet oh man let's see yeah something like welcome lazy welcome anybody who's joined in the last while yeah just welcome welcome to the to the arc channel that's really what it is at this stage it is the arc channel so many people are like quitting the game and not doing as much content anymore but I'm I'm still happy to do it oh man we got 250 we got sorry not to $52.50 from the helping hand - thank you very much she helped out a huge amount thank you dude what level am I am i level 80 yet I'm so close not really actually I'm pretty far away let's see it's pronounced Zhen Qi awesome I think I got that right then whose stuff is this Dark Knight's cool um let's see about your dad's birthday is today he's 60 that's awesome my dad turned 56 today happy birthday to both our dads oh man okay oh cool we got five again from Dylan I already donated for this cause alternate again I would like to donate more my work doesn't start till February so I'm low on money dude that's awesome thank you for just ending anything that really helps out I love doing this type of stuff I wish I could do this stuff more but um I know at the same time it's it's kind of hard to like ask your community for a helping hand but it is awesome whenever I do this stuff you guys are really really just out there to help out and that's amazing so thank you but let's see let me read some more chat we got Jim still in the chat you may have been writing a couple things Jim but you know how I am really bad at reading the chat love you Doug let's see when I get older I will get a job and donate too I mean yeah maybe maybe by then we'll still be doing we'll still be doing a couple charity stuff live streams and everything we'll see but uh thanks even just for considering it oh man kill Diplo's four levels yeah I guess we could I mean hmm the issue is is that I gotta I gotta kill them with my pistol because the moth doesn't do damage so yeah kind of an issue I mean I could just whack away at it with my hatchet for a while but uh Jude Brandon killing Diplo's is wrong Bert yeah killing Diplo's is wrong there Tasi literally says their attack is friendship I mean yeah but they still SWAT you around it doesn't hurt you or your teams but they're really annoying I one thing that I wish they would change is the dip low though I really don't like the creature you got a silo around here hello would you like some magic powder no uh-uh we had to land what's your favorite Pokemon Jolteon favorite Pokemon I got a Jolteon um like kind of like metal poster thing in my office here Heather got it for me last year um but yeah Jolteon it's my favorite Pokemon I love it let's see let's go over this way hey you know what actually maybe let's head down to the desert we could do some stuff down there check it out let's head down to the desert it's gonna be a long trip though so I'll read out some chat what is what is after the map on ultimate Ark you mean after aberration it's gonna be extinction and then extinction it's gonna be Genesis part 1 and that's gonna be amazing I can't wait for that where is Ultima dark like I said on the community post on my channel and a couple times in the stream you might not have heard there's gonna be just a little break on Ultima dark for me to just gather back my motivation to continue so yeah that's basically it let's see um we might try to fly like a little low here just in case I'm not watching and I end up like falling to my death they don't have parachutes hello is that an NPC Hut or an actual persons Hut okay it's an actual hut is this a trap hut feel like it might be this might be a trap it might I don't know we were thinking of building a couple little trap Hut's around the police to make it look like an NPC hut do you watch anime not really I guess but like I've I've watched like every single episode of like all the Dragonball sagas or I guess series not really sagas yeah I've watched all Dragon Ball Dragon Balls awesome I've watched a couple others but like I'm not insanely into that stuff well yeah Dragon Ball is amazing I love Dragon Ball so much I've got a poster of Goku in Super Saiyan in my office as well I think I probably had pictures the pictures of this stuff on my Instagram if you want to check that stuff out there's probably a link to that down below you got a rhino line on the server I totally will I know the other guys in my tribe are already pushing ahead and they already have all this stuff but I'm not really gonna be using it until I get it oh my god 175 Galli that is amazing we got a pearl avi a chasing NPC dude maybe or was an actual human you're like that's an actual human is it it might be I don't know if it is or not oh no it's just a NPC dude let's head up there and see if we can get the stuff that they may have had what are your thoughts on the ark lore I love the ark lore I think it's really awesome like very in-depth story and it's very well thought out as well which is really cool no NPC Hut's appear a oh dude are you kidding whoa well first of all let me read we got fire from echo and we got two hundred and fifteen dollars from j-rod that is awesome dude two hundred and fifteen dollars is incredible you're awesome suck keep it up no you are awesome j-rod dude that's awesome thank you very much it's for really good cause and again like any donation will help out I know a couple people are donating quite a lot which is really very much appreciated but anything at all will help out if you don't have much but I thank you very much j-rod ac-130 inbound oh man then we got no thanks you can j-rod that's awesome we got ten from Johan uh hoping to get to 100k I don't think the 100k dream will happen but you guys could always hope that is awesome thanks very much to you and then we got 50 from Christina hope you reach your goal thank you very much Christina very much appreciated oh man what are we at now guys we are at 2065 that is amazing so dance for this person wait now I was gonna dance for you would you like some fairy dust yes please enjoy it will heal up that rash he'll be fine all right let's head off to the desert here we see any NPCs I don't think so you're like at this stage everybody's hunting them down quite a lot so they're probably constantly dying in every single area and being raided duty we hit 5k can we get an Xbox server I mean like I just like it we don't even really have means to support something like that but yeah sorry guys they won't there probably won't be an Xbox server or a plate or a Playstation server like I did have them in the past but they just weren't very active and I know a lot of people probably say yeah but just make a new one and it will be active but after a while it will probably not be active so I don't know I'll probably just stick to the PC servers for now it's at least I can actually play on them we got one dollar from Jeevan Jevon Jeevan maybe I'm not sure thank you very much dude very much appreciated you are awesome and let's see yeah now I think somebody asked about how much we'd have to get you to get a face reveal and it's 100k so currently we're at just over 2000 there we're almost there guys 100 thousand is what we need before the end of this stream to call up Bill Gates or whatever maybe Elon is around I don't know stop here for some stem oh if we can okay let's see level some stamina on this lime and tree let's see could you do a group season with your friends on Genesis yeah there's gonna be a server that a couple of my friends are you probably gonna be playing on for Genesis would be doing like a ton of videos on there and everything and then after a while there's gonna be a Genesis map being added to the cluster series which is gonna be fun burping and and then eventually after a few more months there's gonna be a Genesis map or a Genesis I guess part of the saga of ultimate Ark which is gonna be cool there's a couple NPCs around here let's hit up this Hut if we can a few mantis though and I feel like that one's just a grown on me oh it totally did let's fly over here [Music] I can't read your name cuz it's in Chinese but thank you very much dude for the 25 hope team China stops throwing weight oh god these guys are like right here let me just kill this guy hope team China stops throwing in overwatch World Cup yeah I didn't well so they're like some sort of drama about that recently oh man well thanks very much dude are you much appreciated look at that snipe right there these things are insane got'em yeah see do you have anything good on you I'll take those that's nice we're getting oh no okay we're okay this is it thala dude no don't steal my stuff oh yeah thanks very much for the 25 I'm gonna be bringing mystique back I don't know we will see we'll do some style mutations well that's just rude hey have you donated to the charity yet oh this is the better donation than anything thank you oh let me I had a pistol so I guess he would've wanted to try to kill me oh man let's see you're gonna wait for this thing to be gone Oh what was that oh cool we got a new supporter thanks Caleb what are you already supporter I feel like you might have been feel like you might have been either that or you super chatter I feel like I recognized that name if not well then thank you very much um what's that over there that the foul dude rah all right let's sit over here thanks very much Caleb you can get your supporter role if you talk to my moderators in my discord what oh yeah thanks very much you see we have any more donations popping in here ac-130 inbound love that that Julius says that right there thanks very much Julius for the five let's see oh we got a another lot of NPCs over here the desert seems to be great for these guys oh look another Hut just appeared amazing look at them just building up really quick yeah the ac-130 joke is something that I heard in my tribe the other day we're trying to think of like a good name for our new moth and I think it was like a joke about that I can't remember the exact context of it there we go the things dead all right see go ahead and try to kill some of these guys here I missed the headshot Oh another Hut maybe I should just sit here and wait I missed the headshot again Adam uh let's see let's pull you with me head over and maybe kill this guy here oh dude that was an awesome headshot ton of damage there nothing incredible oh you know what you know what let me take your clothes dude I'll take his clothes because we are in the desert and it's not a good idea for me running around and black in the desert all right cool I gotta take off my flak helmet as well let's go ahead and kill this guy it'll look for a cloth what are they called there we go desert cloth hat sweet that's gonna help me out a little bit out here all right let's Rob from these guys we're rob from these guys let's steal from these guys check it speak we got some bugs right there eaten up dude um all righty by the way like I said guys if we can get to the if we can get to like 3k on the donations i will donate another 500 so uh yeah let's keep it going guys let's keep this ball rolling thanks very much to anybody who has donated it goes through really good cause and you're awesome but anybody who's even just tuning in as well it even if you might be spreading the word or something like that thanks as well tell your friends and family to come to the stream take out their wallets let's see okay I love running around with like a pistol with the with the sight on it it's really awesome like with the scope they're like fun I don't know why it's just I feel like it like a secret agent or something I kind of want to put a silencer on as well but I don't think I can um everybody tweet mr. beast so he donates well she got us to 100k so I get I do a face reveal I wouldn't be very happy if it happened because I don't want to do that but I would be happy because it's for a good cause so if that happens then sure I'll do it for sure let's tweet out a couple more we got 10 from Jamie we got what did you say my first ever stream donation in tech oh that just moved away cuz somebody else donated C syntax do some awesome builds with the castles and keeps mod really of what you've done in the past thank you very much Jamie and yeah will totally be doing a bunch of stuff at some point let's hang out here do a little dance for them though get on the moth let's get away oh man yeah I'll be doing a couple castles and keeps type stuff on here we've already kind of built up a bit of a castle but I'll probably do some on cam at some point let me just take a little bit of a drink here oh man God throw it's gone all dry alright we're actually super heavy here might drop the cannonballs let's drop another ac-130 here ac-130 inbound you guys want some cannonballs I can't carry them they're super heavy enjoy make sure you donate to the charity stream bye awesome we got another one from G van and then we got five from oh god how do you pronounce that well lead maybe well lead is that how you say that name pronounce that name is that how it's spelt I'm not sure but thank you very much for the 5 I love your videos bro nice to see you're helping out a good cause keep up the good work yeah it's no bother at all I like doing this type of stuff helps out some people who definitely need it and it doesn't really you know this really cost me much more than a couple hours of my time which is easy to just hand away but yeah thanks very much for the five what are we sitting at right now we're sitting at 2112 awesome guys keep it up we're almost there to the 3k mark kind of let's keep going oh man dan can you get a moth army I mean a moth army really isn't a thing a moth squadron yes that is possible we could do like a giant air strike with moths I think that will be hilarious go ahead and gamma down cuz it's getting a little bit bright here all right just unfollowing you for the moment and let's deal the stuff amazing and we're gonna peace there from there so many NPC Hut's in the desert it's crazy God let's see we got a green drop we can go head for I can't pick up desert drops yet pretty close to getting to like getting to level 80 to be able to open them but soon I'll be able to do that they don't have super o P loot on them but they do have ammo and stuff which is great 99 case in tech it's the stream that would be kind of hilarious that would be oh man oh hey k just became a supporter thanks K it's been a while how are you man we have be kind of funny actually if I yeah if I did that the stream at like 99 K it's like inching up to 100 K it's like Oh bye guys I have to go oh I don't think we're gonna get anywhere near that oh they'd never expect something like that but it'd be kind of funny let's see nice we got a ghillie chest piece I'm shackle cool alright is there any more drops or anything maybe we can hit up some more NPC dudes fight them I have been kind of ignoring chat a little bit I'm sorry guys let's see you just open that up sweet tbj dropping in with a hot $5 thanks dude it's been a while how are you um how much to donate to get config files of your cluster series I can't find it I don't have that anywhere it god it's not even anything like incredible or anything it's basically just normal arc settings really pretty similar to the ultimate arc settings where and how well thanks very much TVJ and it is 100 K no I'm just kidding I don't really know I'm probably not really gonna put them anywhere they're pretty similar to the ultimate arc settings which are in the first episode of that series they're just you know obviously not as Opie alright oh let's see oh my god Chris coming in with the ten are there any Greg's in your server any trolling on that on that sketch or any throwing on the schedule I feel like were you there last year with the Greg thing we had like a thing where we found a guy called Greg and we just started chanting Greg at him like Greg Greg Greg Greg and it was hilarious I feel like I feel like that's a bit of a callback there dude no trolling on this here but I have recorded a pretty funny video I don't know if I want to talk about it too much hmm yeah I'm not gonna talk about it too much it's coming up in a few days hopefully I have a pretty funny like on trolling video a little bit but it's it's comedic and everything and some there's ups and downs and mess ups and everything you know me but um yeah that did happen and that was pretty fun so that would be coming up in a few days hopefully but nothing on the stream right here we got fifty dollars from an anonymous thank you very much I will keep your identity hidden let's see we got or we got $10 from Jake should do a gun a gun game stream for team trees maybe or maybe we could just go around collecting wood now that's not a good idea I don't know I don't know if I'll be doing something for team trees um I will probably donate to it maybe in like a few days or something but um I'm not gonna make a big thing out of it though but uh yeah thanks very much guys Jay coming up there with the hot 10 that's awesome currently we're at 20 187 getting pretty close to the 3k mark so we just have just slightly over 800 to go which is amazing thank you very much guys um let's see see let's see let's see anything cool around here like any NPC huts I know people are living in that desert temple don't I don't know if I should go over there though I feel like they may not want that oh man okay coming in here with the 5 sorry not being around miss yeah thanks very much k it's okay it's awesome that you're here now I mean it's the charity stream so it's great that people come now for this one what uh yeah now that's okay see what we got we got so much stuff I'm gonna just drop all the dyes though I would say like we have a lot of dyes back at base so yeah you should change Titan for team trees that's hilarious let's see um I was just reading my Twitter notifications I see a bunch of stuff popping up my phone constantly farce Titan taming for team trees that would be kind of funny actually hmm I'm welcome at the desert temple um oh you know I wasn't even reading any of that stuff trapping manpower we have one lined up okay might come visit in a [ __ ] Islands okay cool awesome alright so we're gonna head up to the highlands now apparently to go kill a alpha wavern I might grab this purple drop before we do that so I'll take some questions and chat if you guys got some BBG I came in with another five dude sorry I couldn't move my mics down I can hardly read any of this stuff this feels much better than donating to trees when team extra lives or I feel like you meant to write something else I'm not sure um yeah I mean like I guess the team trees thing is is like pretty it's pretty big so it's I guess it would be better to donate to this because it's for sick kids and it's a little bit I don't think they're getting as much money as team trees I feel like team fees is gonna get up to that 20k easily or 20 million easily and well past it as well I feel like that stuff is probably gonna happen like every year or something like that which is amazing but um at the same time sick kids are everywhere you know and they definitely need to help as well gonna grab some sulfur while we're here cuz I don't know you know if we have very much of this stuff let's see oh yeah I said I'd take some questions in chat and then I never did this intact your last name I'm gonna let you guess it's obviously died my last name is Mick taco obviously let's see somebody asked about my age I am gonna be turning 25 in about three weeks on the 23rd so in 20 days I'm gonna turn 25 wait for this got a $1 donation from my face is white and black interesting name are you bald syntax no I'm not bald I actually have a have a really nice amount of hair I got a full head of hair dude I'm just 25 um I know obviously people can go bald before their thirties hopefully that's not gonna happen to me and I imagine it's not considering my dad still has a full head of hair so yeah that's awesome I'm gonna keep this this chitin armor cuz that's quite good let's see what can we drop though do trees of the future true but still you know the tree thing is still a good cause but but still let's see I'm gonna drop the carrot seeds we're not gonna need those five shards which is nice this is kind of the currency on here I've got a mod author making cool mod where we're gonna have like a little syntax shop and there's gonna be a bunch of stuff that you can buy just gonna be fun Heather please I saw what you just did oh man okay oh sweet we got a fifty dollar donation from Josh thanks to your awesome arc vids thank you very much for your awesome donation towards the extra lies campaign that is awesome dude thank you very much and it's no bother work videos are fun to make I'm glad that people enjoy them we got fired from Lauren I have to donate something from Australia 4 a.m. at the moment oh my god pretty hilarious to see you on a moth yeah everybody's riding around a box on this server because there's no Flyers besides the moth but um yeah thanks very much get some sleep maybe you might need it see oh damn TV Jake coming in here with a hot $40 donation ok that's all I got for today I need the rest of my Bitcoin with tell everyone to buy Bitcoin okay bye lol thanks very much tbj you're all subdued oh man hope you enjoy your bitcoins let's see oh man thanks very much Jim I see posted in the link in chat and all the other mods and everything thanks very much for stopping stopping by and helping out and chat much appreciated alright let's let's head to the High Line oh god that scorpion was coming after me wasn't it let's head to the highlands cuz we got to go there and take down an alpha women which should be fun apparently my guys it's got a trapped I don't know if it's already trapped or not let's see what do they say I got bald actually Richard 26 oh man oh I'm so sorry oh yeah people I mean I there was a guy from it was a guy in my school and he was like balding at 18 it's crazy it's really like it sucks when that happens oh cool we got another $5 donation we're getting patrons here you forgot that I left that notification thing on Thank You Michelle for becoming a patron but if you've got another five or whatever maybe you can donate some here to the extra lives campaign let's see my name is pronounced hua ji hua ji I think yeah is that okay hua ji hua ji or is it hua gee I guess it would be wedgie thank you very much for the 5 my face is white and black donated another one my uncle went bald at 17 dude that is that's not okay that's crazy oh man yeah well I'm happy I have a nice out of here oh let's see oh dude we're where you're like $1 off of 300 that's amazing guys come on man let's whip out those wallets let's get going guys come on we could do it oh man that's amazing all right let's see do it can we drop anything because we're super heavy I'm gonna drop that I'm gonna keep all the sulfur cuz that's useful I'm gonna drop that um oh we have to help that's heavy drop that we can keep we definitely need that Gallimimus egg and I'm gonna hold on to the fungal wood cuz those are important this is important for religious reasons and then this is important for crafting reasons so let's see we got a couple canteens on this I just noticed that we'll get rid of those um what else can we drop you know what I'll drop the chitin armors well I just need to be able to move a little bit quicker I think that helped it's intact your real name no I would not be happy if somebody named their kids syntek my real name is Steven with a pH I feel like this the whole street was turned into like people telling like what age people like got balled out or whatever oh man no face cam yeah no face cam when we get you 100 K if we get to 100k before I end the stream I will do a face reveal Oh be kind of funny a dude on my Instagram so all of you have to follow me there yeah that will be it I'll put my Instagram on private and then and then put it there and then make all you guys follow me on Instagram that's that's how I get you we got a land here that's the Sabre land right here oh my god we got two donations gvj tried to get us up with that last dollar but another donation came in before that thanks very much TV yeah thanks very much TV Jay he says I couldn't resist and then spitting cobra donated the 25 thank you very much dude now we're at 23 25 we're really close to 3k we get to 3k remember i will donate another 500 so we should get to there cuz i want to spend this money you need to help me oh man syn you were seriously so entertaining to listen to when you're playing it loves the commentary well I mean I try experimenting I'm having a lot of fun we're raising money for a good cause we're hanging out we're not doing anything that's too intense which is good because I struggled to pay attention to chat and other things like the charity thing if I was doing something intense we're gonna line down we're gonna go for that green drop and then we're gonna fly over the mountains and hopefully try to get to the highlands soon let's see um anything else that's super heavy I guess you know what these are just gonna oh I nearly ate that even though you're not able to those are kind of heavy heavy heavy those were kind of heavy we're care to those we'll keep these in here now let's see what else is good I'm gonna probably just don't put all that into there dump it all in there for the moment then I'm gonna take back out my bullets cool we got one dollar from brah I want to see your beautiful face attack well you gonna need to donate more than that man thanks very much dude did you mean to write in a hundred thousand instead of one I think maybe we'll wait for your 100,000 won yeah that's right wack alike of the stream listen to Jim oh man helps promote the stream which probably will help more people come here and donate to charity so everybody hit the like button and anybody who hit the dislike button you have no soul this is for charity man what are you doing I really want those drops but they're gonna be gone by the time we get there man yet another patron damn dude who's that James awesome dude make sure that you know you maybe donate a little bit to this thing as well to the little extra live stream currently we're at 23 26 slowing down a good bit what we're still going strong with a good amount of money raised so far so guys keep it up that is awesome to check are you bald I think I already cover that and no got a full head of hair and I'm happy about it let's see look at this moth these things are cool looking I need to get me one of my own need to get like a really awesome one maybe while in like a mod to be able to breed the moths because I think that would be kind of hilarious 110k and facecam please Sutekh yes exactly when we get 200k and then somebody donates another 10k we'll do facecam even though I don't have one - I watched Rick and Morty yes have I have I done references in my videos and stuff maybe I'm not sure I love Rick and Morty it's awesome Morty's really really funny oh and we got Al and again we got three dollars eighty cents from Kayla see thanks for doing the stream for such a good cause keep up the good work thank you very much Kayla for the donation we got another one from bra I can't do that much my mom the head my mom doesn't know I'm doing this well thank you for sneaking money to charity I'm sure your mom would be too annoyed oh man let's see favorite Dino well it's not really a Dino but xyla style is my favorite creature gnarrk and if we're gonna talk about dinosaurs what one's my favorite I really like the t-rex big fan of the t-rex and the Thorazine oh I would say probably t-rex and 13 or are some of my favorite actual dinosaurs but in terms of other creatures that are like not dinosaurs or mammals or anything the Reaper is a really awesome creature I love the reaper rock Drake's are fun for sure mater garmr is awesome I like the basilisk as well I like a lot of creatures in Ark what is this just a random gate there even a bass in here this gate is this whose hers is this their base oh I think I heard that this tribe lived up here maybe oh cool we got a couple more donations here we got 25 from Angela thank you very much we got one oh here's the base actually cool oh damn that's awesome looking booth herders yeah this is a nice face let's check out the rest oh they've got the scion mammoth over there see let's line down here I'm not sure if they have plant species X oh they do I'm not gonna get too close but it looks cool let's go ahead and just take away or hide half thingy there we go so people can see it to me from a distance yeah we got one dollar from X grandma the Smith family okay that's awesome thank you very much yeah we got $3 80 cents from iron waffle it's attack you're an absolute legend love you love you as a contact creator and your personality keep keep on killing it and helping out the kids sorry I'm like super I could hardly even see that I gotta like move that screen right there you want to get pooped on enjoy nice space by the way alright let's head on over here thanks very much iron waffle it's no bother I don't mind doing this you mispronounced my name so I'm donating again to give you another chance is that not how you would have pronounced that Kyla maybe Kyla I guess that he spelled rhythm I think that's how you pronounce or how you spell rhythm maybe we might be right Kyla maybe I assumed it was like kala I don't know why but thanks very much for the other five we got ten from Isis kitty thank you very much currently we're at 23 76 very very close to the 3k guys let's get there I want to spend another 500 I will donate another 500 if we can get to that 3k mark that will be amazing do I have dreadlocks no I am white okay pretty sure if anybody was going around with the dreadlocks they were white that people would not appreciate that also I don't have to hear for dreadlocks no I do not have dreadlocks on my Harris and Sion either see you drop that in there did I write that in the tribe chatter the other one okay let's head on over then do I have the dreadlocks in-game but I don't have it in real life obviously be really weird oh cool whoa whoa look at this what is this here an interesting water-based type thing I don't know what that's supposed to be why is it in the lake interesting like they can't get any sea creatures in here unless they use the fish basket maybe then they could do that actually hmm cuz there's no crime here please wait whose face is this actually I didn't even read it oh cool nice yeah there's tons of bases around here it's an awesome server I'm really enjoying it so far let's see do I donate to him or the website well if you click the link down below that goes it goes from me to the website so it's you're helping to like support my campaign to raise the money but it's not going to me it's going to the website so yeah do that let's see let me take another drink bloated basement maybe 100k dye hair cyan that'd be kind of funny I'm not sure how I'd feel about that because I'd have to walk around like that but uh I don't know yeah sure if we get to 100k we'll do a face veil we get to 200k I'll grow my hair out and get dreadlocks and dye them cyan that's the deal so silly no no that's gonna happen by the way I hope some I hope you guys aren't actually hoping that happens it would never happen yeah smash the like button let's see how many likes we got whoa there's 1200 people watching and we only have like just like basically under 900 likes guys if you like the stream it helps promote it to other people and it essentially will mean that more people will come here and spend money and donate to a really good cause so you're helping out charity so yeah hit the like button it's not much I'm almost there oh man and I'm really cold inside of here the stupid little murder snow area what is your favorite part of Genesis I'm really oh no no no no no no crap oh that's not good there's frickin wolves and everything let's take some bolas out we might need them what else can I do probably not much else let's take this out I just realized I had those so we can eat one of those and help us regen a little bit oh that's not good that's not good that's not good it's gonna just dismount me we're gonna have to dismount how far are we let's see can I feed him does this work I can't feed that to him damn it I should have brought some oh we have stimulant does that work oh crap it doesn't no no oh crap okay hang on do I have any you know what we're gonna have to just jump off here don't kill me okay moth land oh my god okay ride let's get out of here oh my god we're okay we're okay we're okay we're getting away we're getting away huh okay we're good we're good dude no that could have been really bad oh my god we're good we're good we got away yes yeah dismounted grapple I don't have a crossbow I have grapples I didn't think I uh man that was dumb I shouldn't really fly that high above the ground that was really dumb alright let's read out some donations here well people just sitting here abused about the fact that I'm really dumb wait oh there's a little base here hello there's so many bases dude it's crazy I like the fact that we found a bunch of them now I can go troll some of these people in a good way in a good way all right let's see um here's how you pronounce her here's how my name is pronounced Maurice Le Meurice Ella marry Sela Maurice aw baby that's a cool name since your first born does your first board is non-existant we're oh my god it just did it again ah okay let me just quickly deal with this mantas and then I'll read out the rest of that I got to move my mic stand or something man this is difficult to read through okay let's fly over here okay that's good um where's that one there do since your firstborn a non-existent child God has just moved was to be named this way okay yeah you giving me the prop the proper pronunciation I would have just called Mary good cause great guy thank you thank you for the two dollars we got Seth and Lauren or Lauren I guess this has some people pronounce it we pronounce it Lauren over here but it's Lauren everywhere else or mainly in America I think of your contents attack we watch it every day hope your new kitty Dexter's doing well yeah whoo Dexter's doing great he's a he's a little [ __ ] but we love him he's awesome he's not really that new anymore he's five months we have him at that long and he's also eight months old in general so yeah but thank you very much for the ten we got the one and only Karate Kid just rights hahahaha or something late oh god I know I'm just gonna call you Sparky I don't know how to name what you're doing is amazing kids of the future us so we need of the help any way we can awesome thank you very much for the five donate that 500 husky Tuskegee hamer dog sent a dollar there we need to get up to three K and then I'll do the 500 but I yeah when we get up to the 3k I'll totally do that another 500 all right let's see yeah nice so they've got like a trap here do they want me to lead it I hope not hey let's figure out what they're gonna do all right maybe we'll hop into the discord while we do this I mean one second the Genesis thing my favorite parts probably the blood stalker is really cool I'm really excited for that but I'm excited for just everything I've seen everything looks amazing we're gonna quickly hop into discord and do a little bit of chatting with the guys so we can figure out how to do this without getting killed Hey yeah hey guys so how are we doing this then Bruce is over by it so he's just gonna go love it free hopefully and let me try and let me wait are you guys ready yeah yeah yeah we we believe sir Oh does that marrow work on it no idea it's so far away dude anybody help oh I do I have an extra both you need a extra proxy here it's enough I'll just take the one from dates thank you thing could potentially kill me on my way back so I'll be issue just drinkin to look back oh no my stream has glitched Roy thank you very much for the ten donation we're at 24:05 right now so we got just just under 600 to go and then we're gonna be at the 3k mark and I'll donate another 500 at that point so let's get there come on guys I want to spend this money oh man all right good to go whenever you guys are okay I have to run in the trench a bit so I'm getting ready to just bail below the chase even better big brain you like the NPC video but with wherever it is that drank another blood packets I'm looking for the big cheeto dust to come back on scene youth when I see the cheeto dust in goes a couple of guys around us does he get on a horse over there yeah sure sparks yes or no we are poison grenaded them okay good chance I'm gonna die here make sure you have fun I could get away from it what are you on right now I see it coming in hot yeah can you sit right on it over there oh my god oh I'm afraid where's the trap thank you okay okay turn turn yeah go that direction that way it's after a little goat a little bit to your right and you'll be able to see it it should start loading in okay over here I wish I could just spyglass you the whole time oh my god terrifying to the trap I don't want to deal with it not getting in there okay it's a closed we gotta kill this thing quick it's gonna break through this stone okay Stephanie have an extra wall or door no we could move that one though if you want to I can't move it but I think he's just stuck there for now oh my god should we get last hit on the mom doesn't damage him though you don't know that this just might be his weakness that work fire arrows that all new [Laughter] pretty good I get time in flying up and down now if you'd hold still you do we all have enough bullets like what level is this thing that's already bloody Colin you got the highest level one Jesus right who's she's killing it we shouldn't decide Jack you wanna sure then I might be able to go around to the desert drops and get those I don't know how much like health it has left out is anybody I don't wanna fight although I don't magnifying glass I don't actually have one to be honest somebody want a shotgun huh what you out I don't have any mo I have like 157 shotgun or I don't have it you have an extra shotgun no oh my god I'm going there for the close-range go dope I get hold still dude thing that is terrifying mantis and bound I'm also probably gonna die here cheated the Mantis guys Oh died without me can you style him okay nice Hey oh my god it fired you it didn't hit me but like it's like right up in my face I'll try and hit it a couple of times to run yeah if you hit it like once or twice a rhino's okay yeah yeah I died yeah sure yeah I had to die from the fire oh man I used to close me yeah sin can just take my shock on the name off my body if you want screw where is this body to the right knowledge behind my you're thought which is which one this one oh there he is okay barely could see him Oh shotgun be the bastard long neck probably long that could be better the shotgun does like 70 damage per pellet alright 72 he's a shoddy them he's almost all right also I lost my micro rupture somewhere up in that trench [Laughter] you got more we got more we can just raise one give it at my own speed the way for him to do is breath okay now I'm good Oh terrifying oh I got him oh it's dead nice oh we got the wind gloves we got access this body though got a shirt guys want some milk [Laughter] one two three everybody take a milk take a catnap lovely good moustache Ruthie there's your shoddy back oh thanks nice somebody want to bring back this trophy Charlotte and then the river in talent as well sweet oh my god are we just gonna leave this here like this um I mean maybe oh you know what actually I've got a some other stuff on my on the monitor nice here you can take uh no just take the heavy stuff um like the sulfur pretty much that's about it um take the hide if you want rest can stay with me you want to keep the smoke I don't know if that's useful I guess it might be because we can we can get rid of diseases right it keeps you insulated oh yeah in relative diseases as well I think wanna see it did another one in there well you get that flack from the classic flank Aflac oh flak yeah that was crafted one piece is crafted and the rest is from drops yeah awesome stuff all right III loot I'm gonna get back to talking to my stream but you guys donate you haven't already you might have I don't know you guys nice alright and we're back dude that was awesome frickin shotgun right to the face of that thing I was amazing let's see I probably have to read out a couple donations here we are at 24 15 right now which is amazing I think we read out the one the ten dollars by Roy but if we didn't then thank you very much Roy we got fire from Chris dude yeah I was around last year oh yeah yeah you were asking about the Greg thing was around last year also milk shake or ice cream mmm that's a really tough choice and that's why I put that little pole up beside that thing that I the ultimate arc message that I wrote is the poles for some reason get out to more people than anything I don't know why but I'm I love ice cream but I love a good milkshake as well I probably got to go with milkshake like if I could choose I definitely would pick a milkshake oh my god I got four levels are you kidding me got four levels now I'm 83 oh my god four frickin levels that is incredible damn dude let's put more speed awesome we got $1 from hey it's Caleb and he just wrote a bunch of Hays and then we got $1 from oh my god madam Maya or Jaime its attack tell the people and chat to stop jumping Heather for saying she doesn't want kids oh I didn't know that was happening yeah no we won't be having kids you shouldn't get it Heather for that just our choice but um yeah definitely back off that's not cool you leave my Heather alone alright let's see let's get back to I want to go to the desert probably not because I imagine all those desert drops are constantly being taken by that tribe in the desert that's a dictum o P because I knew people would be farming them constantly let's see it was a personal affair I was about to go down and grab the shards from nothing but I guess they would have been taken let's see what can we do well you get drunk when you hit 3k probably not I don't really want to get drunk today it's not really something that you could be like oh yeah let's just go ahead and get drunk like no we won't be getting drunk but I will be donating another five hundred if we can get to that 3k mark that would be awesome speaking of we've got $2 from Jody any plans for more atlas there will be more atlas I just didn't put one up here today but um I think I've got another for recorded and we need to start recording more of those Jim if you're around we need to organize that this week we got NPCs down here terrible hitting them get that one get that one that was a headshot nice but yet thanks very much Jody I will mention it once more if you guys put in any form of donation you're gonna be entered into a raffle to win we have a bunch of stuff I've got some keys for Ark I've got to just Ark game keys and then I've got to season pass keys one for PC and one for Xbox and then I've also got five servers from gee portal it's like a server voucher so you can get a server with that for a month which is awesome so thanks very much G portal for that and then obviously thanks very much - wild card for the other keys and yeah just in general like you can win something that's worth more than you potentially are donating which is nice obviously so yeah thanks very much to everybody who has donated so far speaking of that we just got another 25 from anonymous he says do it for the kids exactly right now we are at 24 44 so we got to keep going guys we got to get to that 3k mark and then it's gonna be 3,500 because I'm gonna donate another 500 at that point like I really want to get there I want to push you guys we need to get there oh man let's see uh dude we got a nice Riverton gloves which is cool let's actually check those onto our thingy once I get some dyes remind me to go ahead and die those maybe we can die all of the armor once we get a couple more ties I know I dropped some earlier but I can probably hang on to some let's see Shh maybe let's go down to the beach and fight some Meg Alania I might be able to get some shards from them oh yeah how many people have donated I can check that I think we've received 91 donations I think because I have 91 unread emails so it's probably a couple more than that so yeah we'll see Jimmy said my Atlas vids are destroyed did this files get corrupted or something huh we'll talk about that I guess that sucks if that did happen damn yeah people seem to be really enjoying the Atlas stuff actually I'm really happy about that because I was kind of worried putting out those videos thinking of people aren't really gonna care about this but yeah people seem to be really enjoying them which I'm happy about see he's syntek I'm 13 so sorry I can't donate that's that's completely fine Jaden that's completely fine look I know not everybody has the ability to donate but if people do and you send something it's great it really helps out so to anybody who who can donate thank you very much and anybody who's just here watching thanks very much as well let's see we got to McLean E is killing a horse or they can't even kill him can they go ahead and kill the mech Alania cuz they're gonna be worth mega Vania venom is gonna be worth some shards when that shop is completed so okay oh I kept the crossbow didn't I oops you gotta watch out for this thing now go ahead and collect the shards from this one I don't think they actually give shards but they give this which we can trade for shards soon once I get the shop up and running once the mod dev finishes that for me BAM nice sweet damn we got fifty dollars from Adam to sin tack a gym and axe men on my favorite people to watch and YouTube please keep up the great work that's awesome dude thank you thank you very much for your donation and I'm glad that we can entertain let's see go ahead and kill this mech Alenia it's hit him with some pistol bullets pistols so good man really is the 108 horse I don't want to tame that terrible but yeah let's head on over here I think I saw another one I can't slow up debit oh all right oh we got another mega Lanie right there go ahead and hit him okay oh oh oh it's a 180 oh god this is terrible idea can the is the moth flying why is the moth not coming oh my god I've contracted beggar rabies I can shoot with my pistol down by my side that is pretty cool this is not good I think I need that wyvern milk now I think that cures it right I need to kill this thing first though crap like puts the weapon down by my side oh my god run I could mega abies dude No okay we got him Lisi can I survive this I think I could survive it I think we're gonna be okay do we have any health potions or anything I don't think that we do honey doesn't heal it or something does it I don't think so dammit dude no oh man yeah we're gonna be okay we've only got another five seconds of it oh we're okay we're okay do a barrel roll yeah that would have been that would have helped I can make a rabies dude that's crazy all right let's see maybe mecha Lanie is there not the best thing to be fighting um let's trick those in there I'll check the berries in there maybe the moth is hungry oh yeah he's super hungry oops I've been neglecting him of his foods c.join a VC with a heater with Heather yeah Heather if you want we can you can hop in I'm not in anywhere but we can hop in somewhere together if Heather wants to we're almost at three K yeah we have 500 more to go speaking of we got one dollar from Jupiter thank you very much we got ten from Twizy he says ax said your face is full of pixel it's full of pixel because the amount of baby dinos that you've killed yeah that's pretty much why don't you do a face reveal but wait why don't you reveal your face and much love from Germany well thank you very much dude for the ten I just I personally prefer not to like I'm not horribly disfigured or anything it just would rather not you I don't know but if we get you 100k I'll totally do it but that's not gonna happen I don't know like I'd like to live a life after being syntax without having that behind me like I don't know eventually and I'm not gonna be doing this obviously like I'm not gonna be doing this for the rest of my life so I want to at least be able to live a life without having that brought up all the time and that's exactly why I wouldn't reveal my full name or I'd prefer not to reveal my face cuz I mean I have half a million subscribers it's pretty easy that one of them potentially knows somebody who knows me you know that could potentially happen that I actually get recognized and like ID'd pretty much which would be pretty bad I would not like that so yeah mainly just out of disinterest for it but also yeah all that stuff let's see let's drop these in here up those in the ground all right we're good we need more pistol ammo so we might have to head back to base I'm gonna drop that as well I didn't see any message back from Heather a voice call maybe she might not be listening I'm not sure let's go ahead and gamma up get my six so we're just 500 short of the 3k mark let's get there guys come on we got to do it for the sick kids and plus wildcard put like twenty six hours into their streams so that was uh it was crazy so props to those to those guys I want to at least raise some because I didn't stream very much let's see we got another five from the bearded turtle need more subs to hopefully make it great videos and do donations like myself keep it up bro I love your of your vids really struggle to read don't die thank you very much dude but they enjoy the videos dodo wrecks were total Raptor next Halloween that would be cool they'll be terrifying if it could pounce on you though I would not like that but not like that at all I did not mean to cam it down I'm a six by the way I don't I know I could have pulled up the list of previous commands but I'm pretty sure the admin password for the server is in there because they're logged into admin mode yesterday to check how many people were on and I don't want everybody on the server seeing that because then I'd have to shut down the server for a second and change it so that's exactly why I won't be pulling that up let's see the moths got a level sweet that's huge [Music] let's see it's your birthday happy birthday it's my dad's birthday I'm sure you're not 53 though Michelle thank you very much for this five wait he's she says great work man oh wow stupid bugs no bother at all thank you very much for your contribution come on we're like 485 away we could do it we could totally do that I'll mention it again I mentioned it like 17 times so far at the stream but I'll mention it again through our giveaways and but just donating anything automatically gets you into that giveaway and you could potentially win code for Ark or AG portal like server voucher so lots of cool prizes if you actually go ahead and donate just anything so yeah definitely do it guys plus it goes to really good cause for sick kids I was a kid once I know hard to believe I still have them in I still have to buy the mentality of a kid kids don't deserve this what what map is this this is rag Ragnarok best map mm how long have we been streaming for okay I don't know start out of 5 so 2 hours 2 hours although we'd already raised like 850 before the stream even started that was awesome but yeah started like 5 I think we're just before 5 hey we got a new sponsor thank you very much dude that's awesome if you contact Heather or one of the other admins on discord they can set you up with a role that you get and thank you very much dude how do you pronounce that is that chase with that chase I think that's how you pronounced your name terrible at this so tech was a kid get out of here I know I know all right let's see where can we go next I feel like we've probably done too many moth really the things so far on the stream so let's go ahead and grab our horse and maybe head down what is happening here I so like everything along the cliff what happened I have no clue at all hmm nice is high tell them that I said hi let's lender dude over here I will show a little bit of this stuff often in the little castle area all I'm gonna say is that these cages are potentially gonna house a couple prisoners eventually which could be fun I'm kind of excited for what I got planned for this but yeah that's all for another day uh let's see oh yeah we had some stuff in the moth that we need to take take everything burp let's take everything out and let's just drop it inside okay so resource see those are all resources that is that is oh that is not going there where's that go where did the mega Lanie a toxin go oh there is cool let's go ahead and just eat some food alright so guess I'll hold on to that and put that into the fridge I can go in there we got a bunch of ammos and stuff but they can go into here did I I think I came back to shotgun ammo I'm pretty sure I did let's go ahead and take that is I'm gonna need more pistol ammo pick that in there [ __ ] on the ground that goes in there yeah we've got a lot of stuff I really should be putting the darts into the actual fridge so I'll do that we brought back well I mean the guys probably brought back the sulfur so I might be able to make propellant and then make some fire arrows which could be good see let's add these in here shards go in there too yeah I don't think they're back yet because the fire talents not in there this goes in here take these off just put on my armor then where's my helmet it's the glasses there we go by the way this is a weird bug - check this out when I have the glasses skin on my flak helmet also appears but my hair is still there it's really strange alright let's see I got some I don't know what the fertilizer goes right now so I'm gonna just check this in here and we'll check that into there we got a saddle put that into there then we got some stuff for in here I'm actually gonna take some medical brews with me just in case they can go in there dartz can what else honey can go into here yeah we've got a lot of stuff you got a lot of eggs actually which is great I don't know where the organic Palmer goes probably in here maybe oh man we got a couple donations to read out I'll read those out in a second I couldn't go in there think was stopping me okay there we go I guess we just had a little bit of like all right cool and we also got some ballista bolts I gotta put away I am all righty let's see I wonder if the sulfur stuff is back let's go ahead and see if we can craft any of this BAM we can craft one amazing fantastic where's the flame arrow blame amazing one flame arrow crafted all right cool we got I probably do a little bit of farming to get that stuff where is my horse oh by the way I'm not even sure if I showed you guys properly but we added in a skin mod for some saddles and we've got really cool horse saddles here's my horse so I've got like a really awesome looking skin it's supposed to be metal but it doesn't really look like metal when I paint its eye on but yeah it still looks dope power over here baby over here alright I'm not gonna claim that just in case of somebody else's alrighty let's read through the few donations we got since we got Charlie sent ten thank you very much a qw sent 15 tame my favorite creature packy I actually already have a [ __ ] I think that's gonna be showing off in the next video I tame like a 160 which is awesome and then Robert sent one dollar 52 cents thank you very much what are we at right now we're at 25 41 awesome we're getting close guys getting close we just need to get there that is the key let's see what level oh that's a 174 let's go see if we can make a veggie cake I don't know if we can we might be able to if you make a veggie cake we contain that office we should totally do that all right let's get up here get a little gate area some of this is like unfinished right now but hopefully it's gonna be finished at some point I'm gonna leave it open the office will need to come back anyway see if we can make ourselves a veggie cake I don't know if we have the right amount of stuff like staff and stuff how do I join the discord I'm I'm a patron if you're a patron you can link your patron account with your work discord account that's done in the settings of discord or patron even and then what am I doing here we go and then you can go ahead and and it's gonna like automatically pull you into the discord so go ahead and do that maybe Heather can instruct you a little bit Caleb thank you very much see we got so many canteens in here can't all be in there I think how many veggie cakes does it take is it one per you need stimulant all right I'm pretty sure we had some of that did we not we do what we have exactly two although we probably need four or something right many do we need in total yeah we need four stimulant all right let's see we could probably make some crafts like ten we need stim or spark powder we don't have any spark powder are you kidding me what is this all right here we go and then we got stimulant and now ah much fire and now we can get ourselves some some veggie cakes thank you how many is it guys let me know is it one veggie cake / I think it is I don't know let me know though I don't want to make too many cuz they're kind of expensive um why is everybody talking about Diplo's I'm so confusing or it's so confusing Julius thank you very much for becoming a supporter Heather can set you up with the discord ranks that you're gonna need if you're in the discord either Heather or a TRO just let them know is its Genesis out know Genesis is not out it won't be out for a couple months it's gonna be coming out in January so yeah we have that to look forward to that's gonna be awesome it's one okay grant I'm just making sure we're gonna turn that off I should look at your workshop for resources what is it a TRO do you have a bunch of were they called veggie cakes you probably do alright let's go get that sheep come down this way alrighty very close to our goal we need at just another 460 oh man hopefully we can get there guys it would be really awesome if we could let's go ahead and team this thing up I remember one time I made the mistake of knocking it out cuz I thought that's how you tame them cuz I had to tame one in ages we got him what should we name it oh my god am i super heavy oh I kind of am whoop hoo this get the horse on follow ride into battle on a on a war sheep thanks Jim Oh me good look at Jim helping out alright let's see let's get up here let's do the spam jump ok he dropped some stuff onto my guy my bullets grenades sure an armor that she clears up a little bit I got to drop all those canteens back somewhere what all right should we go kill the alpha King tighten on this thing it could be fun beep beep I'm a novice Jay attack how they do it wasn't attacking while I was moving though that was weird oh my god I'm your biggest fan i watch about five of your videos every day damn that's crazy yeah it's kind of crazy look people almost treat like some of my youtube playlists like Netflix it's weird to think of like people binge watch like old series it's very strange but uh I mean if yeah it's nice I mean if it if it keeps you entertained that much then that's awesome let's see go ahead and just close this gate behind us I know there's obviously a gap the people come walk through but like I said it's not finished all right a horse is still following cool Oh Austin Parker just became a journeyman supporter damn dude yeah that's awesome there's some really cool benefits to that you're gonna get to see like spoilers for upcoming videos and stuff and and then I believe early access to some videos so if you like let the people my discord know it can set you up with the right ranks for that um yeah this is awesome you got a freaking office can we have another office I'm not even sure what should we name him I didn't even look at the thing mr. Wolfe okay let's see alright what should we name him name him Carl it'd be kind of funny actually like a little reference to llamas with hats except he's a sheep [Music] William Willis a mem Carl uh how do I donate there is a link in the description down below and basically it will lead you to the extra life site and you just do it through there how long has syntax been doing YouTube three and a half years dude watch three or four videos every day B of axes and three of gems oh my god that's commitment right there hmmm please don't kill Diplo's I'm gonna go around killing Diplo's cuz there's been so much diplo spam on the chat you want to join the discord there's a link down below just click on the description there's lots of stuff in there I already talked about ultimate Ark but you can read about it on my community page as well if you want what should we name it oh my god we're not gonna name it that you know who you are okay see a lot of Karl's we're gonna name him Karl all right cool nice we have Karl the Sheep let's go ahead and bring should we leave him out here or bring him inside I'll leave him out here we need to get him breeding and we can have like a little farm ball in Phoenix donated ten Hyson tackle of your videos thank you very much don't fall and Dolan fall in Phoenix oh my good we're at 5:51 right now that is awesome we can't close guys we're getting close just need to push yourselves alright a little drink lovely my channel is more addicting than nicotine I can't I don't believe that but yeah cool thank you let's collect some metal well we maybe read some chat we got to do normal arc things as well you know you watched 40 hours of my content this week that is crazy damn take the Megatherium and give the sheepherder some food oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you need them oh yeah we have a sheep herder it's a little like S Plus structure that takes it cheers sheep essentially do we have one at row I I don't know where it is it might be in his little spot wait what I'm confused 5% of what can I have 5% and push myself to stay and I'm confused what that means I'm getting stuck yeah all right let's see is there a sheepherder in here oh there is if we give this thing some meat it's gonna start like here you got Bruce Lee right here it's gonna start cheering sheep that are nearby I'm gonna go ahead and just pull for some meat maybe raw raw meat let's take all the meat from that thigh ah cool rude all right that's good the Sheep closer your real name Karl no all right come closer sheep Keith dropped a $2 donation thank you very much dude very much appreciated with the kids all right cool so we're gonna drop this in and then hit activate and it's immediately shared my sheep that's cool look it now it's a naked Karl amazing need some food actually I think maybe this probably some berries in a trough alrighty so what should we do mmm maybe we should go around kill some things get some shards that could work a lost dog has sent $25 and he says woof I hope you get found soon buddy thank you for your contribution alright let's get down here we got bronto's what else we got you got stegos they don't give shards though toronto's do though maybe I can take out some bronto's there's a lot of bronto's that is a huge amount let's go kill the car no first Karnas give to shards if you aren't familiar with the server and everything shards are essentially currency you get them from some creatures and you can put them into a trader that we're gonna be getting soon oh damn it sometimes the car knows bug-out and actually you don't even give it like right there that's dumb that sucks all right let's see my real name is not Carl my real name is Steven so we were at 25 78 right now let's keep going guys remember if we can get to 3k I will donate another 500 definite incentive right there I want to do more good I can't even hit them for some reason all right whatever I guess I won't be doing that all right let's head on over here maybe you can find some other things to kill oh I'm good I've come up with a good idea actually oh my oh no why that's a lot of rare flowers right there I didn't realize is that many right there you little stupid things alright let's pick up some rare flowers this is cool I didn't realize that there's like a whole lot of them right here look at this like I don't even know everything about this map and I played so much on that this is like right beside my base oh hey there's an NPC Hut oh there's two let's go steal their stuff give me your stuff okay watch this wait for it boom the horses just do incredible damage to them it's funny boom erect ultimen arc is gonna be a little while I've been cheated a few times so far there's a note box in here hey I mentioned a few times so far and we're gonna do like a little pause on the series for a little bit hey what's up I'm not gonna shoot at you No interesting you know what's happening all right let's see maybe we can find some more NPC huts oh you know what no no I'm gonna do what I was thinking of doing what was that I just get hit by it then maybe I don't know if I got hit by them or not killed a galley how dare they all right I'm gonna head up to the base and grab a lime mantra I know it's kind of like the moth stream today but I need it I needed to do this I mean I don't technically don't need it I could do that without it but I prefer to use it we've donated 1140 thank you very much KitKat very much appreciated are you the KitKat that's the patron perhaps mmm is this a patron server yes all right which moth was I what's that say it's a c-130 all right let's see I want to grab the moth again and we're gonna head into it was this one I was using we're gonna head into the snow cave over here and grab the drops because I imagine that they're back Austin Parker says how do I donate now I took my option away for it away what do you mean does it not did you click the link in the description it should you should be able to I'm not sure what's happening there buddy that sucks though mmm I think his face is on Instagram technically my face is on Instagram by the way technically it's just me as a toddler which technically still me so can't really complain yeah I did a face reveal of me as a toddler on Instagram check that out link down below I think we're like almost out like 17,000 followers on Instagram so that's cool not as many as my YouTube's but still pretty cool I usually just post pictures of my pets and stuff on there Adam see get some stupid scorpions here all right let's get them together and then poop on them and then we might be able to steal stuff from this Hut while they're stunned or pattered oh it doesn't look like there is anything all right we're out oh no hey let's get out of here cam cam sent five dollars I've been working on official bureau since extra life stream started oh yeah yeah you go you guys get the increased rates oh my god I'm sure you have tons of stuff at this stage that's awesome dude well I'm glad that you're enjoying it thank you for the five miss chokes sends another donation I remember you did a hundred earlier and you sent 25 this time thank you very much we're so close to 3k guys remember if we get to 3k I will send in I will donate another 500 so let's get there come on make me spend my money all right let's see oh I am too heavy I'm gonna drop the metal then it's okay I know it's metal but we can always collect more we're good now all right hopefully nobody took these drops it looks like that one down there yeah there's that one there nice okay cool so we can grab all these drops through the quick and get some ammo sweet so we're at 26 19 right now we need another what is it again 381 until we get to our goal of 3k and then it will be 3,500 so let's do it guys you guys donate the 381 and I'll donate 500 let's do it let's get there alright let's see what can we get from these flame arrows lovely see the cave drops I made them so they mostly drop like ammo and stuff because I didn't want it to be super ope that you could just farm these types of cave drops all the time so they mostly drop ammo which is great and then we decided to live nearby here as well which is great so we can just harvest these really quick all the time they also drop gems as well and some other different bits and bobs we got two more dollars from Keith you got this wish I could donate more but living there living that broke life that is that's completely fine dude you sent you sent a little bit at least that really helps thank you very much dee dee alright let's head on over here get this last drop you see there's usually at least five drops in here so this area is really good how am i doing pretty good get a little bit tired but we're gonna keep going we're gonna get to our 3k mark and then we're gonna probably continue for a little bit longer I hope we can get to the 3k before I end because I am getting a little tired it's like half seven right now good um let's see get out of here you want to join the server it is for my patrons but I didn't want to make this whole stream about people joining my patron like if you want to you can there's a link down below but we're promoting the charity right now okay oh man let's see we've got a good amount of stuff there okay let's wait right here and then we can head back to our little base and drop some of this stuff back I still have all those canteens on me which is kind of annoying cool alrighty see anything in chat worth calling out maybe an RG eating all these wolves here our Gees dropped two shards so it could be useful to kill they're pretty easy to kill as well get a couple headshots on them they're down super easy feed them off yeah I keep noticing that it's like low on food it's kind of funny but I keep forgetting alright let's kill some orgies here oh my pistol was already out let's go ahead and try to kill some of these guys they come in chip for me at all there we go okay oh no you know what we could do this huh didn't work come on it's stuck in my dust cloud taste my dust we slowed them sweet all right now we can kill them look at these moth meta mechanics okay that didn't work there's also saber coming for us all right we're just gonna leave them the moth is dying that's fine it's a little hungry we'll feed it Roy sent another 20 thank you very much dude you were awesome metal girl sent another $1 this has been a good birthday so far you wishing me happy birthday before made it better no problem at all thank you for the donation towards the kids oh okay it was killed by one of us that's okay worried me for a second but now we're good alrighty we're getting there guys 26:42 what is that another 358 to go we could do it I believe in us could do it we can get there we will get there oh man let's see the car no we already checked that right oh you know what okay I'm gonna spoil a video a little bit but we're gonna have some fun we're gonna grab our high Natanz that I have from one of the videos that I've already done on here that you guys haven't seen yet but we're gonna grab them and we're gonna start hunting down some of these fur on toes because they're finer dogs are pretty amazing so we're gonna do that we're gonna bring them around and get some kills with them maybe yes but then we can get a ton of shards and stuff and also it's something to do how many hours do I have an arc okay here's a good question we see you guys can't see what I'm showing right now I guess I could change I'm gonna leave it the way it is I have seven thousand six hundred and forty nine hours in arc let that sink in it's a good amount seven thousand six hundred and forty nine yep oh man I've put so much time into this game it's amazing let's see needed extra cam would be kind of funny oh man oh hey we got two more donations Caleb sent one dollar how do I join the chat thing I am patron house in tech I think at row I saw a troll was explaining it to you in chat so I'm gonna let a TRO continue to do that because he's probably more helpful than I am but thank you very much for sending another one let's go ahead and get inside just drop all this crap inside mercy Fox sends ten and didn't write anything but thank you very much so color bam grenades and everything like that can go in here you know what actually let's take out some grenades let's have some fun they can go in there they can oh my god it's a lot of arrows sweet tons of stuff there damn dude alright we're gonna drop these in here the blue gems and I'll drop that in there for whatever reason I can go in there um let's see what else let's put all these away cuz I don't eat all those canteens I actually need some canteens so let's go ahead and just take two of those and we're gonna put the beer into the fridge is you gotta keep your beer and nice and cool nobody likes warm beer alright let's spoil a video doing this so we better get to that 3k mark I'm telling you it's one in a video I don't usually do this I'm gonna drop this in here cool alrighty so I've got hyena Don's what I was trying to say they're pretty cool go ahead and grab them have them follow me let's get them out here that's 318 days are you kidding move I've spent 318 of my whatever amount of days I've been alive playing Ark I mean you also kind of have to consider I do go afk a little bit but I don't ever leave my character if Kay for like more than a few hours oh my god I need a drink um let's see and you got out sweet all right see if we can get all these puppies out here nice that's kind of funny 318 days and I've had the game since like February 2016 so yeah that's um hmm that's crazy all right we're good we're good we got $20 from a Crocs didn't write anything but thank you very much for a good cause again I'm gonna mention it shove over a thousand people in here as well that's awesome I'm gonna mention it again anybody who donates will get entered into a random giveaway we have five G portal servers to giveaway it's gonna last you a month and we also have two keys for Ark on PC and then we also have a season pass like a Genesis season pass for Ark on PC and then one for Ark on xbox but um unfortunately they didn't give me a ps4 one but um yeah if you want any of those things you could donate any amount and I will get you entered in doesn't matter but yeah you could potentially win something that's worth more than what you donated no it's kind of a game of chance most all right go in there boys there you go kill that Rexy puh for me oh yeah look at that Oh are they keeping I don't think they're now they're not pooping they would have pooped if he was higher level than them all right he is totally dead oh I forgot to pet them actually all right let's see get some pets in here where's the other one nice all right let's go kill da paronto get in there boys I can't even see them you can barely see them through the tall grass oh man look at this there we go look at those damage numbers for high-end it on so that's crazy do I prefer arkin Khan floor PC obviously PC okay I've never played Archon console I don't think I could handle the controller and the weird double hot bar thing I never liked the idea of that but I've never played it on console so I've got MPC dudes here yeah that's right you better run oh wow they went from that's amazing let's go kill this uh this Bronto hey where are they are they on him okay they're almost on them yeah he's freaking running away really far hey we got two more donations we got two we got 25 from turd turd is that that's not your name turd hmm sorry if that is your name turd turd Ferguson thank you very much dude that's really that's very very generous and then we've got ten from tyranny let's see let's get my doggies together I love your videos you and cheesed you I mean learn a lot awesome thank you very much all right let's see we're getting close guys another two hundred and ninety two dollars and then we're gonna get to that 3k mark we need to do it we need to do it together the Civic community is strong let's show wild card and extra lives that all right let's get in and kill this Bronto come on boys get in there where are they oh my god they're so slow get in there what are you doing yeah come on go in there go on puppies here you go also kill the Rex okay they need to be pet again I think all right I don't know I think the Rex might have killed the oh I killed the racks oops let's go ahead and see this yeah they dropped a bag pick up those let's see what we got so far nice take that and those and I'll drop the rest yeah it's still got six levels on them as well that's awesome oh there's a Rex nearby don't you shout at me alright do I know naked Zombo yet we recently did like a little silly Minecraft video together with anthem oh there's the dead Rex behind us I didn't even notice him look at the way he's dead like it looks as if his hands hurt by his head and he's kind of doing like a weird I don't know well like you put your hands up beside your head and put them forward like that that just imagine that the Rex is doing that that's really weird looking alright he's probably got a bag right yeah he does hello free shards nice alright let's take that take these cool and then I'm gonna take those as well perfect oh you've also got six levels nice alrighty how many shards we get we got 25 so far alright let's go kill this bot oh yeah oh my god somebody worked it out out of the nine thousand one hundred and five days you've lived you spent three hundred eighteen of the plague Ark and like eight thousand eight hundred six knock plague ark how dare you work that out oh my god that's ridiculous if one of these guys get the items I think he might have alright let's go kill this other one like I said some of that is a f king like that's why occasionally you'll see me in infinite after the video cuz I often will afk and just put myself into infinite stops so I don't end up dying and losing all my stuff cuz I forget about me being like afk sometimes I slip up and forget to remove it it's a bit handy or now cuz I could just hop into a tech sleeping chamber and that's gonna keep me alive but um sometimes I'm dumb and I forget ya the Rhino is a pretty awesome creature actually can't wait to have like a bunch of those on here um all right kill the stag oh sweet got more bronto's and stay goes to go for where's that over there dead car no I think Oh nothing inside they kill him they stoven kill this [ __ ] way from wait for them to finish eating him and then we're gonna whistle them onto this corpse get them to eat him as well their saddles were quite expensive so or meat packs not saddles I'm gonna eat them up so I'm definitely making back the hide all right we got a couple bronto's around here let's put them all on fire we got a car no as well you got so many things here I'll help out a little bit all right got another donation I got five from Austin Parker hope this helps it does dude thank you very much I'm glad you said you could figure it out and then we got one dollar from floofy I'm essentially broke but this is what I got awesome thank you very much oh my god we got 27 14 so far very very close all right let's get in there boys kill this Bronto I wish that you could dual wield the pistols man that would be awesome I'd love if we could do that like the mechanic is there from atlas so they surely should be able to do it come on puppies kill them almost dead nice yeah I'm not reading shot a huge amount but I have been reading it a good bit I think sorry but also trying to do all this and read donations it's like it's a lot oh man see it's level that and a couple goodies in here I'm gonna drop the rest cool alrighty see is there anything else there's another Bronto over here got $1 from Frick let's get to that 3k goal I agree Frick thank you very much dude even anything is small like that can help guys I'm being serious and like I said you get entered into giveaways so it definitely helps out like you can potentially win a prize what you're also giving money to charity it's a win-win oh okay I thought that was one of my high in add-ons for a second how did he die though hmm must've drowned or something I think it would have said if he starved we've got 200 on 85 more dollars to go come on we can get there I could have ride it at the patron chat as well all right let's see to $85 to go until we meet the 3k goal only good Oh see you're the first youtuber sure that I love to read something I ask all right well I mean I'm glad I guess oh man I'm happy that that makes you happy damn dude we just got $50 from hits alum this one it's one baby [ __ ] I'm not sure I'm just reading the chat here on the server okay hmm if we get to 4k I'll decrease the mating interval yes that's right patrons all right yeah hey um thank you very much for your contribution as well that is awesome now we only have 235 to go and then we're gonna be at the 3k goal and then I'm gonna oh we just got another we got three $3.50 from snow are you the same snow that was that was a patron at one point if so then thank you very much not then thank you very much anyway what am I saying dammit syntek ain't giving you no tree tree fitty oh my god yeah I remember that from South Park it was hilarious thank you very much dude what was I saying I can't even remember but yeah let me see we got 231 until we meet the goal [Music] just busted Titan drops please may be good all right to a better rate all right let's see we got a Rexy Pugh over here we got a red drop up there I would really want to go for might head up for that actually what's your favorite map rag Ragnarok Ragnarok is the best map its funny ragnaroks like most people's favorite map yet wildcard didn't make it can we just all appreciate how funny that is I think the guys you did make it though are really really talented I mean this map is fantastic it's got so much character and I love it I spend so much time on this map we got star chaser 22 Starchaser 22 sent a $3 80 cents thank you very much dude helps them out a lot we're getting so close guys just a little bit more all right let's see let's go ahead and do that for nine let's see all right let's see let's move you go for that red drop do you think we could get up there and get to that I think so I'm gonna leave my Hina Don's here though just in case I don't want to have to wait for them to catch up to me oh my god okay we got two more donations we got dr. pepper sent by Orton sorry five he says $9 this is all I could donate that is all subdued any little bit helps thank you very much even just like like that's completely fine I mean I value yours just as much as anybody else's definitely and then we got $50 from Scott thank you very much I think this Scott already donate perhaps maybe it might be the same Scott might be a different one a lot of people have that name but thank you very much dude let's see we we need 100 and what is the 160 no yeah 168 and then we're at the 3k mark right now so we're at two thousand eight hundred and thirty-two if we can get to the 3k mark like I said I will donate a hundred we're not hundred oh that could be in bad I will donate five hundred more to the extra life page myself so yeah definitely let's get up there let's let's force me to donate another 500 oh my god Brett Atwood donated another 68 he already donated a hundred before thank you very much dude very much appreciated you're doing a great thing right there oh my god we're getting close guys we're in like the last 100 now cuz we have 99 more to go let's go ahead oh my god it's a lot of primitive saddles see we got $1 from your nouns a kettle [Laughter] any thoughts on doing a PvP series oh I don't know should i this is a PvP series this wood right here is legitimately a PvP series it's a little bit different it's not super hardcore but it's still PvP so um yeah I'm already doing one dude let's see we got 19 from lemon culture round e says hi thank you very much lemon oh my good and lemons one of my patrons thank you very much dude we got eighty more dollars to go we could do it come on guys there's more than 80 of you in here let's all donate $1 and get us up to that point and then I'm gonna stop for a minute and open up my wallet oh man alright let's see let's get down to our high-end add-ons and make sure that they're safe it could be bad gotta make sure that they're okay oh man so we have 80 more dollars to go let's do it we could totally do it oh crap I didn't kill it oh-oh it might be Dara Wolves vs. hyena dogs battle video right now cuz it looks like they're chasing me oh no this could be bad this could be bad this might be bad oh oh oh no I took the damage oops okay oh we gotta jump off this time see these my high Natanz where are my ones where did I leave my ones guys I think that they're over here aren't they okay let's go check lucy sends 25 buff my titan drops are you guys killing Titans down there in the desert oh man I had a look at that but I think the Titans and bronto's and Diplo's are all in the same thing so I'm not sure if it's possible but I'll look into it again alrighty it's like I know that I said it so Titans and and bronto's and Diplo's we're all like in the same category or something they're all called sauropod so yeah that's like that might be an issue I'm not sure if I can do it but I'll definitely look into it thank you very much Lucy oh hello what is it I think it was a vulture attacking take the shards sweet we're so close we got fifty five more dollars to go oh yeah we could do this come on we go we got three wait no oh my god I misread that let me let me scroll down a little bit we got three dollars and then we got fifty all at once let's see we got two more dollars from Frick thank you very much we've got one dollar from oh my god they're all rolling in now we got one dollar from floofy mareep is that that's the Pokemon right I shake my hands to tech I don't want to go broke but you're making me want to donate again oh thank you very much dude oh my god they're all rolling in yes we're past 3k but I'm gonna read out the rest them that are here right now miss Tok sends another 50 you've already donated tub the die thank you very much true legends right here we got a brewery since five and says have you ever tried the hope map is that the one that's it was like in the art competition I think hope no I think that was called faith right I don't know if I've definitely haven't tried hope I think but I might try it we'll see it's your favorite map that's awesome Julia since five there you go thirsted check for the kids we got madam Maya sends another two dollars and says here's a two out of eighty oh my god let's see kid cats from Moose herders tribe on here since 1520 thank you very much and grumpy old sweet is that a some one of the tribes on here I think it might be huh we're his alum sends 25 from grumpy old Swede which is the tribe I think it might be I think that there's a fry bond here called that thank you very much and then Roy oh my god they're all rolling in row cents fifty I want you to pay those 1 or $500 because it's for a good cause I'm completely happy to do that thank you very much Roy for the 50 and then husky dog gamer sends another one donate that 500 now alright guys here we go I'm gonna donate 500 give me a second here I'm not gonna show you my page cuz that's not a good idea but give me a second I'll donate 500 let's see you know what I'm gonna donate 500 won and beat out my last 500 that I've donated 501 u.s. dollars and there we go [Music] okay I'm gonna add a message thing because my stream met the pre-k goal am alrighty let me just go ahead and I'm gonna cover the processing cost as well it's a little bit more than 500 but it means that I can send that in five hundred and one dollars that done awesome yeah there we go page has some updated for me but there we go but we got a couple more donations there bills since five dollars keep up the good work thank you very much bill thanks for being used in tech wasabi cents thank you sense 5 thank you very much for being used to tech videos make me levar thank you very much for watching and then syntek says 500 won amazing so now we're at a 36 12 that's awesome guys oh my god I'm not British I'm Irish ha okay we're good we made it we made it guys although I did say to my stream if we get up to 4k then or to my patrons if we get up to 4k then I would raise the or lower the imprinting or maturation interval thingy so we'll see we'll see if we get there Calvin's 15 system check rolls thank you very much dude you rule as well all right let's see you're all my guys following me I think they are that's it you know what let's bring them up to the wolves and maybe have a little fight a little scrap or something all righty amazing I wonder where I am actually in the team rank cuz there's everybody else who was doing their own extra lives thingies where we are oh cool we're third guys the sent a community is third behind Studio wildcard who raised 57,000 and then Burke black I think is that a person or community I'm not sure they raised six thousand which is crazy dammit dude and then we raised so far 36 26 that is absolutely incredible guys thank you very much all for a great cause we're gonna continue streaming here for a minute not for a minute for a little while just see if anybody else wants to throw anything else in it's for a really good cause so yeah I was like super late to the party I wanted to stream this yesterday but I think I mentioned it before the the extra lives website it got like ddosed which is just really dumb like I whoever whoever would do that like what the [ __ ] the crap is wrong with those people akuti das is a charity site on the actual day when they're raising money I don't know those guys have no lives but um yeah that's uh it was it was ridiculous so I couldn't stream yesterday cuz of that I don't want to stream if the donation page was broken that way people wouldn't really get to donate and they might not like they might not tune in to another stream or something I don't know so I was happy that we were able to do it here today and the site was working but hopefully next year when we're doing this again because we're totally gonna do this next year hopefully it's gonna be completely working then let's see we got uh are my guys following me I think they can yeah they are sweet you got ten from husky dog are you the same one from before musty husky dog gamer yeah you're the same one cuz you got the same numbers I'm gonna run out of money at some point thank you very much for the ten and shine or shin elbow is that your name that's a weird one horses are pretty rad not gonna lie yeah I could agree horses in our car really cool and you sent two dollars thank you very much let's see oh man let's see let's go ahead and grab this over here we got Shawn Williams son five didn't say anything but thank you very much oh there was a nice gloves you know what actually oh I thought I had my other armor with me never mind we'll just grab the gloves and anonymous sends five it says o'doyle's rule that's it that's a reference to it's always sunny right I haven't watched that show in a few years but I could have sworn that that like weird family were called the o'doyle's like the weird ones that there was like that weird girl or something what was wrong with her if you remember her all right let's kill these stupid wolves sweet all right oh my god how much have we raised so far now 36 49 am dude okay let's see we got oh there's the dead RG over there oh look hyena Don's a rival pack ha ha they realized that they can't fight me so they started running well oval are you what's 68 oh that's a good one let's not have them attack just in case could potentially tame that I don't know if I want to do that on stream though cuz super frustrating to watch and do let's go ahead and kill this dyrdek here though oh man so I'm happy gilmore oh it's that Doyle s role I thought that was from like it's always sunny huh I don't remember that I haven't watched happy gilmore in many a year but um yeah oh there's some 180 go dick Jesus all right I don't want to kill that just in case go ahead and kill the puppies then Oh started running if anybody in my tribe is watching do we want this doe dick I mean it's pretty good but uh what was this bag from well do we want the static guys anybody from my tribe watching wait was it a wait what oh here it was yeah one eighty it's balled up now though but I mean we could build a pan around it we can't tame that right now do I have my thing on ok auto-hide was disabled oops oh that's from Billy Madison don't remember that I didn't like Billy Madison that much that's the mohrís like a kid you like pretends to be a kid or something right ah man yeah I have friend um haven't watched those movies in a few years oh we got $20 from orphans orphans orphans maybe I'm not sure thank you very much dude very much appreciated what are we at right now we're at 36 69 it's so stupid yeah I want to go get that green drop but I don't want to bring the high-end add-ons down that way so nevermind we'll just do something else yeah that's awesome dude thank you very much it is from Billy Madison hmm oh god man you just got you just got [ __ ] called out right there just got owned alright let's have a little look at the chat there you need big stone yes tame it well I trow its over here just close to base so we can get it but it is balled up right now let's see about killing some Archie's then alright what happened to hey whatever happened to blue sustenance yeah I'm not sure I haven't haven't seen blue in like a year he's definitely not a patron anymore I don't know if he still watches the videos or as part of the community I'm sure people come and go you know I don't think they can reach the RG alright play more with mister Meola I'd love to like the two of us have talked about it and we're kind of annoyed that we haven't been able to do anything so far but you also need to consider this one thing he is eight and a half hours ahead of me in time zones right eight and a half hours so when he's finishing up his day I'm starting my day so it's really not the easiest thing to organize or be able to do but we do we do want to do stuff together oh my god what the hell is wrong with that saver do you want to do stuff together for sure and we will at some point maybe you can play Genesis with us or something I don't know see what he's up to uh I take their shoes get like a full apprentice set of thingies hmm all right let's see all right let's go ahead and get ourselves a mammoth come on boys you want that prime meat right yeah oh hello day Don Oh there's two day dawns oh no kill the mammoth first oh no we got them okay let's go the data on frame I'm confusing my dogs and whistling the ball over the place nice we killed that one oh the other one quick three hours so far I am yeah we've been going for a while here dude oh I need a pee well maybe I'll do that in a minute um all right let's go ahead and kill the saber well I get they first obviously um could you breathe a 180 post Giga with the slightest of effort what uh we can't we can't tame gigas on this server so I won't be doing that on here but um I have done like crazy Giga breeding before probably catch some of those videos if you want we did some pretty pretty crazy stuff on the cluster recently let's kill these Megatherium thinketh areum's are no joke so we got to kill these things quick okay woohoo that one's coming in here you go boys oh man I wonder actually many people got watching just over 900 nice slow decline but that's okay I mean everybody's got stuff to do um yeah that's awesome oh man it looks like wild card could potentially break their like they oh hello they had a goal of 75 K but right now they're at 89 K um they could potentially break the 100 K mark that would be awesome sure that's probably what they're gonna go for next year that's really cool and by the way that 89 K is them and then all the other streamers and stuff supporting their their team so basically the way extra lives works is that everybody can become part of a team a team leader does the mainstream and then everybody else can do like a stream as well so basically I'm part of that I'm part of that team and it just means that any money I raise also goes to their goal which is cool so it's cool that we've raised like 89k collectively as in our community that's really awesome hunter yeah please I'll just said the Chad says buff them Titans I mean I'll try I'll try to figure it out it's not easy it's not easy to figure that stuff out but I'll try give me a few days and I might look into it more let's get them to 150 K I mean if Elon Musk was here or something you know and he wanted to see that syntax face reveal I was talking about if he could get us to 100 K then that would get them way over 150 K so Elon if you're watching just you know go ahead and do that oh man come on buddies let's go this way hey we got 25 from Rob didn't write anything but thank you very much Wow we have a 3704 so far that's crazy oh man I'm happy that all the patrons are enjoying this see quite a lot of them sending in pledges or sending in donations which is awesome Ron stupid hi neurons get in there kill it kill them what are they doing yeah I wasn't seeing any damage numbers from the biggest one does like one that's doing like a hundred and fifty there there we go nice all right we pet all three of them let's go ahead and take down these dire wolves all right we don't have a huge amount of durability on the pistol but we should be okay all right we'll just like let them paint it ons do their work oh man look at this almost sweet oh man if you say mango x3 I will taint I will donate 30 is that if I say that is that kind of like sound weird or something mango mango mango mango I don't I don't know what that means I don't know if that's supposed to sound like something maybe it does and I'm just dumb we're tired I am tired oh man farming meat we're just kind of running around killing things levelling my Hina Don's I guess we're kind of farming meat at the same time flexing up some shards from the creatures that give them shards are kind of the current the currency on here but I guess we're also leveling and collecting meat and hide let's see go ahead and pull all the meat that we have actually you know I could just go to them just grab everything that's useful out of here oh I grabbed that oops well I said it you better donate those thirty dollars like you said I've been watching your videos since season three episode 110 the Giga trap oh god that was an awful video oh man I wish I had trapped it a little bit better that's the video I'm kind of embarrassed about it's almost got two billion views yeah I was just doing it my own way that people people didn't like that very much oh man well see this we have tons of people in chat what video was the first video you saw on the channel and then what video made you subscribe there we go that's good that's a good little thing there let's go ahead and kill some of these guys go ahead and just murder them with the high Natanz a little bit your opinions on shrek 5 I hope it happens and I hope that there is a shower scene it were a little bit dehydrated here be okay though don't worry wow we're like really knowing through these bullets we're frame I did play warframe once a few years ago probably went and play it on YouTube I don't know how that would go little man come on eat them up alright let's go for our next victim up here hey hello little office Jim please I said sixty-five of cluster what one was that that the one with them the crazy Reaper of farming I think it might have been Ragnarok episode 1 the 1 billion Giga Oh God that video underwater tech bait or tech base yeah I like that one actually I want to do one of those at some point soon gnar 26 coal and Giga trap mutations from the first Ragnarok series awesome yeah that's kind of crazy seeing like what everybody watch first and sub to first you got him go ahead and eat that thing go get me some mutton but I need to move my arm alright let's go ahead and aim properly on it and whistle oh they're not I'm trying to whistle but it won't work so I guess I need to get closer there we go you just got here we're raising money for charity bro pick out what your wallet and donate some money for charity that's what you missed let's see well overlay you 162 not bad I'm not gonna kill that like the Reaper Queen video is that the one where we farm them or something like that mmm evil Ark charity stream this one well welcome to the channel then all right let's see let's go kill that Shelley oh wait you know what wait I should check what level it is first oh no no don't kill don't kill do we have enough beer I don't if I had enough beer I totally attain that although that they take a little while actually and maybe not on stream that would be kind of boring yeah dude I kill you got him alright let's see where should we go next let's maybe put the dogs back to base I remember the ark space mod yeah we had a lot of fun with that funny thing about the ark space mod video the ark moon video I had absolutely no idea that video would blow up that video really blew up like I did me and Evo did a video on that and immediately like the video blew up like my one at least blew up and suddenly like it was light like 100k views overnight it was crazy and then suddenly like all the other youtubers were like oh something here and then everybody just started electric to milk that one particular mod and it was hilarious but it was kind of funny and at that stage I really didn't have a massive channel so that was kind of like the point when I was like oh my god like what the hell people were I'm like a little bit of a trend starter that was fun it was funny cuz like nobody else was really doing anything with it and then we did a video and it wasn't even a good video and it blew up but it was crazy and then suddenly all the other youtubers recovering that and nobody else's video did in any way near that to be honest I don't think which was kind of crazy and it was really fun for me as a tiny youtuber at that stage to be like wow like I could really you know i can grow off of this type of stuff doing what other people are not doing and that's what my mentality was like most of this stuff on my channel is stuff that most of the bigger guys were really not bothering to do like breeding like am I gonna name names but like all the big guys that don't really do it anymore I guess they were never really doing any of the breeding stuff so I was doing that that was kind of my niche as a small youtuber that was my way of getting to views that all these big guys were just not wanting to take so yeah breeding just kind of became a thing yeah we can totally get to 4k guys we need 396 dollars we can get to 4k that would be crazy we could potentially get up to 6k or whatever that other guy was at but I don't think we can beat him but uh no I mean like even just the amount that we've raised so far as crazy uh okay see oh my god I need a drink oh crap you know yeutter honest oh crap no no no no no no no no ughter honest is really bad for me oh no I can't get through there oh oh come on hanging it on so we need to get away we cannot face it you tirana at all need to go we need to go down this way it will get fear roared and I will lose them forever because I will not be able to find them by one fear about bringing around a little war pack like this fighting something like a you Tyrannis oh my god would be crazy let me take that drink that I never got Oh something broke a rock some dude on a silo hey what's your taming Oh it's Heather hello let's Heather that's my wife my one and only Brad that hurt right now wait what okay Han what'd she say I can hear her gun streaming yeah yeah confused her only good let's see shake these shards because clearly she didn't want those alright let's get let's get out of here cuz I'm getting kinda low on health for those high Natanz or gigas wait wait you can't began to pick what I'm so confused what does not even say um-hmm yeah Gaming involved doesn't exist anymore maybe Jim axe and I will create a new group what should we name it what should we name our new little group I know dudes Jim we need to come up with a new team name needs to happen oh we got a couple more donations here I didn't even see them it's actually been a little bit since the last ones so awesome uh Ted Cruz is the Zodiac killer oh you know what you writing that actually reminds me does anybody watch internet comment etiquette it's a really really funny channel he always rips the crap out of Ted Cruz I don't even know who Ted Cruz is he's just some sort of like guy in the States I guess right I don't know what he does I think he's like a politician or something well yeah that dude always like tweets that I'm with like it's ridiculous things it's hilarious wait out check out that channel it's so funny I love that I love that channel it's amazing look my Hina died let's take it out of that check all right let's kill this thing kill that NPC dude so we got another ten from con man thank you very much let's see oh hello hello little little dude trying to shoot my dudes with they mannerism what not that wasn't very nice let's see let's get over here and kill this this thingy Kim can they not reach them you guys reach them maybe I'll just knock him out yeah um but yeah thank you very much con man again I think you've donated like four or five times it's crazy and yeah let's see we got three from Frick who for almost 4k yeah hopefully we can get there I mean that'll be awesome like I did say to my patrons that we would do a little boost in the in some of the stats of the server if we could get to there soon I don't know if they're listening I'd say they're mostly listening to be honest well let's see mmm let's see what do we got over here we got a couple more bronto's we can go fight Bronto over there does he have blue on him or if that's just me it's not actually blue on that Bronto ma6 it kind of looks like blue on this back I don't know if it actually is or not damn dude that thing's awesome looking it's green and blue like my colors so so far we've raised three thousand seven hundred and twenty-two that is amazing let's talk Genesis guys what do you guys what are you guys most excited for I talked a little bit about it earlier but I really liked the blood the blood stalker I think that thing looked amazing a few rocks or the ferox is really cool as well I'm really excited to check that thing out and the Magnus or just to be honest all the creatures in general seemed really cool um so yeah what are you guys most excited for European sausage for the the group name well Jim won't be he won't be a European for very long with the brexit thingy I don't know if that would work I just realized that I actually did ask for lucky group name German sausages Wow European sausages should we call our little group all right so tired attack sauce to tax sauce oh man alright let's let's see about the Genesis stuff then blood stalker yeah but let's talk really really caught me off-guard really good that looks awesome can't wait for it and just kill this Raptor here yeah let's doctor looks amazing for sure I think everybody's gonna love the blood stalker Oh stupid Raptor what did you drop um hmm let's see it's go ahead and take that yeah muder looks pretty amazing as well apparently it is pronounced mudar because it's like a Dutch word or something it means mother which is kind of cool actually I like that so the muder looks pretty amazing actually kind of forgot about that one to be honest that looks really awesome I can't wait to to fight that thingy that's cool because it's not even the it's not even the main boss it's just like a a world boss which is pretty amazing that's that's really cool I can't wait to fight that um one second just shagging something really quick okay no that's okay I guess I can close that I know close those sweet yeah mooder looks amazing that whole like the idea of us being a giant ocean biome area it looks awesome the sounds of that I mean that's gonna be crazy I see so many people mentioning the blood stalker yeah so are we gonna have mooder and look and brood muder brood muder that's amazing the brood muder it pretty much is the mother and the brood muder yeah the brood mother oh my god I like that is a name to be honest I've always liked the brood mother I wish that there was like an actual spider you could ride on though like not you know I like what they're doing with the blood stalker but that's not a spider I'd love an actual spider and I was thinking maybe commissioning that at some stage like a nice spider or something and I think that would be amazing like judging by like all the stuff that was put into the blood stalker maybe that could become a thing and it would be a little bit cheaper because they could just reuse some of the mechanics from that creature instead of remaking them I don't know that'd be amazing base wells yeah the space well sounds awesome that is gonna be awesome as well so much stuff I'm gonna leave it all inside the hind add-ons for the moment though god I'm like losing my voice here oh my god it's 8:30 already am we've been streaming for three and a half hours all for a good cause though right alright let's go ahead and kill this Bronto on the Rex we kill the Rex anyway I got a harvest it's tough though look at it on fire that's awesome sweet tons of shards here today again that is the currency on this server so that's why we're collecting this I know yeah I know about the Irani oppa Rani Oh sucks oh my god what whoa whoa whoa whoa stop it right here for a second oh god why you donated three hundred and I don't think I could pronounce your name how at Lucy on illuzzi on Lucy on illuzzi on maybe you just donated 300 you didn't even say anything oh my god thank you you are so generous Wow guy is hype in the chat for Lucy on just type in El cuz I don't know if anybody can spell that e ll you said io n Zed lose eons illusions that is incredible thank you so much Wow and we got Karl the Sheep coming in here with a 15 dollar donation as well of your vids intact thank you very much Carl and thank you very much for losing on that is incredible well we're over for case oh we just passed or K oh do the rates later I meant yellow but it's okay is it Lucy on and chat I there's so many people who see it's kind of hard to like point eight an exact name damn dude that's awesome so far we're at 4300 or oh my god 4037 is what I meant to say oh that is incredible damn the syntax you guys are awesome this is amazing and like realistically when we look at it you know it's 4,000 that's sticking everything but it's also you know it's everybody from the community coming together and if they had anything to spare they've thrown it in already this is amazing this really is awesome like my community coming together and doing this with me for the kids for a really good cause we have some raptors coming in here to attack us right now why can't I hit head shots there we go okay we got oh my god my eye and the dogs are on this thing I gotta go and maybe try to get my handed on to attack the Raptors don't come for me oh they're coming for me oh I eat it up please help I had it on what are you doing with my horses the ground oh my god up this will help dude it's right you better run stupid getting their horse oh my god Jesus I can't even do anything oh my god who are we okay it could be okay I think we could be okay didn't least that much health oh my god oh um Wow okay yeah that was intense um I'm not gonna mmm I'm not gonna do that they're Turkish I'm not gonna do that for you I mean it's yeah that's that's not cool if you want to donate the 50 you'll donate it and you don't have to be given moderator my stream to do that so clearly you don't want to donate it if that is the thing prove me wrong donate that 50 it's for a good cause oh my good go ahead and kill this Bronto that's why you mostly use flyers because what just happened there yeah exactly I could get away they're just they were too fast wow this must be a high-level Bronto oh my god by the way I'm sorry if I'm missing anybody's messages in chat if you're if you're like if you donate in your riding back to me after me reading it out I'm so sorry if I missed anything because there is quite a lot of chat messages so came to Lyme Andrea today yeah those things are cool I wish that they did have some sort of attack though even if it was too weak like it could've been like really really weak or whatever oh that was a high level hello it could have been like a really weak attack but it would be cool if they just had cycling I don't know can you guys eat him please there you go come on keep eating Wow okay let's see the group gallium I was overlords loyal subjects I don't know I think if we if we came up with like a cool actual name like a cool like name that isn't like based on like some meme already I'd be down to consider a new name for like the little group oh man cuz gaming evolved is dead it died a long time ago we're not gonna be doing things under that name anymore it's dead and buried and yeah that's that's that alright come on get up this hill people are leaving stuff at beaver dams how rude I hate when people do that to be honest it's really annoying shut up for one minute for $5.99 no I will not now shut up when the stream stopped donate that $5.99 and then I'll shut up for a minute that's how it works that's how it's gonna work around here I will shut up for in exactly 60 seconds I will even count it if you donate that $5.99 that you said you would for a good cause come on like almost like guilty people into it yes yes donate money to charity yes do it good strugglers united oh man alright let's see I'm gonna go ahead just take everything out of them I guess oh I don't want to take everything out of there there's a bunch of crap I'll take the useful stuff and then I'll drop the rest I'm gonna be super weighed down after this I'm gonna drop the rest of that see lots and lots of stuff oh I don't know how to pronounce that is that like a forward mr. name but thank you very much for becoming a supporter um that's awesome thank you very much there it is how do you even pronounce that oh is it is it an eye or is it an L it looks like an O on discord I don't we're not this court of YouTube what is wrong with me I'm so tired we're gonna end this off probably pretty soon I would say just a heads up so if anybody is planning on doing any donations make sure you do it before the end of the stream and then I can I can give you a nice thank you in the in the stream otherwise you'll get a thank you message anyway but yeah see I'm gonna take this oh my gosh so much stuff all this meat I take those Wow yeah we got a lot of hide-and stuff I got I'm super way down all right those can go in there let's just grab out the hide cuz that's pretty light what else can I take and carry a little bit more I'm gonna draw some of this crap though I'm gonna keep that I'm gonna drop that Oh razor coming in here with the $50 donation look at you thank you very much dude haste attack love the videos sometimes wait something I've always wanted or I've always been wondering though why don't use the super spyglass mod to game-breaking like the dynasty and yeah I think the super spyglass mod is a little bit it's pushing the limits of what I'm really comfortable doing you know when it comes to the game I like having mods right like don't get me wrong I like having mods and I probably wouldn't like it so much if I didn't have mods but there's some things that I'm like yeah sure I'll mod I'll add that mod in and I'm comfortable using this or that or whatever but there's some things that I'm just like all right that's a bit ridiculous line the soup the superspy glass is definitely one of those absolutely no shade to the mod or anything you know it's probably a great mod it probably works really well I just don't think it suits my gameplay style um I know it saved me time but at the same time I don't know I just don't like the idea of being able to just see stats before I even tame because the way I see that is like I don't know it just seems very like Chiti in my opinion but yeah that's just me it may just be me I know a lot of people use it but it's just how I kind of feel about it so yeah I don't use it for that reason but yeah thank you very much for the $50 donation towards the kids we got another 50 from funny games for my boy cheese who would wait who would nothing more wait what for my boy Royale with cheese who would nothing more than oh crap it just moved then help the kids yeah I don't think cheese could have streamed this year because I think he had some Internet shoes I think I heard so I think I think that's why maybe I'm not sure I think you had some sort of Internet issues so he couldn't stream this year but thanks very much funny games for sending in 250 I mean they're all goes to the same place anyway so we got 10 from Jay the kids keep up the good work thank you very much Jay for the 10 so far we're at 41 47 that's awesome guys yeah that's incredible let's go ahead and just dump out the rest of this crap I was gonna use some grenades while Sam I and then I never did oh god I'm good it's just like after this I'm just gonna sit quietly in a room with Heather and not talk look God been running my mouth for like four hours here alright let's see we need some all the colors in here we got her needs poison grenades and stuff oh that does not go in there good hang on to the grapples for myself we're gonna drop these in here though um is there any more simple pistol ammo no I'm gonna make some I feel like I'm the only one running around with a pistol all the time I mean it's I'm just gonna eat that it's really useful though the pistol is awesome like if I use all six bullets I can dish out like 900 damage so that's really amazing let's see dump a bunch of saddles in here we got bear traps just spotted them my favorite Dino is the silo although it's not really a dinos so if you're talking specific dinos they're Zeno or Rex both are very cool in my opinion um like who doesn't want a giant murder turkey you know like gotta say I love that this is my little chess by the way I got some arrows on me so much crap all right we're good let's go ahead and make some pistol ammo what am i doing it's going here um pistol ammo there is this thing why are they in there guys come on now dump and stuff everywhere all right this lhamo where is this one ah there it is crap like 200 of this that's gonna make us 400 sweet all right APICS drops umm umm I am somebody was busy with some spy knows damn dude all right what is this medieval mod well this right here what you're seeing the structures is castles and keeps remastered and then some of the other stuff that we have on here it's just mainly settings and a couple other little mods but you can check out the mod list Kelly put them in here you can check out the mod list maybe somebody post it for you oh god he's like vibrating let's see maybe we'll head one more time into the snow cave and check that out this is the moth we've been using all day scream bow down to three times now I did that thing earlier and that person never donated that's not very nice 5k to arm reveal all right get us up to 5k then bro I don't have any dollars but I do have euros yeah you can donate in in Euros as well like you can donate any currency in and it will just you know convert it for you so yeah you don't need to specifically have like a certain currency we're live in a certain area to donate you can do it from wherever whoa yeah that's not nice don't tell Jim to shut up Jim's doing great things right here helping out in chat oh man let's see pair of the pistol I probably should have done that already took snow cave okay I'm gonna check it anyway just in case cuz they could have already respawned you never know yeah look at that already respawned look at that I can yellow drop right over here 100k sweet this night says they're like warning me though just ahead of time oh my god 45 oh yeah hey think that's the person right there I don't know what they said it sounded like Darth Vader or something oh man when I get a job I can donate right now I'm 14 almost 15 yeah maybe you know we will be doing this next year so maybe you'll Rafi around at that stage and you could donate oh crap we're out of Stan is that anything it's the person who took their shotgun ammo they write anything okay just D loading the cave go get that purple drop over there sweet so what happened to Heather she might just be busy she might be busy in game she's playing it he said I'm Batman that's amazing that's awesome Nikolas I'm glad why do you fly on this insect well because we don't have any other Flyers available this is my medieval server so I didn't really want Flyers at all even though obviously ribbons are pretty kind of similar to the medieval lore and everything you know like wyverns are always like castles and and like giant dragons and everything but yeah I didn't have those because that those are Opie but the moth is the only tameable flyer on here that's why I'm writing on it because I didn't want any creatures that could fly and like be used and like raids and stuff like that so that's why we riding on it I was considering enabling the peleg or nests as well but we'll see everyone likes Jim I agree Jim is amazing Jim is BAE yeah the stream is gonna be up on the channel for sure because the way I see it is that by putting it back by letting it like go up onto the channel cuz it's gonna go up automatically unless I stop it by letting that happen more people could potentially donate to the cause which is great so yeah that's the thing already well guys I'm sad to say that Oh I'm sad to say that we will be ending off the stream now thank you everybody who tuned in and thank you everybody who donated it's been awesome it really has I can't believe we've raised like over 4,000 currently we're at four thousand one hundred and forty eight which is amazing we got just one more donation there from Sailor saying we ever go back to playing Sark probably not because I don't really pick I don't think pick Sark is a great game in my opinion I didn't like it a huge amount but yeah thanks very much sailor yeah like I said that's probably gonna be it for today again thanks everybody for the donations it's for a really good cause and if you're watching this after still go ahead and donate because it is possible there's a link down below you can go ahead and do that well yeah thanks everybody for tuning in and thanks for the moderators in chat and everybody yeah it's been awesome join the discord follow the Twitter and Instagram if you want yeah all that good stuff and yeah thanks for watching guys now I gotta figure out which tab I have the thingy in and I'm gonna dance for kilee where do I have the stream thing okay there it is now I can end the stream goodbye
Channel: Syntac
Views: 920,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jrZHJGbRyaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 12sec (13872 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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