Can I Spend $100 on STREET FOOD in MEXICO??

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so she's just put on what's called quon smut wikipedia corn smud is a plant it's a plant disease we're eating a plant disease um mexican street food is known for being delicious and affordable for this whole thing right here it's a dollar 25. that's a good deal so today i'm going to put these price tags to the test seeing if i can spend over 100 dollars on one full day of eating this might be impossible i'm headed to ho chi minh market a teeming hive of activity with skilled vendors and plenty of food [Music] oh it took my breath away here you'll find a load of mexico's street food staples under one roof the most fun part of this trip so far is just finding all this mexican food that really isn't available in the usa time to put my stomach and my wallet to the test [Music] one of mexico's most traditional markets dating all the way back to the 1950s this place is loaded with vendors of all types now it has over 450 vendors inside and out there's people with vegetables produce cilantro in particular right here she has cilantro sorry you're on the show now our first food for today right here hola in the mornings people come here for her steaming hot full-on carb breakfast chilaquiles verdes a dish that combines this city's two staples corn tortillas and salsa yes see we're interacting first chiloquiles with salsa verde or green salsa is scooped up from a hot steaming vessel then it's doused with cream this is some pollo that means chicken what's up eighth grade spanish onion yes see after the chicken she adds diced onions and some cheese here it's over a pound of food it's making my wrist tired they can also put all of this into a sandwich but i've opted to not do that today i'm going to take a little bite from the corner here oh it's still warm it's steaming hot [Music] so immediately you taste the corn flavor the salsa is soaked into the tortillas so it's not dry but it's not quite a soup it's something in between that's just in the corner though on top of that she's put layers of more stuff all that i'm gonna get a nice bite here it looks like cottage cheese but it is not that oh it's so good it has a similar consistency to like a mashed potato that's still a little bit chunky obviously you're not really gonna taste the chicken the main flavor is coming from that salsa and from the sour cream the onions offer a nice crisp oh my gosh this is really irresistible i'm blown away that this is a dollar so i'm excited that it's a dollar and i'm worried that it's a dollar because if this is one dollar how am i gonna get to a hundred dollars on on to the next food time to head inside into the heart of this market filled with endless food potential [Music] [Applause] rebecca or rebecca's kitchen a small restaurant within this bustling market owned by miss rebecca this is our second food already and right here this bowl five dollars we're six percent of our way to our goal to 100 for over 40 years she's been providing patrons with traditional local favorites this soup is made out of cow's stomach called pancito pancito it's called hansita the cow stomach is put into an already made broth and stirred until its colors merge with the red chilies after it cooks through the stomach is cut into small bite-sized pieces then served with the chili broth this is awesome because aside from the stomach they have what looks like a cow hoof that's just been boiled forever until it's become kind of soft and gelatinous on the sides a variety of flavor enhancers limes onions red salsa and even more chili right here dry chilies it's in an old nest cafe bottle this reminds me of my friend his mother would use the same containers to put ghee inside that's good recycling save the planet and so forth now let's eat this animal before i do anything i'm gonna just taste this broth [Music] oh it took my breath away the broth is so fatty it's almost become creamy give it a little bit of a squeeze they say put in onion i'm gonna give it a little bit more salsa to make it slightly picante i mean spicy i'm that annoying guy who's learned 10 words of spanish and won't stop saying that this is the cow feet give it a try mmm it's kind of gooey it's got some chew to it mixed with some crunchy onions that is outstanding it is time to work our way up to the stomach the cow's stomach is one of the most bizarre looking organs it's like kind of fuzzy and furry it reminds me of a big shag carpet on the one side why it's so fuzzy i feel like i'm eating a rug it's so weird the first bite was really fuzzy and furry and it freaked me out a little bit second one was a lot more chewy which i liked delicious outstanding that's food number two we have a lot more to go our next food was only this is a prehispanic delicacy made from a plant i've never seen before this is a farm plant it looks like something that would grow on the side of the highway it's high in nutrition including calcium fiber and a bunch of other vitamins i have two versions of it here this one's been probably boiled a bit its applications are versatile as the seeds can be used for harvesting while the flower buds can be used for cooking that what you just saw there is actually inside of here it's kind of a stringy food now the preparation boiled us online are stuffed with mexican cheese and encased in a whipped batter usually made from egg on each of these stems you can like pull off all of these things like this so that's what's supposed to happen in your mouth when you eat that version the battered risotto are deep fried before being slathered in a tomato sauce [Music] i'm grabbing the stick end all the cheese is gonna come off right wow you can see the green part inside there's cheese covering it there's sauce on top of that this is gonna be a mess here we go not going well boom it's just too long to put the whole thing in there or is it ladies look away i mean men look away turn off your tvs [Music] [Applause] [Music] if i just came here and no one told me i'd be eating the stick and everything and i'd be like it's not that good but when you peel everything off it's almost like mashed peas and the flavors are just kind of gentle this is queso oaxaca cheese from the region of oaxaca i thought wisconsin cheese curds were good this gives wisconsin cheese curds a run for their money it's like a really good mozzarella that has way more texture to it they also have tortillas on the side you can actually strip off the food like you're pulling meat off a kebab and put it in the taco look at the excellent work i've done all right let's try it out it's a tomato sauce but it's super gentle not a ton of flavor and what a unique preparation and it costs only three dollars we are well on our way to 100 let's keep this moving ship i said ship our 100 challenge continues as i'm heading deeper into the market to a place called lahia de cabrera oh we have food number four right here i should have asked questions about it what is this this doll is almost as old as the market itself first established in 1969 miss norma cabrera is its owner so right here we have the gordita ah the popular dishes quesadillas and gorditas embarrassingly i've heard of the gordita uh taco bell the crunchy gordita crunch is that a thing crispy gordita crunch the crispy gordita crunch this it actually looks a lot better the word gordita literally translates into little fat one may i advise not calling your wife this if you'd like to prolong your life expectancy this starts with a thick corn dough that's stuffed with chicharron i love that the fillings are very unique something that you also won't find at taco bell okay i swear to god i'm gonna stop comparing everything to taco bell very soon after stuffing the dough is flattened and grilled with pork lard a substitution for butter when it's ready she cuts the now crispy dough in half adds more lard and more fillings we have iceberg lettuce we have cheese they call it basket cheese why i don't know you guys can do your own research too i think you're becoming too dependent on me at this point lastly add a bit of pacia chili or mexican brown salsa finally it's ready to serve oh this is how you know it's good it's already dripping it is such a thick satisfying crunch on the outside on the inside the lettuce is giving it a nice bit of texture oh no i'm in the very center now i'm getting a little bit more of that chicharron it's a little heavy little oily and just slightly gamey my gosh try to look at this so it's just savory it's a little bit warm not spicy at all the most fun part of this trip so far it's just finding all this mexican food that really isn't available there's like a certain type of mexican food in the usa and then it kind of is limited to that for this whole thing right here it's a dollar twenty five that's a good deal super delicious we are four foods in i'm still hungry let's do some more right here is our next menu item it looks fantastic this is called i'm gonna try not to have a panic attack as i say this what what see this mexican dish got its name from a footwear the sandal to be exact and it looks like the most delicious sandal i've ever seen this is not quick to make and i'm finding that food here what you make kind of depends on where you are and what time of day you're selling first stuff black beans in the masa dough and flatten [Music] then give it its iconic oblong shape before tossing it on the flat top here these vendors are here all day they've got time the lady this morning no time she would move so quickly she could serve up by breakfast in like a minute but here this took about eight minutes for this one dish right here now the bill chile green salsa red salsa top that with onions cheese lettuce and finally grilled salted beef time to eat try just the beef it's delightfully chewy super salty a little bit funky i don't know where that's coming from i don't know how you eat this because it's huge and they don't exactly give you a fork i'm gonna just lift it up like this oh first of all i think i bit into the spicy end it's got a nice hit it warms you up the bread here is so dense oh that's so good so as you eat your way through supposedly the flavors should be changing i'm going from red to green now man i really go between loving red then loving green the red's a bit more spicy green is super fresh and flamboyant i'm on the other end now it's a little hard to distinguish between what is bean and what is the darker salsa well let's try it out the sauce there not as spicy it's fun because the more you move around the more different flavors you get this is the kind of meal that's just going to sink to the bottom of your stomach like the titanic and then it's going to stay on the bottom of your stomach for as long as the titanic did before james cameron found it did he find it did you guys ever wonder why rose didn't share the door with jack they tried like once jack was like oh let me try to get on and it like wasn't convenient and rose was like can you die instead and he's like yeah you're super hot anyways this is five foods now it's starting to hit me but i'm still determined let's keep going we are on a roll already up to food number six now this i actually have seen before it's called a pambazo calvin and i tried something like this at the state fair of texas now i'm in mexico city trying the original [Music] hey epic reveal first they dip the bread in a red guajillo pepper sauce and grill it with water when i ate it with calvin they put so much chili sauce on it that our hands were just caked and completely red here are clean hands then the fillings potatoes mixed with chorizo then lettuce some queso fresco and lastly the crema slam i'm gonna sit here like a little school boy here we go [Music] oh super delicious they put sour cream on so many different foods here but it's really different than the sour cream you would get in the u.s it's very like liquidy it's filled with a lot of stuff but what you're really tasting is the seasoned potato mixed with chorizo i couldn't tell you if the bun actually had any flavor to it [Music] no the salsa they're putting on here i don't think it's adding a lot of flavor but it's making it very nice it's very pretty the price dollar and 25 cents that's outrageous i came out here today with the goal of eating a hundred dollars worth of food i never give up until it's really the end but spending a hundred dollars in mexico on street food this might be impossible as impossible as this challenge seems right now i am pressing forward determined to hit that one hundred dollar mark wait hi so what is this deck oil flap black jack jack jack black oil yeah this dish right here is very exciting this is nopales this is the cactus we saw outside right here take a look at this this is a cactus peeling cactus here it's awesome can i puerto touch i know how to say ken i don't know how to say touch this is big it's flat and most notably they've cut off all the parts that can hurt you convenient the napales are usually julienne here they're making it into a cactus salad ready to top our next food i want to pick up just one of these because i'm so curious about it the inside feels kind of slimy like okra that's been boiled what is this it's got some texture but it's a little slimy too it is like the cross between okra and a green pepper that's been boiled for a long time like so many other street food treats in mexico city the tacoya starts with a corn dough but this time it's stuffed with cheese soon she adds the nopales salad and more cheese [Music] i'm gonna take a big bite here we go [Music] all the dishes in here have kind of a similar dough base just really heavy dense and oily this cheese is a little bit more sharp these are some random toppings and random ingredients i would not expect to see together topping that with cactus that's wild nap napoleon it's got to be painful everybody who speaks spanish is turning this off right now as well you should this one right here 1.25 super affordable probably not a surprise i have space in my four-chambered stomach for one final food this is my last chance to get this challenge done i'm hoping this last food costs around 90 dollars but you know what i kind of doubt it will i'm heading back to miss norma's stall to try out her other most popular dish guys i'm in the kitchen with norma ola can we subtitle that please it's a blue quesadilla something i've never seen before so i'm ordering one of these it's like a skinny quesadilla it starts with a blue corn dough rather than the usual white so first she puts on the queso someone said oh when you go to mexico they don't have cheese that's just tex-mex incorrect mundo there's a lot of cheese here now for that special ingredient corn smut smud doesn't sound like that positive of a word wikipedia corn smud is a plant it's a plant disease we're eating a plant disease let me read more maybe this takes a turn somewhere corn smud is a plant disease caused by pathogenic fungus it's getting worse i think um the fungus forms gales on all above ground parts of corn species it is edible good turns out this plant disease is considered a delicacy here in mexico and it's often used as a filling for quesadillas so i've had a lot of quesadillas in my life usually chicken or beef and no one's ever offered me corn smudge so and she's gonna close that up and this is gonna be one unique quesadilla gracias hey look at this it's like a quesadilla for a baby oh you gotta start your kids early on quesadillas the smut smells kind of earthy let's try it out oh she's looking at me i like it she has a sinister laugh that's really interesting yeah it's earthy and almost kind of grainy and very sour it almost tastes like it's been aged or fermented for a bit but it's not super strong i love the cheese and i'm getting to know the smut it's like when your best friend goes to a different college and then you have to get to know his college friend it's like the cheese is my best friend and the smut is like all right you guys play you play halo too that's we got something in common at least i just would love to give this quesadilla to my mom or if somebody just has no idea what it is and i say no don't don't don't open it just eat it and then after they take it by go okay but look you ate that it doesn't taste bad but i don't know if it's the look of it or the fact that it's corn fungus that really just sticks out in my mind i can't get over it this is my final food i can't take any more i'm stuffed from here we're going to tally up the total and i'm going to find out if i broke the 100 mark for this 100 street food challenge let's find out guys that is the end of the video i simply cannot put any more food in in fact i need to burn some of this energy off today was outstanding and almost overwhelming as somebody who thought they understood mexican food i've come here and i realized i know nothing and i have so much more to learn i have an open mind and an even more open not heart mouth but we did come here for a reason today and that reason was to challenge myself to spend 100 on street food now i'm tabulating the results there's beet boot noises there's calculator sounds today after eating eight different street foods did i break 100 the total eaten for today is [Music] 17 oh that's not even close i'm blown away by the quality and the diversity and the flavors so many different foods i've never had before all in one day for 17 dollars eight different things it's unreal unbelievable best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] are they praying they're actually selling and sorry what's it called again okay can you go back a little bit you're in my shot oh yes hey i'm just reacting conversationally i don't know what she's saying you guys ever wonder why rose didn't share the door with jack they tried like once jack was like oh let me try to get on and it like wasn't convenient and rose was like can you die instead and he's like yeah you're super hot i never thought i'd score someone as hot as you and as rich as you so yeah that's fine i'll stay in the water and become an ice cube then she took a nap and then she peeled his fingers off and she was like oh get off my dory peasant she just like drifted to the bottom of the ocean it was supposed to be emotional and i'd be like what did she just do she could have brought him back and given him a burial or funeral or something she just peeled him off like if she had a crowbar there she would have beat him off the door and then he just summed to the bottom of the ocean and then literally two seconds later there's a boat that comes by she's blowing on her whistle anyways um guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a piece el piso how do you say peace
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 4,007,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs, befrs team, sonny side, Mexico, Latin america country, Mexico city, latino, Mexican food, where to eat in Mexico, Aztec culture, Mexican culture, Mexican traditional food, Food Tour in Mexico City, AZTEC FOOD, CHILAQUILES VERDE, HUAZONTLE, Pancita, 100$ challenge, street food in mexico, cheap food, GORDITA, Huarache, HUITLACOCHE, TLACOYO
Id: H0gnSaz_fmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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