10 KOREAN FOODS You've Never Seen! UNIQUE Korean 7-Eleven Tour in Seoul

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here we go the big reveal three two one [Applause] [Music] we am come to Seoul South Korea adhere to the 7-eleven and it's like ah what 7-eleven why would you even do a video about this Korea is a convenience-store culture with over 32,000 stores throughout the entire country that's about one per every 1,600 people full of conveniences food and snacks like you've never seen before guys they have a tomato ice cream here from innovative snack technology to drinking food what's super unique about this is you might not know how to open this properly food that you wouldn't believe came from a microwave Wow unexpected from a gas station that doesn't even have gas and even some not so typical snack foods there's a Korean food called bun degi today we're gonna see it all [Music] hey Joan is gonna help me explore all the magic that is convenience store food here in Seoul South Korea why are there so many convenience stores in Korea Korean people like everything being fast we can just hop in rat something come on real quick there's no doubt that the food found within these walls is part of Korean food culture especially the noodles you cannot start out talking about 7-eleven in Korea without talking about noodles and we're headed to the noodle aisle right now [Music] [Applause] in Korea the noodle section has its whole own aisle right here literally dozens of different types of noodles there's cup noodles bowl noodles noodles with an even bigger bowl you can take your noodles hollow or give it to someone as a gift so those four types is what really amazed me is they have this cheese Damiani right here these are gonna be our cheesy macaroni and cheese Korean noodles what do you want yeah I'll go with spicy the original chicken spicy noodle okay I like that that's a good combo so we're gonna have two that are actually like noodles without the broth Korea has some next-level innovative noodle making technology but that doesn't mean I can read the directions there's instructions everywhere in Korean after opening fill the bowl with hot water seal it and let the noodles soften cool these noodles are like me on the on a first date they're just hanging out they're not really doing a lot when the noodles are al dente you peel back the built-in vent allowing you to strain the water add the cheese seasoning basically a mac and cheese in korea mix it up and get ready to enjoy what do you give me a like a score out of 10 maybe 9.5 I'll take it hey Jules scorching hot chicken noodles are pretty much made the same way poking holes in the lid to strain the water then adding seasoning and a deathly amount of spice when you finished making that I'm gonna search for some milk we'll get a banana milk and a blackberry milk and that's good let's go eat this straw oh yeah how could a trick here we have the korean mac and cheese basically the cheated onion and then the spicy is the spicy noodle okay try it out so unhealthy creamy cheesy there's certainly some flavor additives in there this one it's so spicy but then it's so good you can't stop eating you know you're hurting your stomach but it gets pop can I try some oh yeah we've been watching wool freak out when you put your chopsticks in someone else's food in Korea it's all good all right here we go oh it burns huh I like spicy ketchup creamy salty spicy it's just like that pure goat cheese gochujang flavor although a milk in this drawer is way too Tommy I need it open now [Music] do you like it some people if they don't want to spicy they they mix this together so they could make it a cheesy spicy noodle oh that's a good yep so a little bit of mixed cheese and spice with far too many tasty treats hey Jun and I are gonna play a little game we'll each grab a food that the other person must try and share our findings at the same time it could be delicious it can be some anything I have to try it could be maybe something that's a little weird what could possibly go wrong I'm not sure if I want to get him a good thing or like a crazy thing I knew exactly what I was gonna get so I am wondering if we're on the same page or not yeah gummies I think this would be boring donut no peanuts with the og with these little fish inside no no right here this is the honey butter squid it's really really good there's something that's super unique in a Korean 711s called bun begi bun diggie is already sold on the streets some parts of Seoul they boiled up in these big pots and they serve it to you hot did it happen and the only thing worse that I could imagine is bun Diggy in a can let's go see what she thinks you'll be hilarious if we got the same thing here we go the big reveal three two one you know like Monday that's why I threw in there it could be delicious it could be something anything I have to try it could be maybe something that's a little weird a little weird weird alright what is this here you've got honey butter squid that's super interesting there's like a honey butter craze in the last few years I think so we're gonna eat some squid and we're gonna eat some fun diggy silkworm pupae in a camp let's start with this this is a good engine oh yeah Angela the drinking food it's super fishy it's dried and it's honey butter flavored let's try it on that's very Chilean I taste confusion what's happening in my mouth a super friggin Chilean okay just a little butter no honey and a plenty of squid perfect with the beer and that's why this is a drinking food because you would use two lowly snack on it to be fair it has like almost no calories it's pretty healthy mam round one done big blood piggy reveal here we go why am I doing this I don't have to do this how could you do this to me that is bugs in a can I don't want to be rude I get people like it to me it smells like a sweaty old mattress alright let's bust into it I like a little mattress flavor in my bugs I'll do it with you some of good sport don't be rude as you're being racist against Korean culture yeah Cheers oh it's crunchy and gushy actually it's better when it's hot I believe it doesn't taste like a mattress what's it taste like to you it's just crunch it doesn't taste like anything I don't know it just tastes like old cotton balls I don't think it's that bad it's about wellness and that was a religious experience hmm the owner of this 7-eleven has been here for 13 years making him a snack expert portal bootie team John hop girl Bonnie Washington's Nagisa what is on money and with his vast wealth of knowledge he suggests trying some pooja or dry Korean snacks starting with Korea's legendary cookie sticks it's a cookie in the shape of a stick ma'am look at that body some fat oh if you're alone and lonely this is a perfect companion one of Korea's hottest new snack trends yogurt gummies why is that so hot right now hmm because it's Dewar flavor do you feel the yogurt like at the end I think so I put like four in my mom turtle chips a three-dimensional crispity crunchity texture sensation look at that shoe looks like something familiar they put four layers into one chip let's try it out do you mean there's a punch the flavor it's not super unique flavor or anything with that crunch and then you just might remind you you could even try a little more dried squid at least I think it's squid is that a set of squid or it's hard to say what that is last the most unique way to cool down guys they have a tomato ice cream here I've really never heard of that it's really really good we're gonna get this one for sure it's like our favorite in the summer because when you're so hot and like you're so sweaty this fills up all the moisture in your body and you put it on your frozen hamburger open it like this it's very violent twist off the top and then there's still some tomato in the top and you just bite that yeah it certainly tastes like tomato though we tell me no I'm so confused admire the guts it took to be someone in a conference room was like guys third quarter sales are low the answer is tomato ice cream and there it is don't have another bite or a shoe you kind of chew it out right it's good it's like if you took tomato paste mixed it with water and a bunch of sugar yeah that's what this tastes like not ice cream really it's like a frosty it's a ketchup cross next up Sam got kimbap or triangle kimbap that has one very important mission keep the seaweed crunchy I got the chunky my own a Jew so to heaven mayonnaise what's super unique about this is you might not know how to open this properly so check out this amazing technology open it down the middle revealing the seaweed outside pull these two layers apart bam bam and so we have fresh crispy seaweed with rice inside it's an innovation of food I got the spicy even oh so you can see the beef inside of her the red is rice and spicy there's a plant growing out of it I guess this is all if you look at mine and still all sealed and protected let's eat it before it gets soggy ready it's creamy and mayonnaise and tuna bursting from the scenes coming out basically it's like a little tuna salad right inside of the right was it spicy a little twinge of spice but with a crispy seafood outside and everything together it's like the perfect snack good sound really convincing it's good [Applause] [Music] Korea has a drinking culture that can even be seen in convenience stores where it's totally chilled to grab a beer or a bottle of soju sit outside and toss a couple back you like soju yes I love so - this one's the green green and this one's dog grapefruit yeah we're gonna get these two so juice and we're gonna get a couple aren't you we're gonna go outside and we're gonna drink but before that we need the proper hangover prevention cognition to be dog the five dollar hangover cure here at 7-eleven let's try it out I'm all ready for whatever drinking to Nipomo [Music] all right hey are you doing good are you so so pumped some say the USA is the freest country on earth where you can even openly criticize politicians but in Korea they have the kind of freedom that matters where you can drink a beer outside a 7-eleven without getting tackled by a cop can you believe that we're just at a 7-eleven and we got all these fancy flavored soju drinks and these are this is pig anuses intestine o intestine sorry I thought it was something else the main thing we care about is the soju before you open it you have to make it into a tornado yeah show me cool drinking things do you see then oh my god I did just because it's easy to drink in Korea doesn't mean it's easy to drink in Korea because you're older than me I have to hide that I'm doing all when I'm drinking yeah like this yeah home bang one day done done she won't do it Oh the Porto it tastes great what percent alcohol his head I think it's like 3000 that is like a wine you gotta follow it up with some of this Anjou I'm gonna start with this we'll work our way up to intestine to try it out it's actually starting Lee good it's like a cells very steak and then really a soft tender meat Wow unexpected from a gas station that doesn't even have gas we're gonna take one more shot let's switch the bottles do you have to look away again yes every time you talk yeah every time mmm she can't handle it let's try some intestines from a convenience store cheers Cheers very chewy big gaming well animal II it's like if a bunch of pigs just got done playing soccer it's what the locker room would smell like I'm gonna get one of these stuff cookies hmm no no I'm just place you to this is what I really love and kind of miss about Korea is this convenience store culture it's a great cheap way to have some drinks have some food and hang out with friends so then I want to say Gombe someday and thank you so much Cheers [Music] Hagelin thank you so much for showing me around and hanging out in the 7-eleven with me for five hours I had a great time and I hope you guys did too next time you're in Korea at a 7-eleven try something new because I guarantee you you're gonna find something you've never seen before also for you guys this video was made possible by a little company called one trip one trip is the highest rated tour company in Vietnam doing tours from north to south from Hanoi to Saigon you can experience food tours adventure tours and more to learn more about one trip check out the links in the description down below I will see you next time a finger heart I dunno are you doing we're doing hard [Music] [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,800,770
Rating: 4.9079413 out of 5
Keywords: korean 7 eleven, korean 7-eleven, korea food, korean food, korea street food, korean street food, best ever food review show, silkworm pupa, where to eat seoul, 7-11 korea, korea 7-11, korean family mary, korea family mart, family mart food, gs25, gs25 food, korean gs25, sonny side, korean mart food, korean samgak kimbap, tomato ice cream, korean ice cream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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