$100 Food Truck Challenge!! USA's Street Food of the North!!

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a monster sandwich it has the whole arm of a lobster inside look at this this is like the thumb of the lobster it's giving me the thumbs up it's giving me the go ahead to take a bite [Applause] [Music] street food most of the world is filled with it incredibly quick super cheap and extremely delicious oh that's good sadly the usa doesn't really have a street food culture but we do have food trucks [Music] good morning and welcome to the anoka food truck festival today i'm taking on the ultimate food challenge seeing if i can spend 100 on food truck food to put inside my belly just at this one event and just for today there are 50 different food trucks all together in one location everything you can imagine that can be put into a truck is here there's long food wine food sweet food salty food a lot of greasy food i've got plenty of options to choose from the only problem now is deciding where to start there are only two things that could limit me today money and my stomach and i came hungry let's go boom still there we're doing it this is my first stop today i'm starving i haven't eaten anything and there's something called the mother clucker yes that is our fan favorite in everywhere this is bad rooster solaire's family-owned food truck they opened in the midst of last year's coved chaos and somehow in just over one year of existing they've brought home four awards including best sandwich in minnesota what is the deal with the sandwich we make everything from scratch except for ketchup i don't bite pines our chicken sandwich is is humane practice chicken and you can taste the difference on that and you get the sauce every great sandwich has a secret sauce that sets it apart and this mother clucker well it definitely has a sauce minnesota honey hot and it could be mild medium hot extreme and out of your clucking mind oh you're clucking mine yes i can't blow out my entire digestive system in the first location i would really recommend hot hot is number three three no i'm doing five you're going to do out of your clock of mine yeah i'm doing five yeah i'm out of my club it is hot first the chicken breast is deep fried then coated in their level five out of your clunking mind sauce plus two scoops of extreme hot sauce how's the heartburn gonna be after this three days three days of heartburn not just heartburn oh now the build first their own homemade butt lettuce the sauced up chicken breast and finally their bread and butter coleslaw now i thought they were gonna just drizzle a little bit of sauce on top but no they've actually thoroughly coated the entire chicken breast with sauce give it some cpr that is a beauty you guys ready i'm doing it [Music] there's so many kids here i want to swear it's so bad it's like straight chili oil no why'd they do this i don't even think so yeah there's no way that's from chili's that is like some unnatural heat my throat is swelling closed i saw an ambulance earlier i hope it's doing left it's very hot did i mention that part that's one bite i just had one bite and i feel someone's pain sorry i need to stop there's customers here that want to order food the bread is nice it just tastes almost like a whole wheat buns it's almost like they should give you some ranch or blue cheese to cool you down or maybe even a whole dung steak would be okay too there's an excellent crunch on the chicken all in all if you don't get a number five it'll be quite similar to eating food that you enjoy oh is this a ranch someone brought me a ranch the ranch fairy stopped by give it a little bit of a dip it's tasting a lot more balance now this whole sandwich is 13 it is not a tiny sandwich i'm in extreme paint i'm not sure what she put in here but she somehow bottled up a little bit of hellfire let's go to location number two here at the food truck known as taste the real nollens the jefferson family offers their own northern twist on classic southern new orleans dishes i was told if you go to new orleans and say new orleans you're going to get punched in the face that's how they talk down there who's keeping it out there okay my mother she's from minnesota but she went down to new orleans to learn how to cook the food and she brought it back up here from the world that's why we say taste the real numb i love that your mom doesn't want to be interviewed but secretly she kind of does today i'm getting shrimp and grits why do grits and shrimp go together they go together because it tastes good it just tastes good first coat the shrimpies in frying powder and give them a little bit of a dip in hot oil you know grits is a southern thing it's like cream of wheat but made with corn exactly yeah their creamy grits are made by slow cooking a mixture of salt water fine cornmeal pepper jack and cheddar cheese the final step is to combine the shrimp and the grits together so they can create their own new orleans chats it's music for your mouth here i've got mostly shrimp let's try it out oh no does someone have a dog that likes seafood hey does your dog like shrimp oh yeah hey thanks buddy nothing wasted i was distracted i didn't even taste it there's a beautiful crunchy breading juicy and might i say shrimpy on the inside i'm gonna just get some grits alone oh they're so rich it's almost cheesy they put shrimp throughout the grits it's like a yogurt parfait but with the layers of shrimp and grits next i'm getting dessert this is a beignet a must try for those visiting new orleans a doughy sweet pastry with a french influence start by dropping the dough into hot oil let it puff up and transform into a succulent shade of golden brown i've had beignets in new orleans they were about this big but you got little cute ones yeah with a minnow soda twig now for the sweetness a snowy sprinkling of powdered sugar then a couple sides for dipping chocolate sauce and a caramel pecan sauce i'm gonna go plain jane at first let's try it out [Music] [Applause] i'm always thinking there's gonna be pillowy inside but inside is dense i like this take on the beignet beyond that it's crispy on the outside it's very steamy very warm and fresh this sauce is speaking to me i can tell you when i was in new orleans they did not have a caramel sauce with pecans this might be the minnesota twist right here enjoy it close your eyes and go to a happy place that's what i'm doing the seasonal depression is lifting away i want my bite uh-huh i'm very traveling and people say like hey food is medicine i agree for me it's an antidepressant five dollars for this you get four fried pieces two sauces not a bad deal let's keep moving [Music] my next stop elevation 5280 the truck behind me is colorado themed when you think of colorado you may conjure images of rocky mountain oysters or certain herbal delicacies here they offer food that'll flood your brain with much more dopamine inspired by choleridian southwest cuisine they've created a menu full of reimagined classics like tacos or loaded fries but of course they offer their own twist right here the colorado fries what are they it's the rocky mountains of meats and cheeses placed atop starchy fried goodness it consists of seasoned french fries colorado pork green chili sauce chicken something special happens when you smoke barren water you get really creative in the kitchen chihuahua cheese chipotle crema and pico de gallo i'm not saying that's the inspiration for what is in my hand right now but oh man people in canada are jealous it's almost like a poutine but better oh it tastes like chipotle chicken beautifully grilled beautifully seasoned so much flavor mix that with the pico de gallo a little hint of freshness and then this creamy colorado pork green chili sauce is that right that's right you can see i'm slowly getting to the french fry layer it's like a taco salad without any of those greens [Music] this is a delicious mess ten dollars for this whole thing and they don't skimp on anything the perfect partner to unconventional nachos even more unconventional tacos right here bulgogi tacos start by grilling corn tortillas then fill them with bulgogi or korean grilled beef this is one of korea's most popular meat offerings it literally means fire meat add coleslaw hoisin sauce sriracha and top it with cilantro lots of awesome asian flavors let's try it out they've got pickled slaw and there's a perfect blend to this very sweet very salty savory sauce that's on top i love that mexico and korea are finally uniting two countries that really have almost nothing to do with each other but now they're finally coming together here in my mouth two tacos eight dollars i'm very impressed at this moment i have spent 45 dollars i'm almost to the halfway mark and i think my stomach is about to the halfway mark too now we're heading to our next location where is it [Music] i'm in a food truck with duggar how you doing good how are you doing fantastic i'm looking at four giant paella pans this one feeds about 100. wow that's wild paella is a traditional spanish dish with endless possible varieties here at paella depot doug is introducing his take on this foreign food to adventurous minnesota folks it started about 25 30 years ago i stumbled across these pants from spain and then decided well the only way i'm going to sell the paintings is to figure out how to make great paella and ultimately people love the dish so much i stopped focusing on selling pans and started selling the product doug's career changing creation begins with a rich flavor foundation of olive oil garlic onions chorizo their signature spice blend saffron and tomatoes it may be a new food to a lot of people here in minnesota are a lot of people confused about what this dish even is most of them yes we kind of came up with the idea of like the hot dish of spain because we're in minnesota and it's all about the hot dish [Music] now it's time to add the rice and mix what kind of rice are you using and we use bomba rice so it's a spanish valencian short grain rice this rice caramelizes it doesn't get creamy they add chicken stock to enrich the dish even more now the final ingredients chicken salt green zucchini leeks and bell peppers but doug still has one more trick up his sleeve there's this dark brown part that is the most prized part because it's gonna just be so crunchy and full of flavor we build up that crust over and over again that richness that comes in any dish like that's where it comes from now some people only do one crust you can do things a traditional way but what actually has the best flavor i'm gonna go try it i can't wait please make sure i get a lot of that crusty stuff you bet i'm gonna try some of the rice that's so satisfying beautiful spices it's rich buttery i'm gonna hit that with some egg yolk and that's just gonna beautifully cascade and spill onto the rest of the rice oh hello it's a little ravine of yolk let's take a bite of that one of my best bites so far the yolk is so creamy it's rich it's on top of this beautifully textured rice it's a great combination okay guys i want you to pan over to doug right now i have a feeling doug right now is pitching people on what the heck is the paella i appreciate that he's kind of like a culinary ambassador for the paella over here there's some vegetables there's chorizo smoky crunchy and chicken too we have so many animals involved i didn't even know i love it i'm very impressed and i'm very proud of doug but everyone's going left he's making paella and he's killing it next truck the food train is trucking along next up original hockey mom brownies once upon a time a mother got her son's entire hockey team hooked on her sweet ooey gooey brownies and now she's doing the same to folks all around the state if you're simple you can get a brownie for six seven dollars but if you want to take it to the next level you get ice cream you get a layer of brownie which is called the slab shot it's a s'more and peanut butter brownie combined and then on top of that you get whipped cream some caramel some chocolate and then a dusting of butterfinger guts [Music] oh it's so rich [Music] it is this beautiful layering of sweet confection all coming together to make a delicious treat try another bite s'mores have chocolate peanut butter has peanut butter and those two are really meant to be together it's like burning ernie when we found out that they weren't just roommates they've been lovers this whole time apparently so far we spent 69 we have 31 to go i'm getting kind of full at this point we got to keep going i am determined to break a hundred dollars i have a pocket full of cash but a stomach that could burst at any moment the only logical strategy in order to complete this challenge go fancy you might not expect to find a full lobster menu at a food truck festival here in minnesota far far from the ocean that would be until you serendipitously stumble upon rebel lobster [Music] here they specialize in lobster rolls mine starts with fresh chilled maine lobster rolled in mayonnaise then stuffed deep inside a buttered and grilled new england roll a monster sandwich it has the whole arm of a lobster inside coming in 26 we're not at 100 yet but we're getting there we're real close they put a lemon in the middle and then on the side my favorite condiment actual pure butter you can dip your fries in it you can dip your loved ones in it it's just gonna make everything better give it a little bit of a spritz we need citrus we need some lightness we're talking about balance here folks let's take a bite wow the bread and butter alone is very satisfying if you look into the roll you can see this is full of lobster meat look at this this is like the thumb of the lobster it's giving me the thumbs up it's giving me the go ahead to take another bite this is a whole seafood meal right here remember i said bring all your friends with you forget it go by yourself bring 26 just get this go home alone be happy oh you're not you're not hungry for dinner tonight now with lana and the outlaw grill food truck so the foundation of everything here revolves around the tot it does i feel like tater tots are like this nostalgic item and so now we've taken this tater tot something we've had in our hot dishes something we've had at school lunch is it the same tater tot do you do something different we get kind of a more pure tater tot it's just potatoes and salt that's it there's a lot of them on the market that are name brand that have a lot of seasonings already added to them it messes with them so we start there and then we add our own seasoning to it we fry them a certain way so if they get crispy then we just ramp it up with all the goodies go on top of all the goodies here lana recommends her favorite the pulled pork burrito known also as the bank heist on a flour tortilla they add their special tater tots and shredded cheddar cheese i've eaten so many foods today this is gonna be kind of my dessert then a generous portion of pulled pork with barbecue sauce whatever tiny pocket the space that's left in my stomach this is gonna fill top that with their very own coleslaw called outlaw slaw and of course ranch um i was hoping i had a question that would come like do you have any advice you should get some jalapenos on it oh yeah they basically have taken a whole minnesota meal and put it in one burrito let's try it out you ready i'm ready i like that it's spicy it's meaty it's sour the coleslaw it brings everything together there's nice little fried bits in there they pulled pork delicious soft and it just kind of melts in your mouth i'm telling you this is food number nine and i've got as much gusto as i had when i started my final favorite thing about this burrito is that it is featuring the tot and this woman this entrepreneur and her husband have made a food truck that revolves completely around the tater tot of course they do dress it up a bit they're doing great work and i'm very impressed from here all there is to do is add up all the food from today and see we spent a hundred dollars i freaking hope so i cannot eat anymore [Music] the numbers are being calculated the math is being mapped and out of all these foods today nine foods i believe i spent 108 i gotta say this is the first time i have legitimately completed this challenge guys i hope you're as pumped as i am about this legendary achievement thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed seeing a little slice of minnesota a place where we call paella spanish hot dish a place where we put tater tots in anything being an influencer doesn't require millions of fans all you need is this t-shirt entertain and inspire at your own pace don't be an influencer be a micro influencer get your shirt now is this even impressive anymore it's a hundred dollars all the americans watching are like that's just kind of normal a normal amount now due to inflation this may become a two hundred dollar challenge the dog's back i'm gonna be one more here we go don't bite my finger good good boy or girl and sometimes i don't have a friend to come with me and share or a girlfriend i have a wife though that's pretty good she'll love that one i got it i've got it i've got a what a tape oh look at that dog in the backpack that shouldn't be allowed either how cute is that oh i miss my dog as much street food truck oh god hold on there's another one going to handle the food truck that is it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time a piece
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 8,337,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, leaving vietnam, usa trip, minnesota, minneapolis, twin city, America, American food culture, Anoka food truck, food truck fair, FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL, 100$ food challenge, eating 100$ worth of food, PAELLA, MOTHER CLUCKER, BULGOGI TACOS, LOBSTER ROLL, COLORADO FRIES
Id: MtxqrHiP2Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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