Can I Solve the World's Hardest Riddles?

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be honest with me what do you see when you look at me you see a smart guy you see a problem solver you see a Riddler well today we're going to find out whether I'm any of those things because we are taking the bright side 15 tricky riddles that will apparently drive me insane now I've never considered myself to be much of a riddler but according to Brightside if I do get these all right then I may have a role in the next Batman let's do this a rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof which way did it rule for anybody who's been to elementary school there's always that one kid who will try to fool you with this question like in fourth grade he thinks he's a magician or something so the answer to this of course is that roosters don't lay eggs because they're male chickens and then hens who are female chickens lay eggs anyways the egg wouldn't roll anywhere because the egg does not exist so question two what was the U.S president's name in 1996 doesn't really feel like a riddle so the US president from 1993 to 2001 was Bill Clinton maybe the trick is that his name is actually William I don't know whether you like it or not it was still Donald J Trump names usually don't change with time first of all once the president always a president you always use the president nomenclature in front of your name the answer is Bill Clinton I'm accepting this I'm two for two forget this quiz imagine you are are in a sinking row boat surrounded by sharks bummer but it still doesn't mean that you should give up right how would you survive okay so the number one thing you should do When approaching a shark is to not provoke it and make it feel like it's in danger so I would say if you ignore them you should be fine I mean unless it's a really hungry shark and they say you have like some tuna Sashimi on board but generally speaking if you're in a row boat just don't use the paddle to hit it I think you'd be fine so that's my logical answer but since it's a riddle quiz I'm guessing that there's something more to this well I would say you're probably already dead and there's no need to survive if you're dead it seems like a hopeless situation I know but all you have to do is stop imagining voila okay I mean I guess it's right two for three question four if you had one match and entered a dark room which contained an oil lamp newspaper I literally got this question on the common sense quiz that I took brightside's recycling questions now imagine being a content creator who just recycles the same ideas over and over again couldn't be me but anyways the first thing that you should light should be the match so then you can actually light the other things you need to think about it for too long you already made a choice by lighting the match in the first place perfect three for four I think I'm getting smarter Larry's father has five Sons named 10 20 30 40 and what's the name of his fifth son first of all they should call dyphus on this father for naming his kids intervals of 10 10 20 30 40 so they want me to say 50. however I was actually listening to the question and they said that Barry's Father which means that the last kid is going to be Barry is of course wait for it Larry did you get it I swear he said Barry I was even listening because I knew in the question there would be something and then I misheard the name you got to give me some points on that one are we counting it uh how do I screw that up I thought I had them locked down how many times can you subtract 10 from 100 so they want me to say 10 which mathematically would be the correct answer however I noticed they like to be super technical with their wording and so 10 from 100 you could only subtract once so I'm actually going to submit my answer as one in fact you can do it only once next time what'd I say Miss Jones lives in California and has five children three boys and two girls our question is simple what's her husband's last name the husband's last name is Jones because they just said Mrs Jones lives in California with her five children yeah I heard you this time narrator but the biggest issue I have with this question is that why is she living in California and then the second biggest issue I have with this question is why is she raising five kids in California do you know how expensive that is she's probably making 750 000 and half of that is going to the Chino Hills Elementary School these kids are so spoiled and they don't even know it anyways Jones Final Answer Miss Owens doesn't have husband if she did she would have been a missus don't tell me I misheard that one Miss Jones do they expect the people taking this quiz to have like these Sony surround sound speakers to hear every single Annunciation that they're making so what am I four for seven now I hate this quiz what was the tallest mountain in the world before Mount Everest was discovered so as a geography buff I actually know the answer to this Moana Kia in Hawaii which is an underwater mountain is actually like 2 000 meters taller than Mount Everest so the classification for Mount Everest being the tallest is that it has the tallest Summit above sea level so it's like the highest point you could reach however it's not the tallest mountain from base to summon I feel confident about this one it was still Mount Everest it was always there even before it was officially discovered there's so many issues with this answer not only is that factually wrong but then they're saying it's still the tallest before it was discovered which is like saying if a tree falls in a forest does it make a sound we don't know maybe maybe not so if we didn't see Mount Everest how do we know it was the tallest all right four for eight I guess I slipped to fifty percent we got to get some momentum now all right so a boy and a doctor are fishing the boy is the doctor's son however the doctor isn't the boy's father who is the doctor so I would say that the boy is either a test tube baby like he was created through crispr Gene editing and they put his embryo through like some medical device or I would say that the doctor has a separate baby mama who acted as a surrogate and there's some legal issues with classifying the Sun as his son it has to be one of those right the doctor is simply the boy's mother that's right okay so you caught me slipping once twice five times okay a lot but the point is I'm gonna learn from this and I'm gonna get better but whatever four for none a monkey a squirrel and a bird are racing to the top of the coconut tree who do you think will get the banana first nobody because they're climbing a coconut tree I've played Super Mario Sunshine I've seen these trees there's no bananas on a coconut tree final answer you're not tripping me up this time well it's none of them it's a coconut tree remember all right five for ten I'm hanging in there okay so here we go a man claims that he can predict the exact score of every football game before it begins how is that possible alright so first off are we talking American football or soccer because if it's soccer I feel like that's pretty easy because every game ends in low single digit scores like two one or one zero or three one maybe football's actually staged and he's the commissioner who's pulling the strings deciding what the scores are you know that Buffalo Wild Wings commercial where like they pull the lever and they make the game go into overtime they send it into overtime yeah no problem this could be that guy and if it is that guy then this would make perfect sense wait a second I'm noticing something he claims how is that possible because you could claim whatever you want I could claim that I'm a good YouTuber I could claim that I'm a gaming channel I could claim a lot of things that aren't true so I'm gonna say this guy is falsely claiming the correct thing you can do the same thing as well because the score of every game before it begins is zero zero touche right side touche five for eleven you are running in a race and you pass the person who is in second place what position are you in now so in this case the black guys in second if I'm running this race and I pass him I would be in second place right because I couldn't be in first place because then I'd have to pass that white guy who looks like Anderson Cooper in the front and I wouldn't be in third place because that would require me to pass the John Mulaney looking guy in the back so if I'm passing the guy in second place I would be in second place logically you're still not the first one you passed the runner who was second and took his place which means that you were only in second place now exactly tricky that's what I'm saying all right six for twelve good job sometimes you got to be your biggest supporter ooh long one buckle up here no pun intended you're driving a bus with 10 people on it at the first stop should be a comma there four people get off and two get on at the next stop three people get off and five get on and at the last stop six people get off and only one gets on how old is the bus driver so that question took a turn that I don't even think chat GPT trying to randomize the question could take it I'm trying to figure out what any of that further information has to do with the bus driver oh duh I'm driving the bus that means the bus driver is me so how old am I well I'm two years old I'm catching on to their tricks we said you're driving a bus so your age is the correct answer here are there people out there who think they're a different age than they actually are like how come you can't change your age like what if I feel like I'm 35 because of the life experience I've lived through oh actually I see a lot of issues with that anyways Mr and Mrs Anderson have six boys each boy has one sister can you count how many people there are in the family so I don't think they're saying that each boy has one total sister I think what they're telling me is that each boy for every boy there's a sister which means the grand total would be 14 because I think the trick is that you think that there's one sister so a lot of people are gonna say nine but the answer is actually 14 which makes sense because this is question 14. so brightside's trying to get a little cheeky here but guess who's not cheeky this guy so I would say 14. the Andersons actually make a family of nine people no count together there are no that can't be it I literally called out their logic I stopped you I know what's going on inside of your head I feel like there's at least three questions in this quiz where I knew what they were trying to do and I just couldn't stop them oh that's so frustrating all right so I'm at 50 exactly going into this final question wish me luck there was an airplane crash and unfortunately every single person on the board died but two lucky ones survived how is it possible I got this question before you lazy pieces of Frank you just recycle questions left and right the answer to this is that every single person died so the two that were a couple and married survived I'm done with this quiz 8 for 15. I beat you you can't beat me watch these videos peace out guys
Channel: Sambucha
Views: 982,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, sambucha, reaction, funny, common sense, test, riddles
Id: x1iSWz5GlU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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