How Good Are Your Eyes?

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do you think you have a pair of razor-sharp eyes or are they about as blunt as a butter knife if you want to find out once and for all i've put together a series of fun tasks that'll push your peepers to the limit so can you pick up on hidden details or see straight through complex illusions just take this test and find out how good your eyes really are [Music] the thing is the tasks ahead involve a whole load of different colors so it's probably best if we do a real quick test to make sure you're not color blind first i'll use a few questions from the ishihara test for color deficiency which is designed to pick up on any color vision handicaps you might have all you need to do is tell me what number you see in the circle are you ready what number can you see here that's a 12. now that i know you can count let's move on what number is in this circle you should be able to see 74 however if you saw a 21 you may have a degree of color blindness let's try another what can you see here you got 15 right well if you saw 17 there's a chance you may have a color vision defect but don't fret let's try a few more here's the next one that was 45. how about this next one sweet 16. now if you didn't see either of those don't panic we'll keep going just to be sure so what can you see here if you have normal vision you shouldn't have been able to see anything there aside from a bunch of multi-colored spots but if you picked up the number 5 and all that colorful chaos it could be that you have a color vision deficiency let's try one last one you can stop squinting now because you shouldn't be able to see any numbers in that circle but if you did manage to see number 45 it's possible that you suffer from color blindness now i'm no optician but if you did have problems with these plates you might want to make an appointment with your local eye doctor or at the very least check the color balance on your monitors but assuming you passed with flying colors let's move on to the real test there will be eight different tasks each with different stages of difficulty ranging from easy on the eyes to super human sight the first level of each stage might not seem too hard but the further along you go the more concentration you'll need to pass a stage you must be able to answer every question in it correctly and for every stage you do pass you'll score one point but if you fail just once you don't get that point no pressure first let's flex those focal muscles what can you see just below the watch screen here's a clue one is a big red rectangle i'm talking about the like and subscribe buttons duh prove to me you can see them by giving them a click ok you got me this isn't a real test however if you do like interactive content that'll test your skills and senses like this video and subscribe to be amazed for more top tier entertainment now let's get started color count this is where the real challenge begins for this task all you need to do is pick out one of the ten colors that's different from the rest it may sound simple but there are four stages which will gradually get harder and harder and remember to keep an eye on the timer as you'll only have six seconds to find the odd one out are you ready let's start with the super easy stage one number eight that was easy right what's next that'd be the bright blue number three great job number five look and fly that's obviously number six but are you ready for the final image did you score that four nice job if you got all of those give yourself a point heads up here comes the medium difficulty stage number one i'm on a roll here lucky number seven what's next [Music] did you get number four as well great job number six so easy but what's the final image going to be that's number ten did you get all five of those then pop another point onto your current score alright let's see just how hard this next stage is nice try number ten phew i almost missed that one wait that was number nine uh is anyone else starting to struggle was that number one geez can we go back a stage what do you think number eight oh yeah me too totally i could have sworn they were all the same but that's clearly number three speaking of which did you get everything right in stage three if you did give yourself a point now it's time for the final super hard stage you're going to want to wipe that sweat out of your eyes did any of you superhumans get number 10 i sure couldn't please be number six so close number seven is ever so slightly lighter i was nowhere near number three how about you they all look the same i would have never guessed it was number five okay last one that number two has left me feeling blue well if you didn't get a point for that last stage like me don't feel too bad but did your superhuman peepers have better luck balls to the wall take a look at this image as you can see the balls here are three different colors red blue and green but one of them is an imposter it may look green thanks to those green lines but that ball is actually beige this amazing effect is called the munker illusion which occurs when your perception of one color is changed by the surrounding colors so let's find out if your sharp eyes can see straight through this illusion i've hidden an odd colored ball amongst red blue and green ones in the images of the next three stages can you spot the oddball out in just five seconds let's start off easy did this ball trick you into thinking it was green ah those red lines aren't fooling anyone that's another one pretending to be red did you catch all of those oddballs then give yourself a point now stage two is going to get a little trickier are you ready that gray ball sticks out like a sore thumb what's next that was tough but the beige ball in the corner just didn't look right i almost missed that orange intruder but if you caught it along with the two others in this stage give yourself another point now it's time to tackle the final stage have you got your head in the game then let's go whoa there are so many balls in so little time but that bottom beige ball was just slightly too bright it's another beige ball pretending to be green but look sharp it's time for the final image oh no i thought it was one of the blue balls not the red well i may have fallen at the final hurdle but if you manage to clear that stage like a real baller then award yourself another prestigious point animal instincts in this task you'll have six seconds to work out which animals are hidden in the pictures but don't worry they won't be anything too exotic there will be three stages meaning there's a total of three points up for grabs are your eagle eyes ready let's go looks like there's an elephant in the room what's next oh what a cute bunny it's a dog i had one like that once that's a turtle or is that a tortoise i could never tell a hippo oops i thought it was a pig if you managed to get all of those then treat yourself to another point up next in stage 2 they're going to be more difficult to spot so what's lurking inside this next image that's an octopus i'll be lenient this time and accept squid as an answer as well another elephant although from its size this one must be a baby did you catch that camel that monkey was so well hidden now i know why they call it monkey business ah that dog was so difficult to find bad dog now we're really going to take a walk on the wild side this time see how many animals you could spot hiding in the frame you just need the number but you can pat yourself on the back if you can get the animal right as well this might get tricky so i'll add another second onto the timer for you guys that's seven seconds aren't i generous now are you ready let's go did you spot all four rabbits [Music] is that uh four horses nay it's five three camels i didn't even see that little one four wolves that's a lot but i guess they do hunt in packs there were four pigs well i failed to bring home the bacon in that stage but how did you get on remember to give yourself a point for each stage you cleared now let's get out of this zoo and move on to the next level crunching the numbers now we're going to get mathematical although i won't make you do any boring sums you just need to find the three numbers hidden on the screen you must guess all the numbers in each image correctly but you'll only have five seconds to find them all that's what you call quick math so are you ready for stage one here we go that's a five a seven and a two next four six four am i right yes that'd be a nine eight and a two that eight nearly had me i thought it was a three if you look closely you can see that's a one eight and a three that's a seven a nine and a six and that's the first stage over did you get a point great let's crank up the difficulty and dive into stage two could you make out the eight four and six that's a four seven and a five what's next a sneaky six one and a three there that's five two and eight okay last one there's a one an eight and a nine and that's stage two complete great job don't forget to give yourself a point if you got all of those right because we're about to head into the final and hardest stage ready here we go that's three zero and six right great that's tough but it's a five nine and one what's next is that four five five or four three three neither it was four five three well this is getting hard there were numbers in there i couldn't see the eight two or five did your bdis see the two five and five well i gave myself a headache trying to search through all that static but if you manage to score three points by successfully clearing out each one of those stages give yourself an a plus for effort although i think everyone else probably needs an aspirin right about now word games this next level is really simple all you have to do is find the words that are hidden in the pictures you'll have just five seconds so use them wisely are you ready for stage one let's start off easy it says tree glad we got to the root of this picture what's next well isn't that neat oh it was rat not bat so close look it says book what's next lemon on that shade of green surely it should have said lime well if that's lefty feeling bitter then let's move on to stage two ready [Music] glass right i almost couldn't see through this image did you spot house as well great job anyone else see this movie whoa roar i thought it said road okay last one did that say night well i was left in the dark and couldn't see anything so stage 2 was clearly too much for my eyes however this third stage is going to get even harder so i'll add an extra 2 seconds onto the timer for you to make it fair how does seven seconds sound there will be multiple words in each picture so you'll need to spot them all if you want that precious point are you ready tree and eagle that wasn't so hard what's next so that's night sphere and eagle again that eagle is really getting some good air time roar camera and i thought that said hat not rat there goes my point shoe nile book house and carrot wow could you fit any more words in that image whoa there were six words that time lass cook parade lemon pin and eagle i only spotted lass and cook guess i need to get back in the kitchen but if your sharp eyes manage to pick up all of the elusive words in that strenuous stage give yourself another hard-earned point line them up for this next level let's see just how well your eyes measure up just take a look at this image and tell me which of the yellow lines looks longer the top line does right surprise they're both the same length the top line looks longer because the background pattern makes it appear further away so it seems bigger in contrast to the one at the bottom this is called the ponzo illusion and now that you know how it works i'm going to test how well you can see past it all you have to do in the next three stages is guess if the yellow lines are different lengths to one another or whether they're the same length are you ready let's go well those are obviously the same they're practically twins that bottom one may look shorter but they're the same size what's next the difference is tiny but that top bar is shorter than the bottom okay here's the final image for stage one these two lines are definitely different that's one point for me did you get one as well even if you didn't you can still score one in the next stage so don't give up are you ready a tricky start but when you line them up those are clearly the same what's next and that's the same again will it be different this time same again anyone else feel like they're at a bar i thought they looked different but they're the same again i guess i was seeing double well that was more difficult than stage one so i wonder how tough stage three is going to be are you ready let's begin now this is a close call but they're different those extra lines made it so hard i couldn't tell they were the same length i think they're different but of course i'm wrong here comes the final image they're the same again whoa i was squinting so hard during that task i think i gave myself wrinkles and i only got one point but did you manage to score all three hopefully your score wasn't parallel to mine strawberry test take a look at this delicious strawberry tart before you start drooling what color do you think those strawberries are they look red right wrong you might expect them to be red but this image contains no red pixels whatsoever so those juicy red strawberries are actually gray you experience the illusion of red because your brain in part processes the color of objects by using surrounding colors as a reference because the blue filter is the opposite of red on the color spectrum your brain automatically sees red even when there shouldn't be any now that you know how it works let's test if your eyes can outsmart your belly coming up are some more images with strawberries that may or may not be the color you think they are and remember you'll have to guess all 10 of them right to get a point ready here we go okay we're starting off easy those were obviously gray but what about these berries they may look like blue strawberries but they're also grey okay what about these so if you said blue you're right those looked way too blue to be an illusion but how about these oh wait they were actually green do i need to take that color blindness test again i thought they were purple just how bad are my eyes those are definitely neon yellow i wonder if eating one would turn you into a radioactive strawberry superhero i could have sworn they were green did anyone else think so well they're not neon and they're not yellow either those aren't blue why do my eyes hate me well let's see if we can get this last one right ready i said gray but there's some yellow pixels in there well those forbidden strawberries just cost me another point at the rate i'm going even stevie wonder will have a better score than me hopefully i can recover some points in the final task behind bars this is the last task so let's make it count all you need to do is figure out what is hiding behind the bars in just 5 seconds so let's start off with some hidden words to see if you can read between the lines are you ready be amazed that's about as close as i'll ever get to doing a face reveal that says plane did you see that or were you just winging it injustice ironically that sums up how i feel about my score right now brilliant just like this video what's next nothing wait nothing at all or the word nothing the latter obviously man this is getting confusing fortunately that stage is over if you got them all treat yourself to another point now are you ready for stage two this time you'll need to identify the picture hidden behind the bars are you ready that's the apple logo those ears are a huge giveaway that's everyone's favorite mouse mickey those big black eyes could only belong to a panda did you get that too is that a big juicy orange close it's donald trump that's one cool looking cat if you got all those remember to tally up another point to your score now the final stage of this task will be slightly different there will be a ball hidden behind the bars in different areas of the screen it'll vary in size and location but if you can spot it in each image you'll be able to claim that phenomenal final point you've got five sweet seconds so keep your eyes on the prize here we go it's just there on the right where will it go next i just spotted it in the top left corner jeez this is getting hard it was hiding down at the bottom but all i could see was stripes hold up it was right in the center no way looks like that elusive sphere was hiding on the left needless to say i didn't get a point are you in the pointless club with me or could those bars not hold you back and now drum roll please it's time for the results there was a grand total of 23 points you could have scored so how well did you do if you only got between 0 and 10 points you may have a low score but you're definitely not alone about 20 percent of people that take this test can't clear more than half the stages maybe you just need to readjust your screen's color settings or failing that get glasses if you scored between 10 and 15 points then you joined the 40 of people who passed with this very respectable average you certainly know your colors from your shapes although you might want to pay closer attention to the details next time next up with just a few points more we have the elite eyed 15 to 20 point category not much gets past you or the 40 of people who scored similarly to you but it's those tiny details that catch you off guard so remember to double check your shoelaces before you head out you're welcome and finally if you scored between 20 or 23 points you're probably seeing through time and space right now of everyone who took this eye test before it hit the internet not one single person could reach these god to your scores did you manage to score over 20 and who else scored 10 just like me let me know in the comments down below i wonder who has the clearest vision out of all the bma's fans thanks for playing along you
Channel: BE AMAZED
Views: 516,994
Rating: 4.8678141 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, be amazed, top 10, eye test, colour blind test, test your eyes, how good are your eyes, how good are my eyes, am i color blind, am i colour blind, color blind test, vision test, eyesight test, test my eyesight, visual test
Id: 9dMxy-F86C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 34sec (1894 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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