15 Tricky Riddles That Will Drive You Insane

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[Music] fifteen tricky questions that will drive you insane you know like I need help so let me ask you do you have common sense if the answer is yes we're sure that after answering these questions you'll seriously doubt that let's see whether you'll be able to pass this tricky challenge question number one a rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof which way did it wool try to guess in 10 seconds [Music] do you have your answer ready it doesn't matter which way you chose because you're wrong why roosters just only eggs props to you if you were attentive enough to get this one question number two let's go a little easier and test your history knowledge what was the US presidents name in 1996 [Music] whether you like it or not it was still Donald J Trump names usually don't change with time facts on the other hand well let's not go there number three imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks bummer but it still doesn't mean that you should give up right how would you survive your ten seconds begin [Music] it seems like a hopeless situation I know but all you have to do is stop imagining voila your life is back to normal again question four if you had one match and entered a dark room which contained an oil lamp newspaper and some kindling wood which would you like first ten seconds on the clock [Music] there's no need to think about it for too long you already made a choice by lighting the match in the first place [Music] question number five Larry's father has five sons named ten twenty thirty forty and what's the name of his fifth son time is ticking [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's Larry's father which mean that his fifth son's name is of course wait for it Larry did you get it tell us in the comments below question number six let's throw some math into the trash I mean into the mix and test your knowledge how many times can you subtract 10 from 100 you have 10 seconds to think about it [Music] in fact you can do it only once next time you'll be subtracting 10 from 90 and nice and easy question number 7 Miss Jones lives in California and has five children three boys and two girls our question is simple what's her husband's last name [Music] Miss Jones doesn't have a husband if she did she would have been a missus question number eight what was the tallest mountain in the world before Mount Everest was discovered time to find the answer [Music] it was still Mount Everest it was always there even before it was officially discovered hey by the way if you want to test yourself with even harder questions check out our other video right here it contains of Google's interview questions that only the smartest ones can solve don't miss it question number 9 a boy and a doctor are fishing the boy is the doctor's son however the doctor isn't the boy's father who is the doctor try to solve this soap opera situation [Music] easy-peasy the doctor is simply the boy's mother if you didn't get it don't worry let's test your abilities with another question question tap a monkey a squirrel and a bird are racing to the top of the coconut tree who do you think will get the banana first the monkey the squirrel or the bird [Music] well it's none of them it's a coconut tree remember concentrate next question is coming question number 11 a man claims that he can predict the exact score of every football game before it begins and surprisingly he's always right how is that possible maybe he's a psychic what's your variant [Music] he's no psychic actually you can do the same thing as well because the score of every game before it begins is zero zero no magical powers needed question number 12 you are running in a race and you past the person who is in second place what position are you in now [Music] nope you're still not the first one you passed the runner who was second and took his place which means that you were only in second place now tricky question number 13 you're driving a bus with ten people on it at the first stop for people get off and to get on at the next stop three people get off and five get on and at the last stop six people get off and only one gets on how old is the bus driver try to find an answer in ten seconds [Music] have you wrapped your brain with this one it's easier than you think in the beginning we said you're driving a bus so your age is the correct answer here well maybe you'll crack our next question question number 14 another family dynamic for you mr. and mrs. Anderson have six boys each boy has one sister can you count how many people there are in the family [Music] the Andersons actually make a family of nine people let's count together there are six boys each boy has one sister which makes it plus one person because it's the same sister for each boy and finally the parents that makes nine people did you get it don't tear your hair out just yet we have one more question for you question number 15 there was a plane crash and unfortunately every single person on board died but two lucky ones survived how is it possible [Music] yes every single person died but this doesn't mean a thing because the remaining two were married ie even in this scenario having a couple may save your life apparently well how many of these questions did you get right tell us in the comment section below don't forget to hit the like button share this video with all your friends and subscribe to our channel if you want to stay on the bright side [Music]
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Keywords: hard questions, tricky questions, tricky questions and answers, tricky questions to test your brain, tricky questions to ask your friends, your personality and your brain, personality test questions, boost brain power, tricky questions games, hard questions easy answers, hard questions for genius
Id: iu6XAUcL0BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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