American Tries Geography for the First Time

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if you haven't heard of geoguessr you probably live under a rock basically it's the Google Maps street view car they take pictures of everywhere around the world and so the game is you basically being dropped in one of those locations and you have to figure out exactly where you are based on the surrounding scenery so it's a pretty fun game I've personally never played it before so this is gonna be the first time that I ever touched this game so I'm really looking forward to it I have no prior experience with geography so let's see how this goes alright so we're playing a game mode called country streak and as the name suggests we basically have to figure out which country we're in based on the surrounding imagery alright so honestly I'm not really well traveled either I've never left New Jersey in my life that's where I currently reside so I don't know what this is this looks like my neighbors maybe alright so I made my way toward the end of the street what is this I think that's Latin maybe it's Spanish too early to tell um trying to see if there's like a more recognizable sign maybe something in English so I could like read it all right here's another sign there's a monkey and it says cater Neo DeVoe whatever that means so I'm not sure how this works but all of a sudden it got kind of bright so we went from like a really gloomy day and it got really bright so I'm not a scientist but I don't know how that happened that's pretty interesting game is pretty cool Vasa sadalina I don't know who's reading that bicycle they spelled that wrong I've seen these scooters before I think they're the lime scooters they have those in Baltimore could be the same ones so I originally thought this was Asia because I didn't recognize the language but the people look white so maybe we are in Europe I have no idea where we could be though it's gotta be like what 100 countries in Europe let's see uh there it is all right so this is Europe um I've been to none of these countries so that doesn't help us much I wish I knew this language I've never seen this language in my life I don't know what it could be oh I feel like I've seen this flag before that blue with like that what is that a circle like a yellow circle or something what is that Brady Slava codca Brady Slava [Music] ready Salon I am not looking through this whole oh Brady Slava wait I see it Brady Slava was that just dumb luck we just had what do I do I click guess Slovakia I thought Slovakia was Czechoslovakia I didn't know that it's like its own thing I guess I don't know history guess [Music] oh my gosh we ended up getting that right are you kidding me okay let's see how far we could go with this all right so round number two more like dilapidated houses they bring us to the worst countries how is anybody supposed to know where we are there's no giveaway signs it's really terrible oh this is a really pretty one I want to visit here I don't know where this could be but I really want to go here 50 miles per hour so pretty fast Road got guys in bathing suits so I guess this is like a Beach area I remember hearing license plates could tell you a lot so they blur them though that doesn't even help me I can't even see the license plates I don't know what car that is I don't think I've ever seen that on the road which makes me think this isn't the United States an A3 Audi isn't Audi like a European car I think they um have a lot of those in Europe but no way they'd give us Europe two times in a row right I mean maybe who knows this game I guess it's all like AI so oh this is a good idea it must be around water because I see water so why don't we like just go in Europe where there's water doesn't look like a Black Sea maybe this Adriatic Sea it could be that it could be this terhennian sea that's off of Italy I don't think that person looked Italians have like thick mustaches and stuff I don't know maybe somewhere around here who knows I wish you could see the mountains on the map I feel like that would be helpful I guess we could be in the Atlantic Ocean but I see another side and I don't think that's North America right I don't know what is the distance of the Atlantic Ocean from the United States to Europe when I go to the shore I definitely don't think it's this close like that can't be Europe on the other side all right so then it must be something more like here and if my Italian hypothesis is correct because I didn't see the guy having a mustache and it's just gonna be one of these what is Monte negro I can I'm not even trying to pronounce that one okay I guess we are just going to play The Guessing Game because there is not a lot of information why is there cars driving together um Albania I think duolipas from there I don't think Dua leap is from a country like this I remember I was looking at her Instagram pictures when she went back home and I don't think they look like this maybe it is this uh how do you pronounce it Monte negro I click on that oh no wrong country what is that oh that's Croatia oh that's a big country let's go uh this one Monta negro okay oh we were right are you kidding me wow amazing why do I feel like we have the worst luck when they drop us oh let me try the license plates can't even see it's yellow I know New York City some license plates are yellow oh there's another yellow one yellow license plates I think Alaska maybe has yellow New York definitely has yellow this could be a taxi like an out of service taxi Medallion I've seen these cones before like in school zones definitely feels like America looks like a granny lives there yep modern housing this is definitely the United States if there's anything that makes me think otherwise oh dirt on dirt that does not sound very American maybe we're not let's see UK vore what language is this who is speaking UK VOR how is that an actual term that people use UK VOR more of these yellow what is that Citroen that's the name of a car I have no idea what that is and what you're plugging in your cars this is definitely not America look at these people plugging in there this has to be Europe is this a third Europe in a row all I know about that uh what is that red white and blue so it could be America red white and blue who else is red white and blue I think Russia is red white and blue right actually can I just click on the countries and see so I said what Russia white blue red Belgium oh where's France oh Netherlands is also red white and blue wait so Netherlands red white and blue France is red white and blue Russia's red white and blue this is really hard to tell I'm not really good at matching up Flags I don't think it's Russia because the Russia flag is white blue and red and that looks like red white and blue France is blue white and red and Netherlands is red white and blue in Netherlands do you guys really speak like that oof nor what kind of language is that I guess like Neanderthal or whatever okay wow it was that was helpful the flag I didn't even know that that flag existed but we got three in a row that's actually pretty amazing hopefully we're out of Europe now okay here's some English action Laden and Lawson like Bin Laden whoever lives here uses way too much brick ajd sitterstrot I think they threw us back into Netherlands because this is the same language I don't understand and these same yellow cars well you know what they say if the hand is hot then keep feeding them no oh there it is Netherlands maybe it is [Music] four in a row I don't know if that's good or not I think that's good all right maybe we're finally in America Cafe yep could be like a Starbucks nearby let's go along this road suit we could find here's some words here Haiti isn't Haiti a country I think they had like a really bad earthquake like 10 years ago that's where Akon lives right uh selamat de Tong UE don't think that's English so I guess we could rule out America this guy he doesn't look black I think he looks South American maybe I have a friend he's from Colombia he's pretty dark so it could be him not him specifically but it could be one of his friends or just one of his Patriots I think we need to find another person to confirm whether or not we're in Colombia because I really like Colombia here what is this giant blur because they want their privacy and guess who's not getting her privacy this lady who now that I look at her actually looks Asian and if she's Asian then we are not in Colombia that is my expert opinion Where We Are I don't know I don't even know where Asia is on a map just kidding there it is wow Russia is really big what is that Taiwan doesn't let me click on it what's wrong with Taiwan all right well there's not much more help here I guess it could be India right India's part of Asia India what is this Indonesia it's like India and Asia together Indonesia I guess the person kinda looked Indian they were both kind of dark skinned so it's hard to tell right because their faces were blurred why not go for the middle ground if I'm not sure if they're either Indian or Asian let's go Indonesian and let's just go Indonesia [Music] that's five in a row how is this even possible I did not expect to even get more than two right we were dropped in a little Harry Potter Town these look like the houses from Harry Potter those yellow license plates again reminds me of Netherlands so let's oh but I see the word school it doesn't say like suul so I'm guessing that's actually English and I know that they speak English in the UK which also might support my hypothesis that this is where Harry Potter lived and Harry Potter is from the UK and since he's from the UK where in the UK I think the UK is the only other country that speaks English other than America and this is not America I'll tell you that much actually I think they speak English in Ireland so maybe this could be Ireland but my gut said UK so let's go United Kingdom [Music] six right wait why did they highlight Ireland here what is Northern Ireland why is that not part of Ireland I guess we'll do another one okay I'm starting to get good at this I see a sign it says private Weg shrit Tempo oskin Zoo fart for and Reiner and okay here's a gas station what is that red and white don't know what that means more red what are these red and white lavant Goss say sounds French maybe could be French I always wanted to go to France I feel like it'd be fun there we I want the Ratatouille I want to eat the ratatouille with my croissant croissant anyways first a bank dot 8T I guess that's or something it looks like Europe because those other places we were in also were Europe but the only difference here is I don't see yellow license plates so I'm guessing we're not in what was it the Netherlands or the UK let's have a look around here I don't know if this is Germany I don't think Germans speak like that Poland oh wait a second Poland white and red isn't that what was plastered all over those signs wait maybe the flag is on the sign let me have a click around here Austria Austria has the same exact flag as what was on the polls that can't be a coincidence right I don't know my European geography but what I do know is that when you see a sign you can't ignore it quite literally let's go for Austria [Music] now here's a place that I could live in just totally gloomy and flat and gross no I'm just kidding oh I see a stop sign so they speak English here so I guess we're in the United States that is unironically one of the hardest stop signs I've ever seen it looks like the stop sign got a redesign kale Felix Burris stain like the berestane Bears do you guys know that that's like a Mandela effect the Berenstain Bears oh there's a flag right there I wonder what flag that could be no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I played the game FIFA once I think that's like Spain it could be Spain from FIFA this is the country from FIFA oh my gosh they made this into a real place no I'm just kidding I'm not that dumb of an American um it must be yeah that's it that's the flag it matches up nice eight video games come in handy eight countries down that's crazy wall trim Estates we are wall trim We Are Farmers wherever this is this is absolutely beautiful I really like the mountain tops all the surrounding trees okay friends this guy's bare foot or is that a sandal I think that's a Ferrari logo on his shirt what is Ferrari Ferrari's Asian right I think Ferrari is an Indian brand Ferrari yeah pretty sure assuming Ferrari is an Indian brand and that guy did look Indian I don't think India has mountains like this whenever I see like pictures of the Taj Mahal online and stuff and my friends from India doesn't seem like it has a lot of mountains maybe there's like something around there what is this Sarai Lanka whatever I'm kind of getting over this game anyways let's just guess well guys that was a lot of fun for my first time I definitely enjoyed it and maybe I'll play again I feel like I could be really good at this make sure to subscribe for more
Channel: Sambucha
Views: 459,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, sambucha, funny, geography, geoguessr, american, usa
Id: 8pvu23QOEbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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