I Failed the World's Easiest Game

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as you may be aware I don't have the best track record when it comes to completing easy games with that being said though today feels a little bit different so I asked you guys what game should I play next something that's really easy something simple that I can actually beat and you sent me the world's easiest game so if I can't beat this I'll be pretty ashamed of myself so let's do this take a quick sip of iced tea and I'm ready to go welcome to the world's easiest game your reputation as an intelligent individual precedes you do like me you'll get nine lives and only nine I'll be timing you so get ready uh I was not expecting to be stressed out today here we go press the enter button enter good I had to click it on my keyboard what are 2011 pennies worth Maybe 0.2011 huh what are 2004 pennies worth twenty dollars and four cents are you sure yes oh okay okay smarty pants what state is this that looks like Texas upside down right cool I know my geography what is your favorite color my favorite color is purple correct how do they know that okay what's that time zero zero which is furthest away Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto so that would be Pluto cool rip how did I lose two lives already how many questions have you answered so far okay so up here it says 10 I don't know if that means it's question 10 or if I actually answered ten I'm gonna go with nine nice what does two and two put together so they didn't say added they just said put together and so the answer is 22. I hope nice do woodchucks chuck wood I don't really know about the behavior of woodchucks I would say yes okay I guess that means yes I had 27 flowers sadly all but 14 died how many are left 14. [Music] a small plane crashed and every single person on board died select who survived okay so in the past two videos I made I had this exact question every single person died so whoever's a couple survives so Shirley and John Smith and I think that's it cool what is your name a lot of data farming going on here okay so now they know a lot of information about me there are eight miles of woods by your house how far can you walk into the woods foreign I think it's just as far as I want [Music] how does that make sense okay whatever how many cups in a quart I don't know I'm an American Pop's in a quart so Court sounds like four so I would say four cups in a quart oh my gosh so easy okay what's two plus two plus seven minus seven or how many sides does a square have one two three four it must be four I feel like I'm killing this how many legs does this dog have so my issue with this question is that dogs only have two legs and they have two arms too because if a dog stands up on its hind legs it doesn't have two legs in the air it has its two hands in the air which means their first two are arms not legs but I don't think they want me to complicate it that much so I'll just say four [Music] kind of wrong though if you take half a spider's legs off because you're cruel how many legs does the spider have left so a spider has eight because it's an arthropod or something so it would have four okay explanation was probably wrong but we got it how many seasons of the year are there this is a very U.S Centric question because in other areas of the world there's like less than four but the answer is four because I'm in the Northeast how many fingers are on a human hand five for most people the word I is the same forwards backwards and upside down is this true or false I think this is false all right click the red button this is where they're gonna get me because I don't know if they're talking about the color of the button or the word within the button however I notice that this red is lowercase and they're asking me to do uppercase so I think they're referring to this good beat me in tic-tac-toe okay I've never lost in my life I know you start here then you go there and then you uh go here what is the first word in this sentence [Music] in this sentence because then it would be this but if they're asking the first word in this meta sentence it would be what foreign ordered a pizza Mary a two out of four slices and Susie ate four out of eight who ate more [Music] Susie how was that incorrect put the ball in the basket [Music] um having a little trouble here we go which one is the United States let's see Pam you can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish all right pretty funny the word race car is the same forwards backwards and upside down false I don't know why they're trying to trick me with this upside down stuff which country is bigger England or the United States the United States you wish turn on the light bulb okay oh what is five plus three eight is the moon made of cheese we don't actually know but I'm gonna go ahead and say no [Music] how is that possible watch the scene you will see it only once be extremely observant my middle name is observant thanks Tom and Jerry Foolery going on all right purple couches I noticed a key on the ground what color was the clock on the wall I was not paying attention to that all that Ruckus got in my head a clock is usually white it's usually a black rim with a white face so I'm gonna say white and I hope that's right because I can't afford to lose another life here and it's wrong what color was the sofa purple which is my favorite color whose house was it I don't know how observant could I get in like 10 seconds looks like I had like a feminine touch so I'm gonna say it was Claire's house what guy likes purple my favorite color is purple which are better cats or dogs well now this is just subjectivity I mean I would say dogs but I do like cats but dogs are definitely Superior hats Rule and dogs drool um okay oh I forgot there was a cat who made this quiz so now I'm down to my final Life water the lawn and make the grass grow okay so water the lawn I think I turned this on or maybe I do something with this [Music] why no wait what okay filled that up only took me 40 seconds water the lawn okay I did it plant some pretty flowers so I'm not a botanist but I believe I have to dump the seeds into here does that seem right all right I guess I did it now burn down the flowers with your awesome flamethrower that's the circle of life wait 12 seconds I could do that while you guys are here make sure to subscribe [Music] what shape is this that is a triangle but something's going on here I think when in doubt you go d [Music] Alice is 14. on her birthday she gets in a car and heads towards her friend Samantha's house almost me at the same time her friend Emily starts cycling at a speed of 10 miles per hour towards Samantha's house as well how old was Alice Alice is 14. you're not gonna trick me here it said Alice is 14. how old is Alice and I said 14 did I mistype it all right well that's that I guess I failed what else is new make sure to watch this video this video And subscribe and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Sambucha
Views: 1,055,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, sambucha, reaction, funny, test, riddles, common sense, video games
Id: 7OR-FfA2_eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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