100 Players Fight To Survive In Project Zomboid

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it's been over a week since the outbreak the only ones left are those smart enough to wait out the initial chaos or those lucky enough not to alert the hordes most people remaining had to have been both nox County's living population has now dropped to only 100 people its dead population stumbling the asphalt of those lifeless streets numbers much greater today our players set out to reclaim their County survivors have been split evenly between three different towns the Waterfront West Point the highway adjacent Mal and the previously wealthy Rosewood those still alive must work with or against each other to secure their future in the exclusion Zone how will they adapt not only to this Undead world but to the actions of others friendly or otherwise can communities form and can they hold can they survive the apocalypse the first day was safe for survivors to begin looting they did so players started by Scavenging the houses that they used to call home grabbing all the supplies they could the fortunate found something they could use to fend off the zombies a knife from the kitchen or a baseball bat from the garage if luck really was on their side maybe they even found a bag to carry their stuff this early on you can't trust others to leave your loot or yourself to recover it later sooner or later though players had to exit onto the street to find others and to face the undead hello is anyone there anyone not a zombie in Rosewood hello oh no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] in Project zomboid you want food and water but you need shelter you can't keep fighting zombies forever you'll grow weak or tired eventually and if you don't have a safe house away from the hordes you won't last long most people aren't willing to turn on their neighbors for canned soup though they might be aggressive initially most people understand the importance of working together what with how few of them there are left I hear friends can I join I'm at the back door I am a very strong person with a frying pan don't get in my way uh I'm a very fast person with a meat cleaver the advantage of cooperation is why factions started forming and in Rosewood one of the map's biggest was just getting started the USSR whose name obviously stands for the United sexy survivors of Rosewood was named strangely for a faction with no connection to the 20th century superpower but it has pulled together many of those spawning in the town stockpiling food and materials in the fire station all right where are you guys heading to Fire Station well oh same here you part of USSR yep nice this early on they were by far the most organized faction their loot is bringing in enough food to keep all members fed and the fire station grounds now zombie free they had even started delegating tasks to further secure their position yeah I plan on just building uh defenses cuz that's what I'm going to be doing it was to be noted that some members still didn't quite get the sense of togetherness that they were pushing for a friendship bracelet oh man I'll go there potentially murder all of you and then run off the USSR had formed an official militia and for their first task they were sent out to the Rosewood prison so that they could loot more firearms for the rest of the faction everyone get out let's kick their asses they were in here for a reason if only they stayed they' just gotten a few pistols off of the prison guards when one of them decided to test them out guns may be good at dispatching the undead but they're also good at attracting them hey no guns stop shooting Thomas [ __ ] sake all right not waste ammo because there's going to be a bigger hord that we're going to need the ammo for there was a bigger horde that they needed the ammo for we got to wait till the Gunners get here and when they do we got to run all right Gunners here go here all right fall back fall back despite making some progress into looting the prison they were soon being overrun by its former occupants and had to back up melee fall back they'd gained some ammo but they' used a lot of it they'd killed a whole bunch of zombies but this early on they weren't ready to push inwards it's Battlefield my God so many dead back at base some people were enjoying the momentary break in the chaos those who maybe weren't doing their fair share of zombie killing were being entertained by the faction's resident orator as you recounted the tale of The Very Hungry Caterpillar okay uh I shall Now read from you the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar it was a bright cold day in April and the clocks are striking 13 wi Smith his chin nuzzled into his breast and to attempt of vnd fli through glass door of Victory Masons well the version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar that he told may have been influenced ever so slight L by the stresses of survival in the apocalypse but I digress another notable starting resident of Rosewood was I love emeralds a Trader and a traveling one no less filling whatever gaps in whatever markets she could her initial means of transportation was expropriated from the USSR a van with no one around to stop her from driving off in holy crap holy crap we did it boys okay uh go to the gas station got to kill everything her and her companion were going to be known as Cassidy Caravans though first they needed to deal with their Van's previous Proprietors hey these are the guys that trying to steal your car no I'm not oh these people are not good people Hey Hey Hey listen listen listen listen listen shotg Hey listen listen we're not we don't want to fight we don't want to fight okay just don't have any quarrel with you okay yeah I really didn't mean to steal it I thought nobody was using it yeah we're fine we're fine we're fine after that surprisingly peaceful confrontation they were off to another town for business they traveled all the way from Rosewood to The Far Side of malra where they found some people living in an abandoned bar called Smokies after some bartering they were able to make a deal for something very beneficial to life on the road how about this how about this in exchange for that liable trailer we'll let you guys watch all of these tapes you know what that seems like a good deal yeah okay all right I'll grab them and then let's do just shove them in Hitching the caran proved to be a hassle though the experience was measurably worse for Father Ted the bar's resident chaplain uh yeah that'll probably be easier if someone else hitches but just make sure to St stand clear all right Jesus all right we're good Ted Ted Ted got too close no Ted okay I have don't know what to do okay move forward might bre he might die but that's the sacrifice I am willing to make okay move like move move move like yall should move you okay are you okay are you okay thank God I'm sure this will be the last time anyone will get run over in Knox County over in another part of town a small close-knit faction was starting to form they call themselves The Tunnel snakes and though they didn't live in some damp and dingy cave the conditions anywhere in malra weren't far off for future reference now it's important to note that among these members was a former lawyer known as Saul Goodman all in all they were doing pretty good for themselves and finding a lot of loot some good stuff in their warehouse base and some slightly less good stuff in the surrounding storage containers hang it's there's a generator in the corner the generator is everywhere around here then to avoid others doing to their doors what they did to those of the storage containers they had their mechanic well W the entrances to their base shut they now had a very secure base and as such could start attending to their secondary desires look what I found oh it's aies Dam I got the I'm getting some stuff planted right now so we should be good pretty soon however in the midst of the moment a tragedy struck a horde descended on the tunnel snakes while they were still outside and bit Soul Goodman oh my oh [ __ ] h a [ __ ] I'm eting tacos oh no run [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no oh you're fine I got I got oh God no you can still find the C they knew that they couldn't lose him Saul could get others new socials new identities but even if you can run from the law you can't run from the virus the only chance they had was to fight it with the help of science the zombies with the blackm suits have a chance have a drop now we have a very [ __ ] important Mission but first before helping to save the life of their friend they had some business to settle someone had eaten the sacred hotties annual can I read it real quick before you guys take it cuz I'm kind of incredibly depressed we we just watched the cooking show what more do you want [ __ ] in the bathroom it's it's gone what you ate it spit it out you mother drop it drop it I swear to God I will decapitate you right here and now don't kill me if the zombies don't kill you we'll kill you our after dealing with that they finally set off though as their members were already hungry enough to eat 40 pages of magazine paper it wasn't a surprise that they first stopped off at a pizza shop thoroughly looting it of its cold soon to be rotten flat birads I have I have 20 pieces of damn pizza dude 20 20 pieces Back in the USSR Spirits weren't quite as high some of their members had already been infected and they still hadn't found a proper cure unless you count a 44 magnum to the head as medicine you've got to kill me you've got to do it hold on we hold on we we got to we got a hold on we got we got to talk about this no no you got to do it you got shoot me he's bit are are you Bitten are you infected yeah yeah B just lay down Jesus Christ yeah yeah ah jeez oh God that night they held their first official funeral it marked the start of many a tradition in the faction and the beginning of their soon to be expansive graveyard Sam prw worthy we don't know what kind of man you were but we'll miss you all right bless Rose wooders mourned their dead by dancing on their graves and drinking beer soup I'm not sure how you turn beer into a soup but I guess you have time to figure that out in the apocalypse have your stew beer and if you're not with us to have your uh funeral stew go ahead and uh have whatever works best for you out in the space between towns the first of the cures were beginning to be looted the finding of a Hazmat clad goon meant a second chance to the survivors or in the case of the more enterprising player a valuable bargaining chip over at Smokey the tunnel snakes had pulled up in their minibus to trade for a specific piece of government property the restaurant dwellers were said to have taken from a soldier's Satchel so in the event you may or may not have one I say what would you be what would you be looking for to trade if you if one of your men is actually in need of a cure we are will to provide for a relatively cheap price as we we're all we're all friends here we're all trying to work together yeah we're we're all friends we're all friends so what's your what's your poison what do you think do you want to take the pizza pizza and rub CU Pizza the pizza and the Rubik CU it's good pizza straight from the Fresh from the factory here here's your road Pizza 20 whole slices just just how I like it pleasure doing business with you partner you know what I think this calls for a dance it seemed that sometimes even in the darest of circumstances generosity does win out that or pizza was was just a very precious and very popular commodity to the residents of Malu session two started with people returning to their factions from their looting runs there' been a race to loot all the best shops and now that that was over factions needed to decide on what to do next back in the ussr's base Cassidy Caravans had shown up looking to trade willing to barter books for some strangely morbid items we are Cassidy Caravans we're here to sell you stuff come come and look inside our van and whatever this blue thing's called I call it Bob the postapocalyptic nights volume 3 what's that going for for the volume three they were accepting Survivor keychains each player started with one and the only way to get more was to convince someone to give up these very personal items or to kill them for it I suppose they knew that there were only ever going to be 100 of them so inflation wasn't going to be much of an issue what the Traders did not know is that not all of the fire station's occupants were quite on the same page about what happened with I of emeralds and her truck what what guy is it sure that right wh whisper whisper whis whisper whisper whisper very loud Whispers were circulating amongst the players present loud enough for I love emeralds to notice I mean if your target can hear that you're Whispering about them being your target it does kind of defeat the purpose of whispering all right I guess we'll just be off then you're wanted for stealing a truck from one of us are you talking about so truck you're wondered I'd like you to come with us peace pefully but we will take you forcefully if if must they were going to take her forcefully I love emeralds evaded capture for most of the day and it was only when Shortcake was returning from a looting run to a gun store for the USSR that she was spotted again someone's in the RV yeah I know someone's in the RV right now yeah some's in RV get out get them outside he didn't know where she went though and Confused a pile of canned goods in the back of a trailer for her whilst the USSR were attempting to arrest a can of soup the head of Cassidy Caravans was just inside the Rosewood Precinct and while she was stealthy in her Escape she was not lucky there's someone in here fine I Surrender don't shoot don't shoot don't move don't move don't move he has like five guns on him five guns yeah cuz I literally just came here to grab guns to trade with are you trying to run huh I'm outside the window what's going on it seemed that Shortcake wasn't the only one confused here hey I remember you remember when uh me and the other person came to you I know this person I need one person come with me can you come with they didn't steal anything I got back to they didn't steal anything I need then why the hell are who the hell told me that she stole some something listen this person is Chill basically kill are we sure okay yeah I'm never coming back here the ussr's mismanagement and perceived overreach wasn't only known to those in Rosewood they act like everything in Rosewood is theirs which it isn't to avoid this faction drama altogether some survivors like those in the enterprising Phoenix Market had chosen to live far off into the woods there are so many zombies outside wait what wait [Music] what let's get shot homies whil they may have been safe hidden from other players they still had to be vigilant for the roaming hordes that wandered nox County's forests yeah Lord cover me back over by the outskirts of malra it seems that the snakes had been scared out of their tunnel a series of Bandit raids in the town had forced out including the tunnel snakes are we here welcome new home they found some old cabins in the woods and a rundown Church from which they would hold group meetings we stand here not abandoned but it's Testament and proof that our nation is not dead we are the remembrance of America Tel snakes rule snakes rule over in West Point there are rumors of another a large faction having formed still a bit smaller than the USSR but more militant and with a much tighter structure is that you someone there who are you who are you I'm why I'm no I'm nobody I'm I'm new here yeah if you need anything just let us know and I'm sorry I pointed a gun white was more reclusive than most players coming out of hiding even later from the start of the outbreak maybe it's because of his pass as a medic that increased precaution and all wait let me do this like to be a part of the West Point Bank excuse me can offer food shelter and protection yeah they will be nice since I have nowhere else to go the vanguards stationed in an old factory were the dominant power in West Point despite this they were primarily a peacekeeping force though a military IC one at that we got we got to process this guy is this anything I can help careful careful oh my okay my bad my bad my it's my fault my fault are you okay I'm definitely fine after becoming yet another victim of vehicular assault white set about tidying the Vanguard base only to then have more guns pointed in his face oh hi I'm white I'm white I'm new here no need you want to join the group yes or yes okay yes you'll be yes yes finally after being more or less accepted into the group he set about to show that the apocalypse wasn't all about violence and murder that the practice of medicine could survive even the complete collapse of society just setting up a medical Bay in there uh medical Bay you say maybe I can help with it this makeshift Clinic was to prove very useful to the vanguards as it didn't take long for the base's new Resident doctor to prove his worth patching up the faction's much beloved leader old Ben can you come help me please sure do you have injuries on anything if you it's not anything serious but my right thigh is infected and I got Stitch you know you can have anything to help with that you do have a deep deep wound like it was a bullet I got shot well if it's crashed that means it's good it's recovering from deep wound on the topic of leaders getting injured it was on a standard loot run that a tragic fate befell the ussr's militia leader there was a gas station right left right here so we could try to go snacks there being the head of a zombie killing subaction and all officer friendly was usually pretty good at killing zombies it was to his friend's great shock then that he died fighting gas station Zeds help help oh [ __ ] who another USSR member soon followed and then the two left Shortcake included had to deal with the tragedy pretty sure that officer friendly was our militia leader now he's dead yeah that's a bit concerning more beer soup was in order as the members of the USSR had to once again expand their graveyard to fit the no longer surviving survivors shall I bring the other one over first or should we do yes bring them over and uh I'll move him to his resting place they had the corpses of those who died at the gas station but this funeral would also be to Bay some other players most of whom weren't members of the USSR and whose bodies would just picked up off the side of the road we've postponed these funerals because we've had a lack of people and we've had more problems to deal with next we have Philip Rosalez we don't know who this man was but we found him when uh clearing the foliage that's right that's just a guy they found in a bush somewhere okay it's not this must be officer friendly yeah I'm guessing it's officer friendly was a friend of mine it's hard to talk about this but I've Jesus Christ uh you're dropping I had a little I had a little fumble officer friendly we all knew him he was our militia leader he was the kindest among [Music] us but now he's gone he was a good man and I'd like to pour out some of this bourbon that's good bourbon though that's about how you pour it out that's I'm having my half damn you then then as it was at least in part a military funeral they decided to form a line and give officer friendley a proper gun salute ready present fire fire fire soon after just on the edge of Rosewood some refugees from malra running from the aforementioned Bandits showed up seeking safety they sent two of their members and gave the job of convincing the USSR of their plight to a one Kevin NES uh if you hear gunshots then leave to West Point okay uh hello sorry I was just trying to make sure you had some room here hello yeah there's a bunch of people there's a black van hello hello who are you we're from M guys we are the remnants of the groups there we talk with report reporter he said here uh move your van allow us some time to discuss this everybody USR move to the meeting room okay yes we we decision we're willing to allow you quarters in our home uh given that you'll provide defense thank you yes sure thank you guys after agreeing to let Kevin go get his friends the rose wooders decided to station themselves on the wall they had constructed just to be on the safe side okay function so you don't fall off and break your [ __ ] legs I want my leg where you guys going I fell okay Help Now whilst the refugees were beginning to settle down in Rosewood the reporter they had mentioned telling them of the ussr's location was now all the way over in West Point inside the finest bar left operational he was conducting an important interview with the owner of twig Ries in the short time it had been up and running it had garnered a rather large reputation and nuked pancake was going to get to the bottom of the story Cody what was it uh danger it's actually donger but you know I like people calling me danger so so before all this you were uh and I worked at a mall for 38 years you understand me I was molded by the fire was it one of the popular ones up in Louisville or it was actually one of the ones uh just on the outskirts of West Point I think uh i' i' I've born raised here my whole life so you're a West pointer through and through of course I mean let's be real bestest point's best point you know uh how does a group like this get together did you all just meet up at the bar or I I decided to take twiggies as my own and I've been trying to make it work ever since this place was a ran before I got here I tell you a ramshackle uh do you guys have a formal name for your group here yeah danger the way this makes it sound is it sounds like you guys are just a bunch of homosexual Cowboys n we are B kind of you know what I mean outside the bar West Point was currently in the middle of a large cleanup operation spearheaded by Zoro one of the vanguard's elite soldiers by this point players had both the tools and the experience to dispatch waves and waves of the undead even West Point the starting town with the highest zombie concentration was starting to become safe or at least going outside alone wasn't a death sentence though on that note their operation once again reminded the vanguard's resident street sweepers of the importance of working together against the hordes oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude just get away just run just run just run I'm trying to help whilst the faction's elite militia were out reding the undead the remaining members were back at base and one of them had just finished working on something to make future combat missions much safer ladies and gentlemen may I present to you the first suit of armor manufactured here yo yo yo looking great wow producing this armor was resource intensive but it strength was unrivaled by anything that could be just looted 100% protection over all my upper body having just finished his shift as West Point's unofficial Town Warden Zoro had decided to head over to twiggies and get some much deserved alcohol in his system but just as he started up conversation with the bar staff about an unknown civilian who' refused to submit to his wardening they heard a gunshot in the distance did they attack you no but they were in a low rider hell oh [ __ ] what was that [ __ ] yo yo yo yo yo yo yo hello who is that hey firing shots over at our base as I said this might be the guy I don't know no dude don't do it that's y y shotgun oh my [ __ ] God [ __ ] come back no reporter come back they shot at me it was actually Zoro who shot first unless you count the shot near the bar but maybe that's just what the Vanguard do shoot first and ask questions later he has a bunch of our stuff this [ __ ] robbed us hey nice it turns out he got the right guy a prominent West Point rap scallion whom after identifying the body the others were very happy was no longer on the loose he brought the corpse back to Vanguard headquarters and they were just as pleased dude is this the weird guy I swear this is the weird guy who run away from us that's so good I told you I'd get him then to celebrate the successes of the day the Vanguard decided to head over to twiggies and end it with a party you guys you guys all want to drive over to twiggies and get a drink before the session ounds good come on guys we got to hurry's there were lot of drinks lots of dancing and then they took a lovely group photo what a lovely little Community we got here I'll post it right now he just killed himself but in the middle of the celebration for reasons unknown someone decided that this was the point that had enough of the apocalypse and game ended their character right there sadly they weren't the only one to die at the end of session two as it was in a trailer park somewhere between malra and West Point that the tunnel snakes lost some of their core members crap no no no no no out Scavenging as is needed when living in the woods they were expecting to find only a small group of zombies when they accidentally stumbled head first into a great mass of shamblers of the three who at the gas station only zurin the one with still enough strength to run made it out we begin session three somewhere in West Point well not in West Point but elsewhere outside of West Point with some people from somewhere from West Point there was a truck full of Vanguard members making talk about some upcoming plot of theirs we can we can just put the prisoner in the uh the blue truck it would seem they had a plan to kidnap someone not someone specific just someone you ever see The Walking Dead there's this guy named Shane and he's like a good guy right until one of the kid get sick right and then they have to go get medical supplies their inspiration made little sense and their plan less but they were continuing with it regardless they fixed up their trucks and were soon off to malra even with it now being the most empty of the three starting towns they were bound to run into someone eventually and when they did whoever that may be they'd be the one to get kidnapped you say there were a bunch of zombies up here or something The Unlucky player that they met first was none other than sentv head of the Phoenix Market behind behind us had the roads been clear perhaps he would have made it clear of his pursuers but with them ever clogged by the undead it was easy easy for the Vanguard to catch him where they called out to him through the fog that they meant him no harm and maybe that was true but a peaceful confrontation was not going to happen that day hey bro we're chill stop we just want to talk we just want to talk we just want to talk hey hop out hop out of get out out of the car get out nope get out get out oh [ __ ] just ran us over just trying talk to oh [ __ ] this is how it is [ __ ] idiot what do you think was going to happen well maybe that's to be expected after you run over two members of an armed militia whilst four others are pointing guns at you that was sen you killed sen even the most liberal of criminal descriptivists would fail to classify that encounter as a kidnapping and as such the van 's appetite for abduction was yet to be satiated but they'd still have to wait a while for another opportunity somewhere by Lake Ivory a small Township between the three spawning locations Cy Caravans was having a reunion after being split from her partner following her arrest by the USSR the session prior I love emeralds was now ready to reopen shop and get back on the road this you yeah it's me sorry hey let's go now without any of their titular Caravans the Cassidy crew had to drive the road between malra and West Point in an old sedan with very questionable suspension it was as they were weaving between wrecks on the highway that they heard the mumbling of other voices just ahead hello oh hey hello stop stop see you sorry okay that was the right call let's just make sure to stay quiet no oh no oh my God that's not good their head start now dashed by their car's 40 mechanics they decided they had to try to stay off the road in order to avoid the Vanguard I remember stay strapped I don't know what those guys wanted but unfortunately as her partner ran off into the woods I love Emerald got herself cornered in the bathroom of a clothes store and had to come out hey hey we're chill we chill mistakenly trusting the Vanguard the second Merchant emerged from hiding and now the militia had them both can we get both Caravans people out to this area the main area we want to ask you something I'm assuming you guys like each other even like semide decently right yeah you guys get the which one of you gets kidnapped all we need is one person whoever comes with us we won't hurt you we just we're doing a funny vine moment so which one of you stays and which one of you goes I mean our car is flipped so both of us we could both come with you yeah we don't want why the [ __ ] they just shook what the [ __ ] why did you shoot her he didn't deserve okay lucky thing I'm wearing a bulletproof vest so we're basically the worst kidnappers in history right at this point I love emeralds was showing herself to be a much more professional kidnapp e than the vanguards were kidnappers if this was me I would have just shot one of them all but you guys have to make this [ __ ] complicated well technically one of them did just get shot but Zoro was disappointed that bullet didn't result in any less hostages for them to supervise take this anymore you try and pull out your gun what the what the [ __ ] put her car we need to get out of here taking the situation into his own hands Zar reduced Cassidy Caravans from a partnership to a solo business are you shooting the windows s are you okay no I'm not okay this is supposed to be a simple job we supposed to just come and grab one person one person we we said we weren't going to kill him and then for no reason I kind of got tired of this they won't they thing you know it just kind it got really annoying after that the Vanguard were off to the West Point compound prisoner in tow things were calmer over in Rosewood no murders over there that being said something was about to disrupt the piece it was time for the first major event players across the map were told to tune into a specific radio frequency as there was someone trying to contact them yeah switch it to the emergency Channel switch it to the emergency Channel what is the emergency Channel held up somewhere in Lake Ivy the was another Survivor they weren't a civilian like the rest of the players they were government my name is Patrick boderman I was with a group of scientists from the US government working on a cure for the nox infection this is a distress call our compound in Ivy lakes have been breached by a horde of infected I'm currently Under Siege I repeat I need assistance Ivy Lake a [ __ ] there's one behind me most factions didn't have long to decide on what to do we go to Lake Ivy let's go come suit up let's go come on we don't got much time okay guys let's go come with me close the gate let's go come on the USSR was first to arrive at Lake Ivy the Convoy they had assembled had got split up on the way there but they had to prioritize finding the scientist over their friends and beside most players could handle themselves against the undead by now the thing is with Lake Ivy being home to one of the virus research stations it was almost entirely overrun by Walkers oh [ __ ] that's a lot of Zs yeah we can take nonsense anyone here anyone here people were starting to congregate on the outskirts of the Town some waiting to regroup others just to figure out what to do next hey are there any survivors hello hello this a US hey hey government scientist is that you despite the masses of approaching zombies the players at Lake Ivy had brought more than enough Firepower to shoot their way to the center of town if they were careful not to hit each other that is everyone back up to the paring lot get the St line straight line straight line what that's amazing Firing Line Firing Line using careful formation and slow movement the players were able to push back against the undead clearing a path along the High Street zombies were dropping everywhere and it was beautiful I walk I walk cross Bridges and on highways feet a keep B skin burnt by the sun no one around me but a few close friends no one to tell me how the world it's going to end un concern with the wars and the bombs we would [Music] run I'll always be angry I'll never be sober I'll never grow [Music] old after successfully mowing down dozens of former Lake Ivy residents some members of the USSR got back in their vehicles and continued the search okay let's go just H you can load in the car after passing some motor homes and taking a few turns they spotted a dirt side road and decided to drive through the zombies guarding it to explore someone here someone here no I'm here yes guys some here someone here someone here someone here I heard something the small fragment of the ussr's raiding party had managed to locate the town's military compound before anyone else and now they had the chance to rescue the scientist though first they needed to clear the zombies outside the Y fence will hold for a bit but nothing will hold forever against the dead reloading now they could meet the person they were risking their lives for what's your name what's your name my name is Patrick boulderman are you on or where the others I mean this was a safe safe house for my like like as you can tell there's a lot of soldiers around this was a safe house but it was overrun hello sir are you all right you called for us on the radio we're with the USR but we need to get out of here now yeah okay uh we can go to we can take you from here without knowing his origins or what he could do for them they promised the scientist food and shelter back at Rosewood they' gained a new Ally and a new source of information but getting him back to safety was going to be hard even though the scientist had been found insecured the members of the USSR responsible hadn't yet been able to let the rest of their faction or any of the others in Lake Ivy no anyone finding the government scientist no look look you think you could help us out the Vanguard players not currently in the middle of a kidnapping had made it and for them the search was still ongoing though night was setting in and the zombies were still out for player flare ow [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God no no oh thank gosh it's a laceration yet another faction was also just arriving despite their leader being dead they still answer the scientist's call for help scienti everyone everyone let's get in this house and we can discuss our plans further this house on the outskirts of Lake Ivy was now holding the first Major meeting between the three biggest f yeah oh you guys are USR is USSR friendly USSR is friendly we are all friendly yes we have no problem other I'm chill I say that you guys um find a place to park your car we are going to travel on foot and look for the scientists does that sound good the massive Coalition of players the largest the event had ever seen had agreed to work together to find the scientist the one that had already been found that is I'm so [ __ ] confused there's so many people they even had some tunnel snakes show up and join them including of course s Goodman after more or less working out what player belongs to what faction they were ready to set out in the exact opposite direction of the scientist the group guarding the scientist had decided to wait until morning to drive out of town okay guys let's go they needed to be careful they had what everyone else the zombies included had been trying to get at for the past few hours all right yeah go left go left avoid zombies they had to avoid the dead because of the cars they were using to escape none were without serious mechanical faults Unfortunately they immediately took a wrong turn and found themselves in a hoorde I think this is wrong direction guys yeah this is wrong direction man wrong direction go back go back wrong direction wrong direction go back wrong direction [ __ ] sorry uh I'm stupid guys go go go go go go I'll watch after narrowly making it out of that situation they were back on the road they knew it was the road to their base but they didn't know would also lead them right into the middle of even more danger I need to take it oh [ __ ] car help help me out here man help help get it get me get me [Music] rudia stanh Hower second in command of the USSR militia had been taken by the infected and would have joined their ranks if his friends hadn't put an extra bullet in his corpse are [ __ ] he's died oh [ __ ] who was that no where is scientist [ __ ] are you here wait okay can we can we get out of the car for a second so I can bandage myself listen if we are you this scientist yes okay do we have his body yeah we do yes someone took it someone take it in the trunk uh from the dead just do it the scientist for whatever reason was calling for the body to be brought back as fast as possible and for their part the USSR obliged if Rudy's body could help in any way they were sure he would have wanted it to maybe they got uh a way to revive people with this virus but normal revive yeah it was strange they were driving home and they still hadn't heard of what happened to the rest of their group if they were still alive in Lake Ivy if they knew the scientist had been rescued or if they needed rescuing themselves the survivors remaining in Lake Ivy didn't know about the scientist but some of them would soon need rescuing with this many players in one place tensions were starting to rise often for good cause oh no uh I didn't see him sorry uh stic of the Vanguard had accidentally ran someone over over though without Fatality and there he just set off a very long and very complex series of events where's this body where who is responsible for stop stop stop stop uh oh no uh whated moving get in the car the hell's going on get in the car get in the car where are stop moving they killed officer Rudy what is happen it wasn't me I wasn't involved I wasn't involved what happened toy what wait who's Rudy what's hey hey hey hey what's Happ whoa whoa chill chill chill chill please don't kill all right let's pause for a second and explain what just happened stic runs over someone with a truck but that person is fine and walks away USSR members arrived just after then got told estic ran a person over all of this is happening as the scientist crew get caught by The Horde and rudius is killed the USSR members in Lake Ivy see his death message in Chad start shouting his name and then conclude he was the person who estic ran over okay now we've explained what started the shooting let's see its aftermath are okay dead there's a guy guys we need TW anyone have tweezers please I can't walk right I can't feel my legs the only fatality was a USSR member known as help me downed not by the Vanguard but by a member of the Three Musketeers a small independent faction also from West Point now hiding on the roof of a fire station it's the guys up there that help me he shotard that clear the guy that actually killed him is still up there yes the guy is still up there okay listen to me listen to me okay from what I've been told your friend shot first no one really knew how how the violence started but most were willing to try for a resolution without any additional killings let's move on what's happened happened okay no no more blood has to be so wait wait wait so was it the white car or the blue car that ran over the officer white it was white it was the white pickup that's sitting in the road white pickup is in the road white pickup who was in there who was in there estic was driving I got in afterwards those who were wounded in the shooting were getting medical attention and people were even asking for estic to be tried fairly in the court of law for what exactly though no one really knew hey we have need back here we have back yeah yeah we've got meds we've got Med oh please please I'm about to I'm not good AR bro I am not lots of meds I'm sorry for shooting you though it was as the factions were getting ready to leave Lake Ivy that they realized the man who they wanted to arrest had just walked off no one actually knew where he was okay guys guys I'm going to be for real your prisoner just [ __ ] ran away I'm going need one of you to come down here the scientist group Sans Rudy was now arriving back home after their rescue mission a [ __ ] I'm too fat screw this the faction had given much to help save the scientist now it was his turn to give back what he could so okay now that we're back here and everything's safe so about who who was it who died oh um so back in Rosewood back in the Rosewood lab we were working on a solution if some if someone dies with the virus in their veins we might be able to bring them back what do you mean by bring them back as one of those things bring them back is not not as a zed as their a normal person that's impossible that's insane I'm going to have to do some experimentation and see what I can do but it might just be possible they collected Rudy's body brought it to the makeshift operating room and let the scientist inject whatever prototype chemicals he had left into it shh pull some [ __ ] oh my God oh my God alive where hell am I a zombie and we need to put him down calm down overwhel how are you you what I just bit wooy the hell happened happened uh you were uh dead so I have no idea what happened really what is the sciencetist S I'm right here divine intervention this is the only way I can explain this with the last of his remaining supplies the scientist was able to use the virus's power to reanimate for their own benefit h saved the man who saved him and now the USSR was in a good position to start putting the pieces of the Apocalypse together the mission had gone well for most with the only death being that of help me by the hands of the Three Musketeers stay safe I owe you my life thank you after making several detours last session the Vanguard troop responsible for I love emeralds kidnapping was finally pulling up on the West Point base I'm going to I'm going to the prisoner okay I'm going to escot the prisoner welcome I I figured given the long amount of kidnapping they first brought their captive to the medical room as to patch up the bullet wounds that previously inflicted upon her their medic white was ready to fix her arm right up patch me up do got shot then it was time to process her for detainment in a very proper experienced kidnappers fashion drop all your weapons on the oh crap I forgot I had a bunch of weapons so am I just going to be in a jail cell for the rest of the game you're probably not going to survive this let's be honest why some light foreshadowing there from Old Ben well next they took her off to the quote unquote interrogation room only for their interrogation to consist of holding Firearms to her head without even asking questions approval of this situation varied between Vanguard members some not liking the fact they were complicit in a kidnapping whilst others loved it Excuse Me Miss Emerald I have your I placed a coffee near your feet I wish to apologize for my companion's rash Behavior we don't have enough we don't have enough time for stock syndrome shortly after locking her up shots were heard from outside the Vanguard compound and the guards set off to investig leaving only I love emeralds and Old Ben in the room I can totally promise that if everyone goes I'll just stay here Old Ben not willing to take the prisoner on her word was stuck on what to do he wanted to help secure the base and had gotten all the information he needed out of her so he decided to put an end to the kidnapping himself H I feel a bit bad what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] esex The Fugitive wanted for alleged vehicular manslaughter arrived back at West Point that night he'd been on the run from the USSR since Lake Ivy and was hoping that Vanguard might shelter him not knowing what his faction mates might think of him yet he pulled in at twiggies just as old Ben and Co arrived at the bar hello what you all right yeah is it just you here okay um I need you to put your hands up please you're being restrained we um we set you up I'm going to be honest we have godam USR ready to come this way God damn it the Vanguard were holding one of their own prisoner not wanting to upset the USSR they were hoping for estic to come out of free man but first they needed to work out where he'd actually be standing trial I've just gotten a word from Rosewood that their final offer is the court is the courthouse in Rosewood they want us to come to them downtown into a courthouse I mean that's just begging for trouble ultimately the point of going to Rosewood is turning in estic to try and have peace who has the scientist I don't know have we figured that out waiting around in the courthouse before the arriv of the others some members of the USSR got talking with a scientist about what they could do next I just think we need to go W and stay here on Military checkpoint on somewhere else I think this is a good idea I agree I agree Patrick bodman knew he might be able to contact the Army via the radio tower in their now abandoned camp and if not he could at least learn what it happened all right so you know how long this Tri is going to take hopefully pretty quick we'll keep it in that in that case if it's quick then we should just go straight to Louisville right after i' have people back AG it might be a good idea if we all stop by West Point first uh I know we have a [ __ ] ton of ammo and some uh fully automatic rifles a Vanguard member who was already in Rosewood indicated his faction's interest in the plan that if they could help resolve the chaos the two leading exclusion Zone Powers should work together we just need to take so much ammo as we can I'm not a fighter so guard me but I the rest of the USSR still in their fire station compound were taking preparations for the trial very seriously better stylish than safe if you need it you drip or drown drip Dr the courthouse had been set up the lawyers were on their way and now all that was left is for the Vanguard to arrive with the accused speaking of lawyers a very speci one was to be attending and of course I'm talking about s Goodman I don't have an undershirt so I'm just wearing a oh what I don't have my God so good I'm such a big fan you stay here you stay [Music] here all they had to do now was wait outside for estic to be brought to them wait line up line up you the Vanguard had driven across the map to attend this court session creating a convoy to bring most of the remaining players on the map into Rosewood as the trial started players got into their positions the proceedings were to be presided over by BR Enthusiast honorable Judge OFW if you have a helmet on please remove it temporarily okay I'm the body guard have underwear on please remove them temporarily the lawyers were present and for the defendant that lawyer was Raz I'd like to let it be known to the court has declared r as his legal council for this proceeding the prosecution was a bit less organized seeing it was only sa Goodman there H him not knowing what side he was actually representing I don't know lawyer knowing who I am representing in court the door all right right it's time for the trial now it's important to remember that esex hasn't actually killed anyone and that the person they about to accuse him of killing officer Rudy was killed by zombies revived and is actually now at the trial with them let's see how this goes Vanguard on left can I have silence in the court silence in the court silence in the court okay as with Rosewood as with Rosewood rules turn your phone off I will have an entire bottle of bourbon before making my how how Prof how professional great God Bless America today we have elastic with the two charges of veh one vehicular manslaughter and one uh evading Justice can we please call up elastics to the stand all right estic do you do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth I swear to one charge of vehicular manslaughter and one charge of evading arrest so I it was an accident I pleed guilty but I I was not sure till the like last second is happening he said it was an accident hold on I hear him out crackers I'm hungry play Oopsy Daisy it was Reckless and you have ran over our own shareff excuse me may I may I interrupt at the time I was Sheriff uh I was never run over oh what uh please just shut the [ __ ] up who claims that he saw elastic and elastic is also that's name I would like to clarify uh during my testimonial under uh please stop shouting during my testimonial in the cell I was was not able to confirm who I was saw who was ran over I can only confirm that etics in the attempt to run over a zombie did in fact hit a humanoid who seemed to be alive oh [ __ ] I grew up here in the mid of I don't look professional where's the I would like to say that uh my only contct with uh Rosewood Outsiders uh was a it was a not in portaste it was a very good very good we made some friends I think some of them followed us back but uh then I uh kind of blacked out I forgot to place the and they kindest with you um I'm incredibly drunk could you repeat that last part yeah I mean I wasn't really alive for a lot of that so uh take with that what you will do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth there is the floor I promise to tell the truth nothing but the truth and only the truth let me paint you a picture I was driving down the road shut the [ __ ] up tow turn that [ __ ] off turn it on vibrate it's not that [ __ ] hard [ __ ] F you all right let me paint you a picture I was driving down the street with my boy help me and another Oak and um I see a white truck kind run over officer Rudy dead lying on the ground we checked his pulse and everything he was gone he was dead objection your honor improper retelling of events this is I I don't think the attorney can please finish he why did you push and small gun small gun fight ued and a uh a member of the Three Musketeers shot help me gone he everyone there was incredibly injured actually if you take a look at my armor right now you can see multiple holes in my bulletproof vest that is from that fact and uh was it well it did I'm not I'm not dead am your honor I would like to your honor I'd like to enter The Plea for my client uh of guilty with the what would you call with the sentencing of slap on the wrist after that legal kaff the dubiously constructed jury went off to a side room to decide on est's sentence what's the deal I'm thirsty one bullet in him per bullet in admitted guilt now so sentence is definitely less that there's one of the officers well I'd like to mention that I'm not dead he murder our people yeah but not by I don't think it was by his hand and it was the Z I mean the scientist was an eyewitness no you were de and okay so here they are holding a trial for a murder that didn't happen while the victim is still alive and has on multiple occasions told the court that it didn't happen now he is being told his opinion doesn't matter because he wasn't there in his own murder some legal system the survivors have I want to propose something hey hey this is bad yeah what what's the proposal get in here get in here I don't want to die [ __ ] yelling man we need to get the scientist to Louisville right know you know what the scientist is capable of if we can get them to join us we have the ammo we do indeed we can get the scientist what he needs I said we let him go fore it was an accident he didn't mean I say we put him to work we don't need to waste materials conf maybe I don't know theur in the in the [ __ ] you are you are you have to commit the worst possible how about you some [ __ ] community service no request of the can my client's punishment be pushed back until after we uh do the raid with Mr scientist man SCI please uh come forth and take the floor all right uh so we need to get to the Louisville mil military Camp I need to contact outside of the exclusion zone or else I don't think I'm going to be able to get what we need to continue my research if anyone has any questions or objections please pick up now can I I everyone is everyone is in agreement that after this is all done we all need a convoy up to West Point arm ourselves to the best of our ability and then go to l though everyone was now ready to get on their way to Louisville the USSR still did have one question for the vanguard's leader actually actually wait wait wait old Ben you're the leader of West Point correct yep I've I've heard some like a chatter over the radio stations that you killed like an innocent person we don't kill innocent people well that settles it they've never killed an innocent okay guys I think we need to prepare to go with Point don't waste here yeah everyone get ready we're going to go make our way out a bit of preparation later everyone was off to West Point so they could refuel rearm and get ready for whatever was to happen next just go just go Jesus [ __ ] Christ let's go the anticipation was palpable the scientist had given them hope his past may help secure their future if only they could bring him what he needs to do so most of the server had rallied behind this singular goal whatever he needs they'll kill as many infected as is necessary to get it some members of vanard had already arrived back at their base and of them spider was the unhappiest with the events earlier that day the ones with the hostage then the USSR was asking about uh Emerald I don't know how they know about that but said they heard it over the radio yeah it's a likely story I don't know I still don't feel good about the way Emerald got taken out she was unarmed from old Ben's point of view him killing Emerald was justified necessary even to protect the base against the unknown threat earlier spider didn't see it this way I did what I had to do so no I don't think you did thank you very and this one's for Emerald a few seconds later the USSR pulled into West Point and heard a second round of shots from the vanguard's [Music] compound what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] happened here this man this man right here killed the leader of the Vanguard spider had been executed in the parking lot by the rest of the Vanguard he died to get the Justice he saw fit to get right we have most uh I'm going to go ahead and start off I'm I'm not a leader by any means but I'm going to go ahead and just try and talk currently our leader of the Vanguard old Ben has just brutally murdered before most of you arrived now he did did have a trouble T he did in fact kill an unarmed prisoner the man we shot spider took it in his own hands to kill Old Ben after this we held him a gunpoint we took a vote and the vote was to execute him I need a beer yeah I think I need beer too Jesus CHR okay so what are we going to do next um the coalition's cohesion was just just about preserved despite being now two members down they were going to head on to Louisville unsurprisingly the road to the city was blanketed with the undead the Convoy had to swerve around multiple hordes luckily avoiding any player on player collisions the base itself was only lightly infested the military had done a half decent job clearing it out out before they abandoned nox County all right are we parking here are we parking here no no no uh we're just making sure the area is secure keep going keep going make sure the scientist is protected the radar dishes left at this checkpoint seem to be in working order the scientist was going to try to use the discarded Hardware to get a transmission out of the exclusion Zone it turns out there'd only be receiving signals today uh-oh oh [ __ ] uhoh I knew it maybe was right there's a death Squadron coming maybe coming there's a death Squadron coming no one knew what the gunships above meant though conjecture was rampant first of all I'm assuming they're coming for me they just need to get me out of here so we we need to start moving we need to move the sciti let's go guys were they here to kill the Zombies were they here to kill the players were they clearing a path and who would would it be he said that they're com scientist come here scientist did you call for these people they made contact with me they said they were coming they said the exraction would be a the Choppers weren't going to pick Patrick up but someone else was this was the first time anyone had entered the exclusion Zone since it was established and all the players wanted to be there scientist you said moldraw right right on the road moldraw go to moldraw they spun their cars around and got back on the road this would put an end to things one way or another they didn't know how but they knew and this this is where I come in brass needs that scientist and I'm going to be the one to deliver if anyone can deal with this situation it's me maybe that's why I got stuck with such lackluster troops but either way I'm leading them to secure this rail yard we're preparing for the last train out of Knox County it took a while for the first of them to revive told me they were from the USSR strange cuz I thought we beat those guys anyways we just need to ensure they were still human guys don't worry we are normal okay guns down guns down what is going some explain yes we are here to we're here to evacuate the scientist and if it all goes to plan some of you as well deal with the kill don't around the Walkers to come into our house that's true why do you act but we do want the scientist so um how's it been for you uh since we sealed it all sh where were you why didn't you uh I'm sure you can take that out with my superiors and they'll be uh they'll be happy to give you an answer in uh 2 to eight business days are you radi well right now we just need the scientist we didn't know where our lab boy was was but we weren't moving until we got him back we need the scientist once the scientist is here think we should gu uh who is here we need a debrief do we I'm the corpal I should be calling the debrief debrief we're not debriefing we needo debrief we only brief no we only brief there's no debriefing necessary our priority is to the scientist everyone else is a non concern until that scientist has been what we do we just let them stand there uh until the scientist shows up I suppose as long as they aren't threatening us it doesn't appear that anyone else is coming I think we should just take these guys in can you pleas we wait until we get the scientist want to be here all day I know I know sign up at least the rain stopped what if the scientist is dead then what well uh that would be very bad wouldn't it for everyone here we just need to just kill two of them and leave the one that I like a lot uh no I don't think we should and I don't think you have the authority to make that more and more people started rolling in the situation was getting harder to manage uh new arrivals would you happen to know where the scientist is yes we would on the way or being held some uh last we heard he was with the US we individuals be please step out of the truck tunnel snakes [ __ ] rule baby we did it we're here oh you're the tunnel snakes hi tunnel snakes tunnel snakes [ __ ] rule how you doing H tunnel snakes tunnel snakes everyone you guys everyone I would like to just to address the new arrivals uh military members please step back into line incoming you wouldn't happen to know where the scientist is would you tunnel snakes no he was he's not with us H that is a real shame yes the scientist well we hope is going to be able to develop a vaccine to put an end to the uh infection but he's sort of the only person who can do it so uh we really need to pick him up everyone's nerves were heightened the longer we were out here the Messier everything became Soldier please can you get back in line both of you two full back in L are you sure you guys are the rescue your soldiers seem very they're just they just not their Marines it's understandable we found them the scientist scientist is here scientist is here okay good new zombies a shot scientist the scientist the scientists everyone allow the scientist passage are you unharmed okay everyone everyone everyone please your attention please can everyone back up everyone everyone stop talking everyone please back up guys scientist I take a step back just to ensure your own safety get back here get back here okay can everyone please take a step back Mr Mr long hair can you please take a step back attention all present we have enough room we have enough room on our train uh for the scientist the person who's already here and nine others yeah was no back [Music] up [Music] what exactly happened in noox county that day truly no one can say but what could be observed could be heard rattling through the Kentucky forests was one final train leaving from [Music] malra F train fre train gr so fast F train fre train so fast I don't know what train he's on you tell me where he's [Music] gone don't know where he's heading what he's done against thew God no future God no hope just nothing but the RO [Music] train train R so fast train fre train going so fast I don't know what train he's on you tell me where he's [Music] gone
Channel: Five Exes
Views: 511,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NmM0wn6-mFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 24sec (4764 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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