Can you beat Total Warhammer 3 with ONLY Heroes

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one lizard one frog 5,9 and3 rats and a dream total Warhammer 3 a game with hundreds of unique units that we're not using because today we're seeing if you can beat the game with Heroes only that means no infantry no Cavalry No Monsters and no 99% of the roster only Heroes so getting into the game our campaign is of course going to be the immortal Empires campaign and out of all the different factions we could go with for a Heroes only challenge we're going to go with the Lizardman who do have a pretty significant of very strong legendary Lords and we are going to go with gor Rock but before we get into the video a word from a very special sponsor display with unique metal posters and now featuring Warhammer designs each metal poster isn't just sturdy it's great for fighting off armed Intruders but light enough that you don't need to be forklift certified the process to hang them requires no power tools no nails and no work rated accidents probably first find a good spot for your poster personally I like the bathroom mirror letting me wake up and self-actualize just peel off the sticker put it on the wall add the magnet and great you did it it works like witchcraft but instead of heresy it's powered by my undying loyalty to the Imperium if you make a mistake installing it don't worry the posters are easy to adjust now whenever I'm feeling down I just look to my left and remember it could always be worse there's a pretty insane amount of different designs like this Fallout New Vegas poster and frost Punk title Recreation so use my code ceper to get a discount on all designs until November 29th but act quickly with delivery in only four to 5 days and uh don't keep the Empire waiting okay with that said back to dino town so loading into the campaign itself and getting onto the map there's a very specific reason that we chose gor Rock and that would be his best friend a dead frog because we are doing a Heroes only run that means that at the very start of this campaign you see all these really great sorus unit skinks oh B still Aon with a revivification cryst pistol yeah no we can't use any of that so now our army is literally just gor Rock and we are also going to put Lord Croak in there because Lord kroak is absolutely insane because Lord croak starts with all of his legendary items and is one of the best spellcasters in the entire game so as much as I know this fight is probably not going to look so great for us yeah I mean you know we're fighting an entire army with literally two units it's actually not nearly as bad as it seems g rock himself has pretty much only one ability and it is the fact that he is is absurdly tanky right now he has pretty reasonably good stats I mean 100 armor 60 melee defense and because he's just a very small person it's hard to kill him well I mean I I say small he's uh he's actually ginormous Lord Kook on the other hand is uh essentially a a dead frog a salon Mage priest who is so powerful that when he died he simply decided to not be dead and then resurrected himself it's going to be a pretty common theme that in our battles it is uh 2 versus 245 and that's probably the best it odds it's going to to be for the rest of the game the thing that makes Lord croak so powerful is he really only has three spells the Deliverance of Ito 1 2 and three and I will show you in just a second what they actually do because right now gorok is just going to run around and fight people that's it and if you didn't think he was tanky uh he gets 40% physical resistance and then Lord cow can also give him 40% more damage resistance so now that Goro has pretty much got everybody into one big blob we can use Lord croak over there to just completely nuke everybody in the area so in pretty much one spell he has almost killed all the units over here and because gorok is so tanky we can just leave him in the fight for pretty much an unlimited amount of time and he will not die so the first spell we used was Deliverance of e of three and that's like the most powerful version so right here this is the first one and it does a pretty moderate amount of damage oh God no nurgle's realizing that we're just walking Lord croak over here and now all these toads are after us Lord croak himself is not actually that tanky but he is unbreakable so he'll never route and uh you know the the fact that he just launch nuclear bombs okay that was that was pretty good meanwhile Goro is pretty much just going to single-handedly kill all of these units because he is just that tanky and now the rest of the battle is pretty much just be fast forwarding while Goro beats the crap out of this nurgle follower over here is it a close fight uh no not really so as bad as it might seem that our units are now almost completely dead uh the best thing we can do is immediately walk over here to fight the next Garrison in terms of level UPS it's actually going to be very weird because since we're going with Heroes only these bottom two branches which are normally the ones that you want to go with almost always completely don't matter most of these Buffs don't affect Heroes uh most of these Buffs don't really affect Heroes and so the main things that we want are all these top ones which basically just make Goro better at fighting people because our boy over here is going to become the tankiest lizard in the entire world Lord kroak on the other hand pretty much just gets stronger in terms of spell casting we can reduce the Winds of magic cost for most of his spells and and just make him generally insane he also gets regeneration at some point and uh even gor Rock gets regeneration I think a little bit like yeah okay that's that's kind of unfair but either way we can just walk over here to the next Garrison and you know crushing defeat the game seems to think we're going to lose this you know with our two almost dead heroes you're not just wrong you're stupid the last time we did bom Rush the enemy uh and we're just not going to do that I am going to sit here for the next 3 minutes and wait until my WS of magic gets maxed because I have no reason to move okay great this has been an exhilarating 7 Minutes of the fight all right unfortunately they're all trying to surround Lord croak but I should be able just yeah just Kai blast them into Oblivion and because my Mana is essentially maxed I can just then do it again and kill almost the entire nural Army in two spells oh my God we're already winning the fight okay actually I I was right we won the fight in two spells well that was completely broken if you haven't realized by this point melee infantry are essentially no problem to us because gor Rock just tanks everything and then Lord croak just literally kills everyone all right so now that our first turn in terms of battles is done we can look at the other most interesting part of this which is our buildings because we're only using Heroes most of the buildings in the game really don't matter so for example this one which trains dinosaurs we don't care because it doesn't give us any benefit in terms of training Heroes the other thing that really doesn't matter all that much is money so right here we could build a gold mine but as the first thing we build instead I want it to be a spawning pool in order to get skink Chiefs okay well we did get kind of unlucky but it isn't the end of the world the problem is that when we kill the first Army the second Army that spawns is always this great unclean one and fighting a great unclean one with only two Heroes is very hard what we do have to do is sit out here a couple of turns and channeling stance to get more Winds of magic and then we could walk over here and try and fight him because nurgle's faction mechanics in terms of recruiting are very weird we do get to just sit here for multiple turns in a row and these never going to recruit any units because he has to wait a long time for them the end result is that I have waited here for seven turns just channeling power so now that I've waited long enough I can recruit a skink Chief we can get Ojo oxotel two xes in a row really but we can walk up to this and begin to in circle the city then get our skink Chief over here to put him into the army the thing that makes skink Chief so insanely strong is because at higher levels they get stegodon and ancient stegodon mounts which are massive dinosaurs and because we can get access to skink Chiefs very easily and increase our hero capacity for skink Chiefs in basically every single City we capture our armies are just going to be like 19 skink Chiefs so now we can try and fight this out it's it's still not very favored but we might be able to do it and as always uh time to wait for 5 minutes while my Winds of magic goes up to 100 God it's a good thing that I can fast forward or else I would be sitting here for I think take 12 minutes I have half a m to just go and get some food from my fridge but but a lot like this guy I'm uh too lazy to get up 14 minutes later and we finished I'm sure our boy methan is just sitting over here being a a little impatient okay so now we can get everybody all locked into one area which is great for us G priest do have a rang attack and we're going to try to use it on bethan but I'm not entirely sure if it's going to do a lot of damage to his 12,000 Health fat belly that man has got Mass oh my God lord croak is just walking and punting everybody out of the way he's pretty big himself now while nurgle May of course have many layers of fat we have you know our magical nuclear bombs g rock is just continuing to tank Like A Champion while we keep detonating bombs right on top of his head which I mean you know props to him and our sking chief is just running away from poor little well not little bean ah yes I feel like I've seen this somewhere before probably on hentai all right finally we've killed pretty much all the other nurgle units and it's just bethanien versus gorok which I honestly I think Goro wins that fight it probably helps that our skink Chief is just continuously shooting blow darts right between mean's cheeks specifically which cheeks I don't know all right after a good 2 minutes of Goro just beating on this guy I mean it looks like we're going to actually take out the nurgle faction right so with nurgle's faction gone that means we're not really at war with anyone right now I think or at least if we are it's nobody particularly close to us which is good the scaven are down here so we are going to probably have to go to war with them very soon but the scaven are probably the easiest faction for us to fight because they're all infantry oh and just like clockwork you must be exterminated thanks gor Rock I I really needed that uh wait what oh for a second I thought the scaven were giving me money no I don't uh rejecting this will result in war Okie doie because we don't really have any more hero recruitment capacity what I can do is just start recruiting more Lords because money is never really going to be a problem so we can get gorm over here the cagor ancient whose literal only purpose is just be really angry oh wow look at this very useful event do we get recruitment costus 50% for skinks or minus 50% for soures I don't care right I know this might seem bad you know the fact that we are fighting quite quite a number of scaven but this fight is actually vastly more in our favor than it might seem three versus 4,182 units that's actually less than I thought would be so we do just need to sit in the corner wait for our reinforcements because the truth is our units are probably never going to break Boro has 89 leadership broke has 100 and this King Chief might okay what what what are you guys doing they're just spawning random units back here now and I think they're going to instantly get Terror routed and run I mean in a sense this actually works out well for us because it is wasting all of their depth what what are you doing Master assassin you have made the greatest mistake of your life well I'll admit I wasn't expecting the uh the scaven Lord to just walk over here and willingly get turned into a piece of glass but hey I'm I'm not going to say no I also gave Lord croak a bunch of barrier which helps out pretty significantly in terms of him not dying all right and now the real battle begins which is just the giant cluster blob Fest that is going to happen over here either way we pretty much just fast forward now and let all the scaven run into one ball around our four Heroes uh meanwhile we you know detonate our bombs there we go little mag iCal air strike how many kills was that 260 and we just broke almost every unit of the fight I like how they keep trying to get around us in order to surround I I mean it's I don't think our units have any problem being surrounded well I'd say that was a uh a pretty we've almost won the fight already okay we've killed almost half the scaven one spell just completely routed everyone we are almost out of well no we're not even almost out of magic and all of my units have taken almost no damage there is still the next wave of well the entire other rest of the scaven army but you know we're just going to not care even if I use the weakest version of Lord croak spells they still do a pretty crazy amount of damage right well with that one last attack uh Lord croak is at 994 kills and the scaven are trying to stop him that's uh not really working out so well for them after a little bit of fast forwarding which is really all it took and a couple more spells you know we're up to 1,2 kills on Lord croak I didn't even notice that the scaven had a whole another 17 units next to the city that just declined to get into the fight because they were too afraid I don't think it's going to matter much though because even though most of my guys are almost dead and they have gotten a fresh new 17 units I think we could still Siege the city down all right so the plan is basically just deploy all the ways in the side here that is uh that is quite a few units but if we could sneak up right to the side of the wall we basically prevent ourselves from being hit by any of the towers and then we can just break down the doors all right the game of AI is getting very confused while I'm not entirely sure what's happening anymore I just see scaven and and effects and things and I'm I'm just going to assume we're winning 5 units versus 5,993 honestly I'd say it's a little unfair for them right well I've had to pull out of the city because I'm kind of running low on Winds of magic so we're using Lord croak to kite out all the ammunition from the scaven slave Slingers not really something I thought I'd be doing in this playr but uh here we are all right minute 30 give it up for minute 30 I've been grinding here for 30 minutes and I've used about 200 wins of magic already uh Lord croak is at 1,200 kills and Goro has just been grinding 650 in the mosh pit they've just been beating down every single unit they can get their hands on and apparently creating like a singularity oh my God that was 40 minutes of my time at least in the in-game timer but in the end we uh we actually somehow did and the kill counts are rather insane with everybody getting yeah you know a couple one of the major reasons I picked gor rock is because all of the enemies that he tends to fight are usually scaven at first scaven or nurgle and because those are mostly infantry based armies we roll over them okay that's kind of unfortunate I didn't even realize that there was another scaven faction just above us ah this is my favorite part of playing Total War Games the uh spending 10 minutes to waste all the ranged units ammunition borck truly is the master of the dance and there's another 1.5k kills from croak okay but we are going to lose oxotel here but we did get our main capital yet please please Peggy Rogers don't do anything silly Luther harken to our North is obviously very scary but he does hate the scaven so our relations are improving I am going to have to fight Lord scrol over here which kind of sucks because he is not an easy opponent he basically has an ability called the Libra Banus which is just a point and click deal something like 3,000 damage kind of bad and of course my first act in the great battle against Lord scrol is to just sit here and kite until he runs out of ammo on his catapults and of course the rest of the fight is just detonating scr's entire Army that's cool Luther but uh I'm going to pay you $3,000 to go away obviously oh my God we're at the point that I could actually just straight up autoresolve this I mean I'm not going to but still now because I can't prevent the Garrison from coming at all what I will do is just move them all the way to the other side of the map way in the corner further down the line we might not be able to avoid using garrisons because I I can't get of them but we'll see cuz right now anyways it's literally just the scaven scouring the trees trying to find my one cagor ancient just hiding way over here and there we go the squad is going to roll in now and we will pretty much proceed to dumpster everyone our army is pretty good in a blob fight as you can see cuz it's pretty much just all AOE and really really strong single entity units I mean their warlord over here is trying his best but he is he is getting the gator beat down that sounds like a Florida football play Maybe it is oh no I'm getting ambushed by scroll that's um that might actually be good for me the nice thing about having these armies of all heroes is that the AI will continuously attack into me because it thinks I'm weaker little do they know oh no wherever will these scaven ambushers be uh seriously it's it's been it's been a little bit what uh what gives oh there they are we uh we spotted them from somehow and Goro is got to have the best eyes in the entire world this man just saw through an entire canopy of trees to see like a couple scaven okay this is actually potentially scarier than I thought it was because not only are we fighting scr's Army but apparently we're fighting a second one too fortunately it only took one cast to get 800 kills we just took out his entire Army in a single spell I have never seen that many kills I think in a single cast of some spell that um well that was incredible all right what's cast number two going to do I mean cast number one was 800 okay that was you know a measly 400 100 kills pathetic really and the very last one is potentially okay there there was 500 kills all right great so now we can just tell both of our guys to withdraw now it he'll just surrender which is fine which is the equivalent all right finally we've gotten gor Rock to level 10 I was saving up three skill points when I got here because this allows us to get his top line of skills which gives a bit of physical resistance with perfect Vigor which is pretty good uh and then for this one we will take a bunch of melee defense and then also take finally a opponent so that he is able to basically terrify entire armies of scaven himself because the last thing we get is passive regeneration and battle healing cap plus 100% essentially what this means is that gorok will be practically Immortal right I decided to just come back and clean up the rest of the army now that scro died as clean up we're doing indeed Goro has basically reached peak godhood in terms of physical resistance and their leaders are getting clubbed to death like a baby seal oh let me guess another War declarate actually what I imagine is happening is everybody thinks I'm super weak so they're all just rushing to declare war on me not realizing that I'm probably yeah like this Army right here this looks really scary I don't think I'm going to lose this though you know I'll admit I wasn't much of a Lizardman guy but watching Goro single-handedly beat down several assassins and a warlord and all these infantry is kind of changing my mind I don't even care about the dinosaurs I just care about the Doom Slayer lizard over here okay and after that pretty easy battle now we can go in here and get the great white lizard to make him have regeneration and so you know making Goro very close to unkillable so if he was surviving beating down 1,000 people on his own it's it's about to get a whole lot more degenerate what we could also do now is I have stared to get those level three spawning pools which increases our skig chief capacity meaning we can start to build an actual Army also that is an insane one hero recruit rank plus two in the local Province Don't Mind If I Do considering the only thing we're doing is recruiting Heroes the fact that Goro has regeneration now means that I'm enter ing battles not to just win the battle but because we're actually netting health so we're going to come out of this pretty small fight over here with more Health than whatever we started oh that's pretty bad I didn't realize the dark elves we're going to walk over here so quickly but well please please don't do you know what okay this fight I can't really do anything about I kind of have to use the Garrison because there's no other units in the entire city this also just so happens to be our Capital which you know would be kind of bad if we lost that I also forgot that one of gor Rock special abilities is that all of our units do gain barrier when they are defending barrier kind of functions like temporary health sort of like protos Starcraft Shields where it will regen whenever you're not in combat it's only 500 but it's it's actually really helpful but we've won the battle and I'm not entirely sure that RAR could even get out we've just pressed him against the wall with a whole bunch of Cold Stone Riders well that was a un climactic death right well it looks like it's time for the siege of axotal round two you know something tells me that I shouldn't walk through this door uh and it's not just the four groups of rattling guns placed all around the entrance what I will do is have gor Rock just pull a ladder out of I don't know the Ethereal realm and then try to fight their leaders up here it should be clustered enough that the scaven aren't going to Friendly Fire their own units uh maybe counting on scaven not friendly firing is probably not a very good plan but we'll see how it goes in the meantime though I might be able to just sneak my skink Chiefs up here and shank this guy London style or or maybe get shot by the rattling Gunners uh friendly fired I I suppose that makes sense too okay on the bright side I I just fast forward to through that I think the rattling guns are doing a whole lot more friendly fire damage than we are all right I basically got tired of fighting the main Army so I kind of just walked past them with all of our damage resistance and we're just going straight to the main Victory Point somehow this is an easier plan than fighting the Army works like a charm right so that means we can take oxotel once again which is nice ni cuz I mean the only way we're going to get an actually decent Army is with lots and lots of cities to increase our hero capacities we're also getting mounts and leveling up our skink Chiefs which is great cuz as soon as we can get these skink Chiefs up to level 18 I think it is all we need is a couple of stegodon and the game is basically over well besides the being at war with probably everyone around us thing but that's a problem for later all right I am going to go over here and Ally 10 and one just bribe him a bunch of money for a non-aggression Packa because he's actually taken most of the Southern Peninsula and his is standing on axadle if he wasn't a Lizardman I I would be kind of scared right now I do need to clear up all the scaven in the area right now so we'll go in and attack this Army oh my God I'm realizing I don't even need to use Lord croak right now Goro himself is just going to mangle all of the Infantry and I don't think he's really taking any damage so I'm preparing myself to watch essentially this happening for the next 20 minutes and now he is just 2v oneing these two Chieftains over here and they are they are barely scratching him even even at all these battles are starting to end a little predictably with Lord croak getting 900 kills without even trying God I keep looking through our research tree and hoping that there's there's anything that actually helps us and weapon strike plus 10% for skink doesn't affect Heroes recruit rank for SES doesn't affect Heroes melee defense for sores doesn't affect Heroes pretty much all of the research based stat bonuses don't do anything you know things are desperate when you're sending your grand armies of one Croc agore ancient in one Army and another cagor ancient and a skig priest of beasts I don't know if they can take on this entire dark elf Garrison and army but it seems possible okay well it seemed possible until I realized they had a gold rank War Hydra we can probably come over here and take out another scaven settlement oh I was going to say hopefully but we yeah this is this is not even going to be close step one gor Rock walks forward step two so I quartered a random scaven Army over here and you know it's bad when they Retreat from only four Heroes oh this is going going about as I imagined it just three cocor ancients bulldozing their way through the entire scaven Army the nice thing about having Heroes only is that I am super rich which is why I am going to pay these guys over here $177,000 for a non-aggression pack I literally cannot afford to fight this Army because it is all orc Archer boys and boore boys you know I love how the scaven cities are all hidden from view as if I wouldn't see them I mean I wonder who resides at the altar of the horned rat the first several minutes of every stage always delightful it's just me running to the side using up all the Army abilities of the scaven and then watching Goro Pummel his way through the door with his bare hands I also keep forgetting that our skink Chiefs do have an ability while they're on the pterodon instead of using a bunch of fancy spells we could just use the greatest tactic of all and that's just dropping a rock on their head well that was about as good as I thought dropping a rock on someone's head would be all right I am going to piece out with Clan spittle because I need to deal with scroll over here Clan spittle I think these are their last two CI ities so hopefully we can wipe scrol out and then be done for good with him actually I say that but scrol has zero settlements so as long as we can keep him from taking one relatively soon we should be looking pretty good okay well I guess I'm just an idiot because why is scr attacking with nine groups of warp Grinders and then where did rakarth come from in order to reinforce him words cannot explain how confused I am right now all right I've brought every single Army I have here because I'm pretty sure if I go to Siege uh yes we are fighting the Garrison Lord scrol and the entire Dark Elf Army well it looks like gorok is going to have to single-handedly carry this entire fight and kill probably most of this Army right well I just realized that ricard's Army is going to spawn over here so if Goro is able to just sit here and cluster everybody into a ball maybe we can win all right gor Rock now is your time to shine against the entire Dark Elf Army rth himself is the scariest for well you can pretty much see why all right luckily it looks like the dark elves are trying to just blob up around around gor rock as much as possible all right gor rock you just need to sit here and take it like a champion I mean he's he's trying his hardest okay we may have just gotten incredibly lucky because ricar is I think he's just running towards the city to try to get away from us which I mean he was destroying Us in the fight so it it works out for us okay so there's the Dark Elves over here sort of D with most of them are in the city now they did Escape but now I need to wrap all the way back around in order to get to this little blind spot in the towers over here the most difficult thing we have to do and out of killing all of these units is pretty much just killing RAR because he is a massive damage dealer and is probably the only person on the map who can go toe-to-toe with Goro just about everybody else Goro can probably solo we are 17 minutes into the battle and almost nothing has happened oh and there we go just like clockwork the second Liber bonic is charge we can pop 40% damage resist and that brings us up to actually almost maxed out against the the ability I'm also trying to unload all of my skink ammo onto RAR the skinks do a pretty decent amount of range damage and if we just dump all the ammo they have into him I mean he might die okay never mind I take it back ricar got really really mad about the whole thing and now I think he wants to 1 V one Goro not a good idea for him especially a bad idea considering the three cigor ancients that are going to come help beat him down oh my God we actually killed him we might be able to just lure all the enemies out here slowly and and there he is Mr scrol is making a bit of a lethal mistake uh and that is allowing Goro to clap his cheeks okay and there goes Scrolls getting torn apart by a giant crocodile and now the rest of scroll's army is slowly filtering through one Gap in the wall I wonder what we could do with that information I didn't realize that the gate has been so damaged from friendly fire that Goro just walks into it and it dies oh my God we hit army losses and it only took 45 minutes of Goro grinding through the entire Garrison second Army and third Army he's got 600 kills one is rth three are assassins I think three are Masters one is a blood rck Medusa and then probably a whole bunch of other stuff I'm not even thinking of I love to see that we won that battle and took zero losses Lord scroll's faction is now dead uh and the best thing is Goro can just do it all over again because you know his gen cap resets between battles so they're free to come over here and try and take the city back but I I don't think it's going to work out any better than the first time oh and we just got another bonus first large plus eight of course even after that Siege I do have to refight the dark elves because I I didn't really wipe out their army they just ran away due to Army losses but I'm pretty sure if gor Rock could handle that times three last time this shouldn't be very hard it's nice that even in scenarios like this the game thinks that we're going to lose when I'm pretty sure Lord croak himself can just beat the whole gar okay thank God finally Lord croak is level 16 which means we can give him regeneration which will make him so much harder to kill than before which means this death stack has probably just gotten twice as good I mean I call it a death stack it's it's four units and two of them are optional well I'm not sure why I doubted gor Rock I went into another battle versus a whole bunch of dark elf Monsters uh and he's 1 V1 a stegodon a bunch of feral cold ones he's just beating the crap out of this war Hydra now I think he killed a dread Lord somewhere over there and all around he's just a you know friendly guy who happens to kill giant War Beasts for a living I mean it's not even us winning it's it's just gor Rock so I just recruited Another Hero this is our third skink Chief but I'm trying to take only Heroes with humble which means hero recruit rank plus two the thing is that actually Stacks so the more skink Chiefs and the more Lords I have with humble I can just put them all into one Province and then start recruiting like level 17 Heroes which is obviously really important because our skink Chief SK scale insanely well going from pteranodons to stegodon to ancient stegodon so if we can recruit them at a high enough level we're just recruiting ancient stegodon for free also RAR is obviously very angry at us uh we can kind of solve that by giving him $26,000 done deal it's also probably about time I deal with this Savage orc Army that has been raiding my land for I think 15 turns freeloaders be gone well hopefully this works out uh it's our turn to declare war on the scaven again try to wipe out Clan spittle okay never mind their army is hot trash I don't know why I thought it would be something actual but you know four Heroes yeah that's not enough to even put a dent in Gore Rock it's nice that all of the scaven settlements seem to have the exact same layout which means the exact same blind spot on the right side you can just sit here grind out all the summons and then slowly let gor Rock destroy the entire garison with his bare hands that's a lot of notifications there at the top right yes I'm aware an enemy building is under attack attack I uh I gave the order so I do have to fight this battle again I mean the Garrison is was more injured this time uh but we have unlocked one of the mounts for our skink Chief a stegodon and as soon as we get him to regen a little bit of a health he is basically going to be as strong as lord kroen well probably stronger than Lord croen melee meaning we actually have some kind of combat ability for once I mean you know besides Goro crushing the whole Army as you can see here with them trying to spawn in scaven to get our back line but you know our back line is basic Bally our front line they're all dinosaurs you know what I just realized my skink cheps get stalk as part of their skill tree and this one has stalk right now it's still riding the stegodon that means that we could hide like 6 feet in front of people's faces while riding a giant dinosaur oh come on cerak don't do this to me oh man now I think I have to fight another Siege battle uh I have been recording for I think the better part of like 8 or 9 hours I'm on turn 42 oh my God that's okay what I do need to do right now is take out this beastman faction which is unfortunately almost entirely Minotaur which is why this fight is going to be atrocious I uh I take it back Goro literally killed the entire Army 500 kills and he took out pretty much every Minotaur I mean he's literally just standing there at this point being completely unfaced getting hit by a boulder and then proceeding to just extra Pate the sore not bad gorok not bad okay I don't know how I think right over here but Clan spittle just got destroyed and that should give us our short campaign Victory actually no I take that back we need to get to 30 different settlements so if we can occupy 30 different settlements we will get a hero capacity plus three for all heroes excuse me also long Victory hero recruitment plus 10 I did not realize how good the Lizardman were for this challenge I mean I I this also seems like a perfectly good time to come and just Wipe Out Mr Luther Harkin over here out of the question this is one of our first times fighting the vampire coast and the one big problem with them is that they're actually very good against our monsters so against our skink chief on a pterodon over here and also against our leader Lord croak and that's because they have almost all ranged units but the one thing that ranged units are really bad against you could probably guess who looks like rakarth is back I mean I have like $40,000 just take it so it seems like Marcus wolfart has made the very small mistake of stepping next to all of my armies while trespassing on my land and also while having a pretty crappy Army luckily he doesn't really have any allies uh he's kind of a kind of a loser Goro just has the mass to Simply bll through all of the Infantry no one no one is even stopping him I'm just walking through the Infantry to chase down Marcus well I wasn't paying attention and Marcus died good work buddy good work so you might have noticed that a lot of turns have passed I mean I haven't really shown all that much going on and that's because I have been trying to grind out specifically getting more of these guys so was I I mentioned earlier The Humble trait essentially increases the recruit rank of all of the heroes in the province but I've started to stack humble on all of my Croc sigor over here as well as all my heroes and skinks and on top of that we get access to a building called the Star Chamber which increases the recruit Rank by another two the end result is that these Soros scar veterans recruit at level 14 these skink Chiefs recruit at level 13 and same with the priests and as I construct more star Chambers and recruit more units it's only going to get higher obviously the goal is to be able to just straight up recruit skink Chiefs with skon mounts from the beginning okay and that is beautiful I just checked the heroes list and we have another humble Lord right over here so we can go ahead and NAB him at level 15 uh and then I have another one over here so we can grab him at level 17 so now Sor scar veteran start at level 20 these skink oracles I I'll actually go maybe I'll grab a pompous one over here just to get another minus for leadership oh that's cool the Oracle just starts on top of a giant dinosaur and even more insane that the oracles have healing the big problem that we were running into with gor Rock's Army is that only gor Rock and croak can actually heal uh but healing is insanely good on everybody else the reason is because healing is generally percentage based so when you heal a percent of this guy's Max HP which is 11,000 it's a lot of Health right so I'm trying to take one of the Cities from the Huntsman and uh this is apparently the Oracle he just starts on this Mount plus our skig Chiefs are slowly starting to get on actual mounts and we have a literal us Air Force of skink Chiefs I can literally just start the battle fly them over here and oh oh poor them their leader is flying that is perhaps the greatest mistake they could have possibly made yeah he's he's not going to survive the the beat down Squad well he's certainly trying but yeah this is this is not going to work out in his favor so now that we've won the battle I can just group up all of my injured units into one big ball and then just start using overcast Earth blood to heal them as much as I can Earth blood can only target up to four people so you know it's it's not like we could just use one spell and then regenerate 8 million HP I wish but even without that it's still really strong to be able to do this okay so now if we move Goro back into it what level can we get there so we can get level 20 R right but I believe I saw another humble and another humble over here and as great as it is that some of our skink Chiefs are Level 23 and level 20 I actually don't care and I could just disband them which should give us another slot for skin priests and that's going right into another humble so that brings us up to level 21 and now that means we can recruit these guys at level 24 level 23 level 23 level 23 which also means that every time we recruit a skink Chief they are immediately given an ancient stegodon and I can also recruit scor scar veterans which immediately have carnosaurs so we're essentially at the point where we can recruit everything maxed out and even get the honored Elder perk which gives control plus one for all provinces except I can get that on every one of my Sor scar veterans and now by putting everything into gor rocks Army we have created a disgusting blob of Heroes that are all practically max level all right it's probably high time that I disband some of our armies because these cagor ancients are no longer that useful I will keep our boy gorm over here nothing gets me more hyped than this guy but besides that money is actually starting to become an issue because I have one Army that uses all of it oh my God we're finally getting to the point where I could fight three cigor and auto resolve without losing anything ah now these are the kind of battles I like to see I I mean Goro has not come this far to not obliterate some Empire ass so of course it's the entire Empire army versus uh the Dino Squad there's also a random General coming in from behind but uh pretty sure we have him handled well this fight is going about as you would expect with the entire Army being run over by dinosaurs Goro is having his own fun little time fighting halberds you know 150 dead ones and there's Army losses I'm I'm sorry wait is this Cafe where why why are you here don't you live somewhere like all the ways you know just a little bit just a tiny tiny bit more right over here I mean the only people that sucks for is them because I am going to have to step over the well step on them in order to keep moving up the peninsula whoa Marcus wolfart uh you okay there buddy an army tailor to fight specifically mine try again you know I've started to get lazy with the battles but I'm not even sending gor Rock in I'm just blobbing up our entire Army and moving through everything I mean come on what's what's going to stop this plus with Lord croak AOE 40% damage resistance we just have a whole Army of dinosaurs that can't die so because there's an Army on the top that's probably going to declare war on us I do need to split up our forces and of course I'm doing that by moving all of our heroes to one Army form over here is under control of even Lord croak and literally everybody and the second Army it's just gor Rock I am that confident that I can just walk over here to this settlement and Siege it down with Goro alone oh my God I could just autor resolve it it's a heroic Victory he got a th000 kills and took no damage on the auto resolve Marcus literally sees Goro at the gates and he's like okay please I I I can't fight this war and just as I expected the J dragon is going to declare war on us uh but I'm pretty sure our army is vastly better okay I think my favorite part about this is that because Goro has no AOE this has been 31 minutes of Goro clubbing 98 three people to death by hand I am so impressed right now which should mean that the faction of the Hunts Marshall is dead dead there we go okay now we just have to go over here and fight three full stacks of youan bow so I am going to turn off control large army so we can just 20 v20 these guys which should make my life a lot easier cuz you know I'm the one with the entire Army of dinosaurs yeah you know it's possible I didn't realize just how much more horrifying my Army's gotten the Garrison also spawns no matter what I do so we do kind of have to use them although if I'm being honest uh I don't think we need them now it's worth remembering that they do have some of the scariest and hardest hitting Halbert infantry over here um which is why we have Lord croak youan bow is also just getting gooned in here I mean I think he forgot how to turn into a dragon or something alternatively he can have the experience of being fisted by a Tyrannosaurus Rex actually not sure how that would work what I'm just going to fast forward as we move the blob for forward and it just you know expected results nothing to see here people just standard normal dinosaur parade well that went about as well as I was expecting come on in guys the battlefield is very safe well you know I would kind of hate to be this reinforcing Army it's not not really the ideal location don't worry guys I know this might look like a valiant defeat but we have reinforcements I think what makes this so special is that he doesn't have any busted trinkets or any crazy items or spells his power level is just due to him and nothing else Goro is not throwing hands he just throws the whole building well to make things a little bit easier I'm going to go ahead and just recruit three more of our skink Chiefs all of them at max level oh look three ancients take it ah yes lots of lots of mounts you know at this point I'm not even fighting the armies I'm actually just running by them because I'm just going to get to the main capture point take the city and then win meanwhile Goro is just being shot the whole time but yeah he obviously does not care okay we are on turn 104 and I have finally achieved the short campaign Victory technically I also started working towards the long campaign Victory as well but at some point we we we've pretty much won I've essentially conquered everything all the ways up to the dark elves and pretty much everyone in lustria is either allied with us or very dead not to mention that I have space for an entirely new 20 stack of Heroes so I would pretty resly chalk this one up to a win beating total Warhammer 3 with only Heroes very possible beating total Warhammer 3 with only gor Rock maybe also possible big thanks to displ for sponsoring this video thanks for watching see you
Channel: Anti-Kleaper
Views: 1,597,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kleapit, the_grim_kleaper, kleaper, anti-kleaper, kleap, grim, warhammer, total warhammer, total war, heroes only, challenge
Id: TfaRjTmPAKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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