Can I Kill Every Zombie In Louisville On INSANE Pop Settings?? | Liberating Louisville Supercut

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hey hello howdy how you doing welcome to the liberating Louisville Supercut where we took the entire series and condensed it to a single video so instead of having to watch each video one at a time you can slap this bad boy on and get the entire experience in one easy viewing session we've gone through and cleaned a ton of stuff up along with adding a completely new soundtrack to make this a more unique experience with that being said sit back grab some snacks and I hope you enjoy an entire remastered edition of liberating Louisville cheers one of the most requested videos I get asked for on projects onboard is to make a series where I clear out an entire city since I've never attempted a project like this before I figured the best thing to do was to scale up the difficulty immensely so I went with everyone's favorite City scaled the population up to insane set the helicopter events to sometimes instead of once crank the become desensitized settings from 500 minimum to 5000 with a maximum at 10 000 like a true epic gamer for traits and occupations I went with the repairman for the two levels and 100 XP boosts and maintenance which coupled with best learner is completely broken for negatives I went slow reader cowardly smoker prone to illness conspicuous agoraphobic hemophobic slow healer eye thirst thin skinned weak stomach and very underweight for positives I chose cat size dexterous Outdoorsman fast learner organized strong hit gymnast adrenaline junkie and lucky at this point I had three points left so I said [ __ ] it and went with Speed Demon and wakeful because I'm a psychopath I also chose to cut myself one more time and start completely naked with zero gear getting into things I spawned in and threw on life and living while I looted the spawn house found some pasta which was great for gaining weight and found some clothing upstairs including some fancy shoes I found a pipe wrench in the bathroom as well and with that I stepped outside into chaos it felt like a scene straight out of World War Z thousands of zombies on each block grouped up or roaming wild there was nowhere I could escape to that wasn't completely overrun originally I had planned on trying to get into an apartment complex and would knock out the stairs if I found a sledgehammer then use planks from disassembled Furniture to platform my way around the city to various Bois but that just wasn't possible due to the sheer volume of zombies that spawned here on insane population the table I switched Focus entirely and my big goal for today became just making it to the outskirts of the city there was no point in trying to base up near the heart of Louisville at this point since there were literally thousands of zombies on each block so my safest options became the southeast or the Southwest mansions the issue with Dimensions is that they're quite literally across the largest and most populated city in the game trying to get there now would be near impossible and trying to get there without pulling 20 000 zombies with me would make it even more difficult because of this I chose the southeast houses and began making my way over to them [Music] [Music] after hopping the fence into one of the backyards I began clearing out the zombies in the vicinity [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this took some time since I was trying to stay somewhat stealthy but by that evening I had cleared the backyard and house and began looting the house I moved some non-perishable food upstairs as well as some skill books and a sewing kit that I found outside of that I organized the kitchen so all my food was in one cabinet and then put all the perishable items in the freezer I read through the magazines that I had Acquired and finally knocked out for the day that was until I woke up at 2 am to Glass breaking downstairs [Music] could hear a zombie outside my door so I prepared for the worst and whipped it open [Music] luckily there was only one upstairs that was pretty easy to take care of but when I walked downstairs I found three more already in the house one breaking down my door and a couple more stragglers in the backyard [Music] [Music] I'd finished up with them around 3 30 and chose to hang out upstairs for a few hours since I wasn't tired enough to fall back asleep as soon as I walked outside the following morning I was greeted with what I presumed to be a small group until it turned out to be something like 20 zombies that I was chaining around the next House Down [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this went on for some time until I realized that this wasn't something I could win in which case I baited The Horde inside and then climbed out a window and snuck away [Music] heading north a couple houses I chose one that looks safe enough and began picking off the zombies around it my best weapon right now is my feet since I only have one wrench my biggest concern right now is weapons the best way for me to go about obtain more was either to forge for Spears or get lucky in a couple houses first house of the day I got incredibly lucky and found a hammer a screwdriver and a machete in full condition after looting the rest of the house I came away with some more skill books and a saw I even managed to catch life in living before heading out which leveled up my carpentry after that wrapped up I took the TV back with me since my original house didn't have one in it I wanted to start pushing into the dead end portion of the neighborhood so I picked out the closest house and looted that one as well for the day [Music] foreign [Music] myself struggled with early on is that there's always a ton of zombies hanging out inside of the houses it's been rare that I find a building that only has like one or two zombies in it instead it's like walking into one of those off-brand Mormon families with like 30 people living in each house I managed to find a crowbar and two hammers here along with some more food before heading back to my base with me I was clearly exerted and just when I thought the coast was clear I came back to find a horde gathered in my backyard I didn't want to risk fighting so many right now given my Moodle situation so I went in through the front door managed to drop my food off in the kitchen unseen and headed upstairs to hide in my room and pray that no one would hear me throughout the night [Music] [Music] after waking up twice throughout the night to what I thought was nightmares I realized the hard way that grabbing that hemophobic trait was probably the worst one I could have picked this is going to require me to either wash my clothes every night or take beta blockers or booze to fall asleep anyway day three was spent entirely clearing out the dead end portion of the neighborhood which was really only like two houses but with the amount of zombies in each one it took way longer than I would have liked to walk through and clear out each house and then loot it this entire day was really just repeating the process of fading out zombies including a house bringing all that loot back to my safe house washing my clothes and then heading back onto the next one a very slow but necessary process [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] after spending the day pretending to be a Karen in the local neighborhood watch I had reached the last house and immediately decided that it was going to be my new home there were actually way more zombies than I anticipated here so I spent a few hours taking care of them [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you after that wrapped up I circled back to my first Safe House grabbed all my [ __ ] there before dumping in on the second floor hallway from there I went through and organized in each category I split the three bookshelves into skills magazines and entertainment clothing watches and tailoring all went in the master bedroom all non-perishable food went into the closest cabinet for now until I had time to set everything up and medical supplies went into the bathroom one thing that I'm continuing to do is completely underestimate the amount of zombies in a house like just take a look at this watch how many zombies just appear out of nowhere in a seemingly quiet house thank you foreign moving on today's goal was garbage bags I needed to make rain collectors so that I could wash myself every day to avoid spiraling into an anxious depressive rage like a pissed off teenager my big plan to get said garbage bags led me to the music festival up the road when I got there there were obviously way too many zombies to even consider fighting right now but that wasn't even an idea I entertained my plan was to hang on the outskirts and slowly group up a horde behind me so that I could hit all the garbage cans in the area this worked out perfectly and by the time I finished my run I had gathered 15 garbage bags well I was on the way out I decided to bounce from car to car to see if they'd anything good in their glove box worth taking when I found a truck that appeared to be in great condition with its key in the glove box for me the only issue it seemed to have was that it was low on fuel but I remember seeing a couple gas cans in other cars and worst case scenario there were a ton of empty soda bottles in the garbage cans that I could take to cycling fuel with [Music] thank you foreign was head back to my old house where I took on The Horde that I had baited inside a few days earlier [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] at this point I had completely forgotten where I set the crowbars down as I can't seem to find them in my new safe house hence why I came back here unfortunately it was all for nothing because I searched my OG house and didn't find them anywhere kind of a bummer but I guess it is what it is at this point after spending most of the following morning trying my best to hit carpentry level 4 Life and living came in clutch at noon when I got the carpentry show which boosts me past level 4 and it chunked into level 5. also I'm an absolute dumbass all the stuff I couldn't find was sitting in the garbage bag in a desk in the second floor of my new safe house I must not have taken it out when I moved all my [ __ ] over and just threw it in the desk because that bag said crafting on it Anyway full restart moment aside I've built out three rank collectors which shouldn't in theory be enough for me since I have a plan to get through nights now I'm going to keep a clean pair of clothes next to the bed to change into at night then in the morning I can put my bloody clothes back on at least until I have enough water that I can afford to just waste hundreds of units of it daily either that or I could probably just use a washing machine and dryer but that's way too logical anyway that was the main highlight of day five I spent the rest of my time just reading some skill books the next Target on my list was the fire station which was located up the road a little past the music festival I needed access from there to cut down trees for fortifications so I set out early that morning [Music] when I got there I noticed a ton of zombies hanging around and figured now is a good time to put a dent in the population on this side of the city [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign towards the end I became exerted but everything was going smoothly that was until I fat believed q and pulled a whole separate group of zombies in and luckily it was only a smaller group and I was able to take them out pretty easily as well [Music] [Music] [Music] I can also see this becoming my base as I continue to push into Louisville it's got a helipad on it and I could build platforms from here to the neighboring building says Escape planes if needed also it's got a great View anyway out of the main building there were some small pockets of zombies out front that I had to clear out before getting in and when I finally got inside it was loaded with zombies obviously those needed to be taken care of before I could start looting so here you go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign way longer than it should have all things considered the exertion really took a toll on me here since it started to take eight or nine Hammer swings to finally kill a single zombie but eventually I was able to whittle them down and finish them off after looting the first floor I was up to six axes another crowbar a few pipe wrenches and a propane torch I also found an industrial propane tank but decided to leave it here for now since it would be way too risky to try to carry that back while the roads weren't cleared I got up to the second floor and cleared out the remaining zombies before diving into the medical room to drop my gear off I'd be sleeping here for tonight since it was already getting late and I was completely exhausted after waking up very early the next morning I decided to risk it and head back to base severely over-encumbered this worked out about as well as you'd expect it to and saw me Max up my exertion while being tailed by about 25 zombies I only had one real plan for this situation and it involved me getting back to my original safe house if I could get there I could shut the door behind the zombies sticking them up against it while I snuck out the front door and around the fence back to my new safe house foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well aside from one straggler but he was an easy cleanup from there I spent the rest of the day doing a mix of recovering and contemplating if I wanted to take a chance and move my base up to the Firehouse which would basically mean I just pulled an incredibly stupid move almost killing myself in the process for absolutely nothing after sitting on it for a bit I decided that if I was to move back up there I would need to do some serious zombie clearing if I was going to have any chance to move this would involve clearing out some of the roads it would have to be the music festival and the woods to the east all before I even thought about driving my car up there but I'm an incredibly stubborn person and once I have an idea it's really hard to get me off of it so the following morning I would begin the process of capturing and poor to find the fire station now as much as I'd love to I can't just load up the truck and drive into the fire station the truck would pull literal thousands of zombies and I just don't have the resources to deal with those numbers yet my plan for today was to head back to the music festival and slowly begin working my way up the street from there I'm sure this is going to take several days and we haven't hit a helicopter event yet so 100 positive that with my luck we'll spend all this time clearing out the area just for a heavy event to replenish every zombie that I kill but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it for now I'm just going to focus on the task at hand no matter how blurry it is I didn't have to look too hard to find my first horde which was just loitering around the main road [Music] after taking care of them I dipped into the nearest house to rest up and clean my clothing I came up with a plan involving me pushing into the music festival and spam shouting to Poland zombies but I think I still need to get some more points on my Nimble skill before trying to take on any larger hordes what I tried to do instead was work my way through the area taking off the stragglers before eventually dealing with any smaller groupings that had stacked up inside the gates doing one of these encounters I had what I can only describe as the luckiest moment of all of my time playing Project soccer when I got grabbed by a zombie proceeded to fall into a group get up with only a scratch on my leg and walk away after bandaging the scratch on my leg it was right back into the action [Music] foreign all day trying to clear out all the zombies from The Music Festival but by late that afternoon I was exerted and becoming tired I chose to just fall back to my safe house for the night and continue the push tomorrow I know there's still a ton of zombies in the woods east of the music festival as well so my goal for the 17th was going to be to start clearing them out to make moving to the fire station just a little easier like you just heard me say my focus the next morning was the woods across the street from the Music Festival not really any groupings but there's a ton of individual zombies that could easily form a horde if they hear my truck driving down the road one item I brought along today as well was a gas can so that I could siphon fuel for many of the cars I found in the parking lot [Music] [Music] foreign out a pretty large chunk of the woods I rested and washed up before making my way back to the Music Festival parking lot after Gathering some fuel I found a van from the Kentucky Herald that looked to be in good condition with the keys sitting in the ignition I chose to dump my siphon fuel into it and start it up giving me two vehicles nope there's a gas station near the fire station but I can't imagine it'll be easy to access so it's not feasible right now I turned my attention back to the music festival for one very specific reason here on day one when I was making my way down to the neighborhood I noticed a generator sitting in the Northwestern corner of the festival inside the fencing luckily I didn't have to look too hard and managed to find a second generator in the center of the Gated area of course I couldn't just grab it though as a ton of zombies had noticed me and had begun making their way over [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] after dealing with them I grabbed the generator and went back to a zombie that I had killed earlier to find a pair of Scissors because I had found a booth inside the festival grounds that held a ton of leather jackets that I could shred and use for strips foreign back at the base that evening I began packing up and loading everything into the trunk of my van I feel like after two days of heavy combat we should have an opening to get to the fire station and we can start clearing out cells from there once we're all set up that being said I think this is a good place to stop for now so far we've secured a small neighborhood and we're right on the cusp of pushing into the fire station to take it over and turn into our main base for the next few months as we begin slowly pushing into the city we still have a lot of work to get done here but we've also made a lot of progress and have really set ourselves up for endgame already which is insane to think about a lot of this is dependent on getting established first I could just run into Louisville and fire a bunch of guns but there's no real chance of me completing this challenge with that method if I want to have a chance of clearing out all of Louisville I need to be smart about how I do it this is a long-term goal and to achieve that I need to complete my short-term goal of creating a secure area for me to retreat to if needed today was the big moving day and if you think that's boring just hang on because while unloading my van I got a little audio cue what absolutely perfect timing to start off a video with panicking I wasn't really thinking on my feet so I just started baiting all the zombies into the music festival grounds this worked at least in theory as I could get them away from the fire station but what I didn't think about at the time was that it only expanded the heli range and only ended up pulling more zombies toward me because of that and I spent the next few hours looping around the inside of the festival grounds waiting for the event to pass foreign [Music] and finally when I thought it had flown away I began moving back towards the fire station [Music] [Music] as if this game wasn't bending me over enough already as soon as I got into the main road the [ __ ] thing came back pulling even more zombies over at this point most of the cell was completely overrun so I looked behind the fire station and then hopped the dog fences to get inside the garage where several zombies were waiting for me foreign [Music] after taking them out I ran upstairs and began unpacking while praying other zombies didn't hear me at this point the first tele event had officially ended but I had heard glass breaking downstairs meaning that at least a few more zombies had gotten inside and were looking for me I was getting tired so I decided to just play it safe and hide out upstairs for the rest of the day dipping back into the medical room and falling asleep there first things first I need to secure the area the heli event brought hundreds of zombies and I need to figure out just how much damage was done after waking up the next morning I geared up and walked downstairs and to my surprise the station was mostly clear with only a couple zombies hanging around the fitness room after looting the large backpack from a corpse I swapped my gear out upstairs before venturing outside and at first glance there's not nearly as many zombies as I was expecting at least on the Eastern side of the station I chose to just start with the construction site and work my way west around the building since it seems like most of the closest zombies are in this part of the cell I know there's a ton of them hanging around the campground that'll have to deal with eventually but I'll need better gear before I start that project up [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] this is pretty simple work that all things considered there were no real hordes just a couple groups hanging around that I was able to take out relatively easily after dropping off some Loot and rusting up I pushed West down the road thank you the second group in the west had a zombie Survivor that I was able to loot a gas mask and a bandolier from which made me feel like a badass I made a stupid play at around noon when I was trying to get into the back door without checking first and got insanely lucky when I got grabbed but managed to get away with only a scratch on the neck nothing too exciting happened after that all right [Music] I found a liquor store and was able to loot seven bottles of bourbon which I could use as molotovs but when I went to leave I walked into a smaller horde and not having the stamina to fight them I chose to fall back to the construction site and loop around back into the station where I rested up for the rest of the day reading some skill books to pass the time around 9pm I heard more glass shatter meaning more zombies were entering the fire station that I'd have to deal with tomorrow or today since they want to stare at me creepily from across the room for some reason I keep getting the feeling that the zombies think the fitness room is their own personal group workout class [Music] [Music] today was basically the same as yesterday in terms of objective I need to get the zombie situation under control if I want to have any chance of long-term survival here on top of that the power is going to go out soon so I'll need my brain collectors some fuel and a generator magazine before I consider myself truly set up I spent most of the morning and early afternoon clearing out and looting the half-built houses nearby [Music] I know I touched on it last episode but it's still catching me off guard with just how many zombies are in each house I was expecting maybe one to three zombies in every building here and somehow there's just like 15 mulling around [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this process I came away with a couple more weapons some crafting materials and two welder masks as I was headed back to the fire station I got ambushed by a horde waiting outside of the entrance I was in no position to fight them so I baited them East on the other side of the fire station and lost them over by the Porta Potty at this point it was raining out and I still had my water barrels back in the neighborhood I wanted to get them moved up here but there really wasn't a point since they'd most likely be destroyed by zombies anyway before I could use them so I chose to leave them there for now and would have to head back another time to pick him up after wrestling up it was only five o'clock so I decided to head back out and finish off The Horde that I had baited around earlier by forming a crowbar Conga line and letting them walk directly into my swings thank you [Music] and after that was done there was really only one other group left to deal with and that was the zombies hanging around the tennis courts now my favorite moment of this instance was that I found Tammy from the thousand pound sisters just mulling around the tennis courts [Music] today was probably my riskiest day I don't know how much longer I'm gonna have power for and I have low fuel in both vehicles all my cans are empty and my generator is empty in short I need fuel there's a gas station a little up the road that I need to take a chance on and I chose today to do so my plan was simple in theory I started off by grabbing most of the zombies by honking my horn and then luring them into the mall parking lot [Music] from there I circled back from an alley and parked the van by the gas pumps where I got out and started taking on the stragglers what I didn't anticipate however was the wandering hordes that had begun making their way over forcing me to wrap around the Dentistry and my second attempt I started off hot but ended up attracting more zombies again forcing me East through a back door and directly into a group of zombies inside this was pretty stressful but it was either fight the zombies inside or die outside so I took my chances did the ash catch them half flip and got to work the next sequence is pure chaos so I'll just let it play out sped up because it'll do a better job showcasing the events that unfold foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign enough this wasn't even the end of the day when I finally got back to the fire station that night a horde had gathered out front forcing me to confront them before I could get some rest which turned into an event in and of itself [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my God [Music] I wanted today to be my final day of zombie queer so I got to work early the goal is to wrap this up so I can start working on building out fortifications for when the next tele event takes place I did get a big win early today when I found a shotgun on a zombie now all I need is some ammo and will be set to start leveling Amy at 7am the zombies began implementing Viet Cong tactics and came out of the trees to nearly end my run other than that it was generally more the same foreign [Music] ER and pushed pretty far outside of my base to try and find any hidden groups just sitting around [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next few days are pretty boring so I'm just going to lump them all together I spent most of this time just cutting down trees using sheet rope to create stacks of logs and then moving them outside of the fire station I needed a [ __ ] ton of logs to build out my Fortress so that's what I did outside of fighting the occasional zombies that would Wander over to see what this lunatic with an ax was up to I'll have some clips on screen now but it was basically just the same thing all day every day eventually I realized I was making this way more complicated than it needed to be and just drove the van out into the woods and after chopping down a ton of trees I'd stack the lugs near the van and then load them in fill my inventory and drive back to base instead of taking five Stacks at a time now the real unspoken hero here was my maintenance skill which was level 5 when I started meaning I could spend multiple days cutting down trees before breaking a single wooden ax [Music] thank you I think the most annoying portion of this project wasn't even the whole chopping trees down no no it was all the [ __ ] zombies that would just wander over now normally not a problem until you piece together that I'm at Max exertion and almost always tired in some capacity since I'm literally just chopping down trees for 12 plus hours a day which means it takes like an hour in game to kill a single zombie foreign [Music] ly after three days of chopping trees I began prep work on Walling in the fire station I'll need a couple levels still and some hinges to make Gates but I should be able to get the walls up with no problem please [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm not planning on doing anything special right now just placing log walls along the perimeter eventually I'll add stairs in a walkway along the wall to Monitor and take out any zombies that Wander over but the walls should be more than enough for now as long as no healthy events trigger oh this is completely unrelated but I also collected like 41 tree branches to use as Spears if I really become desperate enough for weapons I probably won't need them but you never know [Music] now building the wall took most of the day but I was able to complete the entire process by that evening all I need now are some gates which I need another level and a half in carpentry to get to [Music] [Music] after securing the perimeter I turned inward for some additional protection by closing any choke points or open windows I plugged all the windows in the fitness room and built out frames in the main hallway foreign [Music] the next day I went out and smashed some doors for hinges and doorknobs which I used to build out two doors in the main hallway and garage entrance [Music] [Music] after that I gathered a ton of planks and built level 2 walls in the interior before wrapping up my day by barricading all of the windows in the garage [Music] hello [Music] foreign [Music] so far we're at 831 kills after surviving for just under 20 days here's what my skills look like if you're interested in that we added levels in sneaking light footage short blunt long blunt and maintenance and I'll look to keep grinding blunt weapons since they're the most readily available and there's buildings we're gonna look to hit up which should give us enough Longboat weapons to carry through the rest of the series Louisville has some of the largest weapon caches in all of project soundboard there's police stations gun stores hardware stores two malls a baseball bat Factory multiple military checkpoints and a bunch of pissed off gun tote and rednecks who left all their in their house when the apocalypse happened all of these will need to be taken advantage of if we want to succeed in clearing out Louisville on insane population spawns in between then and now I got hit with several days of massive thunderstorms so while waiting for them to pass I ground without tailoring level 1 so that I could upgrade my backpack for more slots and higher carrying capacity I also cleaned up my living area and spent some time with a treadmill trying to work on Fitness a little more since I'm only level five I managed to level up my carpentry to level 5 by disassembling some extra Furniture managed to head out and retrieve my truck from the neighborhood safe house and then spend some time grinding out metalworking by disassembling some of the metal chairs in the office rooms the water finally shut off as well which means the power is going to go out any day now today we'll be doing something incredibly stupid today we're going to go ahead into the mall in hopes of looting the gun store in the northern end of the first floor believe it or not but I actually have a pretty good plan as to how I'm going to accomplish this that doesn't involve me just bum rushing in and getting insanely lucky no no no if I've learned anything in my time playing Project Zomboy it's that any problem can be solved with enough fire and explosions so today I've created a campfire kid five molotovs and grabbed enough vitamins to induce a cocaine Bender like no other and have begun making my way to the northern side of the mall big brain play here is to set the campfire up a couple tiles away from the door this way the zombies will be able to walk through it and catch on fire without me accidentally torching the entire Mall in the process I'm expecting thousands of zombies here so if this all goes according to plan this should be the largest kill count of the series so far after arriving at the Northern end of the mall I cleared out the zombies loitering by the door after that was finished I placed my campfire on five or six tiles away from the door took a deep breath opened them up and walked inside my only goal right now is to pull as many zombies outside as possible and I really only had one method for this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gathered a couple hundred zombies I booked down the back hallway making it outside and lighted the campfire moments before a massive horde came spilling out into the open foreign [Music] over the next several hours I continuously grouped the zombies into a massive ball of fire and loop them through the campfire zombies would continue to roam out from the mall and either directly into the campfire or through the various fires starting to spread into the grass and bushes around the area [Music] welcome [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] once the main horde was effectively turned to Ash I took some time to kill the stragglers now that the first wave is completed I went around grabbing any ripped sheets I could so that I could add more fuel to the fire which I was prepping for a second round I headed back into the mall at around 3 30 to see how infested it still was spoiler alert it was still completely overrun [Music] thank you [Music] foreign shouting for another 30 minutes or so I began pulling the second horde outside the only problem right now I didn't have time to light the campfire this is why I brought molotovs instead of creating this giant conga line of zombies I tried my best to group them into as tight of a ball as possible before needing a Molotov into them after the explosion it was business as usual a ton of baiting zombies around until they got tuckered out and then went to sleep in the grass one of my favorite aspects of this strategy is watching all the zombies start dying out at the same time all [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after wrapping up at around 8 o'clock I was anxious hungry and thirsty so I took a chance and went back in for a third time looks like I did some damage to the building so here's to hoping that doesn't spread Too Far West there's a couple restaurants right inside the northern doors so I hit one up to wash up grab some food and fill up my water bottles [Music] as I was heading back I decided to take one last walk through just to see how we were doing and if there was any damage being done and to be honest the damage was extensive to say the least [Music] yeah [Music] miraculously the gun shop wasn't Up in Flames yet so on a woman of prayer I spam screamed one last round collected up a whole nother horde which was just a mashup of normal zombies and zombies that were completely inflamed before pulling them out the same entrance that I'd done the two other times foreign [Music] [Music] goods and services but the fun never stops and the deals just keep coming [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] 2 A.M I wasn't pulling nearly as many as I anticipated so I looped around to the Eastern entrance and it looks like I'm doing more harm than good here I tried to put in some work and clear more out but wasn't having much luck so I moved back outside and at 3 30 ended up burning myself while stomping on a zombie at this point I decided to head back home since it was too difficult to move around and I didn't want to risk dying because I could barely walk [Music] foreign [Music] I woke up around noon the following day and did some tasks around the base planed and revantaged my burn and then began working on organizing my garage some more [Music] it was a peaceful day for once and everything was going smoothly until around 3 pm when a second heli event triggered initially I figured I was completely screwed but I was able to deal with the small amount of zombies that had accumulated at the Western entrance [Music] [Music] [Music] I made my way over to the Eastern entrance shortly after and fought to secure that as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the hell event did come back at around 5 30 but it didn't bother me too much I had faith that my walls would hold at least until the event passed and the zombies moved on then went downstairs to swap out my bloody clothes and noticed that the zombies had broken through my walls by the tennis courts now retreated back upstairs because of that but unfortunately a couple zombies had seen me and I could hear them pounding against the garage doors and some of the barricaded Windows below me at around 7 30 I heard glass break and watched some zombies walk in through the main entrance we knew that they'd finally breached the building I still had some walls that I had built last episode that would hopefully keep them occupied for the night and with that I moved into the side room off the med Bay and held out there for the rest of the night oh my leg is still [ __ ] so I don't want to risk fighting more than two zombies at a time right now I can hear zombies below me walking around and looking for me I don't really have many options right now I can either head downstairs and try my best which will most likely end up in me getting killed or I can hide out of sight behind two doors in a windowless room and wait another day or so for my burn to heal I chose option two just to play it safe I have plenty of food but nothing to really entertain me and I'm sure I'll run out of water eventually I'm not too worried about the boredom or depression though since I have a couple books and magazines sitting over in the living quarters that I can read to get rid of those moodles it really wasn't much in point of me smoking either since I was already severely depressed by late afternoon and early evening I could hear zombies in the upstairs hallways or kitchen area so there was no point in leaving the room at least until the following day Burns takes several days to heal especially when you have no levels in first aid yet so I just have to sit and wait it out I think if I can get to a point where I can at least walk at half speed I'll be fine with taking on the zombies in the fire station with all of my progress seemingly undone in the span of three hours locked in a side room with a burned leg in a building completely overrun with zombies I think it's time to finally start working my way out this is my way of saying we've been stuck up here for three days first things first I confirmed that the second floor was clear which was surprising because that could hear them clearly right outside the medical room anyway next step was to take care of the moodles I read two books to get rid of the depression because apparently reading The Great Gatsby two times in a row does that smoked a cigarette and made my way downstairs luckily my interior fortifications did their job and the zombies were confined to the main entryway of the building and by that I mean they all clustered at the door and swore me when I opened it I did catch a lucky break here though when one got stuck on the wall and another got stuck hitting the door essentially stopping a flood of zombies from just walking through and taking me down after dealing with most of them I walked through the door and got DP'd by two zombies walking away with a scratch on my left hand thankfully avoiding a run-ending fight here I was able to get a scope of the surroundings and the damages weren't all that bad actually The Horde gathered on the western end of the compound but for the most part only a couple walls had been broken in the event I headed back upstairs to grab some bandages since I only had ripped sheets on me but since I was still struggling to walk I chose to just play it safe again today and hang out at the fire station The Horde hadn't seen me so I should be safe as long as they all just don't walk straight into the building the rest of the day was pretty quiet I changed clothes to prevent myself from becoming anxious and then hung out upstairs organizing my gear some more before taking sleeping pills and heading off to bed after waking up the next morning I noticed that I could finally move around with a hop now instead of at a snail's pace so with that knowledge I geared up for the day and headed back outside to take care of some of the remaining zombies in the area [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] this obviously took most of the day and I found myself venturing into a nearby neighborhood and pulling zombies from there as well there actually weren't as many zombies in the compound as I thought most of them resideed near the construction site or around the western side of the wall [Music] um when I got back to the fire station that evening I removed the dirty bandage to find that my burn had finally healed which is huge for us going forward the following morning I woke up to the realization that the power had finally gone out after 28 days it would seem that my luck finally ran out I had generator downstairs and a can of gas that I could use to fuel it but I still need a generator magazine to make it work I'll look for that another time though for now it's time to finish what I initially started so it's back to the mall foreign back inside to assess the damage the fire was actually starting to die out I didn't want to group more zombies through it since I needed to let it fizzle out before it burned down too much of them all so I focus on the zombies in the food court pulling them outside along with one zombie that was already on fire and burning down the Northern end of the food court in the process but successfully pulling the majority of the zombies in this area outside [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] foreign [Music] the big issue I was running into at this point was that the fire in the courtyard was spreading which is great if you have a massive horde but if you're trying to navigate the area and prevent a massive building collapse it's a huge pain in the ass after speeding up time for an hour it was becoming pretty obvious to me that I completely [ __ ] the food court the fire was just continuing to spread through the seating area and that would probably begin to spread into the main section of the ball meaning I was running out of time I chose to flank back around with original Northern entrance and check out the damage again it appeared that the fire was out in the interior but the damage to the walls was spread down the entire Northern section of the mall there was still a ton of zombies hanging around as well but I had a sinking feeling that the surplus store was completely Nash's I'd have to make my way there still to see just how bad it was so I did just that instead of focusing on the zombies Bunch cheeks I worked my way over to the surplus store to see that only the back end had been burned down leaving the front half of the store unlooted and available for me to take with a new goal in mind I began grouping up the zombies to lead outside the plan was to lure them away then loop back around and climb through the rubble in the back of the store [Music] [Music] the surplus store was fairly covered in ashes and zombies I didn't want to risk fighting so many in such a tight space so I spam shouted and pulled at least most of the zombies out into the field with me behind them all from there I grouped them up before pulling out a Molotov and letting fire do the work for me foreign [Music] [Music] for several hours to successfully Loop the store I gave up and just started spam shouting again to pull any nearby zombies out of the mall the big problem here is that there's one wall that burned down between the back and the front of the Surplus Store allowing for any zombie from the mall to just hop through the shattered window through the burnt down wall and into the back room where I'm trying my best to loot a single gun thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign after burning through a large horde a small cluster of zombies had accumulated just inside the walls I pulled them out but it wasn't worth using another Molotov on so with my only remaining weapon of the journey I took out my butcher knife and carved through the groove foreign [Music] it's really late I can't see well and I'm dying of thirst I could have headed back and continued in the morning but mama ain't raised no [ __ ] so I looped back to the Eastern entrance into a spiffos that was currently dealing with a small fire problem from there I found the bathrooms and took care of the whole thirst issue before heading back to the mall to get another look at the gun store when it became apparent I wasn't going to get through by just walking there I pulled yet another group out into the courtyard to continue the burning process thank you thank you eventually I decided to loop around once the sun came up and give it another shot but barely made it into the back room before I once again got swarmed and was forced to do something that I can apparently only manage to do in pz and pull out get it because I have a kid now bro [Music] [Music] oh terrible jokes aside I did see a zombie with an M16 as a leg so I went against my better judgment and started working through each zombie one by one with my meat cleaver before deciding to just hop in the van and run them over Caitlyn Jenner's Style foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ly after days of work and thousands of zombies burned I was finally able to loot the surplus store or rather what was left of the Surplus Store of course it's never as simple as just heading back to base at least not yet since I'm still pulling zombies back in because I don't have the gates foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] was said and done days and days of work and recovery and Helly events and all the chaos that comes with Louisville on insane Pop I came away from the mall raid with five rifles in M16 two pistols and 38 boxes of ammo I also grabbed a bulletproof vest and some padded clothing for the winter eventually I'll build out an Armory to store all of this but for right now it'll be fine in the pile on the floor it's a little bit of time left in the day I hopped in the truck and set out for my neighborhood safe house to collect the rain collectors I chose to place the rain barrels on top of the helipad because that just made the most sense to keep them out of the way now all we have left to do is wait for the rain to come and we'll be able to sustain ourselves indefinitely last episode we've recovered from a second heli event and managed to finally get into the military surplus store inside the mall coming in with a couple weapons and a considerably small amount of ammo you see the power is out now and I need a generator magazine to get this place up and running again I also need some more skill books for carpentry so that I can finally build gates for my compound with all that being said today we're going to go raid the public library in our Epic Quest for knowledge the plan here is way more simple than most people would ever like it to be because I find that making convoluted plants only works until you step outside of your face and have to actually interact with the world truth is I have no idea how many zombies are out here but I do know that the bookstore has a great chance of having what I need and it gives me an excuse to shoot some guns all in all this can be broken down into a three-step process at least he's step one get to the bookstore either by car or on foot preferably by vehicle but let's be real it's probably much easier I'll be slower on foot loot the bookstore I don't need much really just the generator magazine but it'd be nice to actually come away with this with the skill books needed to farm some levels like first aid and carpentry three get home I know much much easier said than done but that's why we keep it simple we'll figure out the Nitty Gritty elements later for now just enjoy the chaos yo the recommend I have right now is that I only have eight boxes of shotgun shells which is like 200 shells may sound like a lot and maybe it is in Riverside or Rosewood but out here it's not even enough to clear a neighborhood let alone one of the main roads in Louisville I was able to get to the library pretty easily by car but the amount of zombies around is actually insane I tried to get some use out of the shotgun but it was obvious that it wasn't going to get the job done I wanted to avoid using molotovs but that very quickly became the only way I was going to be able to clear out even a block of this area I'll let a lot of this play out so you can witness the absolute [ __ ] storm that is Louisville on insane population after a month of building up the peak multiplier foreign [Music] [Music] super intense and stress inducing to say the least I don't think I've ever been in the situation in zomboid where there are this many zombies in a Cell before so I fell back on my years of cod zombie training and began kiting hordes around thank you [Music] [Music] foreign this only worked in a couple instances though as there were just too many zombies to handle if I was able to group up 500 another 500 would appear behind me at this point with fire spreading I really just relied on that to do the work for me and focused on dodging as many zombies as I could and one of the things that's definitely easier said than done for sure I did find myself almost constantly sprinting to avoid being encircled which was stressing me out as well since I know my fitness level isn't all that high and that plays a factor into how quickly I become exerted and if I become exerted here I might as well just lay down and die and let the horse do their thing oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] kind of figured this was going to happen but it still sucks because that was the only objective for the day if I'm lucky maybe I can salvage a bookshelf or two and keep it moving foreign [Music] day baiting around thousands of zombies and ultimately doing more harm than good I'd saw potential exit and took my chance after getting the van started I tried to pull zombies together so that the fire would spread before looping around and heading east [Music] now the library's complete Ash I turn to another POI being the library inside the mall I'm still expecting a ton of zombies there but it should be easier than what I'm trying to do right now and surprisingly at least to me the mall was more clear than I was expecting but there were still a few hundred zombies or so in the main area I initially tried to just keep pulling the zombies out by shouting and then baiting them out the front door but eventually a walking ball of fire made its way over and the rest is history [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign this would be a good time designing to use the shotgun in order to pull in more zombies and just keep the fireball rolling the best thing about this is after dealing with the streets of Louisville this is a walk in the park [Music] thank you thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by 5am the next morning I was able to get inside the mall which felt strangely empty now I've logged a little over 7 500 kills at this point over doubling where I was at just 24 hours ago anyway with no zombies Left to interrupt me I looted the library walking away with the rest of the carpentry books I needed most of the first aid books a ton of recipe magazines and no generator man a little depressing but we'll figure something out at this point I've been roaming for a day now and I'm out of food almost out of water and running out of vitamins so I began the journey back to my safe house along the way I managed to find a sledgehammer on the ground outside of a workstation so I scooped that up and made it back to Vegas safely I spent the rest of the day taking a small break from combat I read all the recipe magazines that I'd gathered from the mall and rebuilt the walls that the zombies had broken down during the heli event this actually took some time since I had to cut down more trees to fill in the gaps but other than that I just enjoyed the piece for a day [Music] thank you [Music] the next morning I set out for a nearby bookstore on foot I figured there'd be a couple clusters to clear there but made a stupid decision and grouped them into what ended up being two hordes that I just kept bouncing back and forth between [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and I was able to quickly peruse the fantasy Adventure sections of the bookstore which unfortunately did not hold the generator magazine after my time was up I narrowly escaped out the back door [Music] and headed back to base where I was greeted by a group of zombies who broke down one of my garage doors [Music] at this point I'm not sure where else to look so I just started going door to door through the neighborhood in the west which ended up turning into more of a looting run since I came back with a backpack full of canned foods and then some but still no generator mag after waking up the following morning I walked over to the apartments and just Spam shout out to pull any nearby zombie salad [Music] after the area was all clear I started by going door to door again looking for the generator mag which I finally found Ironically in the first apartment that I looted [Music] foreign [Music] 's taken care of I can go refuel all of my cars all I need to do is actually clear out the gas station I spent basically the entire day just walking down the road in that direction checking out any zombie groups that I came across I will say though I'm starting to really feel like I'm doing some damage with short blunt weapons there were a couple stretches throughout the day where I either too tapped or one shot at like five or six zombies in a row and that's gonna be one of the most satisfying moments in tomboy [Music] thank you [Music] foreign as I came up to the Finnegan research group building I got to witness an apple Factory moment when the zombies were throwing themselves off the roof to try and Escape eventually I bit off a little more than I could chew and tried to retreat back to the compound I thought I had gotten away until I turned around and got to watch like 200 zombies press their faces through the fence after resting for an hour or so I had the genius idea to load up an M14 and head back out onto the road this went about as well as you'd expect and within a couple hours I'd amassed a horde of what I can only guesstimate was around 1500 zombies foreign [Music] I took advantage of the zombie AI pathing here and looped them around before dipping through a couple buildings where they could inevitably all group up at since that triggered my last scene location to all of them I spent all the next day regaining all the ground that I lost from the zombies spilling out of Finnegans normally I'd show the combat here but it's literally like 45 minutes straight of combat so I'll show some of the larger hordes and we'll move out sound like a deal alright sweet let's go cool foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I was hoping I'd be able to reach the gas station yesterday but here we are that was the goal for today though now though we still have a ways to go and even once we clear out the zombies I'll still have to come back grab the generator into the entire setup process one thing I kept thinking about was the potential to find another generator so that I could leave one at the gas station and another at my base there's a self storage POI near me that I can hit up now that I have a sledgehammer so I'll have to head over there at some point there's also an abandoned car lot nearby that I can use for spare parts or I could grind out some skills and unlock the ability to hotwire cars and just take my favorites we'll figure something out eventually though for now I just wanted to focus on getting to the gas station one thing that I'm noticing that's beginning to drive me nuts as well is how much of a performance issued that blood stains can cause even with it set to low the sheer amount of zombies being beaten and stabbed to death no disrespect to Jeffrey Dahmer the bloodstains are starting to mount up which is causing me to drop frames I don't like to brag about specs or anything but I do have a pretty beefy PC so when this [ __ ] happens it's kind of like all right well I guess I'm being penalized for doing a good job all right Branch over oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you're watching [Music] [Music] things say anything [Music] [Music] um [Music] thank you [Music] on August 15th after getting an early start to the day and spending my entire morning working through all of the zombies in the area I finally reached the gas station from there it was only a few hours of clearing out the nearby zombie groupings well heading back to base to recover I did get hit by a roaming horde that threatened to once again undo all of my progress and because of this I spent the rest of the day clearing up the zombies that had wandered over foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] at this point I can reach the gas station and can safely walk there now with the generator as long as no hordes Wander over from the West in the span of just a few days I've gone from under 3000 kills to 8 400 zombies killed almost tripling where we were at last episode much more focused on taking care of some necessary grinds in order to make it easier to take on the rest of Louisville really this is just taking care of the compound and knocking out some skills to get myself a better Fighting Chance now with that being said let's go ahead and get into it first things first we need fuel that's our biggest concern we'll need to fuel up the vehicles and then grab some additional gas to keep for future use and before we do that though we still have zombies to wipe out since the previous day it seems that a couple zombies had wandered over so we'll just have to take care of them if we want to fill up in peace [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you after spending the morning fighting I was able to successfully hook up the generator and begin refueling my van now obviously since the generator is turned on it's going to attract some friends that we'll have to take care of as well [Music] after fueling up I was able to loot the gas station leaving with a ton of food over 30 water bottles in orange soda and some empty gaskets oh and a popsicle freezer I still need to fill my other two trucks and the empty gas cans so I loaded up the black truck and set out again the following morning I almost flipped the truck though which was pretty sick but other than that it was basically the same process all over again drive over fight the zombies okay get gas drive home one thing I'm going to figure out here is the migrating zombies it feels like every day I get another horde finding their way over to me anyway after fueling up and making it back to face I dealt with the zombies that followed me following the events of the morning I wrap up the carpentry level 3 book and headed downstairs to seal up one of the garage doors that had broke down a few days ago that included cutting down several trees and Hauling the logs back to base completely exerted unfortunately in the time that I was away pretending to be Paul Bunyan a couple zombies had wandered inside the compound not having the stamina to fight I chose to end the day and worry about them tomorrow it was also around this time that the whole bloodstained clothes situation was starting to take a toll on me again the two ranked collectors that I was able to salvage were completely dry so I'd either have to use my water coolers or wait for it to rain again the next morning I took out the remaining zombies and got to work refortifying the base I finished building the walls in the garage and then barricaded all the exterior facing windows before adding two doors at the entrance of the fire station thank you [Music] after all of that was taken care of I switched Focus to making more rain collectors I needed more planks to get this done so I headed out to cut down some more trees thank you [Music] unfortunately a couple zombies had broken through by the tennis courts so I'll have to repair that as well and with no stamina I didn't want to risk fighting so I dropped my log stacks on the ground outside and headed into base to the rest up before continuing made my way back to the helipad where I built out two more rain collectors I have the planks to pull it off I'll just need to figure out the logistics of it that don't end up with me falling to my death the following morning I destroyed one of the walls of the helipad and built a ramp over to the fire station the only problem I'm one story off or so I thought there's a pretty cool trade-off though apparently building wooden floors can phase you through walls and ceilings Landing me in the garage [Music] good on my second attempt I use a sledgehammer to destroy a window on the second floor and built a platform from there to the roof of the garage that I was able to walk on moving to the west side of the garage I built out another platform that connected to my original roof foreign [Music] the stairs on both the helipad and the fire station replacing the stairs with sheet ropes so that I'm able to get to safety with ease during the process of building up the walkway I did level up my carpentry to level 6 meaning I'm finally able to build out gates for my compound I got to work the next morning by building out my first skate on the west side of the compound [Music] with that completed I turned to killing more trees so that I could both rebuild some more Broken Walls as well as add the final walls needed to fill in the space between the gate and after building the Eastern Gate I noticed a massive mistake in my wall building techniques the South wall and the East wall are off by one tile that's nothing super important or drastic I can just add one more wall going east and west but still it just looks ugly now I still needed some more logs to finish up the walls but my wooden ax finally broke that afternoon forcing me to start using some of my fire axes for trees [Music] foreign [Music] by that evening I was finally able to completely secure the compound [Music] [Music] with construction officially completed we can start to focus on skill grinding now we'll need some books for that and with the public library currently on fire there is some symbolism there but I'll let you guys draw your own conclusion to that we'll need to head back to the mall the goal here isn't to fight any zombies which is hilarious to say considering the series is centered around killing zombies I mean we certainly can we're just depressed and anxious which will impact our ability to do any damage anyway back to the skill books we're looking for first aid one then four tailoring two three and five and to farming books the full set one through five before starting though I did go ahead and plant my cabbages inside the grounds of the compound and by that afternoon was able to walk away with everything that I'd come here for [Music] thank you [Music] not wanting to pull a massive Port of zombies back with me I looped around to the South and then crouched through the gate before climbing the rope ladder back to base finally safe and secure I headed over to the helipad where I washed all of my clothing before heading back to base and getting rid of my anxiety and depression through the power of reading Harry Potter for the 200th time at this point I've got tons of food and water a safe route to my rain collectors and nothing but time so with that I spent the next three days reading through carpentry level four farming 1 first aid 1 and tailoring two no sleeping no grass touching just three straight days of knowledge the skill books checked off the list for now we can start the arduous process of grinding some skills that will be a necessity starting with first aid if you don't know the fastest way to level first aid is by standing on glass barefoot this is insanely fast taking less than 60 seconds in real life to level from 2 to level 4 in first aid I'm not worried about dirty bandages and infections either since I'll be constantly giving myself fresh wounds each time anyway it was around this time that I heard zombies pounding on my gate and one looking around only saw a couple which I figured would be easy break from reenacting a scene at a jigsaw when I got down to the gate I opened it to find something like six zombies instead of the two that I thought I'd be taking on luckily project Zomboy doesn't adjust injury speed reduction into aim walking so with my agility skills where they are I'm able to Pace with the zombies as long as I'm aiming at them all right [Music] now back to our scheduled programming honestly the longest portion of this grind was simply just reading the books with slow reader it takes most of the day to read through a single book and that a lot of time only grows with each volume for example I started reading Volume 5 at 4 10 pm and didn't finish it until 8 10 a.m the next morning 16 hours later a couple of things to note with this method real quick first one is that you can queue up events which is why you see me constantly clicking the same two entries I've been able to stack up to almost 10 times with each injury so you can just cue up a bunch of these removals and then step away if you need to another point to touch on is that I've never gotten killed by removing glass it almost seems that at a certain point the glass shards just stop damaging you now don't take this to heart though I've never fully tested it but in my experience I have never died doing this method after a couple days of doing this I was finally able to max out my first aid skill stitch up my feet and take some antibiotics and then go to sleep [Music] by the following morning my stitches were already ready to be removed courtesy of level 10 first aid so I traded them to suture needle for some bandages and could finally focus on my next skill which I'll need a considerable amount of thread for normally I just walk outside and Shred all of the clothing on the corpses littering the streets but given that it's been like a week since I've set foot out here a lot of these corpses have do you spawned due to the settings I enacted in the attempt to keep my game from running at 5 FPS as the bodies pile up luckily for me several hordes had wandered over so I spam shouted and pulled them in and got to work [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] by the end of one full day of ripping sheets I walked away with 85 thread which after consolidating all of it left me with 24 full counts of thread I need like 10 times that amount if I want to fully max out tailoring so the next day I headed back out down the road and spammed Q to pull in as many wandering zombies as possible before spending the entire day physically dominating as many zombies as I could get my hands on thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] whenever I became exerted I'd hop the fence in the junkyard and hide out there while the zombies tried to work their way around to me before heading back out to continue the fight thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] what's wrong [Music] [Music] by the end of the day I was up to about 45 thread which isn't nearly what I need to max out but should be enough to at least get me through a couple levels by this point it was about 5 a.m so before heading up to bed I went over and disassembled all of my electronic junk or at least most of it until I was able to hit electrical 2 which I'll need to start hotwiring cars [Music] but that being said it was already well into the next day so instead of sleeping I spent four hours pretending to be a heroin addict looking for wherever I chose to set out my dirty needles at before grinding out two tailoring levels to end the day [Music] [Music] after waking up the following morning I began the tailoring grind which was basically the same setup as first aid the books take anywhere from half a day to an entire day to read so I just alternate between leveling tailoring and reading until eventually running out of thread at tailoring level 5. from there I figured I'd probably just be something that'd be better leveled throughout the series since it was already halfway to level 10. the last skill I'm focused on now is mechanics since having the ability to hotwire cars will be a lifesaver for that I need mechanics level 2 which I was able to achieve pretty easily off of three cars within the compound originally I had planned to end the episode here but when I got back to base and was working on getting rid of my negative moodles another heli events Bond and since there hasn't been all that much combat in this episode it was worth showing some highlights of the heli event at the end here so enjoy foreign [Music] I tried to Big Brain this event and moved into the neighborhood to the west of the compound since I knew it had some zombies nearby but was safe enough that I could Retreat if needed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was shredding clothing at the end of the fight I've foolishly let my guard down it was ambushed by about four zombies that had traveled ahead of a Wandering horde this was hands down the luckiest moment of the entire playthrough and maybe even my entire time playing Project soundboard as I was somehow able to avoid getting pulled down and was able to walk away from the entire situation with only scratches and lacerations no bites so far we're up to 8794 kills after almost two months in Louisville I'll need to relax for a couple days to let my injuries heal since my right arm is basically destroyed but other than that we should be ready to go for next time I have a couple pois marked on the map that should have some guns weapons and other things we can use to start making a dent in these hordes and for anyone wondering here's what my skills look like so far today we'll be heading all the way to the west side of Louisville to hit up an army surplus store is sitting off one of the main roads with that being said let's get into it picking up almost immediately where we left off last I need to heal up before heading back into the city even with first aid level 10 this is gonna take a day or two so I sat around the compound and read skill books to pass the time by the end of the day I had healed two of my injuries while waiting on the remaining injuries to heal I set up my generator on the roof to restore power and harvested and replanted my cabbages giving me a solid food supply to last me for at least a few weeks after that I really just did random tasks around the base I refilled some water bottles washed my clothes patched up some barricades as zombies has broken down and then ran on the treadmill for a bit on September 6th I woke up and checked my bandages but had no luck since I was still stuck with the same three injuries although they were just base wounds now with no title of severe or moderate anymore so that was promising with nothing but time I spent the morning working on tailoring some more before bringing a laundry bin to the helipad and washing all of my dirty clothes [Music] on the 7th I checked my bandages and found that I was down to just the laceration on my right hand and even then it didn't seem to be much of an issue when it came to swinging a weapon I chose today to make my journey across the city it was raining so I was expecting some frame issues as I progressed especially as the game tries to load in Zombies into the correct cells while I drive like an absolute lunatic eventually I made it back to the library which was still on fire it was pretty cool to drive through the aftermath though seeing Ash covering the streets while zombies still continue to shuffle around I didn't bring any molotovs with me this time since I'm now over two on attempting to clear areas without causing massive destruction to the location that I'm trying to loot I ended up parking just to the north of the Target location when I got out of the car I started spam shouting to group as many zombies as possible the goal was to bait them into the Factory and then loop around through a window and hop over the fence [Music] now this worked initially but I hadn't managed to pull any of the zombies around the military surplus store which left me two choices I could try fighting my way into the store or I could keep trying to group zombies and pull them away foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] like four hours just running in circles I finally caved and headed back into the truck it was a big risk to take my only nearby vehicle and use it to bait zombies away given that if I crash there it breaks down I'm essentially [ __ ] but I wasn't really sure what else to do this was going on I kept thinking about the South Park episode where all the homeless people invade South Park and then the kids soup up a bus down to the dead style and drive down to California but anyway after pulling way too many zombies to count and baiting them up to the Northern end of the map I circled back and was able to finally get into ready prep I didn't have much time since there were just too many zombies but I did manage to grab some more ammo that I could use oh unfortunately for me the biggest piece that could have gone wrong inevitably went wrong when I was unable to get back to my truck and was forced to begin my journey back home on foot [Music] foreign [Music] stress-inducing hours I finally made my way back to base that evening this didn't go at all how I'd hoped it would which was a huge bummer considering I was planning on using the ammo there to really begin making a dent in Louisville so walking away with only a few boxes was a major letdown that being said some ammo is better than none I guess after spending the night doing some research I found a gun store far to the South it's super out of the way but it's really the only idea I can come up with that doesn't involve walking into Louisville with an M14 in the morning I began my journey down to the gun store on foot so there's a ton of zombies hanging out around the area and there's no real way to get around them I was able to bait up pretty large hordes and move them out of the way to the gun store but overall it didn't do much good so I began working through any stragglers so that I can narrow down some of the zombies to help [Music] thank you with me [Music] after a couple minutes of this I just said [ __ ] it and pushed into the hardware store in search of a sledgehammer since I realized I need one to break through the metal fencing inside the building after a fair bit of chaos involving me almost getting quartered in a bathroom and then pushing it through the Black Friday Shoppers trying to force their way into the building I just gave up on the premise of baiting them around and began looking for a house to hide in so that I could recover from my exertion oh [Music] initially I thought it was safe after breaking into one of the back houses inviting a bedroom on the second floor to Reston until about 15 seconds later when I was greeted by a small army of Jehovah's Witnesses flooding into the room after somehow escaping and finding my way outside I was able to get a car started and drove back to the fire station the grind to unlock hot wiring is already come in a clutch at this point I was so desperate for a win that I described all of my boxes of 308 rounds and M14 and some cabbages hopped back in my car and drove straight back to the gun store now there is one major trade-off to having a car that you literally give zero shits about [Music] anyway I've got time to kill so I whipped out the M14 and spent a good several hours just gunning down zombies while simultaneously pulling them together [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] after ditching The Horde in a tree line I circled back to the hunting supply and basically just did the exact same thing but with a wrench and a hammer [Music] probably because [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I go back [Music] I feel like eight hours of fighting I was finally able to sneak through to the hunting supply without being seen and break down one of the metal fences foreign [Music] anything though since I had the sneaking ability of a main character on a TLC show but I do have at least six brain cells to account for my lack of chromosomes which gave me the ability to think of using a sledgehammer to break down a wall to escape out the back of the lodge without many zombies seeing me there I looped around and killed the zombies outside before resting up on the bench and eventually pushing back into the store [Music] thank you [Music] after the zombies were cleared out I got to live out every Texans fantasy and finally get an entire gun store completely to myself [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] to compensate for all the [ __ ] I was borrowing from here I hotwired the car in the parking lot and siphoned fuel for my makeshift battering ram to use its transport [Music] thank you I wanted to hit the hardware store up the road but there were a lot of zombies over there and I wasn't sure if it'd be truly worth it right now but if I've learned anything from watching a movie about a coked out squirrel stealing food from a Karen in the suburbs hold up pause if you got that reference let me know in the comments because that movie was [ __ ] awesome and I feel like it never got the respect it deserved all right I'm pause [Music] [Music] thank you things didn't go as planned at all which shouldn't come as a surprise by now and after doing a quick walkthrough I figured this wasn't worth it at all and dipped out back to base [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you now as many of you are quick to point this out this wouldn't truly be a series if there wasn't an unnecessary car crash and while driving back to base I wasn't paying attention and accidentally slammed into a fire hydrant totaling my 27 engine Quality Car luckily I was right next to the fire station but that really didn't matter since some of the walls were busted down and the Crash had alerted some nearby zombies that needed my attention [Music] yeah now that we're starting to gather a stash I'm a little more confident in giving the ready prep another shot I'm planning on driving over with a van but instead of baiting zombies to try to get in I'm just gonna bring a desert eagle and an M9 with tons of ammo and just start blasting until I pulled most of the zombies far from the store [Music] [Music] you guys want to see something funny did you know that if there's too many zombies for the game to texture in they just become silhouettes of the local anorexia patients I'm just gonna burn through my ammo here for a bit and see if I can make any sort of dent in this room [Music] [Music] foreign so this isn't going anywhere I've burned through almost 300 rounds of ammo so far and I might as well just be throwing socks at them there's zero chance I can get into the ready prep like this so I chickened out once again and snuck through the back of the warehouse where I looped back to my van then began my journey back to base [Music] thank you normally I'd show the drive back but pz is so greatly optimized that I accidentally ascended to a new level of epic gamer that looks something like this foreign [Music] anyway there's no way I can get into Louisville to loot the ready prep or really any POI in the Heart of the City not with the current ammo situation nope I'll need at least triple maybe even quadruple the amount I have now if I want to have any semblance of a fighting chance but I do have a plan God damn plan I finally come up with a plan you see I've got all these sticks and with the help with some kitchen knives and a couple chromosomes I was able to turn those sticks into Spears 41 Spears to be exact and with those Spears we're gonna do what our small ammo stash couldn't do and finally begin the Journey of making some genuine progress towards clearing this city without over encumbering myself I can carry about 22 Spears on me which should allow me to make some decent progress given my maintenance being level 7 even with my spear skill being zero with that being said I think starting off the bid with a little Montage should be fitting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] by the end of the first day I had broken about eight Spears but leveled up twice even with all the zombies killed today progress was incredibly slow after all that time I still hadn't made it past them all I did however clear out the little shopping section with a gun store inside and after hot wiring a nearby car and connecting a trailer to it I left it parked outside the gun store and headed home [Music] the following morning I loaded backup on Spears grabbed a sledgehammer and made my way to the gun store where the zombies had accumulated [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] after clearing them out I destroyed the metal fencing inside the store and set foot inside this place was absolutely loaded with nine millimeter 38 Special 762 and 44 Magnum rounds but on top of that it also had a ton of guns and I didn't really need all of them but I did grab a revolver a tech 9 and a carbine after dropping everything upstairs we're up to 32 boxes of 38 Special 30 boxes of shotgun shells and 21 boxes of nine millimeter we'll get to use some of this eventually but for now it's back to Spears which brings us to our third day of this escapade [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] just busy work I almost leveled up my spear skill to level 3 and I was finally able to push down the main road from the mall up to the gas station down the road there actually weren't as many zombies as I thought there'd be but I'm sure that'll change once we get into the residential section a little further down the road getting an early start the next morning I decided to finally check out the Humvee sitting on the main road that I passed probably close to 50 times now [Music] thank you [Music] the only issue with it right now seems to be the fuel tank so with that I hopped in and drove back to base grab the generator drove back up to the gas station where I filled up my new toy before heading back to the front lines do you guys remember just a couple minutes ago when I said there were no zombies around well thinking back to one previous episode I've still never learned that each building is currently holding hundreds if not thousands of zombies foreign [Music] thank you [Music] which I was not so subtly reminded of when I honked the horn before stepping out of the Humvee my goal was to use the humve as a makeshift rest point which inevitably led to some really cool moments [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the consequences of my actions spread further than just a temporary setback as the next day it felt like the zombies had multiplied and after only a couple hours I was tripped up and having no bandages on me was forced to run all the way back to the compound to patch up since there were thousands of zombies roaming the area I figured it was probably time for me to break out the shotguns and see what I could do equipped with 500 shotgun shells I set off down the road once again only this time I didn't have to walk nearly as far as several groups had split from the main horde and made their way just outside of the compound which at this point has both gates broken down making it incredibly unsafe early on in the fighting I hopped the metal fence by the self storage and held my ground while The Horde slowly worked their way around until I was forced to hop back over before continuing my mission foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign throughout the day I had quite a few close calls two of them coming within an hour of each other first one came at around 2 20 p.m when I barely managed to hop the fence after being surrounded and the second and much more dramatic one came when I accidentally cornered myself and as the hordes closed in I managed to shove my way through them trip get up and hop offense to safety truly one of my greatest escapes I've ever experienced a project Zomboy foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign between that and the Final close call I managed to kill another couple hundred zombies with the Mossberg [Music] and finally at around 6 30 having not learned any lessons from the day I repeated the exact same series of events as the last close call slowly looping zombies through the Self Storage until cornering myself once again pushing through the horde and scaling the exact same fence that I had climbed just hours earlier as if all of that wasn't dramatic enough I had one more close call at the end of the day when I was trying to get back into my Humvee [Music] foreign back to the base for the night I swapped out the shotgun for the new carbine I picked up and set back out this thing was actually pretty sweet it's a lever action and as long as you have decent aiming you can one shot most zombies receiving the ability to hit collaterals which should save some bullets [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] most of the morning burning through over 300 rounds of 38 special I went back to the compound to swap out the carbine for the tech 9. now I only have one mag for the tech but I do have over 20 boxes of nine millimeter ammo so I wanted to see what I could do with this thing in short it kind of sucks I was expecting a full auto weapon that I could mow down zombies with and what I got instead was something with a slower fire rate than an M9 I think I'll just keep hoarding that ammo for now since I don't really have a powerful weapon to use it on [Music] now normally I'd end a video here given that we've accomplished a ton but we still have like 14 Spears left or something like that and I hate leaving things unfinished so here's a compilation of me burning through the rest of my Spears that I had at the compound [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you so funny thing happened during all this at 2 20 pm on September 17th another heli event was triggered meaning that all of those days of work and hundreds of bullets fired to clear out the small small section of the city was for nothing as the hell event just pulled thousands of additional zombies into the area completely flooding this section of the map [Music] um [Music] after finally burning through all 40 something Spears I headed back to the compound where I harvested all of my cabbages giving me around 130 fresh cabinets to shove my face with after all the chaos of this episode our kill count is up to 10 359 zombies with 6226 of those coming by fire foreign start putting a dent in the population I'm gonna need to get creative I'm also going to need some Firepower no we have a decent amount of ammo from two gun stores but it's not going to be enough to do anything significant because of that we're gonna head down to the military checkpoint and see if we can find anything useful if not well that's why molotovs exist ideally I'd like to grind out some kills without using fire so I can get that desensitized trait taken care of we don't have to worry about becoming extremely panicked and stressed all the time which should make the playthrough significantly easier the goal for the military checkpoint is to find some more 556 ammo some magazines from the M16 but since we don't have that right now I figured it'd be a good time to break out the M14 so I have 32 boxes of ammo for it that being said I chose the Humvee since it was the most prepared to take a beating attach my trailer to the back of it and set out for the military checkpoint I figured the easiest route would be to head south taking the path to the gun store and then heading west on the highway which should connect me to the main road that leads right to the checkpoint obviously easier said than done but I don't really have many other options at this point [Music] foreign [Music] I just forget how massive Louisville is to think it took me several in-game hours to drive from one end of the city to the other when you can get from almost every other city in the game in under one hour really speaks to the scale of displays oh also for anyone who's doubted my driving I was able to successfully navigate a massive horde with a Humvee and trailer by slowly working my way through a small opening and then looping all the way back around for a clean 360 and heading back down the road leaving approximately 500 ish to zombies shambling behind me thank you the best part of that is as soon as I thought I was in the clear I reached the four-way intersection and got hit by another most likely equally sized horde that I had to navigate through as well although this one wasn't nearly as hard due to the amount of open space I had to work with I arrived at the checkpoint around 5pm and immediately got to work with the M14 I know I don't have nearly enough bullets to clear the area but my goal is to at least thin them out enough that I'll be able to Loop a large horde around and sneak into the base relatively undetected if you're wondering why I chose to just start shooting instead of using melee weapons the answer is actually pretty simple I didn't want to waste any stamina killing a few zombies with a hamburger or a knife since I'm going to need every ounce of it that I can for sneaking and Crouch printing in the military base [Music] foreign [Music] foreign like that evening after burning through a few hundred rounds I was able to Circle back to the checkpoint entrance where a smaller grouping was waiting for me I wasn't too concerned with these zombies though since there was only a couple of them and I could just out walk them while looting as long as I was careful the temps were my primary targets because they held crates that it could spawn 556 ammo and M16 mags that I could Port which turned out to be exactly the case I don't really care about the clothing available since I had leather jackets and other clothes that I can use for better protection outside of that I found a ton of hunting knives which I was excited to get to use later if you don't know after a certain Fitness level you effectively lose zero stamina when using short Blade weapons if you're looking for an excuse to use them they are by far the best option for low Fitness builds [Music] after looting all the tents in the western side of the checkpoint I had accumulated 26 boxes of 556 ammo 13 M16 mags 16 boxes of 45 ACP and 12 hunting nights with the western side looted I turned my attention to clearing out the zombies in the area so that I can move more safely through the checkpoint it was too dark to risk looting any of the tents at this point so I just sat around and waited for Dawn to start hitting the tents and locations on the Eastern side as well eventually I was able to move the Humvee up the road since it was a lot easier to loot with and took some extra time to clear up more zombies before heading back in [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] after wrapping up my looting run I came away with four to two boxes of 556 34 boxes of 45 Auto eight boxes shotgun shells 21 M16 mags a g17 pistol and M16 and I'm 19 a Mossberg 500 along with 13 hunting knives and a plethora of attachments given that there's tens of thousands of zombies between me and the compound I decided to load up all the M16 mags and sleep in the Humvee before heading down the road on the foot to take on those two massive hordes that gave me so much trouble when I was driving in even with a bad conditioned M16 everything was going smoothly albeit slow due to the gun constantly jamming [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] world is down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you don't realize [Music] until around noon when my M16 just flat up broke [Music] online since I was hungry and dealing with a few negative moodles I chose to just head back to the compound and reset the plan of coming back down here to continue to push up the main road when I got back to base I just dumped all the ammo in the pile on the second floor and sat there trying to think of a plan of what I should do next in a nice call back to episode 4 I do still have an M16 that was used as a zombie's leg so I decided to grab that and 34 boxes of 556 ammo that I had sitting around and set off the next morning to push Into the Heart of Lugo on foot I'd actually forgotten about the hordes hanging out around the mall from the heli event days ago so that caught me by surprise when I had to walk through hundreds of them just to get back to the main road they contemplated stopping and just pushing through all of them but figured there wasn't much of a point since they'd all just kind of wander back over to me anyway [Music] as I reached the car dealership I did my best to Sean Watson impression and whipped out my cut M16 [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after a couple hours of this my second M16 broke and I found myself walking back to base once again [Music] at this point I was so sick of constantly dealing with shitty guns that I grabbed a Mossberg in over 600 shells for tomorrow before spending the rest of the day just boiling water the next morning I set out with my 600 shotgun shells and proceeded to spend the entire day pumping zombies for little over 400 of those 600 shells [Music] all I wanted money [Music] [Applause] not picked up [Applause] government cannot pick up tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] Perfect online [Music] [Music] [Music] eventually I found myself looping through buildings after I got bored of kiting and found myself at a hardware store where I found a machete and some more short blunt weapons before getting overwhelmed and retreating back to the open road [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] once the sun went down and the rain came out it was time to call it a night heading back to base was actually way more difficult than I was anticipating it was Pitch blackout and on top of that the rain made it near impossible to see anything so I resorted to just using click to walk and just spamming the direction I wanted to go in thank you after opening the remaining boxes of shotgun shells I had just over 250 remaining which isn't really enough to do anything so I grabbed a Glock and 15 M9 mags along with a few hundred rounds of nine millimeter ammo and semi eyes in the baseball stadium zombies had destroyed my rope ladder so I had to take a running start aim for the bushes now I know some of you are probably thinking why didn't he just use the rope ladder inside and have a pretty simple answer for that [ __ ] [Applause] it wasn't until I started walking that I realized that I was already tired and it was raining which was no fun for anyone which is a twisted way of saying I found myself hiding at the compound working on rule one while I waited for the storm to pass [Music] after waking up the next morning to no rain I took my chance and set out for the stadium the roads leading to the stadium were completely sore as if this isn't normal by now but I managed to make to the stadium late that morning and found it completely overrun which makes sense because if you were looking for a place to find thousands of brain dead loudmouth creature lunatics the baseball stadium would be the first place you'd check anyway I thought it was going to be incredibly difficult to get inside but after finagling my way through people trying to buy tickets to nothing I found a side entrance that I was able to sneak in through and began making my way through the stadium foreign eventually I ended up cornering myself when I tried to sneak through a side door and found myself on a catwalk with a dozen or so zombies I pause here to think about what my options were but I also think this is a good stopping point for today and can also serve as a cliffhanger while I contemplate if I really want to continue this series or not at this point I think it's time to have a conversation about this playthrough and how it was inevitably doomed from the start due to both how the game is designed and a failure on my end to recognize these issues before starting to play through so issue number one zombie migration something I should have disabled at the start but I completely missed in my initial settings walkthrough zombie redistribution occurs every 12 hours and the game does this for an entire cell at the same time just means that every 12 hours in game thousands of zombies will flood back to a recently cleared cell effectively removing any progress I'll ever be able to make in game ritaru has a great video on this I'll link it down in the description you guys should definitely go check it out as well normally this isn't an issue in a regular playthrough but on insane population settings the game moves literal tens of thousands of zombies all at once think of a helicopter event every 12 hours to the cell you just cleared out the night before this wouldn't be the end of the world by any means if that was all that was happening I mean progress would be more difficult to show but eventually the numbers would decrease enough that it'd be noticeable in each video this brings us to the second problem with this current playthrough zombie spawner the way that Zomboy works is that zombies inside of buildings are only spawned in if you're close enough to the building and have visible sight inside that same building this means that you could essentially walk up to the building and set off a siren while spamming q and they wouldn't spawn until you looked in the window or open the door again not a big deal in a normal playthrough the big issue comes when you think about just how many buildings are in Louisville this applies to every house every gas station every singular building in the entire game if you remember from earlier episodes just how many zombies are in each building scale that immensely as we'd have to go door to door just clearing each building one at a time as they spawn anywhere from 12 to 50 zombies per house all of this isn't even factoring in buildings like apartment complexes which for my best estimate would contain thousands of zombies spread over the course of a couple dozen rooms on each floor Duck's zombie building spawn fix is a mod that addresses this but this brings us to our third problem the first Nine episodes of Liberty in Louisville were recorded edited and completed before 2023. I know that's crazy to say but the last time I've even opened the save file before recording the footage you're seen on screen was December 13 2022 since it's been over four months since I opened the save file the world version was on 194 when the current game is on 195. this in turn creates a new save file not anything out in the ordinary but what I found was that when I opened the playthrough to continue where I left off the zombies have despawned and then respawned just outside of my current loaded area if you're talking with some other players we came to the consensus that this effectively reset zombie spawns for the new save file completely undoing all of my original work this is what you saw at the beginning of the video when I first spun in and there's no zombies there even though I haven't touched the file since it was paused almost four months ago my kill count also shows thousands from weapons and fire but my kill total is somehow stuck on one this is all to say that I can still play the game and continue making episodes but what would end up happening is I'd have to start from a scratch head into the residential area kill all the zombies on the roads go door to door to spawn in the zombies and then clear those out and do that repeatedly all while dealing with zombie migration constantly redistributing zombies into the neighborhoods for me to continue fighting which would get incredibly tedious for me and to be honest would probably get boring to watch from a viewer perspective with all that said I think it's time to say I failed this challenge leaky bum is still alive and well though he's not bitten or dead or anything the save file is just too far gone to continue playing in my opinion because of that I think it's time for him to move on to greener pastures and maybe move to a different city to liberate who knows I hear Raven Creek is beautiful this time of year thank you all for the support over the last four months I had an absolute blast with this series and I'm excited to take what I learned from this one and apply it into a future series built off the foundations that this one laid when I first released episode 1 I had just over 50 000 subscribers so it's insane to me that I'm ending it after just hitting a hundred thousand a lot has changed over the last few months and I'm so thankful that you all enjoy my videos it's allowed me to support my family and do this full-time and it's something that will forever be grateful for I appreciate you all and as always thanks for stopping by thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 978,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Lousville, Insane Pop, Zomboid Challenge, Zomboid, Liberating Louisville, Liberating, Zomboid LV, Challenge, Project Zomboid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 17sec (12197 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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