Traditional vs Trans: Are There More Than 2 Genders? | Middle Ground

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hey guys this episode idea was by Jayla Alexis Thank You Jayla make sure you stick around to the very end because we've got a big announcement until then enjoy the episode a girl can feel yet more masculine doesn't mean she's not a girl so then me being born may of biologically male would you say I'm 100% male hi my name is kaity el amor and I'm a writer and I believe that God designed us with purpose and that beautiful love story is in our DNA hi my name is Natalie I'm actually in commercial real estate but I'm very excited to show this discussion with you guys hi guys my name is Rebecca I'm a student and I'm looking forward to talking about gender and hearing what you guys think hey my name is Rory my gender is non-binary and I use they/them there's pronouns hi my name is Satine and I am a trans woman I work in film and television as makeup artist hi my name is Marcus I identify as a transgender male and I'm really excited to have this discussion with you guys the reason why I feel like girls and boys should be raised the same I'm saying just raising them to be upstanding citizens in society and things like that exactly not to say that like gender doesn't exist but to give young people an ability to navigate that themselves to come into themselves I actually agree with a lot of your points as far as there are a lot of similarities between boys and girls growing up and I believe that all children should be raised in a loving supportive family but I think that there does need to be balance and just some of the characteristics that men and women have where it's like women usually are more nurturing with boys they want to grow up and like what does it mean to be a man and what does it mean to be a provider what does it mean to lead your family and those are the things that are traditional to me where I feel like the man is the head of the household I grew up being a tomboy like I am so so connected to my masculine side and so much to my feminine side I really feel 50-50 and I feel like in our society now when a girl is is raised and she feels like a tomboy acts like a tomboy she's now encouraged to kind of think maybe I should have been born as a guy but for me it's always been oh maybe she's just interested in things that guys typically like and that's fine you can still be a girl and be interested in that and you can still embrace being a girl yeah piggyback off of what you're saying as a little girl I always only wanted to shop in the boys section of course my family was completely against it I grew up in a religious family I'm actually creative Angelico Christian myself but my family would use my tomboi statement to write it off and minimize the fact that no I actually really don't like being a girl sometimes like you said there's actually genuine Tom Blais in the world with me no that wasn't it was way more than that and it can be very difficult for parents to make that distinction oh because when you're a young child it's hard to express how you're feeling inside and especially like as like a freaking eight-year-old I had no idea what transgender was I didn't know any of that but that's that's what's really important I don't think as it year-old you should know that label you know I mean I don't think we should know labels period your DNA is going to be the same from when you're born and until you die and it doesn't matter how you dress yourselves or what hormones you take I mean you're either going to be a male or a woman you have those chromosomes in your body there are certain things about yourself that are gonna stay the same your whole life and you have to accept those and and embrace them because if you don't embrace them you're just gonna be hating yourself I really wanted to be normal like that there's nothing in life I've ever wanted more than to be normal that's the problem that is the problem I run into it but it doesn't really exist and I every attempt that I've made to try and be more like one gender or the other hasn't really worked so finally I just got to a place where I was like well people may say that there isn't anything in-between but I am in between you know and I feel like the people who really know me and love me they see that it's it's difficult to think that there could only be two like how is that how would that even be possible when there's like on a spectrum of like masculinity and femininity okay don't you lie anywhere well it's like the tomboy idea that a girl can feel and have these yeah more masculine doesn't mean she's not a girl there's a spectrum but there's two definitive parts to the spectrum so then would you okay well with me being born male of biologically male would you say I'm 100% male well you made the transition so you didn't feel like are you physically born as a male but you would you say I'm 100% female I'll be honest and say I feel on I use the chromosome but I would say you are under a hundred percent a that would just be my belief you're 100% what you're portraying to me and because I'm that Who am I decide that for you wouldn't that mean that I am somewhere on this gender spectrum not necessarily one or the other which is the binder scientifically you are one thing and you'll always be a male scientifically you can express yourself however you want to the world and hopefully the world accepts you for who you want to be and who you are but when it comes to the spectrum I mean there are not that many transgender people in this world when it comes down to in LA there are there's a bigger population just so you ladies all your lives you don't even know how many hands you should that was possibly a trans person the reason why you don't see it is because those trans individuals don't want you to see it in middle of America they don't have the same like opportunities and great laws as Californians so it's just like well I better lie low before like I give my ass beep somewhere I feel kind of this is another one that I feel a little split about I on one hand with all of my heart have respect for again like I said before whatever you feel you should live you know however with that said if I had a little girl and if you're not completely transitioned you don't want them to be expressive that maybe not yet maybe not yet that is right have you thought about what that person might be going through how scared they probably are that they're being judged as they go in before I transition when I was still confused as to what I wanted to do and who I was and it was really difficult but I decided to use the women's restroom so because I did not feel safe in the men's restroom and I knew that I would not be a problem it takes a lot of courage that people don't understand it really hurts your psyche I would say for a safety I do agree that you should be able to go where you feel comfortable however the line that I would draw is if we were one day to say all bathrooms should be just open for anybody to touch on that point I've been at gyms where it's like a restroom and a locker room and people are changing there it can be difficult because when the rules start to get so relaxed like that where a guy that wanted to go in a woman's locker room that wasn't transgender and then if anybody questioned him he can just say I feel like a woman that's you know and that's a concern for me it's interesting how we get so hung up on on trans folks in bathrooms when it seems like the underlying fear might be that men are predators and that we are afraid predatory men either posing as trans women or just in general having gender-neutral restrooms maybe if they're not all the restrooms but some restrooms that are gender neutral would just be good for everybody's safety I agree [Music] to come and tell me you know we're gonna be born and I'm just gonna decide what I'm gonna be I'm sorry that's a crock of [ __ ] to me I believe that first yeah you're born your woman our man I believe that gender shouldn't be based on feelings because our feelings change a lot not everybody's does I understand that but a majority of people do as they grow up you said the word decide I did not like wait till 18 and decide I'm gonna be a man today everything in my power I did not actually want to be transgender the decision that I made was being authentically me to be happy that's to me it was be happy or eventually commit suicide the thing about gender is you don't choose your gender or your gender is something that develops over time it's very fluid there's no denying that I mean I was born male no denying but you know my government paper is all safe female because that's who I am one thing that I want to know were you raised in like a conservative household did you any of you have the ability to actually sit down and talk to your parents and like ask any questions I didn't start transitioning until I was 32 I didn't come out to my dad until I was 33 and that I couldn't I come from a very conservative family but he didn't want to lose my dad when you think you might lose something that you love it's really hard to go forward and make that decision [Music] everyone that's born on this earth is special and we're all lucky to be alive and be on this planet and have the opportunity to experience our lives and experience love and I'm not going to be influencing them and saying no this is the right way of living you have to live this way but I'm gonna say you need to carefully consider really think about and think about the social implications as well and everything that you're gonna have to face if you go through that is it worth it for you I feel like support and acceptance are different things so if it wasn't something I agree with what I love them would I be there for them when I support them would I have the conversations yes what I say I agree with you no see I grew up with the acceptance part and that hurt kind of more for me I I felt like she was only accepting me because she gave birth to me but if she didn't give birth to me it's like no you went yeah and that and I didn't like that feeling you know if I had grown up in a place where I felt loved and accepted unconditionally I think that I would have saved myself a lot of therapy and a lot of self work but you know maybe we don't know for certain yet and the best we can do I think is is keep trying I think that even with this discussion it drives the point home about how important family is how important love is how important it is to really support no matter how you feel or how you're raised like this world can really break you down so that's why for me like family is so important I think it's a beautiful thing and I think that we should be doing a better job in raising our children and loving on them [Music] guys thanks for watching another episode of middle ground the reason we do this is to create a movement for human good and we have a special announcement we're starting our own clothing line and guess what it's called it's called good human and we want this just to be the physical embodiment of dialogue and empathy so get on board that's right you can learn more about good human which is the name of the brand down below as always guys we can't thank you enough make sure to subscribe follow us on Instagram and we'll see you next time
Channel: Jubilee
Views: 4,117,891
Rating: 4.8396277 out of 5
Keywords: jubilee, jubilee media, jubilee project, live deeper, blind devotion, love language, middle ground, spectrum, jubilee middle ground, traditional gender, non traditional gender, transgender, trans, are there more than 2 genders, more than 2 genders, cisgender, cisgender vs trans, cisgender vs binary, transgender vs traditional gender, goodhuman, transgender kids, trans man, trans woman, transgender debate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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