Can 4 Guys Beat A Puzzle Master?!

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Awesome! Can’t wait to watch! Love the try guys.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/radbu107 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hate that girl. She is such a Karen hihi.. see what I did there? But i really don't like her

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lexx_sad_but_true πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- We're back baby, four versus one. Today, we are gonna be taking on a professional jigsaw puzzler. - You guys not even have all your edges yet? - Yeah well, we're not only working on edges, okay? Thank you. - Can we build a puzzle faster than one puzzle expert? - What's taking you guys so long? - [The Try Guys] I don't know! Oh my God! - I didn't know that there were puzzle experts. Now I do. - [Eugene] Can four regular guys beat a master in their own craft? - [Keith] All it takes is for one of us to win. - [Ned] Oh, wow. - [The Try Guys] This is Try Guys: Four vs One. - We are here at Gamehaus, we are going against Karen from Karen Puzzles, who is a puzzle master, and we're also gonna be interviewing Tammy, who is a puzzle competitor. - Well, in January we won the largest Jigsaw Competition in the US, which is the St. Paul's Winter Festival Competition. - So the four of us are gonna be competing as a puzzle team against a solo expert head-to-head. How do you think we're gonna do? - One thing I found worked well in my team is we set aside our egos, we don't care who gets to put a piece in as long as the team gets to put it in. - [Ned] You could have folded and let Keith have it. - Yeah, I could have. (guys laughing) - It's never been a problem here. - Hi, I'm Karen. I have a YouTube channel called Karen Puzzles. I'm a little nervous, I'm not gonna lie. Usually I'm alone in my house, but you know, we'll see how it goes. I feel like I've been training my whole life just for this moment. - We're doing a 500 piece puzzle. I feel like I could do this without the other guys. I did a 500 piece puzzle earlier this summer, took me about four hours. - I'm gonna guess that today's puzzle is gonna take me 90 minutes. (bell dinging) So the only time that I've actually raced someone doing the same puzzle was against an 11-year-old, and I beat her very easily. So maybe (group laughing) I shouldn't be worried. - Well, I'd say we have the mental capacity as well, 11-year-olds. - I've never thought about competitive puzzling. I just think of puzzling as a rainy day activity. - I have never once in my life been like, "You know what I want to do? "I want to put little cardboard pieces "and try and stick them together." When quarantine began, Maggie bought a puzzle, and I said, "Why?" (chuckling) - [Ned] Are you guys ready to reveal these puzzles and start the competition? - Let's do it. - Let's get puzzling in - [Group] three, two, one. (men gasping) It's us, it's us, oh my God! - [Eugene] And you can get your very own Try Guys limited edition puzzle at now. Okay, let's do this. - [Keith] Open the box! - I'm trying to, it's stuck. - Zack, open the box! - What's wrong with you? This is precious time! - [Eugene] She's already opened the plastic. - It was stuck, it was stuck. - Okay, okay, okay. You know, there is a lot of gray there. - Okay, okay. - [Eugene] Wait, so who's managing? - I'll manage, no, Zack. I don't know what the hell you're doing. - Zack what are you doing? - I'm spreading it out! - Some people like to sort by actual shape of the cut, where they sort it based on the number of knobs and holes that each piece has. For fun, that's perfectly fine. But in a competition, anything that takes too much time can slow you down. - I've already started some edges over here. - My edges are over here. - Well, I'm gonna start edges over here. Well, Keith's the the manager, right? - Throw the edges to the top corner. - Keith, I'd like to speak to your manager. - My hands are shaking, I've never been this nervous. Since the Try Guys have four people, they can work on a larger area at once. If they've all stolen, each other's pieces, I'm gonna pull ahead. - Dude, I found my eye, that's crazy. I'm keeping this one for later. - Did you just put in your pocket? - Yeah, it's a special piece. - Oh, no Zack. - So the roles you said were you got your flippers, you got your sorters, you got your edgers. - Tammy, what's my role? - I can see your fingers, they look nice and nimble. You're a flipper (chuckles). - You got it, Tammy, I'm gonna make you so proud. I'm gonna flip so fast, I'm gonna be like a fry cook. Guys, look at this, look at this! Boom, Keith's mouth! Oh, I found more of Keith's mouth! Guys, I'm killing it over here. - [Ned] Zach, I think we just need to dedicate you to doing Keith's mouth. I mean, you look at it the most. You think about it the most. - I think about it all the time. Wait, actually, maybe this isn't Keith's mouth. Who's mouth is this? I've made a horrible mistake. This is Eugene's mouth. - [The Try Guys] What? - Wow, you know, nothing about me! - I thought wrong, but guess what? I'm now making your mouth, dude, I'm so good at mouths. What are you doing over there, Karen? - Oh, I'm just working, listening to your discussion about mouths. Okay, so here's my approach. Number one is to simultaneously sort out the edges and turn all of the pieces face up and depending on what the color separation looks like, maybe also start separating into colors. And then I have a superstition that if the first piece you put in is right, that's good luck, and my first piece was right so. - Ew, I'm doing Zach's belly hair. - Who's got a big mouth? - [Ned] Oh, Zach, it's the close up of your belly. - [Zack] You better (beep) love it, bro. You know what? I just built your mouth and I can unbuild it. - Then you do the edge. Then you do the major, big colors, and then you just work your way in and finish up the rest. - Can we all do a search for edges? - Edge-to-edge. - Do you guys not even have all your edges yet? (Try Guys groaning) - [Zack] All right! - We have mouths! How many mouths do you have done? - What are you doing over there? What have you been spending your time on? - [Keith] What are you doing, Eugene? - I'm organizing the edges by the innies and outies so that I can just go down and try to punch in each one. - [Keith] Wow. - Could you go over basic puzzle terms with us? Because I heard you say knobs. - Knobs and holes. - There's no standardized terminology for it. I know people call them innies and outies. - Girls can have knobs. - That's true and that's probably why it doesn't work as well, you know. - Puzzles are literally a construct. - Yeah. - So I actually think it's easier to do a puzzle alone. I feel like if you have too many people working on it, you just have no idea where any of the pieces are. - Not how I would do it, but you know, everybody has their own approach. So I'm gonna respect your approach. - Am I doing it wrong? - No, I would just start just (beep) guessing. - I already was, but it was taking too long. - I like what, you know, you've got a thing I'm going to support it. - I'm trying to be supportive, but I really hate everything that's happening over there. - Guys, I'm not gonna lie, I feel like we're really in a pickle. Uh oh, those pieces don't work together, that's a real red flag. (upbeat music) I would say, we're just trying to survive over here. - I would say there are some roles here with one being a little less productive. - All right, well, I'm making some, I'm gonna discover something through this. - I'm not very good at trash talk. I'm usually alone, not competing against anyone. Just alone in my apartment (laughing). And that's my edge finished, yeah. - Are you kidding? - Are you serious? - [Keith] And it's a whole perimeter. Do you have any of our edges? Yeah, maybe that's why she's winning. She has all of our edges - Oh yeah, maybe I stole them from our sealed bags. - Yeah, exactly. See, she told us even how she did it. - That's a magic trick. - See she's telling us how she did it! - Thanks for doing all the grays, Eugene. That part sucks! - No problem. - Oh, I mean I've already finished the red too. I've moved on to the green. - What do you mean you finished the red (beep)? (Karen laughing) - Guys, guys, guys! - Four of us, this should not be happening. - What's taking you guys so long? - Oh my God! - I don't know! - I'm having a great time over here. Thank you for inviting me over. - I swear! - [Eugene] Didn't she say she was bad at smash talking? 'Cause that's real smash talk. - [Ned] (laughs) She's being very insulting! - To beat me I think that The Try Guys will have to be very targeted in their approach and not step on each other's toes when it comes to what section they're working on. - Oh, I feel like we have too many hands! - How can we have too many hands? - They're getting in the way. - We keep bumping each other and it's no one's fault. It's just, we're bad. - Thinking about a puzzle team, are there different roles? Or is it just everyone trying to get pieces in. - One of the things that makes assembling a puzzle faster is divide and conquer. You really need to divide the search space and have fewer puzzle pieces to look at in order to assemble a section. - How the (beep) have we not done all the edges yet? Okay don't get frustrated, don't get frustrated. - How have you guys still not found the edges? - Yeah, well we're not only working on edges, okay? Thank you, we're working on other stuff too! Not just an edge situation, I'm sorry I raised my voice. Excuse me! - We're strengthening the bonds of our friendship! - You're our guest. - We need to get shit out of the middle and (beep) me! - Okay, all right. - Yeah, occasionally you're gonna get pieces that seem like they fit together and they actually don't. But a little trick is you can just hold it up to the light and then if you see big gaps, then you know that it's wrong. - So there actually weren't any missing pieces and we just made mistakes. - Did I hear that you finished the edge? - [Group] No! - [Zack] We finished one edge. We've finished the bottom edge. Oh, I would say that Karen is crushing us to death. - [Ned] You know, it's not a competition. I feel like the more stressed I am, the worse I'm getting. I'm deep in Zach's bellybutton. - Why does this remind me of math class when I'd like finish a test really early and everyone would just like stare at me. - Karen! - [Zack] I actually think- - [Ned] What is this? What am I looking at? What even is this? - I don't know, we're having times where we're all crushing it and then times where no one's doing anything. - [Tammy] I think one thing that trips people up is when they get really spun about something they find this one piece and each has to figure out where it must go. - What the hell is this? Is this someone's butt hole? I think that's part of Keith. - Did you just say something looked like someone's butt hole? And then you said, "I think that's probably Keith"? That is what you said, "This kind of looks like a butt hole. I think that's probably Keith." - I said part of Keith. - Yeah, well, either way there's no butt hole in the picture. It doesn't look like a butt hole! - [Eugene] I don't know which part looks like a butt hole? That's not a butt hole. - [Keith] See, thank you, Eugene. - [Eugene] When's the last time you saw a butt hole? - It's been a long time. - It's been a long time. - Guys, I think I just did the right side! - Karen guess what? We almost got the border. - Good job! I'm so proud of you guys. - Thank you. - Did we do it? Did we do it? - Yeah! - We did it. (boys cheering) - Yes! - [Zack] How far is she ahead? - [Ned] Dear God, oh my God, she's almost done. - [Zack] Karen is so freaking close. - [Ned] Don't look at Karen, we know she's far ahead. This is our race. - Before we started filming this, we were like, there's no way she's gonna beat us so we better make it look like it's really close and we are getting smoked! - I will say there's not much I can do right now. - [Keith] Well, maybe- - [Ned] You can inspire us. - Yeah, inspire us through song. - With song? β™ͺ Puzzle friends, building puzzles together β™ͺ β™ͺ Putting pieces together like friends to β™ͺ β™ͺ It's so puzzling, puzzle friends β™ͺ - [Keith] Crank it up. β™ͺ Puzzle friends β™ͺ - Even competition aside, why do you love puzzles? - There's an end point when you know you have solved it and it's very satisfying. There's a lot of things in life that do not have a correct answer, puzzles do. (laughing) - Wow. wow! - That's some Yoda stuff right there. - Yeah, I liked that. - I feel like I just learned a lot about myself. - Eugene, I'm just like right next to your dick because that's my zone. - [Zack] Karen, Karen, Karen. Karen, I will come over there and I will drop take that table. - No, no, no, no. - It's so close. - [Zack] Okay, did you ever see Mary-Kate and Ashley's "It Takes Two"? - Many times, you have found my actual distraction topic, which is "Mary Kate and Ashley" movies from the early two thousands. - Do you agree that it is by far the superior twin swap movie to the Lindsay Lohan parent trap? - I disagree because in "It Takes Two", they are not actually twins. - They're not twins! - Which does not make any sense. - It's crazy! - [Zack] What do you think of the original parent trap? - I think it's great. The song is that it's a real banger. β™ͺ Let's get together, yeah yeah yeah β™ͺ β™ͺ We can have a swinging time β™ͺ - Guys, I'm trying to distract her not you! (laughs) - [Karen] What do you think about the last piece? What do you want me to do for it? - Karen, think about this. I think that you should take those last few pieces and say what they mean to you as you ceremonially placed them down or maybe the last four pieces, you know, one for each. - You know, I've only got one left. So I think I'm just gonna go ahead and do it. - What about the morning- - And I'm done, that was so fun, oh my god. (boys groaning) - Great job, Karen. (group clapping) - I'm actually pretty impressed with how they did, working on all of the solid sections. That's the hardest part of the puzzle. So we'll see how they do with it now, but I'm impressed that they got three quarters of it finished. - I feel so alive right now, I feel electric. That was really fun. I don't know why I thought it was boring before. - You know, when you get those pieces in, you've been like holding a piece forever and you finally snap it in the right spot, you feel like a king. - I really like seeing things completed, especially images. I'm so distracted watching Ned and Keith finish. I just want to be a part of it. - [Keith] There we go yes, yes, yes. Four pieces left, yes! - A miracle happened today. For the first time in my life, I was wrong, puzzles are fun. It's something like this, yes, yes! - [Ned] Let's all do the last piece at the same time. (group cheering) (upbeat music) - I think it'd be easier for most people do puzzles if we just called all the outside parts dicks. I got a three dick one hole, you know?
Channel: The Try Guys
Views: 2,970,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: try guys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, 4 vs 1, competition, puzzle competition, puzzle master, competitive puzzling, games, things to do at home, games to play at home, kids toys, toys, toy, puzzle, try guys puzzle, beat the competition, winner, loser, best, worst
Id: a9jPmQqDqAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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