Can 3 PokeTubers Beat Pokemon Platinum

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today's the day we finally find out whether or not three poke tubers can be a randomized version of pokemon platinum i have received the save file from purple cliff which should mean yes he did beat the sixth gem so i'm gonna be playing today until i beat the seventh gym mmjtv will get the foul from me he will play until he beats the eighth gym leader and then he will give the file to purple cliff until he hopefully beats the elite foreign champion none of us know what happens in the part behind us we actually had the first episode go live but i haven't touched the second episode so i'm really in the dark of what pokemon mikey has what jack has done i barely remember what pokemon we even have i'm incredibly excited i'm incredibly nervous moment of truth not hound doom no not hound doom no no hound but why is he in the pokemon center and nothing's healed oh my god that is so that's so sad but jack did use the he used the bee drill okay i didn't expect this thing to stay on the team where's toxic spikes why did they get rid of toxic spikes that was the only reason to have the bee drill but you know what we got a lot of things to work with here which is very very cool you are useless now that you don't have freaking toxic spikes i'm furious about this but i i think i still have a sharpedo in anna flareo oh the flareon's here and so flareon was in the um the daycare but a sharpedo should still be there so i'm going to go snag a few things make my team and i'll be back so let's grab bruce i would like i would like to have bruce yes of course i don't know what the other thing is i assume it's something bad otherwise it wouldn't have been thrown into the the daycare so i'll take that too why not i don't know if i use sharpedo over lantern or the kingdra but sharpino is really powerful getting a dark typing could be pretty sweet wait a second why whoa whoa whoa yo what's going on here wait what yo who who tried sneaking this in who tried sneaking a scissor into the what are we talking about why wasn't this on the team considering that this is going to be the final time i play this game before i send it off to the two hooligans to try to beat it i went ahead and created a pretty powerful team if i do say so myself we needed to get stink horn 2 back on the squad all trained up we don't have the sceptile because that's level 46 and the next gym leaders highest level pokemon is 44 and if you didn't watch the last part i'm doing a nuzlocke run with the set battle style no pokemon leveled up above the gym leader's highest level pokemon and no items used in battle so for me the sceptile's illegal and stinkhorn 2 is much more powerful i do love lantern so i did choose this over the sharp hedo unfortunately i i got the clay doll i love the clay at all it's still here kingdra is pretty damn cool and it's nice to have a dragon the freakin scissor is amazing we have to have that and of course everyone needs to sub to pokemon seven plays because most people that watch these videos are actually unsubscribed if you've enjoyed the series you want to see more of them make sure you subscribe it helps me out immensely and i'll make sure to get more series like this done but first we have to finish this and we need to teach this damn thing freaking bullet punch whoever threw this into the daycare center completely forgot that they might learn a new move and teach over one of the old moves so the fact that we only have one heart scale is going to work perfectly here but it also means because of someone's tomfoolery i don't get to teach the be drill toxic spikes and my happiness it's gone you do recognize my face because it is boss battle time okay you commander forest with with a sea king but wait you only saw step one of my multi-step stink horn version 2 plan water pulse no no no i'm setting up the sun and once the sun is up no pokemon can stand before me without feeling the wrath of stinkhorn 2. we don't even care about that it's just not a big deal we're just gonna grasshorn obliterate it that we're naming all the moves too after stink horn so this is now grasshorn easy oco there we go that's what i like to see you're down and out and what's next reggie rock don't make me laugh ha hi it's petal horn time curse a foolish miscalculation one that you will never come back from reggie rock as i have the power of stink and horn by my side a combination never before seen and one that fells legendaries okay that's that's a little that's a little worrying we really needed to oco there [Music] i spent so much time training up that sunflora i'm not training up another pokemon boss battle number two i'm gonna be honest i'm actually really happy i got this leg because we are going immediately into action and that is a heatran are we sniper kingdra can no i want to look at its summary we are sniper okay we're absolutely doing this first battle we had the gimmick of sunny day and then whatever the the ability sunflora has that made me die and lose this time we go for critical hits because it's fun a little bit better actually used in competitive almost guaranteed critical hits that is beautiful the one thing i don't know now is do i get to just critical hit every single time now or is it what i don't know let's see if we get another crit that's crazy okay two for two come on yes wow sniper kingdra king drug king drum king drunk king drunk king drug king trucking let's go i don't know how many new encounters i'm gonna get this episode but uh why not snagajirachi oh my god this is incredible are you kidding me oh then we have such a difficult decision do we want to have two steel types probably yeah it's a sizzler and a jirachi oh my god that's so sick okay if i can catch this i'm the only one that's will have caught a legendary by then right i mean again another mythical but oh but there's ice i need to be super careful because if the hail takes this thing out i will cry please don't use rest oh it didn't use rest oh wait what if this kills i wasn't thinking no john you dumb idiot you idiot man you idiot idiot idiot guy of stupid lands man popped out of the snow how was i supposed to know a small child was freezing to death in the snow with god of the underworld by his side how was i supposed to know that i'm not all knowing he tricked me you see he bamboozled me let's just take this thing out are you kidding me what else do you have small boy groudon how does this child have a giratina and a groudon i also just can't stay in but what do i even want to go into on the groudon i feel like this thing might have a ground move no no you can't just start setting up on me groudon you just can't start setting up on me groudon there's rules against this okay i mean i don't know what they are but i don't think this is allowed [Music] i guess i'm i guess i'm making a new team i i guess i'm just going to make a new team after this battle you have levitate if nothing else i mean i guess we could just mud slap until it can't hit us cybeem should do a decent amount right i mean it just keeps bulking up and it's really scaring me ah that's just too many bull cups man i mean at least a bullet punch would kill oh it missed it missed oh my god oh my god that was gonna be a plus three slash from the groudon so i was right to not go into clay doll on the ground onto 1v1 it earthquake obliterated lantern that might not have been my best idea but slash would have killed me and you know what we just lost our second water type it could be much worse okay this is route 217 so brand new encounter once we get through the very deep snow and this is where redemption will be named lugia i'm going to be naming this teddy ursa lugia okay sounds good i'm so worried okay we're bringing in brat brat is expendable and brat could poison this thing and at this point that really is all we need if we could poison this vaporeon we might be fine i don't think this will kill it's not super effective it's not stab it doesn't and we have we have a chance here come on come on buddy [Music] oh there's no saluting today buddy or at least not yet [Music] you did good son [Music] you did good buddy turns out i was lying about not training up any more pokemon i wanted to use lugia the earth's ring and since we lost lantern i wanted to give bruce some spotlight but bruce was painfully under leveled and i refuse to have this thing just to be death fodder in this gym if someone else wants to kill it off that's their business so bruce is gonna do some things actually has pretty cool coverage so i'm happy about that and then ursa ring i mean it was one level away from evolving so that was exciting and it's guts it's really powerful it's got slash which is pretty sweet pretty much just slash but i wanted them to show off a little bit but it's final gym time and by last gym i mean the last gym battle i'm going to do of course there's one after this but you know what it could all end here so i have to take this seriously and that's why i'm leading off with my strongest pokemon lugia to get immediately intimidated but you know what when i get my crits right away it won't matter they just gave me a guts boost now i desperately need you to get that critter we're screwed please and we did it the critter knots guts ursa ring still got the job done and i'm really not too worried about a vespa quinn so a little bit more worried than i was initially we do have rock moves here but if this does too much damage we're in a really tricky situation oh my god okay two pokemon almost dead maybe it's time to go into scissor don't mind me as i risk it once again okay you gotta risk it for the biscuit night and it worked out i think this means we have to go into you and we are screwed they're they're giving me the swagger i need to take out this vespa quinn come on sub to pokemon 7 show them why they need to do it buddy come on let's go oh my god i think the swagger is actually going to allow us to do it it did we did it oh my god wow that is incredible oh okay but we have we have kingdra i'm sorry it has to end that way but buddy farewell thank you for your service lugia you did good it could be anything could even be a real lugia that would be an interesting twist of fate but it's a grand bowl that is something that we can deal with it's her last resort pokemon and with that intimidate the only thing left to do is to get a crit the only thing left to do is get a crit didn't miss a hydro pump take us home kingdra come on take us home kingdra with the crit come on buddy come on i didn't like that at all i hated every second of that oh this just got so much scarier i thought it was over i really thought this was over strengthen up buddy strength it worked one time why not again headbutt that's not gonna do much at all i i lied i lied i lied a little bit we have rough skin sharpedo i said i wasn't gonna use this guy as death fodder but desperate times comfort oh my god it might all come down to this bullet punch scissor scissor etching your name in the sands of time i don't care whether or not that makes sense the battle is done lazarus has clutched it greetings boogie fans michael here and now it's time for my final segment of this platinum relay i can see from the bottom screen that the gym battle was pretty rough for john but lazarus lazarus is still there oh he's okay she's okay sorry it's it's it's a girl she's okay barely my goodness wow incredible tempest is that's unfortunate oh the sceptile's still alive wow really wait why are there like no no new pokemon all right so i have trained up wulu the former marie now in ampharos up to level 42 and quarantine the whale mer up to a wait lord that's level 42. so we got a full squad again now we can progress onward all right here we are like a acuity jupiter has just embarrassed not subbed which is good anyone who is not subbed should be embarrassed make sure to subscribe everybody but we do get an encounter here which is very exciting uh well that could be better and if i just got into the grass i could have had a regirock oh and i still don't have fly wait but i just caught the talo aha i have the key now my key has the key do you know anything besides mudslap yet no you don't what is your problem why would anyone do they want us to use the less popular pokemon or are they just god brilliant i like how to like say that he's like evil laughing like he's snickering like they just put the word snicker so it just looks like he like just says snickers candy bar all alive of course man i'm gonna fight this guy twice well why did bullet punch do so much i thought bullets point was it not resisted oh it's not resistant i thought steel resisted or ground resisted steel oh my gosh i should have been bullet punching this whole time i got the master ball hello you dirty dumps i will kick both of your butts ground does not resist steel and that means mammoth swine's weak to steal it is wow [Music] look at me learning things i have freed the lake trio [Music] and now i gotta go to freaking mount coronet i'm not doing nuzlocke but i'm doing nuts like encounter rules i have always thought it's kind of silly that a place as large as mount coronet only lets you get one encounter so i am i making my uh you make your own rules for your own segment and i am saying that the outside of mount coronet what you see here counts as a different area this is an outer snowy area not the inside of a cave so i am going to get an encounter but not in this grass i'm going to get higher up because i think the pokemon are higher level if i go higher up come on there you go dang it so i'm fighting a clay doll right now and i was worried i needed to switch out ampharos and then i remembered that clyde doesn't know any freaking ground moves live clean i'll live oh it actually did holy crap all right never mind it's it's not a nes like who cares all right now we have the multi-battle right multi-battle with not subbed not subbed is still the enemy but for this battle he's been upgraded to subbed now he's subbed greetings large aquatic beasts from gin 2 beedrill now it's a fast i love this bee drill he's just like commit to me i will karate chop you bug catcher barry like what what is happening odd move it does no giga train oh let's go paris [Laughter] oh my god that's so funny future sight how you will not you will not be reaching that future good sir well your time has come to an end all right now cutscene time that everybody's seen before all right i made it down to the bottom time for the cyrus fight it's not a nuzlocke pokemon faint it's not a big deal [Music] still kind of nervous because you know his pokemon are higher level than mine but i think we'll be okay i wonder if he's gonna have a totally new team or if it's just like the pokemon he had before but like this okay yeah that's new zapdos oh boy oh man i was like oh that's good and then it's a crit oh and pressure give me the omni boost at least just give me the omni boost oh i got the omni boost [Music] are you kidding me oh and now he's gonna heal that was so sh god all right we beat the zapdos beat the zapdos twice and now now i get the most exciting encounter of the whole series i get to see what our legendary is did i get one of the leg guardians i got one of the leg guardians that actually works i can replace clay doll and we are using the master ball because what the hell else would we use it on all right oh and we got another encounter that's right this is uh we have no this is send off spring all right kind of cool yes he did it let's go all right another backup for jack this is wonderful all right now i can move on to what well i guess i'll make you roam wait but there's the other two oh i can catch all of them what was that crying oh no gosh should have saved the master ball forgot about the other lake well last high proportion [Music] oh i got it yes yes yes yes yes first try all right [Music] is this wow all right think about how at some point look at me go all right everybody new squad your squad who it is oh my god oh uh at first i was like man why did he have to give me this segment it's like the longest one but now i'm happy look at this glorious glorious roster all right finally the dumb man is gone i'm here on round two two two i get an encounter totally gonna be something that makes it on the team right right up uh right up alongside all of the legendaries i've got today all right my final battle of this platinum relay thank you so much to john for having me a part of it i had a lot of fun and it wouldn't be right for me to not start with lazarus the scissor let's do this drapion bullet punch now that does less than i wish it would that's unfortunate oh i didn't like that i'm not going to lie dude like that maybe i'll just sweep with lazarus and it'll be fine yep well that's all right i mean at least i can bring lazarus back in and not get poisoned i do have that going for me oh he didn't heal okay well that at least that's nice i i thought for sure he was gonna heal something i can bring lazarus back in for paulie toad we'll use tekko oh so are you kidding oh are you kidding who's gonna take the bounce and paralyze it there you go oh it actually worked oh now he's healing i should have bought some forest doors i thought i'd be fine with just the potions oh we missed and i discharge aha my final battle my final the final pokemon i must defeat for the platinum relay will be slain by lazarus so to hit ko that's okay i expected that with one final bullet punch the final badge is ours glorious glorious lazarus alright i'm back in the sunny shore pokemon center everybody's healed up i'm not hiding lazarus this time last time i hit it in an effort to make it so that jack wouldn't find it and kill it and i wouldn't get to use it again but if jack kills lazarus now there's nothing i can do about it so might as well leave it here so it's a chance to use it you might be wondering why you're seeing me after mikey's part instead of jack and there's one easy explanation for that mikey gave me the save file just to make sure it worked normally before he sent it off to jack and that was a foolish miscalculation as i'm gonna be going into this and putting the legendary pokemon i know mikey caught for the giratina encounter in the daycare i don't think jack deserves a legendary i think he needs to prove it to me to mikey and you guys that he can beat the elite four with a ragtag team this playthrough has been chaotic whenever we hand it off to jack and we didn't really think about that before we gave him the elite four spot and you'd maybe think that we should give him a handicap and help him out but no he says he's the best pokemon player of all time prove it to me now jack that you're not using an arceus there is no way you are using it arceus what do you mean mikey alright that wasn't even in a master ball that wasn't in a master ball what do you mean mikey how many legendaries did you catch how many legendaries are you trying to give to jackman i'm so confused okay so that's azelf not as outrageous there is the master ball hello daycare lady yeah i would like you to raise one of my pokemon i think iratina would be best in your hands and you know what i think arceus over here would be safer with you or arcousse for uh all the wonderful people in the crowd so that's that time to get into a different city and hand it off to jack well it has come to that time where they apparently i have to beat the elite four it says we have eight badges we've been on this game for 40 hours all right and now knowing that mikey was before me every time mikey has texted our group chat being like i saved the run so i am hoping for some absolutely unbelievable pokemon here mikey what have you done why do we have a talo what did he catch a legendary he had to have mikey what did you do and i know it was mikey too because you this dumb frame i gotta i gotta change it 14 and set sub to m jtv not jet if you know you know well one thing we need to do is we need to go level up now many of you may think it's best for us to just go in the grass and battle as many different pokemon as we can but i don't have time for that instead we're just gonna throw everything in the daycare and do you want your pokemon back oh well it's occupied i guess we just fly to victory road why do they leave all the puzzles to me we get to catch a pokemon here and i'm hoping for something that can replace the talo i get two this counts as sunny shore let's start here sunny shore city what is our pokemon gonna be here we go it is a rapid ash is pretty good come on boom got it the pokemon that's going to save our entire run route 223 it is a prin plup okay wait a minute and it's female this could be the pokemon that saves the run we're gonna lower its health a little bit it should be metal type so it should survive john edit that out don't show edit that out edit that out well here we go we are on our way to uh to victory road you guys may ask hey why why isn't cliff getting this encounter right here you know what it's oh it's level 49 i just i don't need an encounter from this route i'm too good at pokemon it's it's it's it's too easy a swampert and a uxie [Music] now oh i have false swipe um good thing i'm never using to use that so if we go ahead an x scissor a stab move with lazarus we should be able to get uxie now swampert is four times weak to leaf blade i think we we might be able to sweep this without them taking a single damage eight levels above and both of our pokemon being very fast swampert come on in one hit [Music] that's what we like to see the yawn it doesn't matter x scissor murder it if that's just a taste of what's to come in the elite four then i'm excited cynthia i'm on my way this could go very bad this could go very very bad screech the wabafet we need to be able to one shot this thing i'm going to lower its defense come on x scissor wobba fett don't use anything hasty like destiny bonds obama snowed down he used counter nice okay so sceptile out speeds here i forgot about the yawn it's fine it's fine we're gonna go ahead switch into quarantine the banette has shadow tag what a play we tank a shadow ball destiny bond which means this turn i can't attack i i don't know so we are going to go ahead and false no i think i can kill i think i can kill the banette i believe i can kill the banette nets ghost type yeah at least played the banette let's kill this thing good wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i didn't mean to kill it does that mean that lazarus is gonna night slash this [Music] i hope destiny bond doesn't work this way [Music] lazarus i'm so sorry [Music] oh no oh no mikey's two favorite pokemon mikey that was an accident but we are going to come back from here boys girls gays and days of the pokemon 7 m j and purple cliff universe i'm coining it right now the the multiverse [Music] we will win this game whether you like it or not hey look above you there's a poke baited here we are the pokemon league i need to teach somebody waterfall what can we get i'm sure that the pokemon's level is going to be high but you know what it'll it was it our real pokemon is [Music] i why even just play epic music get i don't want you all right yep no no encounters for me i guess you know what because these pokemon are mikey's favorite i won't release them just cause mikey got mad at me for releasing his pokemon last time well we gotta catch a pokemon [Music] lapras now i know this thing will not die to a waterfall water absorb let's go into i have three turns to catch this thing okay let's play this out i will discharge get it to low hp then we get two then i have a pokeball and then we'll have one so we have one chance to catch this thing i survive an ice beam come on i hope it survives this discharge survive survive survive survive survive okay parish count two this is the one pokeball that we have we have one single pokeball i am not about to lose every single encounter we're in a cave the dust ball could work please the b button spam it along with me boys one two three yes yes twitch prime if you are watching this video and you have twitch prime just use it okay i'm john i hope you get at least one sub from that okay i love i love victory roads victory roads are so much fun oh oh good another max repel all right ready okay one more time up now where did they put the exp share did they get rid of it man and this youtube video was brought to you by hyper potion where you can heal all of your pokemon multiple times i have used over 30 in the last 10 minutes hyper potion only 1200 and here we are the pokemon league the place where it's all going down cynthia i'm coming for you all right we need to find what our final team is oh what's that money hey i saw your message that you're about to do the elite four just wanna see how you're enjoying those legendaries and such uh what the archus the geratina mikey you left me with a talo what do you mean legendaries the tail no taylor's was used for flying arceus there's no there were no legendaries in your death box i don't it was they were in the party i don't i'm not doing a nuzlocke i don't use the death box what are you talking about there's literally my party is whalelord uh ampharos dust noir talo and flareon there's no legendaries anywhere wait what happened to sceptile and sizzler [Music] oh you killed that scepter in here no no no no no let's go back what legendaries we don't need to talk about i told you am i and giratina you don't know where they are you never see am i missing there's there's nothing i'm going through all the boxes right now and they're [Music] okay well okay there's there's literally nothing okay we have to talk to john because if you don't know where they are and i left them in my party he is the only explanation let's get him in the call did you send him the game before you sent it to me i uploaded it to the folder that both of you could access john hold up i'm adding him hey what what's up what explain explain where is my subacus and the giratina i mean you had a guaranteeing encounter but that i assume was randomized to the azo no that's in the south no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i went and caught the aself and uxie replacements right which were arceus and geratina what did you do with them jack can't find them it sounds like that didn't actually happen did you release the two legendary pokemon before jack i need all the help i can get jonathan i had to edit your video before you recorded this of you not only catching an articuno and killing it but then releasing experience share and i needed that experience share so much i had so much great release the xp share what do you mean you did actually you very much released the experience did i i'm pretty sure i was like where's the exp share did one of them get rid of it yeah no that was you that was that's on you so i uh i i took madison in my own hands and i i was a little upset i thought you know what jack doesn't deserve an arceus and a freaking giratina he needs to prove that he can do this with the scissor and the sceptile i killed them but wait no no no no i say no did you actually release those two pokemon no no i mean you know where where could they possibly be if they're not in the box they're not released i'll trade them to your ds no they're in the freaking daycare [Music] no there's no i mean that's where i hid scissor from you yeah and i found the scissor because i wanted to get my sub to pokemon 7 and sharpino back you're joking i went to the daycare earlier and there were two pokemon in there and i said it was occupied because i thought it was are the pacharisso and beniri always oh my god okay well i'm gonna go do the elite four right now wait um hold on hold on hold on hold on i i so i gotta be real with you jack like i'm glad we found the legends but i'm actually very upset that you sceptile and scissor my two favorite pokemon in this playthrough that have carried those kills so much no no hold on i am on this i'm a part of this segment now which means i make the rules and i want th i want them back i want them on the champion team so sacrifice i want you to sacrifice the two legends to bring scizor and sceptile back what if i accidentally release the sceptile in the caesar right now then stop your recording and get him back in like i got cesar back in the first time you know what no not because you guys are telling me to but i am the best pokemon player ever according to misleading google statistics i don't need legendaries to carry me through this run you need the best two members of this entire playthrough now you probably shouldn't release the legends just so you can look at them goodbye renegade oh gosh godspeed all right guys i'm off to the elite four all right godspeed good luck you're gonna need it our team is leveled up we've got all of the boys with us that both me mikey and john have caught and now it is time to enter and challenge the elite four three videos hours of gameplay killing pokemon led to this the guy who nobody remembers your name i'm gonna call him aaron okay um aaron here we go oh it's jimmy i was lied to here we go what pokemon do you have be easy be easy a toxic croak okay you're level 49 i remember cynthia has level 63s and she could have a rayquaza for all we know he did what i'm bad at math uh 52 damage 52 if he crits i'm dead so we have to swap we're gonna go into the best bets lazarus here even though he's a little over leveled bullet punch jump left time we're in a discharge do it again on guard chomp okay wait wait this is exactly why i got rid of whale lord i i i realized we didn't have any ice type and whale lord quarantine i love you but twitch prime is where it's at he uses dig oh i'm weak to that aren't i i'm afraid dig crit guard chop we're gonna go into techo it might be a bad play but we shouldn't take too much from the dig here not very effective got it now we out speed leaf blade come on if leaf blade crits this guard chomp's done all right well now that gives us a turn we can heal now we get another we get to get another uh leaf blade off here if this crits or if it's a high roll we can kill dragon claw that's gonna do more than dig i don't know what the ai was thinking uh well good thing i put a berry on you well i did the berry didn't matter that much but uh they're gonna floor sore we're gonna heal he's not gonna i'm not pokemon challenges we're gonna screech i missed twice okay maybe i should have used the x accuracy huh big didn't crit replay ko nice all right jump left we put wulu back out discharge man this thing's annoying what's he gonna put out a cloister that's a good switch for me one more down he dies the rock slide i don't die to assurance crit nice worry seed discharge ko that's one down are team's healed second gym oh elite four bertha show me your moves joey what's your first pokemon a muk that's easy firefang crit nice i tyranitar tyranitar's metal type firefang what did i just say no no youtube don't say it don't say it i know you're gonna say it listen we don't have ground type in the card game okay well apparently it's ground hey techo kill it please he uses his full restore that was a range it was a low roll the first time a frost lass well let's just go into sub depo never mind okay um lazarus can take this out he's ghost tight knight slash should kill gets rid of sand puts up hail that's good for lapras we can blizzard now good crit we're using all our crits early i don't know how i feel about that you dumb wind chime thank you throw this up he tailwinded okay it's over though we're good we're good on to the next one let's see what he got i forgot to heal no i forgot to heal i just ran up to this one what are you doing jeff okay oh he's got a ninja okay um oh you're bug type you're weak duh ice beam i thought you were bug type are you okay well that doesn't work ghost is weak the ghost wow we did so much damage head bash he raises his defense or skull bash you're dead though should have used the watermelon john listen here john i need you to put aside your love for this pokemon i'm pretty sure a leaf flake can kill this i'm pretty sure our leaf blade can kill this in one shot oh a crit [Music] i'm sorry a mewtwo what okay hold up hold up it's raining twitch prime you are a special defense tank you can tank this thing right now level 55 that's fine is it still raining i don't know we're gonna surf psycho cut you take this you take this that did a bit of damage full restore get the freeze off that was a good range oh that's not gonna crit come on we can tank one more psycho cut come on come on come on let's go boom mewtwo down don't don't make me chad i'm sorry my sweet prince you don't deserve it but i must do what i have to do and lay you to rest [Music] goodbye i'll see you again soon i'm gonna heal this time i'm healing lucian i'm gonna be sending you back to the forest what do you have a magna zone to start out with not the greatest pokemon to have oh i do no damage we have screens up discharge up really you know what screw paralysis berries we're full restoring again three times yeah why this thing does not stop attacking me ah okay you know what jazz hands was meant to be paralyzed salamance twitch prime i believe in you bud okay i tank a fly i tank a fly okay you can stop now that's that's fine we hit the blizzard is this enough come on boom let's go twitch prime oh i shouldn't have stayed in it's fine we'll ice it's a flower no no okay okay just die to the ice beam here good what pokemon's left a mass carrane it's techo time it has air slash what typing is that thing okay okay hold up we're gonna we're full restoring yep just pick a different move no wulu can take this well i thought that thing was bug type it is bug type why you got air slash okay pure ugly that thing's scary is that thing just normal type let's go with the bullet punch i don't think it's dark type i think it's just normal citrus berry swagger oh you don't you do this lazarus is gonna hit heads nice cynthia you know my feelings for you but i'm not gonna put this down let's go champion six pokemon put out a mad cargo first that's good this might be dumb i'm gonna risk a curse nice heal time he raised a special defense but there's no surviving a curse with that lava plume scary we'll go with the shadow punch oh i got burned okay i don't think ice resist water so we're gonna rain dance here why do you do so much damage okay max potion come on all right we survived that surf are we out speed with rain up nasty plot what are you doing rapidash yeah what oh no i thought i had that okay um wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay well it's paralyzed now discharge it's dead come on no a blizzard crit okay jazz hands you know what burn this thing [Music] perish song really really well it's burned now how much does this thing then decide what there's the blizzard four hp i get to hit off okay oh that's doing so much damage we die to burn it has a parish count of two this gives us time it doesn't matter what this last pokemon is we're gonna sort no i can't switch into anything we need to beat this in two turns i sword stance he's swapped come on altaria i think you resist this move come on i need this to kill do they full restore kill how does this work so this is the end of the nuzlocke but they don't know that so we're gonna go over here and level our team up a little bit more i think this is pretty good uh let's let's just you know they'll they'll never know they'll they'll never know that's scary eradicate oop oh that was so hard that was a that was a tough elite four member a tyranitar oh well i know that thing's ground type so uh let's just kill it wait a minute wait a minute oh yeah you don't do any damage it's bye-bye ammo swine more like blammo swine a rhodorate oh that thing is also uh that the kill lapras so you know let's just kill it and cynthia i wonder what pokemon you oh uh okay i wonder if i can survive this by uh bullet punching nice you have a rapidash uh-huh oh that thing's scary a plussel i'm so scared uh-huh oh god we should kill this thing so it doesn't use parish song that would be really bad uh-huh alright bullet punch what's left you have a weevile too boom cynthia you are defeated first try can three poke tubers beat pokemon platinum why yes yes we can
Channel: PM7
Views: 574,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, purplecliffe, pokemon challenge, pokemen7 and mandjtv, pokemen7 purplecliffe, mandjtv purplecliffe, pokemen7 mandjtv purplecliffe, poketubers try to beat pokemon, 3 poketubers try to beat 1 pokemon game, pokemon nuzlocke, can you beat pokemon, pokemon platinum, pokemon randomizer, pokemen7 nuzlocke, mandjtv nuzlocke, purplecliffe nuzlocke, pokemon relay, poketubers, can you beat, nuzlocke, challenge run, pokemen7 mandjtv
Id: JojBsMAuUb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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