We Pick Three Random Pokemon Then Race To Find Them

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m j tv purple cliff and i are going to be playing through pokemon red each picking a random pokemon and the first to find the random pokemon picked wins all right i'm gonna track down zapdos ooh okay i'm going for mewtwo wait we're picking now yo give me some kern this is gen 2 dumb no this is gen 1 that's all folks okay i'll go with uh give me bubble sort whatever okay just three two one pick your starter man wait you guys are at the starter already bro just hit new game hey jack what do you mean you have to get to the starters okay no we're all here talking about other stuff i'm okay wait wait wait wait wait the the pokemon that oak sent out was an execute is this randomized yes well then bulbasaur can i pick a different pokemon no oh my god did you think you were gonna win in seconds i was i was kind of like hey why are these dudes picking legendaries when the starters are in the beginning oh my god jack i you know what i i can't speak for his channel but hey if you're watching this video and you enjoy it make sure you subscribe so you can see future stuff the three of us are doing more together and i guess go check out purple cliff and m j tv too who's mnjtv i'm fighting john jack with both of your names misspelled because i didn't have room how did you misspell john or jack i removed the h from john and the c from jack not again tyler where's the rest of the video this is different from last time john i promise i recently signed up for yougov and started filling out surveys right away it was free to join and has been perfect to make some extra cash so i can buy myself something nice for my new apartment you should join too i get extra points for recommending friends and family and bosses no tyler i've already joined yougov they're the wonderful sponsor of today's video which you need to finish all right all right i really wanted those extra points though i'm sure you did tyler but more importantly huge thank you to yougov for sponsoring today's video and if you guys want to make some extra cash make sure to go click the link at the top of the description how do i pick a starter i walked up and it wouldn't let me get one do i have to walk into the tall grass jesus christ jacket okay listen here you boomer not all of us like playing pokemon with four pixels on the screen making the same as other kanto games you have to walk into the grass first and you would know that if you started in front of the starters like we told you to do what pokemon did you guys pick [Music] zapdos and mewtwo that's those are terrible pokemon dude they're legendary you're never i mean jack you've never done one of these before so if we find any of those pokemon in the grass a trainer and just someone shows us the pokemon for some reason like it's in like the catching tutorial we win also i will admit the first time i sent my jolteon into battle its bag sprite looks a lot like zapdos and i was like wait what oh you guys picked jolteon too yes i did i don't know about john yeah gen 1 jolteon is like broken i think crits go by speed so that's very much what we're going to be doing here did you think you had a leg up on us again i didn't know we all had the same starters so yeah if like if i see a bulbasaur in the grass i need to not react because i don't want you to know where it is but if you see mewtwo scream loudly clap your hands cheer get a noisemaker why does firo look so ugly who spiro did you just call me ugly no what all i heard was you look so ugly no why does firo look so ugly oh it's gen one and a lot of the sprites look ridiculous let me remind you all that i was officially crowned the hottest poketuber you've never let me forget this i never intend to uh good i i'd be okay yes that's what we're talking about nothing else has happened awesome sweet jack you're beautiful mikey why is he bringing into in like appearances to this that's just like that's kind of rude don't you agree mikey yeah man i thought you could go to the victory road route there's a tree in the way yes yes no jack no no that's it's victory jack it's a victory road you can't go to victory road now i thought you could get pokemon like prime apes from victory road no you can get primates right but primate comes from manky so you can only get primate but that's after right so it's victory road you haven't there's no victory you're not on the show victorious you can't get there i should have picked magikarp dude there's like magikarps all over my screen there you could have picked so many pokemon we've already seen like firo what if you would pick a philosophy i think i'm farther than all of you i'm going to make it they're like misty how did you get ahead of us i'm in the forest bro dude i'm in the forest i'm in the forest too wait what do you guys think about papa pear getting announced at the same time as a pokemon unite [Music] i don't know what that is pop a pair of these nuts in your mouth you can't let him get you like this come on i was thinking like a father fruit papa pears dude i made it through the whole forest with only one encounter jack that's the good job jack good job awesome well i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go back and get i'm not that stupid that i'm like oh boy i can't pick up the social cues going on in this room right now like i'm gonna go back i was just saying like bro if i was speed running right now i'd kind of be winning dude maybe you are speed running you ever think about that yeah speed running this w my game is glitching um i have to restart what's wrong it's like flashing black every wait am i poisoned you're poisoned you freaking oh my god are you the person oh i wait this pokemon's a different color let me shut my game off that must be a glitch my first shiny was a spinda so technically my first shiny is so unique and better than everybody else's first shiny wait come on dude i i found a dugtrio his stupid nose turns blue yeah my first shiny was uh my first shiny was electric and i did not catch it um i ran out of pokeballs wait are you the original purple cliff okay dude jack have you beaten the gym yet no jack i'm gonna beat the gym before you okay bro now you're just saying stuff i just beat the first gym like four levels under leveled and it was a mirror matchup i know i'm dealing with that right now and it's infuriating me and that's making me even angrier i was level 11 and i just beat this thing it's just pretty i'm the best pokemon player ever oh wait no no no no no wait no no no we can't mikey we can't lose to him come on i'm trying i'm going as fast as my little no running shoes guy will go you are a short man compared to us i understand i need you to step it up it's fine mikey but you're not ugly i know i'm not okay thank you short but not ugly i'm six feet tall guys well i'm not short you guys are very tall okay see but if if i was six foot you would be five seven so like what why would your height have anything to do with mine because our audience doesn't believe that me and jack are actually tall [Laughter] what the heck mikey you are getting ratioed 40 people 49 people 56. i won what do you mean you won i won the gym battle oh so far behind all right the youngster who likes shorts because they're comfy and easy to wear why is there a jack what nothing nothing am i gonna have to go through dark cave if you haven't if the game hasn't ended yeah have you have you have you played this game before dark cave is gen two no no no no he's talking about the gen 1 cave where it's all spooky and you need flash yeah the dark cave adjectives michael you did not say the you did not say that you said dark cave am i gonna have to go through dark cave guys i think i've been playing for like 35 minutes and just walking forward and forgot what the challenge was you were talking about speed running earlier jack do you know what pokemon you're looking for i'm i'm in i'm in the cave already remember you're looking for sun carn you're gaslighting me no i said bulbasaur i did are you sure what pokemon did you guys pick did you write down the pokemon you're looking for no it's not one i forget what you guys picked i picked zapdos i picked uh articuno no he didn't he picked me youtube come on man he's new we can trick him you too i walked past some youtube but i didn't have pokeballs so i had to just keep going wait what are you talking about he's messing with you i the problem is do you have enough faith that jack knows what's going on to believe him or see the thing with jack is sometimes he's so smart that he's on a different level but then he outsmarts himself and he doesn't know what's going on no i literally didn't have pokeballs i was gonna catch it and then like well i don't have any tms either so i guess it doesn't matter do you think it just wouldn't have moves no that's like the one pokemon that doesn't have good moves and that's mew yeah that's what i saw oh my bad i'm gonna get yelled at in the comments just by playing the game they're gonna be like you walked past the pokemon and both of them literally saw it i mean that'd be pretty funny but i think that i don't think that's happened yet liar plants for higher uh guys be careful there is a electrode that will murder your entire team has anyone like worried about the fact that we cannot beat ground types like almost at all yeah uh no because uh no one actually gets ground moves in this game yeah but what if it's a rock and you're just quick attacking it forever hope for the best jack why did you release my starter pokemon which one first off nobody tells me what to do bye haven't i done it like multiple times wait a minute come on man wait no that is the mew you aren't lying about them you wait you guys are only there bro i'm at misty he actually wasn't lying my head is like exploding i don't understand i don't know what he's truthful about or not truthful about oh my god my strategy is just to just play through pokemon blue and i'll find it playing red just so you're aware i know you appreciate that correction so thought i would give it to you you guys are going to wipe to this trainer battle he has two ride ons oh god that's what i'm saying and he has he's horn attacking me like i do one damage with quick attack yeah i'm fighting a golem now i'm 13 levels higher though okay that did okay maybe i'll be okay sounds like you two are absolutely screwed and i'm gonna race ahead two ride ons you bite them yeah no the ride on literally missed like 13 horn attacks in a row 14 and i've crit every single hit you're using all of your good luck you're gonna find a shiny today and oh i said that and fury attack number 15 hit i'm going to die here you said you beat them well now it's dead but you can't thundershock a geodude in this game what isn't it rock type right yeah they they eventually changed it so that you could but in this game no you can't now i'm questioning if you even battle the ride on you are so in my head why don't you guys pick legendaries i've not seen a single legendary other than mew yeah well that's not been our experience in previous times we've done this yeah it's true well you saw mew i mean if i jack question mikey his answer doesn't count you are you're you're a free thinker you're you're a beautiful man mikey doesn't count but it's okay because he's not ugly yeah he's definitely not ugly but two muse make him mewtwo yes and then i win no why oh no why john aren't you the person that that told me that a genesect was a genesect and it turned out to be a dito yo you got a ditto it was a ditto the entire time i went through so many different counselors to get past this no it was a jazz sex i promise jack i don't i don't know if i need to hear your thoughts [Laughter] wait a minute wait mikey he's not here right no monkey did you see the volvo sore do you think we'll ever hear from jack again was this like was this his swan song is he gone now i don't know did you buy the magikarp i did what was it it was an eevee gen 1 is so painful just to navigate through the game like some people were like i'm gonna do this playthrough challenge in gen one it's like why would you do it in gen one literally do it in front of green it's fire red and leaf green is the same but better in every way oh hey guys i'm back honestly i thought you were on your way to get another 100 like mcnuggets somewhere like i i thought listen that was a smart idea dude it was a great i'm i'm not questioning you i'm just saying i i thought you might have gotten a little hungry well now the viewers gonna be like this dude eats a hundred nuggets i ordered chick-fil-a uh catering and then just put the nuggets in my fridge for a week and just would pop it open eat a nugget go stream so you did eat 100 nuggets it took at least two days why is geodude giving me the thumbs up i don't like this i feel like he's taunting me tentacruel looks cooler in this game than any other game it's been in there's some like pretty crazy sprites have you not seen all of the gen 1 sprites no i have i just don't remember oh but you have that big giganomax head oh that's where you store all of your memories right that's monkey why are you laughing like that it was just so uncalled for and it really just surprised me dynamaxx brain okay i'm starting to get concerned okay because a while ago jack screamed why is there clearly implying that there was a pokemon that was either yours or mine john is that why you're still so far behind but i just found the electrode that he was talking about afterward uh-huh and you're right i'm like did i miss it or was he screwing with me mikey i just yelled because the charizard popped up on the screen i thought i was going to die i don't know if i believe you [Music] and what happens if someone whites out in this game no nothing you go back to your last pokemon center and lose half your money someone might like point and laugh at you but that might just be it i won't lose then but it's just there's the cliff of no return by cerulean which means i can't access the rest of the game right until i get to like diglett's tunnel but think about this right you said cliff of no return it's purple cliff so you need to jump over the cliff to get the purple cliff who is hoarding your pokemon then you win thoughts what if i missed it but i i swear i battled every trainer all right ugh take the jump mikey believe in yourself i already took the jump did you really wait did you actually see it oh no wait what did you see oh my god that's why i was quiet i was waiting for him to be like i jumped trucking laughs [Music] are you actually stressed about not catching the moltres poultry wasn't that what you picked mole trace no it was zapdos where did you see a multitrace was it wild don't worry about it were we supposed to find or catch the pokemon because i still don't have pokeballs you just have to you just have to encounter it you just have to see it you said he had two write-ons right yeah no he does not wait what pokemon did i say there were two of us right on right on these nuts yeah i was waiting for it i was waiting for it i almost i almost jumped in and i was like now i gotta let him have this this is so embarrassing guys do we have to put this on youtube hell yeah jack where are you in this game um have you seen zapdos hey guys i don't think this video we i think we should change your pokemon to like all be a theme we want to go with like the three starter pokemon or sorry like the three the three legendary birds can i get articuno no no i would want articuno wait no i want arakuna no no no is art is articuno on your screen too i i just saw her for some reason i thought that you picked articuno and i was just seeing it like uh-oh i hope they don't find that does anyone want to explain to me why jolteon has reached level 29 and has not learned a single level up move because they don't learn level up moves yeah i don't know if the evolutions learn level up moves you're like incentivized to like evolve them as soon as possible yeah no they they get the evolution move and maybe twin needle need what no needle that's uh that's in fire red yeah jolteon learns twin needle no i think that might be they're bug moves that you hit multiple times with yeah but twin needle can poison gen 2 it was the only way to poison a steel type wow you just stole my joke mikey wait that was just knowledge that was not a joke it's like that's like real you did actually say it first and i'm actually i need to know how the hell did you know that i watched i watched a youtube video watch my youtube video ratio wait mikey what would you like this is the third articuno i've ran into john we messed up i don't want to talk about that even the trainers have them guys we have uh gotten so far in this game yes i'm going to vermilion city right now yeah i'm about to fight misty i'm pretty upset about this whole articuno thing still has any of you have any of us seen each other's pokemon i haven't seen either of yours to be honest well let's say what if i had jack right or was it can i just go get it now i'm not saying i did but i'll tell you if i did or didn't for a hundred dollars i actually am very worried that somebody here has seen one of the pokemon and that we are just prolonging this we're going to be playing until tomorrow so you can't thunderstruck a pure rock type but you can a flying rock type yes no what yeah you can shock a pure rock type no but that's why he wasn't able to thundershock the geodude right okay how long are we gonna keep this up jen did i just miss no it's literally it's rock ground jack geodude is rock literally the first pure rock type was pseudowudo yeah i don't know why they did that because then they made a game where you have to start with pikachu which is maybe the meanest thing they've ever done for like a child i was the child oh see i i did the butterfree strats every time i played red look teach your butter freaking fusion then take brock to town i got chipotle [Laughter] you ordered it and like had it delivered yeah i used to just get double chicken add steak no rice no beans queso what drew a big ol bowl of meat and cheese what it was so good i mean it sounds good but it sounds like it make you feel awful afterwards wait i just found mewtwo are you kidding me what no way are you serious yeah dude the chipotle gods neither of you saw zapdos right no no i know ourselves i mean chipotle
Channel: PM7
Views: 2,141,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, mandjtv, mandjtv plays, mandjtv vs pokemen7, pokemon race, random pokemon, random pokemon race, we pick random pokemon, we pick random pokemon then race to find them, pokemon vs challenge, pokemon vs, pokemon catching competition, pokemon catching race, pokemon challenge, racing mandjtv, pokemon catching challenge, pokemon racing challenge, pokemon racing vs, pokemon competition, pokemen7 mandjtv, purplecliffe, purplecliffe mandjtv pokemen7, red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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