SOLO mountain camp that pushed me to the limit!

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getting as much gear packed away as I can just in case it does collapse and I need to get out and sort it all out let's get the hell off the hill this is a bit scary in fact it's very scary hello and welcome back can you guess where I am let me spin you around that's right I'm in the land deal huh So the plan for today is well there is no Plum really the plans got completely scuppered by the changing weather forecast so the original plan was to head over and Beyond the Grasmere side of this Ridge I'm going up now and looking out towards the east but yeah just last minute weather completely changed and the wind's coming from a totally different direction has this here if you want to make God laugh telling me plans but that's okay I'm just gonna go planless I'm going up towards stickle tan I'm going to head over towards blue rig somewhere not necessarily unbeliev rig itself just somewhere up here I've got no idea I'm just gonna find somewhere to pitch up and hopefully get some really beautiful views of Langley Pikes before the snow comes in because it is forecast to put down a whole lot more snow around about four or five o'clock so without further Ado without further waffledge let's get up there okay stickle fan and there is Harrison stickle and the mighty paviarc just and saw make out a little bit of Jack's rake there maybe on this I don't know so the idea is and keep on going around here past the town and heading up towards that way somewhere like I said there's no plan I'm just I'm just winging it it's quite nice it's quite nice to wing it and not really have any set expectations or anything like that really good it feels like it could be in Scandinavia right now it certainly doesn't feel like I'm in England that's for sure as I suspected a couple of our campers already set up here at the town and yeah it's a popular spot here to camp because there is actually a really good flat area there but that's not for me I want to camp as far away from Humanity as possible right so just past the Snowman should be able to see where I'm going I'm just gonna head off basically up there into the the Never Never and hopefully find something that's got a relatively good view looking back towards the Pikes here okay this is probably the the most complicated part of wild camping is trying to find somewhere that's flat enough and also out of the wind enough and I know and it already has started as well by the way the wind is switched from the southwesterly to a southeaster leave at east south easterly and it's biting as well wow really cold so I definitely don't want to be here although it looks really nice it's nice and flat and it's perfect really nice little shelter here as well so I think what I'm going to do is drop down into this little bit here this is about as flat as I can find it and as out of the wind as I can find it in this area without you know just trips and miles and check out the view you know the views are very important I want to be sure to have that view you may or may not have noticed that there's a lot of angry weather moving in so I had to get the tent up right now and get everything stored away nice and dry and then I can just relax and well I can do whatever it wants so I think it's going to fall as snow here okay let's go foreign okay welcome to Camp Craig the temperature has dropped massively just while I've been here and the wind's picking up as well yeah not a bad spot there a little bit of shelter because of this lump here like I said the wind's coming in from that direction but look at this for review isn't that marvelous so stickle tan Harrison stickle paviarc very very clearly see Jack's rate going up there got Sergeant man here and over to the side well I can see it all you know I can see hell villain over there seat sandal I can see since Sunday Crag Fairfield all the Fairfield horseshoe Windermere down there we've got lingmu over here side Pike weatherland the old man swill house great cars this might be a leaking pack a blister and so on wind is icy you know I was expecting all that snow coming although as I say those very words you will see on this camera but it is definitely hitting um let's have a look that'll be great cars yeah eek let's look perturbed by this wind because it seems to have changed directions again but it'll be fine all right I'm gonna crack a beer up Steve Wallace step two once again I've got four beers like I'll definitely want them this time and sure enough Susan get here [Music] cheers what else chin chin I'll do oh that's a nice one hazy gin yeah I quite like that that's a little bit more fruity than the the pumpkin yeah like the fridgey ones every day so I'm taking a little bit of a gamble tonight because as you can see this is winter conditions and I don't have winter gear tent's fine that's not a problem however the sleeping bag might in fact my whole Sleeping system sleeping bag and a sleeping pad a three season the bag is good look at the state of that tent pitched it it's because there's a big gap underneath anyway yeah the sleeping bag is good down to minus one that's the Comfort rating and if it drops down to minus three tonight like it's forecast two yeah it could be it could be a challenge that's why I've brought the um the claw cell part as well just to stick underneath the the inflatable to give it a little bit more thermal value I think that's got an hour rating of 1.5 and the pad's got three so hopefully it'll be all right so I'm gonna make the most of it being sort of dry and not snowing and do a little bit of a scout around let's go and see what we can find so I brought my camera yeah I mean it's forecast to do exactly this just overcast snow and rain coming in but you know these forecasters they cannot forecast or predict those fleeting moments where you literally get 10 minutes of this glorious light coming in at sunset or whatever that happens so many times at sunrise and sunset on days where they've said yeah it's just it's gonna be completely overcast all day so it's worth having the camera you know it's worth being here to try and capture those moments yeah not here I'm not gonna get those shots I might have a look down here oh look at this oh so this is blee rig um we got cordial tan down there Eastdale tan down that way see helmcrag and obviously out towards a Grasmere there as well beautiful I've actually done a campground here before I'm trying to think where it was actually it must have been around here maybe a bit further on overlooking these deal it's fantastic and a little factoid for you blee means blue so blue tan blee rig blue water over by High Street means blue it's Old Norse or blue did all know Old English I need to double check that one and then rig is well means Ridge basically so this is the Blue Ridge doesn't look very blue but it feels very very blue okay the snow has arrived here it comes along with some really strong wind now I don't know if you can hear it yes definitely picking up weather is going a little bit nasty but hopefully I mean you can see there well you can't see it the tent's out of view out of sight and hopefully out of the wind as well so yeah good it's cute this little shelter in it now if it's been a fine evening it would have been lovely to you know set the tent up here perhaps and just have a huge fire going never have a fire here ever but look at that out there look at it towards side Pike so blee tan it's just on the other side of that and that'll be getting absolutely hammered Now by that snow in fact you know Windermere has disappeared lovely but it's lovely now three o'clock in the morning it might not be so lovely okay it's just come up to six o'clock I'm on number three by the way just trying to get rid of it so I've got to carry it back down with me tomorrow but yeah just come to six and as you can see it's definitely getting dark now isn't that gorgeous absolutely beautiful a minute ago I wanted a down blue rig just to try and find that spot where I camped last time and I got about halfway there and I thought you know what I should go back and get the camera and bring you guys with me and show you so that's what I've done I just hope I don't get lost because it is getting dark quite quickly I've got my torched though so it'll be it'll be right and through the bog we go that's one of the things I love about wild camping though you know once you've pitched your tent you just you're just free to roam and have a wander around and see what you can see and just be in this wild place by yourself it's fantastic I did it on that last one you know on Black Sails and uh it's lovely everybody's gone home there's no one here I hope it's not but yeah it's it's lovely having a place to yourself oh look at it I mean look at you it's absolutely gorgeous let me get onto the edge here so you can see what I'm seeing there we go cordial Eastdale I bet you any money there'd be people down there camping right now Eastdale town I mean I've had decent eyes I'd be able to see them but it is very windy tonight it's definitely picked up and the temperature like I mentioned before is dropping significantly so I'll do this I'll go and show you just I don't even know why I'm bothering it but I mean you're not interested here's where I camped once kind of reminds me of that scene out of uh Monty Python Meaning of Life a little French dude kind of like come here this is where I was born or whatever it was I don't know looking lovely looking grim but lovely and I think Grim can be lovely remember Bleak is beautiful loving that all right I've dropped down here I am starting to wonder if I actually know where this place is kind of going further and further along this Ridge okay I officially give up because I can't find it I cannot find that spot whatsoever I keep going all the way along the ridge from one lump to another thing ah this must be this must be and then it's not air and I could just keep going for well for miles but it's not that important it's really not not that not that interesting at all but you know it was a nice place to Camp let me just grab me Camp you want to leave any lit around here but cordial town is there so we're kind of not that far off that same elevation now I've dropped down quite a bit from where the tent is up there in the clag somewhere and we've got ease deal down there as well and it was this kind of angle so it's around here somewhere maybe over there but like I said I could just keep on walking into Oblivion and it's getting dark as you can see so I don't leave it too late before heading back towards the tent I do hope you can see it and not just a big blue thing it's so amazing to be in these kind of environments in these conditions by yourself again it's another cliche when people say it makes you feel alive being in places like this when it's a little bit you know it is a bit sketchy you're on your own it's very cold it's gonna be dark soon quite far away from any sort of rescue there's absolutely no mobile phone signal whatsoever and it does make you feel alive it's wonderful let's get back to the tent which is way over when you can't I think it's like I think the clouds have come down I think the main clag now so let's get back up there and get the stove on get some scrounage going oh chicken tikka I hope it's chicken tick oh it really has clogged in a tent up there somewhere okay I managed to relocate the tent here that's interesting so got a little bit of snow on this side of the temp I'm gonna get in and like I said get the stove on and get some food on cool oh it's getting cozy okay minor problem in that the wind is actually still coming this way it's just blowing in all this weird snow and rain which is going to be a bit problematic for cooking although from Quick I've got a little bit of a vent here I might be all right with it so [Music] seriously [Music] cheers [Music] it doesn't work when it gets too cold that's the trouble no it's not gonna do it's too cold that's kind of people what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put the canister in my um in my jacket for the bit give it five minutes [Music] getting warmed up all right let's try that again can we get on this time oh wow okay Orchestra it's going really good I'll just stick it in my jacket there just warm up a little bit see if I've done the job spot by the way we'll put a kit so yeah this is um okay we're on [Music] so much condensation here tonight [Music] smells good it smells like chicken corn you know it's just a little things in life isn't it ventilation get out but you can't even see anything anymore yeah once again into the sleeping bag I don't I can't find a dry bag it's just gonna happen all right let's make this hot chocolate without grass this time okay this board's well because sat here all this time on my sleeping pad and the claw cell pad called bomb saw fingers crossed it will keep me um protected from the ground tonight looking forward to all this I've got a beer on the go oh yeah hot Chucky I think what I'll do in a minute once I've eaten is I'm going to boil up um probably don't think about this probably yeah the rest of that water pour it back into here and then shove it into my bag incidentally I've got a new um now this is actually my toilet so I'll be winging in that tonight it's glow in the dark as well which is really handy so I can see what I'm you know I'm going if I ever offer you a drink out of this bottle yeah it's probably a good chance that I don't like you [Music] it's just so much moisture in this tent now crazy [Music] it's not water bottle stick that I don't know if you can see anything more oh it's so wet in here right [Music] it's going into my sleeping bed food's coming out let me go down about Midway clothes are actually I've got them in there as well one moles up [Music] this is like congeal vomit as well take it out [Music] it is the little things in life isn't it okay I think this is my new fave that is really good it's got a little bit of spice to it which Carlos don't have yeah those flavors are really good wow can really feel the temperature dropping now on the legs and the feet right it is 7.25 I'm doing now so I think I might as well get into bed and uh keep going so bad it is super coarse in here I bet even you were thinking wow it looks super cozy in the teeth are brushed and I think because I'm absolutely cream crackered so I shall see you in the morning hopefully I haven't frozen to death I don't think that's gonna happen but uh fingers crossed all right it is around about one o'clock in the morning as you can see there's a lot of solid snore on the outside of the tent just sat on it but check this out have a look outside it's a complete wiped out oh dear now ordinarily that wouldn't be a problem at all but I've not brought my spikes I've left him in the van I thought ah I'll be fine geek there's all that started back up again it's been so still for about an hour an hour and a half not a breath of wind I actually thought I died it's so surreal and weird um but it has started now and I can't tell if it's rain or whether it's snow or sleet right I'll see you in the morning well the wind is back with a vengeance is just it's getting a bit crazy actually every now and then it feels like the tent is just gonna lift off and go oh it's all fun and games isn't it feeling alive I hope it stays far away yeah loving it right this is a really serious situation the wind is coming straight down this way and it's pretty much flattening the tent fairly strong wind now getting as much gear packed away as I can uh just in case it does collapse and I need to get out and sort it all out let's get the hill yeah this is not what I was expecting I must admit this is a bit scary in fact he's very scary I'm gonna hold this pole every time I get these really big gusts comes right down all right I'll keep you posted I'm literally having to sit here and hold the tent up [Music] this is pretty crazy [Music] it just keeps coming right down I don't know how much it can take it can probably take a hell of a beating but I don't know how much [Music] he's trying to lift off the ground trying to push it in and lift it up [Music] I've got hours I think might be a bit longer catch a wheel later on [Music] good morning everybody wow it's 20 past seven and somehow I don't know how but I managed to take the tent down in this wind it's absolutely crazy crazy wind way more than was forecast honestly it's been a bit of an emergency this morning it's packing everything away and getting the hell out of here because this wind isn't going to stop and there's more rain and snow coming in so I want to get off before that happens and well flag as well so yeah so I didn't film The dismantle the tent I haven't had a brew I spent about three hours just trying to hold the tent up I'm not kidding you this whole filming business was the last thing on my mind it kind of turned a bit of an emergency really but look what I noticed this morning here huge puddles this is where the tent was so the tent was on top of here look look at that There's an actual Lake there so I'm gonna make my way now after last night's Fiasco I don't know if you can hear me you probably can't I'll do it myself as a cat anyway there's plates uh if you'd head down that way you end up going down to Eastdale Town we've really sheltered down there actually I can't even feel my feet now they're completely enough it's morning all the time morning right let's get down let's get that stickle tan and uh assess the situation there you might be a bit better down there if not then well who cares let's go thank you oh it's so windy foreign wow I mean it probably looks absolutely pathetic and Tiny in this camera but when you're here this landscape it's just immense it's so huge it's quite hard to walk on this stuff because as a snow melts it's going really sloshy and it just shells off the side of the Hill taking you along with it so it's very very slippy down here oh it's definitely a lot more sheltered around this side down low last night was probably one of the hardest nights of my life and I don't say that lightly because I've had some pretty nightmare times but that was tough and I was thinking throughout the night it's only a matter of time before the tent goes it's not a case of if it goes just when it's just a matter of time before the wind either crushed it completely and then smashed into pieces or got underneath it and then turned it into a huge kite with me in it as well but fortunately you know it held up yeah quite impressed actually quite impressed by the the battering it took but I don't think I'll be coming out on a windy day again a windy day I just you know I think I've said it before when I've been out vlogging I I don't like when to hit it I can caught with rain I can caught with snow I can cope with a cold but wind it's so unpredictable and it can just ruin everything so from now on I want to be going out if it's up to five miles per hour nothing more I tell you what though I'm getting rewarded nice bit of sunlight that's the First Sunlight I've seen in well it seems like a flipping lifetime looking very dark down there dark and brooding towards side pike look at that bit of sunlight that's nice I don't think it's Gonna Last though I think it's going to get pretty Grim later on it's supposed to be drizzle later on drizzle okay time for nice gingerly walk back down here honestly look at this wow love that light and pay if you Arc so that's where I was last night way up there doesn't look far doesn't look high but yeah it is quite high and quite far and quite windy oh Endo have you been out camping have you been out camping have you where have you been I like your jumper yeah I feel somewhat bereft this morning you know I haven't had the full experience I haven't had the Brew in the tent and it was well I didn't even have a sleep you know and I've got absolutely no idea if this video is any good uh interesting anyway you know I didn't get any photographs talk about buckling under pressure but like I said it was without a shadow of a doubt worn off if not the hardest night I've ever had ever and I've not been dramatic now I kind of felt some a couple of times am I gonna make it off this hill you know you have this real feeling of vulnerability when you're out in that situation just a little bit of nylon protecting you from the elements you cast your mind back maybe a few hours before I went to bed I said oh it makes you feel alive being a place like this well I'll tell you what later on I didn't know how long I was going to be alive for so yeah he really did make me feel very much alive okay I'm gonna get down the van and at that point I'm going to decide where to go for some Ricky because you know what I think I flipped and earned it look at that isn't that stunning out towards Windermere oh beautiful am I a bit like a stunt record you go come thank you [Music] um thank you very much
Channel: Black Crag
Views: 984,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lake District, Lakeland, Cumbria, England, Hiking, Wainwright, Vlog, Vlogger, Landscape Photographer, Photography, Outdoors, Wilderness, Mountains, Fells, Countryside, Adventurer, Explorer, Instagram, Black Crag, wild camp, wild camping, camping
Id: N7eDhr_91FI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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